CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1905, p. 9

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tt4-U-111 cVf!Dm mms.Leus, Smith N. Cherry street, @@. Lins. Nesiville. Tenu.,, vrtsi n1 'bave liaS voeu beati for th. peut faurissus, paina la fie back ansi groins, Mid dui, aiieadsache, vith bearlag lve paitas. e tme alasbtd fIat 1 toyIL. "'I teck Il for tes dais andivvai sur- ' ad. e laiS l i bS u tle pain.t ia.ssfsn cnilne:àte seil nsds FIsape a felte& er~usr aps w'eand botl t ycr u « -Clatrrh cff lbe Internai <organs gr sn- e*f saPe aW&ath lstiengtb, usser- aJps. ;b.caitasmi esutea neivotta l'MPeon sthe renedy. â -iAl-@ame A b * WA5TtU. aie neisold~y. ul 116 &.phstl olui ttampetsttitiupOs rehat. ow tboze 5"Iofs useSthg pfttIII a usU f ut tsi ttttaCauaiag0et1%21 stylso p's vL"BalsM Nah- - atop -MW oegb . «Mat aul b cuaiby a-W "ud. «M cmmoe old, s'ssbhle aulbm Cami cO nup Ou m àgbw si .0.- Per Cow £VgUIrY YAR or USE Ail cravtj SattIng Systems di 03. to 05. Per 00w lw AU lImltstlng Separatoru mw la the tlime ta anake this muSa *ht ansi prftabe. al> a kue and nane a! neretiagent. l1E UAVAL SEfARATOS Oet Ok &IftwSte- 74 Cot*IRsf MO INIPAO -NgEW YORIK lieaper Lands. 5a. iîi,.oi,,,.itintid s asainea. are t~a5e~ M. Stisil 5..d, - IOo. 30-1005 tort the r«eu I tba b 0l pbyoical nnserdevolopm-et preeluqu eeiecifcinl lte woîk Wvietî ie>' <M te> do. Witen ane gaes tbrongi tuh eînnu of London asi Lverplton ee 10 Invarlabl>' impîce&neà i wth te tact lIait tepeopleanc ce-es tiero are te remtaln depeadeuts. aimankards, beggrt aaid fecîvelS." h la etpcsaiblwo hope Shat te adivduaiitOn BOOs ,boql ou are ever t a aster sud over- tomE te obstacles wlistit cofront Tbe>' are hound. It l enS asc. te remaIlan-te bell af miser>' lu Wb,& fie>' lice. andi Do possible va>' seutaa -opeu for puililng or puaibagtbemu bta lte hidepcadent ansd sef-refaut clate of voukera. And >et. ta ctrasI tu the despaîr wviel mustI, b. itb n*Uts vo fittetplte . mccl bl i> blem ct amtItdegmeey, lelte slring tact blat thie proben of ithe chilila n *er bepetul. one. As Iis Ufe May 'b. fiaI- lentsilfor evl b>' bis carl>' îasra of training, oc, indeSi, vitboeut questioni, hie lit axa>' e- taabloued for good tfoi, su Carlyle sys som«ebe. -"Ilsc- knowliege lhe al but oandupotetafc et etriyculture mand nurture; Itcr0by wv bave .11 her a dosiderei dwart bush os0 a blgb-towerlng, wide;obadcwlag trss, eltiter a iii jellow cablago or an cdl ble. luxuriant green on.." Sebacle aa>'batlle vîi te Prob. lein, ettemente May mruggle vAlu Il jalaansi alanslaaaes ansi charities Mai puitalrcifoster fie tetultu cf Il, but if w, are slni'ere lu aur vli ta sUacb It te flne tabeglu la viien te chil le bora, aisifie bonis of aur wlaesf anan ot eanact labor ehoulsi ho sud nauet bdurlag tefienrlt ew >'ars 01 lte clald's exitence. TIis lu fie prob- lem aud theso are bbe reanacarthe b necesgil>' of an swakenlng te te prob- le'naocfthe underféd cbild.