L. ILn~ vui 1yiir TICIAL PÂP3 r.FLA" Co0 Jus?, Edit~r I L. B. CoLTa5 Oity wed at the. Ppetoffice kt Ubertyvile, 11, ah Second-ciats Matter blapiion.Ne. 8. Edil.'; N esi oi, Tl.No. 141 ULgrtyvMo E £ch.*u4 Weokly. Advertiîing rates. m*de kulown on appli. VRmDAV. OCTOSCfl27.,1905 lui op" Lord a di- l f 8 nae proeà et ~ bu . tg., Ifwon Spublie ie looklug for aoilg wpm ta tum up. W.fl weve sot tii.à dd4d amw età .upd.pW- l goode sud vilideliver along in Deosuber or a litti. later. Of course the Poiti] à t. hG6 d" ? b.î I't-ras d" e $ bis Pa*,=lt ~ tgefla à511&IIea14ý n iii ths'a b in on ilueset and tihe nord Offflme mOnOtOnY dispenw er «4 700 d.Dot eun t. bayeho ne - rgent as ttpreeut, but iiâu o a]t of our-tis delay. However tii, v" alad t. heAr Offthe. -ppgag.at. 'w1thonieu more auspiclous, the climiax more telling lui effect. ehert ibotte. ai ante Féorlr's sgnalof ditremisTeWy«. nd 1 *biuk y" aiodd kbow1 Foiea igalofditrs.IshWo is paying Justsi att,ýrncy?'" Noiw who th&t Mi" talet toojk the. Initiative la la *hs ide worid takes interegt enougli in Just to route to thie front aud pay tihe breaking It off.- eaaua inovd ua $20.4)00 libel suit the out<-omne of JuW,sreply to, an attaek v 1 of - . urpiel1t dieu Ia" wac- ~upm Mhm by Fowler? Anotiier appeal by the Sua editor wte prejudices bho 0iultiig for woes' ýtlëo&s" - And titan Lord Bumi"maieud>t. lbit moite. to lastili through bis Imper against a corporation that would flot pay the 'other nslghbür and thnow JlpW.lo lts price lie saugiit for lmnuwity- fromn attaclu. a discnu"o upua th. di&lnifg oor land, ' thua tatitl diamlsag the otita subjeèt; NEWPRIARTLA A UZZE.ut jack was conscion u tth. va. Rott NEW RIM RY AW APUZ LE.hold blamelea lu the. mtte-nor in-b Tii. special connittee appolnted by the Sote Association of County Clerks to eeedd!h. loti a0. 1 Ou@ Point In th.econvesation had à,ffdy sad reportupon the uew priary election Iuw pas"d by the tast generuul roua.di is. curlst-Lord S.mme' cr.-a a&@mbIy lsiioplessly involvéd ln the intrlcaciqs of the at-t. Tiiet-onmittee Mouday m*i*t a to the. aime of "Ifalleit" b.. f lng e8lumetL Ho vould have liked to, -sded àte appeal te Attorney reniera] Stoad for assista lie. Severuil aicibers have puret th@ subject. but as thînqa v ers, t M@ebsdthe. conclusion the iaw i@ inoperative. Ai samîlie of the difficulties enciount- ho bail no rlht te feel curions.a Later lu the eveningMia Mailinugaud h ere by the coumlittee Ig found iu the differeuce of opinion regarding the offiial bier guardians were chattlug cunaden- bsO.Acordlng te Borne of the clerlus thisj notlig lu the law whwich author- titlly, andi thetosbjeet ot the mysterlous 6 Adlvertlsemeut watt Itroduced. "Lseh prntiug o ballote, anthought_ it i. plain euouglb the county clerk in to "Have You anr notion what tht>' onld t fuitulbtihe paper, It in provided thât the 'lllsto musnt ha uiforîu,, but meu'li' bae hi. - - .t "Ntthe tUalet," $h. tnsveed. It s.wb.l i theresponsibility for ibis uniformty fixed. Teprsmpin . N aciruu fr ory eTraw ue elht i he man te attend to this matter, but thie law i.s singulurky silent as to -But ho mty bave, vithost ou, ka"v- iug it." "Tra.. B;at don'î you th" kthat the. 