CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 5

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Yest bho" te ber.. N"r las the criaiset man'se cre,- 1AcIlits, bAc ail; The. trial i UnbAs tittu"Is-bsChasce Te rimeor tell. n% e me rails, Abs aid fat sests en Bet seau Abe sua WAII ent a day lest, sud la saduno sAgh, -Ne bettl.ron." Ue %itter'a Clay lasn thy bauds te uold Au augls aface-- Wby leave t, idly, te tenu crude and AnS ions lAc grace? -omat Nov, us yet wruoisn, Fou gilde aamy In mystie ar, Onit rou thi.e ucline ofthAbsglaS to-day On, on ta v bre To-uorrun. youAb'ebrigAlA abniger, stil Arie- 'TwAi never b.; Il min should bave.* aAnra Abosnde ives, He'd finI Au tAee Tii. poer Abt male Abe lly fia-t dis- clope 1lipr sealth uf nite Tii. cornueraone frein bicb TAme's temples rose- Tbe sources et Migbu. --49occeus. ',r T ras 4.0 The Septeuber ban1 haent down on te crowls rhic'ht CAbrou-geil the ûoanity tar groundx. The final heat et Abs lasA herse rae baS Juet been irotted. and tAle perspur- ing epectetors, rbe bail be packeà teur deep about the truck, urned Aeir btepi torard Abs (enier eoftthe grounils.a wrsrstAi siliken menah ut a big bailoon1 was filiiug ont cyiaimetric-aAiy over A hickory fOre wriAlrackied lana bantlyç dug pi. The. eveut of Abe day ras sebedulel tor 5 o'clock. sud Abs patrons etfAbhe fai-r er. evidently ot ne mial te mis» any par et At. Prome a tit, shapeleca macs Aatlasy ner. ou lbe groujidi tAiese graduaaly arase a glistenlngb doe. a hmuuering eAk, ennesabedtu An a apîder-ike reb et nopes. Thle loins grer and reundel teadily. t beame l rue <115755or TUE cione 5XiOV LED n linge bail. lAsslîkea bag ns AlRr-etin e5 smeutb sud.,taut aith much racîiing sud many %motbersd exclasmations train Abs ealokerx. lA tremiled aud @train- PdI 1ke a AAIAg olAve, andnl t IrcA flotel upwni ncd paiied sa tugiti'. At ls mooinga a-bill e iner car wuc adjusteil benuatb l. bleanwbile. Au a @stuffu' litIs ranîn bark ofet Ah' alnrs office, near tAie enrancu gale, a bezévy-buait vong mnii etaîkeil nera-olamysian sd demi>. mBoppel bIc nul face, sud lier sud agalu PuîleiA cut --nlriîent als-en maitch cul anxleusly mnakel tAe :ap- pirr'acla oeA.lJIsauille ic',is paienit Istbser sAlues, lais louig, black cutasay n.IAI tAle -ite l'irygalittbemum n the buttonhulu sud ils tancglevuc et sr Obiolns Ilea-nes, ail Proclaimeuj tbe .approacAl et ai> upech Aunbis itfe. Near Abhe nue litlie nindon n tAe reom Rat ru pluuîp. pessfnt-facel -701111 usOIann. 1An'ele hbad aie bll au ample bouquet etfas-lite. pinks: tbe etluer baud restiessly gmouibul (ie telle et bier ai-lite nîruulîxi gown. Nom and Alen. as mile. giauccd up sud ceugbt the yeurug mans eye chu ga'e blu s qubck anie et perfect conS-. dauce. TAle yeuuug ulwn npil betore ber ael took crue cf ber nbiite-gAes-ed hanîs lu i,on-il. "Toua doil'At f-itirtsi', îlo yo, Nel- AA?' h.e fligrave uouceru. 4"Ne(t a te." stlie nellietA. eiieerfuiily. ýJsie lanelu ci' lier andîlolekui eut th .tbfîle izdosa. le sas- thle aiAooîi iwavlng liiî'a îIreze sidth(bicsen et -tipturued faces watî-Ilulig l. "AI ses-Ar ai-Ah wa i-ri 't gem' te au it- u îr acî"lint. Nellie." le anAl. "Leook s-lies-t, Jlui." ahi. tAld, gsyly. "ot eedia'A fuel tnaîusy ou my se- ICossat. 'd ratier marr>- yeniAangîta' ýbead dowa fs-uni a trapfee As, te go 'tie ray T was. 5a-ekin' tAbus- ath. Jenemes.V We couhdu'A et manrried tir yearit, f thAc chance hslî't ceieg aIur an' â I rc l t irn' An Abs taces !q«-Pro, Me. ce te talit about net maut. tego on, îîuaî sveryting'c aili u entai es-unI eut Aer,"i 'Pao1 Wb.'. a fs-il to a crawl?" sbés sufel. "I ain't."1 fI e looked at bus- mAth admiration plaluiy staupel ou bis tace. UMg big 'baudf pressee bers tsudsnîy. -".,'twn't take loug," le salI, as If bolatertng ae ning cous-cge.1 Wil'J au lb. oTes- in a jiffy.,' -8.pickedi a Areasdoff bis Siocansd My 17ouad IrAtabout ber Suges-.