CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1905, p. 8

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ýPTt à an e0e ra w». le rIvIlIptimefli oute WsaiS fin bIesalnpg«rtahit Jinsudr atroug? as M agla ar0sgbis la m e~nebt S. St eb Wbevia ger Pt iBgilNy mc k lbI itonllrm&»hi Il'ugmev lih* Itieof luptnte, and! ab."dlitea homarrt.alon th. Ifli. Uc. balle woa the el volaber ai the honus hwho Ie bau abouainlo bermlesi- tn"' oimacu vIth Irad to ber ap' peoscbhWg mamdiee.&Mithe vivmdlus reoceli **ma*.Wvu lahlta aItithe ucoabeil af go ta iea veri day holyua hon te tt. te se citer TI 1het sopomenir hai roue, ami LBaI«etlam aal imemlure u mus vs bmm àdi is ytdisovei àdat 0*'4,i Ol*vai V5*WY*i .date o!the vmiiiug ai* Bkc ba4 bw l'mc, t e gm MM âw fIn or 'iulsist ud lueli.atali te tantsqainttaîiy th Ielao tAI lieutalu. g ~q pm emI . erlpg bled~ ~ çs it'*I'1 le Sololith inm a" ter -1.aéte iceh0a i t a tait, vel-beci heauIlimg%, uni- a .ve-adtgr tmipliou ù;is at lb.mcegla. le irlcm*0 ronng ladr ah. bei fullevai teeleMueut bem homec&bdvitos'e s.sho bi dIa1- cevered front te netgbonlg traie. pao- pie hber b« igrmiendmis abouttbe soait bfeelhoi 1. o eesli Vhuid, Thn Paulane ire ab* wu vs gti rai Iltimni hi SHI Xt laenta. ii mSty n ot e odfe.etthic te, leG, Mâliett E q.,' a i la ack D e- i.hsu e tonci a, moitt a Obh. bei ta,4 *" lb ilihli hua ul s . te e orjbàu0A thfiet a ý a.' 8,gn'*cl hotu e l sedfrthé m*tbl at *u gaasi ieh.uanttbu bau Imn bAço14sas U sl 'aiselmvus te Icltsa boer eqIa*4'.. te bar b te eu es. bll. lent - luiïh be*lieliy me*0 ISIii -te »ercmalm o w atume, a"ila se al bqali' uman i failli, ýte 'ta. Mlltte, ehl M ehà ýE Wabliee t mIme' a. h. venumi ny ade. robes te asa &d. '"bo b Sauospaer" ras Tbbi4eh*I. "Lord laminera la iour aouln'a gdm'- atel ir . diau." minion for a "Of course-I remimbeý-.-tbe bni- 9f ye dnet mlooi$ng old ma v.met At he i.Exhi- ren01l foyer tien lutI Ma.", "*Ye& l',vobien la constant ireant ever Ines liai unfrtunste meeint ualiho woli seek me ont and tri ho do smeue tiu for m. Tiat v-e vu I vu se w bisait OP aw4yer en roca on bllhlm Yen coPIa asg lrritee 'aC u li.the lleries; I tliaught ho ulgit st la mir hua- Pounteonu auUniworm Our aidrumaout ef yôu.!' "Do Yeun lilnbhioveu tell Miss -fuse te lot me maiinug about my copylmg at thigl- taon vha putbr, po ' .ýi Ï&W hJevl."No doWA tof t; ho is an luveismuhi Bir Gofrar taiiÉ.", relative of i. 3tw aiht a adien canviction thet ireis 'déidaet i ffallatg hai uni hie informtaion te oblla hir aihtea. If Lord Aunt- tee. Lcvyersma o,'.. inmol, ani hulerai ah. isd t afalr." lut tiâtai te hom othae va. Indeht' t~ ai tai rour- eh for r h iourmoua letter. ThiI, b- nt's chinées,. lef dWiaot lnrreueaher heira t0 go 10 Geoffry vint MsllUngteni but .iheu ho hteer resolu- ien te feaésise seision in her fathr's sviry liit- ahe. "Do jonuvat ta go hoetthé hall?"' ho IiJc'e iii," "I hdat can* e tbit about it, If îou .11 imohairbut ien't vaut tteg, hdu&" fui alvantaga "I do'h rrcm ealthebail. ellier; bat I 1k. yon te %ne codplae, Elthil. 'If va venu te go te the bal i cair, uni liey abouldi mot llbely -nie o» agaluat sanme lier for -a f.ew envlie would remember mecas GooftfreY r -eeralsa fr MaIiim. ami lhere-vould b. quite a litte id bar bei. on seateitovr my reappearauce; but thii âd Ianci for- lovtftsp intites us le rleau nMimaMalu lus, la aur rase.Seni an arceptance. r thé adduai rduan; ve cami toiv il o» Is an ex- ru.. oa lhqoniag ut ite I7th. In.te Two tieughts miantime va vW ru howu on. daY uni >lItote h. an-bv '-em aSd uea loeiround a your fuar iiy mt a ondilnry traugers, and no one i i ln vi are anîtiing cs." etray lie, fer Elie va. glai the. question vas set- e r"Thontlied lu. hie vai, for theo, e.viiset ae. helisdohbousetisat sould lu justice tik for lu prie.' have botu, bertfater&c Mr. Milett opem- id thie ehen 1.etrand hrev It sersea te you chiai, per- lber.:" der, A Pansu. "ftea Il ont, Ethel. 