-TIte Itoaer. Wie Ancieuas., Tisxveif'n-Thae bouses un, soraftheb aua'iera teu ad wvile tn fete bIdk. Mr. Brickîow <ovlonstf)-I preacune tome of the neiglabôrs voie musical. Mx Doo'.Faitesi. qcuth Bens, Td., Sept. 25.-<USpe- cih. '>-After suffering tram Ktine>' lalsense for tirs. years, atter taking treatinent tram six siferent doctora without gettlug relief. Mr. J. 0. LantSe- nana cf tOieplace founasnot cal>' relief but ai speedy ansi Somplete cure la D)o(dt'eKidnte>'Pille. Ipeklng etfbLs cure. Mi. Lademan sn3iai: "VYes, I anfereit trom idne>'Trou- ble for ltre. >ears andi trieS six Sac- tors ta no goosi. rlieu Itaak just tva boxe% cf DoSd'a Kidue>' Pille ansithe>' ua lyuI>'eis my kidneys, but gave mie belIer bealtb in general. Of course 1 recoaaaeade<t losid's Kidue>' Pilîs te oticrsasisl 1 know a aiumber naw vite are usnig îhem wit good resua." Ni. l.aaaiea'a case s net au ex- ception. Thounasde gîve Içmilai expe- rliiaceiq. For lîsere neyer ypt n'as a ,a-ue ut KIine>' Troubefront Baekâclie ha Binigttaç Disease tht Dcid'*s Kisi- vis'1111Pilla ulsi not cure. The>' are Oie ouni'reiueil>' Iat ea'er cuiesi Bright'g 1DIbease. A u>lphic litaerace. As eolaiille et varIed lterpietaticun fs tîte utteraucea o e ,-ncieni oracles wa»ýs Itie sîie'.-ltmadse b>'a it Sis aiiiraaoaitiiî'c wliusaccompatniesi tbe 'tuiF %i'r aî<ailexplorlaag ixpeîil- tiauvi tlîîîglî tie ('.înadionn It&-tes. T'ley toîrvaîl 1h iî'eî'sary ho tora Bear c-rt--k. aital aisalinet cujo> IL. ai- iliigihe faceaIl ithf exemiplan>' ta.titide. tiîe e ataly acroKs. lie lineil a and %cycal te treamu grisv s'l' "Seaniaitîes yon cross IlV" ho maid eiigni aficmily, 'but yeb onice in DONT miss TIEI A Cure fer stommuacl Treuble - A N"0 Mebhod, bhi Absorption - Na Braga DO Yeua, telcIt? ht miessa dixeaaed Stomîcb. Are ion effliced ati Short Breath. Gasr. Soni Erncîtationau, liait Pains. ludigestioli Dyspepsie. Buriig Pains ansi Lesal Wighî ini it ut Siomaia. AcidSi Boni scI. Disteadeal Abdomen, Diziness, cilic? Baid Brenth or An>' Other Stoinacli Toruraef let uaie nal in a box ut Mal'a Anti- IlleItWafei's trie ta ceavines Yen thai it'aar . Noting cIse liL-. it tnovun. lt'saitr sad Tony plesait.l.unies b>'asoin. lvrii mese. Ne drugu-. tonach Trouble cau't ie caici otlercise-saa saYs Moi- cal Science. Drues avu'l do-hiey est ait the Stumach ainsi mke-Yeu ouavrse. We knowv Mll's Amt-Beîch Waters raand sit von nul oîto kaow Il. bence PE AL OFFEIt-The eguisi pice cf Mtl'a Avtii elcIt Waters I1.950 a box. bat a introduii-iIt viiIhounsancl cf guIiffreru a-e cill send two (21 boxes upon r.'i-eipt cf i ha aavetisemtent. or we ciii seuil yoa a saaapleftues toi 9305 A FREE BOX 114 Sev.d tans coiii ch.orveau te adai- dre .aid inagI.' 