CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1905, p. 4

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.Ljs, rand ý e beeMatu .uutes M w .uflatura ;i Wiakiy Circ1 MAI",. tosr.nFoi &lain anetetufl yoc . VaowVB pim tu chargesi StQ re t nha hilare ta svi be pro ia 'M - troa> bcus1 =1 tepmu I %it e pI t : frM01 'No itts. ' =aj, Finit, 0 IM ofau l lie me leI9hufinieh i% r ~ alitEIitiUIct li a use sud tbe Ti Wakigaa boardi of B4ucAtola l mui t to Planningg nonval addi- l»u ion ho 'the sliwsy po1aeuf . ~ grouaeaiftihe narti hoLTi loi__ sboal wvhbhaasd mach attention owl« gteoits besutlfulgrounade i lI, if the 20. . 10. prenant inlstentin sftii boardt are csrlmt ont, hava ln the. usar futures m."e*mom pont la orhkbh ili bu 1111e ant gold boboes. It le evan ploneanitta bave ioa I~Labo cie pool so contmucet that it cen bu unitfor a avlmmlag pool for tihe chiltren turing cie smmémenothe. t six menthe It hblen anzoncemitbat Evanga. liaI Williffme, Who sani etreu ugobk a Oens or rivivele ln u a eelli .« metetatbernacle md tirredthei .m t-o lova p ta a grealtogre o! excite- 21:t, viii next Fobrna7y ratura, for 28. =e l, nr eIa iId t sg : ,: mvvlo-Idfnt egh 162. - ..* * Evangiiot Wllilinanslsmmn haosogre 19 AZ thngi op viien ho inters a toysmd hiW Me1 eilng of saveral yesrs mUn leeal :2 mmm edhi' thon Who voeelanet- is . i tendance. A tabernaclelm tahe eretot i..........for the meetings, and t le. thongt that 80.. thesita chosen viwî l b. hDat>' _prop- latiÔn 2000 perti' et the corneraif Genes eutn Water etreets. manger et tbe A woom rusblinl the police office doua scemnhi on. nighsari>' tht. vpsk cdatonu>' iu t of lealtiOenlgtelotbemmd viltlytoidotaboarder iL orre0t». abuslng ho. 0111cmr Erlckson, who vas &»a H. Jum5T.aI the tek, took thilvamata Mohr- Ca ta bOr MemunD livury ad md rpplng a blanlult gOuet patgla about buer lacet bus lu a buggy and drtase- ere ho mein. Whiliubu was inter- riewing the am w hom she batl aecuae, oi mistreatinor ber tihe vaman vent wp etaire aud starte4 a row vith another ýTBMBNTS. aïmm mad ne the olilcerecidit that ast the INDE. sObevas drunk antdaeet retraint bu piecet ler as Whasll te nuandin ler of the. Wau- arrest md lochet tbem bath Up. Tihe ~~ Mao pit a fine ai tirs-toilaisai M ufl eeaas tsthesasît mornng but the womm, mate b>' tiis unable te aalber Oau, ent to jeU. Mler, et time Jerry Coollag, employe t thé. Brasa ussieek ponWorka, atteapte le Saut S>'"ta do îsstack pon ain liglt o audlimit Ila a sver hat ,it haveaoendollar and ln trintg ta cjatch le la his moutb mai s miscalcis andt swmlowed issian of guilt. Il., A p9k>'»w~ias suinmonsd mmd ,r ays lu bis emîidesadmtalshrst im lu bopea ai dislodglng cie coin tram bis oeojphgus vesIl bat lotgmed alsort dtstance ir for thie muet train bis tomaclo FÏlilng la rsmovlng by te 1 h cota la iis meneur the mai> vas "V'ti en. tain ta tho MceAoutr hoopltal mmd î I am of the. Dm..Garln ad ouris>'perforait an1 sel KNOW the. opirstlauupon lm maklng an Incision ,tg yvdinaln bla bsatainac and reahlg the cola p t thsé ho ihh Intrumaialmter wklldefg lhe ~s t thn vaoitrances afcie stompech la orter ta D a DaWSP0I>5ithe oianamlgbt ho drawa tbrough. eaet are r b>' Cooln