iIntlIeto Myimlwu tigp my. nu s a y, but 1 du"s «iemsve t P*siPdy - Psbopps y"oue .Ioe bhMt a. g,,a& owe.laiout t Itasehkté44 bc poebapm ousde sam bkW c ftonoiht sm,,l E my ettawu ows. 6. h<l 1 mlxa lsdt. a0 et-éow I <v. sêtulw sIsalm t.ihsumi MM t» Sold'under my guarantee, coet you youHl flnd my selection of aUikdii d of jewelry guient, and again my guarante. soeureyoii. Clocks and-Sllverware Repairing of aikiuds. ANDREW -HUS7 WEAR for MIEN, 1 «ls, YUTHS M:.= Mg CMb f-em53.50 op 'A fmé 4r ier'1g.m .a" oths MW$ ,.i srrm4cU A fins un fbsiand -u4dquMsbreàstedwool, ,and çoft« tooserwar fwu' ldies&Wdgents. AC Line of «e dob~glt. Ih 19- Wbust fflr abov.Ila Wi*g4U ÇCome in -Od lftestlgste e Readers q q OOLBY-AVERILI. NLPITAL8. Thutmdy atteionOetobe 12, at the. borne of the.brildesparets Um Clam averilll ud Attoruey BhhananW5 pIkid Up 1fr. &WdTbiti o n ywer uited i marmlp la the. prosnce9O oily the. humediate relatilec ________________________________At__4______ ock the. bridai Party <peared, in . lsattendlug the g isl roý1 w ... berith bride beig lad lawbitelnaudkebM 1Leutq#oàIo âbbflCèliae. mllinsery e.or , t the 118 l l<.k*. 1 linon Witt Maltese lace and earrying si bas ovedInt on.of hower hoquet of marguerites..8h. VA i U hWI ye ut oe f Blly Harrison, forme, t, ý "iîlI0Yedl bYwaeaccompanled by Mise Charlotte t1so lba 10118311a houssoe. L. J. Web>b, in uow wo rkiiii. tfor Mat Cramer, of Okahoma, ae mald of honnor Bpnu nàf'g coisenced echool Akt Pester. bhue Misse Blanche Khuball, Flora th. Wm*ffln Buose«se collage lust The. Q et Q reception la@t Fridayas z oby, May and Elizabeth Schanck actod IloUiF.attended by about thirty eulles and: ae hrldesmalds. AIl were In white and b ue taken Pet. Allea"s e e si w amm* wï. carried hoquets. The groom accoms- Witd e l ogineer Scott hetween oh Sih hhm hin pauled by Lester B. ColbY, as best man. 'ber aa oemao Jon wo h.. ~..ii lii iig a Mrs. C. N. Durand pa.yeMendeýlsohuCe Walter, ..lg sd William Laycocktwagnfor otli ai $* "rýii a edding march and during the ceremony epel at4 an sd Sunday et Foi h iî >tî~ "The. Beautiful lArgo' a selection o Lako on a buntg ,zpedutlos. Thoôdor !iettebas ju.r p)uiîvhased 'From te New World.". Rev. il. F.. âhaweopWeyof Âutioch, gain has o! 1fr.. Mary C. Kers hor bouse ini the Lawler performed the weddisgeremofly. Wu &Ods boue ln training here and Kuebker subdivision. lu the. eveaing Mfr. and Mrs. Colby left ba son hm oted'a the. chi track. FeAlea..R t. nanl for Madison returning Monday night ftl" ciati et titis week for Deu ver Frmos l leav tJ.fR.t andh Dee, after vlstiug the Delle and other OUu ths Colorado pointe. Ho *will for a trip tbrough te Dako'tas, iclturesque Wisconsin point@. wek îutn fl HwrdMsnhat1. The bride le the. ouly daughter of 1fr. .P.ada moeitor sx ekshntn i HwrdMffnfisand NIrs..Charles Avenul, o! this place, the moUDIahm 1 Bods nrently but t h -'I I.,Mi Bondlgrew to womanhood in Libertyville and gowem b*Wolnge wtohgand he f it estlîîiaote .- L. i01was educated ln the local. ochools, le a sous ,di.uayig wih he gaudathe, ftur. -graduate of the Columbia School of Jisba WooWrdge, bas retuned to hi@ lir. and Mr&. James i, Owtho) for the MuBic, the department o! elocution of homtsNbraka.past week have bea V'imitng Gieorge the Chicago Musical CoUrege and leaa R.2erulan Albrigiti, John Barbara@ and Wright and famlly return'.d W'edupsdaY imember of the Q. M. club. The. groom Joba B.riett letthiq week for Minnesota to thelr home etAntlo.tn i. ite eldest son o!Mr. aud MrN. M.4L8 and tbeDalcotae whiere they