CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 3

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l» »t-tÂLNes or bfERMER. Brostse DIininngClub Ba Il* Suanuta1 Tht- Brat-ma Drivlet-Club hfiedils rt-g-j uiuîm rat-t meut 8uutiay afleruteun vith- uîît nerferance, le spile ut lie ilettthat1 Cora. Dent-te haul t-re Sherlff 'Nillusun liagan n-iteu andi vtrbtal ixuahitreians lu sect-t aI uViolations outhue Ia n- u curnes.Tht- t-ut-t xecutive outhe tiaBite hallus been apiprise(] outhue rat-ts by Rl. C. Llyd, a non-nsidet oethle coueh!, vito wsnsakmg s ebtasquartrs in Brefse sn -ief utfa a nrly ut youeg men engag* i'lla nxaklug a saut serney for the- &&te. L.loyd nseailtic Gos-t-mur te stop the- uict..Tht- Govemnrn-note tlisetrff aeul letormas iuni UsatItilwas his duty lus enfonce tlIa. Miluice tis lnas modie publc LIais] founil liaI Brenne n-as flot ut-liamie plat-a ttr biala rt-maie lun. ltht-nff IRaiean sietI ilantrisea ht-ert- blîetinfftient- un acotillta!fbis ltlt-- -iilie riuanied itatlquînt-rs. fue. De- ait cttalledl aituthe- aheriff tirer te ioeg- ditulanPtelepî.tsîîuuî. anti tld iid lhut lile itlat-ts- flithue lsv oui- ifurct-s. Afii -totftriig iitittnincu iî-Attor- ney F-ordl, tiishui-nff ulnîveilui Irt-i'a.Itilt !,tnîuelltous trom lie pnuusersl iug atton- xî e stre itut mak amants itt ase soi ateInhin-n-ai 'ýging ou ut ru4iltuihii withthetitlir-t-rares, Smice htut- i aing Ifur îîursets lu1l0t :1violtathon tutflii(- Stue lan. s i-iurtiug lu lt-e tulitiiîuiIt o thlit a t-s--îtuexttorneyt-. Sieittff ttatgîl isu ii iit hie i-fauil lu igiueer u u> itltuil -f theitiaw :1 lu ai>-forat-ttit thlui- res. - t l tne n- il)liii lte ei- t- iii. "it lt-t-t-ai. I r!i- it ti tt aIts iiuiiIg ls uit-t lt-t- ..ol tf iiilie wt it-t i,î-!lOfit ii ut pflplan Il. utîsoit,' ulitxi0' ia. ui hit'- -l ver> <uir- h rtialliii it-Iuittut- tf L5SWI4R JAN AT LA GRANGE. Plan te Sas-e Fioodi ottons Latids C Al, ong Iluinola ltletr. iu .l î i, a îi -i l .u-rfur see-al 3> iliti- etiuil.l.-4 0-4f iii- the ii-. auf. i vii ht-t ,-), ius Suri th-,. ithe-- 1 , ialit >i 'l19 fiit ià - t-a lu t I 1 luahi t and l ai t - it i> lit ri - ti ,Itula- l atUtit' iu. i filli t - .ux -e- hu . lr. n a- i uThei tht- iu,s .il f atui.tlu" f tIi. lui n l tsi ut tI u uni ntIis uti,tti a lin i lu t .I t he l i « 1*a-î-a u,uu -'. 11 * - pi ii <u liii- litu tiu liý i. h i1-ru- iu - slek lu,- iuia-I itih itît alitituuit u luali - i,-t-srth ett Ithv. 'fi-i iicive iii- us c-Ire î I l 110 inî. îu'q i.uio i t'i l., iSe--r -t tt.tof sulh ut- I silil ti-ali- arIt lus t IculL iiitî iiiuuoflaiast-i t iti liahae ;.,e ,ec n iiutat.-c r il t ., slage îof ll,,- su;uier. LI-ESSENs l>AN<silt-IN MINES. NcwiLaw Prosides. for Mone thon Oune DlInuspiection. .kîuî.- (ituralSt-si, lim. iitielu feîu-i tur au aintenrîta tii .,f tw nain- tililiI& lt i.. has moide a rliîug lu - fit i îii-slitrt-et-ennaan u lis- siti-t ri-u a iiakteltmor tiai tii-uiu i- .uu tui ti-eilot inetms 1hb i >illjtune it i:iltiuttti unsa ntuuiresl. Titi- ti-is-or- il-r out Iluitgise-matie uiet--s-ariy hi>eti - lait tiatIallte-rte firne fut uth ier., murî acctumuatuioxn oftt auii aw tsioltcin a raule, andîift sît> î-itusd- irible lInt-o (lime hu inters-cul-s heiuiee elg ifîs xli us set-neutial ioi eut>- tut-ineil n-uii,.uail tht-ni-tire tht-rt- siieulheues- uttcr iîsui---lSfeusme te set-ati alifI t-sn tiine-am.. END LONG HUNT sVOR MAN. ILuicati tty eî leore linurance Won lu h ~ Hý iaencsPals] Wite. D.-It. 1 it. li nimsittg fronîuM o- nIt'qItitt i -it-.f.r y us s aloilgis-culsit- ly hi bufaîttlle tic uh-u, wns'lt-atdthietlt i l li-rlil i oi a 'Ntutîihseniig toui ib1, ira s-e tla--ipntubeuron etehiluhîu txi uiti- i s. Ili.,; itati tuainui 1 iii '-ttith nte t tl'Aie atnd - f-îîi:ttt! il:-ith mtral it a(ulitaîli ts]n hat itt til>- vhlai! sertt-]ta vi- flit-u îr $h15 isiunlaul retittr- tî.a.aîiIanithîtt ain e aitt- suuîliia t 14s..