1,1 frein Pelllag. huaina-i-oun Vie talimi nmuni thtat 'v. no ime te priMeua." Ethel roc thie lette, viiinh oas a tnt os if ah. foilova: tar theascrt 'Mr leur Malet-1 tend mone binas Lq allun, bi lo-uiult's train: hope liey viliiarriv, gon&,»aiseali rght. I as tirud of tuas place. but v omi, 'v et entt e aya rder the. promiaci fot- sa& rm.eabeui dniglt. M oh fnIeni bata en a vifs lr&iteg ferr. ahae'1,14MsaI im etlid itha. s . s thns.sali"mntpesttaiuvt neww Ileun & tcIa,' litsha. hen a burien te MM cuinev eauindamMr Arriaiho". sport la ex. t'M 'a'M'collat but lest tfI Imm stbit menotonona. *10bJehché.b 1 The honte le fail et Plsent t poi- tas scret amind a" et tsMW70Fouoewetimore ta I . ta taw eeu have»W b*** enihi mueclle; sud 1 cm UWWO. 4" til roolly anxlqqa te cet bai te ou verb. 1% tt hTotI91"mieMaot net te fengt ber Pins- Wwa a wf Wbat pouls va it' M. Mal- 61%6 te tatia i*i , am tb. mer -ri t, Quit. mut, vint h.uant, talai; A"ish le luitter ta mour- ameet gi mal du4r, for Itmut h. cdlnectly." "Pur - e âher AfIn g-ber atbor effcA" finIsh- 4h h '.abbtel e t f, 1 M etfilaltW., net a V s*tierliuor. I.meva.uaftali captait v mbas ie, X>elltsgb"i seltee biglt c vaion isW Ile abe upvinî ah b.w wd enth. bad clii Io ho, b'Mr, toi.amY goui-bi. Wbat badi mclii ocurmi cru wlit, uni, va. bis. Whos EthelPUlli badha le ce* f risé Piiom'mh. bleli k ilsa b. sli: liu. ac. venl Mj vlahI ceeu tlle iYseif by bQ- lmv.;for h iqvgroui r« ouint mim me a util, ville mli. e mluldho 1ca ar, UMi alieu.;bt pènhape It tki W M w v e ha ielcomos mefor 1 knv le grecnhW.l't c terrible bore Mmtimea. pw le l--; ar e eokM'B se 'mhaltul iaIEthel fot Qiniea uhri et mtath for bicandam, ý"Mjamia Ou 1-1 'Rofleat, iMspend- lie MAW : e ~~a iue be , vli a face et. mean. ami iai 00 hatab*ba __ tch, i .amn.Mind-Mat but avwiii ofexcite- nos . za~ WýLie5bt osstseml a Pau beighboet ut le.rdetiei t0ul, &bd vitu-4t ponhI ug-'tlStW vlew hetiremn M M hillugaud thse Mallette The. winows .oflii.bon4oir ucrloh.4 a long si'etch of tb e lacdwipa rb- Wliu Babate.rueeed the. rosm itilvb eupty. 8h. eaihgb tte inl>* fur the mev yi > tin os ront bas gioy and a~pet the mobu*~e.!la~ h veat (n h hall andaao up look-~i inefugo berau aPly mIWü«Ug'.*WI au porteh. -W *M ea'be > qnbi *$. t vg ns t wsu iao giassi 1. - au Mse tla" is )alug *asamat ahomeUi.1Wg bette, thlineuga",.soit t1h. hip fr.....thèse puipu»M sR ps8 away, came forwari ol "Ar. yen mort FOU tri regt lu myimg MwssMalilug te bism tleU.i Ëeilpleh»i. ubsi, la àI a novlo. thluk Yen have madte a zdmtke. U Ye« *111 follow me. monsieuir 1 wlll aieIf 1mia. Malling u au elraut traen ba e to lihoa ie.h»boudoir,o-tad i for a moment lu hhought, ami thén 8W : et tto the pîcture Caudery. lausho eM, peQted, ehe fouai Jack aud in Mg all ln the. deep rece»e of a vladoW t tle for end. 8h. announcei: "IM. ani mi" MlletI la your ho*' doir. mademoiselle!" Poulinea prent trous ber chair aM tood glarlug et Bahette as If aho vu.e a messenger front another veaud. Th» words "Sir Geoffroy" roei te bur lime but *ho remembered la timi hat lehin l- dlviduallty "ae not kuova te anule«0 but herceif. endhoshechecked the nomi with an effort. I cm fotet athome." ah. toli her muid. III left word ho that offet." Teo, non they- saud.mademoiselle. but 1 happeusd te b. lu the hall. und 1 thougt 1 heard lti. gentleman &euh f«s Monsieur Dornton; se l offoedgite as- if ho va. ln." (Te b. coimuai,) Àperegrmpii from nue of the En gliuii paperu remarka on the. unuanal slgbh of Sir Chrlet Beretobsd'a£e flylug froin the-Presldent. a treining- shlp lying on lhe Thames.,as a aigu tht te chief of the Medteri'aneâit aquadron hpd taken command of hir Ileet. To the Americun. th. Inh<éreat- lnt part of Iis stateuxent Hmneflt lu the dlaplay of the fiag, but in the. ve.