CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1905, p. 8

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lemg mU« a "»aI e,' thé zumýe bbt bg MoOU aIWsa enu suit, rotram avM *laS .silti bue& n.Canada basu mlasI fua .cosalderas>piab euc e~lu iasai re gtarltaed a i . »RM l*meaisn 0< or trlAssIlle swall10adtubpomas avibtcdk Gant WE ý » " Nbat&aisba Mcpt d ai 8 Seta- 'Irnt lit Canada ksimémmithe mlliis ai enandai, barden ik fmaimhhs ~aes iflgimen mont important two sBffl 'be- ioula on ftils eoftiticft-mlifaz OW toAtlantic Cas ted a1qulmait 1 <mira *'uduineia thé, racule. il la the. povposaet twe2 lit 3àPMý"ý*cCanadien goernmntc vantuallY W 1 t -W Zfl u-it multia; but for a brIof perioiAt leat utie 4wang, the British garrison vill ha rebaisni1 au tia> bave 'received permlisiion te ihnit te olotunulb ct Ieeunder the Donabni*1 w ether t*pllslit garrrnnnt if the y bainr. lMrFr»deUff-1 lck oren. theC (anadien mnise i je Tooitt thc toi>. ou mlitia, outiincd an ambition plan et 1whiuÏ. i elvatot la ,Rebun»e fr Canais. viuieb Inldisenet ________ ierei> thc maintenance of Naputuait: aid Hil<fi, but tie building of a is vil' ta thc frnt obat»I0 l rong forta &long theientmi- Me touid immeif b.- er boaoransd the mansug Of tien> vti Canadian utiltia. iNo doubt aiich a progra, appeau ta tic. ami- masters. are trying to flon aud aelf-confidenee of tic natian. forwaudby aboliîiinu but whshher it yl appeal ta the Rond mense of tiai, wba viii pay tic bille, aînd via kpow theic ndi> sentment Japau 'bai succeird of the ont> -peape againat wliam sucb long9 a« wîtiaut Ci a fine of forta would Se of, servce. la acaflda1. mnotier questian. and aone upan whici Il wauld be Impertinent for aui Amer!- «Auc vipt tie> preiehci cmto an apuion. Mg are *tisfied vitli_______ tbey ptctlec. Colonel Jascob L. CGreene, of Hart- fard CaUD., vho dled a sbort time ergiar. pursieci Si1% &go, lett an etate vIlch Daw proves- Mt or issventi toty toa mount to luttle mare tian $WOM0 tic .ené peri! For twenty.seveu yeara Colonel Greenxe bad been prealdent of amce o di prolmbly rmmmced the large nsmrance compaulci of lhe uiu ti4 It la aguhnait counr. Ris satry, Il la undner.iod a eusl lta alter tutu bad for many yeara been *25000a bel& year. He spent muot of Il., nai con- tent vli i. admidci onordandi re- e n~ t5 0 the spectei. On, can Imagine how tie rihuqeiaba-W iHyàa and Alexaners vould bave l ti *lr illUitIOfii sueered at bisifallure ta use his "«op- or $W. a Meiniti portuntie" bai be ilci before tic cx- W VaLposurca of tbe lent ycr bat drive. tieu lt saainciconeluet. Col- à#Vi Wu -b't Rm I, ansiGreene, il vauld ippear, bai n Izuova Ootblg about jpetontoge et epoit leimu Wtt.t WId volm ha uitrom tic company for bis privais weuUhy tita ex- t beneft. Appareuti>'be neyer manIpu- b. led toci laiuii of subsidkat roui eompanh.., nue Sot syndIcat. "rar.