* - C ý*uldert ed ksto am*es Un 'tg .- MW 5À55suvuK ann ret e« <Ate sEart la *'thA la iesprin. I eS'thuemeo ut nie.'t<1* that comsa 8«"y lAves. Ail 1 huerlas Abat Ira sonerbeela Ridge«ay oeuaty. We'l wait Wl &fier re've ast etarted ln au the tutu.L But'troulS bave nmad, a besuul meddj' tri». woaidu't ut, Jiur ableendISeAis ieregretftiiy L "Il nitb r. coùll go, for y.ur uke," ..Oh, Asa'A neDogreat mEntter, any- rai." she lecianed eaIly. "W. onaht te be Abanktl e'veSut Abis chance ta Sit imal nd uti gàAastanrt" At Abat momenat signe one came stauping tuurough Ide enter offie, Thle dber ras jerked epen., nul Ah, mana- ges- et Us fair-, sed-faeed and Puuffxs, etood betore tieu. 'ILenSyl" be nekel, wlth businss- Unk.dinectniess. The girl rose, a Aigle paie, aud Abrst ben r m Abnehugb Abs Young man's. "Conte on, tien," sld tAbs manager, gandinsAhe nay. Tbsy stupped trou Abse gieem et the. ofie jutote sgianseofthAbsatternoon sunshine,, Abs girl bnsatbingfat asd ellngleg igbtiy te Ah. man's aru; the man sbambing elong awkwarly. liAs eyes ilzsd vacautly on tue bite ot clouS Au Abs sky; sud Abe manager movlng aioug masenily butors thum., hic reil face nreatlied An emîles ot pro- teaclonai eurtezy for tAle benefit et the crord, Au Abs band standl tbe mu- siclanes truggedmantuliy nAtu th. Mendbelssohn weddiing aaarch; sud Ah. great eveat of the ilay-"sn aeri reldiîîg. i'M tet aboî-e the earth, ase Abs posters enouticed A-baving an- nAu'sd et lasi, Ahi. crowd lAs taift loe .anîl howie. Thus Abey madiA.u ay throuagb thele se openel Up An Abs cronl, aud raime finluly tte b bon, rbere a soleu-taced Young clergy- mena waitel thsm. The manager tunnel sud cangut ths girlu Anbis anus. "lis re go," lbe sald cbeprtuliy, ne be ilftAcIber Auto thle car. The gnoui-to-be ciambered Inuclam- slly. and thle clergyman teîiened, llIs mnetbed et embankatlon dettactlai comerbat tram bAs dignIty. The, nope rasuneeled tramn Abs big nindsas--, sud as Abs baleon rrept sleniy up- a-SAbscbesrs oethAe crawl reIna- bled, mhe Young uman sipped au aria about Abs girl. "Den't look dora,' h.ecautioned. 11A sAut sraînt, Jim," sbe replel- bravely, aitbougb he teit ber treiu- b!lng. Preseutiy tAley nere arare Abs bai- boon ras eteriounry. Thle clergymn epened a book sud began the cens- meuy. As tue serviAe droned ou. Abs mn s nyed on@ look oer es-AsIelleo tAie car, but Abose upiurued faces tan beler gave him a qucer sention, aud dawiing Abs girl yet eloser te bAu bCË tixedli s yet on Abseîclergyman'* face. A moment Ater Abers ras a slAgbt sboýk. lHe ras erare et a teeling et g1ddliness; b. Àerl .acry et nornr trou Abs crord tan belor. TAle cen-'- huouy stoppel short. ladeel, Abs cicr- gymen dropped Abe bok tram bis uisrveiss bauds. TAle girl veang un- ustalily te the %Ide oethAbscar. rAils he Are mn,.elutciAng Thse opea. peered oser thcellIe. What Ahey san stnuck terrer te AbeAr bsas-As. The crawn, Abs fair grounds, the whole santAl, ras tailinil uwsy 'ram Abein mAth sickeuing nspillty. sfsny test belon Absu Aie braken endl if Abs reacbsroac ope enayed anl danglél In thle breeze. "'We'vs Lmoke lous,' *gasped JMn ofberar. The Abs-e. liite-taeed and Arum- ilîng. etool s -tering aitoesanotber, tuuned, bythe sadiinecc<bt It ail. At was Abs girl rijo recus-enel ber rAts il. "~but. auyai'sY. re'A b. marrled." I At nec Aaleed a strauge wedlhig. l 'bu cergymsn clung te tAie aisetf the ca, wrIsAAswayed sud neekul danger- usly. sud the e ouîtacting parties nraspul tihe ther sle. But somuehow thucurv ie necax rîstîel Abreugla, audj ast as tAle blîsloon as lest te sigbte In thle eloud-bank Ahi' Are venu pra. V nouncel mn andl mAte. For ueariy au hecur tliuy flontsilp long sauve tle cMouds. Thu he ge ti bail abçve Ilium bugan u esrîvel nme- l -bat, sud Ahey sank geutly. At suneeta tey mure quitu heur the ual-htra ns- îg. as tliey coriuld plninly ciii, rapîily l Lward Ah. northwaest. FAielsud vil- ages flew pesi burîpatii thcm--ntîd ai. 