CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Oct 1905, p. 3

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FRI AY, OCTB 22, 1905 Aie Cm/narige Trimmilig OAIPST. a ISU. AL. BUAtMOI4g, OCHAM oRKOAED, -WAI3tSESMADU TO OR08It AND RENOVATÈOAND Bave yoUr -woik douei by a man. ezxuieed. Dout wat a ear for jour goodhllo be rqtured. G,e me a toea1Uat your work la propeily aftd- ed to. Be conviked Every one in th Ob m. 1Iam hereto day. J. X WORSOUTIle0 1 111li TIULC :M tife liai bwaa flcguest ,flr r. lobaBHock Or. tic pu.t yck. uimOuibmaa la stopping viti lire. Wobn Wasibuara bas moved toto bis bmtameMWboume on Palmer Av». W. Y F.ov wIp>e'several dais et »ecstair. 19. 16t woek as a delegats to- Ses coaveaffu ofi spervisore helsi at Mis. Getrade Lester, of Libcrtyvllc. vWWte ber doer tic lait of theak. B. J.- Lotua lkit lait Tbursday for a trip nonil. 1TOM licot I have Monda.v. YPTý--OVEg.. Its time to think about gor new stoveL We have .them Stewart and?!Acorn Une Ang kind of stoves for ang kind of fue Give us a CalIc.e SCHANCK îBROSop DR. PfRDERICK FL MARTIN o05ee 2d Floor KaiserBlock ,- Mlwuske Avenue. Ror: 11 to 12 & m 1 tuo3 sud 7 to 8 P. M. DR. J. L. TAYLOR. OrOVoER T519005 &TAYLOR . gorse-7 to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 sud O8tW 8 P. M. Rsiedence on Broadvay, oppoeltc Pa&& Libertyvhfle. Illnois. DLAe. J. CHOU DENTAL OFFICE aoua:-Wedniedeym of mach veci fre 8-00a. nM. to 6-.00P. LUbertyville. Dhoi. noscm-from 1th a Md 6 h S P. ma, Ubrvills, ObEoWs PAUL MAC GUPMR 4*1Am QNT ALW. LibeilyfflI., hflmol. DENTIT. orncm ovin LAE Uo'rvBMe. gosé-8 to 19 a. i. a" i1 5 p. ML. DAIL'!. Lihertyville, Illinois. DR. GOLDING DESTIST Houts 8 129 em,-1 h Sp.. Kaiser Blockt UÀbertyvlllc. Iminois DR. WUI P. SCHMRING. PraleSlimitasi b BYE, BAR, NOSE ANi) TROÂT. Houri 2 to 4 p. m. Offlcm: Boom 80;4 Srsvàwr iimanixe, 92 8t4ptO StrOct. Chimag. bit 0. P. DVTDIHLD.M LYN~N I~9TIS Uvswp la C.sassUos Phono 881 L1ber~'vUe, III. 218 Wabbqlcm stueS 2Pa.11 char#*$ A. Takaci, manager 5abudoW October 21Il 05. The Worlde Oreeteat Germen KOLB AND) DILL ï - Mdtueail Star CaSt 40 PEOPLE 40 Osllforeelaeauty Chorus ln . O . SpIC.-25, 95, 50, 75 and $1.00 tllyuns an meLinton A nmUN MUOWCAL. MIX UP P310.B-"58, 50 sud 75 Tusm.Oct. 24. 1905 Ths lie rade Co-cdy Orsmîs Down' By -The Sta V~ A OUN69 SRose Pahitiig 1 basve a rce of coqMtel ~.workIimeSUfr. blr cdaofo wA adkou cmou gIVsow quU .ri'Ice ou~iqaoIe oi uie Be.,t1aof ah an Sfoip et !u «U SAN. MI& o.