CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 2

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PPlMION, LANDSS eFIUJNG Up IH.l e. cf tRie Oeffle IMarcse- eteae Lm - 4 li-a ltufIa e enitry ltueis I~ai ~ereis1,40,00 eras uig aIe buwhitle feria-t lesouri sud Kansa, vhoa laRnds uoder leauru. Thouc .M0 leass n ,u -11e in th.l be lad; or about 75 per centt -ý At tic present tume thene 390 lesaciou tile lu lie .0 availliug is upprovai, lie f timeu bng for oly 100. Tieee leaue are «Ii on lande Riem oeiected as allotuiet. tieoftto kndu, lmproved ireS.Th fu omer aie ratier are et rentai farine sud tie SU -~50 per acre for ire l mlnproveeR are for aSd for $50 pirsanux, viii. maI laner, eoipellng the nt a iunuS barn, ig a f is-ire feues 'aroud a& O&lan sqgyhrd -et liftr Mmi j"Mt aed SbuSee *"t110"liwuvso5ptlu incodhlie vili au un- Thvewere mca, on thie ý'r*olt0fIo have been ns- à aliiekb« vou reporteS la ,Cbptela W.A. I ft he i paps&, vho pcked Up iwo abîéti. vuhh serea, ethIe t Arvou cf lie TottRl as 2lée ud anbRietoRd Captaîn IdIa eber iv» mnu adibeu *uSdUim ateea. Tii.sane volle itb the Tut- mm vog EZNAMIS. ~ecombe la Pmiucs W. xL v. U. 4t4k éClacnuatl .. .T5 .7 eBoton ... 498 M 67è Booun ....42 1 0*el54bouton . 7274 N >ew. Tok.. . 974, Wasinp lgto.teit or 0*e thé trust's«o r. hotus> sens reurs PMI DedlOur, ésaS10 :. . u i Ptomac ibtand lie- rether caped to @«Y*r uiBotRi veut, r assista coeuld rench riho BaaiR rohers store %LIi&,, ulm blovu opeu bj tb-ieum.dsetfdollars Re- ïi ekator -cempanles vero 0m had beaient nutou t5 ali e puy fanmers ý;Tiege la noewc Go a 'lacomutlr r ilr dbl.v ont a mË&at badly scalded the 4. IS. Bimhaefremn W*»and thebrakeniu, J. 0. ~0 5iRfgRtin leCsiifru&a. ý4'ehich lie an"maisan. :*,e Umred lafootball fce. Ï; beS seer Lei AnseRsa. No Moaààc eA"a ud aviSoui- . a rma felovud lie dccisi r*»Mginlfarci-etrttho bulle. sw~veSbà» lle Ere- kîp, . ILAnderson preds *6 iiOburg Chaaber ofetmo 4o, sis $utritin muet bue ru S«Utie aanaSsd Wareheu.e bu rePorteS ta hkre ae la lie treil rate casese tii tt5da il bile Smate. 1 imlpMississippi vu iEbbe Moaey, dangtr ci opjtesnter Mouey. I~ -"-iqucf utrogiycmz ?cver liui eaI Mic -~hi~vZ~ vre hiovu t va. desaroyed iputeec mTrain. 1 »-nome la supposai k5UeI bSiebi4 eilier c > CI. ce Pontimid, Oegon Ms -onid a eTesu aud Pa 'bsu e" mis. Texas, au .m eu MMr uI M s Relesbt'.s my »ORKINO TRACTION TRUST. abiekwanflcs c Seccates Saersceci- tre ffl OM" 0"cuti milaUn" Tic Standard 011 gronp et Nev York Omnremeban oblaineS contral et tr- tin sceurRtmln lu 0h0and Indiana vtb a par vlus of O$53,9800, aI ereporteS cash oulay et 50,000. Otier si-i lai tranuaeos arc inovu te bs PenS. ta. The. Positivearent ut vs-ade b a prominct Ciseilaud finacer anS vas OupporteS bu lic stateinedttcf a PlaIldeipbla banier, liaI the Nev Yori tandard 011 coterie le aci of lie 'unît- eS Gai Improrement Compnuaf Phila- diPhia. This conpsnu is sorig lu OR tbrog geacie-the Elkils- WiSsne-DIo.sydicte anS Bandai Morgan, vice presideul cf liegi coin, Party. TRie fermer synicaîf boagil he Cnuinnati gtret ralismu propertîcsaneu beo or eheCncnnati, Daytonaneu Teledu, the MeCuflugihunes lu Iudana, a Orerai cUiss Tie latten bal Jul bmht hle TucIer-Autbcai propOrtie.' tic COlusibus, Bucicyi. Lake and New- unS lite ,Coclumbus, Nevark and 2lesuerlIIt u mise aduittet-i -PhW adeiplala hneets l t teuntrol la sosight et the Applsuard proprtioi n, vu- as Uic-- Ocuuibus. London anS SPiOIigie lie, Scul Mriatst ret la CohtIsbm&a -nS lie Dayton, Sprngfield anS Urbaus. The. 5tstemi5fltin8ronSce ser--aitu' ticelim tlat cure lies. parchas b ave halisMaSe lbII:lish» tentiêu Of tus UuiteSdGas Imprevemeut Cecui " 5P* ve.culil%"idard Oi laatietu ctern a boilobs eompany vi e a PitaRlio ta *Mo.t-i.Thils vWitaie or e .ieBrMhieoft auiof tue varions coiS- pauie ectulied. REEL IN EXPERESSCAR. Tv. icespuges-c Batith v i Ps" au TinfsâOuiecfChicago. Aduperais, reravrnduel lUiSes e- OuMsS viwieh aliay mne isa .y e neer epralleWlootek place earlu WeS- aeeday on aàUi'Ing Wabai traibouid fres on tIse t i. Luis. rrguve Mlles, vlhhlIe train uhlug and roeebRu thmgh arkn.s tva emploues et li Pacife Expres, Company. barrîcaded beind plue. cf express Packages. sougil te kIl eaci ther. Thie battite endeiI on arrivaliof lie train hi Decalur. The man c.