- ettl Sl- caful i s.. D" U bond purchaici.He iemi te muS bosrie do.1t eu- have vorkcd for bis pay MIe Any bon- tbe iuaout a euiet min. The recuse feriau aisi na bu*ean f. Menftic compgsy la coocerned, appears on tic 111.surfae. of tie reporta ane to ia eorn- tin.iLlnen of the tables recently pre- aaiauS vaiona bo7 pareil luepnnetasn-tIi a mliii of Vbmutrhi tu Mi-Ol -cai lite Insarance coupanla. Kt W Sui~r la he wnai ihows liat tliiiparticular com- m-c ilte h e" ms iala inepuhi talse polley ihicrs Md A SUl it ir. 0o acrumulèted la reicmvc for liais -: benit amomnllng ta 12=73 per cen 9-- tit It yulfer every dollar tic" ii pa.W l% Ase to* P OIe. shaliatant- averaefor f ern t-re r itb.t- a lit bai ad e.apanlei of ouly 10M-unpar 1115C Utels cet Il la truc tice uxpan> la nt *Mg I 41- hht ripa, kuovu as cipctalilbrai te lis aoi bu dimbi& el bojiafibut t la btte tias tliaIL It lives op ICtupukvadly hall ta the bWt " l ,laltte and the,«Miloth l.ecuotractliK P"Me-rtidu Wr wakem vit lieu.Uufrtmutely n M. Sev' aOUMr pIetlegniaton mas maks il cees. th# 11010 ath e ltimi me. et Colonel Grenues type vil le âe 0"adWà tIc p..- placet at eb ticia faIau rmar 1111 ihaabçom tannai. ouqunica.But lava sud liv e.tore. lit *W *Mmtui Setsmeteat iarit eci kenfr>tustlis& @» 11 *Wt. reffl &anmmsf eticoppoullte.w SUUi Mtt of Germâtes Towand ssci la end. lav enforca. bsai i« lic igt ment soci Progreft Io1»Dneary. MAMMliEf WOALO'S FAIR M es Wlaade sifordaiMpj ruvgsr i a lanIw*ar liait Daeufra. Otulrn. laic. Orat a la isamare mode lan5New Tro "411 le tée t b. for- ta eecleas Io >eans be, thce u e mwfIft bas rcciY enary of th e eforsteam la ssvSu. IbO #rwm Of titon by lhe holing or iriat voMS 10 borcesth* vaUt- aeemp to ha m sor of maritime vorfli ila A UMtM« Of m-, fait. smye thc ClevladPisDéenie ,i *"ObelPnm« t On Aug. 7. 80, SRoiert Vueas Cies'. len li ta ab- mont maid ber epocb-maklng voa~e unibly Iai. -Tic os ltelUndion vileSvetoul.Ia iWti~i5ienrmmescomemnrce asus varae.The tdotim n i VMorwh Clermiont vas sot tii Irs aI lerîioat ne purcbes iin fr attention la Dov belsg cilaite n glo e nt ta lslterealuug coislance vbici omaUj la. theflc Aijan aive tht propose.i relieraton a double 1 y tirli!*m'tMecl- igmitilance. 113 19WIt wvii ha Mj~ thc deunqdacnting 20 ears *Ince tbe Frenimîn, l'pirn. b* varaIvileleva i.drove a runde atcmuboet on lic rIverj sable to *ery mmgt. Vulda. But thougi lhe Ciermoul vus. aldbiltipo cnomng aot the ffrit testnabil:. Aie matà et, f ilhii811 rait dath le lielnnng of eemnai. Igatian. endit il llDot ictract trom, cisitie iMd nnftac- ber inrctora ftnme ta rermîl that tir tir & usnimillioncestennidal ccetratlon lu iMa hoer vlU mier vliforelgu he amis a irentenary lu marIne unli Mr lieu tvcr befae. New Yark l. of course. the péace et M eOOIXCtee, Importa ai- oieri for lie observance M ia h 't pea e.dlg Juns susveracry. for not oast wuasheia te twO iIl*O5six 1b13- Cerinontw mamentous voyage matie lai MlaM,'ranc Of MatiiIs waters, but the rity la the f'reunct1 a rfltUitd mre port Inibe tiepcv orld, and bis, more- Md a hatdollars. Tic aver, Ilulitsgrandl bey and tva 3maI i ovcr Importe - irivera, a naturali oëtlng uurpa.ed irei million dollars. auYwcere on carti for a maritime as-f tilde"la emuc spletaele uh itus leontem1plstati. lfcreneesbelvees the Tue affair aliulîl vili lb. mot par, anidlSiPoftm, for gVent fertpropr;cîty li of asuindustril S5tratii for ornen rallier Iliu m illiiry 'bander and f relguer ande10 u e .liraethe î.ibet~corieaof peerer 10 iJfCt by Amrat'in thar hoe of n-ar. for thc revoluîlaai W Cuntries. ievertbe- Iiiiivnl