~e0ffl rMOTE., t busineenman 'ou*, "Tour eaugb le monm M4 uun I la *inoe du-iesrets tu OOW»- ai r mltr 00 & uNI* thé fIUVUWMUT. I'0 elte, of Libertyville, callesi lire. Iands Boot la speidng the week vîfli ber paretéet Kalamagoo, Mlch. Carl Biier bas ýacceptesi a position at Delevan, Win. Vouty Clerk Rendes, of Waukegau, vas tb. guest of H. J. Wiieloek sud vile Ounday. Wm. Pester spent Sunday nt Libert y- ville. Dr. liaeCuaig imadea eprofesional trip to LaGrsuge Sunday. lire. 0. E. Churchill use the guet of ber daughter, Unr. MacCuase TuesdaY. Dr. C. C. Witmor. ansi son Clement r.tarne fron Denver, Colo. Wednesdey- Umise cker, or Chicago. spent Suadey vIti ber par.nts. Monte Allan ipent Snndey et Ken4sba. Atty. Churchil and vile @peut Sunday viti relatives at Libertyvsîle. .ills Celle MaeNaxara @peut thse fret dl the ueék witb lire. eo. lleNtaera. Mme. Otto Johnhon @peut Sundimy at Liber#yville. Mnr. Auguat Hansen of Long Lut..' viotesi ber@ lioudey. 1leulenee Atireli. Balard, MI"lj and et.r ett..nded the play at the Wood.uan Hafll Brne, lest Frfday! ,rvening. Meurs 8ev ry and -Kvoek andi M'W s P.erl andi Berthe Kapple épent tiunday et Fort $eridan sud attende,] the theetre a avinaePark l inte enlng. Mnr. iler returne,] home SaturdayI aller spending several ivuka in Wiocou- sin. Bey"rm fronkhere attesàded the teechere m.etiag t Reckebsier. Barney Behi la on tb. slck lieS. lir. Md mdiJ. oba LeuseaJr. leit thuA weet. for Iowa vbra thu;, vilI attend a veddlag ocia cousin cf M. I.enzen. Mm snphqu Lewis vieltqd friands in Chlflo 1w utcf tb. yack. ute. aMMm .Frw Detborn of Jobas- burg vb.lded i"isuand relatives ber. Mr.end Mms Robert ihardison voe gm«o of iM. md Mm. Lom Prsnk landau'. Tale AU» o f Kenosba ipnt Sunday at borne. A Serpelse Party. A* l* lvishome faut lionday eveu- wugaud 1pop wuy astandeon mmr. B. J. »Wgiq ta bonor o ber birtday. Tbm n essa voeMr. and Mm. W.. Swwieyut. sudè mE. B.- SheMasu Mr.. enIrb.o. C. IbSerman, Mr. ami w L 51. Hlgey, )Lia"ud lme.LYMMa lavis -Md lm.Katbryn L"i. A eSWc venmg vas epcnt and refresh. meut sere. Rev. T. A. Stephens Resîgna. Tbc emaibMende of Rer. Stephens vue aurilasd ie bishsdlng lu bis r»WiUtou lant yak vhicb vas oaimqailbu' oaly tva voting. ltheet re. ftobl -o tabss A il. bW ' diIS vau:to1 Inleulere vii tictir pastcr's planeslley would not vote otberwise. Il le witIa greit reluchance tit Rer. Btepie Sgives ap his cburci ber. te se- cep nonst lLacon, Ili., ans i h lewith a still' greaIer réluctance tint hie people lot he go. RcS bas been tbe pashor of our Coagrffltlonal eburci for nearly tirue yu an md bas io lnterwoven hlm. mu flathbearts of is people tiit It l VIiIilb. tb. Uiost regret thet they gbet to bis departur.. Not only ba@ b. Wou lte love of bis churcb people but lb. pRIN9ou4 admiration of -the town peopis,, sud &ail liregret ta loose Bey. Otep* aim*ad"fmi,. Tii. vary besi of viSIte vII ,rrh. theire. Oct. 28 vii . is la i nday ber.. '5eefeiEEeTIONAL CHITROM. Buuay ct 2 the uouai servleeg tîlI he bell. Att lb eur of morulng vor. mblp 100a t e pasor vili speak on the"Mi "OCbvint'.Prayer for His Chob.99 The euing eong andi pâ1m o5evice yul bave for li th eme Tb* C.