CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1905, p. 8

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fiatbd ou lI&an sd boïe 6mt Paisy eening vbun &bout la k l&Udidwamuie ltlaAoe sud Iiom" Payne vas a Waukegaà muic teiUont 0" ike1 ImalsHaviAn . 1iltn s W sui rlnds'lu Chicago s&M 0 .uk -w ym ,asandl ren IrL O'Nélh sud dauglter Etb.h,1 lu Liob, vlaltéd r"làtvée ber S-AI411een Ivasuhoe,,anal M i51dtiket. for saleat WiII wna gut ao ait - i Lihurtyvllle'eafld oja ber F=ak Bock Wedn.daY' >at for Ohio Ftlday eveai 'pal ried 9 ayv fr, 1h. elty suMIrau vine - !Mr. &" liu.WakIa I pues atoloUi h lauae ksen M C. e ansdou b partdIl of Uipo>qatq ama" "* ongwsdn kSi4 r gent. ou ai ÎWad lra F Klggeasd B i uleIainlg, Emma ïaMrEL H.Bomiun o Lake »kosEue.aTwls1ih roan lbë t*own ~qdytAklug a car k5.1ev aftlia 1h.Chicago meU fionufor an Bond fr h on l pIwbfla ollege, 7 1*M.Via erachberger @pont B ad li Chalcagod Ch". aca* Kehom 19 nati evbwionday in thveueo on au - ex tla mae, w2 n H.Braeahman aiu *m euFred st Ln ,Sr. ud dauglater bue rettarucafin lincreueng. supa orne Pr. L . .Qolding ut Li4y Er.udlire. F.N.apamI * imtDasve callng on friseis hem eo 'rhutr 4 ar agnat S itay sSaduyvid .d aW% a ke vilageTundy lat vuekia hreitr0u. K*tW N rw..-he la s J. ig hm u 1h. i aein y. rattoA. Larisn " r laa nlwkng Bt rda 'a,..e taF.a H alaativ ,use*;aIU iV rup la dlie fr~6aiii therlbsinie i ia Vo. cans m t uet@OP a em~in ogh actif youridib lï m af ll cougeilion, 1by vork enofft4ide T trdm tb eurssian becrout vhoealug S 1 >Ëa qpltea.Iod by *g.a. WaILOU, Kitti e Dovellsud Frsucçe Baelaag *uegenty csUe saturday. Mr. sud lira. George Koebleiý'of Pa.latine, epent Frlday evening Wlth frieude lu Volo. ir. and lir@. HarryNicholla agint Satwanre~sd Suadoy lu Chlacga. MtW. %L liaon pet auverell âya lait weelea vida ber eMater, lirm.Jein Dove ai Wamuda. lI$eea Mande Wallon sud"H»Ibu ayauond wvon McHeury cahuesiTbur lils An»Miller epét- Moday sud Tneeday vltb Mm .L. Luak at *Wat Fr.saont. :No.Job* Dwv..a"sud ai"-Y, 01 Wa»nods. pot liudAy vida lut ,aren, 1Mr. sud Mim John. Frost Umm Ie ovard Convee a" Frank Dovili, 01 Wot Fremoi, ver. Vola H.ary StIod lat Vola lait voek lora~eteuedtrp to wmmaaoea 4Wdèa aitsvi.vidwfh a r near Unr. Hetry Thalula s on Brnardof gomae. lad. ams .latiug the. tursere j;areçta, Mr. and Mm. John "01lug. :Ter viibue ong terie huld in the lVolo)i. ILbohurcb ui ada5t eveulug gét,24. Servic. commuleuost 7.3o. amodall,«Wllvltd te lie preaent. = lu the voald for balla, borné, band, e ter, etc. -For mieby , W IURL;, Ubertyville; FRàiMOuWtCEPITER., I. D eluifluaet paro t iti. <ju Ovee&vlllng vida hie dauglter sud J3ta '-hai bl' bev boumi "fi= Kti.bu o b~ uai ë-engsgad ta t.ach 1h. Outer ichool for the ecunsn year. e 0I. M. Trant sud vife vere Liberty. villletalure latiaday. Jobs WAguer sud fa"4l are entertulu- iu~y froua Chicugo at presat Mri. Froleadta dfanly eutrtlad gueaf. Chicagohe tii. a o. ' A Catbolle Mission wvîllie b ld &at. 4Mar.ya.lmrchekbre evory evenlngtaa Fa4anuru lu dala ue«bborhood ame buay haullug Caa ta th.mangfactoiy wj~~ilà *swe,. QUENTrINS CORNERS. WMllaauB.iMdhlug d' fauully of = in, sousveaucaling ou rieudje sehool opeanabieMOt 2 vida Mina 1OUI Jeaka nteabr. Th. l buler AT THE Nclw Pavill on ~Fe$ md Haif Day, 111. Saturday E vening Sept, 23., 1905 Doet mis. Md theliest Of Muaie by WARREN. M.Deweyr o! Chicago ia vsting Mm. Chadu 1111vure.1 Thomama McClure @peut Suuday witb bie Wltet MW .Lamb. Charles King of Waukegau and WliII Gap4 of Wiluette @pet a ruplê of days la" voek vitha Obarlea Lamb.* CaQUI 8. Lamban sd'vife open$ thteir week's vacation vitia thoir father, j.. turuang to tbe Cty somday eveing. The Guru.. W. C. T. U. inet wth gie Ida Harris lait Wednesdaj. Tihe r.xt meeting wilI i bcheld vith Mr lr.vlen lietculf Wednesday Sept.. 27. He Cured the LileGirl Mr. IlermanIa Naler, senior nieaber of the. Arin of Muller & LeykQm. extensive tomber and general mrchanta at Polar, tLangdalCo., Wl.., eays, "Ny littie girl a troubled with a brunchial cough "ud we trled »everni renaedlei wthout tWiaeto"yraeute. W. mnal1 gave ber sloew do"of Hart' Hom. i id lore- làoua, wblch qn"Ickyrember" 1ZT' HoEkyoud Horeboand la a uever-flimag eure for &Hl Tiroat and Long troubles 10 vbilàeb himiesare aubject. It la very pleaaI la es, sud tIi heuaenet n delou or daugeroua druge inaken It ooualyvaube for amail eblldren. 26c8OcsMd # .00 bottlm "Sod by p. h. LOVztL Libertyvîlle;,,GEAViLA4Ku Pu,àaauct drug @tome.. Mis.e M&W l er vWeted ut bomue danday. Mmr. Simpson, of Waokegun, visited vida lils Emlle Ollovay Sunday. Bomi, te Mr. and Mmr. D. N, LUdger. wood a baby girl. 1l il a ael Snydr, of 0e19=. alit laut veekw"§th ber graninohr u lorumburgur. Mma. . P. KEmton and daugtr are violtong lu IaVroe, Illicha. EBuner Pettie, ai lovs a, a uberfid *11ev Soeue. The. Ladie Nleaury Socety met vitbMm lér.Srt KeAto Tbumay. Bo Slert, oaIShe1by (;0. lit.. vlal tedviP . C. llladertedl> sud lamily Sundsy. Mr. sui Mim. John Latsaad dsugbter OfCheeavsitedvth lMr. and . . Horeuheer uaday. The Preehyfiarla udar wbacbolivll aoeu ROly DaoSnda. 