- nil from whlch il Aies. The Preaideut la su nid Unted Salter frigate, the capture of vhich by thé. Britlih foim- ed one of lb.etMost pcturuoque events of tbe War of 1812. - Admirai Dectur, the "Ittol o! tiie Amnericen ServIce" the . "aardtof lte ecs"," as put ln commaniofethie Prealdent ln 1814. The va"el vi bult la Nor noname twenty yuard before, endt carriciforty-fourtauna. When the. admiral i t Inhlucharge., tiie treaty of pence viti Enu~i vu alreatty conclutted, but telegraphe be- tour tige ofthle fer future,.tUic av i lied fot'reaced Ameriea shores, and hositlies ver affil kepI Up. A One darn nlght Decatur trlett tej teoniout of Long elani flouai vtI nut the. knovledve 0ofthe. Brl i equadron. viich vas knov u t.ho inrklnugabout. By a mtaeta. O! i pilot theiM hp rau lotma abdii-icr ua" aiifer Ivo bonus hetore the hie Ioff. Tien Il vue tonn4te b. so badl ir aei liat Uic auiral i liii te hum baeh 10 New Yok, butea fierqe gle'drove lo'nt te ses. At isyligit lire. or tour Engna- vegeelu ver. sighted viiieh lunndiI etely gave nage.The Endymloq. b.urlmg fifty Sun, caugt Up vili the cnppedc iip, and for murau a aever cunnionadng ras caretiodon. Dicetur, seelngtlt til vag Imposible ta ont- alnlp lhe Britih venantsa, deMlicien a boud troke. His plan vwa sudienly to turn about, board the. Endymion. and escape la 11. "My latt," i. cnlett, Ithat ip la coming up vili uai: Au our siiip woa't sali, ve'll go aboard tliha, e" m ia» and beyo f us. and carry It bock te New Tork, AIl tint I aslk Io that yen nolovIme. Thi. ln Uie favorite ellIp ;fti conary. What! lit auci a aip go fer notiitfg7" 1- 1 Tie anaver vaca eerty chott. But a clever move by Captalfi gope avei the. Battymion. The. otier frigates came up. and altiiougi Decctur'g re, bai rirtcWliy dlsabied thU ic ho could do uothbtg nov but au D der. One-fli0of bis cenv vas bil or vouatedatid hi. vu badly Inurci iluiceif. Tie Preaident, vîit îl ews, vas takec te Bermnuda.-Deatue aoerd vas returne te 1ahm, and .very clviii. ty vas ehown t1th0 l niora by fleir The Preident vai-laken teuglni, viiere i eil liiuaed ta.atrabkhmg- uhip. it va. aokea et* btBritish au- tioritietad a a odal ot naval architec- ture, and lits -ofigtrueotireommeai- .4 tua siip builer. The,, aid uiWo crew ha. long sîuc@ paseci avuy, andl Il, very existence la aiment forgotten iy the nation for vi I i fonglt de gallantly. --They ccli those ic ay%,'- ro- maxici-the mam iti Uic ltai ele,.a ami pam-lit ai n ,-~Av ar aticalar bni .f dogr fape uý tic vcrm-vcatler vit. -Tes, i s muiMy 'gmboua"' - 'Why mot" uAê~liemt over agaluit l"e Mowq iqu hrequy.-Mak xi. Thoçt bl ne moral qitale reldoa in fiYbreau aimenel-4tialIhi b. l$èIBrIS troint thiegivrnthotbc glt.t xQue'la lisapenenual. il la impir a neata*~tva vlue cud. merily uiag*v e , colorions. , Il cmont Mc-1 ceV Ot , tnt In the. metiOd et lx$ .aeuivssnwt nonIn tise handt tllu- stotr it~ itzwmrscrans voui regard one acired la tue .brewret'ibuasiesasna taiatiusu Ani yet tene receiti>' di a bti'eweo! unilmpeicitable lutegtitY I basin"ia relations, a member lu goë. Mital glar standingIluanu eVan- geleai durci. vio. vien i.ked ou hi, oyis bcd'if hbcdaleny coramel or admossllon lie vauld lIke te give, t0 amn thankittl Ieau lok God u tic fae end gays>tfint I nover hnewed bai bie. melti thmont iportant questilon for lis Chritian cisancli ta caitlden la, wia avs tlitebachitng sitsexapie o! 