CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1905, p. 5

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~2 .lw.ysamwreIfipfly. Perbffl Tour tulepame leaa grom M cOBYUkwm e@you m it dmwMbe Perbape you do aMI knw coldte eeliait eadt Mty mtoi,$e vudut .teisphofe. Ioan gaw t. get, ordui by phon-nordn too large ad mmonst esil 1 gie speticular attentim o de eu md r=y de' lie'uy svice ia saliny ,qulk"-m ta lousfot and the pluslàauinefl X X X xx J6 13LI TRJGI LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and4 I GS l OROCERY W~Wêk 2,,c SILKOLENE- 79,c a Yard Yard wide Slkolene, suitable for draperies and quilt lining in a great variety of pretty patterns, ai&> in "plain pink, plain binte, green and r 71e yellow. Usually sold at 124e a yard. 2 At our price (It only takem 10 yards to line both aides of a comfort) it Io a yard cheaper than the commoneet calico. Corne qulck and get a bargain* at.... Special Values in Outing flannels and W"o Dress Goods at FA PIR LHEDRTYVMRL, RimLNIS! a e ~~0 e a e We have po watches' at any price that we cai't warrant to keep good tlme . j 'Clocks s A household is pretty apt to be s well regulated that has the right tune--any dock in imy store will supply it.......U Ail Ragois R9g.liïg col~o ilgoIoBN ANDREPWHUSS I Successor to Danlmy Bras. LIBERTYVILLE X X X ILLINOIs -qFRED CROKER ...Merchant Tior-- il flot ilssorMnt 01f asbiouable Good, for fai Wtr at your Disposi. i p s e p t s s s e- s k s s a a s s p a p s p p s s p s ~go5 t ~P"ded Up, Ite e .aTbmeO em n oOpoe*Bide.e &e s Mm Mlb. f hiao i iatlg t Dld yopue.the o*l? rM op» Water Naln.. the Skiner bousb. elira. 1. E. Brow», !Boomfngton, snd Bn Do.. otAwmr4 i Chares Âutn ile again around town father, Wm. Buttolpb, an. vîeting Conîtract. alter a week'a flinu. WillIamWlghaiu and lamilY. lira. (). L NOall, of Auetin, in visit. John Croker expecte to, luove hie WORK TO BE RUB D. lng lierson, E. P. Moeller. retauran utob thanew Hanby block Iru. Frenchi la reported to be fsillug inly the latter part of the week atTudyngtteLbryil WtstteSaubor» bomne. lMr. and Mmr. Fred Vaughian, of Eola, Lait boarday enighth. iefr thle Misa Ver» Babcock la attending the Ill-, apeut a couple of daye the iret of! y o!01rth propohed water -&in@e lbert>yville Buainess collette. the. week with Wrn. Sknner and fmiy which wlll, accordlug to the.-neet lireG. aa. svon bas soid lier place Mrm. Orrin Shaw, of Bsndy If ili, N. Y. bopeeansd expectations of the. citv on Broadway to Gavick. sud Balph Stutherland, of Colorsdo, fathm ers b ompleted beloe tbe tIrst of John McAtee has purchaoed a pony Viaited their aunt, 1 ,wl.r lat h ero oo hratr and outt for the junior licAtees. seek. .li ail nine bide were before the board Allie Kapple, of Orayelake, fiam th. The Hoit Maufg. £o. >sid oùi ts bande and out of ihase the three lwesit were cotract for the. carpeuter work on the. two days lat week owiiig to its inabif- jtsakenfor fnrtber cousiderstioan d oticof bottlmg works. iyt get stock wblch waafl ssiY ta these. will ýundouhtedly be awsrded the Mire. Clark, mrother of J.F. Clark, the. wark. contract. The parties have- given