CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Oct 1905, p. 7

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1906 ~q~seevigs as. ç.atlo..aàmy.but 1 ~W L gIrohIy P m vat Mba.e oudamkuw ofà.mo esiha é.t h o» atmov.tibtdogbon. 1Ia iW to g« Wbyns-. .dnst». hvsgd nm un. i ai"g gwuitlmâma ms0..t. à"n urni y do rmueI. sniéy ço'mtqa apaeesutu .ELI. TRIGS, ÏeRTVILLE MARKET and OROCERY' WIWELRY You'Il find niy aelection of ail kinds of jtuWelry oufficient, and again my guarantees seciuresyou. IClocks and -Sllverware Repairlng of ail kinds. A N D RE&.W IUSSI Saccessor te Derby Bro. WEAR for MEN, BOSYOUTHS 4" ct*Csrom $1 Up Wes' %éutber Imteriled cots [rom $51.40 Up ep' Sheep b.nd Conte [rom .$3.50 up. ~Ou~ed Veste $2 muUp "I,-eters 45C MWd Up am o.f Sweaters for Bogo MW dYouths ,F M Uneo d erwemr [roui 40c uap ~fioe line of sole and double bremsted wool, od£om urderwemr fer ladies and geas. A Complete Line of Wue received and et prices thet ore rlght. lt is <dm best ever showl Libertovlle Corne in -and Inv"eoqiate -Libertyville, III. Item o! oteeet o- , egiUediReeders Là ocet te 0 Up t re -, mpe r. "f, BROUGIIT k uIiTO M-Ai - oard Finds Estimates Toc l4igh And . F.clark bai bue iuterteiailng rele- Rer. Quayle willi oempcUn ofne Ille Refuse$ To Acccp t. Plans. tic.. fro>u Wilamette réeently. [Iursnd bouses on Iet street ln tbe nia r; Mi. ud Ms. l. W Wabbun, c futie.WILL ASIC FOR CÔRRECTIONS. Waunkegau vWstod et t#W bomne of A.- C. Fred R. Scbreck, of Treror, Wl.. drove Murme recently. to Libertyville. Wednesday te vieilli hi@ George Bond. ta preparimg ho bulld a, brther, WIII Schreck wiio domeerpenter At tiie Wednesdcy nlgbt meeting ottbe new lbous. où thlot adjolahng the bous work bers. illage buerd alltlîe bde for tbeproposed bo reeetly desposd of. EW.Fuller, of Irving Park snd J. M. "Pt!-' tanks and tiie main feed sewer~ ca1Fuller cf Waueonda, visted wblcb ltr was plenned to baii l umedl-1 rolunidcae.whlch lieb em e Pet C bas been aek the Pest two week& ; action was the faet that the plans of the tb. hubosiold fS aseseteen and e hall Lew Flagg this week reelred word of; englaeer were mitre elaborete tban' pêtheLb death cf bis father, W. B. Plagg. ut: orlginally asked for aud tbe cost of in- C. y. Wrght stud Sev. T. IL QuaYle hiegbç>me tu St. Louis. Mir. Fiagg left: stallatlon necesserlly muecb bgher th".i wae fuet week le attendmeaet the wednesdsy noun for that Place. ýtliougbtneeeryet the priSnt Urne. prebytierln Synod ah Unbana and MI Emmert the opticIen, wll in *thme Preide-nt Maffluffin setes tiret tii@ vlstod F. E. Clark ani faMllY wbu now futurs make ber beadquarters et theélmotter wili probably bo beld nit until riide tbere. b omne 1fMr.. E. W. Duenberry nstead of neit estamer because of the biteb tbongb .Elmer Lawrsuce who la firing f or the the Newcastle hotel wigiuen Ubsrtyville. effort» wilii h. made 'to correct the Chicago Miwauke & St. Foui rallroad A rmunion of the Richards forînel, -estinates and start the work before any "oent ouaday wthb hie pamtet, Mr. and a rii iwwe .de h oe,f'such tme bas eiepsed. Tbis wil Ia no irs. Bnry Lawrence. S. L. Tripp' on Suuday. A pituri îof' nianner affect tihe water osteni the cou- Loe Gssty -le compaDY With W- bic- the family was takien