'sys ibi.y ssuk laser ns Aile bot ninr1 in Ahi. lalloîîn gradoaîîy î'oî,ed. I Pri.sently (bey au-ri.bruîshuing Ahe' 'e. Acps, wbiî'b tiltpeI tlAe car siîsnpîy id AlrPatuneil nonientàirîly te spil' i îi.m te earth. Tlecclergyman, pokiug a, teeth Ahi. suais on eithen smie cf tAin a ir, eîner!;eii tnriîiuuulntla-mAth a -îsppléeadnrhr nl a "nIA ut lgiat rup.. neathheg.sby i.'.ast tlhe aucluer a-es-t si ails. Fos- fiîinip At senîg AuandI ro lîke a linge penunlum. thea esulît SAq lu tAie braîîcîres ot an eAn> near Sbig. white rtinhîotise. Thes roe Pl qlleul tant: Aihe 'an jerked anîl tllîed, nl swayel, Alien Ahi. lnle(or saillî T ,entiy Arto lAie branîches otfeabugelib iple res sud thle perlionîss-oyage w,îs lu tan endi. ni From thein punch An thle appAs truc A( ey sen men ruînnAug tenanul tApin Ah ladilurs, sud Abree meui teilosi-d ag cturdliy Au Ahe wake Ot the mua. a_ -e iue Aeowîigvyg gr Au aas oee cf inisa. * ~ ~~iteuticed te certain geomnphAcaL llu Cbaracteriffl by a bit oer ofe short durtion, ga*tO-ntetUrad Slsturbuince,, emes-sagea Ato Abs skia anS muconte uea'bsane, and a 70110w tInt efth. Fis-et recoguAzed deflnltely Au West Indien n 1647. tla leInfections. PrevalJa Au th. West Indles, rest cessA et Africa, k*LwWvf foseaisoCentral America, aud eoutbmard along botAl coaosaoe South Amoea anS nos-Abrard tothAbS outhlAtlantic anS Guît States. It bas been broutit te north Atlantic eaparts by vesees. The moequito las blamed for apreal et Abs lissais. Prsot etépi yeibow tever. lus-viveseeofou@attack et yellor tever become immuns trom futusAer atWckle. The yelor lever senunhasnet yet beeu lscevereS. Soins n«tories i«y the doesaselas causeil by a texAn. net s germ. Tuler foyer develep s uclly tram Are. e to us- dortatten Infection. BametLims t takss nienu sys. Thie attack coes on rAAh severhne lAson igors rien t cennes sudden- Iy. Itmamy came on moe gradualiy nith languor, headasta. and malas-tal synptarneIbo temPeratare goes, te 105degrees, sametAmes igAlen. The foyer bans trou three te five dnys, attended wAAb pains n Abe Aack. limbe sud lien. Tiers lasnonus aand vomiting. 1Thie >-llwn tinth e sekin a, rbthcb bthe oergets tm name, begins ou Abs second or third day. Iun svere casse suinlieuennhagec takre place Intoe s km and mu- cose membrane, The- vomît An at first white. Later t beeanes very dark, anudn cppenrance Ilke coffes, mben t As kun u a "black vomit." There là bleeding atth. note, mouth and garas. Delirium usnaiiy tallera, Absu un- coueciausuese, sud deatu. Mortality varies. In anme spîidemlcs t bas Alen as bigh as 85 pus- cent. In others as Ion as 10 per- cent. ient, molâture. bal drainage, anciesuhinece andunubyglsule conditions faoer Abs lAsais, battheAbsequito lasmont et ail responsible. Experts seeun te agree Aatthle tiret step te combat Abse prensiofethAb feyer las to attack Abs mosquito. Complee srsst aud caretal disting coutîtute tbe principal trentmeut ton yellom fever. Diffeent druga ans usel te bsAp assist the baby sud organe toars- a natural condition. TWO NEW CANADIAN PROVINCES With Snskatceaesn sud Alberta th. Dominial uWAIIavlse NAa *Ktse Tii, nord province lu Canada has th. mcm significance stAle wrd State An our country. Wben ne say, Aeretors, Aat thse Dominion bas on- gauLsel and las about te taesIn tro uer provinces At: muass Aat tle s"yen States crs about te b. iucresed te, ane. Thie selen ProvAnces are Que- b.., Ontario, Nova Sellat, Prince El- wrs-IIsanîtNew Brunswick, Manito- ba anS BiAtAshlCoubia. The Are uer Provinces are Alberta cul Bac- katchewaih -The Interion departmenA nt Otta'wa bas lÉaed a uap showing the boundaries efthAe re eues-meus uer Provinces, cul the map prîntel bers Alec been mals tram A. ItA As AbAtY-sght YeaLrscglace tAle Do- milon