e nov an the a>'W arecaven>' itrue, anditma- andt vii douttiseli' saes = a a me. mameta of the ouaiaoa. a ur dsire tu . The Investi arrengoâ mfa le procedinis Edtan wet of hWu paper*111 eeunts se t hé Ïme palAls a tile b9aulng. tUNb publie bus a le our hllail ,f Lake couaty' gaina »gta taku adrantage 00 8ebiwits ta tels>' thii Îto trial and rlght nov vant ia do t eestuin our state- ýM*4%hî the art"elofaiJuns galsa ta prove thuai, aIl af 0,1»70»d ael quetion 0ftoubt, 61 I» have'md viii subuit itbeir ovidmu.3comuparai ii ýhmi¶taorematWe public b>' « abu se, OMebig arrialinl &, bout euWq9 Mdg ns Slà the, aaret hbuithat Omels ni supirokaowl@*Mg, msMduorelexcéliencs. thms Iàost12800oMlnD ow hem the 14i te once sud for ain conrince MQ tOPI eoi t inbefittlng bu Pettur themi. ,>eelntd fu this ex-Chicago Il 09mpousi> conte among a, M for our sbort-comingge.Dou. eholees, attaxk Dur Public LMS belittke urery mmm or faction »M taou a e tu hlm asut ai'Le ttey ' vern9so ireunted ý "ata GOaigeparticuler .,hooi- iIwo no 0reourse for the' la bs ipleen. 1Hie neyas- IgniDaais adrmtage, eut 0 I srnuous a v 'until met b>' osaibaving squai Ip tOt h~ We mit nu _mtIh. Iat budo iasiaigain 'ýu asl us or reinesta IWANT CO LIJAN Ob am «"W» tateà%l*, Sutdd Mte bu ma uceth Toeue«*b w "»mm s.W. wml »t ot lipst"»s anM"a a"lum pulu l sivmo&ai ?, Il mue u h U11ci aamm c MONEY TO LOAUO odrs ette scrtj', 5 cn ALMC (ur«., UberVr . *. FOR AL-eitred brawn Swis halbs. T h AI ra mai BiBu Ulirtyrllé.50-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-The E. D. Dean faS, Irmhoe, Lake touuty, III. M2 acrns. esw bous. gond taras ant aodwell. Aiso Thorntan taim adjoîn. igaoe112 acres. 50 tf Mss E.A.Dxàxiranhas, li FOR SALE-Fine twa pear oid Swiss bail. W. W. CÂsEaoz, Brookfiedtfarin, For Mae-New 7 room hanse. Good imul and clstsr. Eletrele ights. Cali et 1uNDPmsNDiT Offic. 52-2 For Rent 345 acre tarmesltuated one sait ons hallmdils north of Round leke at"a Md on. mile tr" oi Rils ailk beiipsaittii vbiiobsfarms lu the bigbs etat"of repeurmd cultration. Apph' tu R. W. oBugEtLL, Oayslaks. 518 for Sels-OS ta 70 corda aIwod racketup lu corit!Wooad --aua ou Sprng vlai i -un6Mns Wiwos.h. For picesmit ltetlulasaaditresor mulIon 0. A. NE fia, WAtvorti, IIL mm Optiong VaelFarm. 51-2 WANTED-Seomd bad rane, ta basa eooe or voot. L. J. Amits, Rockefllier, Tel. 594i. CIOER-I amn making iter. Brlng in y aur apple. Blen mon getseider f roms in s v apes il aideabu>' apples.1 F. Sk"A, l-ttvl1s FOR SALE- 10 mcon no untker. sut sprlngers. A. P. Wurnrî.cst, Lbrtyqrii WANTE-At oaci.ta b>' or bire biteit a01anDy breetbtat bnejuot bal pu or "Iimson bars sonai.. Want bert ràWIaitterô bliodaound pupe. C. ýAPPLc, Uburtyvllu. FOR SALE-Crtllcsta aI credit bond fa, ga.I ifapiit aon payaient ai Kimbailpiano, wblch Amount vilS b teduetet tram reguler meail prire.. Màut bu uni belors Narembur 1. 1 gond for peimennt ounitai'pino r.. eha" toaie sSept. 1. WiIImmi ant discount. En. Huuatan. Llhertyills. For Bale-27 a acrte aiti brut e buildings. Near Hlait Day. Wîw Jouso's, Hait Dey, in. 5- F OR BALE-Rares, top' buggy andi harassa. AIsa tbree i lt Weillocatait; heviax a frontsilsof 70 tiet eaelh. Appy. ta P. . Clark or lIiigpNiul>g.v âBeu. For Sels-liart vood timbun lande ce NatàtiîustrnWiscoWn. 