*gN*w la tisa epert ncahnte wa joeRinu T. *1jam860Weset ixvt-fu 'viatc% anSd avrS GrQeue, living lu gUUMmsbehlboatrusteS emplouéeeft the lontpcn$fer menu uIm Dcli Grue anSd ean vers veunded'.thRie tiu Au huer iften tue aillt in tRei an Mse smenger Be.u bpecd front a cet Ru the Wabsei bepitainluDecactur tirai hobail culerculla 'dedns. cf lie propertr lis trasteSt te bis caré. H. decared Grena hiai lavaded lie car vtjthI Rtet to rob il &Md that lite duel tohiowed, lie innoi rasin. reenetelS a iffeitt aM0ry. PLAX *0 COLONIZE ISLANIL Mbla" suMausapolls Sudlcate Mm; Surcl 1a Sto R>0mimgo Lad. Ie$ Amerlemu Morhiveat Io colonue- lu ag auo Deimse. Cougremnu. A. Bcde aSU P. N. Neson f Duuth,a ereëaetlofut (3v. Herrick cf Obla 1 a man frous Minneapolis sud eue or two 1oters, a syndicate largely coupoudoetDuluth ntid Minneapol sus,, ms en Uicr i' te Sunto Dumingi. If things ardiesnd as expeeted lie syi- ieste *Ill puréimue 200.000 or 800,0f aes. vhea re noi ndeç option, asd béeone a large fae9r la tRie deveiopmeut or te Iman&. _ _ 6 Catcals Il vuh W s ongeS Check.. tThe NallomalCity Bank cf Nev Toib a tgurce euaatlo»Unsll lIo affaire. l learusd ltb4 l atituton. pateS vitt secnitle rtci t $859.00 i xehaus dcv A'Rfeegt eek Sh*0eim fti ,-is e offiplas anlcipated a ref»adl gopr& a ie. litago' bondsbith prft aW Lt rIis oc t a kinluTreamuru Departue: i Rnformaion. lalîbanke Bwa Tisaher, ASel bas licou maS. vbereby Vic Prusidet Fairbanks, lie brother, N. W lnbakm, anSds& coupuni ef iocal cap d italiâsacane lIne possesion oethle sli 8 c f tus oRS Fouaalu quaresmter i )t 13=11Oed, Ohio. They paiS $92,0 toufr t, anit announce liaI li.y viliibegl at mnce the eretîca et an elgt-ster, o2fce buinldig andt tiater. 0cr. Hoc i tarie Soile. G u cr iaRe Ho fKaus"e bas OIieS sun ltRe Ilsite Supreme Court emndi, la thi eip"amaul cf Maycr Ruse of Ka. il-mg$Ciy,. Kan.. anS James . Gibiem a ocunhy attorneu et Wyandotte eunij a- SU for lie evoction oethlietcty's chuc lier becau s aoons are alloved tueri main opeaL sd 0t0. Gity la Land IranaLi t Ia Portland Oie.. lic jury lRnti ca es f Congressias J&N. Wlllamsai Dr. Van'auer, i artndr la tReIli 5100ck busie.sud Marin IL Blanc, - avuer, rebueuled a verdîi cenrtag ti as detiedats of subornation et pennuy1 r eoeàrhmon ms 1 frauduiently loe if griameutiaen. 0h10 fBank 5sf. iovu ope. The seté et lie Bani et Ouior, Ch lu vas blevu opan at 2 O'ciock lie edi r9g norulng bu bungirs. Thie report 0cf r te explosion anoused tie nhailatse g S. U casS greaexcileinelu li te tow The saa ilover eseaped, but t amouan t cfbooctije.ntI novu.- ied . I k la Atrenede. et Presidiet J. A. Eicksca of tRe Xia( N. D., MatouI aDIanirov l te ha% cf a secelver. Rashein m reto on vi ariant charngllm viti makilu taise'repet te lie Compiroller cft Carsc. Bond vas fixeS et 810,0C L. rateruei Ordor Muet Pay. HoldciIng liaI lie polcy goveris a Ob e i lesurauce, Jad di Reile nKa Neu.M., gavc jud tu an eoirMme.MaRdIol&nam galusu .3blad Noble. on a $2.000 etifiate bel~'georgair, her Rinbaid, vie con iited suIcide. pâument wv au o- teted on thc greunaS lia a clause la ti. appliton ISIStliecertificat* jla lic eat of suicide vlIiRuntlirec "us-. PLANS AN OUSTrEli SUIT. OnaeAtorney Generael Inetlieet Harvester Combine. Attorney Generil Wade H. NUlis il golng te lunestigle tii. herveter truist lu Ohio, and if h in ids t lh riolatiug th. Ohio anti-trust lawvbcRie iiendeavor te oust tie trust f rom thc OIte. Mn. ElRis received a