'JeauuChrist? tl'e e tteIcsolons epîmoai Our lexl. lu lie 'temple 0f Jenueclein sud wilsî the court O!flthe vwomen boxes vero cosvirety an- rnged le recelve te affeings aofte vonippers, Anlîs9i e alai tbat Ch'it et ovez, againsl lic trcaiiy mand tic-, hel& boy people caît moue>' Ioito Probmtsly île rav te osttetatn giver. vith itensi erect andi stitelY trntt. approac thtie casket enud thon, vithi Anuniit b aisaidrop into ltej tneasumy severai louai neeoundig1 placée, ville niq tigitions lookeai oni ;vili pieu.anti oppiaiie. As . b tlund avur heoyss v b eard enlbis1 Mîsr uy, "Venu>', hitehlaitsre-i Tic Picnisce uta>' bave becn fol-i lovai bylieestîsoeiy aindigrumbllttgi giver. vh io hs a scowi on his facei ad iigit lu lits Ieart dnas Ù Iem ta lhe fatal necepticle. lie bangs dog-1 gedly andt sulleni>' ivi ils baud In1 hi. coin bag as thaugi bit fciad to taie It oult andt en wti a groats1 b. iraga out himecappens and viti c et,. i here tiens ratle at the iottom of! lis trcaure ciesi. Dae Christ sey:1 'Venlirho th iibis evrd?"1 la lic procession lien. mai havei pmradathle mencenssry gîven, te man vb i epts smntehlng ieaveniy on a&tily la rituru for ils dole, lie cazhiy »moe gonerally prefenmett. Tiare vaslte oblilious giver, thu mma vIe lu an auxioue liaI bi. le! I inni &han acier imov viat hi. igt baid la doag. chougi ie need not ui becu »e ecreful. fon frotu heglnlng t1 thc ,Md hi via neyer kuovu 10 ilnder amd give a sheei nstead ni a fartiug.j Thome came lic Juttgu. vite ihat thei waetatleu for tterourlng wvir iv iie1tand a i ilectlli icini came orne ef lic vldea. Sicouli uat sire ae mou nth le jualge. but Christ sai te bu': "Tii.ponr vldo bath cat lu Moe .tian ail." Goes trcasry acceptent lie offernn or ail, a! the mca vin 'devaurci vidove' iouffl a. vell a.esfetich viov viosu bouste hiad beau devaut- id. And isla ba n gou dimcde no proteat. Tic gifla ver. acceptable even tiongi thu incn verot vortir. Di Christ protesl viten Mary Magdalena, anoinlent Himn vith lie preck~m olalmeul? lie vce regard- ed# igraceal vomen, and yet Christ speacs cof ber gIft lu terme of highest commeudation. Zeccieuta va a publcan, vilci meaul ltaI leva an exltltoner ici c deaplfci min, a"i yet vien be hou christ cf lie glifle uilie faurfaid restitution ito ppoeci t apie lere i.aflot ae n- esmifliWord- fra ite lîpe of lie savion sbpvmg a" dlespproyai eor uns ci il-ottên gaias. The attitude nitue cbnrci lovard aIl elasceandatconditions tof men sisoi he a ttitudte o! Jeans Chislt. Thc question for lhe chanci le decîde la, Wht voli qimit do? Directesi by Hi. exîmpie. auegivon tu lte goa- puilieclciurci vottintreceive lic ifle of mcn. aveu linugi cnndemnlug lie Methof a cuisition.. Lot lie churci apoaiIlan beslat- 1mw on unernlat toueeGcncernnng dis. iiouesty, lrieiy. fnatid.deception la fraie. Lot la coniemu la scverest terme ail offerte ta acuulislc oati liroufipiunule or oeuber. Let il ahov mont conlr taI no man ea beyl>J" ver loetb husiom eoritear- c. But vii sieulli it refuse te aocept lie servie. sorrgfa tmon vi c te services or gifl are ninaletuitlu a rigil spirit? Chisruh eoith. gitte of tic abendaimo.hie utuJuatthi d6-' epflasi, lniltiec curelà make are- self huliler lien ber divine Lord? O. p-J. i. Eàilpal ,. Tv. thinga bpicaulq t ite- meti, aeemrta*g te lic lmai et the itueutra"e: î» t rot wuastle Cot- dili al!. aoconllag to 110 repent sl- cme .xC"naagbet iaaelwuu g pa S"visied betreen hie Rnima ami fi pes..auggbonu. iTeb*t~ wvu lic joinlu tisq t i pitu et lie Ailgil 'eau lai thé =èeseichIla 18h1 cn'lce. oet bw*qei'.ng et vhioithle uselan env»» ven'kfteaiat&s b Tb- vbP teke ltc story or. 0i*- sois 8.IBLiterailanoat Dt the *Motu ef' alenkInipoint tu' lie elgilealli aud nineteelilivrés of the imbt êhcpteé and the stateureul regardifilg tha-aoau of itoab--mnein, Ram csudt japhatb-.