wilI.s8pend C. Frank Wtright lm j'ik 1- biiiin. ma Colby ani le a rieiug young attorney morn tite iuntug.deloateto t~ Ps'1' rio Sîîiay, ith offices in Chicago aud a prosiin Mis Vss Fitsgimmono, of Eranston, mchoOl îonvenftian wht.1, b-il, ---i 'n t legal- practice. The. maiy beautiful Aam.dod the. Q et Q dance laut Friday tliat plaee thii week. presente which they received but show negt ansPpent a couple of days t the John Croker ha& about î-î,î the esteem iu which their acquainitances Yau boule on Ne wherry avenue, bis lunch room into fl' . i vHnilb>lhold then.1 They wlll resîde in Evaustons. ,lire aâros Staflord le reported to hebc ilock. Besides8 runninu i h.. î...î.raît Mi@@. Helen Reilljt. of Foundu Lac, Mie meovw.bn uloly from iter recent opera- le wIll nar lie able to fmuî'î-i.îron.s for HelenOConnor, o! Chicago and 1Mr. and "io for appeodicitis whch &siteunuder. trausients. 1frs. W. B. Harrison were the ont of w.ut la the. Hahnemann itosPital. C. F. Babcock and pati trif town guest a wio were preseut. <~emo.Canady altout the 2.5ti, î tm ýnioti* Fred Crobor ibis Jear raised orne -h-ret4àev Winlo lok fi1 .îa..nlnîls China Shower. poffm ofnus"a site, sons of themus with view to purhi' . Tî' will On Saturday, October 7, Mise Laura wiigblg nurlya Pound andathallfand ikSmpet porlions of. bütl, bmiiî'.ha a Cleveland gave a china uhower at lhe bali a fqootla circsrnference. Several A@hiuatboia. home of ber parents, Mfr. and MNs. F. <G. mpcuousare t ti. H.km1 who was about to b. iarried to Tom Russel and WilI Peter have Hoî,kinss mother, Mm. nnlnti pmurhsd L. J. Webb'@ hlakemithîng have for the pait coult. %- ukm beenîî Attorwey E. W. Colhy. Titose preeent @hopandaisée Mnda moninghav' -isiing t te hme 0 1 1. Vri for the occasion were Mrs. Oison aiid oàa d ie w. Thendaysrnormu hae .ftIflg 8a hemogf 'i , o I g Mrs. Meesr. of Evanston. Miss Charlotte tbdos m andglb sork. Tve ag b oysk pi'lit Thur.dY.mrign ili an l rmrof Okahoma, Mr@. W. M.' ibsfr.,ulessdsodhaeaoo Hpin,. Heath, MN.. C. N. Durand, Mn.. Wallace, tiid,.Allie Bock and Chanri- il .îg rturued î Misses Blanche itimball, Flora folhy aovmwnr bleusen bias appolnted Frank Wednlemday from Fondu1l;.. and Berlin .ndsudnynetit Colby. al of Lihetyville. B. WIrdslesgae to thie Aerican biuing'MWsl ., here tiiey have 1-ii "-ui-kiig the À peutant> social r imne 'was bad cougmos to b. heId ai ElPabo. Texao, past * ouple of mnths. Tlw~y lea ve tO-j by aIl . and many pretty andi Xaov. 14 tu 18. Mfr. Wire expecte to itight frou, Chieago foi.' biIttîîgs. Mont.. useful gis were preeented Mise. léave labout the luit aud be gone a wliere titey have sfeui*- t t",mitious tiith Avenul by hier friende who joiu.d; ,nati. a eattiemni. lu wisbing her a pleasaut jouruey IL G. Gardner left Monday for Decatur Mat Peter le laid OP f ril.' present as throngh flue. whoe b. e l i attendaScelat tite'aunuai îLe resuit of a horse stepj'îng ou is foot. getingo lii Grand Lodge of the1 He wa% att.nîting wQ hetît a horse uîî X SPORTS and AMUISEMENTS X !Knghte of Pythimasas a deligate from, iticit ted fallen dowvu when tu Bontle "My WIWe Famll . tls cou"es 1 the. Lruvi b". 