petition sigued by W. C. Cly aud othens, including manu f arn- ers near Millersbung. asiing lmu te bing action in que warrante or ciminel pr- cMure or bt tit "viii briug relief fren tic oppression anS monopoistie pricea forceS upon farmer& bu lie In- ternational Harvester Company." The petîtion rectes tiaenlb.he Corminîc Har- renter Company, lie Deering Hanrester Company, lie Piano Milàufacturling CoupayasudWarder. Bushusil & Qiesae as bnianS liu-ap- liai stock la Sepoited vIth G. W. P-1 in, Charles Deerng anS C, H. ML- oruick er Chicago as trustees. Thie Attorney Generai replieS lu bief, as fohieva: "Ausverung jour reseettul communication, I abal lmmedlateiu cou- msc. aunvesrtiationllaoettRie so-caied hareuter trust anS Rh nieliods et blus- us*,,%a"S if itlu18 rmeatRuglie ternisof tRie 0hio uti rust act or any olier lav 1 shalldlaic henecee.sry suit le dssove suci trust sud ta proteet lb. purchasart cf lihenimodîllos referred te tromuln combination operatint le conlrei prie" lieref.11 ______ DiE IN BURNING HOME. Gaffoile Store ExpIeS. Rla iot 1>05e. lai Mother SecAm teaEBS Lt. Vineechlldren voie isseS mdadas, phyxiated in a Or.vieh detried thc Riome.of Frederlci -damsou lu Fort Dodge. Iowa. TRie SelS are: Edua, âge 10; Armas, Sr Clarence, 0, anS Euet, 0 3 sars olS, al chilîdren et Adaaiseu, suad RaymonSd Ecoe!, thc -yeanlS st ou et David Secoral. AdanisulbaS g ous tu von and lie motier vs. rIait- nInga a eigRbor, leaving lie gasllue stor honaing. la tie meaullue lie SeOId jeungater toddied'u p lie etaime as a taaened lie tcur leeping clUdisu. * They vere &U plauin inluthir XulgRiI legovue vien the Store exploSeS. A uni- ber of personas savlie fine, but centS Sedo Iln d uS t vas vitilugreat Sîffi- 'a cult iant lie molier cvas Nralued Idfront tbnewiug hersel Ilu iiheflanies " TRie cbldrn maSs no effort lu leare, 'abut ervered tRir banSu vilb tir iagRt ehthe.. Firemen vere unable to enter *until theu RaS 800555 lie boucse vîtR saler. Wben liey reaciied tlee Ove cul- dren, dII ver. Sead. la" r ranS. Satis Usai Fruit. 17 As a recuit cf tic rigeroul proocctica of land tiaS cases n Oregon about 20.- 000 Macres of scliool land la lie Blne . Mountalu forntsîreservehe lete. aia. a doueS by locatora, vie fcrfeited lu thc . nelghbonbccdet $10.000. Il la assumed roen baS beau iocated by "dune Il misa" anS liaI lie pensons Who prei- li cd tic uouey Recame figtened. liarder Polieve liogglng. 00 Dr. Alpha Menu vaks abol sud Inu ad qtautiy bileS ou fie main treet eot Kaw t City. Okua., bu Dr. ýJ. D. Irvin. vio attervard left theliecty. maiagn good Rie eceape. TRie sbotin vas lhe runît of agoeaaitevu lquarrai follioving lie rit publie ogglug cf3Jeu Buffet, aànier- in chant, vWho vas 'recently mnested ftr thattackiug aàanial girl. lié ýjum*iissla lI bci Aan m- re. Robet A. Nevlyn vas granite] id a dvorce anS vas ordered bu JuSge St Smiihi Common Picas court ln Cis. cnnati, te psy Newlyn $1,000 sud $IC a veei. The venan la gircu custody eft hie thRe. chidrea. Nevlyu relis. Vv. libei ai ldaims lu Sover rigil ou tlb p propertu cf Mnr. NeviYu. lte Wart te tntIM Un. lu lserdl!Aitemadta Po" the famly ofbohin Willlausou ln Wsshiu. ginto, lad. TRi. father. S.year.eld daugi, ry 1erand 5-yerelS son mal dl. seaa m cu]t. Thc feuillu tend returued honq frein a fanerai anS drani valer frou nit the uni Exsmlnation shows areeni jngý aSbeeu plaeS lu thc punI tau. offleinsian uPesce Terme. it, premier Bouvier saSdPrinec. Von Ra te- 5dm icýth Gema ambasaaour, bey si agueS lie irauco-Genma accordco cernlug lie Moroccui conféence, i degatteRu teruillating tRie difficuit ret listions. ____ the Humegary CalR* tor Wer. on. Ail Hungary 1laufisme snd calliag f. Iv an as apsver t10 11anaJemef sulîin tuni Cocalition leaders han. indcre thei lie action oethle Viennae enoya la Set the.. unt. ____ Aged lMa Kieier buTrain. Dr. Leicelus Iluascu, 73 'Yesrs ch io va kiRieSd nd raîn lHerrington,7 !se i-ars oid. vas seriouqiu InjureS vhii he crossing tRie Big Four tracis lu a bogi nS user LocciaiidOhio-. ru. NimefoRd Tisgsdy litI llinoeW the A famihu et aine vas vîpud aJut lu tragedu unr Alpha, Ill., tic motiq kRlng ber seven -children anS hoe loanS thie tather cinniting auicide tri wkl grief.'