et Canada ras tormeil by Abs tigetlons. basjeached Abs conclusion Aat thle amonut iPf dusîrable tas-m lands getliunstPPcopriated lu Acinîbola las 19.000000 acres; in Saskatchewn.u 17,000,000, andiln Alberta, 10s,000,0 acres. t ril taes AunIres-sIfuttheusantis et tas-mura t ec~ut P aIltuAs land nitA Alemestsails, bat Abs procems la goiug on. anul' hen Abece landls ans. ail pas-- celai ont settieri mAIl Auglu Au mev,> Ato Athabasca, rAbs. agrîcaîtursi en. paAAIties have Inst hsen nvetigtul An a comaParstively tbosougb manner. sud, t lassaAb. ritA L@ntonichlugly fa- vorable resuits. The bilAs 'cneating the prov-inces pro Abs Senate et Canada by four mein- bers sud n tAle Hense et Commeuns by fIve mPmbors, Abe numbe n luhAbslower bouse b.iug readjusAtd trou imne te CANADA'8 TW() NEW PROVIN4CES. in tle nsp Ahe- tap e sepraovcincarestuhewnbY thle black Ira.,: the datte l use, lodleste the tua-ltories sut ot mAis-b hey are torsîpil confedersiien et Abs ps-vni-lus ben e%- ime acces-bing Au populaetion. EscAl eatinq. Thot ras Abs birtlofetansda15 $Bhallbai-e a Lieutenaint Goa-srnd sud au a nation. Twe years Aster thu Bs-lt- a Legicoantive Aaseîbly, te b. cem- aob Pas-lameut paseiltlb.Rapert's pesed etthAbs utn'et ot twnty-fiu's land set, nÙilcb previlded ftushAe ac- nuembere. quisition by tue tDominion efthbe a-ast TAle gos-ernment etf -anad.a As te psy prairies outAh.e West, wbici ai--cal;- A est-h province tAleaura ut $W000 a ed the Nortbaiest TennitorAes. lALbailts-Par fth Ae support of lAs gevernent îlnesly liecu discoereil tuiA tslieat uand AugisIstune.'ThueIDominolnsd was e roule-fui crop lu thu sorîthuast sa-hi con,1ueu Aulie sested An tAle par t ofbîis s-egleîî.anseu eniiY met-crowu, huit the:ile (iiiîngeverneert biers fleeke l Auoe beiltie cerner ceAlli- licompensAe Utheprai-ipees for ed Maitebobaht luIn1870Allis tenritary tbcu Ay a eslues ut aimral paymsnts. s'as almiAted lotoAbsecoutelerattion Thé preseuit estinustcisvclue oethAle au a province. As a State ufthAbe De- pubiec lad s e$1.50 an acre. ninien, Manitoba le just eue yens-oers-TAie mnp sAluo-sAt hite Are ps-v- ltin Arttisb(Columobia. mies 15k-e An ail thle tî'rAory oethAbs But no ueet thle ether tous- big ter- tous- ers-itoilec excî'îtiîîgas ltAI tlelofit 'itols-i ase e-es- hall a goa-cruîîeut ofet 'ste'sn parts et Athablasca aud Sax- lta eas-uArsnib)ola. Alberta. S;t'ukntîI'ie l,îii'ieanu. un. anulAthabasca a-une simîply lumap- 'T'Ae Alînu aaIliprohaibla' ecue aihen Il a-au, and Athascî'iavwenu s11][13Y as-libic <lernel btitte la-ile thus lumpel AugeAber am AIh' Nurtlia-ut Tus-r- oa'îuus agaîn Aritose sîîîîs-eu es. riiuries. 'rbey had as couioti capital Escli of Abieni le about tous- tAmes as et Rtegina, AsoiîIoia, anud bia-e a]-linge as New Yos-k Stite. sud AbeAr raya be ruiel. uîuder theu Domnionu total tus-rites-yAs ahut as arge am 'anliamunt. biy saLieutîenant (ovus-liu- (Çputsa Europie. and an Executîve A'euuicil . Oui t Of Tileus a griat rs-iou, mAlcAl, mlAh thece fous- tes-s-tonies tAie tuao new Manaitoba, lse istimaei t,- y Abs Deputy States liaie-e euuu tes-iel andîltheu MAiiten îof Agriculture un bu lectînel uNothii-st Tes-lri-es wli noua-d1saîî- uaitlîiu Aun yeîîrs t ru îsîîluce annouly suis- tram Ahi. mipq. Xi.t50(i,A5)o buisheis etfSa lîat. 200.000,- Thle tact As thet territorial gea-eru- AW0O lîsbiîls or ont. .-;iid te.000,OOo) lent fos- tAlsu lane longe- sîuitbl. liîrsliiîl ofethsnley. eniîlc mî wtAout ecause AlîsinmAcs-eqs e -.becoining i's-epîiîg more Ahan abiout oue-tlsIrdet arge and couplex. lu 1901 thes- pop. tAie tilahe lires. astion ras 158,M.0 No censîre bas Thle taio pravincus tîlcile Abs Tact suen teken cAnce. but tAie (Usiiaisgos as-ca ress-ly uquîaliy. Rtegina rAIl bis Pmutestiuctes Abels- populationin-AutAescapital et Saskatchewaaan; Abe cap]- sy et about 500.000lui et Aibfrta nIA hi. tempo-an7 eat Ove- Abree-tftbetoftAle large immi- Edlmonton unt]] Ah, Législature oethAat astion Abat hegan te peur Alto Can- proa'ince becilde uponialse permanent Ria lu 1901 bas settieulnAu Abseu ut situsllun.