8pt. 24. -A nv" « i:roh . Ail GAGES LAKBC. Georgàe Ja ax va a lgo vlator Mine Vers Phelpe a'ited Mie. Keller a lew dhJe lit weeit. Thi.lounerai of Mr.'W.. Bardieva held trom hie home lait.Sàndag M venter and aona, of O0" Park. vith Mr. sa" li.. ila r làlft 13 clor to emts us. And kt r. t lOgiS id keept th, [healty. I t00 fowl! aemm bLlutth Vin.Gorauflg Mary former meddubo t ov lIlmg st Napervlu ae Inita, M iVu. sai .u»d friemdu ut Lbug Grov. Md vlotml1, ,Mine 0o. Kruapr à# Prarie Vw, 4ffat Uaurymm0" is it AM filS.e Kane * lihma Minai sd MINry éSuldali !Qom"@ Owmuuaivlatod villarelatv ire EL Mullua sd -am eoge ahi tAuhbiter luthaoeampauudby iq Oo Ululer eoflAberyWvul vtod Mv MWact 1h. iciuter ipepliat ais>,~ 4wu Sday aud report him ou lias Mrt. sud Mma L. Front aud lMr. &Mi Mr&a. H.Frontof aiP"uma rove vlalb vith relative. bhm suay, i 4cite a auimber freinber. sttended tii. iXvangicl Luthersu aumualmlutmioa "Vol ut Armigta IHeIhe lu"$ Sinn-1 ïMi.. ud lirs. JiHce~eIr gWIhIaud dPak vwon lia. uesteof 1,Am-ut Meyer sud lamaly Monday let1 v.ek. H(ave vou over eomMlered the - la- portanm ofi mcuriugabualnms dbSuali wbvbhwW thorowgWl prepmr> you to oston a manda butter mawy throughout Jour jpu-uy tlarélgb luSe. I vii'coa you but a 1ev mondha i Uieand the 617 Wahaa Ave., Chicago. LAKE ZURICH. Wmn. Ahlgrim ha.lretairneai Iroan lie trip te Minnesotai. Henry Seiin ,l athe ~sia'k lia. t t Îtreent vritlag. Mir. sud Mra. Eail Frnk we.reCiaieikgo visîitor lait Mouday. Quite a uiler fronatlier,' attemideal Lb. Panuerai ofI ierman lohîman ut1 Palatine Tasda. Mir. sud ira. lGeorge. (ia-ske vaiteai relatîvaiet, Pluma,) G rue-lait ?unduy. A surprlae party watt helailait Suaday luboo houaiUlri. lenry Seip' 58th bir-thda $ ber haonte lir.., Ùma. (la*ilch Deiîmyer liai returned trom a tva veeko' visit lu Chicago and OsePlaines lait Tueslday.- Henry Srauding sud Eracst Shenning vere caidbiture tLeB.oard of Revlew iu Waukegsm laL londay. A lavuait, vill b. hell her,-next Satnrday. Cuba tovnship thliste rom. na1.eor vA4ipunuer liroa..hotu e'. bave lavyemc engageai. lir- George Knigge anud chl.mnt, o! Diimoud Lake, am viltinu vi la thir =arentoem at prenant. Tlaey liveai anLi.ceamery whlcha.%-as dartroyd by Ilire lait laturdo.y ulght. Rolth mhuuae. are raaahed vith 'irders et preteet andl tbey are looling for maure help Lu taelleont teetIS. Heur y fulina received another car loai of ilker.and epringè Wcdhea.- day. I inl ueai of cattl, cail'tWHe.ny. A uumikot froin here are attend iig tLia. rat"ut LIiiaetyllle tii veek. Mir. andl lim. 0111.y are ai.itiaag relativee in Milenry connty. lin. andi Mm. (srimiamma, of .Lnti'ai'I. vere hbor Satardîay.1 Mmr. Dl>a la eentt-rtaiiiug a'omaalaaamiy til veek. Mim a. ,,-leivIie, of Chliaagae, la. aipnd. iaag a few days ut larr'o. Mise Joa'..;aime f<w(eil l aa. retirn..d hbime fronat lier via.t t,> SylvanaiBinea, M iaIigain. M!iss VielxriimaVi.ekoà-nai iaauretaarmael t< Orliop1 lu Jmaki'kuvilll,., iaaiîag oslswetlier vut7tion jae v ith lier ruiitic liMr. aud lir. Park StdiLla are <mter. tainilng com p«sne fron crytal Lakie. 