Clar îi~w.Born, Sunday moruiug touI r. andl Mrs. check@ ta ,.ertify their wiiiigntss to writer t i ee hi iseu h aniel Elîi, S t thir home ini r auanarry out the contract if it le awarded PeeAllerusu le nutw iriuug on a milk igtondir.ltera Ihdarten train makiug a run uu t elevuen bsviug doing Weil.TreWukgnctrtr adbe bee ben ranlereltrum tt.l)aai n. At tht. tine tht. INDErENLA NT goe ta lu but could not et low etiougb to fit- he e tr spme the arvn iee h.adlgo isîr xefîtract the attention of the. board the bide aIl the. varieties fouîîd ini the. order book aud FRîbamus W. Colby je in progrtesat iugersycaidrd ig, ay the. Avenul borne, of theu going coueîderably over the. and tovfi ae cinin ba lot stle.egtimatee o! tht. eugineer wbio drew the 11Rev. Lawler ba@ fiee-n in atteuîdanre for Justice Hackley bas jut Put inPlIace aplns the pont several days at the Rock Rive-r a. private telephane fronu tb, bouse to The bide ware an follows: conlergnce. Be returne-d Wednesday tie soe th-t be may pett..r bear the. ..Mortimer, Oleucat .....:28.304.9l5 uan.bbycy Vle runiored. Chus M. Porter, Chicago.....29,57144 W. E. Miler le at Decatur tItis week iu Alter November 1 alithe e-u d gorEtChE. Rumeel.Highlag ak.. 28,05100 attendauce ai the. annual metingl of will bcelosed Suuday mornirugesua>EM.augHghndPr.2,010 of supervisoresud county clerks of the: the Suday diunere imuet be )aid ini on W. J Alleu, Waukegau..... 2,71370 lisa d Ilinoe.Satnrdaye St the lateat.. Lee McDonougb, Waukegau.. 33,129.20 j. W. Kiuardiue, ofI owa, arrived ai The. iceman hba a ew pair n O aef P.R FethrBieiîsnd.2,23.20 the borne or M. B. Colby ilonday niglt tht. purcbaing o! wblch mutenocessi- MeNekeae & Oogin,'OCag 798 ls.sving the f<llowiug day. Ht.wasoa us atiug by the. aId onea baviug beeu pur. C. B. Bartlati, Highland Park 38,509. 10 hurrled businesa trip ta Chicago front is! loinitd durlng the raceni race ilieet. The law raqiires that uo declsion hae borne lu the. West. Atorney E. W. Colby ha.. been re-maafote dyealrtabdaa Tht.Librtyvllebaud~ ~ tained to defend tbe mn,.Jobn Miler opeued aud tn ibis trne the board mii TheLibrtyill bad vicýs iâ wnt@iudicted by the. grand jury cbarged with ssure itoes f a the standing o! the. con- sud ake that suother playër apittar for'aseaulir upon Mi@@ Marlon Diebil. of Lake trw.toresud of the biddere' ability ta reheareal. Auj' ont. lu the. village tumuit- Bluff, with jute-t ta coinmitt rapt.. Tht. carry ont their part of the. cotract ally iucliued wîli do< s uarag. for arraigumeut of Miller takes PlIesOt. licNickels & Cogin made the loweet bld tbe place. 2.3 at tbe court bouse, Waukegau. aud lu ail probability wl» hoa warded Charla Numseu, who drive-e a bakery Woard reache hers of te death ai bier tht. contract. tn wagon for Fred Jacbbieim. had asrun- Chicago home of lir. J. S. Cantweil ' twse agreed by ail parti-aeubritt away. at Wadswarth last Monday wife oaI Dr. Caniwall, @o we-i1 know tu bide w the counicil that il giva» the. cou- hia boree hecoink frighte-ned at a losJ Liî>trtyville. Dr. Catwell i- editar 01 tract th,. 