CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1905, p. 7

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'Tii-j M-y elohoasrlrp~my msy tisesa dY. but, I laaqmsgnteoavçBhWt@ si -It shulti be kW* otfrij « WOimft 5WvIOS that Myn O Ivw oves the hSqbouse. lm ati ta get «Mn bs y bhso-. *smde twpar"datimart oc aneaL 1 xvpt culmw tSdtu dte hec. atimy - lfrarys esIceI. e.y ***rs-.rnoa mmn o aadthe Ioeasu MWiatn~ ca-n afford a pretty golodnue. Wo have no watcie.s at a-ny price that we can't warrant to keep good tilne Clocks A houi.ehold is p1retty a-pt to be well regulated that liast the rigbt timti-afly LioL.k« iny àtore will .tipply it. MI mmh Cq fimhi1A19009 ANDREW IIUSS Suceesserte Dmby ore. LMDRTyVILLE AX ',XAX ILLINOIS ~..,.,.t i. FOR MEN Mun's lhark 841in Water Proof shark'skln, lligh cut ........ Union Work Shoe ........... Al Amertcan Patent Colt .. Al Amneican Viol Kld....... Walawny Patent Colt ..... $275 3 25 z 25s 3 75. 350 2 !50 FOR BOYS YOINts' Calif Belmoru.... BoyatuSatinu Calif............. Iloy' Box Cai ............... 140 150 200 For LA4DIIES and MIýSS Radolufe.. 1......:,. ......... ITriIy .................... Qicu.........r....... IllillIeè, trai> Vici Kid<1Slipîperi Lid lui' Vici Kid Oxtords . iiàby Moveai-luis ............ <JIiidm Slitom........... .. 140 140 15 50 'mith & Davis, ~..Ibea4yviIIe. III. i j « 1 - ( un. ltEndolph eDtrt5ied the. Ht 0& tnrday b dtii.Jewish ew yearc ladies f tii.local W. C. T. U- TueaiY andi ail ove'the landi the loyal Hebrswa atternoon. wl» close their stores and pi îuee of buai- Miss DsaisBond returned Tueaday ntin ncelebration of'hbe eont. front0a Viit o tbre Moutils with Carl Ericksau. Trs' shlumîkerwill ielatiores lu CBIIIOmI moi'. bis famlly, ant boumehlold effects L B. Babenits tw 'at ion" building to Lbertyville frem 0raymshiiie the firot i, fat.nsarg eonipistAon. This lm the of net week andtIlyl réside *itn Huri- inialloat business block intaowt butt'a bouge on lwOnIteefl avenue. John Boy-on loft tiis week for Kali- .McrgranisiH-rylt apel, Mont. Witb bis family and bouse Toeaday nlgbt for tbehlome, at Slan. H hold ettete asti anticîpates malng flmi,.Bernardino, Ca. Tboinv a,, lîen iepend- borne thore In the. future. lng the. greater part of th iri îe*r i'isit- Howardion bem sold bis farai to îng friends and relatives in tiis vitinty. Henry Boyasu ant i lll moi'. to Liber- J. Wheat, oWner of the PhojeniX, Ariz. tyvilis to liv. Ti%. conideration is un- mile track who traineti a fine string of tlerotood ta ho fPO per ace.borane br lat sprtnig and took part lu Mr. anti Mr. Ezra Yager, of Waukegau the July 4tb meet and, tbe trotting meet ,pont Tbu"y ai wth Mrs. NW. F. Yager, of lait week ahîpPed itirBC.tlY to Phoenix Mr. Yaasr's mother. wlîo lives witb tth rat of thus Week witfî lis string of oeorge Yagr aMd famîly. trotter. and pacers.. Umisa mlly Boab let Wednesday nlghi Invitation@ are ont for the weddiug I on tii.Mloeer Lmmited for Portlandi anti of Mins Clara Avertit dniîglter of Mr. othor western pointe. She will be gone and ie Charlea Avenul, au(] Elhanau about six week or two niontho aud wllWyeCb wo ifI1untdu retur, vis LowAngeles and the southërn marriage at tihe home )f the lbride route. Thureday Oct. 12 at four o'ehuek in Bon. F. P. Blrady, reprtsentative froin the alternoon. the lot district of Chicago, was the. guest Thome uf the