1)000acea of tbe bbat dial landelu te vorl& RoMM a it, 10tee tare ta purchmsr. il- pticul au, se D osA AMN, Bari$ C.aditlouat Lake Couatl 1And Sk OSJgta Lake coula>>' eins la egItanceon Mlarcb1, 1839 It helug recta t te coaa of airae on UNI day b>' an &ac. of the Lffl.ature. PrIi rteta lt îrasa part of. MHenry Scuati! whf5hhouI' "bont four ypars belote hait Itesi bern carrait tram partions aof Cook ao 11p tatitis time litti a bhea talle lu vai' 01 active settlesnet b>'fe wbtes, la tact, the Intims batnat tormalli' vacatidt titissetion thaugit a ýtrst>' hitd houaprvlousfr raUiliet em them, andtitrs gorerninont. Tho nartb- wenteraportlon of the courti' lalng tbat Lbud! viicit lies about Piétalies Loko and fox Luke .wors favoriteaspota wlth the rut mon and for iyeaiter lte> bad given np lte titi, tutaie government tbey vouni return uver>' nommer mmd spent muerai montha haout- ing mmd llablng an their oit jrouats'tbe thne bewailing tie mifortunes which lot thern ta give up the landitoth ie la o' hsw ladlan Créek (Ralt pu Y, su th ni ort4 lbpuadaq of, the mIite, iw'lg oh Mdi la the viluti of the l11w- Pl" rivtirr a'. ithin tih. put tittes peie becomp tjnekli otthit, md'frogeh attls re an 4llp camitllglu mmd aseklne. 1% tne heMatlocetlflg la tiiinam afl aoiu aettiers. Othars wlJtb a too mantgt intention uOfccpywnlnd s fte tii.W euarpse of speeuatloa!, mat souiinâo e. desirlaus of igtsblngfor thoir exeluelusadrvantage a leget par tjca af woadlnd ant prairie thea appoe asncaesry for a fArmer iu the )WIgeut suais.of caeulattona. ý ,"Mait>'nesettiereunder 9she, . camehtances have adopted t nesolulansfor thei prpoe * pf-tellnlng te 0ualaut 0 luai- wbk aci settier mai' hoit and for protacig othera ta the.quiet pous- san ai thir daIms and for thia purpoga hava enterot mb nutuai compact mmd agreemont ta carry surit resolutloae into effeift." white@. luI the lo4ge"re of reoolutions which As bas lasen the higtori' of ail new folow itappears tiat tht conatai'wam couatries the pries ut provisions saarSd divided into three séetions that It might Up tu marks thttt alitiost muant lamine ho more' readily watched and the to many for the Alrt few Yeffl after primeval justice the more eaWllp admnWie peuple began tu arrive from the enet. tered. The southér,, section of tii As late as 1835 flour hrought $20, per division exteaded as fur forth as Liber- 1836 out@ cost as bigla as $2 tyville, thé second or central part to thte per bueliel. Otber edibles and ail manu- preset site of Guras-e and the nortitern factured gouds ta proportion and section troin there tu the etatfinue. mani' hardohipa to tiose who bad Titrue commlaoens'rs wers- appointed for bravut the jouraci' and risket the dangers ech section and it was their duti' ta of thetip west rffsuited. watuet anddétcide the claims of ani' dis Another thing whtcha the early settlers putlng parties and their decision wam fonantut theirtiaadvantage was titat fina, there beng no hiiglier eourt to taku tho land u intispart ut the tâte was it butore. ail uaeurveyud and it was impossible ta 'Tb@ sturdi' and .