-Wasbington PosA. use teritoes-AThse ide ut ploneers apourIng ove- Abuse mlieat as al A- He nPled HiL 1e lande et Canada. lu tAle cees-se of an ojîýen-aIs- revival lA bas net -yet neacbel Athbsca, msstiîîig An a Geos-gis ten a man la )ut tas-mAousesud hamîsts have been thle audience Aterrapted Abe leader iprending over tAle tAbs-essoutberu tus--nAtAl tAle questIon.' "Whe-e nenid re- Ïtonss, sud tAbs touat-y rAill keep tilA- ligion b. At 7011 toek Abe devil eut er .g mitA people ton, yeass- Io couse, for lA?' e landasAlAI unccaplsd are sîmeet TAle leader bookel Abe man aven cul undss. As yet, tAle nercomers repliel: tvs bas-dAy moestien Aouched tAbs Ask ths levAIlyens-self. 1 Julge, lichAnrts oet h. nheat lande. tram yens- oies, yau're On' spsckin' Manitoba lasouîy Ous-tourtb as large terme ni .th blu,"-Atlanta Ceustitu- i in. a ld tes-rites-esetaofAsaluiboîs, Adon. ;askatchewan, and Alles-ta, but se, ,mvu M4 oves- 2,OÇ,00 ceres u a rAent lauAt ' y ut dsubOw. nFe Mad-Dog) Fallacy. BIV-Jamres Watsoni. ait my own experience with doge 1 bave nlot only neyer ceeu l'ad« dog,7 bit have never known a dog-owner--aud by that menu a man. who han bail experlence lu keepiug de-who'hi sueuoe. If. then, rabies lasa exceedingly scarce hydropbobi becemea reaily an lupossibility andl the fear of At cbould b. dt mlasd without a tbougbt. lu A persan ipay get dog-bitten, butt ln tbe language cf the Ne, York tougli. 'Torget At."1 If it lea* bad bite Atay twitch later on and yonu begin worrylug, anost la a good plan te get rid of the. twitching or throbblng1 order te ferget. 1 have beau bItten se otten tbat 1 thlnk ne more of At tha a mosqulto bite, and this laswbat i do If At le on the baud 1 put At under the faucet and wash thorougbly, wltb t abject ot cleanlug the wouud andl preventing: Inflammation frein dirt or forets; substance. White doiug this som.euoela getting the bicarbonate ot soda au nme dlean rage or lint. Wlth water a cream et paute et the soda la made au ficient te, planter the weund well. then putting nomne on a rag itla appllsd1 the wound eand bound up. If Au the course heur or more the applicatic ceeus te be drying a lttis water An potirei onuths bandage te, seak tbreugh tei tA soda or the baud <ipped lAn water.--Couutry Lite la America. AGENCIES 0F CIVILIZATION. mendons anergies at werk flot ouI; te help the. afiActed, but te preveul Beneficent Werk: of the American Iln- affliction, te buAld up right and whole. stitute for Social Service,. nme conditlons; te make tits hard But betore the establishment of the worid a clesuer, better. happier place Muse. Social, Dr. Josiab Streng. thaii te liv. An fer ail] the children ef men cenneeted with the -Bvangelseul Alli - iIrom-au Editeriat lu tii. Century. anc., bad outiued a simAlar institu -_________ tien, but ou a broader basse, fer Amer- ANCIENT LONDON CHURON. Aca, wbat may b. calleil a clearing houa. for buman battemuent. In the AIl Nnilows An the Wall an lntertetinq year 1898 b. was euableil partly te Relie. realtze bis own Ideal Au the terma- Ai Hallews lu the Wall As one ct tien et wbat la uew kuewn by Atm the London dAy cburcbes wbich have uew name ef, tbe American Institutu a specAal nterest fer the antiquary, fer Social Service-an Istitution ef because adjeiniug At As a place et the which be As hAussAi preaideut and Dr. eld wal etLenden. The churcb iteif, W. H. Telman ladirecter. ThilAsA- howeve sntatige euyo u attute represents what may be calleA t vera-tauceJr.,fwhe buityAt An- the Amerîcan idesaio a Muse. Social. 