-who, II: te,&Mcli um "Ove- aprad h' wholee arti.",1 ocltlacchipla at prepaiéalto Iraeq. the edniofutthe ilcut nations haqit ta titv tua gsen, Me ab.uturt Oft NI*BP)IR Oiytdeboygj tic fanonS it owle umh.mod iutawetut olaI81m. atmandp Japitati,. referred to lu tii. part ut flB ibla, vrsOnt Ilatmed tu h. icipoceutladrllua mi.Tiey are. aéeOndlg ta hlm. the names am 'Of 0", but or feclle. of the mini. and tàiWbelong tu a part of lth ly wntten HMeral itory, but Dotbils ,torr. I va, lui othen words, a vmt. lug lai th. style of poeudo-ilstmy, but conteult aun tuner oragléegorieal nons. And aceordlug 10to a muose iMèr. Raid andl Japiieti r efer 10 quali- tie. of the mmnd of mer. Aiteni lu the Dame for that tunen plane viiere Uic, 891.9 has es tgroaet fneedom and de- veWi!mt mette posaible hythie cul- bîvaflou Of love for lie Lord andt for lie nelgulbor. R&ým la lhe nome for that luwerd klnd of bnowledge ofrvis dom chat sbould properiy go nloug vlti S'em, but iti nme men becomea pbaWér»aa ilends 10 ea tuta of mini lu vhich a mare knowlcaige of tbînga of religion la conaldered suflvient wltboul deeds or love Jepheti ta liat enter part of the mrdtaitlhc lalumo,&t lu contact wlth thi oter wonlai and ici vltb the religons man lu wbce the lklng for nutwand religions cers. mny, or externat religion, la dévet- Wte uhouild be unwîme If we regarde-I lhe meeting et Portsmouthi of lie en- i'oy from the fer eeat viti tie mes.- eengen from tie fer non h 8*tith frîendly snlîiatlon of the greet otites- man 0f lte fer veut u reaiîy signai- lzing a union, even partial. of the lu. teretits of lte races nespectIvely repre. sented. But znayve flot look heneth ch. surface? May vo flot sec thet euy meeting. inchi ue thi.4 one vas, bitbeen envoya of nations wblch had bîtherto been vide mînrt lu Interests If tnt ectually hostile. 10 agree uponnme bâtis for comnion underatauding andt commercial lutercourse. doca repreautý a "getting togeîber"' of the'Sicu, Rfam and Japiieh fîculteu of the.iuan sumdi lIntlumcase lb. Anglo-saxon nation migitt penbeps be conalderettan the Ilemmite, or lntelietuîl or rea- goulng faculiy by ici vue mae possibe' lie brlnglng togetiier of-lthe Japfene g r Interlor oriental spirit, wili ch. more démonstrative exterlor part of lth. mId typiflett by Raasis. Thse réeallesaon ao! tie Biem, Ham and Japhech atm yla, hovever. found lu ls application t1thlIndividuel mon regandicua of natlonallty. Tic IndIvId- uel ma only entera mbt a tat. of 'pete" vbeu ble uer aspiations andl Idéale epesentedl by Siernandm lhe oulvari performance 0f hW i. lit hiea .terlorllfe. repreaenteil bylapheth. ael; togetier la haroy. and liis cau. ditlon la brougit about thirough the agency of thé reasoning or tiluig fa'ailty typiRent by lte second on Inter- .midiatemona, Ram. A«Oeim uo reports a miocic man- niage ha.e ccetîr been celebrateal by ono ýwglmMIng Young people lu Ciscago. viti ail the détail@ and ceremonlea of a réai merriage sex- cept te actuel, ob- ligillona taien by c bride an bride- groom. Tii. elab. orale ioir va. foiloved by s templing vettting -repat. Tii. occa- seingiÂ~LWa.sion vas maien