CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1905, p. 2

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etcrdi $ad cilit SUBiai Sgulaks.Mr. ~~mm u&b j *010 ilu l alyit- ibl saUor, b j mesib q«z .i amive m band wdu t hie - 'I ,Cera vii - "dla» mom #am MO,- a ci PinMr or i m UbirF Kulgu !wmiune o "Iaie Ip. m Afria * unaboet oae4ôurb -d 4 lulmusmb~jio u a* ins wI t»a0 ldluel t T ho daeS ui t .IMurIkaiuts mttisodi by auttiii coupiO. A fue tini. w»O i b by a PblqIlp Yonug sud fred Hollad mado a trip t Paittin Mondai. E.U Frm nsd famuyand lMre1Henry slp vlmted viti Mr. and Mm. Chm- 891Ppst PaIaMuîe Mondai. Fred Ssp and family une spendnga ý *xq'_ vactioD wth hie parente hors. Augusi caraten was vlsting wih hib broUier, Henry Crtee, a few daYO lut1 week. August. le golng to the wilcl West9 Co)Iw are pientiful in Lake Zurich tins Nek. Henry Hllme.n ui one car load ln, Froehlick & Rtoney one aîîd Kohli Bros. one. There je no reuo)n vhY ou can't buy finet cattie bore for a reawoual)Ile1 price.. 1 11 Another danlce will he given a week froni nexý Sturilay. (.ood lîluele bas b@@uearaiged for. Mfr. and lire. Win. liUe*ing and Mfr.1 snd Mr*. Fred Thies vbîted relatives at Antercôrille Bunday and Moî.day. Hermen Relier returned home from Waukegan lmt Friday after a week'ra service on the Grand Jury Arthur Biggs has§ opened a 1e-t manrket in the Depuwy,,ýer building. lie rUt ho open evern uîoruing until 10 U'«eüy Wehreuherg, of Prairie View, wu iln tow'î Tuesdsy -dtnltriuig awciloubills for ie salenexi TuesdaY. lit. Wehrenberg eni fsmly will iovto LUb«VOWvl about Nov. f. .For Soml, oaphaphomo with tweaty- tiares CoQibia recorde, noary ur ma on £ma FrwnkLàe ZUric, DL BessaiPoppoeu m ain ajS id let VuoL and l Maleg eosepbboa la il -a1pg m glii pt th woollin s Kdkmuoeber ire bmtn. b q arie M lag u l 1IP r M. Ma m Nie. a hwas 0 5setr'Ni.1w»se v1.toui nt.a ooepis sim seaNt aM NMWJ. ldama loi.Job& w«. et BWmlO Otové, 0 Mfl Me oa iap i à nM pwomIe Set a baby boy boom essdmil OeL..7. Mme.-ad. Nwulea"mi Ne. iboe 6 Fluba "os «» so lai. M ol viii ,-ti lias ue W lot hais butin, ' hiî aà bl, utu. ste. For"ams h , U, YEAUb i&a hmn Qu ENTINwu CORNsER. a i Giagelsi MdlI bokl as bilei n rd"j mi Fred Krop a4wu@tecailm o Vill. PMUI bwI randelai« $Md**., W Iy a ou bnut' r, Kae% bu--»«»o n0 Mou.&.B. L ockkumsacoai on te"d& .i * E rw KWeobma* 14undetho obo 8 dotns aie viiim-uimbon ci the i au J. ami D. liera viih beirIaulSi a»oeiby po3W eou iabvus &t hPalabIus a 1lb elecielirosiPoeopb lm e.ut ila ia uormi let Modai. Loi the good wrv uailcis, ur. peaeacollera aiMs Osmsli bih cfor -B uiay. ter tis jea pple. bidiomia sd riperaspeme lu b= l ie lgae. ,t*Bfocra utflag l u miftmiehlale b hla~g lnIti and the. rop lu nporWtl iibiui vme*, s. ur mlime a A nsrly liâroiucd lad Wmlu bi oaly .ar ba& la tb chais qiltri la lums atomobile Tide torlon s boomOst wilim Qpimla pel1le .tok lst et A ol a k lmibtemm m itn# li 00 lire. F.. Maer and son Franikln are vietiug lu Trait, 1o1m, viiihr aiter, Mm reu e. Warld- E. B.