'AtnOuher thua> that puzzles dthee lerks i the division of respousibility with the. motive, vhatever vwas,' muaetbavseta- coonty central coimittéeesof the. varions political parties. Thoiii. oiiitm.s Are t dt h be hsfnla ll ba e fbbe detenicnîua wbether or flot tIhe candidates @hall lienorninated hy direct vote or by- Diea in k?"F deoates in convention. Wlsere delegate conventions are tu be lield tii. Daines of *d ily, but DGoffcroly.s if ul iandidate« for office inust also alîlieur. and the count>- elerks want t.> know what certalnly have ilsiated l upo bis elfting il theun r to (d0 in the event thRt .a canididate gets a popular vote ani fals to thi ea a t ou. urd. t neime1e tbought uof uvetlgatlug # myseif; but a lmad the. dlegates. Nuîierous otiier séerflin>'lnoisit ncis uthilaw are ponted our oncle vas alietyt su uucb shount VI hut. Amon>' otlier thingre the statute nia bis no provision iwlmtever for th i)i ui. an>- Oun aintertering la bit affaire tunt z of endidtemfor ler of j)jeIlqývout. hf-r av nitre thouthi it better to letzif alune." l ,Proicn idtesbifornd e lerkofAîimhat. *,our i1wt.ar imor hall 100)distinct For s moment thtre was a fred lok prqv~os ii te btsudthecleks acgien ji Ii. tek o brnion)izin>' tiient. Ofutfear On J>suline'n face; but Lord Sum- re Lwyeb thpy> have consnulted lu their varions counnues alm)lhavce le-en 8taggered bv mners was to mnch taken up ilth his, ô tbe and it s ui ta Attorney (1crai ',tend t -1t milwheîtler .or luit 'ie have su ,eta onotlle . t. "Go-looking felîne, Doraton." ho. r ,idubty lue tain l (perutîve. manked, etrelessl>-. vlth a glane* tori viiere Jack vas carrylng ýon the suiual ao __________________________________________________________ war of varda witb Bertha CIls "Tery." Paujine ansiecreil, shorti>-. A ~ ~"Made quite a long sta i.- lth Y014 ti ~V i ~ ~ ii ~1 L.j liea ber, siace the beglnning ut Jul>-, j W fILN 1. JfJJ- #4 bai h. not?" eu] 'I forget exIctly wben ha cam." P In *Pte ut this apparent ludjfffeszce,'da fer «Mel jeuLord Sunun erstk atisfied tiatithlngs au Oum.gr Ia Oeblarrt'i.REAL B«G(AMS w5 ers lu Ran uutlnaotory state, tund be gi oetetan a e Special rate by xviabed ferventl>- uhat, lu bit auxrty to yu rmemhisn u&Avauce. W. ahi IN RrL!L STArt! beneit th- f.ure busbanil of bis olil ai OM sboesou" a sa mleaspaiS la .1 friend'. ilaughter, eb beaunpronupteil ed E$ U tantab Mounasn~ h MU«si&C DYMONO & AUSTIN AGENOY tu do auytblng ratier than tend hlm mi em p cni-'Curetl'5 afhl.EuTrS.I. 5(>()( açres of the beet farsing land down to thil particular uelghhorbood. tir lud thatviliiprodoee aaketable r ' Sander' evenlng vas rethet a quIet léa 1 ei aiba,,carnasuaans, urne AtMalliagford, aud ithe houas vas ti. TO14MAN-On goodàresr broom corn, tebacca, pottoeejrlt ,,,il rapoeel lu drknes. sarlier.a anaI, fir bouviet' PA"L MAC-. binils af regetables. tisnotby, claerrsud But the lampin Mi"a Malilag's boudoir hil Lhbatyville. 