CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 7

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* HELLO, CENTfL-OIVE NE #100YS My *lqhom ,lns rnay. 'my tAmia àday, but 1 a"alma*m al o 1 itpvy.- Pwrbae roSr' t*phane ls a m agod hà S lav elm o pvm i t o ParSuça lmsdo *0 w.11h ecelet sorketh"t Mm i ves omve 1 espoe.ami &lad lu get * rdus yZIiBe= udtWlu arge moao Smmli 1vîpmddu elfo lu=.eMid gMy de * liery mrin l wooy Nukv-,Da momoek lust end th<tpkuue & l» 1iêeXXX J. ELI TRI43OS LItR-VLL MARKET and CE Iole.ggU uUUWfU' Watches It pays to b, afford. At e an afforda We haveE price that w keep good ti buy the best youi can ,Our prices anybody a pretty good one. no watches at any we ean't warrant to tinte Clocks A household lu pretty apt to be well regulated that bas the right time-any dlock in My store will uupply it..... Ai911~ bei ~ca Atno ANDREW I-USS Suceaa« ta De" Diva. uBERTYViLLE X X X INOIS unes& &nez"a a Smith & Davis lleadquarters for We have jiîst receivmda nicelineof neck- wearforge-nt<. Tie natty kind weldress8- edl men wear, aloo a superier assrtment of dres<s gloves. Tliey are selling at prices C<>fliisteflt wth the bestt akes. Our Uniffn SWhsOverall$ and jackets are made on honor In the cheaper Mens Furnish= ings we have Men's Negligee Shirts, 50 cents'and up Men's underwear, 25 cents and up Men's Overails, 50) cents andi up Men's Jackets, 50 cents andi up Men's Work Shirts 25 cents and up Me' Sox 05' cents ani up Men's Ilose, 10 cents and up Men'sSuspenders 10 cents and uup Mc's Ties 10 cents ani up Men's Kid gloves ý 0 cents ami up We aso carry a compicte ime of ladies ties collars, silk gkwýes, etc. Smiith &Davis, Libe.rtyvitIIý lis. Pk&B41 tKmI s. -Tb G)eorge Cieveland à now employed at Arville Yagr le tow nttê.nding igît the Union 8toct Yards, Chicago, ln the! Seool at Weaukegan. 00 W tenting departtnlt. Miss Mary Pflngstei. tef Ever,tt le oscar Kaiser, Joe and Martin Mallot>' attqndiug the LUsrt ý ville busineFs ltil Week fur Urbana wbure tltuy 'Olle- wlli bis ear attend thie-Unlvermityofl Lyle Morris, Fred l>yer and Atrthur mlinute. EMiller are attendîng- th'. -Wiidkegan The .Mecrouil fatory hai f late heen Busoiness cokege et preentt. rannlng nlghts tu kep up wîth its Mien Saie Rcldd, of <Mount Vernon, orders. ÉSp't Entchemun's operation ofl Ky., alece of lire. Dr. Sînitb left for the. pbpt nl very succeselul. home Thurudey alter a sii weekm viit ibt joseph Smth, of Rockiord, is visiti ng the Smith home. Shni Wood and family. Mr. Smith Wendell Loveiln uV this week for formerly llvel et Wauconda and in a Virgini la web wiii attend the brother-ln-IBw of Mr. Wood. Steunton Miftary a-adeiny for the Éd. Clark and family are now in cotliifg ichool jO". Unbena where they will maire their Thoe having daims v#gainst the Lake home. Mn. Clark arld Eldon lft lui- COiittY Agriultuiel soiety sbould have uiedlali eter tihe fair, the rest of the theut ln bY lioudey nîxt as the board "anly followlng thus week. Lacets on thet date tu audit bisg. Ur. and IMm. eorge Wright returned The LibertyvlUs Buiness college lis front au eaute ri tp Iast week iu time tu 00W open llis taquartersii ithe Keatlt taes la the fair. Tbey report a~ very block and offers aful l buinetiscourse..The ploeant Urne, baving viitei relatives (iregg system of .hortband le taught. ln Nw York and otiier pointu. W. E. Davis wlllbc the Libertyville ldila Battis