înI i- lIt- nul îîmobuahuy bu.S- i e-,ti l drîuînit hlutu labu tia' ur a bipiin>. FlI.I-.5WF I ELPMEET TO DEATiI. Clitato Mn Take Atid When Opera- le Fa tat]taWite. W i ý t I, s il aîiîi- la linace . Mt- an i ettagu usith tuiit- ttthe iiueo- aitilbtotutlis wutc. asI nditi itbau huofu thi., lii-e hnîhtu se di leinl tgesuîu I*ui u,îu lutitat ifront thlut-effenî tf utn t-uîhutMe-ye-r n-s edihy hi h owan ittl. Sites-raui net-k-,t uo Mr, Meyer v. tut. ikýn luithe' hmitasll.lMyer-nnIhit- a-I thir'- sliliii it). anti hn-lt-refxtseu 1ttih-ail lu, i lus ]ieus if's bedsiste lie utwtuina i.i il addo o re-s o urs lus trutîofutthei.- l.uiluu. 'iien le lelmnest ta"it sIe ma. i--ulte nutkes] to his hont- andîul tu-auiL ."lîîîle uis, d-me - bt-tome REIiPEN IMINEI DISPUTE. Machýine Iroskere APPeai la Mitcesl su Rt-versenitait Ruinug. A u-îîsîîîîîhî:t--a11xiutitei t-SIa talns nîuî'liui"fui iuaciu huitlers o oul.ain lie Ciiiag-o and Alloît sushuhitrit;tilu protetu- aai txihe action ut the t-Sale ejet-itihsi'bomardfuthti, Unitedl Mina 'No.rki-ni ut Asuerlus len it-nnuit-se -te- mentm-u 1--tlt irsiu o Idit tbrets -- lie IUpluYet-iutnachine mueli at-i îu-hegnus ituNtinlPregillat John mt e s tm a Ewt. >1 r. Camille îuatdeibengc, n-ho cause tu. Kewnsue reeenîly fronm Paterson, N. J., comuittes cuitid. Iy taint-carbolie atId. Jacub Scltneiiii.r, a isosperoits fureter et Stlerlinug, aciidantaiiy saituînt-s] s dose, of curbulie atid nd iditil i gmets agonr. Polovwing a tamily quarl. lHeny Ports-ous. a n-aaiîiy tarnterut Mon-eu- quoi. kilitil biliseit aitus]lîs mie nith -a essor. Au unldentidcd tnu o-se tonus] on tbe1 railn-ay trucks nt Pt-ri, trushes] by car vit-ais ans] niths butt lila te bils t-ad. WhIiieside cîtui rt-fusses lu psy fat-a et eoustales atudijtliceiu the- futture, viililt-ares lh i îu,îuy gittut prtotec- lion front crtinuîîls. Noir. Mary laa. nif, ut a I'iîîîhung (lPa.) ou l lieratîr. tiuôk ouut a litlr's ficetse lu Marsihll for a n-tek'as Khort u lt-e llitpriltiý. - Mr&. Josellilse isibtit]sl mîsia- ly won-îîuui!e lonexry Seit. lutr tiritt-r-ii- lâirnt aEdksuarle. Slite userî,4S itl Thomnas 'attens. nlîrlhunirer aI Bloonitgtiie. titangedtihiuute naurder tot Miss Lydia tut iIt Cituoe, n-as ht-liluithontil au by tiec-aoîiî-m's jury. William Rilie, a xnil-illair, iraiskiulili le thie Murray- îci u Nilivillet ibY b iikcauglilt undh.-- xulisr al uftxrau-. 'le waxaagiof uit laitof otine H. C. fier i-e.t,,.tt fii-i t le lier js- i he ii1111.1 'i-i-l.Il lt-y tuingialul, 17 yu.ut ns o].il eaui-il tî-uîî t tlie I hestit nîrel Irdux in a li,--Ltuumd und osa dil i u-. I ic tîliuttaiilt-eaiir-intI Surine- fut-s] amire uu in:-u ltai uer situ tic tilla tifu-iliai1, i-14 tc Iront $ 1ta l.5a tonu. Ge-rge 1V. Ilitrgi-toriii Wtatur n-as t-hci-cl-i Irt--ileit auitInd %'. A. I-lt> j tif I 1 isî~, cidaiu--of 11wi- iltae ongaUiýAa- tIli iidSueuîi atIllie trt-t-t conseuî- prillixxi t.î, belun - ii- bu. a ls bt-tlt titi. Claiy 5iut > taiti ilîk ntIitulii- sie, îîittu a 'ai-ttat i f $2:l...~.Lia- 151 ~ ~ ~ an hutu îîsli;, tlw. %. larronu i-u-lu i-Lr. ,it -rrl o ile - l-i.r- a uîî- li-ci aLu- ti aîîîî,nmae $5,- l)gita tm ut- îuuthe o -uxtage nt lii' t lliid lotxlm-o ltt i oi iVetti>. i u -i t-uti thtinî.iuislttu-ur îc tur .1. isir! asi-l h h-aRirt-tiof Kau i.uktt- coluxty t.u î .u :1 i.,ltl.tlti lxi Iollîi- ulstut. le wsu, ei-t-îlîtc tu-it aàiPs hikou fuîuetîîîîî suais.t -..bis fuîtit'l .u ust nieî,-xi (uolwed iahii x i iir-1-t- andl lie dri-w li 555oct] susdt-lises] tha.un uway. ti nt Mi u su î-lt ili-lt-baver-.t ili l i t pariîl iil- t wilii- tio-kuuuls. Bronunu &k (i.fut hi ilmi axul t-and t 'Muiletbtr & co. of i'n-lîni. illi.î iiL..Browns suil it- reoîuncsîuut ifthex liciitxny. i'teru ni iitand iltt her re-iolictits of ('hristiilieri rn k li.u ii ou tîî ty. ii--ti- iaié lat-tî,nî- Il.tu-rn li htai lt-ns Ali-it i xhe Uunite t-lhit-i iusrît 5Cout lini Springfild inih at thîî Uionlnuu itit-erulutt lat pisi-e rlu t-k patmin u ite .t tlanetes tObiou- tt- Lt-li - uaui muillet- iZ-igier. hînutr n uit iieitlii, (fthlio Ilêxân~l-Li- ser 1etguso. wu us ii-dil îîiu itIAs-a. i haut ixlu t fortune. -ti nta lii51itt-t'O $405,M)isandtuts] ; have arrives] in Sltuilunn!atrio itt ltiltte vhuit>-of thli iraietr loftte -fotune atipatrte.rt-sud- ig ln As-a. Ba-etî-h. Stniîigi-r tif