CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 6

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2~. 7500 19' tiiesud15&fiear In 0.,... v*.v. Oflm o - =mjr RD .ANýDFrGOet7 .lrKZ et oniciderabiO extent voUWe n »a $lOcO-Iewi5 bt 9SteOle& thog h lames awd lu tetis o boe &»0U5 ô «iabsisWmasl W il w ..20000() OM11011A NU ~ TIhe ou(ent Surýmviml tfl .tler f tise buraed ovor ae« wo!jgt ntil th ise m, ~s'Coombg aad vi ta H HtilE S , te .irahohad evepi by. At tis Oariy daise u> Bqe it 15 bk 5 Higiland 5heY7 £0 té.b Oom Lae Cogat. $04 ud Wra LkCOft.matces vweea b0 e bted md0,*yoflb Park qc ......... ........ 8 The94 and Sauo A. Mllr, is lresabutfo rr-d a flint and ' 'EiIaetis B WOO"dIY2gSta A C Compnyu by n f ,4àl 1SmulA.Mler bollS but1tor.Mr..liner stalod liai ho had oftula- -Frost T lots iu Wahbun 11auou uur O1847 tUthsI1 milles uortbvestof Gurnee, claiue tis ont from lftta a hunfded heutrfiU~p à a ...........180000 a*Fr U udsiciuc o te olut eurvivbgi#t anad ted t.ken au much as Ivo tub..............wp îf Siâtivet daim tsatu5ter of Lake county8'. ilug amre tafaios of bouè' trou ans ses.. -FlaIlug Mt ,,,aW pTratner 25W HaSte Il '4 loua la a ~ thia locailtyjea1"34 with is father vii> vas excellent lu tho.o dffl and thse . ......p..t..2..La.e.m..... cettied nmur AutmaltisaS ummer. lm tremam ndl laites ver. fuitof Fre d...... 10 0mets *AbW distuo-eouth ai the M2vison a lad of ive yeure ho arrivei pléerol, suckeroeuansd perreh. WU4 Muule E Smithlansd hue ta petiliOn1 ÏW l ube yng noar by lu Chiago kmf heo m li os i th1bis docks te ai42 vea 0umerou tisait It Grant beArtisur It 6ahuit21 flOU. At pM 51 a an eraibi d als p re t, su t at yo r Wa t hse -fir t vas no port isuntâng tiens hiî te e W asiburn Sprng sv 4 , . .... 150 010 r u~ k s m bot vac n-?l5eod sud on trîe iaes0Up l hat ft. mé t mis, wld gesseedr heui, atr ÂrnesCnBte1l& Wire cO ta tr£in, b 1oeia m Ou Angut fi,18W, te ather, Jacobs robilg lie nmoto of thse aId isi, viicis M O'i otSe t 'i~7 liii 4 linos vil ~lomesse sý Milua llr her, va. -ma*ijs W(Uof th Pouce aofva«& plontilfulo i i eloligl5L àïWa U g i sd ..... 38 38frelgisi b tisI th te "Mu tienunly of MceffenY (Lakee-utY ai Simon Wamrn1ami vita AT T lioha.C , ~ i amlaIid a. t ity 1ad the od dommn Hrtil exist ........vd . ................. ..... ..... 00 e » Ineil boys byte names 01 cOuiy u is l ouflfl WeisaT UEU rs at 57Hgwad$00)Cthe.F( orJam B. $c~d Jacb biSer- andd laiboteslamed Mmd nov. adis eFunliaed by wue am tvo braisera. Tisey tise watt of thea Mlr bosm.LkeýoueUtTle & -Truàt Ce..tiý9 jSutly arreeted andeIater- At'tI19 l ar itsehItAboso -f iloTto 4aatedT ghtWoe Jdg Dike ona illr' no o 'te à i tisregon UomTmpeS .Waçbwâaam.I k »q corpus but vere remand- bad heeu surveyed sud tie only play- Louis J. Guawsulc.5Cy.Rciel b l ter usigis have tise for- matsYouag Miller liai ensste lo N..y J Bilty ta 8qulre Shel- ,A E CO dm wW ac nes15Avon au. sun o! the court, a speclal ses- boys aifte nighborpood- As mon as A E C & *u calie the f iti u-s gafru ruin toshi plngs au îp> .............-............. $ 2500 : 1 f te gjementlm "on biling" a Ort wie0x& w to8 8What' la Uoing Locally Aaui cas carne ta trial the boys acre and this va. ovaed until 1M48Els.otsWiex&vit sWWied by J. J. Brovunaifvisen mtenlt iad heeome tâe property of , WQod It7 1 il 18 bIt 3 Tise Emihoade Wblch Are, ýW. Royl sud B. W. Blad- Samuet Mller il va. sidi in order that Ikl5illl wd ...............1.75 100 Puabing Tiseir Way lkugma sud John T. Clarkte of te migit go ta Clîlarnia in searcis of Lous Forbrsch & wl ta F A Through Tis Wd lit: acquitted. The gold. Foibricli Its 12 and 13 For- go. t va. carrled on by tates lu 1849 lac made tise trip ta thse gold brici s ub in spe 13 v Attoch flsm A. Boardrnllu. field@ofa that tate driviiig Ovrlaînid tise twp wd ..................... 440 00 AiUCH ACTIVITY SEBN. . W"o brought inuat thse trial visole distance. 