__ aa .- Mue"<ouiS te <lIre Hll. ra MieHelen GoalS ban agreed te gli t :e=1000fer a railiranée! g Mc 0e hraanAsecciatuon building a1i8 Locis. asu preeiScUt EntbessiaSiu Reme Sge Preedet oSeve8It W&@ gRren au a de- thmisasile rocepten upou hie retu the Washington tien Oater Bar. --- ------- - Vaoblelutes Omdl&isLok Tpe. tb*' luttîmvitl lse.. Orels cf, tRie iste Ospartmut. ,i Oeidtwu te a Washiingtoa dlapatch, et* loklig aI liié <ubau iltuatlon vIi L eed- lupaisn5m edS. Theme 4c tref ite, proeeuis la Wasington tuat Joo lii- - 4Gues, w5-rnithfUc Viettogo district sud Rerai uaniuddate fW thie peesidenci,nii$ take b itsp obis becS te ceumuatt te vi a tsidete$Isoy-e rument &anS deulare uhat pemuis# got- grami n l uba exsttinlum ni r1, 8uperters ocftUic (Tubn administra- tindeaethtftrtmo re sent trMu thei.tied States faoite Island they viii slilybe sUS te Put dovu lusu- icetion sud te retr paie. sud Quiet *td»oô et Eldoradoe, MI A pce eor cirs lau Uded, M. féught a ride and revolver battis viiiL a band e borgiara who baed bemoya 0 the vaaIt lu the bank eofC.B nrueti & Sens. !Tbe thieves eseaped wlth bu- tween $8.000and $10000. The. bauk in la a ubstitftuy but brick Sruc- turf. vti henry iron bars over the. vin.. dows. Few pereons -are abroad la Eldo- rado after anlduight. anid there lino P- lice protection. The village waa awak' ened by a terrifie explosion. Burntt aud bis Bonsi, who live nearby. were the Iîrat te reacbh the scene. Tbey were armea it i revolvers, and Iaw Ieverai men romain« fromu the front door of thie bank. The. thieves detected tiiem, and lu a moment thie two parties were fight- lot deeperitely. Before many abots had beun fired re-enforceerents camne for the bankers The other residents were arn- lid with ehotgus sud ridles, and two. can carriliSaxes. 'The rescuefs ver., ranuulg lai'a baud doWu Uthe main street Whou -the brgarsAled. firisi ae. th",- rau. Thie p«Oas, lu -the ddrkneis. fired et the. daubus cf light made bt ic ws. pous 0of thé robbers. The huaI continued lu this muanger for uesriy hait a mile. The ceeue prescated in the bani vas oue of vai. Nitrociycerîn vas used. an~d Uic large déor cf thc vauit vas bic vu nearly acrose thé. ogle. The windows lwere smasheS, a desk vas koocced te piees' and the protectini tuer d6orof the vndit vas breken liste bits. Thie steei cash boxes liad beeu removed with their contents, uaariy ail lu guiS. IriYpHouN KILLa lKANTr. Eleve. AusaLcO1.ansd Tweahy fou Natives Drvuan cmCoast. Reports frond, placeslous thc Petit cf Uie roenct typhoon ou lb. Isand cf Luinu, P. T., aud thei outheru lslads Indicate gret osa cf lt& anS propertl. lu the waters surrouudug Samai snd otiier i".ade niny coast5ug adels al Isansd trausports have bleeu recked. BievaitAmielaus anS tveali'-fou na- tue. dweStcyaed. At the tovu cf Sotsogon iftfes natives were drowued. Tice1tom ou heaip plantations in -ai- mata!et I8100,0.Théesrluy tran- port Jun uRodriguesin asdhore at Le- gsspk la the lnterier cf Samar tion- @Râ* etf native. are bonieleusuanSthé dime reports couic fron id Mu! cOf Uic otiier grail isands. The. army poste Ru the SeUtimmu isaudi have biem detrol- ed. T#e civil and mlitary authoities are rushilug aid te the. anfeiltgPeople lu Uic ferni cf supplies cf focS and sbet- ter. ,wing te thc destruction Of the, tellgraph muntaiS, reports are reoger. SEEKB 13aSTS LIWE. KILLOB Ll. Boarder lu Arisai s ils..Revolver Whou Cauiit la Fliobt. Caugit In the arset cfremettait bi trunk tiirongh a ruer wludcw te escape pavyng da board and recdu bill, Victor diWalkowskl, 