Lixsolit. lit- csandidiatuetir s iiriitir nthle lemo- cîsuiet it-ket. lolasbu-ais taîvrtil b>- Cas. I 't-lit-il iiit i li. uspitinuuittals minou- ity &neiibkuîar tui t xhe otuutufii is.Tite luit-rurot ii,iiit-il ihoî irp-idlaW ~juilge of thé,-i utu-slieîle ittc-dîtLuther iSiluli Il. lioh-kioy ot St. Louis nas louaittîî tii-ah itIt-i aux luit-haiunetout Ray- itiud iii 1'> lýaixtiii. n-leralie- vrs iiti5tIg. Di tsli oa utiseti front heatxfa ilut. Ninr. ne-ie>- titorusen>- l t-t- il t ha. le uni-a tmentier outhtit Is-> Mari-uitîtsit iai , Ut ut sLandl- iag. and iii eti-i Z.1II si-n i ihns]in Mutne oasndil.uîutiîh -îiil -i a isuai Snt. elardi-n le - ia i l ii- ieiisni tutnixh.î ut $ :i <ieil.,w. 1'T-he-unîhuîu.xui-ti-n xtii- taui i-k tus atfiuttlu inil.tîu-. ui cîî î-î ek s --L ]y. r,.uuutrxi: Nula ltaîiilaig u-iuul. at- atcsutîî vut-au humài. iii t> - )repotxd- entq reloiticiupru itidly intuurixt. trop iseil dlt-iht-il iandii atnui. sortie eari> iat ueu ripe alutiti cltrilun ieg ut.ani] îralue potrtionpiii l.i-tsial> itifs. front tuat; luoi ic iniuir-a-andimaiilt-et-l- lîxe daîultulutroi <ru ruai iii!i-nid-ubc- uuxi. i in h 5iil .îti liait~ tis ra- Att. rt-ndxutu ihbuîiltiti -1 t-tuIssChli- îaxgî-bîuiliuul t-t.xrau ina t te Illinols C entrali ît-iîr 'li un sil .,- ,i -auxit in l e u ieuth e-t taie -.uîîîî.tIt'i- iu rixîc tut byve aihirs bhi-iu antuail -îiîîndautiure- mn and tute x li ihigif isu ut -at-idoulatf ihorst-i. Tht- >îttoit.ialiuuiuara oftlbe tran uituai tltt- wrt uletro> t-i, tuugý,uhtr î iluI the eut-ise tf i ii- i ....inil Itrin. The Occidutulsulit., ta luibttnîilug tf aU air huolsaoe. u.îmssts l>the rîukiuug lustir.t ufthe le seuBnl ltthi, unt lt-t suas louai>' following te fint. A lutas-ylog pre- nailes] nI the tinte. 1Cuharlesn luusttt. ai 17-yean-old boy liv- ing lit <reetvito-, wnus tons] 1vihiret- 1 uial inli,;lusellisix. ansi uîou is pies ot gofltyiy ut ineil $45 suis- rosIts forute affexute totkilliuug telirda In tie eluxatil ,5t-unt Otbe-r convilt-dues are rt-- portaillatu tte (iua Uommiasoner Wheeiaer, -as tîîlown; Fred ILirentoos], ePiloris. kihlixe a en-Allois- *: Chat-heu 1Iloret, C'antton, bluxtiîîg nithiaus a Il. eunse, $25: Amih Bennett, Pt-rai, killiug au" MA14Y 15KW BANK&. Since Matela 14,1900, 146 National la- etitutioas Bave BecauOpeura. A bulletia just issues] by lthe Cump- trouler ufthlie Cummetscy shosias thiat ne- marksbie stnîdes have lit-t-oniat in leor- ganizing ew vbatiks le Illinois durlng lie ]ast lire yeuîra. iiut-etiarc-h 14. ,10I00, there have bteut orgaisizet Il 1- usais 146 national baisks, wlth s ttal capital uf $8,075,000. <Of titane 100 have a capital ut let-a httn $W,000 t-at-b,sud the.remaielng turhy-sjix mure tisen*$0,- 00)0 eaci. E lgit mort- batiks hava bot-n etalliWed le Illinois thien e»Il outhli Pacifie $tâtes (Washington, Orego<n, CaltornUiaIdahoUth. Nevatia, Ari- sousnas]ndAlaska), ans] 114 more than la ail et the New- Eut-undse taIt-s. Tht- total capital ufthtîe national baîtks or- ganizeti lu Illinois alto-e Marril 14, 11)0. la $3,590,400 <ret-ahr tIatan liiirmbines] capital et 911 ut tue aiolnal bosa or- ganizet Iin Naew Etteatîs surng that tinte. Tiare are oxxiy lune î,îher SitaIt-s lus thieUnion wlîlî-lî eliowtour. natlinal hasàko establieheti dingIlsleît-lait dive years tisellinis. Tue>- are Taxas, ssith 285 re-r batiks. reixmtseetieg IL total capital ot $1*2.480.(115xll;tý-eaylns- nia, vith277 ut-tv iisitk alixla total capital u of .g700,îîid Nlinetat, n-itu 1006fln- batiks iiitîl a tîîî.l capsital amouuingt- u 5tl10. SEEK ML'RDEROUS %IANIAC. Former* Hunt Wiid Mau Itoionn Kiiiug of Twu Bloy. Ntirphymlorl) andîlthé' nîirnItling coutry-bsc î--î h-îave-h lievr tht- ssork ot a t-rau)- xiiilîî hîî ti îqili(,i-iiita havein iurt.-lee ii h lit île boyis iin titi Ilai est- w ilss. l'art u tiri- nomiscanîr ixi e i wo ouI-i liat lie vil-luiiy cif h tckny Illgt-, leait eti-r to itiltliii- the oild tuan it. t l iî t 1 lit t l .i aliin-sait- patietit woh altï ii-Ifr-tuIiltlie stîte instilt- asyltixe iitiaintn- i a-i Dliilihas sairce ht-tn h ltIinint ltlie, hi k Oit se- t--t --ti . üittas ie wuts Si-lt.luit axutilt1he hetaltaoftthet- lis- tile h-il 11 . iely ltae saine mancer an isîl ilat tt t-t-kalart tsar. rt-punt-il titolani iva-t exiiectes front hlm. 