Gidley, who is ee rePresetative on the grand jury this ePending [he suminer touring in Europe, ,car as Win be noticed in the liot of returned this wesk visjting lier parente grand jurors publeh'i ta .1iarltthr coI- bere Mondey. Mien (kidpy wl [easci, iumaof tiis aper, achool tus ypar at Evanmtun wbaesR e Mr. and lire. ialpb l>arl-[y let Thure- was formerly einployed. d(ay înoruing for Virgillia. Bré. Darby Farmers euonunq to îowu ail complaiil bu c'omlletely repuveredI roui ber sery Of tii. Poteto rot wbklî is again very triufieltheM dla ong eourn',v evident in tiis locity. Thiq ile euma heln oriy wites rot or bliglit wbiih a couple 0f The recent issue oi boind.s Iiythe village years ugo was quite prevalent'àiud jé of Libertyvilie to thet' etnt of *4,5O4l due to the continued wet weather. bas been purchesed by the- tiret National A well known local beebelor of the ak Thisucoi4ofiù.bnd eligible varety wasi a few das ago o 50ec n e1 -1-law tl., caught in the aet of kissing a baby.. A cylinder head <'1.-w out at the young lady wbo happened ta bc near Macaroni factory Twu.sday eveuing and was heard to iniurtur: "I wonder if bie causied a lîttie deley ti,.. tiulowing uora., basn't te nrve toi tackle uoueone nearer iug ut the works. A tinîporary head i Ows tize. was igged and noôs.ras loues of tilas Bouter Hendes, of Antiocb, attended resulted. the fi.r last week and clent @everal îlays Teddy IL. the local hrs'dri'.en in tLe viitng old friende b intisviinity. 2:2.-)pace ua. their.laorat week hue Tbsis inthe fortiet conecutice annual issu sold tu Cilcago lpartie... [t.i*UU.. fair that Mr. Hende s ue en present tu deratood tiat ý*;501 was the OnUM ses. Probably tbere is no other, retord received by Mr. Clark who idsposed of that Win beat ibis. the caluabîs animal. Mir. Peter Mowers and wife and Wmn. Tbe well recently suaj it untus ite of Fuller attunded tie National (;. A. I.tse Ciamberin bottlîng fatory now i entamoPmeui at DenDver, Colo., lest weuk in full operation ani îr,îîîssé,tqbu one anîd came home delightcd witi their trip. of the fiLint ln tbecity. !,llrughtth tres They @ay tiiere were 160,000 visitormsincL pipe a tlow 0f 9f; gallons pur minute and 39,000 reterans at the eneamputsent. is seecurud and cem bçîrtt'ted ta a begit Tbey enjoyed trips tirougli tie mines Of 2f; feet wtbont sîuppiug the low. and brougbt home samples of ore Wa Titus did tbe work. h noiw d.-vilopes show tbein frenda. that this well hms takiena way the tlow Lincoln Lusk will on ()ct. 1 sever h io the well at the Macaroni factory and connections with the Macaroni fatory lat nîgbt the nigbi icatchutan Wu@ wbueebue bas for smre time issu forecd tu draw tse ircîs frotthe boilers employed ns preestnan end will work for of the plant as thereM'am no water for lire. Cook carlng for ber place on Mil. theun. The flow of the Chamberl in Well waukee avenue. Md EuhLard wbo hue bas been partially alfut off and n0w the bieen for the past neyeraI years mnauag- fatory in eneblcd tu gut a part of their îng tie Cook place Wi tairs cane (of ths former llow baek. setool building the coming year. A meeting of ailt t.' l<t îwners,f the Mien Amy Fick, daughter of Ur. and Lakeoide cemeterv ts csld for next Mro. B. M. Fick, veas merried last Tues«- Saturdey eveuing Sept. 16 lit 8 û'lo-k1 day, Sept. 12, te Frank E. Lamnion, of in the Mystie W'rkers' hall over smitb Weukegan, et the. Preabyterian