-atisfactory asanner get mmv titis ta it. To protet tbemn- in whch this .3rly hait wuoda law wae selves troam the encroaelaur a mutual un- carniet ont la atglited intte @ams of a dertanlng was agreed upon hi' tue man who wlth hie famîiy attempted ta varlous settiers it bulng fouad that setule on a- tract nsar Mill sreek in meni' wouid lay cdaima to tracts wher southuru Newport township, ta wbleh alreati' an owner wbs living theruon otiîur mman ai rent>' laid claim. and hope ta force h4p off. The cailler auttler brougt thlie inatter At Independence Grave (l.ibertyville) promptS>' butore tie oînmissioners witt on Dec. 2, 1886 "At afumerous muet- held a meeting and decidedt tiat the. ing ot the initabitantsan the upper Des uewcamer hait btter auve on. Tîis he Pleins river" aus an oIt record state t.' refuse tut do andI the meeting. witl, itis "SBaini Brooks, Esq. la the chair and judges mmd oulookerasi-s.oiset itweti into (leorge Kimbali. Se'>'. A committee a comnittee oi tite witole and carried hie caaeleting ot Nuelsn ILanton. Samuel famili'mm goots out and tare down lits Brooks and Willand Jonus waa bougwe laing hlm with fis doý appointi tot prenat Resolutlonsanmd but to more along. Reglitiono." As the couJt>' bs-ian to fli up tîsuse Hors it mai' bu interstng ta reprint as»enes ams MUdtoavae bcoine oi almost portion aio the original record ta show woekly occurrence andt tiis Mtate 01 more fulli' the object ofthtei meeting. 1 affair econtinuai matif the lant wax The caaid reeolition reat us tollows: iaurrqe d m'dthe government took "Wbeoee the unsurveyed govesnment justice tin te osn hanta. L«4G 1 A John iMitchell, or Oblcago, formerli' of tutu place vas kilet Fnlda>' b>'a ire wIre. lire. Mitchell, hie vile, vas oui hure, barlng attentedthtie vedttag 0f ber istes ou Ws-neetay t Foi Lke. The blov vas s terrible one ta the fimil>' and the>' have thte sincere eympatiti'of aJIl latheir set hereave- Msent. The Jouerai vas hisItMonda>'. Hurl iaI telarv. Walter White la utile tu be aroU nd 0'. Gilbert bas retunnet trom a te'. taya' risit itîh is mbrother et Feeport. Misses Cra ant Estlla Welcii speaf Satunda>' sut Sundar v it tiir cousin, Um Bertha Meyer, of Ivanbos-. Mr. andi lir. Et. Martin. of larring. ton, vers pusant callemr thie irai of thse vuek. UF. and Mn.. liarr' (Grahami, of Wau- conta, calet an frients bure Sanda>'. Miss Nele Zuestorf sppnt a tew <a>' 0f last vsek viitt trieAtîdain FremoDt.. MisasYoung, vito bas Wuhoavsrkiuî in Bartington for thse pant ssvema inontbs ban returnet haome. Mms. Speuîs--r vistet fris-nde and relatives a inte cetC the latter part of the viek. ____ RSCRANS. L lucnm t. ver>' aiek vlth typhold gaver. lire. J. 1. Muri' larisittng relatives In Chicago. Ms. Egbtert of Rusauli bas murve tot C. Nsiaa ntaUrtsiet campai>:ftrnt Cilego ovri Snda>'. Mr.liue bas returnet tram a tva veeka' rislit aI bonie.. M. andI Mu. J. Oltver are viaiting tei tagiter l lnBchiout. Tii Ssasrl Set vili msel aI the home of Wlifis Webb Saturta>' eraning. Mr. and Mm. W. Oliver of Weaukem wuver ieting luthe countri avern atsy. Mrn. Mmd in.Dyget ofWoodttck bave bei> rt.ihting frents at Rasacrna lu thoîr automobile. 