26-t! in fart 8il the graoses.. A lvie 'n rs e nai n teaili>,,for, Jack l t'èbis te c 0t a d .beep tbrive, viiers u flanS. vers ialng theifsat conilen- &A&IBeglatered halva hlvisa aretMm 0oa 90W crop eve car, w re titi chat before tueir mAra.., l'h. next bhi bar7« ee .4Aoa several Swim the. o ci i; v iier e, luornlug Jack Wtt te leava e W ,oniu son Tob..od eaonbi-.E S prings and veut aifpure.waten abound - teoobtalu the apacl.jal ic n dame Siv To b sod reonaly. . M, atimben for building purposo. sud after snSidr> aieallmotters, sud'h. wold n - lieryvIli. .50t ueleau bbe hafortheouttil sudMviers fDot r.tmnru til lot* on Tueedy AfCe>-8M a clmat. prevalle tbat la - Iving, a Doon.- ý .#ALE OR RENT-Tie E. D. vou dersda.dolli tto svr nson "1 suppose ma=go s>$&y a"' M.w- l vho et, foot in tii.country: Trsi@ lgit, srI an» mut 1k.!>' tart halo,.the we &WI vauoS, Lait@ count>,',l'i the landl jan are iooklug for, and toýI ho YODaunaa iov," Jack eaid. ai n.nDow bouse good barncs ad found lu Oates cout, Wsoui. Tsbtstls al oth uh Mp~el 4lu horio lam djon- For partieisiaru os the. >YyàtD & A hurry t'> jetteime. Jack" Paulina au- eja 1 Imoï 1 actes. 50 tf AUSTIN agene>'. avereil, itb a tonch of plading la ber Iês MU& E. A. D)EàçE, Ivanho.. I11. SOME TOWN LOTS voIce. Bh. knelt un the tlck whie rug of W. are bfferlng froniee on.d lIe acre et bis test, sud added. *I"Wd eullt up $ho pC«5ALg..41.etwa year oid Swisa lots on tiieDimouilfm aijojulg tovu t. sirve >ou a parting sainis If ýI voisin1 W. C»oTý., Bockfeld arm on tii. eletric rotnd, station ou the. Pro- not Afrald that Lord Sumgnotravouli .. ~ W Cutnt, Boofildfar, sr.DO YOu valut a lot large onougu bear of If."à »« e-50 tf or a little faim? WI bîdor yon if M dertuilan ne,"Jo lu .deaireil. Inveetiggiat uonee., smld.calmly. *"Atthie smaethst , mt 4rl"aor Rest-even roomn bonise 014010 VILLAGE LOTS undersianil your dreed o ut uirs 04 onStewart Avenue, Liberty- W. have eame ver>- chole lots lu the SureI>' 70e saSdo ,a, yôsu co a a utav M PULbl rrny 1tg C. F. Wrghit sub.dlvisioa for $830, $8M0555151 a mtter?" 'lei ~JlLPSit. acQVtl, ~ 4250 aud $200. WiI nMalte you s beill- ", "Iot think I Ouderatilnd >'aolef. nud t>.ing Wan il vantail. Tifs Iis a gooli op* Jack; i-t Ifeel it. Mrlil«.tela fullofut hb rO SAI.-M>- pace at rayelake. portufflty ta nien abhome. Se, un to-da. dreail Juut nov."wo AW raeent lot. Addrefs. l111R% C. C, If Yau wisb ta bu>- bouses, lots Or an i"aLaa4 Fox Lake, Ilsle.Bo 87. 14 faims, se. un. IV@ bave same good bar- CHAPTER XIX, e ________________________gains. 1h vasnather annoylng to Pelllng that niz SALE-0 fltIbîood Shropshire DYMONO & AUSTIN AGENCY, jif D ov, shen lue wtt anxiont to make toiE *e trom ou@ to tbree yeqre oIE Proctor Block, Libetyvll,- îlnoa the Most ut his chance vlthBiluel, IlPr I*VMUUBOTES liocefelie, II '24llinos.ifatber's absence prev5lited ig l eryl Spa l'ont bis design. He fretted sud fumed saill 01 ALE-One-hlf acre of ground, - Impatieutti- aven Mr. Malltt'q latter- vsl .