11, 1853 h@ returned Joà Wooîridge & wi ta C C iyctatnlaseinpl3 aud tisougîsDota asrici us same lie Carpenter It ou e sside 2nsi Kt Teflueo'liPI te hcg 3&, tue murderesi nian visa uevertiseleea isad laidaide cîsough tO1-àLberyvilte 'd .... ............ 300 00) DailSNevea o a tslTisday shows that 1 out tie country an foot purcisase a farus andi bave moneY ta C C Carpenter & wi ta Emmna the . iansual railroftd stivitY ut t1h. paýir of iu trunis .lied liat 1 @pare, A p6rsai thse faris licstili a0ns W aalidPo ucnt ie r.4 attise tavemu in eonians and lives upon, thougli the greater part et Ubrg t on leasd......... 250 010 present tirne belsgtg arried an vithin b Isove ~ ~ o nsd an en iso!it vas eold aisiî Mstr nChntryt Jhasui barders of, Laite conlity le sttractiii blet aride. o!f(Gabriel Odtt. M.tri hnr oJoam oeta oa teto.Ta h danos the bays returuesitu Speaking oi the gala- whieli abosuded Bia55It 15 1Ja a rt.i 13usue tishorelo a e tRIe M SMd uotliu a.enof tise lutise tise tî imeo ttifret bi la-leded.... 4 :9wtrnsoraiL-iibginvil lr th. beginhi !tise eren- sttteent oi thesecant: by tise isites H B Sumiths & wi et ail taCliss tise course ai a ew veare for 0i distance etrial thse young umen isasia aii tsat bears verehîy no mnus Sitit in lu alsfaipart &sesoai oceraI tuiles irans the laite, le a saplaînii£ ihir visereaboilta nk.ov l tiw sct-f, utactlie eaid il sud 12 v Autîoch twp wd 2500 001)fo f motneintemla 5h. ereninfi'but not enougis tishe itlesi one about a mile veRt 0i C J Qpp ta 1 i M msser 10 ace world Wseco mre ,-rjdenist wîl aeh ~~li e abaine agaltet iser vie a-leno ives shoot ng it on tise lu n %4 ne X4 -sec :14 Deerllcd ofse heocriue sud they an ao! Mlii witeule ~ t niiig tp .....vo ..................... 4,500 o Kecaa airiroa u l n m»eand sud'eon alter leftIthee RO 86iea toli of killung an elk Lillie Dowell & bu@ la F E Thse territory tisree miles biset train tise___ anIse id Harman farus(nov avuesiby Sisapenl 25ane lu oeclOansi lake obore lu Cok anad Laite counties lu 'va.& supposi ta be tise in- lIns. Tisore) tise boanse aiisicis 21 Waucouda twp wd.......... 1 o h cu fwierira n rb udre h a a naued4 etfontPt i.sen F E Shopen ta Henry Davel 1 tavu buildug. Tva bg Chicago stearn > 1 bie cnidorablo mouey vils tise horne aitise animal as 15 la.-,sleeping 125 aq is sec@ 16, ainds21 rodaemeint prctaa.r gis va iundOu ia pesan ie cep u vl su aida th sa t ofioc"lnhuit Wanonda tvp qC .............. 1)0 route iselveen Chicga andi Milvsuite beau ravdama bu bullt, ueml Seen& vi ta Illinois and tise Chiscago & Milwauitee eletznc *0cr. dan..dd pounded ouBaillCastingt&lS1oating club hue plane ta strlng ailtishe tovus alog a à t tuerutnov lu tise proponi: of vîishin abaut Ibre.rods-at Il aindsiholint il atig&Soogcu Mue, sd bs ten ave a s î sipi It 120 il by 300 It lu ev % sec double trckt trolley isn. Ait are su Lsaj *»"e Imoilis farmer site aud lu thèse e imes tisere vele plesty aIl sec 26 v Atiocissvp vd. 130 00 jactive uanspeit!Onicpsaegrad x iu 4-"a vont shop and pigeon Woires lun lise nigisborhsaod wvIlle buEsate of Adelbert lieForris pnes pa»ddock belng a pigeon lancier prairie tires vere Cammoit aisdi oui (decd) ta (x eFris8 ne Itealli siovels, grading gangs. con- ~ UI o cois saer l bs@preadsi vilsamuzing speesissogstieIi e i n 5Nvpr vs ltruciolscampeofai at!iinde caver isun- Sg3 tlU driesi grqtsw hie lu tise auturnia qe................................438 00 dreds ai acres lu tIse operatiaus now boo M.Tb$e . »W truclu- dIO wp t points veot of KenosIa] ,aleao, Milwaukee & St-Puli ,y le sum»yfg a elt-toff bitelvel It*;d Eanny-..Thid route vili lanuntborof ciarve,&Dd wlll Si"e ,d a str=glt trohai of nioetesu t& la bolleedthatt Iis more 1lotu aNorth wststuas a arper c0is. for tige Chlkogo-MiliWak- bluel- Irai t i as. tiought, the wentern would l'e uod for thse iregbt but Itje clatned îisa t se nOv m be ued for pa.oenlar a volas bueinew. hcakgo and Milwaukee Electrie 1 rompleted Its extension o, 0Zion tl i na is o eo p e r a t l u s * a t l a k o W I Fox Lakee hue, an extenasion Out Of au 1hat eventuaily