1Mie. Lisse llptchinaaon in airking lu llraclier aa taa 'oe hiekitr.. gtewartU. artertained n-lative fromt Haueaaville n fétu deys tie past week. Mir. and lir. <raudey epeut Saturdaay sud ilunday ilu Chautag.. lirm. Appicyar nialerLi'alaîd laer militer,, lire. Lîlly Chara3 and !amily Saindaay. lim. lHlaines ientertuined l iara.r, Mir. Morley, of:Ipava anal lir. Ny.. of Peuuock, LIi'.week. C. E. Tople for Suuday, Seplt 24. The. Home nalacon Work (tinar lDen.mina. tion, MaLt. i): '5'H'I:-1. autr leader. Everything yon eut wiul tat. good and do good if yau tala. Rinfi". %Ilympepil Tsblet.a. Wl t. HàcaL, Lii'.rtyvllle Tht.. Jurffl Cured. Mir. 0. W. Foviler ut Hightower, Aia., relate uniexpo.rile e bhadl wlile sorti. lug pnletit jrr'iun aurder case ut Bd waa'dsvillai, county Smat uf Clebourue couuty; 'Alabamas. Hamaye: "Whill thora.1 ie t. oule (rea niet andi couae ous' met andi It gavo me eboluaom r- hua In a very eer o m. 1 vap, neyer Muore sek lu my 1h.sud sent ta> th. drai store for a certait choIera mixturp, lut th druglat met nie a hottie of ltâm- hertalan' Colle, Choierai amd Darrhiueu liemaedy lnoesad,, caylng that bo hadl vbat 1 sent for, but tliat tibis medielue vus an mucha boter ho vulai rather @end It tuo'e ;ID li l 1i l. Lok une do. of It unai vas bétter lu fi..inlutàa. The. sme osai eureil me unlirely., Tva fellov luromre er. uf in i uthe isu manuer, aadaine .a11baili licrett tho' thre. o! us." foîr MM P . IL. LaiWLL,' lbeityville. it ln diffictiý,t ta, cure a coaigh or fre. yoazeU rôau the dlaeaorta of n cai une y on nove the. hovela. Ile's Laxative Roue and alierauacte on -the bavaIsud divasonl lad ant of "k Ieodok IbIIH4I'. 950" - 5ae 1ail e txu bttw dol4hby-. B. LOvrL, lbatyville 1JAYMLAKIt PiiRMACV. Attacetby a " 'sud beaten,,lu a labor riot, outil covered, vila pr,,aCalag ereete car coudpc- lpr *PpthédBeckleu' Arnale Suve, undi WqA soon uind afia d-1. «'I uégé4it flu ; adtwlhy." write..g. lJ. Weeb, aot 1ukouhà, Mii. *-and and it perteett' '8isiply gpeut for cuLe andmhuai. 'Oui 25 ab F. Bl. LOVv.LL> i Lbarty ville; GlAYBLAKE PuEAcy drug storesl. LONG LAME Walter White la able ta ie *up Sigiin aller aun liu of0f averal day.. Mimses Laursansd Margaret Gilbert' B. Glbeortinlvisillng relatives ln the veut.1 Fred Lamnb and fang!ly are stayiug >U lev days lu the cottage etait reieet. Curd of ILae Back Ater 15 Year q 'is hî.been troublad i vidlana.ehucha for fitteen yeare and 1 found a comaplte recovery lu in dmaie.of Chamberain'& Pain PAli"i.ayaJolàa G<. lilailer, (lillaa,' Ind. This liniment la. alao vwithout an elual for