~telllag utflit enforel absence for a Stij T'OMsrbouas vitb barn. Young veek-vben bsafirt rectlv.ed i: aud thri oud entai fruit. Centrali>- then, aeeing the uselometa of u replning, evi B. J. ' (7tiv. 4- bet otsunt naking plant for rellsvtng Jaih jEtbel's lonellues. M., SAE7ix full btood Poaad He vrote ber a letter, tallng ber b, 01>i Brooa ý sowo, tu farrow inregrezusil nov more than ever tiati lusFre I~ rool sie, t farow luj~III 1111 ad neltier mother lier sisters, flot even .. ber, viii soeil St a reasonable Ui UI stra>- aunt, as. If ha, btd, ha wî,uaj cvid E. asar. Libertynille, 111. aprestbsm mb play- jiroriety, andl carry Pose ma, er 'off a prisouer ta apenil tbe vaak ai ed .BadolibrvdL.avo rond beta'een the Wigwam.- Thon bhonmade appoint- tele Iul ert' I. .lriuden will mnsta t the pubilabr'o, alwayil taklng dimt Mingcars t.,arrive bero'e ber, sud geuer fèror on ou uer by expressing I »' atrputigbe qo a,,r.e Mm-_. .- Cn 4 lîuo tturan efr a tosu zen cminutes' chat i vti tii - lin M. Brainiel befor e tartlng' binuself cu t Tlieiitiere %neuallitît' uer a lettO- deni Mt8A nA umber s liper cornu e n husinets, ut coure-on IL uovel b>'the Mac aud abrediler upar tineulare uoraing pont; anduI iter on lu the i l aidires, Grattun stock Faim L tS oulil arrivea abox ut love!>- louai loa». e 4-2 #amo. or a basket *fotla strto«ted laij ti. etibc 40SuEthel wva, alatys béinzg rII Ile- I leAsatir remluindedthat ber happînsas tî, air old aw aie. iniosrsvasthe.chlef abject oa( ou. psrsua'a MIte, f19 luteE- W.-'uit .azd !the knowtqdge comitorted ber exceesl- 1w Meanwihle Mr. Malet vas hs'vIng hol MEâu _ RENT-Nev 8 roouuIm im ,Firs, Chaks r rather a bard i t InL. H. e arrived lu viý runlo Paris oùSuadsY unr nsd the veil' curc vnue. Give poos. ding vas te tatke Placé on the fallovhugts eo li!ovenubon. ý.E. Tho niceet stock ever. exibutti nlu Wilneay. This gave hlm, but tluee T 4-ti Liertvilp. daketeWionsary, elour de>-. t. get tu thie obscure- Spaulkli te arrsce furn, one andl one. tii.eWerthuta-ýbl:ut iqplte evldeucet. of bis ulea'a deadiand! alert4iluthe 3M1 '»fre#West of lbertyvllla. Mu'. F. Protine Meya la drts t op Cthec«et-yOn. t'A dlW.O. Tmaas> Libertyrlle, in. Mt a wveur 'tîr ai. c laW tT with As. 2Liertyvile, Ili. dg talva!ohci e Iit tbesho Matwe bla S lM'a'ar n 'ta Wcool tusl «téetr>' sOMnfng, vry f alw I iibb» ta go ça, -Habsil Das tee et~ e gio wuirt it telad sol "a -ho lie ofh-tes, -hI* op" ubi euwal ethCe train; uer vent tooo5heI Iotht Inittili mine e tià miàt ach the ubteara tof et Ttqyat>to maser, aitesleep, ds whtur oucry. et, balurg>outeil ont of b at eueail aser> beur l4 tbe moruug, Baidel a il kuosltige et a place tuai -oea..: hut, wvbea t6e. guari j sa u!ellsnthat scuehtbgoas roterai hoaQf the ral;uay routes wer. issu fer Us especiat cdigizeument. is mi aee~~l u Rd lheprocee-jelte du k ho à lltt'a heimaîf. '. ' fah.em Jou zoo," homalil lu spa lab, peutin i tfat notier un a spot the IP, "Sor caiiuuu e.ve Mail, ue j pas. mine; lie wll Ilucuha, iv,'o* her'railv'a-ride, aud ilhoni "Our* a oit bai h-coach user Dot ti seyetof tcoid-." Ur. 'àlilt'tt 1louke, t it i atci. vas I aterutesix;:lie won!]i buei! tO- tire.