by Piiotograplie-r tracts barg been sîgned. Caney sud Rd CUiiof Waukegan, at- Bsik a gene duniner and day piglon Speeklog of the $150 .Perl wbicl a' X SPORTS a=d AMUSEMENTS X shoot lest Sunday asI UIY LaRe g'en bt Weukegau 'ma ftnd iniau 0751er orle 1 an Ol"i heatato John BoOnlett. day receutiy Chef Wilis, mes that 'booke tu t appear et Ibcbwartz Thea- Students wisbhng to talle Lb.ecou~rfeslu it Ïefuture lbe wili beudie ounis > Weultgau Srswlay goctober 29. o! -bookUeFPlbg and siidt baud et- thei thet brcnd.-Tsi ArFrniuLKibteeet LbertYille Business coliege shouid enter 1 iAi r rnln .Kih'§lts Unit later thaui Nov. 1 to insure the coin- Invitation@ are out for ithe treddingo an jOe~ ist succeesi i production aud i.s pietion of tb. cours. thie scol year. Clarence Bock, foruierly of Libertytille! wtbout daubi e genuue dremetie Conductor Bare wili leee an atur- but uow of Milîburn, and Ais@ *A1î<>ýnoreîty. hIt leregrrtedas tbegreatestl day Nov. 18 for nortlieru ichigan Dotige, daugbter of thie late (icarge play ever writteu arounti a truie love w*berselie wili @pend nmre tiras hunting Dodtge of tliet place. .tory, and dppicts rural and city lii deer. Liant year he bagged ibree fine E. J.MaldoleJoeC. Reuse and Elwun uîthanaturaneerrelyieverequalled,l animal» and brouglît theia back with Austin rerurued a few deys ega Iur 1'rte. Liis.rtyvilîe Bowling league met hlm. ltîîsk coantY, W.., where te t 'thiâieveek for reorganizatiail and tihe il you neetigîtasses or arenîot suited foi-mer rt.ct1y 1touglit landi. Mr. ý electiait of oftlcere. cbooeîîg ris offleere! witil tihe anps 50e have it will îîay yeu Malole purebae. ;' îe:,s 0ai frîîtîî.g (leorge Yager. Pr.. andt Frank J.l to catilau Bewick eiher Ocrober 1i andi ai or Noreuiber 1 aud 2 andi bave your ] and aned willi sdi out i!;.- aîd tain' p Wright tec. and Treas. At the meeting :7e te#tei ree. Mai pricetotiiemiddle his rueideuce there in February. i-rn prizts ta le offereti for thse bowling edcui obier porstns anti a bbc mr- leuse iili for the present retain Ià~tsi t were tiecdeti uii.oiiand aill Le as duction on al classe ftn01e)s-gue u-,rk . --i ie' iakt aiîC:Frtetn.wrntgLt BaSWKX , graduate opticen. ln>stion nteTig i-tmre.îîlw:Frtetnawlun h The Northi SItore ias company bri s El Appîl-y isreuotieiug the. iîitîg oil gratem.t îîuier ai guinîe 1;ort ebou - cmapitet iuaiug litOtuethe C. P'. Fisfher bouse ou Cliurcb eti-'et tanl iin liiig the set-omît greete8t &baiser block sd aIobuiness it the anti loints ont thet the bouse watt luîlt nuutiber ai gaules,$9; for thse <ern Comnpany ie now bcbug done ut th ise mic>,-' ytar agot hy the fatiier ai the laiej, rnahing the liighiet -score for tîme cou- stand. Thse Libertyville Heating n'id Saîstuel Triggs. The plasterimtg tot .nkcutive ganses iii an eveaing $9; fur the plumbîug conrpany slare witb titi-i wtt. done ie eaym by his Oathler, Culit ti.t individual averag- 115; for lb. îbe~~~~~~ str1n h'diîniron iie and J ait Bartlett. Ttiere al-e Iiglteat individiuel ec ire in a gamne #4. ltun onto theeot îmviing plat" 0, ) uît four hî ae t the peegeut tiliýt.1ii seliedîile of the gainesu for thse wintcr lin, business ii town.Li-rvrille ltai Ar. Appley !