'Niliis t itt- hi yeutrs oit. nias ite out heit- s-in xis. Iliii an-i ant cittie h haiîînt lu the-lii-art ni t àiii a il kttitt. Tise bo0y-raxiiine xiiindlitu lis bis mothemas lap. Tile uiuiîiiîxc tii- WVortiec. S 8i'anre tri. sai - ti-fore in tl Psurm-et-air W tait litýre ie. nIabbet-lutht-helit-ait-iuntia s-iaîlil att-. BLACK HAWK MtONUME:NT sooN. Mont-y Nov Ready la IBe Pais] Out le La Salle Couty. The-mu-xîf-î.uîr n lui,-thelut- 8te -if Illeuis aPrlumittati-ti hht-esi f $5,000 lu, cmiteuoratethexii-faiiiiitciiii-ai-r b>- tht- Indignes ut the lVitei ;litýt itrupeu. is the- Blaîck lians k nman. '%ii i t abt- artxtle in.La iSallet-Out .tut- alent- (ifthlis minx ragîc incident tif thei-sîmug- t-le n-ltil tt-e rt-l nîttinli t-i Tht- ilone>- ma. rt--eutly lumîîeîl tîn t-mlathe- hLa Salit- (oity Mlextnirial Assoition h Itle Suoite Auîîîh hum a titineasy eady. ti bt- pail ont (tir lie purpueinite lcde] hy tue Legimlatîire. il liai biru des] tui placthlita umîsent leinsIsai lelu kxusî rit Suiabies I'atk, a tract utfbs-t- acres, i-biini iasltae ct-ut-r if tut- imassacre, and is-hici nus nîsmes]afler lte indian citieftien-who vias tue trientiouithle whitle men. lt le planueul ta ut-sut-te lte monument isomelima luis tali ans] tht-rt- n-ilibe eppntiptislt- crrnuîtlei cuxînection. (lus. Dent-eu ipnibtbIy n-Il uliehir tht-pt-incisal addnt-nn. UNIION ME14 L'DN SHOESL '-Uufair" Gobeta Suglt Up et Maren- go and] Inctueratei.' Es-t-y shue dealer atI Mitrexigu was risiti.d b>- a commilt-e tram tht- Iran mautierst union the t- he diy, sud et-y >*uatair" situa folies] oais puimchusatt. Twenty-thraepairs nt-eegaxtheres]lu- etht-r aed plat-t-s]ou a puile ut naed in tht- main atreet outhlIte- lii xiaxis]%et on li ra. Nhte tht-iurnes t-oxtsnimeîth, ie situes tht- cron'il cherres]. ostilitit-s agaiîîsh St-lu. lchis-st& Ctiti aie fat- tory le Elghe began t xlrop inantha ago n-bt-a union mexin emi- lîtkes]oaut ter lthe> hlldde, lared a sstriki- againat lie Coumay. A eionlthîgudteocmpany opene itis tai-tory, sîxuoii-inii lia ItIs employas noîtis] lu edt--](îtu ixîividual contratlaoîly. Tht- îîlîîsionýinMarengo ,are allies] mlxiithlte.,tElgin,. ans] lie htontine utftiioxîcear nîî malele n nef- fort ta aslist liii- ttrakins if lte latter plat-e. OIL DEPOSITS IN ILLINOIS. .Work of Onvenamnt ExperesRevals Wcaihh lu Carroll Cousti, Goyernemuertpxtit-tbitve rompttat 1the n-ork outvtiliatheb.ait depoeita le Carrol otitînty. uat-t li-vitlaiges ut New- 1anti Ols]Huatsvilt'.atdttul ii-> lavt-pro- xonticell xhisa sieuiiti uitft-udc îîctt'leoei lu ext-el xboau- uithtei-fatiuto til regiatis of Texsi. tcing iuieonth lt-tiîlnie ef thée xperts muuu venutiittilia., alnt-aiy se- t-urcs] ai optlin it itxcî-x uiats near lte tisavillatgs ad it a sshunt tinte nuwil t-ginlthee iitkiuiofuit mitlui. The .gus-irtiuueiih la fuis >yetî-. , o l]i rakiutg a attns'ty, dli-iîs-iv-ri- the lacit-t-sitera tht- usil le nuip)luuti-il iiihi tut-atuti a% tht- I on-egt Poinst hen xxSti- Lîiiu andSt. Pl'I. Tuie-lattije hiaîir.iiy sel i te . --eks l intaI - viuixy titre tucnees]uilh .an oiy abnuuute. LETTE5II LAD8To AilREST. .Aiisgsd Kubauster fitnies Idenllty un- tliShown Messaie Wrlllen le Girl. Ervin Nolaus], a Yoîung muenutf'Net Frankfort, n-tue plaît- i lji ltt Manion, t-bharges] with .mbez-zI@mnits. lie n-s an- lratites]le In 1OilliI "Venn . 