1utire work o! laylug the pipe of hay whieh mas passinut througb that The uneralliai sud se a universaliest should lia doue withm oua hnndred day. tow». Cousiderahl.ubre-sd was'ecatte-red preachier bas neld mauy service-s in Lib- of the. egniug of the papere, so it appeare ihrough the etreeta of the. village but erty ville. that the. pipes willI ha down belon tba otherwie utile damsge was doue. Mirm. Aarou Stafford çwaâ opt.ratad up- winter la fur progreeeed. 1e. Bobineau, lormeriy psstor of tht. on Moudsy at the. Halinemaun hospital, local Medodist church lise retired fronu Chicago, for appendicitià sud je reported X SPOMUTSbd AMRUSDMNTS X tht. miultry, sud tht. Arliugtou Heigtg to lie- recoverlng test. Mre Stafford grse Badwln's Cube wara deled by the papier commenta thug upou the incident. taken euddenly iii andrDr. Marti,n who Diamond Lakea last8unday at Dîamond "Dr. aud lire. J. B.-Robîneon have was cslled, dacded tltat an immadiata Lake. mnade ulany elucere trioide durlng their operstion waa necseary. Sha will a><>» Tueday night Vwo local, tasim$o!f brie! tay in Arliugtou Halghts, who are [te able ta rtura boem. bowlers compoeed of Wrght, Davis sud iudeed sorry ta bave tham go. Tbey are, AI Lyou», who waà ijured by a fa» Wells va Enderlin, Allernan and Webb people o! culture and snch gautie- reflue-- last waek whila painting Mika Burke'e met ou the. Tager alleys for a ibm. ment thai it i l ase a rasi pieseure ta bouge ws rot injured as serioual ase ai gainea match. The latter teau won tero mntte-m lu suy place. Outeide their firet reporied. Hi@ lef t sukiae wqptract- of the. three gaines, bigli more gning tu, ow» churcli thane ara inany wçho have ured but beslda. bruis-s ha wat Webb whoitu the second gaine roflo»25. beau glad o! their prononce sud gentlin-lu.otherwlaa aeriouéîy hurt. Tlà f8Was"B"is Lasi Dollar" the succefuil fluence in our mîdat. We ane glad tbey cauaad by the lippng of the. ladder Ou Aîuericau racing play under tae direction anatoh ave aborna amldibhcldemic shade9a which ho wse tanidiug. ofIE. D. Stair sud <iao. R. Nicoil U o! ve.ato. W' fal uretha Dr Tht. C. IL & 8t, P. bas posed notices ha preseltad ai t he chwartz Theatrf Bobneo wiI tanSudsppecitiv wming minuore nat to flip trains or to, Wsukagan. Tunday, October 17. and conganial associations, sasme-l as' page ovar thaui whether standing etuh or Eacli o! the five acta o! the. play an > tlnue sud inspiration for hi@ choen. work. Wa sh11 alnise thoera"in motion. It ja uuderstood thât some filled witb genuiha Intereet, dlvlng ai Thir many Lîbertyville frie-ude join lu oI tht. youugeters aI tht. village bava ra- turnes deep ita, pathcos, but &gainu wialugailbapinae sd paceta r.cetly bacoma addicte-J ta the habit o! brightent.d hy a toueh of comedy sud ira.Robiaou.fipping wiiluout tht. knowledge of their furulehed by su ambitions Hebreer sud anam. obo. ru ls isu-mthere. an eterptiig youug uawapaper man iu dayus nlgh t ud sdldu' laeV home quik At tht. INDEPIENDENT office lasa brsuch love witb a bmiker's daughier. ,aynougJht n nller ws hplmeJ under from a ared raolpberry bush upon wbich Oue of tht. dramnaiice t-enta o!ftse arreet by Chief Ht.utgt.s sud brougltb