dally vistîrs t, Chîiago o Sup't J. D. Martin and attended the frou Libertyville Who lîuy niontlîly raest Tburaday. MtissLMeKee., ,of tickets and want ta boiistiflie town 9Cicago, i viiting Mrs. Malrtin at slîould reinember thatf tiiý-v luytîjeir at Libertyvilis Inst-.,.](of th, ity L.J Wb ei uef otoetewekfrtey will be doing a mite toe uni show- Winn i, Ganthe f i fe w. se for hg the raihroad that-this vililîge im dîîing soins Canada hlands with vWew to th@-e oego.F puremaingof sane. tir. Welib, if îiiitd Cal>t. J. Williams wtlîfs ofiîrs,-s frotu wîtî tffe northeru cuuntry, atlcilpatesi Loilibville, f,. W, Qfbholls, witl tvwo moving bis family there in the soring frain St. Louiés, . J. Mouîi and n mati andi wilh oeil out or close lusi biak. by the noms ut Schmuit t if.ti Wu eacb amitlîlng business here. froni Louisville, J. Pu)llor(k -vxith two Jame Trggi;baspunba" he entromn Iowa andi Morris Jtoseniblatt witb James .fart -abot four mii,.le nolwent a tri;ig0f teD frin Mth iioiti[ave ail of ibetyvlleanda mle "-tof hetuned their faces honeward. M. 1). S ubrtyvhCoreraud ill e wet of tiiller stoppeti bei'.with a dozeitrunuers Sugs nt tuckConr d immenext arch gdirect fr<îîn ravemeedudtnt ontinuei bis fr aes ont.>it ani cinence far îiiîa.dway to Sau Francisco.tmi tht-se had mir.i James tiedasrtertieari g nd holiedtx torace at Lbertyvill,.. liesides airr tntture bi eutti uefari. these însny boises were stoliped by J" I$Norip, icuper!intendenit of the telegraun at [;oints 0on the -rondansd Trotting Asoiation ernck. lf t Mpnday turneti back, 4 cpn*lerabthîauonunt of evening for the. West Bide Di ivlig park, freigîuf cousigned to the llarle-i Jockey Chicago, where he will put tih. trucincl-ub at Libertyville lIottu,.- sent liack to St sape for the. matinee next Saturday Chicago. whien Joe Patchen will go againemt bis world'a record. X ,ANNOINCEMENTS .X Charles W. Young, gon, of Mir. anti trs. The Ladies Aid Society (if the l'nesby. g. C, Young arriret Sunuday froin terian chîurch will 'aset uit the home of Colorado wbere ho bas boben living for Mr@. Tiîtp Thursday ufterniion, Ot. 5'. the. pont soveral years. Mr. Young will At tii. regular nmthbgof tii. lien Hurs enter the Nortiîwestern Dental colli-ge in n-xt Tnesday nighît the Waukegan tesin Chicago Soiug to the cty daily and i lif wilf b. piosent to put oui n rk. AI makle is home witbhis parents biere. meinhers are nrged ta attenid. ies Chitlts, of Wilmette, who is abtmut The- next reguhar meeting if the Lake- tu stant a claminl china painting in sie Cemetery association wiii b. at the 1lertv ville io receving çcotiitenable home 01 Mie ll'ranui Niolas18. néar Heu- c-operatiqnfontq thome who deire to dets Station ou Frhduy atternoon, Sept. talle p titis piesfug art, slready 2f A ten-cent lnucb will h. serveti. enougli to. meure a dlais basing an- At tii. Preebyterian chunnli the subject nountuit their tillungnos to attend. will lie Suday morning. IHow the Classe wll soon otart at the btoulie if tattie was Fougbt.- .il are itiviteti. D Miss Ella P'arker, on Park plauni][lutue evenîng the- addirelb will be of lier sny demîreti information nîny be illustrated by 4£ stereuloicon. obtained. The ladies ôt the Ni. E. chancît will TIhis eveniug f Tiursday) M.issCGertrude booi a pale of bread, joies, cake, iviokies, Waroer g1.