-battra' resi.. Thauklug ti frluil>' uitilfor bIs god services.1 toisi hn amil ag sd udtgos tise non est haehk-earrbugu and dre off tii botaL- .At on. o'clesk Ur. .Malleit, feelingà If hI. aisesbail hen aeaont ot liii b>' tub ssu haur aven ubsu neyee-to-b throte oud, taot nd met sitnig tlu* a.avhs place et Villa shlentho, wIt the b* amiia>' son heatlng ilovnu binA, faalug murs campetel>' &;one an liel ut b ver renissbereil lu ha' 11it haos.. 'X a&s atralil 1 made jàsistake in raz luit fi ie b sali! to tue irket educ s b. atoedi n front of lu. '-Yon se Uan of lItty-seven la not se qeick au &lii l ailipulisahiiiisef te cireuuuttac'l us a yenger mon; voutI be."1 Pot tvo or zhree minutes 2MalletI tucon Iateulugt tethe disteut rnmblins outh coaci btees, nul. greatrs bail licoui ufserlug dnning ube dtn, e alimos risehei uiis't liack agutin ouith'ue avur nachln#> lueail ut bore lin Ibis dccci like place ne albouti off the, treain- fe..iing of Ini ealit>-th At passescel hm, and sr-ýse te a deserted ltouking bouse on tie shadj aide Otue square, viere a aigu bainf fromt vhlch ail vestige of'utt iuhad hbon eulacIe pselawitY bung aver the duoo eeiulItg te denate n bou," ofet stertula Meegabssed open tiseileurond !it savoî te b.iludiM-vith-Unt noige. H. val i.9 lare zoe-fiag-et rmin wiich oc Cpiele oedepuisot tic boiute, tig Dpuombo sd optehia un teua crazi-veranI da cr Unel14gdu he we sigit o u mien aut cN4tpura, thrugiswbicb -tiers vert limpase ut a> weil-àrowvu iiosun.e ha. rend H.es«=M ol p anild dvu lbh tome gourandl shute! outil thé atone ishoed bis voie . 1tithe ccd utrseu ilcutsie a laiOv face, surroundeil b, irbulent Muls of utfrisa>' hltck bals' bansE! oves'thebaud rail out te mtIr uat lad np te the nîxi fluor, la about Ie saunués the sallow tacs sud film> latt rsPpeas'O& .audthe oman bas speotsé prs.t4eU'. Mn. Malletu auod politely aslent, bat la juil, lurit 010 scotute ahave eniela« lt isec, v is b réeaW e. usenvelopi yen uib Biôt,, lth he Dama id*sra ttht photogra phes'of thei Ti.tla#.losI>teek le ore uthe tht~ ~ iý,* l* ielél h abooluly, sud len tuvueil &a*ls to Mn. MAlletit E! tuleil Off anuller ilitielsncomprebtasî- s1 apasali. "Pdw lutaapt tIL vluii mberlees ka~it te wýdlà netundereitand t word wtt t lsIr AtYID, tht poluteil te eo addrees lu bar baud, ail Raid alovi>' Urn. Mallet uadoetuod hhat, ton point' ng in bis tua te tue efuvelope, h. takel: eh. audplaatntly. inoioeil ta hl iaat himatif, sud vsut pitîlratout- )a onc o tice oves hliseabouldrt i il andil ml.taihfiu vetaung>-. coulA :bo.h tbzthe mnis hoe s luaebou ,as biers in tibhous? Hecould, bstv 0anîrnateil conversation golug on tome- 1ere lu tise ruous abova, anil ho reeug- zed uhe voieesouthtuewoman anil the tes ut a mani. Pnetently lieraeseam te hlm on elder>' tnltard vlth aoiuuetigelthile dandy 1 tili cliagiug te hlm lu tha abape ut arei mtieuesauid!pertumeil baIn. il, the sitna of decoti- tisi anu!d rougionut-lie place tsowe theniseives sus here lu tue anclent top'a frmyeil icket sud vu-vont ios. Te Mr. ultett's surprise aud relief lie ai oncre Pne th ieconversation, lu passable 'Moieurn vithes te ase. nie? H bas dentl>' conne a long wa>- for tant pur- s. 1 mtehxruite!, lIattes'eilandl abasi. 