viii roacl s' lait. aud river regflon. Il aaiatisat the LilsertyvIlle and 1elr lin"esmii bo exteuded furthet Under the lusPetue furniolisi b etc liste tise tovu or Rocktefelier 4 &J~ -cirrfage Trlmmiitg AINTMAKIN it4 IIA.BRANCHES, CHAIRS IRECANIo, MATTRESSES A TO ORDIER AeD RENOVATED AND Have your work doue by a man experme4~8. Don't waft a Yeur for your gooada beb returned. L (4ve me a trial that yolîr work le properly attend- ed to. Be convlnced. Ever, one lu their turn. a mn here to at.ay..j ~ IUIUIQ..SHOP NORTH on SOUTHI 0f e WeVYL,.I.S.. WE13B THE SL.ACI(SMITH yann fiatbmerybeNst Janesville eoot.ulift Sulky &'Gang Plows 2-Row CuItivators end Corn Planters john Deere Sulky Plows Samnpsou' Wiod Mill and Tower Ohio Ensilage Cutter International Gasoline Ebile,' Ilusker Manure Spreader and.fted Mills imiè* te thea tub Mad Pm0 Corne and T'el: it over SCHANCK BROS., "t t r LI1H~ Orders met be auiie not later than dau of sale LADIES QF LAKE CUT WFE take this opportulnlty to Invite yon to niake our store your headquaftrs w5heu ln Wankegafl. We have, withotit exception, the largest, handsomest, muet perfectly appointed store in Lake county, devoted exclu- siveiy to Wearlng Apparel, Wraps and Fura for ladies, misses and chuîdreti. The magnificeilt aBstortment of garmenta ve viii offer yen at oui fali opening bas'been gathered in the markets. of the east, and such remarkable vlues lu first cme merchandise are net to be fotmnd in the departmeflt stores of Chicago. One conviniifg reason why you caniiot buy as ýheaPly lu Chicago is because oui expenses are much loe. Wo buy for cash and oeil for cash and glve yen the beneft of ail discounts and saving;è accruing from that method of doingbu lnslfs. Our bayer vas la thoeut for four weeks, and took ample time bo carefully examine the menite of every artiele we offor and compare lb mùost critlcaily with the offerings of othor manufacturers. The nov fail goods are arriving daily and great preparatiotis are bolng made in every departmellt for a grand opening that vill startie ail Lake county by its magnitude, variety and unheard of low prices. We antîcipato a larger attendan6e at titis sale than thore bas evor been at' such an ýeveut lu a city five times this size, and vo are ar- ranging for a large and ceurteous force of clerké tb look i[fter your vanto.' Notwithstandiiig vo have added f ully oue third more floor space the store wiii be crovded to thet doors wîth a stock of Ladies', Mi"se' aud childreli's Weaxinig Apparel, Wraps and Fars of auparalieled variety, richuesa and mert, but riach section of titis mmminoth stock wl b. arra'nged for conven1"ce and dlsplayed se that yen viii ho a.ble to vlev the entire stock, aud mako your selection vitit comfort aud satis faction. Our store le aIse, open on Monday and Satiirday nights, and our splendid lighting service (16 are~ ligitte) make our store as&llght as day. You viii be able tb make your seleptions lun te evenlng juet as velas l the day tite. Yon viii bave ne trouble lu distlnasigclns.W atyeu to be there and get ac quZàuted vîti our new Ideas. W. mut show yen tbat we do as ve Bay before ve can expet b oe ite goods. Our ucces lu due to fair doaling, uew ideas, and tihe fact that eaeh day has its special bargaino. Some'-special value every day In tbe wSl! We bave customens aIl over Lîike Oouaty, and we want tb add to our list of acquaint.ucOs. W. vaut every !ady lu thé county bo viéît our store and b. couvlneed that veecau soii better goods for lemts meney than they cati ecrluChicago. Your regard for convenleulce andoeoonomylboiiid indues you bo lot ua prove these statemeuts. WB HAVE A1250 ADDjID ALADIES'-.WAITINC1 AND0 PkESSING R«00M. bue Noe o01Our Grasu ! e «I BqM d I 01Lake<>gmtgI the biggest dollar- saving 0 sale in the 1history of County Watch. FoDate 1 :#, A ïa if 1> h ie te5pp errtiSw lis totu g-laaiaa bspuq 2 Noa~h le t. 't'. ~o. 6IIII~ lwqý w bý - Lake

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