>v s4 farewfhl ipnpr ti i Mis dougintute, rolls, btied beans, op- Ru O leion wiio uex5 week starts foîr corn, apples and î.undy lu the new Oklahoma wbere elhe experts t.> makle Haaby building Satui day. Sept. .40 fro<m ber home in the. future wltii lie-r sister 2 tp o'ekbelok p. ni.1 tins. Fred Brasteti. A nuwber uf Miss gudy wilf . liie iof o the cîjîîfen- Glema sgirl' Trfepds partake-of thte gago yeer at the .N4etiodist churelà. CiA,. feit while tIie evenfng'§ entertainmnt meeting preredes hiorning servic,- in will be in the nattine of a part>' at wiiich wiich IMlere wll leiii rec.ptho» oif pro- uuauy 0f the >outlis 0t the village will I.e bationem nd » iefreç nfr tii h prpuet te gi'. ber à berty farewell. treomu.>-. Sermoniiî t TR be the lus- C. P, Fiais, t -rlriteran îî>son-coi to trntor, pintes that pevr bcftseiiilisX SPORTS ant AMIJSMJ4NTS X inemory bas the entire cumuler hîen su ruathet i wth work la in h lice of lantustry ' t-at Sattirîlat '1hO 0, îîî W. tir: Fioher hbnaiud of hun at present a NoeI's tiR City -istreýls tili appear baffliuent for A. Kilhbualiin, wh> %% iii in festine, ant iiiglit perfornanc-es at buildti ufait in thte eubucer subi visionthe clihwartstOperaf1m tigie. The booking a basement for Roy Ellia' uewr houa. of thb. attractii uieans the turniug Wl.lclî telîlgo up nexi to flicefGeorge ont Ut a tWeili t-il liboos..Foflowing Morris plagte sud a t<undation fortMr@. this Hoîty Toît iy- ili appear next lIo0b't. Dusenberry, Who aIgu propose@ Sunday ereuing. *Hiity Tolty" is saiti bailiig, . beies several biasementa ta be entertaîniug, iugnlficeutly stageti, whjeb bhohain uder voutrait tu linilti for beautifully custunieti anticapably playeti Conractor Wells. which is not surprtsing wben it le tuowîî that Weber anti FicIls mare eponsuble Tiie Woolrldge brothero are ereetitîg a for it. Thua. ut unr tbeitregors wino brick plant nuit ot the St. Paul round- have not ball the pleitiure utf<Au erening bouse- 40x80 feet.anil teili open n miii wth Webex and Fielis in tbçir cop, little under tiie title of tIie Libertyville BSa@-la New Yot thiteitt'i a 4oM~I tre5tice Doo Capan, B H.Wuonitge.mat- ithat these tmanagers h<ve decidi.] to ailer. It in thoir pupoa. f0tinnufac- yield tu ifie lainor titrogiosit the ý»4t ail kintis pý trini, do taiç work, ar.ý country fgr a rond ruictou of îHuity lu fact everyti4ing that a Oirsi clas mg;i Toiy"i. grealis uiclcmd *x«ittss A dtet ,u.w iie have sgcces8 New Xork butstemnuila many a bptnpet ie<4l and willhof>eititallisted g yasuad uhAs Manager Takaco lias hall waon gotbti sriçtigre leit rteil3*0remethet en erpriae to suture titis exoeptionally tbom. Tiie te apo re*sot» wly I.ubevt- iheit imeseptertainnîcat for an engage- ville ang the sprro»tiding country-teil~ o n iltwic .alttmr q(s sqppqrt sucb fan lndmiltry and I;wilcomuteatnhle, lunvYk-w oT the, focthut a çrtainiy provoe44 couvecieuce to local guamntee was rei1iired. At Schwartz bqUidepa. Tbey have ili tbir enpluy ait theatre Butitiy, Oeit.cer 1. alid fltirslvp ai tiie Dow Ilant in NWatt. (eorge luger I-i planinug to bold a kongq, & pis» tborougly 7 onvergalit serWesot matches hbotiweeti local bowlers Witb this lias of wonlm. and bawlers of Lake Forest andlBigii- The. Ioarti of Bupervisons a a net. land Plart tltii.wîtite!r the. gaies to b. 14g ]Rot week deciltiedu ta bud a Minent under the aiîspi(xof thte bowling league wnlk iv. ftoltlu wlith roin the iortb reéeîtly ftrmed b h.