1Fethan fiat a mWoslan<,pri-t of Ch aht-. tei,,J a »IM a _th RESiAL mrATE TRAN5FERU. Furaioeetb, Lake Count>' Titie & Trust Co. Abstracto af Titls. Tities (luarauteet Idasonie Temple Bldg. Waukegan, 111. Louis J. Gunissut.Soey. Ells L Case & bus to John J Marie>'f; as-sinune cor se-c il v Antiouh tvp (le ........ $ (W 9 lB ialaril & vf ta FicîrtausJ FolettîIt su villa4g of liie-rty- vtlle vt .......«*.. »........... 45(0 l0 13 ' Neil & vi ta EdAwd lAsud,- e X ne 3% nw % osec18l>s-srilld twp d ...v...... . .............. 170000O El J lielin 16 its lu nv 3% 0w % mse 14 Girant tvp ....... Kulsivisiîin If J l)aviliin & vi toTe-e C Nelson It 'l and 4 11k 2 . 1 brIevie uh la sec 14 (irurit tvp vd........................... :14) 00 W a M-Fa>' & W[ et ai to A J Me1-ay stri l song n lino- ses. 29 Silihietwî, (je............... 15 A J lcVs-y& wf toJ E Mine. tef îtrt s- 14 nw % Mec ýJi5' Sîielte twis wd ............ ....15 75 01 F' Il Marrin & wf to J E Kin- sela It 6 bik 3 Marvîiesnuis)iin ne % asec 9)Grant tva e . . 25 (0 Mary G Monrili & boa tO J 1. Kino.sli t <6blé: 8 ]arrinn sab InDe% mec9GIrnt twpqe 100<0 Mbsn'aG MornilI i&bas ta J E KInaull It 7 blk al Marvins snblInem% muet) Grant t wb vt.......................... ...... 250 00> FrankiBoa to 8àtrh A iSe,2M mmciname cor si-s-15Sand 40 tscs in nv 3X sec- 14 Nvport twp wd.............................. 2000 00 EuneneK Taylior & vi to J E, Brook&JJMbrley o w %ne 3sec 10 e Antioch tvp doed-... 659) <0 Margaret Ilcnlett et ai ti Bernard flonsett It 14 and 15 Bongiettaoeuh of Eagls- Point qe... ..... .............. 1 00 H R Peblleta Elisalsetit J I'ebbiss et ai p art It 10 and Il andtla nde adj Beach Grave oui) sec 18 v Aatiocis ,twp wvt............................. 1 0 CN Slery & wfto BC Harris lt 12rd@sa in sw X ne %sec- 26 Waucoula tvp) wd...... i250 FORT HUIL b ro .C. B. Combs e ltta I fo.laye l181 Vaukegan recenti>'. Quite s. numier fr<snsbore attentai the (lunt>' fair et Elktonn thse pasat veek, Mrn. aîsd Mrs. Alburt fPaddock andi amly mplent Surinta>' vth relatives ut Nà. B. Iluson vas a Cîiago viitas turslsy. M«Un. A. W. Thomason, of ireyslakss, losetainettthe Fort fBi C. S. Sept. 21. A ver>' pieasaut sftft!noon svas isjôyed US ltais prooent. -Joh n tenlias tîpenet a ins gravel pt on lis farnîanmd la furnleblng the saie for ronds tan<lie tavn of Fremont. Mime Adelilîe Wait speat a iev ta>'. witb MAIss84ralî Fox al Rount Lake O. Wedueoday Sept. 27tii et th>e houp &él9r; atdMs. Utiriess Towasss, ÊOcU rthtIe maringe M Ibsir oui> dm gter, Me egoaumncn Bam, botb of araut tof lpiÀ bhast of ens s,- tbe. lit -o fi Calrnage Trimmàqg CABINET MAKINO IN ALL. BRANCH4ES,'CI4AISBREOANED. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATED AND MADE OVES. Have yonr work doune by a mani expertenced. Don't wait a year for your goode to b. returned. Olve me a triai that your work Ioi properly attend. ed to. Be convi0ed. Every one ln their turn. 1 arn here to stay. S SHOP NORTH 0OR SOUTH 0F A WILLIS WEBB THE LCSIH TOV ES; i ts tîne to think about yÔur new stove., We h, ave them Stewart and Acorn i ne Ang kind -of stoves for angj kin dof fuùel. Give us a Calice.. SCHANCK iROSOP JiEÀT!!e' 19 the Most important thimg in the bouse in Winter .. !arst y"u want to get a heâter that is dule and ecouemical, then have it instaled right te it time boeuse, you can get resuits freon a Beotea fur- oace which will ntsmnoke or Ieakgassla Its loag li1e of Mcnomng. 