pareon- & Davis' store tu decide whether the age, Re,. Quayle oflciating. Mir. and walks of the t..nietery shalî be regnaveledl Bd rs. Lamson at once Lsft on their honey- or whetisr a layer of dit shah bu laidi moon which will he spent at Nuetlc. over them and ithe wiole sodded down. where the bride bas relati ves. The youug Everyone having a lot even tbougi bot couple will maku their boute in Wau- ait active iienlir of the soeiety ha@ a kegau. Vote et this 11a-etîng and ebould bu-. Tean. P r ew - ete , preet. Muli disussion bas arien i Tii.BigandPar Nuts-e fera over the question of eeeding dowu the breezy littie lake shore eallt, in tbis waîks and it lias been îdeçidec4 tu.brig week'g issue telle of a party f rom tiat the. matter to a vote ln order finit the town wbiclî sante to LiLs'tyville ta o wnet-s of tbe lots Uv l.snlia thc tuatten. tihe fair but believing ibat the car went__________ to tse gates of the grounds nugluctcd tu X SSTS ad,&MUSfflENTS X get off and wunt tauliockefeller.instead. If aur visitons fratti the Lake Shors lied -A bowling league in bein plannud to gone tu ftockefell', r ou ttir wey bouts it embrace tbe îLe... towns, Libetyvillu, would bave perbapts iten more Lakes Forest and Highland Park with bolevale.poseubly one or t wo others. [t le the bElielsrhe. xbssdbsplc nidea of te protioters tu offr prizes for Rocefllewr tu Shen oiL od wb ipLace ifor hlgb tealu and individuel everagesi them to live lu theuLneux future. Char les adt odasre fcnet Phillipe, who is tLe recent purcbaserof hogtewier the Wo"g place wlll bulld onu of lits Felv lays of recert years have leured ineot homes la this Io cality. At the nb11 trn itd pn uli a @ a pretient lime nituci monsv le being @pent lbas "linden Soatheru Skies', wbieb bjy Mr. Phillips in. inproveînnte and . a coltes to Scbwartz Theatre Waikegan eunsderale otlayin lannd inthe n11 unday, Septaîtter 17, for the tiret conrse iderabextfo ntlyiplanein usime thts seaslon. The pay is Weil cours ol be nit fe nîotbs.rentembured lteeuf r<nî lest-ffasoît, the The Mecienicevilie, la. Pioneer Press impression it theti lut being mut of lat wsek contias an accounit of the favorable'. Since it bas een seen tiere deat oi Mrm. C. W. IRoberts of tîtat place *U;nder S5outheru Skies- hue appeared in who dropped dead Auguet 2S) at about îîtany culieN and elwey@ tu large and 8-15 lu the evening while the reetot i iletbsiastic audienîces. Su deftly bas family wue absent. Her two daughters tbe anthor woven ber pay titthei returning lu the evsniîîg from a cail ta at audience is alitîost unaware outie fat neighbor iound ber prostrats. ripou tbe tbat througi ail tie.funu making, the glour of tii. home. Ber iusbaud, story leneiiaping itmelf until euddenly it Dr, C. W. Roberts and a nearby 1bysiciatt leape to the front, gripping tbe&tetniou, were summoned but ebe waa found tu bu the heart, the, symîpathies of tlte deasi.