- Siiermas, of GraYslake, vea visiting lu Deerfieîd Thuredi. isaiesFrances -Bledentedi lu sttendg the ChicagoMusicl Colfl. Rer. F. R. Roiebro entertalned twentY bosaif tho Qivt MeUIorlalCharria01 Chîcago Saturdai. The C. E. topie for Suaday Uil la. "Btter Wonk Ou Socet Sbouli Do" neb. 6 742; 18: 20.21. F. ILR obro. leader. George Aimai, o! Chic*go, rai a DeSrfld coller Sundai. lirm.Pareomk of Chicego',,viitai eeveral das im iihonerdaughtsr, Mnm F . 1'.laten ibis reai. B er. ueo. Decklner bai b-envimlln ia Baraa, Mflebg, thie eesi. Umes tnFliheor Dulut, Iowa, le viéiilg viii liMe.J. I...Gibion. Mm. .P. Rcesbro ta vmstlag relatvi la a es luasC. E. iodetîhoua tuIaibsbm U»t- tmg Mond"i aght at the home of té MmIockSbah' je"n 4% Iandih CW Bcbl% 0 WMWimse oOlo, viesid ib Gorge BrRa-.t, 1cofPaladt L, la ld t9ue ee«etitg forthe orpim-a i ip' e obiiutalt mad&ea isasmm ep se waabsgmm. 1NxW&clias.idwg tredff M t - hum ltmiq *U. amM MW aft" pgbave m-e inoe rn e b e..p r M Xla . 1* lo vlita a b Nd »ami MIn Doba hav uw aovui amia. . iu Jorg.eoLm a.r I Soibie pamior 0cf »IbPl'~ibyia.sI. emaboyéo0ciafl. lhbomue tas Mur lb. weddlmg uper tils ami .anleicouple lUitfor Oodamau,lu rhum Mr .ani liraVtbW" *0 bho houe to tbias aon eue 1W> »PAY Tb*popl of E Dai *ffl are lurilefi te ettd'a 0mgr *l wMflta» pkms.lua g ow eImO d«, Oct15 e m . ua. à, aute imhom wMaauvhibmwo& d. 4 fdi asuebnà ki à' Stunr T4hex muorl ai t rented hie tare M mil siai putlàpatn on the premims2 'ieswel Prarm Ve iàd 9,mlw aou*& 0[IjjmmGrove ou T Oiy,(t. 17, ceancing ai 9 a. m. tie $0110 p gal:licous, 13 vl*b calvie be47 ,I priugeni Derbam bonlhlyre o44, aY boree 5 .yret nidet fl 1 aboreeÔ5yrs o, uit18M; l~rtzagimr6 yre aId, iwt 1»%0 bey teâe 1AC4 9 ynso ld, w,a 2200 ib; L taj houf - o1, 250; 22~OI~u'70 ~sJoboge wl, 1lt5imeluulrv uaerl 'ew, mil k wagon, 4 mtuêw goa, loch trock Wagon, 2% é vialatop buggy. sSlm ey ý,pron ca % l~@elh,cutter, magli er. hay , 'mge and pulleii, ha'a,2msyameks nýrly new, Deeve cltivaor em e w e, pagtootia caltivâtor, 14 hé aiki.g plut. poisto plov, JoIes Dàpeuky plo)w, 2 vmiklmg eul*faicre1 & Uttion. drag, 2 ssc*a level dlm&. polrMIier; Deeing .8nge"bw OabS»me'orn binder, VeCorm* ' mmmu ooSier -Maer. Ch~lieg cornnpligutr lihbck rau, 1 pm ebllen, . OBOta IaunIngmlilI. Palzlie»m bI. pkfrt, roller, potato mWàrer. od rst* bomepower, crele saw, 2 eait Iman kettalus, barrel cari.. 6 ili ean, set hoaeybatsee t ght work arneII4 m , Uharneses, voi*an . bx h*. met o!fi tiuotiy miaid, *ta*o secnditcff eiu,00ba wekquqae,25acre = ïmlu »okm ke b= s, oul amd ster matic o uusm tu mention. ILige.Vuuaua, Prop. W. IL Arvrar.4ustlq,. w» sattis 810: bai rmtraed boum iter eia tee *$eh iki iiber m.ailaOasç. t Mie. h& U abdis Weut 10 ortia *kffe Wedma.'4 lait W"i: .10 , 4 od.Mtgaatoy '0 aovlmg lie, aie, ir Iba bow aýf a umiPlgu elu b on vlabof Mm lAilas PvL-reently bar bohe Wài'Mi ovsg liasb "na"meugeita Juup Z ta, vshe a n ma taema- imabb , or ouglt geuspeal iai hôme* sbmdauhud'hem emfmi tih*wui WdId "li WiaWsbïemul ' rmhpoloulxmtiomo. bali brulsd ai-eibiak tit othervasenheut. Uào wapumwmsti tii.buggy tai »ight Ilebue. *qei and uiMcst afri Mlle StaseDidl4ve, of MmObW,. eu lýs *ei& ititilirtaOiMi Mire. gw. lVeaiaoiseen Mleme0. illerd .Mle uUor fismatoti rieuaa*lum. Dr. siark, 0( Palatie, lea nattendu ' pS. MMiller maccomnii hiber Bluter- la.lsw, mme. SBsUlnoofed, bob a trip tj Palatinsne 8day limt viii. =TheoerGinîanLuthereaicbool eoin- meaced. Monadai wiih Ber. "fichlt 10 tombher. Mie. M. Hiane a andtauly had for thoir guisis Sonday, IL Bola Md >unlly. Of Banringlon. George frank, o o anomda, vbo renisi the Albert; Woltfana fo.ratita o1 ysars viii MOre aulto It phout DMc.1. Gso. VanZandt ipent Suudsy wlth hie son and faiili. 