01..1ua swar- rant san out1 y lt th it-ey 1'orînaiî 1Company utfCîsitaga. chsurgas] niti han- . hg t-nbezaled ýmnumis amuuutipigtu o$100 n-hile at-tîng-sa luil-agent l iniarioe lasI ;montx. Nolar~l n-as lirait-il linnugu a .ltten haenrotet oa ayoung womee ut Marlo-n ans] Shanm-if Il11-1. -eut a... Màtn 1 ali mé t Thursday's ses- sMon. He firsa*y aduxttesi that an entry ue 34,702 Ila aledger xarked "lordered pald byr the itreslient' tep- reéeeted 4 contrIbutIon ta the Repilb- Beau cempnialge fund last year. lie added that simiar donations wt-re made la IWO0 and 1";0. le lckinuwl- edged tiait tuas expeiditlire never iras brought ta the attention of the finance committee, but was ia paîtrelyexecu- tive action," dntermileil upon bealuse Ir was conidered -for the bt-st Inter- esa of the polici boidters." othet' astouisbig metboda ot lnstValice were laid bute by the. New York state i- vestigation. The. New York Lite Insurance Com- pany demaeded an Investigation as smon as the wrongdoing ofthtei Equlta- iii. began to b. aires]. In compitanea wlth this requet the legisiative cous- mittee bague te probe lite Itaaffailre. Wiiat It has brouglît ont la Dlot a bit pieasing talits oficers and] is disquiet- iug tu those cari'ylflg policies wltb the. coulpany. itluis fot as bad as the Eqluitabie, but Il la atrions eiîotgh: Loosenes and extravagance arc be- Ing unearthed. ne i. ary of the pres- Mdent, John A. MieCazli, hais ieen ad- vanced trom $=.SO000tlu$100,000i In a few yeusr, and wllhOtît sUbstantIiel reuson. Hi$ PsLY W9,3 put nP te this prinreiy -figure becanu-e that of the preiident orthtie Equtîtlle was ratiseil to these figures, not ILat lie iras worth Ir. In other ways thei ont-y of the insured bas been 901,1g for purpuio, neyer lntended by thie article,; of t-so- elation sud wbiciiIl, nu waY contrib- uted ta the strengthjr rthe compsuy. The lit(- ingutAflce otîi-lal,; nolr un- der lire Ini New York are trying tu jus- tify their boîîîl-floililitt nyîlit-ato.i bY ssiowlng ftiat if tiîey dis]limite nnioty for theinsel1ves tbeY ile îiîîî111re trolley for the poiieyboidern iiho-,efouils tht-y unes], lu manY csesthe-se hond-loat- Ipg operatiolis Iere profitaletie 0al conicernes]. .iowever, i- i questlonable wbetlîer rtue sanie aiuuiit of rnoney. not bave brought ais large returna. Furtisermore. If titrei-r-ere pro'l5, isow about the iae. Ilere are soine et the more consPio tous lusses Ilt luave cone e Ught during rte treý-cltý Investigation:t The officiais of one- rompanty look if Irto partnerahip wltth t-tu for $.T, (,00Ilua fdotation eof ti--urIties of thse New Orleans street raiis aY systtcm. The treet raiiwnys w ,-nt Into a t'a- ceivcrshlp. and the oi onpany chàrLî.ýJ' off a lues8 tf $ .tilul.iof Its poaiiy- liolders' money. The ullicls of this and another grst coiîalty look tîtein into partnersblp for- .' i,00~ nd $1,500.0W, respectlît-'. , l, the lots- lon or a trusts securiijes. The- 'aller rompany already lbas cbarged up a liof s-100,000. The other bas sois] $800000of otIts holings at a iosut $80.,000. -and the sat-euofttse remaîmîder nt preant prices wosuni s] uit ii a furtiier leas of 8450,000. Ans] the end] lo not yet. Prof. IL J. Buck bas retires] tront the chair ot mariemnaties, at Iowa colege. afler forty-one years ut service. BenjamÉin Franklunls'ta have s statue ePreeted to bis meniory by lt-e clasuf 1904 of the University ut Pennylvania. Sir Edward Elgar, who recenlly ce- csived a degree f rom Yaie uivernity. ta one ut the bient knasn musiciaus in ELag- land. Charles Edward Marient, inventor of susokaiesa powder, Is professer ot client- lotry nt the George WashingtonUuni- versity. "Buddie" Krupp, a Kentucky moue- taie' boy, walked eighty miles ta two days train 'Mort-ht-ad toas"Cure a place as school teacher. Prof. W. M. Davis of Harvard uni- rersity bas joined the officiai psrty of tha Britisha Association ut Geographers goieg ta Soiull Afrira. prof. Alfred Lewis Pinneo Dennis. whu was chusen lu dMI the recently cre- aIes] chair of Eiropeait history, in a na- tive ot Btiri, i4Stris. Chartes Bîiîxcl, lately professer of belles-lettres in the tJnivergity of lion- duams, was rrct-îîtlyv sent lep for a momdi as a ragrant la Neoç' York. The lbrary ot Titeodore Mouimen. tihe grel (h-ma hialorian, has bt-eu purchased toi uîînkuowu wonîau sud presentes] ta BonnUnoiversity. Prof. lteichîenbaî-tî la sais] ta bayelinos-- ,en that tblrty iraes lu 100 cau sec, in the dsrk, t-autres] raya trom tha huiuau bodly ans] fias-hesitrom a maguet. William Hl. Liirdl, the- weathy W'i- nania. Minlatnîbprman, has givexi $50.