1RaIl aiuean-eaiblSd Bat-, cd te necolie, Ra neOa vhcomas a tatuc* e opsy bhumage ta art." lHe put bis band an "I@ heart andl boy- v iii the air mi s prince. Hm belief 't lfr. 3Mallcttf bailconoe th viait tand iuplirmit art: 10 ietperson wssmu eyl- ehi> Postles tisailie seoitivegoute- in teit ahmusQ uuihtppy te bave.ho un-. Celve hlm; but CIme was pneeng. He ad nomur ftse obsenvauuce ut unisece.- ky pitenens. He tait the lit11. photo- upîi front lit, puebebool ted hhil!Ji' 'beltevo yoe toqk tai piere. Nov, saut yen tto .1n oe vb.ethe, grave f WhIclutâtinÉ-la itura . la t onenu& owYu on nie te 0gb.t%a i htorph, sornm iou tok k tfor,, aud 51>-otItes'aIr instainces yroc m eausomber i nne.. on withiIt." rT.e Spanlafi lelainaifonvar!d hbie ends on his lato. te Wbal ai tue pi»o. Ntph, bb i ld et aattempt lu touai llâett vas llueablng5 mE!,ben but. hbe& ,bc loýofpvi a ttii ees b. mavav«edi. 14 aid! emtsthîa, w ffng about Ut. affale a>tue' ahi % se nowv 1 My id. ch. àsb tnIaz va ouâtlesgthéeah id.eoftbtrio,5 out telk4." .ltsrrupztd àMi, failhtt, C ¶'a.eceboW p ~botgwtpb t guodeoeub jik %wa07Put' pDOs I veut ou ntov te 1*4 a.. tba Md ateu*cd tus ladyivbo gavqqrot th.e or et. ds thetatm. utf.the couvent vbers lb. ait. grave la, vitu directIon. for getlit urtk bsi."* 1 Irai. e t r.- atelit'. banda veut up lu ilay>. ,P«0 àc *'Tou caunou g.t tuoe! It. would b. Watogm su. ton the. gâte,$ but on tie. unis lu the 1.2 1b. cm bi e W"14for a couple O utanaait rIltlg " day thi e o tEh.leeni 5aIud Ri BI per tInus, Fou uaderâtand, irisa the bolit îho te outrar, r . oursa 000 n- iltiers, are *Il shut ln thei colla e aip S, en& lev'n Bail cUsd aaa non(4m lui bele o6e, titr, caSindaud a Ci ohm sa mi h Poun Id "tiiImuai gst ta osec tbatgrave and aas.p iâlsus, Ue. DgWUt,'a Vtel Sbsfl in .....' beforesaunssu to-nigbz, sud I vili ulve HOrsin.ru tiuobudned fbancs te au>' oaeshovin à RsIStv, Aecille for pilas. 6« ()r"U'lotwPu tho iieî tue.".,tt)a aenuln. dold bh t i al ugfflïatu re'dlb "'Twcbhuidreilfrnacs! It ila tlieu*hctSweur, Il scie bers la Vilia ienil,. Tliere la a ...lb.a...sas.ir... Dan.. me azrvat %womnsn b due. lie orrands l the fur Lise counvs'uî ile, sii iriom 1 am sd8 Râ Den be ùcQ'Iollte,. urliii:zb. belniucel--" ... .bu...eo. ........,, r- Haepiuaed tiougifuI>. l eu PlI **"Tbat se cett!,-iltien. Annuov boy c b .u....---.. aIs it. satna w are we tu get lter Sh bse»pplae auMr. hilleit sakl, rising hrlakly trou ,8 ...n....Tousoe bi lchair. OMb nam li ~. Cailan' motione im bot bck t. hme - Xa bt-Coo4enaad Sp pra lu em ht Wan f almo,------- ..... 111 m"Fou smonut leavo iita sasmesutirr>, maliOu S»d Pluesp ..... allmonienr. On@ 111-nÏliered stop mlýgbt bm u. . ý... halit51 yos uiepl n.n ob thei. ervantai 10 Dt aia D'tnur~... ir s 0 ur en rant, umuat b. de» 1 Oem aié, qSos '5 dunug Vos 1pfraI et al; sud laubam au.10 " SwftaWoo oo -tImeýl muai os uis vomsudasE!malte. 