1Mn. and lire.Keler w9e Waukegsn vilors;on Mondai. E E.Mnmh ieltai dZion Vlty lait we-k ai thieeut fJudge B&--s. Isafulmnor.Withm, cf Wsnkégsn, &a cefling on frisudi and relatives boe lait wsek. Lee 0Glhot ae eteYing vii ita tgParente at proient. Bis injured bond leoi âowlY hosllng snd it vill ho son. ie is hofone ho le able teouns It again. Mie. Oora Marsh, of Evanston le Viit- lng with relatives and frieuda la Ibis viclolty. Mm Carpenier and Mra. Merrili of Oak Park attensedtbeorfinerai ofai euncla Mir. Jus. Pholpm on T-usda. F., E. Clark hmas ew b ieaum to lr. Kiel, of W&nkegmu,1 amd itlihbie famils *wul mov e 10Waihegs bis fla. W. ame iorry tu MvI~ m ir.Clark nae ob pghbotda i lh thean 15ev ,te cuittCarm Md buhal rîâh«UemOr aibuaton Ji wva is aer ta nef t ih*» lare14 ddounaiqjeyh clbie ihh drawàr cm manuglrOabra &am al" ul r.l om e ntie eh iehî lion. A ors ph~, bould lie worm a. feuW dus te pum ss.Wbmmtemboo, As john TajIo, .4et rg, spet l'agihl Elsor Fanliner a"iwl fl 0"et n dey atgliais vesi le X900846 M.R.FamlhfeylaJi pndlng a kv dayo wta ith W WM, E . B.Fankur. i y lob". lgora and- Ethel àAmie. of 0 lira. Raygnond Kelly and Lla* Itwilllanaeon@peut las& Bna.dej 1Il Mr. J. uanter, of Nebra*i ami M.r, rCool Mor QIn9sý "ndlEvenilngs WhsaI.! * St lme. 'R, i'."'~ '1' a~S 4' I E~OflISf. * IM.I.o.Sts. 4, Rt;604ba. bu h abhosVs if, » a m lins. A. S. ab, bt, Oct 4. à* Devertum, a 09~ msf -ao aw 1b ltt. àem do viiihielW "am orum uho bai bsupi lr in be eutla ig Q#el 1, m .~ivev.wm~e~aaaI eue I 'Koaz, o# Waukq>za*, JMig. bsiwspegm$E wk# slist-. l$ou,'forpot be pi«tsmmlet& t lias ha ý 1plj s vsalàg, oet 18 for lb. boust *9 ta. .fdos*a. Ain 20a V. Su. bmfr um otl Wovk Our sodete iiould Do." »Ob. 1-12.i, lai 211. m"i. Lemta *m Bd Martin MasObleaOdgo Ab. Clark lbuqoUmt COoapp<hWai vnuig iiego tnlar. ,lmorcwuroy buspumko la a lu Luiluin voo't& a"ivii ai Gorf atapbm Je lu bllbuasr lfor a n meu'buis fiabas #lde" o. il bulidouÙhooliwS>m tie. Ia ta Mt,#, "ntwaerOitio, boUlIJfg 01i, oteuibdeiiaie MWII&»kesiW"aeqrt tu ibit fatarr bores ra -ya0 tbwm &long lias totalfor a cp$iQ;Wb ittaMo~ e yryliO* dwaffl ga vas Mb' (h.t &MM of moâue Orois. stpeo tomt ur rat"oMBla Ab" out bsnd. amis.Ta4iob» lvP Wup goluigo &IMo10 . muffbuwl Imani lasailDé" of uperom advl. ta urge peopisai liai. eflaca01fliai *la in au o uppir, 01Cbaaabpial'o Potuah lemedi. liIo eludet mia> o imte promp msud 009datlouvnt. t6s obtWmIe l lu tSaken80 eonuMse a 4A 1 lecatflsi ,ad do4Il lias hq,. eme .1011G lainbm é u, thm aa cà: l,ée»4sby Împlo tb uMMOi7st ,bd 'laisretsdr luesenutili hkW" sqi 00 ~ d galg U i ood tt i" no orne àlowtom. tbabbout linaigt lu pro. kaieme ta> MI olmi. t lufoi acf. by F ,. IL Ler jýU W Apl VI »Le bi~ci I Ni.. P. icegea i ulula Xm~ nemi Li * ustemai ~Batw ~iLtke ha. ue St lias

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