1765-67, n aigbe xcl which Ancludes the fonctions of the uehaigbe eatla great. architect, Baya the London admirable Parie teundatien, but euly Graphie., awaAts a proper endewmeut te cover 'The tirat, churcls that staed on the the wbele fSeld-etfsocial batterment. site, Ats nrhwl rbbyrsi It semsta s tat hisla ne f te athe present eue dosa, on the ancieut ment practlcal andl hoeeul bieas everI waîî et the city, wac built, Atla sad, tormulatuil, and we are net surprised 'An the eigbth century, the city wall b.. Abat thle Austitute bas enlisteil the sup- Ang then 500 years aid. Later tbe port, of statesmen ike President church, et course, became Gothie, andl Roosevelt aud ex-Presldent Clevelan!, u l rn hw ta asbid who are among Its "associAtus," and a ing itsos At s aaîlbuililo- that the Mesa bas been taken up une,'- it ithr. l twoe sud a teer eugt geticaiiy An ether ceunîtries. tne mv-lAttA.etofAt, for Au bis survey he merely ment Au sonne cases beiug directiy An- mentions the tact that the church la spiruil by the Amurican Institute, aud cailed "Ailhallowes Au the Wall et An the cage et dreat BritaAu haviug, standing close ta the Wall et the Au lts begý1muAugs, the persoual CO-oÇI- Citle." Atter meurloning some menu- eratlon oethAe bounder andl prosident mns0 i w eroadtetc et the American Institute. *'The Swel- ujentshet bius owneproian he otact Ash Instltute et Social Service waa di- nth at eeneth grish caîn r recty m(leed n te Aerian n- 'needless te bu spoken et," he unds stiîîiuetofSocial Service bis br-ietàou b rerdn th The work et such clearing bouses tcttaccoMnt by rucordiug ythe tor the human bettermeut lanot tact that "Mr. n hre Gerneay t merican Instialut Ancluds amoug TeThe New View et Loudou (1703) says Ameica IntitteIDeude amng tsthat the cburch was et the Gothie proposed fetuîres stîcb a museîunî et sciA Tu'cau orders, aud "net haviug satety as the museumns et Amsterdamî, been consmdbth aeirlno Ml~lan, Mîuich, dbarlotteuburgand uil îshalt iei e ParAs, w-bere are sbown. sud Iu- sonime bt'aîtiful ias those that are wholly cases operatel, appliances counectel new erected"- The really Ateresting wAtAl machiuery tor tbe Preventn Ofîpart ef tAie chîrch tA ilsvestry, whicb tastormed oftoeeoutthe bantdons ot the accidents. it proposces aIse a dup'irt- waAam rmwchafitetsar ment-gruatly ueuded-eot compara- 1 n rmwihafih fsar tive legislation, te registur the îaws Aeads tbrough thu enrAh waillet the ou social subJeta as they are paBsed cburcb Atot the pulit. An every American Liegisiature, as Now thure 1.s exposeil a part et the well as toreign legialation. TAle Auti- Gothlec curch et Ai Hallows- An the tut. already recordsand dec»eminates Wasll whlcb 'Anet, meutionul by the intormatien on achemes et industriel guide books, old or uew, sa far as betterment. ot village IuprQveuent, the prenaut wrAter la aware. In New et beuiiihg reteru. et plunicipal houe. Bresil stAvet bebinti the cburcb. that keepîn, and aIlegnate cubjeuts; and As tô say, beyeud lAs nerth aide, a row sit anewere Auquriea on thes ub>età et nine fine nid eighteenth century front ail parte et AMerica, and, Iudeed. bonnes la being deoeliseeta t make ot the wrnd. -way tor uew oillces, and yen can walk But we cannt bes decrlbe ail the -rIgbt threughi.ny eftAhern ana ebtain fauctiou f et AbsAielma n Isttut. a vier et the eorth aide et ths dlkurch. and sliilar tsandat('ps brqad. We TheM' la ruine, bu.; et excoeding ln- hairemeMsy ta o s. fthons fbunda. tarent and hbAu VActuresqueusns, are Li» als as asuu the oimu~huba<lcrrA.nomiecoan4erahl e raais eofapar- , u d biomeI diev" eet.ou meity 0ho urteeAb -cectury arebitec- L, ,~ tere oti IaflorL Cadotempa si tii.Japrà»inaavy lMp " gry 40" In the I1- O&Tae tOlS yen ahanAid love yens- neighbbr as ycurselt, but At love yourseit meauly, cbildItbly, tlmidly, even se shail yen li your n.igbbon. Learu, theretore, te love yourseit wAAh a Il 11 Thislas less easy tban t rouAI aeem. Tbere As moe aci ilbanity n the egolsu etf a streuileas