CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 1

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LLN. M>ENDPENDEN Vol XHI-NO.5 1PLV, I<NOCKER.'I D.esde business. Geramteed t. keep au$ oof stock. 51.25 wiI. buag aàouf fieent qmaottg for 0a bard of a dozem for a seasoai. GRE3AT FOR HORSES Reillsheir -dstress end adds "uto their usegulmess., LOVEL'SDRUG STORE aknpI., ÏUmmS I hat Fit Made bg Ilutchens & Potter, Johns. town, N. y. A luN Onme of titis oelebrated Giove in Kid. Mo- che, S~ik Lined. AI.. a FUR ime of cGets' fursi@Mgam d F ine Shoes 'E~ W. PARKHURST SCHANlR KWRl C ~Libertqville, Illinois F.* P. [h moN», Prpo. C. F. WMeuuwr, Casher (jE0. A. WFUGUT, Vice Prta. F. 8. KicniN, Asat. Castier LAKIE CO. NATIONAL BANK O .A.WIMJIT, A. 0i. SH EIA. JiI li.iN An OId Shot-bag lm rit-ibu iýr ipront nor Lurgar.pruul. Our iru-pronf t'ault and hurgiar-proof vault and liurgiar-proof timou.luck s ale are Bt iOURKi vu~i-e. SinalI n4eculînita reived. Start a 'rainy-day' und andl wattb it graw THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK -~~ LIBERTYVILLE - JOHN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Preident VicePresideut C. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Te ha"d of-fortiuue is éextended te gou. Seize It mow and becoem a capitalist. t is mot what gou make but what ou save that ends to properuty'. Iligit Clas Bonds and Securities Bougiti and SoI Poes a general l>nkng businesq. Depasitas gicited and courteOue treptlIrnent b oait. 1 lt fipay yqo ç)fa a f 4 e FiI Matonfil, PAUL MAC GLJFFIN. ATTORNEY. AT LAW. Libertyvîlle, Illinoit. DR. E. F. SMITH. DENTIST. OFFICE OVER LAKE <INTY BiANK. nouaeui-8 to 12 n. ni. and 1 to .1 p. mi. DAILY., Liliertyville. Illinoim. DR. GOLDING l>INTIST Ilours 8 i, 12 t,n.-1 tu 7,pi.11 Kaiser Bloc-k ll.ilingaîs DR. PREDERICK FL MARTIN <JIW'e 2ad Floor Kalse Block. , MiIwmskee Avenue. Rloillimi- Il ta 12 a. m 1 ta 3 and 7 ta p.LîerUYville. Illinois DR. J. L. TAYLOR, <i'ItOVER TIGIOS & TAYLOR'M. rmu-7 to 10 a. ni. 2 to 4 and C) ta 8 P. M. Rteidenea on lBroadway. (ippositë Park. Libertyville, Illinoi». DR, A. . NICHOLS, of Ch icago DENTAL OFFICE BUITLEIBLOCKuVER SMITII.*iAVIit' 14TORE sou"a:-Wednoadaytg fut eci t wuk tram 8:0 a. nM. tao :0 ) LiBfRTYILILLAKE COUNTY, ILUIIS.I RIDAY. S!PT!MBER 22. 1905-10 PAGESS150AVR1 1 1MVSTERY Wonan Fouad lIving 14$ Pool 0f 114W Owu tBlood sud eue- cual* wlthout Mais. tumg Stateanent. BE»TO GRAND JURY. L"tt Tburde, niglit Coruner Taylur vas cWW dta Waukegan ta hoîd an i. -QUasIorer the body of Joaana geleiî, a ~ment 01 markçt st. in tbat Cty, ta dgt*timino the cause ut ber deatb. It appmsestm hat~e waii tuund by persans eufle by lier busband, Frank Selen, in a amat pitialieundition. lying insensi- lei upon the fluor at ber home, lier bady covered vîitébruiqes ain wuunds, vîit blood fiowing tram ber Lady se@wes pikwd up by ber niglitors anil placed in led. Sales claiuied tflit breturnud home Wo water, ais w&s i cuetointo do dally, hie bouse Ling.diiectly mros. tbe atreut tram wbure bue worked ini tbe SuffaR Jeinery, to ftuîd i wltu lyiug in-j asuib]O npon tbe flor in n Pool of ber Ows blood. Hie rusitud for amiatan6e, ho