ilrni.anal bradem'. Il le for sulie liy F. Il. LA)vrLi, lha'rtyviUlt. EVEi<h'l"l'. Mr, andl lre.. Johin lonauai fCliago visit.,d with Mr. and lirm. Thiomaas Caroînu lait vel. D>on't forget to attend tIi.. hauaar at Lake Forest LIis vie-k. Jolhn Crama wai aa aik.gau citor ou Taeday. The. local base bail te'maipîayed the. Gilenvlew v(lrays nt i4Iarnaarville Sund"y. Unfortuuuta-iy the boys hadi Lu laave be,. -iel.gante w uvii-.liiiiinie ir orertu catch au early trainu, thereby forIitlng tihe gaine aihlougb thi.gantie wneg det lai edly ini their favrr vien they stopîaed 7th inuîaag. lire. John Lillia. oldest daaiglatdir aI Mir. D. E. Gibons died ut lber bougeii ii Chicago. h oae ne <'halla age 7 and buabnito mourla ber los. lnternieuit vas bld st lit. Carmel. Pleuore Lunuian spent a few dlaya inlithea cooiitry4hiai veek. Mine Margaret l.ulkuW a,! Claa.'îagaî ridglted wvîL lài Lvt<.em rcwitly. The priz. valti utflIail day Nataîraay niglit wadaagrainaiii suacef. M r. Analer- son lf Chicago anal a youug lady front Lake Zurich won tii. gola leeicdalsd. Backaa e neyer kniawn to tîjome nereous viWho o.'ciauional dose of l>lauele'. The. value of tiie restundi- Wa.d f rom tii. Pin. tri. liai, long IbEeI recqguiztd lu thé . reatineut (if di.aeuie.e oftUwi.- bladiler and kiducysg. Oaa.. doge of Plnulei..will gAve relief sud Une hotU.e viii c'ure. For majle byWî,L llM',KiEy, Libertyville; UmAvla.AiEPi...iLam'Y. Klibourn sud Metura. On sale Frldaiy and Saturday dit eatah via C.NM. Kt. P. railway roundl tckL~~ Itiltlourti gooufor n'taru ountil Lt) falewing Nonalay. $7.10. Aaov,Jnludirn ridp of thirteen nul..,. througla tih .ll Tieket'on <sale ountil farth..r at.. F. J. A.aa.s g NEWPORT Fartuears lu LIis vie inity haîvéi -a iaectd cutting heir 'urma. liMra..Fairbankm.aif Wauk,-Xna. le visit- iug a1ilall'iani iitis .viainity. E. C. Alines alai I'mica,. Winters w.'r.- Waikigaaa 'aillerai Moiiaaay. ($Pfae Na.alt.asaia> i ; iri.e.,4l1î îlomday. ll.alph aC'littit l'ak-ma, <l( nri'oafî lla for the nmination of haJerif!, a ie in tiatis neiglaiuýrlio(joai laaalay huit. Ii,.hiaral 'axoi, am s <'a.ttaal. igra i r jami.'.. <î'Jlaae. Tiie.ronjds ia th' v iiai y ati a aiaai. '.aailag ttii.' a aa', of 1w t 11-i. i aauy îplae, thie' asifis a u .'riaî it una!for loirs',m. Tiae Artelco (>aît. F'ar <a;araliaig nrî ma'aia'î*~' etc. laia intmataiva', meft4tifieandaa qi.fua i outlit. .lust tl- ahimaZ lar y.aug Anîcricta.ILcnitifi rt.cia'ti, 1 Rwitcli, 1id îita'ry aliad ii ft ai! vin'. Ces5.< uuail E mE . ae, iheaaril'ILI ROSECRANS. 'rîîosîaiart satwailli4 i.t mt'the hiaîaaî of WilIi.. Wt.