10am e t .. k. #ton*. aus. l anov zsu, and, If!1lglit _Loump ia. l bllpa Ws adtivins rstresbiment and rAmi befure IoBv.LnP é i id r s n on ur esp cditiin, mon siteur ei E! A IM - y "One tu.menct" M iala Mr. Miait ugma n5W *~t, , cinaoiln la pr b.. .... il (lusueltsn rosaetII cati bIs .daugbter te s ut882kt08là@kï 5 dose.*loclod Ps lut...-... . théfir guicat. "Tell me the Darne uf the.;L110 t l7 U1 Mt» »»Wohi S lb. Waablng Sd.............. couvent sef re yaui go." f ml m n b t» tob M& sud &4n1ne, pet- ake ................ -e "*It s calle! the Couvent of the Hol>' 'lt o o Teloin "aOU (ELDisat Wt.shlugPoviler, pli 0t(.J>. bottom Wah bolier ... 'utAsslm tîiilsu, t i4 but tive mluutte G«nIidIran Tubi............ wah'ý, ram ber." "AmuI tue nanis df (ha lady WoWv onPUàlurIde ....... .... derel uthat pitogr:ipb?' epecial Homienaeks aicmo.A itsBi ........ ".1b t, Io e ne lootcnud 0!Clav lammean.. ............ Plere tnaliuged, ait the business pa t 'Round-trip tickets ut lm..tita eu -quart 'lin Cep............ ........... dthe affair, as eesilIi do now, and! the regular ana-va>- tare to mals> point* le, Suceas" Fleuer Sifter..............11 vasneer iezloed" ue oe su Suilvet.Ptnior iBst2ii(""0) box) 8 boxe@s..i g lad', la niTlckzaonGocild4a"wiBs'oom ....... gener'Contellun seat tlîs'ugb t.he frent sale Ociober 17, Noveaier 7 sud 21 and Gallon o(liCens (tin)>............... . tonor iiù.the imarket place, pansînu on: @ - iad1S eu ii 1d on &deFr Oe.»....... - tish îe elbill.wl ti bisa lIngera on bis, s uil1uRsnnIlu 1 l,'p og ade 'r8hs! ortîn pnlv-&rins Kuise.;.................. -rpe, tz a os: uDtai la on 5 UuubbMIccieg Kulves .. . -cat2 ix à;an aquarter tbsu, t a qet a FAIM L.,;ai. Ticket Agent. Wood eJ>plu Dowia;-s **« le To a ciiiuei z.t ibW olPtt aie. ...... à- ~~~~Wood Rolling plns ........,.......... TH4E SAiNO âMOTIVE, are O oitqirated b>' tuidec break- Wood Steal 4uondtr .......... SAeoricon Youug Peozle%'a Nho de o dovu. due te dylpepla or conatipaulon. Dlah mo...... - Entertaiuiug At-e S.ved b>' p Brauce op and!taesri. Kiu'New Lf Ikipsel t!Ioa e ..... Tii. girlsarte iisoitotuares' êi its ls 17 5.octtheb.muterWsa . E ELLS ORs te u. hei paent ae Aerta»1 wbch reelogflng yuur eueis ,and; tL5W ten. Telnparuti ar Aliodt e Yeu a Dov stant. lâsE!che, sà hutRelatn sud Belle vere bou n lsaa diatause tee. At pu.fB. l L .,' L r andl neyer vlslted the landuet fthfiajLi eauVilleU; IiAVOLÀzug PUABiIAcl. 2.5e0 - falluirsand niauhera natil a >'ear or Sa. guaranteed. Tnm> els tkpla an ago. The>' bave hean attening adi..>, lTOUe11as yo ust»sekodol ieU S - but tue>' have sein a good 1deal ut a. vbt e«yen am I o" 70 et;0 chai litie, tue. sud nov, tiati tbiey rT.rBe.Vtt Ton eau put vour &odlaabovp prept-g ta neturnuto tise East, thaly C. IL Sherman, praeticl optidlsu, v»î a Iliti. Kodol D)ynppa acure ou . Me frtdedbave bein curions te a ou' b.lu Uievtyville, eaeb Saturday.ountil iatal tlu laheure asirsE!i O Wlitt Imipressions tus>- are taktllafrtbier notice. At Muas jeweur! store, hlUsam a aliuE -1 vama' pleetd at .first4 ";d'bt sy SI4gegr Helen, thbe eider auid more "dt..