te-.sme everal clusters ai large sud well preseut smaiou will ha the. firet pramnta. fore Judge Etackiey who llned hint ive formed bernies. Tbey wan pfckt.d tion hane of Deuman. Thompson sud dollars sud, coste makiug a total oI Wededsy hy Jack Ditfioruon hie fartu Oea. W. Ryer'e uew comedy draina of e-en dollars. Three of is comrades near tht. Phillipa mllk station sud are rural New Eugland fie, "Our New erbo dld et home bad warrants sworn 8nrely au oddity for this eason of tht. Minîtar" wbich couiaa direct Iro ni île ont for their arre-t Mouday maruiug but year. 7 moutbs New York rua ta record cama ta town sud gave theuteelvea up Another page ofi tIis palier cautains breskiug businese. Thea naw play bas ari-inain.n (i th mr ,ig f ih een géen very little out aide. of New York pelrmî e eed e fsrvee-sbu n w erehg to ileiin triiLare-ny o Lie- dteeaencrcistepo'w accepi demande-J a jury af tweive me-n ta tyville-, and tir. Chas. W. Boewick, o aI j seusons, i ha mt lth s mn bear the. case. (Ilficers Limberry sud Chicago. MIiss . Mîifitik le thtearyrcpinta lydmu Henigea impanele-d tht.iury but at tht. daugiter otf Charle-s Muutick who ait . e uîs h eaid flurtmsTh c tînte of the. trial tht. mindecided t0 tinte vas engmgui in tihe manufacturetif oi the lyBsladinHrdscrabbe-, N. H. pIead guilty. The-y ve-re- fine-J#,1100 eheet ran orîmamnîmts an tbe evudicate A gre-at sce-nic production jaeacrried. At sud caste sud tht. flne-s.suspendeclpend. property wlie-itre t ire 'varke lavhe cwbertzth.rWueaTus iug good bebavior. lIre-r nomes were stand. I - cobr12h Renhardt Hoppe-. JosephubSclitt£.fe-r sud tMr. D. A. Butsw'elluarece-mt arrivalinlu1 Thaugit Lincuoln J. Csrte-r's succeseful Edward Wink"-he-un. AUllworkt.d St tht. Libertyville, isl atincuing a ne-w enter-. rm,'HerOîySm aIynom-n Hechi tarin. prise in tht. village u tub l w habcknawn se-nir îproduction lu tht. nenai se-useof L. J. Webb aud IRobert Gumnimtutt tast -as te D. A. Boswill lilliug sud Potingtiewrn h tdfedsorta wt.ek returne-d lram mL trip ttfui ssiniboa Service.tMr.- Bustvll le a man ofI1 strengili an tans of ecent.ry aud pro- Province-, Canada, wlie-ri the.v iently cousiderable- exîeriimte in tht. wark anîd Itelte @toytlm acklanid gainsi purchust.d 640 acre-eof chibces prairie conrtemplates tvuurkimt u p s gaod hc ub-tayllidjpusly land. This ne-w country ibe-y hlieve a business. Hie main i-tmpetitar lu tht. pietureqne. Tht. actiou aI tht. placé veritabie garde-n w li-mecrapegrow as no mark wifl be te NttiShort.Advertioiuig changes froni Engisud ta, Belginut sud whe - nd ay hatsttioieswil ý ompnybut hbst iuliiaudJ . .u i Viote-nhaikt tutbunnie Scotland. Tht. 1erete aels e ud s fy tbtt statis havevilI c lie alipvs a oppbe or tenfui ee scles sutawingte lamions bell tower lu Sprove- ith te mt Itr. We t vha ae @ e-t>ie- fieews vQnuîe- or h.fau-Burges aài a L lflwer emboee-ed lodga 1 bo1Jmatt uatr ha bsma 1Vcms uii-s in Scotland are twa hI tht. muet artistic ye-sr lias in instances tbreshfe-d out as~ Your Bye-s FItted. sets o! tbeatriî,ýal decrats art- exhihite-d hlgh as 60 buehels ta te acre wbile it us Olten as higitase thirty sud