arnefinincamri lac alarge.,amdit Irain <ernnt's performance. Itlàl ue î-ign govern- propiac-i tion-ever. I> sait Admirai haIt bouds for male i Togo to10attend. uor would Iiil# e vli- OUM P.,4 Ii odn ai ntiaai'a ioas oi ati m su *ràd w au ir 01 ba hb#d PW th congrsaleal cmtes la I lb lU viabli> < vu ifMGan Wt Ibot 1 e r m v l m aI ti g r a s Sln l f m e s ta poger> icasi e mt ai otal doduS En g 1 elib "dcamnim h comam a acomy fa oluice At n bIle 0 Cipv»aegami i guisii bl gel& rpolsanai e Pelter BugIorte inte ortace hann» pneninsittacdiatoits, MI 1mhadedinti the cpntry »genem leSn. Atmi, plniong fiat e Por-c ter swt iati clos.lic causeret Ma aeifll, haelu M i te Els ps- néomt dtc, lii ga tamatCo& pela th oee. » arliberty. île pdecit h ebai c ractarisi iy t can oftlaye pan folltteii gallr- tbate ohaovstesc 0 ho persilng ciefs lu EnaCusier ai46 W~ fe tbe la m t e wulavE ml l ills esarsi uielteeiret>ai $en. htuln oc rDeanbig em. g . naloi disait 0 te grnit eu sm dik eu n mgt b en m etli bu public lirha wudcsalaii, ami n-ms t cmauie, u isofpastiontic crue blr ilIon piL la Tho ugi mlstIe tas ld«ie., ha he ct er MU>c MM n-iemi Utebv a.nal klDGrs lConer. d pure-ilciq Oiot Cet was rb last oflie i. St KMe= »Mt stlbe'vao 30 di thet blé attatloor 0< le rmy authoaltle 1Me o«masioniing the muidwet » *Myarn imereo. &Bda tn, e H. v imi by Coi. To"" CaeftCol -mà- 8tien Oae George .Conter, hli kuhor liu seat day aftm hie aTe the ladi emfoseuni mai Gese ad *a reprta fI me.M e Wanaiiuoa Aft« bela td- o1 O ro M mmtie ho eSapel Am pJolW4 U* SuD mu tbe DudA" MaS W Un ulvews.but bu lflbaelM MM tb tIrentfer Tm cum«s'mai H. v1e-W Ouaer finit> 'l vu ta y«au ISe %mm isof odesslc> WMeebig11111 te *i batelaeet OIMie M Wn,em lune N20h. U Ies Gmmw ag uoe bravvy £Ufmwtswi4 bft h et bu pamur.anily Siag OM< a laot 0' 0eute ehargo i. e àwbe Uelsidm 4le-Yee, V. V tu two pbwm .doutag tIc e fl, mretoate tIc Valte *Me" ma aWItoSuflm mi MI. ,batlbatM«te yul. bue b» spff t a tot i. imedom "fIe raservilon, peirsfbi f t but cawoe.elied. Sae Oeer no a leade r e Wb hi aplanitPhylwn. tadenisîfe ahi sul metal SiflSDi SInfg "ile a0m kfldrmd sCUe ta"# Nhe ighters litals wls-tIêPue. o,*e mhltty f0? troubla wàkMlnga Og.S. ffl plaimitebiaruteuIm t1 a mêeý lt 15e am hrew ip En cdm*& lisDa tau àbisdauqiler am le am ul eu1m i6'pte V-& team a - "M $Mr Ions Dire Sb"IeS *0t aigth $em le fia VaklSms col, latme dvlag Iaa ta bar n-lto dues ili Se flpisa, &n4 grauatisg.Prea. Mt". cut b miSe a quiet tiaululim mIe n-a&eoi etoitule, amiltetaber glagma 5lt!Stn mif a u li lim las ltastawatets Il sud ai thouci mméfetme met uulg u pmases tgb aecfthe du&a E wu blpier fer a cas. 119 sthe ami milEset cf figur!icullat ria, tl igr eânat taies fa utin-set tisaa antréltuniatiou. tomser i liq lave breuoraile tatt hbe. ns ae Wa i am r tcors. tran *0 lam e sbrnbeuab e t p e la abtele rica or drive an>' opulue liaIt aiMer e iSsi lAitjour ' Mie. aît u eri ov e uitvation Ive acres < ors TILai yomr En od ý maie5acon-Moimet vil ten glt» omntet, piste iwtv secUi. a bon asuet fpolatose, 0"Sla meV VrkIag SV*eergmacors. T»a&Wid lai - limanm iet te» iltbagecfoail. fle acteesit as aornilas b SUVias me i aniti. van nfl aner eborcI. tam -En Su- bi rerove a Mgve m%" plev ba 1r grisitilSU& mailèisisber ita brkM lSaMiwun-Mwbreua lboieraueucre aim ath &boialut. 