$lhe was bornuet Fort Bil and audience and hoding Ibeut tense and was thee eider of Hiramt and Lincoln of îainated with the denouement. The Libertyville but aine 18"é9 wienslite entire production titns season will bp tees mraied tu Dr. Roberts bas not quite up to, if indeed it due ont surpses livsdCln this locality. Ber deatît was tbe. standard of excellenc et elasteuaon. due tu epopiexy. A serles of ernisdelivered thiiuotît et the Sunday eveniug meetings at the Concert My Zion Band. M. E. cburch by Rev. Lawyer are eit- A concert will be given by. Abs Zion tractlng considereble attention and bave City baud and orchestrae, t Sulbi edded metenlelly ta lihe attendauce oi Tabernacle Tiîunsday 19eptember 21 et thei churci, "The Young Man's Rgits'" 8:00 o'clock. No edîniseloî wil leb i n h l ie ubet cion e nd lu lest Sunday chargsd and for the accommodation of kaderi f 1 'e u'e444..444dIv~ tbougli aneniergeutent,unises@unusuaîly spacious. Io mut ih will Lafdly acail- modete lhe raîttdly inereueiug denîand for morme room lu the publice titoolIs. Tits enroilment for tic various routs las iollows: BHItu Shool.............. ......t Gisomar..............-l Advantced lutermedîste ..... ..........s lutermediate ...........................t44 PrIftary ....... .................... -f Total .......................... i Spal l 4ae.mmout Notice. Notice e i ereby given ta ail portione intsnsâted tiaItush Board of Local lmproveînentë ai lie Village ai Liberty- ville baving ondered tial e connected sys'teni ai casl.rou watessppiy pipe with tI te usceosary valves, lire hydrents, @te., Le consiructed and laid la porionts of tic ioIlowing streets and avenues, la- wit:-Milwaukee Avenue, Lake Street, Brainerd, Court, Cook Avenue, Cinrcb Street. Mecianic'e tinove Rossi, Division Street, Stewart Avenue, McKinley Avenue, 'Lincoln Avenue, Paik Avenue, Huniburt Court, Broadway, Onciard Street, Spnegue Street, HigiýStrset, 1 Newberry Avenue, Riley Street, North Avenue, Park Place, Firet Street, Second Street, Third Street and Fourth Street, ail in the Village of Libentyville, Lake County, Illinois, lie ondinauce for tue saute ieing on file lu the office ofi tLe V'illage Clork of said Village and lthe Raid tVillage Laving applied ta ithe County Court of Là e County, Stete of Illinois, for an &ssessutent of the cosi oi said impravement eccording latte beneilte, antd an asseesment tiersot baving been - made and returned ta Raid Court (Docket No. 1) the final bsaring ibureon wll Le Lad on lthe 51h day of Selîtember, A. . 1). i r as soon thene- alter as [hebu bpsieee ai [Le Court will permit. S4i4 ordinaice provides liai the jaggtsete amnount o ai saIsIasemeat Whiailbedivided imb ton (10) imitait. utent@, Learng interest et the. rate ai ive per cent, per auur. Ail persons dssiring îaay file abjectiaits luaied Court belons said day and iiay eppear ou tii. ieaning and make themr dZ.eseLrgi.ip P. BANNA Tie persanappointed 1tuniak.- su., assommbent. DalesI Libertyville, Illinois, Augtt 31, Dursad & C hm, oe.Attys. 83 Darlstrn =t eChieago. au. Notice of Final settlement la Bstate o ai labth C. Otete of lffote, Oouaty oihLakese. lu the ouant, (Jours0f Lake 0sut.Inu tse final moitIsinor a!thw to 0~. Peltonl Tohisonas ehton§. Bdj 0 poton 1lirs. 9111,ta 11, liam u s .Pel1n o1m . rmr, li.eB. E.iNuter. lre. Hannab A. Onvir. Jennie Rdier, Afin iourne sud An lintue<.ltldley. boirrttla sd legatees oni lsa ebC elton. deceaee and the unkuown beîrs ot sald Etizabeth il. Pelton, decoed Ydu sud each bofin are teroby notlllsd bat on monday. thte lOti day ni Ocober, A. D..i 10. et tsebour ni 10 o'eok. li thecfornt- noon, urss enon Lerlier se tête mattr enu hi. board. I &hall Preen thîe Cunu aort ni Lake uennui,. myil e ount lu said saiand aek 1 ave "sa xroved, t wiehlims sud place ionuia pean aand ebîetiIf mtrou e n. . FRANK WRIGTut pExeator ni thte estste of Elizabthto( @eIton, deeeased. Llbenrvlle. hlePt. 