daid, and alter getting imlmediate aid in the persan af a nigihors iwjfu bu 1 umuioned a physician Ly tekepio>ne.. He ciaimed tbat on the dai> ai bie wil'e deat b bu Lad iîad rnotrouble. witb tfad Quarreled Oflen. lî.iighbbra teeltilied tbat tlîu d<înestic 190e af thte spena waa nDt tue lialpiest and stêted that ta tituir knowlutige a bitter quarrel nad reëuIteS froîji farîîily differeneSw the premdinig Saturda'. .A seithboring wuman toitS of Selen fllow- lh i. , 'fe duwn tuie str(*ut a"S iorî.iug lier ta îi4urn haine when îsite Lad started away., kickisg ber as sIte vent. Peolple working near baS fttun, it is si,hewrd sonus uf tuiult eminating tram «h.lueshomeu anti quarruls bave ai len siarredtteir umaritaliLues. Was Orunk. Bath Ses and bis ire yeur aid son iestiffed that idra, Selen vas tirssk at the lune of the <uarrel on Saturday and Seleu aduntted tht froni tht tinte W, bad sot spakon ta the wosîan. On te day ai ber death hlieclauias) that lie baS Dot spaken ta ber and for ereral dayp site itod r«(rmd toieiluwIra lipan tlhe arrivai of Dr. Foley te wowan was immedlateiy rusiovedti t the haispitai and tisere ail the known ineaes vers appuies) in an effort ta ru. retunu lier ta conwselaness but witiotan avail and ini a short lime site succuibud. Dr. Taylor vas thon notifieS and ta- gether with Dira. Bellove, Kniglîî anti Euley perforuied an autapay ho deter. mine thie iîsnediate cause ot lier 'leatit. S 1 The Autopa>'. The 1005in orteut exauiination showeti tat ber bady vas a "'asutfbuisea aud train apprîtranceti ft vas tlî<uglît titat te mluet utthe injuuries cmuîe truskicks. anti scratches A cut uxtendeti alsioat lte lengtb utfitr'hody heginning at tite sternum wbil e portions %veme bruiseti in a frgliul piansef'. Tite varions oi'gans acre ùxaininedt t ascertain lier gunemal lienîfli and ftanut1 ta Le as a rule iin a guiîd condition Onu kiduey wias ftinds)tu bueangesteuj but a iteavy bruise iii the siainîofuthte back accountd for tîjis. The brais vas renturci) as it vas gsun tise aide oailier huai) was Llackeaiuuj ane awollen andti ilrevealid the tact ltat sean the base of the brais Iliere vas a ectntuslinantiV, dot of lloodth Ie aize of a waltiut. Titis voundti as supposeS ta bave lieus te nemicause of beirticati tbuugi thtliron lier Lady Wight have pra vus fatal. At the inqyaîf, Conilerable'exeiteiient wvas cauïeti il te lni1uellt wheu .ýttorney A. K.1 Steara, io tppearedin isdefînse ut M4een vitu wachlaceS undur tîrruat ta- inetiately alter tite detitof his wite, astiE olîjuctei ta theu imun tîstifyitg. state Attorney lanna anid Coroner Taylor, howuver, inéstaeS op t44ifig nid evidepcee anti und Er jirfiteat frow btuariibswavret bu, Fropî the et'idence glenned ti l aw du- ciScs) by lte jury thet lte maxi shuMIçj Le tietaineo te verdict bin; finitthies vunian came ta ber doatb rosi externale eausesami)n emilending tlat lier ituob4nt, Frank elus, hl ielduIStiiavaite thte action of tfte grand jury wititout bail. Got Off Cheap. He mny veli tlîink, lie ha gît off obuaP, vWho, af er having euntracted con- stipation or lndilgetion, is stili aLle ta Pereectiy retars islîealtlî. . Notiting will do thii but Dr. KitigsNew Life Pilla. A quick, pleasaut anti certain cure tun beadacite, constipation, etc,. 