1 laet ber gpmWatMM &iDU aitget - h ltau.neuau À cria m mm" miiter vwa te eta an-lit a"m ~ stSi e ea ccasios nIrele a-uvs tvlug En village ha ovesok lie phylidas os foot- - 'Iup ta, Sote." b.mai, plis *l.'va sot a borse ber. liaIgasr wBii eiL" TMc Soecor luapei leand ithePeu- Tue bores.iii1» velu tafehâm qisai, buttlaas MM 5nirle 1Sthagm f» b vc bail>, ai esi hi tioma eâ*mourasta li e mter Imumped te If dopo u meus ehRIMOR aingme t ride laMaS a b orme Mo ii. "Velu, jéu socduaitethépues, 'mciii>tiSahutees*» -, hases Isoles, but I aivays hI, le bavc a 4~ alervti me n-Ses1Kdrive thai - - -7 A smmtihie uleqet En lobe vat vas rml 'l b*ad 17aaldteueqabi> laser et Ueslq. - Dla*a tbe 'I lm' le Rotil Abousà te S are<daiS> fer btM04 Ic VS0 8At te trou .Orn wabt oUlin a «UNp inpubis% te di ustt m ,emarahaitO ramai le preperMUi11tbe nt«. lie sou pieS ousOt a ppiutSr sht. Tbé vmIa" n arntdate fas uOet a-m 0i40 hbs e Se Sbeaudiva n-u f4te M leS la tbe melliaT hav«evu pn-amopcet àf apoemâar bier, ïow" e Mr ei "Utem = toumymltee res n 10la pEn bm tet 1 as m< maoedes Sea teM I se au Aaeranu-Pl- -%u oncu47 *@t»ip m tean he to-ma Umm >4 emoctuallWomps lic ai ligo o te resa ie legbon in VUOV* i pua.e Sut SurluS Mt speitori laTe lacS siai igirning 00"ytheie- tbfcatntbler lave lai Pestualse onmeriCorwayou hum bod eswrim .ons ltaproblèm.vit Ené mile w ie.leset< Mr. fillouti aMi Wll ame gsoumen liaI a meW faim et Imeoncier Ibu leu dai- edieb 19iit dmdol e e to<rmer>, vil maie bfels oi terallmi cureira itmit. Ucior Mrn.Corte- Fomli Mâos iii vaatlos laapprcvSi tic Sev fora,.mi»d iou lia beprsp- aratton of plates vin lbeu= lame. entew. :Tvioe hefere smne lie postal morn- e7 arie msalu vas esalici. ta a"5,ibaliehe stye of tic aaer lois ciaumi-esce la 1*4 amie &WBsla 1M0. Tisse ciaugu. ere mais ait te prevet tecgcres but te daptK tbe mymien.-Nov tic sp tetase stepetint Ità"bondbcs foudaurn. ,Myvte mahe Il more talutante. 1maI itut tbéa@ple or lie mev min vil b5e ouli mot b.c otainsi tain>. lut Mr. otayoumeeresm t"itlaI vi e fia lIrtment determismiUp. m. a fere Il n-euh ho pretty sesly proof agitait the tricha f e on rmem.. nue operatiaaa 0foEthe imi lave amt ireoly causaiboa te.iaov- dormnt. for Umele lOansla impi ro-m lochailieu okfie iléiesu a mc acier maie. a carIas acpy of ten origimal, Mdis iila McMlte the psy bd< oSceste10 guiIs oerla. Vie au> caaagc bas iema&uadctheli orig inarie ndbeOvPêMolaleap- pet tai au»im". n-em mOWAPi mli lia cria om «. Tila proteus En postSumer. lufft le pouaut ahouli maienamamite ami pu>ai came tM km lera aime be vi ,Ivete partle illremnest of isi Oc 1 e h. govermamt camol tern direalla. Ti eemobeincf lic forge anam merao In a hues 10 puraam airc der tr 25 or 60 demie, paysale te ibmhbuad ser Schtbmu smea.L Tua. tha cras e c mou thi "WI MWali15asMy amouat 11evW dis ullt bltetv U -0WduoP#M Tien gcimgteha awmrEn u liyvil pueciamesa or lit n-ati et mus mi « r is th le niiSy omiela par- mnt recelviagtheiaeb vilW" "prom15 iste Uam pit tq the cr05. A aesey mide la achai p.1 ea ane arntillc e f. dapost, iiev- bg ltb En e ar umethe ia mus «»W t a fie mise