-Zocietyuuelet :45 p. M. "Tii S@MWSt bm u liclpdme" viii b. tw tbm. Q«0 . 2"ate b. tic bl.montbl &0 B' q vk u o&-engn< 1b ~th a'tbe Co.guqao" building . 1911- ý , - yIucc Chet Amas "d Iy exPect to start for Florida foi tie vinter nezxt Tuesday. W. G. Daevis9(-'Waukegan. *ae coinlg oni olsi rinIds in this viinty Daniel Saggry will hold a sale Wedadady. He .e*etê to more tu Oklahoma il tlb Bsir future. Hernma dlisv, Or., i» reportedl to b. Inafalllnghbeetb. I.ery Blocani> le b'to be out again .sfter a long atmfg f ne#e. Hl. R. mathevu boa returned from an extended trip to thé Portland exposi- tion sud varionm vrqtern îpoints. Lait Thuredy lgbt there vas a large gathla o f lasons et the roome of, thb.lilburs lodge, tihe Waukegan lissons eilng charýge of the w9rk of Initiation. Very fev dally papern give ail the nevsInl a concise, rusieble form. The Dally Inter Oeemeuam b. reliesi upon to do thum. A yeaes vnbscription to this greet dally sud tiebUNDPEENT rWil coflt only $8.50. ROSECRANS. The Smart Set vIii meet etithe churcb Saturday eveing tuo Ipreýtice for the entertainmemt. J. Boyd 0f Cilcag bas 4een Apending a fev day. with J. Straben. E. 8. Faulkner sud C. Northrop spei font Monday la Mlveuis. wherv 1Mr. Faulkner purcbased a gei.oline engine: C. C. Aines bas su auction lest Fridy ln vich bo soldSU i!tb.ý touk !Ml store. Re expectn ho start fo)r Florida soins time thie vsek. Miss Grace Welch and IMs. Webb of of Antioci @pont lait "trdyand Snndey br. Gertrudeansi Clark Surthrop were et home over Sunday. Mmr.- Faulkkner bas boen swk with la. grippe for the pait fev day.. L. Siocuen la low»' reojv.rirsg irom an attect of typboid lever. It ledifficut to cure a ough or free yôurself front the diwonfit, oiea cold UnIesl you move th- 'U ,Wels. Be. Laxative Honey asid Târ n.'t% un the bowel.4 and] drives al ol ut of thse sy-o.m. F. roup. 'hîin-oul Co 1d. n, alubng :o IBrorsehini afftton. no renîedy i. 'qual to the1 oiginel ike*s 1axative Il , yaisd ver. .A lip.sld olicure. Fur sale b1Y MWILL HAceiL', Li4srtyvili, 4'YIAV'LàXS OU RN BE. Fr.',] Olîger, of Fort Bill. visite,] lore sunay. Dilleys .ntertaiaed cimpeny this week. Rer. and UMlcCartney @pent Sundeyr wîth Mfr. sud lim. R. B. Dixon. liusac Rubis lietealfeand Mamie Haine" attendad the Sünday fichant convention1 at Highland Park Thuradayand Friday., lire C. W. (irandey opeat Saturday in The sstertaiument aetbthe hall Friday eveulng vas veiliattende,], Rerman Bradski vill soon bein vork on tihe oser walk. lit.a"Mmlre. R. B. Dixon etertained lir. Ana Winters andi childisa a ew days of 'ibisweek. 1*%3gbVincent, of Warreatou Grove. sgent Suaday vlth friands ber.. Carle.s teadiey'apent BundaY vltb hm aditer, lMma.Austin sud fcily. vo LO. Ulm leesie Gaie of Elgin snt Bande~ bies Mary Raugt la vlstlng flounsa la Mies Finie Smih spnt FrldaY lu brm7ess, 011andi StadUldlver.lMc- Henry caliers liouday. Mime Mande Waltoa speut lait yack vith freads lu Chicagia.