clairvoeyant seul than Au tAe levotion et Abs seul Aat las helpleas andl blind. B5ere Yeu exct fer others t bebooves yoo te exiet for yourselt; butors ng, Yeu muet acquire. Be cure Abat I deeply considereil more value attacd te tAle partiAde et cousciousuess gaineil than te the giftt et our unIre une Accouesus. Neariy ail the great Aings et fibis wrrA bave heen dune Sy menm cencerueil themaulvus net at ail nitb ileas et self-sacrifice. Pistes tboughîsfier en2-be dlii net pause Au lut bis (pars talA ritb tsars et the meurners Au Atheus; Newton punsued bis expuimeurs calmly. diI nfl oue them te search for objecte ot.piAy andl serrer. sud Marcus Ai Aun, abeve ail (fer bure ns touch onenAbset truquent sud dangerouc terni self-sacrifice), Marcus Aurelios lAd net ry te diam the brightnuss et bis 0 Boul Abat bie utgbt conter bappinuas on the Auerior seul et Paustina. And this ras right n thle lves et Abuse meu, t las qually right Au the lite evsry anal. for sach seul bas, AunIs spbere, tAle sains obligations te suit the secul of the g-atest. W. sheul tuAI oursuives, once sud for ail, that tlAs the first duty et coul te beceme as happy, complote, Adependent andl great as Aes Au ts pow Herein lasne egosm or prude. To become effectually genereus sude cersiy humble there musA bu wîthin lis a confident, tranuIl andl clear demi hencion et ail ne onu ourseives. To this und we may sacrifice si-en1 passion tor sacrifice; for sacrifice nuver shoulil bu the meaus et ennoblemi but only the sign et aur being enuebledî q(he Nation.- Needs Mlen ef Lofty Ideal Ay Premidenit Rooiseveit. T SNation neyer stoidlAn greater neud thon uer ot baviug asuc leaders men of Infty IseaIs, whicb Ahuy try te live îîp te and v mereiy te talk et. We neel men witb Abuse ideais iu publieaiU and ne usaitl Abs U st as mach An, business and Au such a prof sien as thele an. 'TAle very rich maune hocordudta bis business as if bue beliesa tbat be nere a law unto blussîf, thsreby mmueusely ncreases A lifficulty et Abs Aook et upboîdiug order wben the diserder as a menace te in et preperty; fer At thle ceumunity fessAbat rich mesn dicregard h lar rhi At affects heuselves, then thle cemmunlty lu apt te assume thle daugerous s unwhoesome attitude et condoning crimes et violence ceumitteil agaluet i nteresas rich luthle popalar mind the»e nlch mon reprenant. ,j It As fanr more Important Abat Abey chel conduct beir business affai decently han Aat they sbould speuil Abs surpluc et their fortunes Au phAlo thropy. Mach bas beau, gîven tdtheseenansd ne have s rlgbt te deusld u cf tbsm n return. Evsry man et great wealtb rAb rune hAs business Ath cynIcal conteupt f Aosprohibitions o e As an wbidluby*bîreil cunniuge bue cau escape or evade Ai menace te our communlty; sud thle cemmunnty As net te b. excucedu-tAt dose M devuepe a spirit which actIvely trorus on snd discouritenances hlm. Thle great profession of the Iaw shDuld b. Abat whe meuhers eught take Abs leal lu thle creation et Juet such a spiriA. We ail kuer Abat, as thin actualiy are. many et Abs musA inflicentiai and ucet blghly rernaneratel membè et Abs bar ln evsry centre et realth makilA their specci task te rork ont lx and Agenieus ochempe by whAcb Ahir nealthy clients, Indvidual or des-parai eau evade the lare which are mads An reguiste n Abs Intereet of -the pub) thle use et great realtAl. Nen, the great lasyer rhe employas hic talent sud bis earning Au t] bighiy remunerative teck et snabling a very realtby clent te overnide or ci cuavent tAle lar lAs bing aili that Au bim lies te encourage Abe grorth ln th Aat lareshlait b. malsesi-en moes rastic again8t tAle nicA, or ase t-ma mou test tseAf Au hctillty te ail lars.- 1 YOve love lo giv- Abs lovýIy traits eIdru busq ceume eut AufeinA cou An spucial tekens n the, Wo-Rev. J. D. Burreli, boBrooklyn, N. Y. the Tbe Scbeel et LAe-L bu for eterulty andl the, Sooyet ure- éuteriug nie a bigiier lite,. a et during Abs peet week bave- îwn anuepertnity te torgiy*. A le -ho bas done you ango et$M f'Te door las now open.