os depodit vii t»0 gow rnul- ou@MrnUity I b heen m asi matteu te "vmS" .tau neohaa& wmta.em ic mtmt hies tbe rien te fie poétoulm ho have tt Sàm b dleilacovers lie evIa. A postafle«ua lasOtr nilatesm a humenst, siovlng 0v ons matoo & is Br inDenver, Col, ewluna coupla forrchea vie triaitle mmre> mise forgeai os hlmn. Accordlnsgta tie lalpocor. lie lropnltcr of lia mlm cslbernm a taDenver aU day ami. drom ehek to lis biec tlcla ben menoim Arrving shoot mudulgit. Se lied léborde te a poit sad vent, linto le salm ute Osa loy fitage w-9sagan c. Tic lbareqgr'ta, )«the »W« saais ito uisga around et deie oSunrmislàar npct et doemyir4«for *0., vil theiabar- Tie proeletr eamini l,a- d@rem aiÏatbougi ibcccii ddecot ne iteratio ishlmmpilirns wvesarou., ed ami be *r*emfOd to 8« t hfmos. Gong cel te lebuggybcetainmsithe horie. lourd Denver. iallcvtag lIat ten maim Sn-aI rter tliastaie ten riymi. fiait vîy lelvua bis "m&MDenver ihno osreloiS tvo mm vie i«»r«M tiec enptiorn siteua ifbi.ivlia euispar. Dnivlrng op teo-liha mai01 If tic> n-ire Ae. lag te Denver. Tli e muaiS -ie> ,es »4> thfe uaicok«rnslOr Sn lites n "1111."Tisavas caplai moi tbe tecmou«latenbuggy ravaici on lewi Donver. Eamkg tl ioty tbe ntule8 m sonsosi laI il *se é *eee41 3 se.u.-bat lit ho Jla afrisai lua fie inoog lusisseon, Denver viom ho Icum &*WamS eni bc eefltic>coui âi jet - mISS. Thia efen vas aise, »MiOpis »d ttiIo onooku hin tic borde *11#ite e"boer sa-aow ad Ms t &eni.PragslI the do o tbinve »OmitaS agosci mmd t l come gooosepr. tiai if-sw and wmçc;@t WOU* tbe aSiby tEn sicoter iL it b aTeliu cle n-are opl. theanayreffocrci ami lic cocks ment 10 lie pouiuiry. . WU tic ev W éhMO theibdepant- mout hpas te prevemt tiseort et cilàa11 n-ri, sMd IL biii bom tati mfltaai«mg olor c aigusthe nuet mboutolet tfhEnrdier -vhl la *~ ~~W "a eS eSIVii ptijtiuiar 'a th;ucn- aimi 17 1abmka lie bovia re ycg ila15 111111tic00Ina PMUw vire ou »e theadur ehamit. Oct ailocthliamobre ml of thc pooptvuea mm ul tendmm usnla of ?à sbomba ils pe t shae- usa saju , ? 1c Ame tai balalv En1r ustmai Impudammé ta wite hock0"at hm 1111T1c011u1as M ébtaK MmoM. *la fl SS1e49hel (0 ho ab.bassetf. lia mai vie cat iaIhedeev ami lipý e r»a vie maies li grantsl suaetnstl mercd" antle111- a, fbd«ymueplos cfule *,vOb.yena lte i l itr»V Ipas toI.lel boaliai pou ire Wo vea aoutialn ldéise modalvi. avite Mla limiatiniasudeup- rifitamoi litslawoia Mfianvi, vis tao lua i. lthte amrli vin tue drnniuàte i.smoratl ola truo" th§- olutic votilmol.é lit MW st ve hemmilhocutta but lie mas itis, vaDMlie a *tmea more t o la mea> tla thec etrs vmi«glth.Aw rant m.* tsf eiesWoo mi m E mrea, bt aheoamudWh ol i etahtInF My o» aia.T Mi».t>À15#Mit DINt chuti le preiambuse-lulasa li et arsutisaisint a chiotimeus uefl as"da heliatoyiaMoblt eia cdy viimmm a meulr 0<il.ut. Ton tacome acci tae psy lia traiNO soir " gooda H e ii" Ose*"tha aLs lieutholar imta, tin amte li M al ai smmefurse"$.Tic Chai md i vea oti ut aout our Thesa. Tidyen ltaieoblt! t huastit cIty amsn ais o bs ri I ilmo io M si lita puy he as test i iraiarmbHoarnbiais011Ott als tic trmerkiadomvit ia à"i C taMmils. To lave hme z5o" w' liatilasct mliut"Ne. si». Wlen min. lau is Rt ski* s- ton lae maiesu En n-1t liser«. slve aldmer emoi, I e s tbaI am more. Ton blav en mila ot gavý J'e adrrt Chii "NOlc. fi miemotsd ù t -riseas adsali Au" M m s" sathemiStaEn ville limier -NOsali:"Paefarn, supos bapou ai eI litaisoladiesaut trsetaie ii pu ien âéfm mev po trdicaoe ila-malamAi. suppotic di Itai liad a mevsia laiurno cg ob euses; a it e a ies u mA . vendt . T» vau the gsait mmercm tbuidi ap Bls truc, b"Iisicsuenu a iDMe hi orItlag ils Misurle, lut hi alvnylelag boulot. 