15..manuer the amnilmal aapaged to strike theSchwartz Theatre on Bundoy, Mn. GergeDavsosis ow tbig foot crushing it m) thiat inuedieai aid October 22 ahoundi wlth pretty songe, Waeroocl,*br*aieal mit Z. witty comedy, original singing and .future boue. Maijouit le at Prescrit in Pets Bocklernan i' laid up, with an dane numbers and cotas ait thxe Liuiyvili. butw ulai ber motber affection of thi.e es and ik le feared that spicy eseetiais for a mont enoyable out wob* b.Darimonhome in sot lh. may have ta I,- takeu te, an eye eveniug'à entertalsimiett. bo,4dm as rote, but osly rented for te sPeeclal. At pretiur le la teing kept lu NexCThursday slght Oct. 26 a dane a.dark roorn and is iîuder the care of a will te givon ai ils. town bail, Lierty- awa flturay orunglocal ppiiau. He at one timepreviaus ville, by the. Thur»daý' Nlgit Club: t' LWMl a sa Stutador r8i rtrouhli. aud iras laid up witicb ail are Invited. Mule wwlU h. .a5fi ore blon ~ for several moutho. furuished hy Neleo's Uion Orchetra $Oub id.liaeSle 0ne o! the. foies h lr, lna adry gonds box tehlnd il. IThe.tiret o!flWI, i- v. i.Macu ffin 0f Waukegan, a spoclal future 'o! tho 1 Um«ade botoLla lusomse way pe. oved i hounehllleffects toLiberty ocesr-eiglii ueittono te ocou br caissudfl.d ille wlth the intenîtion o! makng ie harlifor ti. suel panotmaeS. Ticket$ - but wssalaser capturod lu Ells§worth's omebr uîeh-rftr.H il 0cus *~êiiOP Itou... ive la Mayor btGfIu ouge on Tiiosomerry monarohe o!conlvaldlat Bruina rd court ai. -)on as it is raaeu cornedy, Kohh and Dii are beadod tis lb. prsosnt Cthollc parsonage le 50w by the Gridley famil 'ti, their hause bheing way lai "1.(. U." Wii heo cornes & lorseI%,ais adverisd In this paper asd nearly completet. companr strong in suinter, a b.vy of 1. lb1pln Oci Patter tcanlen asrsaonpretty girls, a car load of scoeory sud ~Mth. propwiy le dispoosd of to ereet -a O coe < tt erGra trunks o! bandsome costumeis. Holding h. M*- *pareonege ust west o! the' LutheronuEr'aulg4.i"-atehurch ilîit 5 reodof78cos'tsesgsl *bw ebb=hoppoOte the. park. 'Thènew UOW flearing :oultetiîîn. just asi o! ýthe as recf76 o, n 289 nigts iYn btWgaoeor*pjg to preseni plans wlil park wilîl L d4Ii'î* At 10 o&clock Sanor ciy siaud 2provea tufficew 1 i»o & desid la deelgu wlll match thé; a. m. and 1 p. ut. ervic"s mil L e held int urns !tereclec 0tem Gemenan ad nt 3 fp. m. in Eîîglleh. z Ate fteii xceleceatu theatre Minsistere front Ketiocia, Mlwaukee aîtd srpia.A h cwrzTm ý1 #Ledad o let we.ek ai ber home oter places viili t. prsent sud wiii Waukegah, Saturday, Otober 21. oeurred th$. ieatb..o! Assa ~ieel îesrie.Tepbi eFew productions in rotent Jy$rs have t -an U fSlnWarn ni~l~ won the detlrved succosa e adieved by at'ttW o! 54 yean.. Mn.. Warren cordal~y niet-oiepan the romaunde drauia "Dowu by te Sea" wasq.d*uihter o! Gerard Duusiug, ot fr.. J. L. Tanylor. Mise Fauif Taylor wiih cornes to the. Scitwartz Theatre ouI Mim. arodeni! Litertyville sud 1 sud Stepîten Tayir left TueedIay for neit Tnesday, Oct. 24. Tii. piay tel ea vii be remeatbered by many as Frankie 1Iudepeîtdeuve. ba. to attend the funptal storyo nes0eetItrstt Uu*iaa.,of Rer. C. H. To t 'î, brother o! the, situations are etrong e~roughout sud - "-aileo! selo ticets o *latter. itet. Tîit',as well kuamu ut inthe charactenre ail 1aluhfully drawn. ý 1ibQOurs bu as lnprogen aitLake coîtnity bina iii:.tiena Methodist Mingled wlithet.patheti. ocenes o! titis *%a ac>r ouceModayutiusiter nu te nt-l lays o! the county play asje t .50gibklh grae Om yd 111 sor,6g viii considerable succees but preaciing nt (tttuîi'r. Dianîond Lake and to excite intereet sud create langitter. 41» anamberof excellnt smats cau b.ý-- titer tWtVtowns many years 8go Tte plav contalue lteames o! many ýý otuIusd. Yon biaitetter se. tiat yonr >i reiaarel ta lina and there for a long promineut pluansd as te cenic and - é aïeSuvd tonce"if yenu lntend teIa lils ro h pe oamecitanical effecte are very elaborte,,a thi ec"ture itsear sud confereuce a""î t ' tte.Poitiont 0f strictlY tirt cam. production leaseurod. 