attractive chait Illa ftaled many uni. titons May taie placc lu Cii. cage iurlug tic comng vinter. Thepremhas aloo contalned aceorunt of mariages performett emld peculiar atd extaitug conditions lu order. te drav a crovtt. Tiiese veddings have bon petrtmM ibetveea partie. on the. FerMea vieel, on bicycles, lu ballonna, on li, vaudeville stage. ln a caeo0f lions,.and ln olier outre vays. Ai lsiatend@ute lover the dttliy and thc solemnty of the marriage aerv- le. and retation. No othen humen as- ancistion la more Important and tfer- reachiag. Marriage manach. home, out ut vicicaernélte secool, lhe SBle and thec clurci, for the. niît of sodeaty lu agi;te individuel, but mati ami voufal la boly wuibock. The nierriage vnv or catit meanu obéiience t h l o f love ami the ioilam fait taelte obligations 0fritome tumU daeati @hall ever lhe maritial île. it licef«.* deprecete anything vic void degrade la the leat thc acreal. nu o f the marriagre bond. Chulémen, la heur bIlee nc d uoteirin-lu atimeta. cay pay merrflgascm hiey tuyp ie 'eburch. but gmvan-up echu. lirueglrdo elMer. X44 oabus .Il*t tthe leit "»OU l tee etr aeenuy. oI0otittltlle noir thc observe of or -t.vOie venir 5*m dfflMÂld»«e tts., averbl. eahtbis h.evsi ta a, alUoý ttilcu abov*tit llvi iroughl condiio»lea. l*B reaer or lm uxtelIn la ghlnigtm nd.!Oregon. WbIse cern ha. axperluei favorable conditions evér à large part oethéie ec boait, lat* corn a luheisppen 011e ai Mlssumiarlale» e lamalmrlngsieviri, cài theu cop lu te lover issourtalehiy oa. uroerinuey froinexcessiveraine an.! hlgh vhids, apeclaily la Mineuni and tiie tt xutionei t lai. a large part uf tiecrrop bas beau biova heva or baililongeni, muc inlaenuier vater. andi hât ab a$bock lu beglnnlmg te ml. Over the. nortiseru part o! thé corn bell frein tvo-tinde te titree-foenlia ef tic crop la nov "te front froat. Notwlthstcudlug troqusent siovers lu tiie sprint viteat ragion, !bgijeng cof springtviet bas lieugêerai, sheck thhrahiug lu Minniesota bainsng eel eompieted. Conalderahie samut i. report- eh fron thtei fikotas. In Illinois lie 'veather durlng thé veeb vae vran eloudy. Local raine, henvy lu parts of central district», very. Iigit els.ewhere. corn lu excellient coudi,- tien eud hamaie floed progre ow oand matorîi, bulk amajred lu rentrai and soutsaneu irr sa!. lun orli; pastuna., brog omormad cow petsa excelent; pas- ltunes and npples detcioratiag. FORESHADOWS COAL. iTRIKE. * Mtchuli Cati. ou Anthracite Mner@ te Ve.-aumat. Demand" Pretiideni Jolsu Mitchell oi the-UVnited Mine Waoikers of Amenica ha.snnouuured Iliatl Ie couisenion oi mine variera of bise Ilirus antihracite dlstrit-ta nt viirh demarod'sviii b.eisrmttialed te b. pie- ms.tted la tIse anlhras'îte coaî cumpuais ci sprntn will be lîeid et liamokîn, Pa., ou flec. 14. The mine vonkera of tte nedistrict» vilii sorti>' eheci dele- gates te nepresent them ai the meeting. Tise decinion ta hold n convenllti te formulaI. demande i. imlar le tise ac- tion laken befone the gresi stnike of 11)02 visen a convention wasî elni theru te dco p aemandit. Tie aven0of the anthracite ec-ti strike commission vill ex- pire Itarei 31 myzi yeur. resieut Mitchell lias beu lu thse anthracite region for the leaI Ivo mentie holding meetings e-ri day fer thse Our pose of stnengtheulus the nelon. Ate lte 1002 sînibe there vas a rcmiderable failles off lu memebiI s, i a restait et the urempalgu the mInes' liader la vaging nani of thoee i.droppei cst of th. organisation are returulug. Amoug tic demande ihat lise conven- tion vIi proitably fermulata are an elit- heur vorbduyir on 11 cluam'et mine