19 leurs oid, trled te kilt bis ladi ord, John- Garoiki, l hi caigo, sud lien sht blamiif te death. Wal- koveki *as lu arreurs, anS Qaroaki hait demdandeS bis moey Whu aos emngbit the boardur trylus tc slip) ava Walkowskl reS tour abote at bini, but &Ui minuit. Beievlug the laudiord dead. *Wahkowki rau Sowutairi sud lu th#. v prononce cf Mis. Garoaki sud auotbec 0 voman siit Riinalif. Ifuari Bloqib et Tedemint- A iiqmb 01ef1.5 lhhdynamite sud a qunuiby et infainuable 0o1 -as hrovi St the rueir or a crowded teneent house at Eighth avenue and Ou Hundred aud Pomy-tlr eteet gN Y ok. mort lira score cf r us vr. bpried troun d liew heds hi tthe explosion. The. Police ca beiere thai -Bacik aud" Itallan a 1- gamsins lirew the. bonib. Poisons S«s aud Hiessf. el Herbert McCartueY, 40 years id ecommitted suicide iiy taklng poison I et Luis aftr ,admilulteituE a ftali dose cf lie ding te bis -ear-oid sou, Leon. Despondeucy ever h.lug sep- s arted frein bis wifc in the OulY reaso1 g- stylo. h- . 0 t Bit luel. e. on. man as saiS te have been blewn 30 te places sud mdiii te bave haid hie n ardutom rscfnRua trendues explosioo je lu tiie excavatioa' for thc Peuuerenala rallioaS terminal lu New York. The tity vas simien fer hait a mle. freuu tb. excavation. le Eaccelver for IWY G004de rie.. m. Ou application et Lîndoke, Wernerà Os Bous, whocieaie dry poids mrchauts o M t. paut, UniteS tatue JaSae.-Amidm appointeS A. H. LinSe. recelver foi biniou & Sinau, retaili dry goods =me chantsetfMinueipoli&s.Thieliabilities 'o it i l ai, viii be sabout $200M006 sa- id suicide cf New York Mllionbe. y- William R. TraverS. mllonaire club man and relative, ef mauy famillesM social proiience 'CommunlteS Buicl<i Ru a New Yerk boordiug Rbuse, tie ni Itire prebably beiug vorry beeause hl 70 dite receetiy ebtahiid a divorce. le ruy Big CneuPliOnt fumei. Fic telaliy detroyed the. Misse Valiey Caiet Cenpanys lant at et tastreet aud 1teysioNd avenue, Kuasi i Cty, Kan., cauiu $M0000 lous n li ljuring threefireaie, wiic vers caugh DM undar a faliug vaIL naughter saneaEsciiumer. Aneotier "Back Baud' cas, lu iei Ive a girl t home figuise bas C»eata ligh n'O lu New Yok. Neille Nusbaun, i et. yeara old, dras arietedfor vrltih threatenlug letere te ber fathhe. ce Kîlefi hg Au$*oe. en. Au auto killeS Mmc. Ama ArerecL te Chicago. nd Kitem X. Merle, the cetv. muhli & 'Bson, vclnaus.iIl--ucder "Y etar oSWar Beff opie WIU Uot Uc Able te Oeom ýbeeeSvE fer Oeastt, -igiula New a tec.eary et *Ar WiliaM H ~ anti iere iflty syMbole parie'viaiaec;owpclti enin btRie top tet. ' aue .,&w u teb=- ghilp£erSa, iii of th a lipresswii gsetilu Vislitin JXapan sud China. Tii. voyage cf th Kerosa vas notable ln tiai bbe trans- ssa ràa rA-r.pacifie record vas broken by,- our heurs. Thc tIMe frein 'okohama vus ten days and elercu heurs, un average spood cf elghteen knets for flic entire trip. Thie steamer Enipresot japan hugi mmd the run frein Tkkobamu te victoria Ru ton days nitlen heurs, but Uic di-. tance beween tbe. poits la 2" mlle. legs ha that covered by tie Kerea. ShertRi' afer li landeS Scil- tari' Taft gave au exteuded accoiut ot tbe thinga they haSl seau, sud bis conclusions au gvn mer be 0umnian- lacS ns folows: Oar I- mpr«asmonla -abure"e»deaS th Uic Philippines under Ainerieaft ul. allieugii lie politicai situation 18 net as gond au sb souid be. Thesla8larachu due 'to the depression la agriculture. tolioviug longa o f cattie. Sicught, W conte and choiera, uns weil as cause. vbIeh probablyvii continua for teveraRI yeams. Dîscontent- aucal thie natires bas enuad, veuleS ln uprisings, viiicb bave beea suppressed. The diaputes over chucrei landasae*hoebe attied lu a ehert flme, sud strides hanv e en uSe la publie von,. As a vhôle, Secided $tae forvard bave tbeau taken lu tb. lest lv. jears. IudepeielaeFar AvaS. «Tbc poitietilsituation la souis is- spechsiras col as gond as. il