- 000l for the erectitîn ut a new sc nî-î hall nt Carleton calegeala Nonîhitlcîs». Fru-derick Olmqtead bas bt-en in- viteil ta hecnie the iandscape arcititeci ut rite park andl botanical garden in c.cnnection with the Yaie lForest et-hoai John Butller Burke, who through tiie discavery of radiographa bas siiddenl3 become the mail taikes] ut man lu the Unites] Klugdom taa man ut science. t- au Irishmsn. sud waa graduated frais Trinity coliege., Alois Uit-tii. rers-ti! appointes] pro tesson ut pbiloooupiiy Stthe University ot Berin, is desîrihed as a "litearn arislacrst sud a man ut greal ela- qeenre.", Dr. Iloratio W. Parker, dean uftheii Yaie musical ochoal, in te provîde the wotier burcen Ine laveory Mîswnri.crentrat Mimais- sipp~i sas]Ohio valleys the weGlc vras cool and Iret and farta wark wrsa mors or lte nterrupted in these districts. mulrs partizuiarly ile liwsiestern por- tions. Thet leltrture rcos]itions in tho Atlitecuaost as] gut districts ans] on the, Pacifie were gensralil tas-ora- hie. Noiwittisîanding lbheresalys vmois- tort- ans] rail wesîlîer os-en the gmtatt-t part et te coranlitlt, generaiiy cure bas mas], good pragreas taward matîsity. havint advanced] rapidly le the nortiiere snd western portions. Mue fthtiirrap iu aiready ntéatend catting ln goetrai over the. southere portion- etftihe beit. In Iowa il la estimates] that for-fifths ufth ti.crup wlllhoment ram trunt hi thse 251h and tb. remnaieder tiy tht- 301. Tii. harnssçtieg ot sprieg wlîeat isn150w practicaiiy finishes] le Nortlh Dakota and Minnesota. Large ores&a,. hwevt-n. oit loudes]lo-landeisnitheii.lamt-xtaned Blats have ht-en sbanîlosed. lea North Dakota the littie thrashing that has liran don, eilcates disappointlng pieids. considerable heing 5maI17. le situti Dakota -lb, yiliîjof syries wtteit in <eus]. but the quality ta variable. Tiîras- ing la campleles] in Oregon ans] harvet-t lng la progressing under favorabls con- ditions le Washington, except lenlthe earthwestere counities, where il bas beau interrupled by shuwers. le the Carolinas tht- Cotton situation ie nut materialiy changes] as compared with tiat ut the previons 'weck. la South Carolinea a sligiiî lmprovetxîent in ledicates] in laralities anti deeriorstioii le atiiers, lte plant huaitegstoppes] graIr- leg on dlay salis. Sight Impros-ieat lu ladirated le localities ans] deteriors- lion iu otiters, te plant iaving toppes] grass îg on clay silis. Bliglît letîrîve- mrente rt-pot-il trom Alabamaina otpr tions uf t lotisiana snd Texan. but in i'iîrida. Georgia. Tennîssee, Missouri. Arkansas,.Okahonia, Indien Territori aud tht- reater part ut Texas lier, bas besis more or less deterioration. wllh ctiglt ixeprovement aven Ratered local art-as. Bull weeviis and ailier pesta are inermeitg le portionts of Taxas. dent-r- eiiy the. weatbam conutîtns tirougiaut the bell bave btenu hijiy favorable for plckieg. whichn-on hbai bt-en activai! carried un. In lb. middlle Atlaaiit Statu., New Engiand andthlbOhio s-ut-y the cutthfg sud hutine of toitare.. Bave progresaitd under favorable Conditiotns, Ibis wurk be- ing about hiait finishied lu Kentucky. neeriy rompit-ted ini Marylans], Virginia eus] Tennessee sud compiated ln North Carolina. No impruvemenl ln lhe apple uutiouk la indicated, a rery pour crop being prom- isad lu practicsily mil uf the apple States. The gentrai outloult for potatues caoi- lieues uepramising, blight sud deray heiug extenively reportes]. except in New Eeglaed sud portions ou thle Missouri vaut-y. n-er. lb, prospects are more f a- rerable.-' Ie New England a <ot1 croît i. ledictes]ans] lu Iowa the, early pote- lues are gauti. but th. laI, have ht-en damages] by bligit. Piuwieg ans] seetiing bavs made excel- lent pragress tiroughout the centrai val- i eys, lake reglon and] midde Atlantic 1coast districts. OVERWHEL.MED DY CRIME. Twotnty-Une Nurder, ln One Nenth Chicago,@ ]Record]. Chicago 19 overn-ielmed by tb. mont serions crime wavs le Ils blstory Thse elaborateiy piained speciaihubaum aed fying squadroes. and numerous ordefs ta the. departusent ot Chiot of Polie Colas, seem ta hans bildnu suppressîne affect wbatever. bat. on thse coutrary. crimes of violence have bt-came mors