'a-arch. d-u self si i forare. taux ofI laiAniBch uWalfei ta MIILLS irussi'? ONIC CO.. 21t'hird Ave. Rocik lslaaid. 111. Gieê F.a!,ddrri endIVrit, Plai-ait SolaI at ail srugghte. 5'0c peu bo. A cenime liatitator. 'l'lat iaeav bireai maîî uvnks lîke a Iiieed(l tlad ta heur It." '*Ycs,lii'c-base,.l arat cul cf te barn and ditîeailal lilmselt dovr ln te sua îad lept aillte afteinoon."--Cleve- laand Pleli Denler. -.(ai<insi Refuuge. 'Ynaséeente onjoa>' n>' sruton-i ver>' inat.gaiS tie pâait a 0te ew ment- ler et hiq or'k. *,"i.' inseethle meek sud lovîî nai, I'a, te une place chers myw>vIte keeps lier mailh closta ansi lot soa elae elso tlU.'" CASTOR NA Th à orthtt"bo Se hô ueiûçer»wjbx . "nd vas tl *I movoil ta ',elao~tkai. oût f be baya of C treavurer of Poeu tO iu 1850 ho va* ele Iegiolature, sud va poiler cfte bil i the liquar rallie.1 Iemesiaradent of t] Nebraskil Wesleyau May'or Patricit A, bail a remarkablo ce sîxt>'-otae care cf is eveatulexlist- nce Mayor Collins crcwdcsi aiora labo lIte tItan lte mai- Icrt>' of pqbate men. la Inria lie was a offieItoy' lu Boton, a farna- ei's boy la fie %Ve s,:ICuflaila, .ien0eagltieer rii Olilo, laaaa- dOst,à leg,àilator. judsga' ailvoita' gêeairaI, staff. a'uligtg-as'siaan, Stiats'and a ti aaonial mas ors te saine, i n atiouaul piaaiua 'uei. 'iieitl ganei ret*tor lia su miikiaig Imii 1>' ilwi r riY' flk>tollj. JIohnaaA. 1-'al miiiae Ii e-,ofthtua lie leiaie iss-icik i' n deai- lrs lt ia'iî alanîs-irilnif i il-eii 01' tilai'tiiiîriv-ai>K 2:,' oh.Prai-o- it ahi aia i i'ira oftIt gir -r a iisLitai. tIc ij;!Ig fri- tIra li t.a 1n,-as'!vutiiiii. iiru foira i $Z.Itlz.ll iii $IlJrliilal tii-st îîîk oftheii i-iar i ai.Il iiwa thuai'tnsî s'i-u'liiaa the avîn 1.009l,fli0 erait, n alathe ' who wi on cuttii lias,%eecieullisi li a beuoltereal ft cliass>aoiiils.Ilu fer Il. Tila'he ili $1.25.aitar-iandi eînuiumîsaIke r-l n-'!iel -lauir'srt.. 'rT' ie aI ,î,qurf ;ei'niker al îiig iv.':i lhte.l foir J-li M air. -' aEnisuali.('liraitl giili>'out negleetc liell t'espoisilîeftl gutaiacait l'euiiiie.- totl lîiter. Et- Carrge ot the boi ers aotfte aeslroy iii ai'assloniiJal. 'Il last. wbeu lia exllsiaiau taat'-' wcre k'IlsîîLaanth 4q ianigle.i. Ah tlii aisald haive béec lild rCsioisîIle w( Iids liant Eaîsigiî inii tilîlii latusec th îîad safet>' valve te lrlair tlat a] de'r, Itavilg eccepi, meut of mubeuila le, rJs ah> felQ (Mb »y$ i' the Iît di t11I >isa»teu. V *tl",I *de)ft h- .xce- TII tree WITT grow wfth ver«T llttie md aif bril- 1 c Aii, osnpy cultIvatioa and wiIi bear for man>'it tbait l the f tur&»W C0@âtdIeof western Jentre, aud experts os>'that no crop he.owll pay VrIis AustrtlaIt edo ztct III Of aso long ylelds a botter returti, esiperilU> as Jite tranaapor t ato il~a, a Water stippIly condidt ,anywb-ecimulaind could bie utillled .for other cropa boai era pîroîîhi- the wotd. The COOclpl4t pipe line is durIng the lime the pceans wre coin ueaîlily bii el c1Only, thirty, taches f lt ameter, butatI n ig to maturùy. wlth theellîla le out'M.0miles lan aglt. lniteiid cfr H. A. Ilalbert, an expert on pecan cu paray telibisbelug a gravit>' Ainae vter îs piumllae1 culture, gays: State for tîî billot through, It ta an elevratlon or 1.