>' ftes.letotens. end of thei. alndy laid larkasephait Two teatis if uTlocal bowlers will bo walt lu front of tii. caunty farni tii the fornied the unikenp tif une of the. teanis nortbhlmita of ttain. Theu.1d w.od heing alreatiy aunounceti aud wilh con- walk wbtcb n ow fronts lthe faim will b sist ufthtii folli.wing menîhers: Leslie done awai' witb fin a short tinie. Thi e ., atHrr'la loir ie Huad asoeoovsdomtete vllgeo . bbFC. Elennlng utîi tve loag T iz. CLEA-RI SALE Gatesffl& Dismissed-Thi village of Lake Villa came ont on ftop lu the. suit for six dollars sud tlfty cents for wbkhi Attorney Miller of that toem oued the. village for ai acount of an accident tehicli wai canetiby the sttonteye lî<îra. becoins frighten.d iîy s street ligie. Attorney Pers ofutWnukegau, hli the cas.for flio village anti sueceeded lu hsviu$ il iisised. Ha& Paculiar Accident--On. day-' luit week n uîost unumnal accident bappeneti to Ahexamiter Rets.. the~ six yesr nlid son ot Micnhuo.l Itese, of Wan- couda. While at play a piece ut tire cauglit lu bis.eyelid tearing it almoot completely off. Tiei. hld wtai taken to Dr. Fuller of Wanconu for treat. ment andilit»atiiongit tîat lhe wilh suifer Do serionseconsequen-es Trou.tithe tii. accident. Horse K1lied by Efectric Cars-As the. crowds teera leaviug the.races hild]ut the. Libertyvlle Trotting association truct ou Frlday 'of last week a teain driren by William Hall of (Muslner twn@ *truck by an esât bouilli electritCcar nean the. entratie. lu the grontio andi ,one of the honte, iu@tantly tilled. Mn. Hall was thnown to the. grounti anti the wagon completeiy terecteti. Tii. car teas approaching with consider ahi, speed anti n it wasconcealed by th. blgh fente of thei Trotting park wea flot sen by the occupant ut the nig. FarffiHoua. Durnati-At ant iarli iour Tuesday iornfg jitwas descovered tlînt thie fuot4m fon the Jamies Kniox tari near Ouutelles a un lire andt ai the lime ut the discuvery tIie bis. hall gaineti nu mucit headway that it coutil nut bo cotitrolleti anti soon i te struc- ture teas barue tu . the grounti. Tii. tire wua diocovereti by :3. W...Widdi- coraib, wlîo lives in ain adjoining hiotia. Tiie place had benvacatlfor 'aersi intmnthi5 ant litcinuuPl hoeine lan. expiainabie it hieingthl ionguit that tramps peeking refuge inii lfor tihe uighît was ithecaméa.Tii. building wu@s insured ii in h i. unuMutnai lnunratiee compatiy. Sues For 05,000 Oamages-A ei lui $5,000 damuages bas 4.eva bnuught agaiust the. Chica.go & Milweankeetdec. trie raiiroati, ctuplainant beiug O. Fî Long, of Chicago, and is due tu allegeti injuries whieh hoe -iiitt have @uA, taineti as thermoult oT ou, 01 the. cu.u- pany's cars jumping the. tract at a cunve at Wilmette mo»o mionhîsago. Tii.minuclaiutgs that the injuries hsvje incapucitaweti m front ttiending to bis business, tbsl bis bealtin l ruined beyctid bulpes ot recoveny, anti thal as a moulIt bis mind in in a s.tont suguieb. The. wreck, scçoZding in the compiaitiaut, W&uo te . ho Iet u proper aiç lWu.ii eiug suluplieti on part of the coin paiy. Deerfield Man Disappeane-Fdwand- Fiiltz, ut Deertlelti lereportail miasing anti bis wtee ta ran4o sHa reouit <if lue nutiden sud upioxplainalile sbsence froni hom, Borne tinte agî) Fuitz feu e hitr) 4 $0OO ubrouAgl thie death of bis motiier suif immedmtely severeti