ongilte b.. Bouee cf the yeugr men cf educa- thon havc been adrocatlug immedile la- Sepeadeace. It thenefore becomes accU ary te eute witb coupldersblc empba- mis tlic iolicy oethIe adminitration OSà Ibis aubject, aud te saY that lu lie opIn- ion et tb. adminitration hure vas lie possible hope for independenice short oi aSoneration, becance thie peopis cou1 et ié BitteS for cif-",ereument lu tRiat thue; indeed, I itiiprcbiibiY tis ninch longer puriod.'" Thes boycott agalust 'Anerican geode ln chRna viii fade out, beesuse Chine" merebauts arc foreSd te patrouI9e Amer- Iean arme te supply tic Semaud la Man ebnrie. Tii.merchautsarae loiagmouey nov, euS tbeîr influence vilie luch* Rtereat or a settienulof bbc quarre, orer Anerican immigration lave. Whils mnuuof the. people et Japan $e disappolated as te lhe termns0o peuce, tRie suber majoiity le giaS liat tii. var in. Over and gratatul te Pieud dant Roosevelt for hie part in bhilging pence, Tbere lt ne tear tiaI lie friend- sbip orflbe Japanea. for Amenica vil eb. affecteS. r leretary Taftt'# stry confirmeS the i cablel dispatches front the varions points visitea, viieii bad tldoiSiet enthuslastie re.-cptiou lhe Americanf b aS reccived. Of tire celebraluen lu Te- iRaie saiS: "For Ove days vo ver. the gueula 0e the goverumenud nS thing coutilbave exceededthie kinduessanmuSenthusissîle manifestations efthte people wblci veie siiowu us. t vas chielly duo tate prenonce oft h.e daîghter oethle Picst dent, te wbom the people wisheS lu siow kheir gratitude for hie efforts for peace.. of 0flicJapsuese penceu nets eretarY oTaft saiS: "Upon gseing te the st 0t th tRiSaurbausuee f. ound them te bc ,d greatly exaggerated. anS that ticir pur M pose liai been confineS te thi.expreasin or cf cillity îovhrdti lia ninistere and *polIc,,. Msuoruet ipeopeinlaJapai are lie terniecf Peace but.lie gont noter isajerlby Of tli people, 1I-amisure. are deepiu gratet.l liat peaco bas cone, anS gratetul Ic l. PreiSeat Roosevet fo' bis assistance I ln brlnghng lb about. Tiiere le net, in mi II dnet thie sigblest fear liaI Il4 a, peepi tjapa viii net continu. te b1 p. as frieudiy te *Aorescaand Amercai lu as oui reception ln JuRY sheved ti theé voie tien. "Ail lie deys ln Maula vere splen n7 the JiSoDgremmUîCIlnlu iveaigatias ea lu possible effoct cf a possible chante I tarie ou lie Philippine production cf te la bacce sud, ngar. An opportaaity wv. ý4 alie gîrea tfionse Flilpînos tronglyil fd avriof bumcSlate ludependeuce te pre sient tlieuvieya. AlilIbis vas reportei and viii b. crcniated, Seubtiesa. lu & ecugresacual document." f Manls, accrdint te Mr. Taftlau o en a lioreughly modem chîy. o paroigu NMv.Notei.. I- luathéiehst yeam thie German Emperoi MIviUi hic ovu baud, vit. 7,000 letteri telegrma and erdara lehasae otf King Coeur ot OveSe h- bave been translateS l lie mont of th of isuguage. et Europe.4 le g ffaHnry Irving bis Rtimated tii oe -h.ovii derote bis lime te the vritln s et ies amîetblrpby ausoson as ho r tirefrenOithte tage. Fiederick Greulleh, a Berlin iniier,1 ar spenillus lire. menthe Rn Jail'for aayin It that "Ahi la net lSolemoelvisdem fix las droe f rou bbhe Emperor's ip.'1 nd The latein lanid-bou-Mcbammed,. lit "Tippa Tlb,.' used te surPrise Livin aitoe, Stanley, Caniern und other e tav orable eture.tlt. veek Are A tg iecomimercil m uitltu tie indications or car ahcrtagcsudanti ea MtY o e anbiullabeur lu eouatriiCiflB Veali Seainga lu tii.leaSIng taRi lsematie au, excelent start, suou iarge volume anS testifyb» te thie lacreSff e uchasiug p~o* f Consumesra. Wbalemale deparmtUe%-, coRtinueS makiug catintactory Rio. Ilualthe. principal stupRes -tonrsaliR dilrenry, and shipmnta are exceo.tteU- ally beau etf textile., foolvetil' &M houiciiold gonds. Manutucturiug branches lireent ad- SRlouuhl ndle.