275< at F. IB. LovicLL, Liliertyville; GUiAYSLAKE PUA umACY tru ti tre; guamanteeti. Like-Findang Maney. Fiiding heailtit lmlike inding sîasey- suo tbiuk titase vhîî, are nlik. Wlîutî you have a ctugit, cols), sore thrîîat, or clîcat irritation.,lietter n,-t prumutly like W. C.Barber, of Sans)>' Level, Va. Ruésaym: "% bas) a terrible cheet trouble, causeS b>' amoke aa scai d taI on î ttyIungs; ulteor 'llsdld'nu a ef~ in atiter mi'esil 1 vga Klna'ýýÏ Jç3« Née W. C.U. NI BIG RA<CE'> MEETING nION. 1IS ON4 r Ibild Aunsial Convention Ai Oaayaiàk.aend Elect Omeoari Uv Ennulnu gour. CONDB39N COSITJONs AT TUE FAIR. The annuai eotqvamtian of lte Lake CountY W. C. T,% Il. waii held laut Frlday Sept. 1$ t the Grays. lake M. E. c4 1:at rayelake. On account of 41aiy watbcr the inurning attndu a , ualeyt lu apite oft timtis the $r.r part of the coaty o0kiers of t fion Bure preeent. Reporte were D.$g the murnîng froin the varions ms tiwaugliaut thte caunty beide. b.aireport wB l announeSl@87 lsforlalo Uunty and $78 i t ela ' ' xm u oise r. f u tintun, tbe @tatu o l)Miriet ta give the ladies encan t and) instruction li tlieir work. ti."afterooli susalun cuueîst.ed of a WmqPrai service and electiýn of affucers 14I oi~heunty, The ufficers eletes are as follow, Pregident, Mro. %m, u inge, ut Grayslaku. Vic-presîduiit, ln.Lof Seriu (lurueS. Treasturer, tMrs. IM. P. Miller. of WaukPgan. b Tite tallowing r'Iît,î as unaimously adopted hy the. uîîrentiu: I4H>.eRAî, LakeConaty Va ir iii designed for the betterment of ciînlitiiiîs in Our cuunnty anti WiEaE>Às, Praeticesand exhibitionîs 1subversive U) tbe qmont * 6îîîd well Liing ut those in attesigaçe, , îàri-iiarly tie yaung,. have beau ipblidu'ed lipun thte eFair grounda. 1. Rese fed, Tho6t whule uîîlruiating thte countesies eZtended ly thu Fair Management in th. past tu the %V.C. T. U. we earnestly prtest agailet lte aforesaid evila andlssputfiilly lidtiton the infiu, y egas) tii dîear ail gambliug tad deu>raliging sceei. lleaolved, Thaîs pCËof t îiiaresolu- dion Le sentto ta elair umanagemuent dn titat it Le gWSV uat the press for publication. In thte evenlng i Sgrand guIS edai peting for th. pi fPjýb4Ja eobson. cf Racine, a formner 'Lake county yourîg mnan vaë given the tieclitiii of th1e judges anti awarded the qîttal. CREAM4fRY ulR N STO0 GROUNDO The. Diaspaud Lake. Creamery Tais.. Vire EarIv Sundey Maoung And l. Connrned. WAS PAItTIALISY INSURED. Piarisly t littiuîday monnîg lte Diauiond Lake vreaiiry waa Lurmed ta thie grounti, tlîe lîtire structure to- getiter witit a conieuerable asount of valualtiî aclîiney anid ioumehuld gootis being consuuîud. (l'utrge Kiliggt,, super. intundent of tiie fietory, vito lires ovur thte cruamnery a as awakeneti slortly Altetuiiilight to ind thte structure iu Theu lre i hihues) to have orgiiia'teti in theehbolIer roni ai lb. iactory lte direct cause not beiug knowa. Cunsis). arable Lutter wa« an hanS and this vot lu the couler whiclî ias nat burnes). Tite crenîiers iras manageS Ly a stock comiîianY und by local capîital, a. Brovckaau, George Mitcliell and Wiliamî Itouscin ig the