worbera, recognition ofthtie union ani a iserli agreement wvlhthe iacoci rom- Vene I .ia11*te the~ e xistla uem of thoiltumînous coolI fields tof thcraid- dl. West. rane a - te e n'on GeV. Verdua cml lite 09;1% Ti. t#uue veutios ou et lem tI Mviii lie 1101,lov viv butlit iq I ç eceotulishe iap*n ii sec te *14lJ w.robaiy dmtt'î'sce lhewurn»ée sýsiil Sage cen expect lthe Lord lt~e~ XintIl lie seaies fé«. whem bq blied i ort hiU-Bodtoa jolumi ef Missoui, valu sudiltaube luas ele.p, Hne vii b. eniriiyut bMe itfh lieaverage session oflte Soliste it iii. mat, brlen dlscvere&" tIlg Luplter hois an seventi moqu. jup1toV-- inmuettho a podor plaee for prvmste sotutl llghta e ompîulea.-duicssgo Sln* Ronald. The Frelleis gliverrmtinle et'rkt. lut tîtotiierit o! large feimillea vîti 4a cross, , Bote sulIIdera vii bilai tb# b mIitiecit bneen la jbiy Qepristtc.- l'liiindeIin' isîledgr;r. We Isîke It tiet e,'eu th a' .Ielotti no.v sadîmîlit taý-tIe Illustriout ns anea. tors" o le~ur tir. Rooaevet'lmoult bave 9(itiiiu un ati ic tu 5fir te mikodo.-' Charssleston ~Ne~ws eandl Courler, l.lkesali lsa'nsae(. grait deve'eopu va ressa îtps. -boit Il lx bte -saueail- aitisfte'r lait. The sliaaguutolet uevdy ldilfitîlr. atasbie ayiptt)tiiîatiré aimesa lI'saniaiely tlt-'emsî.iaussNc% S. The vl oissu ise.Itusc4lan pu pIe lmtrsc'dn %Vsittegrablfylng4 baits. frnîst Iiva' sîsot'ritcint of#I i"olyIs 4 a'l'skil lesi t nolre t 211 nastssaiî*a t I l ii'lt atst l sSOt- U gai, :et taibie seuti'l fa4alitles lI diailte', a risnare r"of lauatos smli. Int5i 0 nti11'-lesêt of rsîlrade lit kili. liuîg ,sff .s' sa sy t'tplo>'('"a libi .îsmaq ulle il t <' of'thome , l te ieni blssy nigio tuaIt' futr -aïli fatres. -i)tioli l'r P'resle'. No ,i- ' . -ss'a'sl lu ci'.' a new t isetry d. t hi srt.,st i,l titsesoitir 'syîî'ti sal.sts'aiil'y a S 'liaid o ii-sr- -iity The .cc ili'otsly niiîarhiale ti rlm I'tint b su îi i li tl tsîl lies Ladt e ;î ls: i t I l s t Ii u 'it'f.-Ilimrlati (ilt,li'. . 1 "IlsN.s ismail cduritlx iilt tIi. gsiarhitttfor Itle siîany s;a"tsb t Ilseus i l lun r ii Il. tnîl". I'is M' ain Iltight 1-0' 1P s is' l et te it i la'b sancitrui tits«iirlly tali s foraaitîsiIl s- le aebu '-Jaillitat, is" tirits'ýa'arlild bpeaîtue liera uan e aîsatil i silu.b." e's.a titio o 1ilatfita. Nss"îa' aissas as lifficé, anieulb"se'lier a iydii' a .ustsd' tt jurltiivst hlit t". lgh en ey malle si-i tsiutilt'IUs .îiav shmu bhave Ic'a Iîr it bai.l Im'elu rssstscl Witti isenhiils'. X",alawî Initsu lslsalîn% me ad l Cmiaf liitiilii'ktla 'is'tcr>', but it Wvitt îîroily lie forgattese hy the major- ltY ofli si'lit a meny shsorlt tmua.r Wiehuiit'touliir. ; itn'ct 't',ltiiî. 'sowt bit iltot lx graft î'ves lu etolIn.'. A iimnotsasy l escikil tae gî'e top sifi loug thse 1binte o aiairthly aetiîtale, lit i isNM lia- ah lusici gvPsaniethe ho'at ha' sbuold; lie let ontgarcafilts. -Nsw oik EveilîtitTel#.-grtiii. Tie t'car>' tient <U'nsser leeland las a rIctuîîaîîit lmdueel. lti Nprotbbîr. ln at lwntter cmnuiito is en iteî>u ne. le le4 Weil s'isoîgletiff toelhave Isit lie wa'nts. b t. ite hm leWasCe l tnd nul bu frettetu imen t otilii'siiilit>' mebmnte-4'lucittluati Eîulurer. It 14 tisàuoisuea'eitisai bsslwweeil ty land ixlty Molarsautàsliei ulsarge ut a iisop ha.'s"'naîia'd Butte oist tseir vu>' tea ttlae('tifinlut, 1t aite up p îs'ee;il'. ilsiistise>mWittle tp the fatis emea'rted I iy litue'sît da'le'titibie ilinlp thlie [>uamkbopsns. Jlit. Iuî N. B.) Tlmn'. Jaisi thlik lsts't'Mn. ltfuckafeller "-Outil havîe ifim.ts u'eli hall"ltibe pur. ciae'd Iscîsha', toitmaîggetate by the. Partl eôsnswsl. Thul the titg vit 1 otthliealthser a ksopsecknr a sou à leuuis teaithe'belle! thit."T" Levaaiu.w 'lnsî the~ l'reuî'thtisen ta tryt "goiudlirk" the plslisiflllanspit.