îtieîîs of widentug Se- tivlty. The new deujundse une ye maintalueti, exceptloîîuliy heurT COiS- uxtmnts appefni.g ln ig lron, plutes and ahlîîbuidi.g. trou nd,îî. tePt »ro- Suetlon lei exereiRte the lt of Ca- pachly. The building radeq une ru- eS vîti luîrenlng denaind. BuilS. lng luaterlul ra-eîîîrenenls une remark4 abiy urgent and ipue" lanve reucei the highest avrage oft hie sesoi. Prices of nnw inatertbilfor niar- i& turing exhîbil ne weuknetu, lieueft W ' ides. ethier, wooh and lumber boe lug firif, wvitle file teudëe)F liiu yard for plgi; ron. PreigRI neî-emeuts ta% bti rail aud aie facliltez, and, wbile the equipinent la greater tijan eernbeten. *rvery nesource ef Western ronde la etrained te accommodaI.e hipiieMa TRie total quaulity et grain baud1ci ai hua port aggregaiad 10.00,10 bahels, aglpt 10.370.70 buabele a year &go. gecelpts ver. 12.8 per cenIt lover, but Uic abîpinents guinuad 19.1 par cent. tiank clesrlugs.$01, R.3,exeil these et a year &go by 17.4 per cent. Paliures repenteS luthie Chicago district nonher 39. agraluet 18 lasi veek and 24 a year age.-Dn'5 B rlev of Tratis. anS liant tien. si a I-sqen to'jit tic reve[ut'oufsîs. mîtters n ilI se un as be- fore. Tiiere sre leaders of ohounides. inwener, wsic as opeuli- liaI If the America flin eer er aneS tô Cuis sgîln t viii reminl, Tuere are nanu mméir~- cf tli hieral parl-ioinc cf them lic meut louueulial umen lu lic ilauaR-who visihohé'UitledStntes ta intervene in Cuba for lic ole purpose et nlinate anuexallun. If Cuba becam nielu-ireS lu ciril var lb ventS b. endiesa. la ail butanprobe- biiity, unlees lie Amêiestu gorerumeat lauded ireopos ad puniaicui lie nebeis, op, se tiey would eaui themeelvos for sumpathy-maklngasasie, 'I.atloI." His- tory iiab oyna t i<-vil wnrf.ure lu Cuba vould be guerilia varfuie-Ibe bardet kînul of a colt le put Scvu vithout a large gnaur- The liherals are nagrr te the figbtlng point over thie annlasaofthir lt-uera- arreuts mjade lv the orer of etPlma goverumeul. ciil-.-îue f il no oneceau suuy Setiitely. buil 11,re Rus harp fear in Waauiuwluu liai t-offali-atlouu are ahendthuaI mny go beyued ic emain of menu peace-makuîag il ,liuuia-. CORN CROP ?4EARIY ALL SA'E No u.trsSe anS unclutri aS&- - lIe. more sUans- mouaiy favorable* Ibis weei thau -ut any pneceedîng peo toSi year. At tRie leaSing jobblng conlers acttÏRnil continue. notable lu ail Uînes Of dry- goods.cIothlng. abeesand. ln tact1 afR kIldsof venlag appanel. lb la tumbli- e, te b. noteS luit seeenuarY Peints of dstribution are sendlng btt« 0s»- nsiee.Iuduotmy la active, rou anDO steel leaSIng vîli anger -1- R sd4 iner the cruiier forme. berelofono InclIneS te Iag, Murs us Seing lu Uiec ceaiandScoe Iendustries" sud prici.s ae bardenîng. Building maternai.partieulaly limier sué - hardware. neflectunuprecedentel Le- tis-dy fer 1h18 seesos efthlb.Yser. - -Bnslnesi alismea n tie United Sttes ior the veek eudlug Sept. 2h numbef, 113, againit 188 lent veok, 203 lu the like veëi et 1904, 185 ln 19W0. 172 ID 1902 aitl-<1t7 lu 1101. 1u canada tail- ures tom the veek numben lwenbY.asu agimst Uirlyý-tve let wvek a>SUA tweut-sevein atiis veek a yenr age.- -Bradslieet's Cemmerclul Report. C-ilcage-Catîle, ceimnnente Prime, O4-00 te *6.O; hop, prime beavu. $400 te $5.75-, sheep. fuIr- 10ebcuae. $3.00 te $40wheat, Ne. 2, 84e le BU*.e; OM Mo. 2, Sic te 52d'-,caua. standard. Une te 27e; ryei Ne. 2, Oe te 60ei; RaY, tint- li>, *«M50te $11.50; Prairie, 9M 0tle $1100; butter, cicice creunery, IlScle e M0; egga, tresi, 16e tc 1&; potatees pcv buaiul, 30c le 50è. Indianapoiis--4Cuttic, abiîpug, *3.00 te Uü0.00; ois,. choie beavi, 84.00 leu$800 eheep, ennen 1t0 prime. $250 te 84m5; viieat, No. Z2,s8e te 180c; fornuNo. 2 vhite, 53e t e ; cala, Nu. 2 iyhi 28o ta 28c. S t. Leuis-Cattle, $450 te $5.60; Roge Mil00te 8..8 sep, $400 te $1480; vcat, No. 2, 84c. te 87c. corn, Nu. 2Z 50e te 5Ic; eatal, No. 2, 26e tc 28c; Mjc No. Z 588e te 00e. Ciucnusll--Cttle, $4.00 te $1100; hen, $4.00 te *8.0; eieep, $2.00 te $&5 *428 veil, No. 2, 86e te 87c; cosu, -No. 2 mixgS. 