thirt.y- lC. R. Shermnan, îraetieal opticisu, 'vîli an tht. rond this seau, -«Ber Ouly rive. Cattît. as yet hsve- noV enteme-J hlueinLibertyville-, cauli Saturday, untilSn" 'viii bcut S i&wartz throatre, intûtheprouceof tht. reglan as the further notice. At Hues' jewelry etore-. Wauke-ganuno Suudsy, October 13tit. country j o e, ain n .hetst44Card of .Thanka. couple af yesrs beeu anticed for reaudenca jSpecial Homneeekes a Excursions We'sitahakorfen-su ats al]. whe-re liieers. j«nuiti tces il-s hn h. ihso thlrkindur e- smund Grummiti sud Webb have madle> ibeir! rglrot-a aretlau itau!enihosfrtetknns n-em purchaesa lealmosi directly noril itht i tht. W ea d torthest. T its on paur duing tht. lckus@andudJeatt of dividing ,IqeofMoitana aud etadSu et ikt nOrdear jiother sud grandmoiher, lire. Daoa n l 00ruierifomt s ale Octaber 17, November 7 andi 21 sud Mary Trigg-. akaiesUne.abot 100 mies fr a tetecember 5 sud 18. Iletura lirnît21 daye Mirs. .j.I1NG@LECT ANDiDAUGElTEHt. Canaisu ina Thar nere-t tau ~Lîberai stop over priviieges. Detalis on ________ Tyvan, tbrea mile, distance, a village 0 o! et.FRICIE ALLEMAIN, Ticket Agn J& sixt.v dwelllfgs wbich a ycar alga wuaarqetgn Card of Thanke. prairie. Coal la the principal Juei, soit 'Ounig mal the ue esaay o We ieli to axpresa our heartel c4 oal hing foundin utbe finiediale poabt îebsle tha liai rned lth anks for tht. kiudueaahueru us by aur - lomaihiy la piantlfu quantities. Bard tht. worid for backacheansd ail klduey msuy friande during aur raceut hareave. sud coal hmta ie hahI ppt.d la and la casîîy. sud bladdar troubles. Il you bava acha The tero meu wiliI taka un thierreuldenoe rhrbumatlarn or avy uthar lefotisdîait. meut. Aiea for thea puerons floral ELL,j a elugie dose 'viii gi'Ve relie!, For sasie tributes. 2con tae proporti ext prng but wlll uot by WILL EACELY, IDBEBTYIiLLE; GsAxe- 1. S., OLFAeomu. ninova thar lr usa titae tif]la .1. . KZE PAt .ma. ANm) lis. R.êay OLY.USON. Time to Change NtO woman, man or. child ahuI keep on wearing their light sho frorn day to day at this season of - the year. . Its Urne to change to heavier welght. Health and com- fort demand At The Sboes 0F THE SEASON Are Here Alil St!$es, -AlilWeights, Bluchers, Laice or Button,Everd Size, Everg Width SHOES FR ùý EVERYBDIODIý M. Bo, Uolby Mercantile Vu, 1Phono 29 LUbertqville WEAR for MEN, BOYSVOUTIIS Duck Coate front 51up Me'î Rubber Interllsed cents front S1.40 up Mess Sheep OEtd, Coate fro. 53.50 Up Sheepilsed Vets $2aMW UP MacklaawJaets 5 3 and up Met?$ Sweaters 45c end up- A uiçe ise of Sweaters for Bous and Youths Men's !fleeced Usderwear [rom 40c up A lise fine of single and double breasted wo and cotton underwear for ladies and gents. A Complète Line of ÇalI %Wear Just received and at prices that are right. It is the best ever shows n i ibertgville Corne in and Investigate. Smith-&Davis Libertyvlieo, 111. o» 'en !tBBfta kê4 by auddon break- gv 0 e tr.Cr ed dov% ,dus 0dypeaaorcnaîdto . ddlgsiueaetoo. At-r. B. Lovi ~ Uf~ï bD~D' £New ILbertyville; QEATILÂSE PIARMAcy. to, t thmaterialiguaraa.taed. dm

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