CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1905, p. 6

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- - ~AJ J- wIlI be itgraný col,ert Saturday, Sept. 30, afternoon aind, eveniing by Fulton's orchestra, Everybody. Is invlted grIDRNS OT tri Fait Suite, Coats. Skirts, PeMIA IIONS DICTAT!S Waistq, Shown in Triumrphant- jbdolot.ispkgemuion -pfthse uew sutuqu fmodes te marked by tiat q$TDIMTVEKBSS vhlcihalong been recoglzed ae the, outatanding MWoAet the h.ouse. Deutifut sud oiginal design@ sre hem lun tavieti pro- >iqi tih e w tisingebrought ont in Europe sud AmêAtca for th!e easou. lI@4W'eGuesi tore" pries on thens are thse despar of competion and w1hde1isllgbly choppoe. vio are judges of values. b'.SUIRS Itevra gancunte we ar oferlug tbu.'year have a distinctivenese ait th* ?owà 117 ibe "elle, lyIieh, made of the bet materiate, sud have a IMeIt vâki'frbyod sb e-ba m aremklag. Pati Suifs cesi eoolsu Cheviot or fiua mixtures, awd;m *»tv woth $18t.W. for aur Grand $7.9 Ste. se dupllcsled under $18, madý of ms'e lteet Woil, = lbmixtures iIt sud da*uStoue.- Ssdgu is figurte mdsered iouged-w5&ted te o s t old tcsape v ih veMu1pg, Ib UnS lo plafte& Na better'& epeMllfr our grand FaIt but we maSo 1h. Grand Fait Opentug trice $150- Àiud"ee couaI Paddock style, 1usd vtIhsauy meeen, sud made by a e?.?r as qoc '? fan t pan ng bt, eF&II 0 ai 02460 bIMeSor eolored, iagâsbymMre* woe 0imbré irouirandO n-$2 4.50 orus isSobrowu Cheiot~, &ae"er a lowugbout, )Oome $ .5 1foreur fait Opeaiug Petedve ~ehoou. W. eau fit anycue sud bis Nue ulou tl aitet hundrode tg aur -lo pioe,*ut urpassln veau"e. will 5.50 Wom"lne WWlIcng Oklis, lu bIsck sud ail M. Als o u. ftvery uetly tallosed, for aur- MAO Sho pingSrts, te heSvi graj, Cheviot or d O SPàuafw ojimidFrailOpulug maie$2 9 1A 4 1031 «? et G '*ssom or olsviol»farts. nevest aiîn .9 fuis? prise $&50,ouget ekirb sn lul tie dilerent styles, $10 actuel value =4 U-F $6soi. oms of fàiie st productions of Ibe m ut upi-to SYork manufttuer for our Grand pnjil open- l o AurCOATS ~ W. ane howlag Values ln thiebUethht cannae b. dupliestsd, but owing lo outr MWpïmurc a he timot, vs ame able tao Ser Ibemeremarkable 3i4 S4 ertl, doube twited Covr Ceas.. base or beted back, trimsued wtlhlsliorutlced steape Worth $10, for aur Grand FaI $548 MeW, Mm" m itxed Touriet Coat, 46 luche, long, fuît base bacS, double hreae rWorths $9, for aur Grand FaIt Opèing mate$49 tdits. fin. 8-4 lenegh Ierse C00.1-etrletlY att vOOt suteriat, boss snd bailfttt.d bac» le M % tMImm l itt Velvet, Worths $ .9 010, for ontGrand Fait Opelng tle$69 &disi haavy Cheviot Coati Empire effect, 45 luches long, a beanly, WOi'th very et of $le, for out Grand PFaitOpeutngstle àdles H&Wdsome Empir» Cte, ,uads lu ai-wool Kereey, browvui, blsq, i or cator, a regutar $15 value, for ont Grand Opeuîng tale ndlea' Fine Empire Cot. ln castor, tan or baeS, tsoin if Ie dmbiffi tol ;. ,,a o,à lac lonu s. tight'ftttug sud corne tom ' e . siua reutar 420 vlie, for Onr Grand IPal elugnfmate 58" W» Fi. lUs-seCotte. LMW ne i.Kemsey Cotte, 11usd brougiiont vitb USinas.. sell, 50, luches long. eoms tittfitting sud eome iome alhetac al àue $OU, for onr Grand Fait Open-. $25.0 %o.esMw spe.b mowiug af CrasettS suad IBain Proof o&t., a tbt édue*y cauot bu dupl.ted iimwviere. W. Iou.11 aur wib-w arl