mumeronusans] vicioadsudmsautsr cbeaper. The murder et Mra. Elizabeths 1Y. Miss taliowiug the merder ot Mr@. Tract-y sud ut Attoreey Fuilieeeiden lu an ai- muet identicai manner,bas croumes] Hyde Park te a seesee o tln eecrity. Conditions on, lie Weet and] Nurthwest: Bide#southle cty are aeuen ers. At- tecks on iwonen by robiiere have in- tresues] napi,#Ileanumber la the. peut few ntebK and during Auguot they siens unuouafly traquent. Chuiet Coles assumed management ot lbe police depatment Juiy 20. He im- tuesilteiy began te vraie var on <ans- biing, la which io bas haiedtthe support ut al iaw-abidleig elemeets. This aqtI- gsmbling esusada has beau kept up until ail forma ot gaiabling ecept iand-hook. makieg on the. races practicaily hans beau wiped out. By cutting off the tels- grapi and] telephone ssrvice Chior Coi- lins bas nedueed race-betting ta about huit ut Its fermer proportions. Chier. Calle' succeaiful raids on gambiens. bon-aven, have eut btenu linw.d by a fdatresue le crimes of violence. Witi th* *"ils]" on ligit eo far as "vices" l concernes],th.enturderleg, .legglng, rab- bing and] houne-hreaking continuse aud Inimssse. Wbill appiaudleg Chier Coi- leno turbis nfficl actseduriug tue rut montahoutbis incembency. ail Chicago to-day Io asklug this question: -la the. Chicago police depsrtmset un- abus te cape estsceesfulYwith anYthing bul the gsmbling es-I? It Il eau sup- a pressa vice why can Il eut supprese riaient crime?" in July ufthIis ysar tiiere wers 21 -murders, sud sine Jan. 1, accordins.te eChiotrCallens. thers buve been amaril 70 mordens le Chicago. le JulY, 1904. i. thore were but four murderu. Ie Angîsst, ,t1904, witi a big trike la prugreus, tuer. i were but 25 holdi-up@ ut uuifiailent me- i. ment to fies tipir way mine théseaspa- a pars. In tue montb mast peutîthora wers 48 macb criioes. Thor* have bain sevn a miurderu thii moeth. sA Chicago payer tieclares that the ab- normal wave et crime tniiewing the close urthlis vrid's talir, which rees Mach propertioiss tuat mil cîtizoes wue -advised lua ariathemussinswassnet on serions as the conditioni that existatW y dey. __________ 1 Goldenu Tex-'rbe Lord la îhy keep- et.-i'naitu 121:5. Ourîî ijîtler'i lî-ssiis have tnken ne Ovec ai seioilof about î1,0) years. or frtout ili, tltie out i-etia-li ill i nalfali titliýf .\iliitlîîîhttzzar tandl Daniel. lii i liitin hing for Ri ta lt-arn fi-lUi ~ îi.,îi î the îiiîit-nr of GoI'istil-iiig xiiîtliasn. le duitq vijilals. le lteads noitionsi i-iucaleti Ba- tIilt.iti. pi tilits ul ti lt-e xalts onea nattiiton l i lacs aîîllt-î-in ltlxbjertion. 'Ne suppottse thiit i titttiît vaeffîtrd 10 lmitnage ils tit ixafîirs wthaîît reter- ruct- u lad nlu. erei thIotîgh e voulu "ey nt once lîssî lIdividueals mt o rder their filses arcordingta lutuaen-i ut oeil or hies- n-ilumalle a stretk outhlii. 'Mont of us bave, inetit, a mach lellitamuraI. iglileous- re-s than sivehave outhlitaut-t-]outper-1 tonal riglîleuitsnens. NMany a man n-lu apprare or aI ltast cooltie crirutptioni in ptihla wixcîlie soliîls]utelt-y ct-u deti eiin businiess. B-ut lu the Clii Testasntlhisîuny yo n-il failt grptstî-ipltttsin la id upo thlit îeerenily for natiîonal riglteoutnele. 'Ne are taght taI peoplîe litht-t'r orpat'ate tsapttity nut-es] uttîIhîir trust lin(lad axis] ta obéy lfitls ii, luit aulaxît-thien- «et-Ires tht->-asust Io iaixîti-e platliovet-mer- i-y ands]inailit.sitî i igli stna îrd ot vit- file. alotiintlth-mi elitigs n tiltother uns- tiýil -illeuty ixiit tlit-hxoorable tind] aith- itci,..esiiiîi ,iiit i lxi îsiîat oal.ntes ia tati titîi t rtlies lilîsalils owa triedoni ans lsas] t- iiîî.iigl i n lu-e-p il train t-vil wlule it-gîetit iglie iht--ay ot lis xiîas A ni il J.4 a eiýtiî i luit-lîite 'Ire aiti1iY theît- su an -t ieîi3 cht g ii itiy isys ut flesute sin. Ou(M %in sitation l it 5lii iitre. jo-il lianintt i iinitî il-t-- xernîal relatioxîs dîit xliiias a naie at rigitouttt-îs btfore soi--esq entali- ternai putitics. The Jt-i ofuttht- time frontx I-tiai te Daili, or sity tront tht- tinte otftt-e rail tevitti of larsel ta that af Judiuii, bal