81-76 &»truad sivytu ta ci0 gvecis cemani more for flair morne> liasmhut" cu. goi lma My otbcr abri -N- e0«1"dau (tracer. siem lave be a prnhai d 4r a liudcedami oso pur1>asca. n-alu dancing, yaetiiui. golisi.boue, bou- doir. Maiopera WemarMi MUFotbé> aimes, lut oo m pectty for home la momurtam arc aranch t f oolvear liagI owlo n 1ev mamuftuorffl outi aie' ta Lus, aMd inoe iSmaboya Ena mmsgt selapie sumplea. ,Tne mouruig obloosilseof a di lm" e le mitentr, Mods UP ons & alpha lait, Mi *aoimiietcd vii moumafut billebluetrilbona aMi laids. ThaItlatea veTorOpslr sic. sng godet> valsala Ssi b>'a sren vilci a Lpn aru itel>'ne omvel. The crier n-as for a pair 0f vitelauvez asoot.maie on a cr- toin b,aMditIlvuai lled ontInlutli usuai foabail ut the botom n-a appueiathliafotlovlng: "Please m ur ~ ithe sediOs ndmioile ra blacei, a0 fie lady ller13acsrmhna." Mach ibbb on h a'-SP10s0ai On the mabs, amsilia fie mcuruta« isaii as canuidom.-ah» e Etailer. Jul rauruai trou a tour et scoltusi la nelaln anaumtai« ncident vieS Ooccutrni iurimg bis trp. tua a rmOte villagtelu hlbionlande iu caga &acraem a lahilett of %mis varereits appsanamçc liaIhl stoppai ta abt vh iaui. -W tihensp. i b"la uour nantir lnqltited liae truvtr. "elen igus- vaslie aea.. mrme, Sea l a, i; as, lacsb enoWlt lveaty-ulile tInici lven'les Aa- gelasami lie Pat!ote OaMioff. AisoamtUt 11treies of0<Partis la 1h51 e-ofe"11111fut for binds. VmSp-li ~~~m~$s Utfoc ten 0« t OMM bu tupti by a ltai-d 4,*6 emeqrp b aflafl ,Omf the United **t& 0 lte thei, fiothillo tolb*, e1% Od NevàdgL. Therstieage- 1 I f~ n rlte rnidai fi dooe ceil ici edmeus et Aulaopa sud New MUtdoa. Lite iIl. soutit. The etaligidmeb matea minI avaiu la Kan- ae m lwausmenditIie kotas ily lu~oeým mucres i i rda 'Mil> a acaisty h«ahag-luit escugita iacpl imAgfettt il a fe a<i ecis uria Iegmnslg acsiq-ret tlice. tates afteot metouiiered a part of thc des- Already a po8erru miracle bas heu Wieusit. Ticornia hobaisgaotvlailci Ené osais ereaterni SI>rrigation me> sMout bis, Assertion, Sut siould ha ýhIamace lut. lhe ville>lhrougi vilci lie Dia Pecos flova, or lu Colorado #long tic Pondre river, lie laudacape of bld, oreband and gardon n-bld> ni-- tale bas crealcdI n A literai Wilder- nsema iii canvica 5dinbyond lie aiidov of a doull. lu inte mullircit ruilasud graine both af lhe trople ami temperile zones arc la b. accu grovlag lau Itiurianni vieré yeutee-- dey only gresen-ood, agebrumi and cactus existai. TaI theicnl le a nciangi. noyé for, lie application of valer. Il la liai of Enhesan»t-vlthout mouture. ai- MWOt Incapable of supporting Ilt. olilenad. ti.,-Jtcr. -thes@ pur-- teler of sund. aven alkalilrock. con- tilds properlies no fertile tint froni liein ipringa reirelalion marc n bon- deandiluuurant