ii connections teith iMarshall Fieldi & Cii., fun wohohlldwqrkai Ion a mino nilier iof yeua eandi itartetilinttolère lits easy. À lew tisys aaflihollet homu eitih laot 02,t00 ater leaving Fron thit tinte ho lias flot hleu board of aU4 big telle, Weho was Ieft alune with ttrme&smail ehulremi, tiie oldest touiyeair (it age, leslniiist iu astate of collapése causai by worryitig ovri'hW unusilal action. i is be r s-lief thai fonI play lias tiefalei hit astmît-ver betuine bai lie etayeti aîay front home Ton any i-ntigh uttint,. Atfemptud Auto Holcl»p-Aiittier at- tenilit u uhold-up su auto octurret] lait Finida.y rieur Winuetia nt aluoîtt ie saine esut tebe early in the suiaac a 8partY o1 au to. mobilisis utere. slo<pWd andi rouhd ut considerithie m>ouney astil $welry anti un4teitere an eisleccar teu@ entereti hi makitwl bantise tho umadtithe r lisamngers titra over thieir behongings. Shortly alter tisit the attenipteul robeiri' was reportet u the Wint-tka rpolice by asminu iving bis naine -ai 0l, anti, of Wamkegau. Thte tian siate t lait iitt aia'rt f omen, one oft tiem bis wtt., as driviug lus inacine along Sheridan Ituati tehen satian wteil a mask across ii eyes oruier btina toi stop et the Poittof n gan. Intiteat ieh.sent ie smari-ie abeati et fulispeeti sud escapeti, the roati agent hlning alter tiie floeing aute. The wumînncroncdin t he buttuin uf the car anti nioune was bitrt. Child Killeti by Wagofl-Lài<t Saturduy aftenoomitheie haant daugbfer ut Henry Eifring living a couple utftmiles iojîtteait t WLibertYvile wteai n nuver liy a hny wago>nantikillet. Tii. clilui tas luit a haliy being two years andt seven niotths aid. I1hall heeni tie i-umtoint uftii, fsmily ta give hier ride& sud It j i blieved titatesle md eus outi vvitl the. ,xpectatlon Wi Ieing talion (tthtii- 1ud antd lIM sau.-mp tner got Uhertgvi lie qEW BAROGd Fro)m that W. 1). HAVES STQI L25 Monarcb Launded BoumShirtg... .... Wrignts Genuine Dollar Hi"lt Under Shirts........ Boys 40e Heavy Fleeced Under Shirt. ........... 1., 'S2.0O Heavy waterproof Duck Coats....... . ....... Assorted lot af Boys and Mens 75c and 85c Sweaters....- ,4gorted lot ai 50csnd 60c Work Shirts.............' Assored lot of Mens Fine Hats ............... 10$ Mens l0ç Henatitched Hau&dkif ................ toc Heavy Cotton Flannel Mittu. double pabnù...... Dollar Gloyes and Mittens ...-................. ... Boys al wool 2.25 Suits. sues 3 and ....... Boys ail Vool 50e and 65c Koce Pants, sizes 3 to 6. 50e Reversible Four in hand Ties. ....... Big lot of Boys FAue Suits at 65e ou the DOUe. Wetch [or our big Ad. THE13FAIR mRVLU XVÀKEÀN8PSIN Fali Term opened with the large8t enrol" in history of the ochool. Olur tiew quarters, fineet in eatate; in "She.I Block, corner Genemee and WuehlfltMU SI Where busiess la taught as busines l&aaeW the best teacersiai mtoer apyd.W students ae asttpgls Supeir - in BokkwçIg SborhadT" writlfg. letter e imoMnas, business foruma. corespondeac. lsh actw ua ON start ta finish. Write for catloe., B. A. MUNSON, Pres.C.. A ê0 WAUKEI3AN BUSINMS 0 WI I ýAF soid for 1 5c and 20t now 5c a Yard Ail fancyj Dress Goods, 25c agi 20c, 00W lOc a Yard Ladies' Shirt Waists mauici down to 50c, 75c and $1 Afew Shirtwaist SUitS 1eR ove wiii go at $1 and $2 NOW IS THE TIMI M. 4. Uolby Mercantile ü Phone 29

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