rt-a-toittafar invlessaluas u -tmies troin axil nit-s;tuait la ta Aay, tht-y liait rt-sali tract a wtorlly point of riet-oteair. lxtii if tht-y h b text tloyal ta Gos] ans] liads]trustes] un lIte, fan blp tiseywoanis tliare ttn savei trants uiabjugationands Taîkiig tue Nvarlîly point of rit-w tha Jevrs -it[lll otI îîut of oxr politicien» tii-tilty it-tîtlîli),t. t lit- pîetnîied upon ilit-ir ounn îîtxtelîeo a luLt-tp tut- t-ne. trxies off. Antd thim iu-tdeviaýitit-was ta bittîlEgyjit lu tht-O it it uatliance ta defeat tht- forces satut rîum .Asyrie, au nteatr tnîîxnBaixyluti. Tht-m rt-al!Y wille t-eneutn n-ho n-tret îgbt utf(lad, ileviared oeartrdîs again Ihat such ahli- soi-ts wene unretiable snd oncle"s. Misese sce-s sud propheta, in erary way -tht-y couula tbink ut. sais], put youxr trut inl (lot; serve Hlm sud Hain-hi take cars ot you. But tht- peuple n-trt- eut le a stete ut Blis] ta btes] the good admitetftues. pruphetit; tht-y bas] nu faithlenuti. Tii. poluiticiexns were uppermost. ans] hheir luttet-t appt-aIes]ta thie peopla bocause tht>- oenadietat-si hipride utfht-art, ans] the people n-are proni sud oeil- On sert-raiutcasions. ledeesi. lie inge, recoguizes] lie neceasity et seekiuîg Cod'u pîrotection anti ut pultiegthbeir peuple avadenrHis rare iy ietlucing tien tot worutip Ced oely. In thet- iraI lesson :É tht- quarter n-e uw boer Henskii did su ans]rt-ceint-si raculons beip front 1in ean bout etftise elmoat danger lu the nation. Josiah ienlsoaw istaIthe- catchetfthe- people layinl maletaieieg internai healti ans] le becoming lu fart as weIi as la nante Ced'. peuple. Tiereforehle sti- tutes] extensive reforma. (Leissoes 6 ae! 7.) It wottid seetmthat il sboula] have liten plan lu lie Jen-s ans] tht-m mon- arct-haht Cas]wouiti eut uphuis] a peu- ple w-bu net agaînut &ili 'e n-lis] lient ta do. But lie tact lu il vat net iulain ta tht-tii Tise Jees t-nuls] eut put tsith le Ced i;i tie lime ut their etxrtmity iccause tht-y bas] bt-cediloyal linlMin when thixigu n-rt-going weiinllttht-m ans] thtir hearta n-tr, aliO)aisl frous Hlm. itloilaaiy tht-ht-art tixat lunes Cud thut eau trust Hlm. sud itls ouli te lutart liaI trustsCed ltaIt-an love Hlm. 1Cauae ans] effet-t are Interchangeable le spirituenl thinga. The captivity ut tht- Jen-,spreadlug ltentas lil diti eveetually us-en tic souti t ofEurope, tie uortit fAtrica. ase s ul 1 %ieur anti tht- Eupliraités valt-y, serned LtIra good purpusea: k it purifies] lie People themneives. At lt-east tht-y at-tm once foîr ail ta bave in- t-en Bptxiîir idol worship ans] v. htar of u t) sut-lt tlîleg Arnng tht-n tethe liilme .ut Christ, or aftt-rn-,s, sithougi ail tise i alioes amour whlie tht-y are scatteres] > atre idalatera. Tht- eaptlvity aisu sern- ail anolt-r <ceaI purpose, uumely, to aprena as a knun-led eof Gos]: tie Babyloniesîx, for intanîsce, came ta knev uf Hlm ibroughu Dansiel andti is asso- ciates. « 1- go dot-a Coulmanage lts eaffaira ut the wn-unis]anti bring god oui t t-vil. eAnother oftheii rt-st thiigis lhe cap- tiity dis] Ias l t-a t-ah thepeople ta look torn-ard n-tIi eareesl bopte tthle comieg ut Massîish, lie Prince-ofuthle boule ut D>avid n-hie Ias te Bit ou tue tirons ut David. Tite prophet. preditItulHis to-ns tug antd the- people t-agely selses] upon tht-m sayîne. It n-as lonig bt-tare lis Mafesulali came ans] nery faisutfRIlepeu- ple htlit-rt-s]Ile Hm -een Ht- diticcouse. But tie vany looking forn-ard wa# au inceetive ta rîtlit living sud kept the. lit-rt ufthle peuple front utter depres- esoen. Gos], thY .«W, stil beeokes] upon tht-m wivth pty ansd n-auplanning lua&Id tht-m. And hart- agaien-e ute boyCed bringa gosod ot fwist mahamade.s mess Cit-h a" dC5.rgy. The. Rey. Horace R. Poil inisovil charge oftlit. Abie curci. New York Ci. - Rmedis"C GenltffiNu PImot lt- Sois] W WIBat Brst toeen I Ma«. O12l 0A dotoin TIBSle COL . ». P hhaS- la u neq"isei au It oIet bdp ssii by r. M t# we aMA do aub onsuhot e Most ftsm fo.Dat~ WHY home Nsws' TAUA, buse Il t*b.s m ass au Os pinI Bsn sdises *a1 maOb sebls u m 7 , m ,

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