8Q1l> 00 muet lntsnd to t1 icîîiastynd t tt'.t to Caliornia Last Friday ugit two local owin ' hem purchaaed o! George: miter lie di,'l. fluial w ~a t î,îdeen- teas composed o! Ellis, Setier and su"hs àpt«,egad poultryI deuce. lager vas it, Hennlug sud Hong me' 1 bsio..mWbÎ% be hmbeen eouducting i _________ _ ou tite local alleys for titre. match fodrla O'0' M tig"X ANNOUNCEMENTS .4gantes. Theotirt narned teant wontwo M*W i r.Frsbie bas for th past o! the titre. gainse. wit a score o! 457, i' ïnoAs yeffl tees runng wagons to The Ladics Aid Society of ithe Pre.hy. 4416 and 410 aWnlut "Il9,420 and 501 lab oesitm & dhas worked up &5ý terians churcit milI meet mih Mn.. Ailce as nolled by theIr oppoueste. on Tu. qýeUqU«obie t"i.. Mr. GloSesMilil Tupper Davio, Titursday afteruoon àay nigitt a tenus composed o! Wright, iý6tihthu work on the samse ins as Oct. 26- Davis and Selle r rolledl Hoeg, Btz and bob» bhSa dlleg-similar prodce for ti. The. W. C. T. U. will ateet witii Mn.. Renusig taklng tirs. ganes traighs 1LabO Prut pqople» Mason next Tuesday. Oct. 24. The te.vtit ses fl0f 501, 4",. 454 agaînsl Au ttupt as adeIse ~ port of the state convention mîll b. 481, 402fiand 440 as toWeSby te lattes ,,, g W t. osersve a warrant on Eddie rad by litr. Elle at that time. teant. Tlwrday slkbst o! ibis woka auIer', t1h. pUglli, kno-su ln Liberty- Net Sudai' eveulsg at 'the. Preshi'. Lake Foregt tes. Wittl nsteti. pickci Vib ii., ataIOes, ime beas lu training terlan churcit .lnstead of tiiinosuai telocalboys on iii. Tae alleys and *bO Wt alter 1be clos, o! a boxlng sermon theon. ilI te asu addi.esstoagood contest wil reenit. >ffl@M eh.w#g h.d by t(b biMVgo out!l, upon "The. Oldm Tbrgsa","Ms aIMuUoagsce The b.warrant mas I)keoOid wtoT. Ther. vwS b. pcll Tii. ssali eipeiis. fora jear'. aube crir îlâ amc_491s ôt sloo kepe wh II91g a &chirOfr o!0o9mgirls. Au ton 10The IDa4yinter oem a@asmalle Iwo le- rj d 1. is 'y id et I id et ip Time to Change No woman, man or child shOUlo keep on wearing their light sbài from day to day at this seasouli Ita time to change to heavier welght. Health .and coin- fort demand it The Shoes 0F THE SEASON Are, Heri Al 'Stules, Ail Weights, Bluchers, Lace or Button , Evesi Size, Everg Width SOE~ FOR EYERYBODI aMS.ClyMecnieC Phom 29 Ubertviile IIRESSING SAGQUES!! Ladiee&Dreaunff Stquesmade from pattern, the .75c kl4 at $1*qm -gSuosmdent ired ~ #rounds 7 Ail wool grey elderdown sacques, large mlzes, No. 86 to 44 Just bought a sample lin. of Al WooI Flua and Black Sateen Walsts, whtch wi sar Friday or Saturday ...that means big. bgrgalma THJEIPA IR, LIRffIvam R -) FRJ$P CRQKjER -Merchant Toior- ïor liii Wear at your Disp"sa What le ResOo? Re-Go Toslc Laxative Syrup lesa pre- 1 paratios orginalli' put up for pitysiclians' nu, sud lu la still largely prescribed by tii. best practltloners. Its wonderful cure. o! Constipation sud ail attendant evils, sucit as ýNervovu DyspepeLa, Blk '.sdach, Èllllousneo andsuddlwtlon, have led tii. manufactures tu believe that a grreat service would be rendore to tbior fllw mn by sru t0 the. public 1h11 s mnsmoine1 couvenloat !orm. Th.y have snob biE lu t.ementes o! dis medlcin. ual lby offer a trial bott. fve. e p< ce. w wll cul out Ibis notice aud, pmmbost o'. F. B...Loysi-tLhbertyvllle; GasLu 14d olybtef te pe* It %M b-i lyaur el eratlnd. IEW Emiert, lth e o b. at tbe , New«mst Oct 24 glviug fses No o0" 'W le . 1~ hum, o - P dukt Doulti