«31.I feet. "As a rough estiniate we would sy - Mille i .ir. Iti ltt la dstlbuo bte n nnetbat the area of land 11, dSexal u H ~ i e eeriedPumPiug stations, âAd the Dnmnalt wbich the Pecain ivlll thrive without Ybrougb thei î'îdaly csPacitY ef tbê 'conduit and crowdlng ls 20,000,000 aciles. Thtis vent ltwc Yeîats of tIbv PampaP5le ,000O.M alons. area will grow liait a billieln cf trees. ,Çvlvit,îras 'l'he. causes for oig go far for At a 10w eotimînte of $5î per tre. as 'Prvate In the .water In western AuitrUan d lu Cal- an armuat Incne the total au'nual Elgiîttal'>wa env' forais lire ltu ome rasiects sîmîlar, vaille wOuld lbe $2.500.0000. This, ln alrirl(aallais; but difter uaterlaîil lntata at Las Tocurds, would bic 50,000,000,000, or lie hellpeIl ta la>' Angeles tbere la a hl$WIy deveioped 1.250,000 carload --enougli ta suppi>' )seu.aid was aud Prosperous eCOMmIlIty lnslead o i te worid ad lua few ycars tae ssrbt >uty fur îtel y:I a srles of gold.mtifla camps. For lits wenltb. Ttilse eîtliiinate IN madle upoil ortei tu tie totae >ears Lou Angeles bt obtalnéd close a haaste cf thte 10w averagte rate lu price - Is ia aiti~ ~et band water enoiOb ta ejuppiy Ite andbeurtig qualiliesorfItle 'rexas *I 4 Ir the re"gulaioa cf mont Pressing Beedoq et least, b'ut litswtld pegau. Supposae tItis aret was Slave 18.5 lie bas future and titat of bath towu sud Con-i.planted ta tbe iaaproved soft-slieiliva-~tirpstyl 7bBIi3Idf5i5IS be rnaee, cftbe "> arcumdtdlitdepiad pon a large lu- Mtre an sd the rutîîng price otlu O En f heU "touttLbi*mpcnxof La O 1Unliversity. crisse lu th water supibl. The alear- for thean, these figures would lbe great- IR ecukhr1nVg cfwcmaa' dr a slile alr. b>' soures are not *UMfcent for the 1[y augmeuted. onemy. Tanar. uqdaibb1 ' prospective wAfts et the City and lit "Wbat are the actat tacts, appox- o-called dinsltg~~" > a a.tsf"-lah» .Calliie of Boston, stages or Vht Il it ]TOt Springs, Va., snhebab, and are more tItan needed for Mately. of te ares covereil b>'thte wild coul rntmih ari>' staessoêt meeru. turlng the Irrigation. If the. future of the Cty pecaus lu Texas? We wouid e otm cet aof danger Iél ade na"* £55 t 57nffi PUkhUof w111 waraut n large au outla', anud i I but 500 square mlles, or 32,000 by DaunsuiPain extentng fro helb. se mP1 5 tuaI futurqcertainly Iclle sbrlght. ilicu acres. Tram thîs area are galliereil ovaries dowa tbe groin sud thlghs. Dmn JMM lhlum:- Lot Angeles la ta b.e eugrattulate'î