ý lani Converse of Tcnnsssee rlated relatives lu sud near Volo recenisi.1 Mir. sud Mr§. Jaunes Muarray ot Mo- Henry rlilted f riends in Volo SudaY. jjMn MaBle« sud md L ofe @voait" ver. Vole caller8 SundA7 evcaing. Mesdames Raught, Walion sud Bey- moud ver. Wauconda cailere Koaday. Mmr. Fred Dunnili spenit Satureley and Bonda.y with ber deughter et Waakegan. Mies HelIen lRaymond speut several days the past week viti_ fricads lu Chicago. unr. Ww. ILosing aud Mime Frances Rosing of ltouîsd Lake &peut SundayýIn Voici. There wil l b a W. C. U. rfli st volo next k' October 2i7froml10a. ni. to 3l p. in. Ait! are 111,1154 to bPr@s- eut andi are reqiwstesi to brlag thcîr lunch. Nire. Duiziel enierteliiesi lir. Notflng., hi andi daugliter Irva a ev ddI rec,,ntly. Mise Lizzie Hutchineon $peut Bander at borne. li"a Vene Young, et Rusmel, spehil PUR, nm*smts et the. TbowuAaeZlle Mud 06 Otera ured-2atuagehy Wgind Md laie ut affluai Othse Ut auAVIROct. 1.-A tonado etUM* the vIUl eof Soreuto. Dl. a Crils s.rtbulst 4g et-Louis. Tumy flgt. biEns efabt persons, "lru as g 8 «%u ci *" uthm..wM iprobabir di%, Mde daing agveut armmàt et damage t preverty. Pcrty houmsersublovu te aamue rrlit er attrous their fou- dation. A comuletesvath wu s eut tracI cet tW tarauadeo WU mIcc h debrie or bievu avay. STU t ctheiViellas. 19.lovIng e laait of tbae édm:lirM l'home Nlk 3Uyear cil; limeWl!. liam Stewart. 10 yuse 1; 1Mr. Wl! IeMM Mian, 60 Juar. 01; Harriso. lMan, 1U rears ou-,; four unldetfmi$ Partial flt of Inured: Thomes us Vl tam1l; WillamKlrkIand vte, WiIUam Stewart. viii probablY île;, Mmre William Mann, Trank Shields. and tvo'daugbterm i1. . J. Masy, Charles hUer and vife Renry HL.-and aS if. eny Balywsand vife, lire. Pbcebe Moore, lMrmand lire. George Root, mliJonlo rltli Joseph Mena. I. P. Jettes. »Ms LaeHam , c Utcbâeid; Thomas.P. liMsm advifs, Lissi fsGeorge Root aMd vit., John là. Weet.T. J. Barber. 4mtsally; lire T. T., Barber, lmbe brOeba. £ite»rn. viii die; Grace Barber. Ethel Barker. lttu-Miy; Ulmes Brbr.George Shaw ami vite. Tbe ight kIllelwvonla Ibeir borne lu dUteut parts of sorento. Ail ve badiy rusbed.. lh. slorm approuehd frot tic southveetsumai ept Uirough thme mein reeldcoe porton of thc tovu. The vork of thc vind vas <5mb»' donc sudi th*'> tOllowed a heavu dovupour of rata &Comvanied br ' yi4 lgitalug snd desp thuaider. l'houe vbo s.cafcd Inlw7 vers for ithé lime pme4.tricken, but finally ralliel sud umt tlu t remcue thein jure&. Touneofge& The et0,. tbat "u*Md gorutoý de- luged Alton. 11..a few mile sbouth ci Sorcuto, ln the nature ce & clouibur.t, sud St. Louis e ffeted thcfury or a terrillc thnndertorm. Near Aton no 1003 oflite occurrol. but the stretea vue tael l uto tsmpwumy rivrl.. Pourteen miles dictant the vile cf utreet vas tlrêe b".eSundar vater. At St. Louithe oiende cf thc ]av. er Des Paiesvues floiesud » OUce vesbusu'weduensi mu' n t greue'. 