thon lhe cropstht Are gailerai from thie rihh bamof In.. is»mandI llinoissud tic fertile val- le"e of New York Irseif. Tiaugli less than 10 per cent of lie miallable ores for irrigation bas tins fan beau readici. lu Colorado lamathon 75 per cefnt of the lands 4vallabie for cultvation dépend« upon thc artificiel vîler auppiy. Tiese fermne iggreatc 7110.00 acres. Thc sauti Plana Valley. tic mont caten- alvely lrigated région lu thc United Otttueluding portions of Colorado. Wyoming aen iNebiraska, bas 2.000,00 acrea vilei are artldiiealiy V-tered. Farne nataCi h honsupplidaggragata à00.00 ares; Arizoua nantalus 100.000 acres, New Maxina 1510.000 acres. Ne. braska 100,000. vIle oome af the mont productive valîcys af Californie. wvii bond tirî fruit sud vegetabiai by lhe canicai l ilparts af Uic Uuite4 Iame. arn velu asthe principal cilles of BEurope, are nurtured entirely by velle and cinga. YtIticesaverage ases et se Irrigalte, arin la ual oî'en 4 sa*es, ieS gives mu Ide& of tie mil- limi, of peoplie via to-ay dépend upc. dOumcgreat valer vont, for thel FRANKC W PALMEO. Lomg Pabie PrnteIr Ueeutiy DIM& mieasdtram Ch. Service.. BrantaaItihe overninent prinllng' offce lu Wamblngton have serently furnsciaftention Io Frank W. Palme,, lie vétéran pinlar, bo n-as dlimmer trein lie service lHc bas for yens becs a promlucnt public figure. lu yauth be loeatei lu * Iowa and as a * *v o u g îim an own- m a le. Dubuque ,mec..lHe uW&$ uaiccled Sigte print- ar ot lova end r.- siguci la becaune osrner ani sillon of tic lova ltaIs -Refflster, one if tie leading papers of mec Mest.Inlu 811S hén-as celed ta Congre«en sd served tIva brmu. Af- luirward ha moved 10 Chicago and wvas *sc ef the ovuers of the lntin Océan. Preaient Grant appoited im 5>051- manter af Chicago sud be serveti elgit yeame. Vien Harriion assunîed offce la Me80 hamade palumer public piater. This poltios cordesca ith i larmge soi- ar> aud Influence. Tie public printer directs lia gresteat prJntlng plant In ten counr, n-th4.000 employez sud a mammoti buIlding. lié, select* tic of- .§mrsft lii depmnt sud moas &Il lhe purciaais of machluery sud malerlal. Witi lha advcnt of lie sec- ond Cleveland administration Palmer retirci, Sut Président McKiley ne- appolnted un la lADand be served usd1 PreideutRoosevelt anderei ils remaval lmt weat. À mcv vay Inu vicianimais mny henefil th uasrate vîtiaul yild- Ing titir Sadien for food la suggesed, rayu th i oalGu Tranacript. by s let- ter receutly receleed by tic oeecretary eg a rural Englîsi agriculture] ou- riet>. I4la as follova: Bir-1 partickly ihu tic alety ta b. celli ta couaier thc case n-bal fllova, ai I thint Il mite b. mai Trauxtionable lu lb. next Reporta. My viiM a Totubi Cgt tial iyd. Seing a torture abol i da grale «avril, va bi lilm borrnai luthe Guardi«anad ter lie a»e of lie enniiccuet of the mouid I1Simd tic carte depoullai usdîmr ten routa Of a GotalierrY Buai (Tic Pro"tabcing up t11i lien of a mmooli kuni). DM 1thc udt ldamons TruIe, atm lithéCat vas bcrried. tic GosSer. Oie vas alt bain>. and monr emran- able lia -Catpilitaof tic marde Sui vas At et tie, ame Halry Description, Ve ac aSalevarlu ic vaa

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