5 4e te 56c. oes, No. 2 mixeS. 28e te 30c; rys, No. 2,00e te Me. Detr&oit-.Cattie, $4.50 to *5.00; haga a $400 ta $5.40; eheep, $250 te $5800, vinat, No. 2, 83& te 85c; corn, Ne. a a i'lov. 5me 1teSie; oîls. No. 3 wvihte, a2ge te 30c; rYe, No. 2, 68e te 09c. mivwaukee-WRieat. No. 2 nôathra, 84Oe te 87c; cern, No. 3, 52e te Wue; oets, standard, 27e te 29c; rYe, No . 1 Me to600; bariey, No. 2,852e te 5k; d poni, Mes. 18,00. -- N e Me ork-Cattle, *4.00 te .1O hepi, *4.00-tu *5.95; heep. *3.00 te,- e 525; icheat, No. 2 red, 87je te 8fe; corn, No. 2, 57e he588c; nats, natural vwitle , 32e te 33e: butter, ereamery, 1l0 te 21e; eggs, western, 20e te 23c. S ToleSo-Wbeat, No. 2 mixe& M5e te BU; cra, N. ime, No. M2ea, 4 le B ffal-.Oatlechoie sipp intg tasse. *4.00 tc $585; bogs, fairma lqe ec, *4.00 lu $5.801; sieep, domin te good misbeS. *L 4.0() ta *4.75; iambe. fsir le Chisic et $5.00 t10 *.00 'a If-Quocu Lilucelaai elbraed he« *. wegtPlIas. ttueaiti h i nlrc,vi heM atillerhoue. mitrtus ofthle Orale. Tie seather bureauiu l I-,weeily bulletin enumanixes erop conditions as tuilons: Tic tenîperulfire Surins lie week eud- ed Sept. 25 sas favrauble hiouistuut lie country, beies neîniy en-rysiuire aioe thie nurmaL IBaius can.ý-elsI @e dam- âge in portions ofthtRe M naianS up- pur Muicpivaliee. sbwilo .a1cousiS- eiabfe part ofthue ,.titiIi Atlanitic anS glf tatues luia in ii f nain. R)umug- lug f rotA oeceirred in theiii- tlRe Itoeku 3lonutain negiona and llihlfrostq, si littie üe ao iaujuiry, -i1 î.rtio,i of the iow-r hlie reglon andi int-nlur ofthle Midlde Itlliaitie ltilcu. .Exç-Ppinlulinileil i,rlioius of Ihe lItsx- seuri l Rhy.(-ornu lia 1e ilecd a weeM of ennditIingi ii.hîiy faivorablel for n turifig tiae îrep, frumn 73 te 90 pur cent cf w-ich u 18 u,-ate f rgui f rest. lie me- uainîier e.iuininar ouly abouit a veei ef favrable wsirn ter. liii Netîrneka cormid- erable coinh en blu-iiilwn d.buiiy bigi wiîids, but Ibis wili ouayin aie larvenl- luni ae.ditltol. ith.îat r..,iîidug tic 3ield. Soane -orn, i uhîck i lu ?aRuol and Kîuii Rais ,en-u, mîaed u.Y Mois- hune, due langeiy ho raina of the previons is-i-k. Tietrin of s t unliwleutin latie Dakuos andS Minnesotai -waA iuîîerrupteil bu raina during lie irst haifoth eRekc. but. ihek' hirasitinsandS sîacking are net yet fiRulaied. lu lie Dakota% lbe yielàd Squeiity are variable unS gien- erallu d i pontasg Thc ai-ny ideboard cuteanteens tRie canteen. Japan bas fastenial upon Rassis lic peace-that-won't-eouae-off. U;eod-iy, oRS Zeipîtruu Sîior. Te vere about thce uhy soier îlîing in Rue- £a. Engene FieI's cioplugsnon possibl grew tired ot ehlldliooil verse ou a break- fasttfood. Cicaego Unive-rsity proffctaerm seen te icover ererythiio excelut whia fooe tbey are. eTic TasSants prebably tIlani iîeaveî -eery tialiei-y niaSthue mollo, "Thera la ne place liks aiiune" a I)on't begrudge soin.eofthliee entie- mca theur presid-:tiai boums. Il in as near as thii<y ili i-rer gel. 9 Tii. Graft Hauat Rnlie Departinent ef >-Agriculture nlgiat posibît come onder the lue.ld of Scieruifile lepearl..- à IAt ibis diàtlaîîee hat big Brillish rund- g roisluithue Baille looks sugplcioiiy lii I a Ch-lp 011 tRie uloiiii-r of jdliiBull. Ail tRhe sonne Wil.R West holl-ips rob- ,r hurles sud tAurdera are nov iiurnug on -the streetu ut Chicagoeand Ni-w York. Fetsiiulue huadgear Ibis fili ilil be je an iinucet dnau. iaf onera .ccopnuimntt wi b a reulity lu bine effeet., Le 'We arte verrun by fade," sysu Prol sO Rosa, oethie Nebska University. Sein t these unireiiuities ouglit le use Inseet 8. pevder. . Màuids ote iamasemeul ofthetbe"ia s" uSe teres"l the Chiuese beycott due . neMt arease tRie sain. reuatmnt tRis s toRIowedi the biowiug Up cf tRie Matais.

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