5 05. te.-1 X ANNOUNCEMENTS X Tite nex i regeler meeting ai flie Lakv- sie l'meteny .Associationti li Us t ithe totne utftirs. F. P'. Dymnd on Dlivision Strnet Friday aiteritooti Sept. 15. A len cent lunch wîli bu scrved. At tseM. E. ciurch Suudey Sept. 17 Mr. 1.awler wiIi preach ou "Reading andi I)olng- iin tie moning and lu the cvuniîîg oit "A Ytoung Mens i Righl, l is Itigit t l1'ay' ý'isitors eordily eotie. A meeting of ail Owuers ai lots lui the Lakeoidue emetery lm caileui for Seturdny niglît. Sept. 16 ai 8 ocilock ehtan lu ths Mystie Workcrt4' hall avern uith & Davisé store. Imîportant busittess wili came Usions tbe, meeting anti ail îîteresled chtonid bu present. Tite Alpha club will resunelie sork Wednesday, Sept. 20. lu 1,. deBlred tîtat ailWh wi)visi tu teln in tîteir tIncttibership le otisnt et tuis mîeeting O o itig e pmreideut. TLe meeting wviil bu hlîed at ttîe home tef MirsClara .tvenili. luth ceau, current oentm ai tie past suîtner leesoît; ravicw of the hife and wanks of Goeths. Tbe tapie for tbe manhng service at tie Presbyteriantcinnihi usaI Suudey wILI ." pnece bas. [aîgit n1 t the bukwichpy et leawonIt ion *0 . . pitrt amtit aeseulally1i GRANI TII. Condition ln The local, Orasman d High Sciool la Sncb That Ail Piapila Cantiot lBe Seeted. SOMETHINO IMUST B1)0114N -The rnapJl gnwth qi Liberty ville lu the pent yesr or two lias lsd toa ecnowded condition lu the sitools whihi is not reiizcd tîy the, averagu ersamn about taw n. Ilt the preseut tinte tiens is not a vacant seat lu the Lîgi ecbool or ay of the grades with tie ingle exception of the 8th grade.. The tiret anxd second grade are no crowdsd that only half day session& are attsmpted and white il worke no speciai berdahlp in tisse grades it would Us mach better dld lhe lower grade poîtils iave the. ful edveutage accorded punblic ciooi pupite elsewbere. The napid growtiî oi the igi seliool enu Le reedily seen by ths glanciîîg et the totahs of the classes. Thec records show that of tic flfty-tive pupis regfltered, thirty or aven one-ialf of the total attendance ans tiret yeer pupils. Witi tse dding ai lhs fonntb ypar to ti, depantutent the fuil advaniage of e igi sebool le afforded tiosu lit attendeuce and the meny nuir con. venienes and up to date apperelue instailed et ths beginning of the year for lhe ecientifle départaient mark a decided mtei ihe usadivencsutent oi the course. Tîte unusuaîty crowdud condition meaus but onu tiing and thal iiet onsîing muet bu donu ishuer future 10 remedy the exisfilîg siate ai affaire. Iflih abnonutai graittitwiclh tie towu lias Lad for tbe puât few years Phone 29 Libertyville W atch this space for oui next -weeks Ad THE FA I Fail Term optens September 5, 1W -Our îîew quarters, finest ini etate, in"5 Block, corner Geneeee and Wasblnstea Where businessis taughl sm bualmu inlaâd6m 1 the best teachers and the boi ehd areornpOY" students ame amested te, damleble O@pall.a Superior instructons, lin tnIoumineab. writing, littet' prOu5 work o ,b businessforumcal!,podence IlBallmactuald 1 start to hâslL W rit for atl B. A. MUNSON, Pres. M WAUKEGAN BUSINESS Ali Dimiies and Lawns whkc,, sold for 1 5c and 20c iow, Alil ancq Dress Goods, 25C 20C. now- lOc a Yard Ladies'. Shirt Waists mart down to 50c, 75c and Si A Iew Shirtwaist Suits left oi, wil go at $ 1 and, $2 NOW IS TUE.TIftl j.

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