on anda itpped the hest benring years, lu Il Von have my'serlcqpeine. iffthlle "Abouttb5ré7- W 1 bq4 ,. haetuai tas t soivea a wateî' problein caLrîoad lots, about 700 cars, or 30t000- are indications o!f inst1oB ucerti a - 7 oIý v whlchb las beon more PerPlexiu anad 000 pouuds. The qualit>' shlpped h>' lion or dlsplacenent, dol' watlt og m cm sudconume a bone ilme:tn tInstacofrmyonr tsars »d gbut fdn Ibsl" serions than outsiders have .îîsîw tgepestruhhehrosfhsll o 4rfr hnd, oen tua' aud than Moset of us oel citizens even aud beast wlll maL-e 10,000,000 Pouildos. Ilion; smeure LydiaeM. Plnkhazd'aVoge- «Iteltmrotmitmttuaty yet folly realize. Thîsq quantit>' nt 5 centss a undl table Compouad right sway=d begin a"sud vorydl~ , qe __________should be worth ta the State 82,W00,- le nsead write Ms. P n 1 et o! Ollrs la doeMdn, at DEATH SEEMtO NEAR. 000. Bat pirse are goneraîl>' 10w on L7tti, MUns. for ldvice dOnt mtedotrM -thiese m. era l a" t.fom; atrv5 lettai',.roifrene. - i0" jloinbuy suaiM Heow a Cllane Wea Pound El bmpr rWa ai prbp I f ennWho bave bee> cared: .wbodrsl- heu 11000 Wn.Faut ai sdbg Â. , actnally brlngs oui>' $1.000000 b tea l hn- Is the mnam'sablô abhoos lIrs. B. T. Goulot, 1114'W. Lake st., State. Iu mY opinion uotlilug could be "InÎoing ov or'Imk 1 M h* mItgom a ogu I* 'ATRICK~ A. COLLU%5Ç Chicago, Ill., sai.: "Doatn"a Kldney cultîvateil mare pralitabl>'." mudclu.euruTtmortofl3tSfum I= aT Pile real________ m tai dethbeu o ou b. felemsti1bave a te- grabb;:~ )il thiela ave al Ibao baved gnctam Dis-b SALT RI4EULqON MANDS. . 1 * wm b uq thgil if yn -..----ten -Inmlrl, off ias' eàse, tlîat Iafcm. meni es iaif0dos Bed-,ondlnend UsauedLdk.'.)t" te mir bon iltele' d.legite ta ledey tobl. ufedAoi& Hlt WaBn- -Invions. bi'5 dair-ac1h a tube.s &1910&l the Tiae - AnatberCure bi Dm Vin.ualbu't.o secguatfou . a liliti'ii kasier of " weIte yiîîg aed Cutlcur@a th0 eenai 1bave h&lilA le your wo.d'fl ý' JýZfl Ik o w ie le ln A ot er cu e y Cut îcura litthmddcf me.--sla"tte -bondpscs, Bli touy of M 0 ici.squines tai ilt a .il l.' t--avditsoriîlhse lon b'Mrs. CrolierCblod f saItc& o 2, 8% h 1 is - a ~ablietiWC" - tsrig oa hen susodaI tite W ettfrcil 'I!. *t i' 51500f miaiVU5e woSub a qetoi dimy dndld.d sickgE ~~~~~M 1b: * pis. Tikii veyhn weelilgt, buth stliîîg . and wu th" 1 lIraa. Plh oit udit.i IL iilii, i ~ îad wetocoinh e lpihthute o aeuutcua. Oealt u ha" fn~i, . wn »M qMoub writem orstdml4]Leb loitane.paianlu .%0.tstThes'skîi- ansh Pile anaed al hme ne.l>', and bis mLY ftI. Tua OVI u im aauum WeSU ne>' Pile helped me no qiickly tond baudst have ba as amootit as possille ', I' ured me of Ibese troubles sud Ila'.lever silace. 1 do hople titis letter will 4uli iit- been weillever siace." ufal. temau0fbiugsneaIrEU L S G AP T N O 114N lir, Foster-Miiburu Co., BfsuofNfY erer." bePngsin ile a" et 1rte--I. rrsale b>' ail driiggists. Price 50 __________________ Stît ir,îî r.cents Per box. l'h. Vital Question. W R U -.