directors at the fire4ent tiue. Tite 'bale plait vas valueS at abouît tîe tht%fflu dollars and was covrmd bli astraniýe tu the extent cilaboM~#$2-iî>l. It lanot kaown Blietiter the plant wîi)l be rehuilt or nu'. For severai dmys parte cdthlte atory eontinued ta aaooulder, a van ai eaal and th~e jreaso satitrmte4i ruina affording aiatu.rial tor a silow und listing lire. "The greater part of Supurinteudeut 1Kiggg's itunaeilold gogds verecoun, aumed as vuli as otliirmaluable personai effets titougit a portion ufthlie prapurty was reniaveti in tinie. The )osurthtet creainer>' will nfet litheviole cuinsun- ity as a largea But ber of farinera were depending on thete reaniery taking titeir Arc You Engaged? Engagud peuple should reenimber that, alter marriage, ma11 tuarrels cani bu avoided, hy keuping their digestions ini gaad conditian with Eltetrie Bitter.S. A. Brown, of Itenettmville, S. C,. Maya: "For Years, uîy wife muttered intenseiy tf rom dyspepsia, reunpiicated witit a ýtarid liver, until sthu lotther otrentt ami vgr, and tlwcamue a mers wpaMk ut ber farmner self. Then site-trigd, Eletrict Bitters, whicb iulped 1,ýeÇ ist once, and ttnaiiy made lier e.t'ireI, v ell. Site ig now strung and hçglity.'. F. B. LoVELL Lietvleu; «ýAYHAKE PIHARMAcY "drug- tgistà MeI>iýnnd guaralitees theni, Bt Z50ea bàttk-. Our lasiltutlsa. th re ut bmu qlu e Lastautiea-eut ioimoE e - auxt su&s, tLibertyvulle Thmi Week Scene 0f Excelbentkacingr BRLONCJIO FOIR RECOIRD. The live day's mueeting ufthe LiIertyý ville Trotting association rases apun,-d eTuesday witb a smailcruwd in attend- îauce. The threatenhng weatter ()lthe uarly marning nndoubtedly kept nîany froin the ecepe and ailHttrugi the day the weatber while tînt really Lad was In nu way conducive ta lboat resuits Biii<ng the borses tbe chill af the atmoopher. taking tbe vin ontutofIbe ountesting Ltle Wnerda.i ratced Lttele Woer mewa irtactce Sous sot ibuller aietu aPacedis thenc îî ituat fthlie 2:30 trot after tastiuiy takung tlhe tiret. The ruling ()f tite îudges wu@ sot liked Ly the cruwîl wlich sboweg il& dimple4sure. Wednesday blesseS the aicet with iveatiter tbat nu onu rouIs) cumplai o1 and] thetu *i,WO étake lîung np for tite 2:21) trot itronglît Ont a field otfie test actons. Tlîin race waa awun lîy Adî'ancem, wàiu raeSd under, unS was wîn in a way tîtat i-we4 siiect nusual. The PaYu4ept of t4e purse h"~ btiîn W4 4 pp nd the Aierican Trotting association hoard will have ta Pa" u n it butore it is pais). Theue ira of tis iorse have Leen chargeS witlî 'ringing nand until a @ati-liactary identification ufthte animal la giveil they Bili bave tu du without tituir miiney, The itorse u as iiv'el wesî troni ýerniont and ç fnCe lte susBpiuioîî ot lte western racisg mea wOM aronse. The pedigree atiti past blstory ut the animal was demandes) by' is coîupett, tars andi as tiiswusevade4 Lîy len itandlisg hl tte protçat vý@ nflde. A speclttrain l@ hein&g nndaily ta, theu gates ofthtle gropuda o ver the W is. Pansn entral. Thursaiys racing lau muSer va>' ait th tlii4the s.iE.sîc oes to presa and) sxumatius viii ho given in neX% i vka issue.