1anc e e ie~5>rpa à sooffh l a"I arase eshuu 8h e eage ait Dsu 41%m te 136,rtM 1ko lire. Mar«gaMet V81ai cilienthé LoonLake 1a nteom boa aels la». vie pgiand Clubrth Daktova. Misce Lots, Buth and Gracm Auetia saturday, Oct. 21. Mrsie. itSIu ustmiee.>ir imis. MeBle D Don, of RUMes iL.ev daom of tbis vesI. C. B. topi for laendau, Oct. 22 "Sacrel Bouge that Hlave Htelpe" £ph. 5 1 5-0; CoL 8. 15-17. (A pFaie servie.) Mary Carlmon, leeder. FM THUI. A. B. Combe vas lnClilago fret of1ftic 1 eek. Mr. und Mre. Hcnry Rogers, ofq 1Waekega, daowpeBdlimethia vesk vti their daughtcr, lira, C. L. Thomison. lMM. D. V. Walt sud lire. George Cleveland ver Chicago visitors thc past 1yack.1 liMre. Alred Benweil la @pouding a weck 1wltb relatives l-inorton Park. Mrs. Bert Paddock and Mary Waltou ver. shopping in thc clty recently. elMr@. C. E. Combe andi A. B. Combe 1 pent Suuday ln West lUcHen ry, viti Mfr. and Mr». C. B. Combe. ML B. Humon racently sold his herd ofà .Hereford 9:cattai 10 Parties from8 .Rlgbland Park.t Barney Amanai bouglit a open 0f fine black colt@ front A. B. Combe. HAST FOX LMCE Parmer are about do«e corn biadlnu'. Eusses enliger vwsanb a wou vitor f0t Cbllao Monday. lir. Moore »md dougbter Llbbie vW ftwfiode #4 Ohbis ccotly. It. Lava o».. THU1E FIRST NATI ONAL BANI$ _______UBERTYVILLE JOHN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN H. MILLE!J President Vice-president C. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. les the man with money saved -in eBsnk- who makea a bu"o ffil1 you have any money saved t0 take advanltage of the opportuhi when Utf cornes? Ilig h Closs Bonds end Securities Bouehtoui Sd Do« àa general banking business. Deposlts soliclted and courtsous treatment ehen to ai. Ut will pay you to bank et heFiret Nat onal. Fal Term opened with the largemonr1l in history of the aclioc Our new quartons, flneStl taI Ite, iD "8t..W' Block, corner Genesee and Waahington St Wb=het. b U0wimuua tugt-h islbaoeW ttc Pmn u dhte uh4 8.e. UdmS - - duPr«- ,eU. MM#4S. lis Gow cho e h»mh o ssMffru " -Ubte §- eM uffl " ৠnt t hidiy Ville ramaloa:z S. A.8" MUNS. lut". & S.mMUNe&, III& vuSt«aamt h Iris et wMt&ý esd aot.subor$1000lie Uryatin tvu. as or a e o3ufrewà he entam unuleructiy ou Is 09 b apfel srl inbibo.ss5 " brIwaUit tte . L1 0.e- at M.H vsmNê amI~~~di 1d:50 D.Veg-ur Wl. jIse dUs * vee4Wb ilaicrnepatue t fic shee busiess, eu tg 801a14SU suau 01& »led f 3i98-q.res-- 1 v, son prsantc lbusontg oty m~ 1 1 ' Best mateu ls for fiish. ing the inteuior of gour hé6use, new or old Varnishes, Oils, Lead, Gia w. M. HEATHý Iriurdtuand uiUndertaking Libertuvile 1

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