îîra îig i',it~.l'li tue Ipclir of the cIam ilu histor>' ici svîîii ltît Dadly lsîplu. waïe describlatg ta tbe childr-en the O d yrr -le it, That deadlytmplemenlttw liatpin of opeî.îng Of goute cf the aclent tomba lEIIGIEH SIIU UVWUUiI li Io.' tlhe, *modern tintes, la a descenidant cf au uEyt1aaîeumrttteenalc R! nrv*is' f-. . or , equslly formidable tollet article ueed l nîErîstiad aumtîqltca Ierli i- wiV.hss m .On rClrii a îîîî unit 1 b>'Roman womea. eovered. F uI'o d iCdffgbtitU mumu M IN lnthai . at î. as Thoe ansd Juslias anCacou l-r "To show yau bow wouderfull>' Unfîl Mull'a GrapoeTonte vas brought te Aaeca hre vunoula Ill afe l'Sirîîî'îw'i: awhc ennker mohe anseve a tcouecfran>' cf tholse thîngs bave beln pro- stipation "adStomacliTroubles. Aflî a t» îrn tongnofdtheartiocnule ailoastorlIeMu-.served," shes ssd. "1 mai>'mention thst -fi la Dnv the InWut'tilcmly timous aetady for theun tilt. 'Th,vorWI îaîy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l oiîeîa en fhepalclrBîuso a-lnc cf the aldest cf Ilitne tombe a est cure for Couslpsllon sud StoanacliTroubles. mur lci u i re; i' ~~ Cue tbeY desireil 10 fase'inate, wcre bd ei oerlli Ti lod loal sdBIpure ---.Rade he ival, boue Itirpins cf prodîgions lenglt. jrmitcf ouey was founui. I lotldnot îhocuatve poer cf . uhe s oro To&andlcJ nsall 4111*4 tof1 th if have been lesthata four or Ove Mth uativsPowraof TMeillas Grod Tentsd. ne uddsmya îi'iîiis is'îiî Y- et. lîke tie women of tileprescrit tbOUsatnsiyenrs odO, ansi yet lu Ibat MflaousansGfrcaoTàm ufferers vIa. 09v mevlait lares .4.Myh î,îi.î ~îeir the., t ie iteulecmte lave xptenlendjar of liane> was a dea. ln pei'fect Mon. vomon sMd eblîdrea la every &alacadnalghboboecd fIugl thesanedifiul>'lakeplg hen iiPréservation." whel9 country' bc" vlllin vîluessaIo the ma"ieiaaacuuttgqmntlUt Place. This tact came to*lîglît duriug "Was lit aîv'?sked cne cf l*it soverelga re'uaedy, MulPa IS rpe Tonte. 11i:uI litig - ecnaInsat ie se l uland. ilîtle girls, wîîh a bi'eathlestutereel ps Mil. rao eIIsn ut4a1o M~atil e niin Ray Daniels. .1. not entirély unmlxed with aborna. culary the reliefancuefrcyigntsnsad IçI% 1 1 lav la'e.. ibnrdo n cfthe R ouen baih, Coel- r ' nniel îh lri.Dlsesed Stmach and digesivorgas vbih afltIgoiulnta of tMiho ~ . le found e1In fie athnOathcoant- Constipation and lIfs aendlig ILî: -A rua dova tysIela &MEuoils iecrv lted se ceby riesathatendat flUDAIIflC VDR P LAS healtIt, Rheumaitlm, Coldta; ievemS, tcýaacl, go, KidBu>', Lusg 4 1t a r e a Il t i ese ew utît re lth o in a, I U I I 1 5 U 5 L 5T ro u b les. In d ig e utio n , D y pe p si s. D i sth, ,e a , I o f . sloop sM d l e u â thereb noting ew one? bte