1 have pteased o ver iftg people in the past two qears with Begatoa lurnace and Ideul bolers. Whg pot let me please go. widu<* beatimg appartatus. 1i nstail any kind and auge where. Libertyville Plumbrng and »titng Companiy. A. W. Lichtfelcl Lîbertgvile. Ir nixSe St~hfR1 ILAR[ TaIkIIsÇI"fp Charles A. Takacs, Manager Lt qe (OW1a teluphune at an expunse 10 yuu ail out of propos Satiwdag, Sept. 30 1905 tion to benuft adconvopuni-, Johit W. Voge1'ee tIIg Cty' MINS 'TRE3LS ail witts A Twoet it etury ltsvi-lati4in s'îL o Con>igrese ofsiMinstrel Tais-nt Newest, Olenneat, Finest, Brightest, 1Amuiing, Beat byTes4t, A nnw Show vwith ew Atractions Different tram ail athere. Free street Parade et 11:30 a. m. Matisses- at 2:110 p.m. Chltdn15, Ailtilt 2.5, 35 and SOs- -Zlght-ist 8:15-25, 37), 50 and 75e Sund",. Oct ober I st 1905 WEBER & FIELDS' Most.Successful Skît Everycue àePufting ùtitrs ilusinese rates, 6%ç per ta>'andi eP Ree .idoSaceaes5c e r day a0 t ap; ContractDcatqp Il lm a plestre ta take Drt.' Little LivrsPilla ndeutja'thelr tank efs-t gpoti the lIvr. FormaIs hiWî1a H.cisEY ibertyrllle;. GSÂYst-AEW rCol ouf Clap He r4sy Wvillthink, 40 48@ gOP 04 whea o b, qtrli 00 cuIs1i<, Isusapovuer ai. TU A oSaIS, tissu Fliteat F.smoue NotUsg be5t lu I Seat EnailshBre Boston tO.G.* Tus lb. se,$ :Nig lace0 au (JEREALS Ptilohna. DeakfeMtFood. prpk. .ii iihred WIs8t pckage.... .t Beiston Brakfast Food per 9kg... 84r Grapos Ne"a, pet 9kg.... ...« .... * l Pootou Oisilepkg ....3.....M eAKERS co400LATrE. cake.. lac BAKEO8 CÔÔÔM-0-2 lb. cen .*.20a Monarch Iaidog Powd.r lb. canO se Dr. Prfl eBaeling P?Wdsr lb. can 400 1 lbemiElau ... .... ............. 120 Mutaitrd M apstrea........... 0 Idonurch odsnud Mlk Dat ea.3Son l'lnt liottie Tomnatoe(ap .... .. 10 1-lb ea CondecSaitSoupe...........f Orlole duedt Rain, pouMd9g.3 Thakmgn(iaramapanait 9kg..35 ButSet... pr ...... OC......s Baklng Soda (aUrch'») IL. pkg.. .. Se LAUNDRY I3OAM ,ETC. 10 liard Amstlca in ily Sop....40à 1) ranLAadrySoap ....... 10 seifttaWoolioap.smllslmJff 10 "MIa. Leox o......3 Uiradpa'n W W'd Props bar..40 lst Lump btaec(nbuk, per lb... 4c BloumabldAnmoeln, par batti....10o Perfction lniulg per battis...... 3 CamePerfetion ljiê...............M (ialane Tubse@b..69c. g88enad 800 Goppur bottons wasb bolier ....... PU ("t 4-Swed Broum ..............lie ltllnf Bun Store 1oll.b, per9kg .......s ne,-)ke ....e-'eakë... Taglofout sticky TIi' papa, 8 shsts Se E. ES. ELLSW-ORTtI D. A. VOUNG, iloise Painiting Dccoraling 1 bave .a forS et c~êp wOrk m ift gem qualc service ad g.arae«eMenlv Stoe e I OSia mil GEOX. TRitOm' OLD STAND. NIL WAUKEE AYE. BOUTI OP ROTEL. L U-MB ER -ALL KINS-, (*od (1r4deo At l'if r ?ICIN. 00055, WINDOWSg, m@utol. INCS, BRICK, moi81, AI-PM POBYLANO CiMENTr, SW*R i PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ET*. Tiafé tUS ioufdalic h vs aise lanilMng. on pour mous Beyer Bros., .t ý - 1 Romrajïiq. -it p 1

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