-né,i tafftblng 1 nodSde br. vaa the ab- Il1 aemhlary habit tih. Young mms bave 1of' for'cng tood!upon on. h aeme4 that tboir IMet of tnterttaing a gai v as te, bey' bonra.mething t. et. An' .a tIS'MW et aian>- tins.of day w&*aow e 1ni$i. au excuse tor nauclueon. andIRM YOUi donsted ta lunch, Yeu vire e.- Mon'a Suit. 10 to 515 pected ta est enouglu fer s full disnas, "I POMW lE !rrhle untili Ihappa. o' iMla i sed to rogli fle wleked oIE! es>'ng tbh*# 'ne W", té amn'. la ubrougl230li8 ,0 *4MOQ& ~te*Uto tesMt A"au il en'è wolroted palits $ *ilIt fi bout,' tald 1 td< YMyelf. $4 $a suth">'take le for grant titE u Mon* doubl bft&q fge*d nj1t-., elaborate uteal viii please a girl! 1asi.' ",Thon Belen turned cynle" Belle h> Mens go.>'avorin u4aw terrupto, vîllu a nuppla ut Ituguter that&olE! ol rued ut. 78e "Nu, nut jusitiihen H Eelen continuez. "But I began ta notice vbat mwtr anns.eSyti& Flrab.lm OGet.' ao..; Bias of eiiiertalutrent the ierla offered theli frfendÉ.tuEandI1 ounA thai jltv4vo,.VIt la rn 5.0t 80 vere polar 50ud to encourage qMyr.By'Uamesas.,hs, Young men te talk about iiemseolveo. ord 2 Of course 1 reaeousei backvarE! tien,- ain 1 ad lu the utier Instance. The .. uU lino Iack Cat IIosiery, gIrls vers egâtlas, I arguesieehe>' " mon,» And Boys'. Cott4 vwouldt fot have mîniateneil to the con- celt of persans they wîshed te pieuse,- and wool That did m ne neuiil."- C "Sîne theyoung nmen 'iere glutton- ont, and inçe the girls vers egotiltto. Helen vatuted. te baby vhat hopeW" ibore vms for thé Unitedl StateoIý E:0P >C,- * explains. "Ezxacti>'. vas ver>- glomry aboutamCIu ceks « It foer s vhite. Belle hrougbi me to my senssa," Helen ailds, vîti an affe&a- tifuete glances aiber cousin. ,'sie Cet OCIL~ Impatient, I anspect. Shc asheil me qne young mon yenes u auxîaust pn moo-ton otiier peuple, und wii>ydte G'F-P. D.nPo>-u, Prot.in 'viauand cecehteiF girls wire su viii--O,ý, IOP@ . .XCN M lug tta lo their frlsnds' affales tolie ~a au the. eiuaplcuusplace. ËLM(f Co@ IVU NA'L - BANI< "I cotilU't anaver tuai question ute.. tii h lat.da»'neE!upon me tbat tliainoe-.=Itungethil-hiow the auftace. The u tleyint trutt vas taat thé. ""Sn meut Offl reEou lunebeoSé bacte »ýho aaa ene tmani; e É Af> V.àb~ " tha girl vhe eneeraged be« frlmi$og*" i. tall about them«teves avsubewlbg f u N E PL -T I poe tit lMet-s he, @uE!aneib Buue iubusiness le oam ali a ebathk doues aut te b. ho ieliy. nsorme Of e -ibte0f1»d i i 10,l'h.>' as.mintale., auolMras t b ato ornE W. v 4001k sqowa.butt e u%-M tii. mmli accoite as ordWw U>' as upl se, ua. On. do Wllviioets "sa fbStthea uel e vaeaen4tî salnt a.*ot bare ake tuai ploi.4*flfro W4. !,but* thit 1 vas auatsve trip% beflty e0&,th# lady vh@ ti4 m* te lu l, Miconsier bac net seea Snob. PeecteÏd bar rets. sofituEndaiot M a ailvet'bell., .,ie coxedme te do 1* tntpi >' viii, ani Iere« t laieth* * lit' grirt~srd Clouuroins at 8 0.4184k ,wltb my etammr.,betorse venithé bsep tas veroui unt thoeol «Àà. e b th* pleins'. for ber. Ton mat ééhot' IC à boa. anil yen must bat 101W, 04U i von b>' 1t; tor lu>' bond