ea, PItaIsAppendicie, Womanly' Troubles. Olamos, mpw. Vlecê * and tliatlu ail sge' thesanme lutile Curd by Dr. WiIliasPInk F4,l0, plexîca. etc., yield et once te tce wondrcu cure et Muli0 Gupe Tso~ filshave been poscesi b>'womeni. Aitheugh Whobc Body wan 'Mis tracbaille OcIte lMettellke leone and aft. FsibessMothers, %W * 4 _______ ____Affected. Ssters. Wlvez and Chîldre% n,,d tleri>'0o., te 'Mycuff>'saeiugtetier.1 A Womas opinon..Erysipelais or Gt. Anthaî's liere a the alliuag oncf Ofon! ffriadeansd acquallsucos, vlio vinI cvcplDy, tSe 'q . "filie Bhe aye ber Itusbaud'e bebavini mollit uncorafortable disesse On accoant and trnb ne&gain alf. ol saasafrrsa.1 aea fi; ledue bo the fact tient lie blaiinn et ofthe burniug, ftic pain andi lb. dis-. bel, aareDowlald helunylo m naieyTan c r m.lsa 1. hav o I ', Jealous because cf ber, beaut>." 'figuremet; it t. signes ver>' grave dis- Thosfretad There,,la a>.TIiu. al lUmaIS Gusp Tenie "lI'an sar-y for lier lawyor." otder, sttendesi aways b>' the danger of bos frind ui. Tvay la fiee. Mle h0s'.p.Teril apofi.. ..Whyrl ~~~~~itvoilg vital organe ta l& spresli. butindadteoriie« arecflIoel rle u "WbyT'The case whuch folows willliehorend nohlag asksd, oui>' that you lie vlIItug te fry te lie y" -stsAh;i "Becausp.bIle jury wiiI give a ver- vîth great interoest by ail suffereus as ti yeuîsrlf ai car ceaI. fi«. flaceunaveos sd tfor lber huebanil as s"on n hs liaffectesi the.whole bcd>', sudrefased to moritoftiIs soemorga-cure., Wbon >ou kil. Cr Il,%N e ber! -CleveIauilLeader. yieid ta thte remedles nàe'd b>' fie senti >our naine and address.bloi u _________________ li= .-rd.fA. QA. aImpI>' fiat yeu vaut a baiule oetMailse .nomIiot on. 1l, î:î~~~~~~~~l tiof :i JhiOPc'd. o h r Mult s.MaT u. ait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h lIw ia.fera ~ a.~ as lte viCtit f heattaick. B ovet ic. ytgrotSlemch anS twe 0dw G5tf'aU of al"--a itIti' re" Mr@. Shrowesary lîamanu bo residing st No, 19 Winter sîree, BNelrmei'.fe. ouIl nrecoivets oauaiCt. lhanads of oî,l,ts met passed si nas ier. Batcheller. birytort, Mans.. esys: t wIthé1îh t e w ah- eeo o. SavpIr aille *Mo l telai', 1 7uJane of ieoeI vas tailen l vt Pnyo h xes aOmSml loeaatli« i a'Ii îîîaIllie havou't seeabeuhlmaciie we vero mer- whattfirst appearesi t bel a fever. outînd Mail thîs coupon el once. mepai a* «l *#.0 land. 1h i said lie rIed. Ho proposesi ta me once. Ton sentforsaphysuciaa who Proncdn> Ig.iesdt.dmbeua.4 'saô ilil)is inî,.fo liishud av senthlook lho gave dieaaae cbroiiic erysipelas andi sais i i b5tS""t50cbfifodbgbR. fms.