ý Preaidens t atbafone uIh bu~ srTraaad tuhlige. khe roacho qe te-Pîtaubreak lier wodds ruse,â 2:O$,1fora paehng anare on SaIn rday. Tite brancha vau trained at lte local track lest spring and ali tis season b»M sbu1wî n arrelous- apeed. 511b'eg en tered iterr but ber clame diýcîWat là It is probable th4ý t.ver aaa'vi tii eonuty Mset imBany fastIboises corn- pOtu% W#togther On Onu track. Tbe $)AOO àstake off Pnltay lîromies ta heofa a sensational nature an4 -% li nuls) iq 1:2 afl, pacing. purse. trie LottieaD., (Rustsell)............iti Wille Ciify braves> .......... Dan Spencer. (Nue%) ....... ..... 2,i?,i itourbuns. (Frsa»ei........... . 3 4 q Margjaret IL. <Paitterl .......... 0 uie UWllkes, (ryde).... ........... Dia Ada B. <Zapel)...... ...... _ 7 Sawtelia. tue .. . Ii, 2;3oelhis, trotting, purse *IUo., f Bily iB. (Frenich).. . _ ... ..... I Urwe A. iHaWkis.............. .2 32t Silier ibuomi', and Puti.nn .. Little WondertiHall). ............I1tD,, U'haîbertos. ()uunl...........s, Onuntts Mciiityru). . DLi., t:09 chia. Pacusut. purse $1l9x, Sbs!ick. (Meitabon) ......... I2 i O-Aaouewoud, ICatlcia> ........t; 2 1 1 Arliv H . îteiper).. .......... . 2 i e 4 li e e (Tmier>ý............... 4 45M(g2 a Roduar Wlies,eeds)............ MM îa euWinbo, lians) ...........g 10 3 à colonelH. (Hail) ý.............7h Dr 'The Bers. (Ouen) ............1 1 i Dis Aiirian Ha Ha ,(Devery ..... its Tinie. 2: I, 2:(19, Ej0%, 9: IOt 2:.1. 2:i6i i'ace, Paras les. Piit'Ford, (KenYODnb............... 2 2I Hall Ftye. (Perry) .......... ,1 c1 2 14iaswn. t Tinter>_.. --3 i 3 3 A ColognueLI. (Dieane) ........ ...4 4 4 s i 'rime. 2: 1 li,2.:1. 2:12, 2:12ïj. 2:12X 2,20 trot. StaSe 15,es Adrae,(Carpenter)............... t 1 nartIUsîi0Gatten. i'lsan 22l Uillam .. liey) .. . . kJ2 Dissue. Jill) ...... ............ . i i T ixub. Curryl................. 1 r mii l.e e ahonl........e King Ay.iea......... .ouldea SCa, ( mavet.......b i' <imnatn n ointyt>...... *2: 16 Piace. purse St .ie. Mil-. iAU910 -........ ..r - i Aima it. I>unn). .............. 3 0 3 Utith oej(tnrsoy) ..... ...2 Lyga. î(Bofd).................' i4 A. W. M. (ieer.) ............ t.atr Eluoni(Wiley) x 7 dis Hable Oeraline. i Dagier>.. 10 iyl10il. Giarfilid Maiden, (Pettix I. m d 0ii,. tHi11an. (Iireedieg) ...... .. ...... 2 2 5 dis 1ie«..' itbeau)>................tu b m a MaSais i)ury, (Joheston). il.. - il îImd True Ment Recognized Last winter lthe aldemit son of Mir. Paut F. Mueller, publisiter ot the valksblait. Runsehciau, Lincoln, 111.> vitlî a baS culs) anti cougli. In speaking ?f huî tity cureS t Mr. MUeller aays. We useS Si&ffeuatkiedtisoutmudeues vithout 4.ay lenelit ta, lSuî untiR w, caminIgacd ta use Harts' Hosiy andi lÀorlebogpt. Titis meine gave lut. mediate relief anti eoon vitreS hlm. la miy estimatioin Harts' BOUe>' ans) Hure- litinS la the sîQat vamilefUlans) certain cure in theu ans)ld ur ail titroat asti lung trubles,- 2, 50e asti$1.00. Sols) ly F. B. LubvEi Litiertyville; (,IAYSLAKE, Chamberlain'. Cogh Remnedy Aida Nature. Meticine@ thatý@Àd nature are aiwayui mnt l fectuai. Cbn eyl's Cougit THE RUN= NERS 'ARE COMING Ail khnlda of Rumors and I)enlale Afloat. The tirst ofthe weuk Chiicago papers Publiabiet in théir sporting coluna