-liIi w-ek frontma aixt 5atq,î day Pva(iig. Ail maaaeailars amrle îaatcil tu Law Is* wn Mai.C. t.Ana..,.wîaafin taiem iuiaito ill ln siowly reaaiveng. Misg Ora'. Wei.'h, ai! Aatioahî, wits home aiver Sundny. AIe,, Getrude. Northrop aof Lake Forest. Aec.Iliortun preaelicallui~re- Saariaiy nraiaag andl eveiniiai la e.v. Mae aben-ce. M r. Tiathljl, ailf Misseouri, l visitiaag uii graudmoaa, Joh ua'1mtill A inex' houa.. Miesa'li ofle, I turgeonu lin3, l viitlng lier atnat lire. Jointa Willaaaaean. JaîliaiMurry hai eean t4 ai kiagan Lta. puaýt veetahe B.oIanrd ofaiiiaparviorn b .iim essIoaa. Lookout, for theIa.,'itetain lient, givan by -t,ieiiiart Set lu October. - For f Septeiber 253 tc We wIm sel ÇOoff 6 We guairaoee tMes (our end ilmosaIMÉ eowrgv fair trial wiff refuondmooeg. KnedlerBrs U FRI3D CAROKJ3R &- for YaIlWarwyulsa. libertelnle, THE N ORTII SHORE GS CO. Now Ioi the time to get yomxr houe. plped for gail. W. are making offers to those already uselog gai that yon oea. not afford to mitis. If you bave not seen tiie Ilght, oeil at îthe Gai Office, and lot um show yon one, auid gi'vre ou a price on plping pour house. For a llrnited Umae vo vii make the followina pecial offer on houas plpiug t thoso now using GOas for fuel. 3 Oaeiug 12 P. han 2punt r kae2 i Liaay017 4 2-2 2 6 2-2 . 4 :22 . 8.5 012.. 3-5 '~ 020 4.5 " 02< 5-5 027 6.5 '~ 088 300, c'imrille fpower l-mm than ane-haIt<mt pair hotar. y Northi Shore Gas Co. Libertyville Offce: Bulkley B"ai, y Tudephone 44. THÉ LIN8AY Brick. Une, Pmi "414tSa .Csms.tTue., Sýewer Popi, Ibewi, Trais. 1,s. Vs ad Curves. PouftrU, Horn sud CaM.Ru*"ie reed, Seedso GriWoSdIt HARD &.SQFT CA Reimember-*We bave k. EMMONS.MERCÈR',LUM»ER CO. EDI)WN A.. BIBUOP, M'g'r EPOtinutes.on wn.~a Planter liaterior Finish and JSiilaim, ouar houa.. Mill woa* on vlth FRED vea.tsauee. sa. u.lsKitevaLLc t ro OATcOIOOi IERYIL te - à 14.lim- is.i . 1 ýU ilri" 1 Mr. sud Mm, John Fulton, of Wnuke- ga 1 out to monlire. Fulton'@ Vctor' Straug je attending Btloit Alazander *Gaîloay, of LAPlata, isauri, a vmtn i itr m pantal.' iiig li itr ie Mr. @MI lre.lilarry lAekum, of Neton.. heu have a fitIle duughter. Mmre BeAco, w.'.Ina ]Lavreuc,o<f Millbarrk, yeaau ago. W.. oSer congratai- Ber t Trqttr aaad hic eu'ter Manle have gome ta vIiL their brother WiII in Miommiea. idre. Trotter wili easy itha Mmra B"I duriug thaer aiSee. shmon Amnanu gone to lova Lu @pend tbha ll and vinter witha bis grand!atber. *Qrd coma.fruiaKanataths lire. [ieo. Strsug ban Immn auite ick elua. golng ont te lira. Andersoa. .- W. am. ail surpris.dtai iear tuait ltiy, Toingh in imairi.ed Lu a lady in Tire. ltaverm, Michigan., Mb pforl aeal waa ibelli Tuemla evuiu ad waa. wel1 att.uded sud mucha noedlyaIl Who vare

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