* ~ i lit- vai le'atiiIrit~- >'». pu hwoald leh ong Ictime hefoire I got vel. e 1 ml IIII OliY r. hresbuy-Tat u? IOaý -Intflamation begaou n >' face naud n iii-n'a hlmuail lI. hreebtîr>-----Tia seUo t epreasi ailover an>'body'. My>' oyeswere $l~ iii~ t~ es, su he-Pltîadiplia Lsiga. iollea andi seemeil bulging out of tîteir L. ellllr, lcmd realyCo hei Codi. Sokets.' I asisli a terrible pli g t ands fo lle Griaiînd il i e osquto bashevr Credh. muinffered lte muet iinense pain tbîongh- !ofthi' traal .r >' Theansqutoba neerbaon rel-ont an>'body. The doctor maiSn> fins ber-asit ;riuaîîiiicaiî itesi wltII possessiug a ceittea] dis, case vas a ver>' severe one. ü r "iisaîîî lite sîî CriMinston, sud >'et soinebcdy hlledis- hie treatneill, howover, ibo suftniai tifCivl Wir.liecovre tat eveuithbe mnt reckleasn iouSdduaotdlmînisb sudlte pans iii' etchi w ý* d m~coee vit te wl cr,. iclaBillot througli my body' increaisesi liri î iilost ith il- ndanoan te aang hns tnicre tusevorit>'. Afterbeuagtwcuaoukthenual lier~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e iaalît mlfal>-aoith oa blcfuied hicar, withonlenYiiaprovement, 1 p9s l'yN injuries i-'-berseîf witb ul-5ceihilLeader. djstiiiusemin.m -elveil oaa the bat- "lShunt>' atter tItis, on the advice f a Icielil. liea' lii GET POWER. frieusi, 1 hegîn tfia tke Dr. Williamas, On r lleiivst 'b apl Cuu rm Pink Pillefi- Paie People, twc at a dosc ectheug i CnesfouFood.. thrée tuis îdav. Afler the seconad box i lilni i il ut a f w. get power trainfoocd, vit>'not has beîtniigesiI was siprised tt miens - ýru-ra i. iheinla ilit i asgill V --- strive ta gel ail the power vo cau, hi i tfaaiiîiii a cagdw iiIiiiThat la ouI>' possibtle b>' use cf ekUl- ainsi thatit"t pain whcb useal ta cause -'-linjirir ~ fnîîy eclctesi foodme 80 nauach agui>' haijdsaitaeiei t 1ialioui~-i reuir eets foodtitexacîl>' fis the tiuan i t' tte ple wAs up i reqiee t fte body>. sud aruaind te houde atteuîdng te a>' laiirsi Poor fuel makes ai puariOrse and a bondehol'Iinîi ltie.9, as WIl asi, - w ii ic--r.n-i V oer lire la net a goodsrtean pradurer Dr. MVliis'Pu il r s "Fromt not knawiig bo ptislect a&l dealers iaîniediciate or mavla b ii 4_..i .nn.,aiewt .I f. mii'~ ~ fre i ,-for-a lon ime train euicine Co., Scheical... 'n"oîm ___ atomacli troubles," arites a lady train A flsidai' Maiuîl.- Ilii t 11r Alritia lttIe towu lu Mssouri. %Mm. De Vn-lrfao 'm 5f- Id te iii. p Ii a 1qIt seemesi as If 1 wonld nover b.iutMY wiîiziîag la iît lierfect. oI-o STOI1TC iitii able te land ont the sot ef food tbalttiuk 1 cuglit t ta hue ai twor ue js i a .ai'it as lest far me. Haril> nuythlagtait scns? Yu obro it m1cul 'i. NNaide Nv a uiili coulsileat vaulsi stai>'on mantoanach. Thte Dancing MaserWiII madame M___ of utyali wll oEver>' attempt gave me heart-bur ansd let-st kinîf as f0 show me ban esite orith Vu i it i hi, fillesi an>'staanach wltîa gas. 1 got executes ze tuoveuicits? thînnër and thlubner untîl 1 literaîl> Mis. De Vers' (te lier maltl) leio - va copeilsi a kcp l m> bcd trIt rIbue, UIL - bet m the 1 im.rik

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