-NeýN T ork Evs'alti Telégrans. -Thec herse andi mnssnllkp' Cssuaek- h Li; een allagrssî'ed la>' lise D'anwltfi 1Japiiil, and ti altown Iolie ss four-Aabger Ho lm terrible anti villant vien It molisse u igitittit uisra"d u'seluian 1t'tslitiîen. m'luom lia' .,isusalowdansWmitte. 1Out l(iuY>. W~lielà coîtfn.tsted hy Jais. utiece rhfttl'u ho voile% ilkt' a Tuni. ttemtpsiim Na'n-Heiniltnn. 'lle rssllrunda furuilih thoe exIste4 eonsîinds'cve'tin. uandi arry the exunu.e on a lsera'osstsigt hca. 'The' goventi meZnt pas efrnt 75 te 127, par éceuls . tentai for Isomtil i cana andth ietidyXý the nsllrottds about etgbt timea a< much fan tnanupartiiig tise maiai.utc ltise> reccive for hmullug the expreas. .[Lnazie: I"inthe elitusut' of tte delA4t lit the I.l. . -lc('eîmmeuer. it i ule aieisble thsst vbeuevér '1 i . am lîneslies nn îev 'it'sînethle eveut lo cbrouIenlu li te Eisnpoiuàa îewI 1pepee vwilais;lunte dciiai f the. inmpmssnt amd speeti of th esi la glven publla'ation lu ths enuir, Ibisa Juitimitller bit of avidenestin Li teforeigit powena anr oiug tea cOmviellint ltat tic TTiited lttaten tla gînic.l>'tu th(- Inters tonalsîlaim_ !pktlburg 'ilt'.' anc.léee ntaed ienva t ut tic &s, Cas wos Guis, Booti, band of lie lelvatloa amui. bas luat returueh te London &fte a 30,000 mile trip. .Admirai Braun a ms ecu usked by thé, cru.' cf thse bcttlesbip Missoturi ho assise a mule te lies mip sa macot. Mayor RoseeofKansa Cite, Ken.. his requested owuers of vacant lota lu liaI citi te allow chilhdren te une tiet a. piaygrounda. , Thoma A. dion la son te àrqulre the. tIle iionseet Milen. 0, viser. firel he mvw the lIghtIof.dar moe lia& e liait nenînni cse. Tii. laIe Col. Damici 8. Lmmout lait ncsiduari betiosshs te bie daugibera. te b. pali wiieu lier marry on berome 30 wiitout mirr>'ing. The Pelais dus Souveraine; Perte, vhlrh ieiongi ed etle IDr. T. W. Evans, Ameica detilutani millioen- aire, la glortiy ta bo sold hy bisPiâla- delibla beiru. Join B. 'Berri, chIe! engineer of the. Union Pacîfir railvay, has heen appoint- e4 e mendier of tho board tof ronmlting stgineera, whînh met ah Washington le <biernas the builing et tie Panama thiiIqf JuIraFuller af the Uniei State upreme Coust vas u"tabafor aun linermnut Germams musicienat tise la- ver Hoeli, London, renentir. uni glve& a paon roorn ou chat asemant Tise mis- taie vas ,rectli*d. U)hiu Riot. ou bing umuci if the Prusident vas soins la remove Mn. cea- geor sait for bis reugnation, epli bu à rprter: *Neieri I bhuk hioviii eràdploy lte orientai aubtorfugs. etseBl- log hlm a pelaouei lette.", Tii lectrir viseni. Edison(,sa"si "Aithongi I orb a gond minzyheurs a dur, mi life la a quitadreful ans, I do flot vorry; lx su t inse, undI Ilit gooi feilevs. I ho ot vaut te ual vitI muan am or mn vlioue ivusamar isvole e 4a elIi .meer!' Un. Bieon ibas butoesecugh tQhie, erud it. p as te lecture on estrnî*r belone calh? mimulaam ni vi. teho mcilti hi nleio gasi Aams te wii lie apparat@& . ne ,éliteh.o asécat h. aimply snid:. "LaiUt.., M. MAaties vii mvadimu yen u'eloctrti. aud I vii!dumom- stnatcjaho ba tue tgay vt theii. p' Rider Haggsni haard liai a ballet baoei q#74"Bhei, vas, te ho preducs lu quqÏâ s h rni ftonpuuine ciiie ii I ame an la tact, a i * sir Guil lut boy?" *met'a bual erc ion ni cDt for lin *m ar li. pe la "Uwian. ai r Pltrim e brsè vand freinha, r at uniacet um1 e tet. nSo pie. f s l'ict "u If I b etr *Bothor mnbea;

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