amglus you a clar m dutofAt maml 25 pet eot. ~~ R1410 àt 44 -0190_08Qu as Sd,*Wevbg* ~ 3OR oui' great f&u' openg qwel have brought together the Most comptes *builers uld fia4 wlds *e whole world as.."a ke. alinosaeverg case we bsve psrcased direct. offlag 'auiu* fachffw'prices. mW U on sthe.seaso'latet gode. O)dg et dm "q m"600, Who the "Winl.door Io agai. flunq wlde t. 1hn eagefl1boWlus who have walted for this vent .usavlmg évent. ~Ninviting the publie to this sale ln our enlarged store we wilh to emphasize the. fact that the enlargement of Woui business means enlarged stocke, Improved store ser- vice, ln ut' far groster opportanities. for.the buying publie. W. are dedicatlng *6t merelya *store, but a far greater store, demigned to supply the most varied noeeda of a Vastly-inereased patronage,, aniply equipped te satisfy the higheit Ïtan4m of quÏlfty aie. certain to, accompiish tar- reohng reBults la econerfly and publie-sereice .1t would take a hole page-to tell our Fur Story, and the liiuitod space at ont disposai will enable-us to enrnner- ate but a few otftthe remarkable values we are showlng. Our line embraces everthing In the way of -tfur garmenta and wraps ...from 75e for a fur saarfte $1,000 for a, sealskln coat. Beauty, ecouomy and,'satisfaction is the offering te all who visit the great Far »)epartinent of this great storé. Black Fur Soarfi wortts 51.50for Our Grand OPW th"al Ladies Australian CO)o$sm Scarfs, m very iftnew.anl fêbthSor Our Grand Ie, sUi Sl Ladies' OposUm Scarfs, with fui bt;ush tails, shown .vgrywhore for 010, for our Ormn4 falipenin gale Fmrca ox .carf, 46' incise long, 1o2hOi, for Our Grand Fait Open- ln g s a le , $ . 8 Gemnînerulin Pur Soerfo, Worth 015 for our Grand 1FOI11Ope-nt sale Sleautiful selection American Fox scarf Worth S32, for aur Grand Fait OPel'- ing als FREE $35 SIET O US IE We Wiin gire away a set af furseu nlslug of Sean snau& ailU valued et $05 ta tise lady vho guesesethse neareet )te tinmber of ates v. mals, as - .bo«55 Il thc dupticate saes slip lu tic baude of aur moier, durtzsg our Gî'sad l'ail OPelâg weeS. Write yaur guese. naie nesd addrers ou a piece cd pssr aMdeOwloëe 4*3in a assIedeuelope msrked I"Guess" sud matil tor hring it la Sel' st.oIS. At tIii Io théek h,'siisales lips vili b. countei sud ca dientere»elomm(llItwsof t *t, w ex"iuue lh. guessesasd avard tise prW tse l i.lady vho 9008Mli. th e et. %*Il yoor tr" dand do ual forgel toauad la "ar ovu gueus. , E4pib7qof hile store sud thir famil'ars iarred frou; Ibis cmtesci- end layou~~iel.*"lt nov, CRAVANHT Vary pretty gray rixture Rain Coats, Wtbeltedoft sui *ortb $12, for our Grand FoaIl t).stg sal., - Magnficest Rata Proof Coate, Empire yole vith lem buckiehol pmtsd front, élire, ton or ghWis" a fur sume.lis or rais. worth 1,fmuGsi& Varyfin. L .e' am oat--osi-sb*n Thse target lune and greatet bargaine von ever "erd of. :Wbeu yn see tlîis Ue jon will kuow that we huve doue ur bcd tet take are of tbe ltle fltts. Ait ur depart'uents are casnî,tete, lbut thisou oelsiacrshylçili api"alIl M others , Chldren'e ste, fuil iengh. lu eiz,-s up ta 14, made f goondmtrlt strong snd durable, wortb $4, epecisi for aur Grand Pailfpu t'ildrn'. C as, m adee up f flne ail wool cheriot, pk%.Ied tiseS, t1«.)