in.e 1 ountqO'~f tailsîre ut atterupta by tbe -Westerni Jockey eluL ta pull off a rus- nlug M-eting Bt the uew mile track juat 7ontaîdi.lthe village otf ..ibertyVllle, but It le insited Ly local barsemen wito claixi t W know that a running.iîeLtisg surely wîll l)lluB tlîjs weeCks trotting evente. lt is adinittel lbY tiiesuparties, bowveur, thaIt there Nwill lisno Llackloard andi ring hetting ut, t1ip îleet, wliich us ta bu î-aondueo.d iunder thie <tritteat rulesi ta Ir!event Pasiihe iieri.< ram tbuse oppased taObttiiig kit ra4cua. fi im Maid thé sai,' trîînsîerîitiîîn ar- rangeîsents tlîis îîeek in vogue will con- tinîue, theIllmnoi,4 Central to rmn trais daily urer thu Wvisei)nsiîîCntiai-aî C. & Mf. electrie truckts. Tliursday nîarniîîg ail Clàilaga l'apur@ etmîlînllti,.all, aaul(une.d arrangements wure 4eoinplete for tihe runnlng meetiing. and Ut tin tti. knEENENm goesto Pre" it iii the general bullet in Liberty- ville the "aie'are ulnîng, rThe attitude of Lake ruunty officiaIs sl sîieculat(ed ul)oi and the lInter Ocea* rucites titat states mturney Bianna telegrapbs lie pîropose@ to do Lia duty lu Vaijs andl ail otlief' i.iittera. Onie ni.kli )A ail tite tiînu necussarytua prove tlat Pinéules is tht est reniedy lu te world for backaclie and ail kidsey1 and Lladder troubles. If yau have rliuumatiom or an>' lther lluaidiseasu u siglesdosewi!li givu relief. For sal iy WI& aav iaîvrL.GAs w. aWli be,'Reauleeto ment, for lads Tbe IîE'YETMaa purclîased a nov' andh revolution Camnpbsla tvitb attachable fIdr,1 andi ad type and in ttg ndsary ta exactiy doUli1 uluipmeuî, uther titan departinent Fruin rulation af 1100 uiroent nagement tbois .4 suLseriptian 11.1 has growsk arur 2,000 andi advertiliag increaeud accardingly. At tumns ur limited op pub lication of news items an of 'storie@*' as ws ilouid- letýonea imîlerative that a1 ut the paper bu priuted ait h4* four page ut syndical akbandoned. Tu do tiisimpioved lad necussary and, bave b... Tbe press in ahuge affair prIo tbe latent deviens and lump just double thte aize of our peu, and prints 1800 papffl', delivering ibe in mb a lIdta Wbicit lds, Pastes and trh-~ eigbt, ton or twelve pagfl sanie speed. 1t viii bu possible tu av on every page and seW teatures are ta lia hxtroduced.ý unthe weekly fielt u nofl it la expected the nov ls toarrive nez t wvas iR i and running properiy te change taking Place 1h. larce. Best maels for fjmÏa. ing the interior of pur j housse, new o od IVarnishes, Ois, LeadCI Iw. M, HEATH !furniture and Undertakmng Uibertgvule SUmmer Bargainu 3 bumner oUstove $ 2 burner gasoline store. Top -buggy .............. ........ Open driving wagons, $30 to............ Surreys. S60,. MliIk wagon .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Parai trucks .... .... . Hay team wagon .............. Double wagon Box ...............S Best Ever Moline sulky piow Potato daggers . ...S......... Three Second=Ilan.d Buggies-n Dealer in Impstast. DL 0. F. BUTrERRIELD,. VETERINARY SURGEON. A55iSTANT STATE VeTEmNÂmAitN. LYNCH IRODMER PERIODIVALS CIGARs ~d taise ORDERS DR. WM.. P. .;, Eh )ING. m A lm a-lut" urrvllib,47.

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