- me Le-.BplseMmcliau, Les thie The Atonement -AjIltA>. wer. center An Abe escriMfâce on sie- Aà by faAAb Abat the doctrines pre- ment muet b. accepted. Ta: the Abs declared recognition et lut, iscA t IA lbave neo tiier, for the penalty. Se tabe s10 Unnuardonable eAu, te rejeet ths Sou of Ged offered te kind.-Biabop C. R. Fowla,, Sit, New York City. The Cburcb Beautfui-WIIat [S Abat makres thle churchb beutStel, thle massive arbîitueture, the. M sAcquent sermon; Abece are accessorles et worsbip. The.tie 3ng tY oethAe cburrh muet cone Ùho Dot opInA ofthtAe worshipers. Tbe î4 te, worsblp ot (bd AsAbtai e ts- ment; he uarueqt endeaves t& men the greatet cbarm.-Eayt. rsd Forbes, Unîtarlan, Brooklyn, N. It. he Slow sud Suru-Reernbe en nelther traitA or reforu are àcw nd isaty. There As mauy a be&h the movemeut ot Abe spring atter tS bias crosu thle line. Msny a CO"4 Arc day Au the cunny montb etf3msg lan- an early front that blightu q îch, and chiAle the. opéniug rose.U~ ailiAbs drawback s4ring murai for yard asucmnier drawns sud tM s a Rev. Robent MacDouaid,19q iot Brooklyn, X. Y. 1' te Preacbng-Preacbing Abs geq igs the great rork et Abe chanci, bal rs gospel muet b. preache -l an U od mannen as te -pull bru the. 06 tte boldo et the devil. The cburehAw1 ic0 Instrument for the oeurtbrr ai th tain- Our prsacbiug ucwadows M lr- Jucb on Abs softtorbes-.,'lbie M hl* net mach bistunbed et AbseIM Lad style et Preacbiug. aeitiier are eh i-being disturbed.-Rev-. A. R. Hffl Bapiist, Atlanta, Ga.. Spiritual Grow &-Tbe crM s age las that religion muet li. ps-n t must prove ituesi An Atisabii teucb and influence Abshelts et ti Trias religion !@ net alus e ew vice; tor whlleAalt h.e eg Of oitthere lasback et It 811tbe oq th Asinspiration nbicb Seuamw as oui r'elatioueluip w1th Go& - îathere las fot Abis cosmunmtmuý ne spirituelgtmwtlu-Rev. T, Z.. A5 pisopaiiau, Milton. maus. rW EvanteMustio.-Tbe. eui my our republie As Ae svantgson la and Abus «ecure sat. e peta as ment, Arougli genuine03 heacter An Abs Individuel aMo Sboune. As churchen r. gnmore mssions, found moe ad niechoolet, viait ail Abs bernes st te ieed sudndteumpted, aand r os es to Christ by love, he practIcal everyday G. Partrige, BaptiePi S The Dollar.-Thue y dollar trou the uuggst totemilleS sud minteS coAn Araugi niH sorteofet s ft« Icentury woold be a sAsang et tragedy and comedy ot vS Ine nos eanS real. Tth* et mousy bas blesseainS ban servel rlgbteousnes and unrigbteousnem.- t ba&.- sangsetfsaints An giory or Sianes et torture n bel.-,-v., r laudnuu, Metbedist, Atianta,4 TheoIogy.--Our bnmau are eaeAly ebaken becinetby human Interpretaion oet ti èIciptures. But Abe Gonçet Son et God stande fSm an hIe as Abs everlastiusg buS. elegles appeal ouly to part et Cbnictanity appeals te all. ýz ianity lae nouniverseilAn Itse taust as oe eternal- ln II&t cannot be chaken beause tAie et Christ le resAlent wtbin et. John W. MeCembe, PresbyterAiu, cenhuret, N. Y. The Spiritual Lt.-By nature i As Aat witbAn us wbicb lasalis I43ý kingdom ot huai-en. This ra' evercome, fer tbe ite wbiei et barmouy wAAb Ahe Asws oet tie' itusl wrnd As e sAnuailIte. Nq' eau stan Aun the kingdom-untfAl a new nature, witlî uew pa spiritualflite wiliih eb sty"! t'hrist. The man who -a ba ; wilgrow iln power tromuflbý moutli andl troi> Yean to emn D1. W. Montgomery. Congregeý Washington, tD. C. ilqîality-Tbere As a diffenmç* grade iîetween tbe gezuenal sud tha voeu ceAiler. yet Aet n ne uls gs eounaged becausje bis place as The sexton As St tAmes as l4 able te the, ue smrpauw pooreet usher et chues l.ast« coupared An aur genersl cÊg et~ ~~~. us wAbAb mn o tq

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