à » or hett eleet, reglar $6 garmwut, special for aur Grand Fait Open- Tise flnet $9 sud $10 Kerecsta, eleg5utly tailord,shl thsuewjhade ar epeciai for Our Grand Opeuifig Sa!e@ Poes Thousp4on Coats for eblîdren heauy Euglieh aixturse, ams up to 14, regutar price $7.50; speijaifor out grand fal1 opuiug ste 9 CtULDREWS ÙDRESS Ftaauetette Dresses lu Pinik, Ble ud rimuiel, od r- .11 where for 75c, for our Grâ a psu injg sale Chldren'oqSehool recs., 1madrul ui :xure.. plds.etc., trixmed fl [ wlth faucy bralda. for aur Grand Fait.Openng Sae $he rd Plaid dreeces, llued throughout. M.1nni, pth,- late4t tyles Oilidreno Dresesait clape, made up in cagimere and vareté4e s, !okc""e f and applique triminuge, iu ailtooe worth $4, for our Grand Fait IN!ANTS' COATS, infants' Criasbed Plueh Oasinlualicolore. lhandsomoly rlsiufed,AOnm with braids, etc. lnod viwtisait mateen,. regutar 87 vaines' $ 9 .nfo unr Grand FPol Opeuiug Sale 4 Extra fiue bear ekn casIl whte, bine, red, brown sud green *I n trluuned with henry cord, wortle $6, êpecia for aur Grand lalU Openinif eale el Childrea's Âýetrakan Coase i bIsek su! oray. Buster Brown effêec i th paet leather helt. sotd everywhere for OS, @postal fer aur Grand Chldreu:p iroadeIl otn oIe.nter-liiuîug, nuatly trimsued, ises (rom 2 10I A 0 yeare, worth &.I, fur aur Grand ,t'alt Opeuis @ aier ~ tlante' eoate made of white tear ekin, tet the fassI thlng for the ' littie osef, worth #5 for aur Grand Fait Openlng sale - MomSSfS UITS Misse* Suite lu AUt wooi unsterial, gray, navy blue or mixture«, .atty Oi A made, regutar seller at $10, epecWa for our Grand j'al Opening 5 aie issles.' Suite, Norfolk Style, loome or tight glitting bscke, netlty trnmedfll for aur Grand Fait Opeuug stle SILK PITTICOATS New si15 petticoats lu mmlii tUalteta .11k, with bisimed circular suifes' sud deep det rufft, r gé 1r St $5.50par grand "sal t ¶ Extra beau aofl boied4 taffetoîa .11 petticoste, worth 97.50, for Our 01 0 olk ek irte lu th t m oet u p -to - fa te U -4* ' t eh iv u o u lY lu t h é e G r n , pc tu n B l * up-to-dat.etoree, for aur Girand Fail Opening SaS. Back IKercsrimed Sateen Pettlcoas, regular $1 value, ipecial for ur Grand Fali Opeung Sale BiseS tinderekltq iswth large sîrenlar dtluîne, nartb 2.00., spersalyfar aur Grand l'ail Opeini aie Blue or cotorcd fine trnported nuderskirte, regutar &.00 value, I 8 speclat for our Grand Fait 0eigent~cae MILLINIERY S Fancy Polo Bats, iu browu, bine or btack, iecty tri muned, eeial- I .4 ao ur Grand Flal Opentg ale Ladies' feît wslking bat., trimmed wth wingc and bucttiee, colt * everywhere for $3.48, for aur Grand Fali Opeaiug sale 2.4 Ladies' Handeoiuety trllumed bat@, lu ail ehades,'tise ery tateet 2 4 styles forr Grand Fait Opeing sle 2 4 Ladies' Fancy Deùilias, smade np lu vetuete or fett, beautitutty trimu ed with breans, paonpoue, etc., eold for $5, epecial for aur Grand Opedlit . «sae3 98 Do »et 101 te eiý.our Miluery dep.rtm entbelote gou 90 agwheremeIséo New etyle ofai eug mslcrela beautiful designý, makié of flaunelette epeclatfor the and opculng aIe 039 Women's Sarques sud Short Khînas.*made up of fiue importedi taunel- ette or cottou elderdown, vwortb $1.50; epectal for aur Grand 4 O Fai Operfig cal Çyert prire la oarWded<we ila Plain %d ir.,ro M WalmsiffleS GrUâtestoreW. A ffl in suboy-àt>he9s, e ç%ý

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