-a)jj-t leîng pi-reet ly the îmanagemîent. m-ieb nton ewtiiber the building ai. .ThL flele 0i Bang Boiig."' B. C. The Kern flouenti reentlY under Tiier.. was a litile excltuent ut tn.- Wlitue.'s sparllîg musical surprise, tohe m Aire. - en taF.E.(lea.rk anwen .I i)-huase %Monday wieun'One ai ti,.- will bc tbý' attraction nuth<le Schwartz Weukege n. an will eoenBaowchofelchimue8canabt lire and uoketi out .- trcaîre M nuklegu u n SatnrdaY Oct. 28i. WudegaLb. anagellmpen ait.browte eiird grade. For a 1.w momenîts it, Thîis uagnitlccnt musical satire en- son, Frank Brown, wha bas been %asbelievei that thse building wattnon joyeti a pliename.nal rliaio two huan. tire andt the chltiren were hustled outinl dreti andti even proforrînîes ini Chirago. m;lanegiThdattranirertbepet tndshort ordcr. The alarma howcver uns Thse lyr ics treun.ofailanoli tli-uine andth te Laâ e Te d flstrMnanindte papcry ai s4hort duration. On Wednettday the sang bits are of thie sort thut wnul set thie wes eoset lestIloniay ad th pep rainaes r-fuseit 1 n-ork and shortly Ithîe tLimua -whiietiig. The catit i. aoe of 5igrit.fiter aille the sebool %vas dismisscd lunch unusual excellence. andteu ii îded theî TIi. INOSPENIiENT wshes te - coupli-1 utihe joy ai thse very evident sînaîl tboy.esainent daeicrein lin menttbe WauR.gau &M. ou its eflcieney Te(ria tckFrarcîty oi t~lî-,mnal w ho madie ail Lndonu aian advertising Medium. From theiTh rtaStcFat eýnIfstRlél",te wey ont subscrititon lisi ln Wenkegsn 1a vainable mare et thie Trotting laugis. A lice Yorke is the piia donna. -c bi growu during the Pest iew monuthe association grouis froni contusion of tlibers lu the cast are Anna lloyd. John4 w. oncrtemoe uen verub iat tatlite brain. The. animal wam îe- W. Heiîterlcks, Walter Watt'. Charles - l -Pays to edvertise" and wish t uon the track wben it uîayilly reared Paritor, Leanard il ot lciet John- . tbeuR the. proprietor of lihe Sun for. upon ita hind legs and f osing ite balance stnEilh Depew and a hast of well the kind &ad eennest campaigo oi Pub.- 1filI over be ckwardostsrikitîîg its head kuawu stage favorites. This in a play liiy ice bas been earriug n ilu upon tie ground. The cancussion Wb& t wilI Iuy Yoil tu attend. Trhis weeka paper contatus itie larget, Dr. Butterfield wBII calledti aul upon The* 1M. E. Ladies Aiti wili bold a - elrntsetinterr u u ueINE'r.Nexamination declaredta 1 ri a DN.Twaifull paget of soiid adertiimîg ttt , ui idbâkery sale in the uew Kaier block - DE!<T. ~been injureti front tbe fmil. Eff,îrts wiveSatudv ieriin Imatter dcscrlbiug the stock oi Heini ti ru ade to seve thse horse- lut nithont Te idjytli.~i,n.îitaiti-relv itei Cao ai Wankegau. Lake connty's su~..Teo h rsv mOt bus ling smrcbantâ. In busiie8ssiiit.lil lu-lsilsl--aN--lmîlui that city les. s"na ayear tes. e n u Postineeterstiave icceju uanrdu-r i e iiitiîu-sdi .-u. ing. Nov. 2 uttise tlraîg bhustle end adt-ertiselug have, froni- tasater CenealCa orteiyou el, 1t) arlitte. '.tll tir.- oilallyinl- bult upt a traite equalcd por.itly liv uo iihptabn01aln-t-aer store lu ttis -part Wm the conntry ontside: pubtising thse resat. ai raile s and C. E. towýc et the Presbyterian ehu h o!Chceo.Thy cryauinnimîechurcb fair lotteri..s ant i 1îîiibiting r stock *ad do 1anu tirely cash business.,sncb publications froni.-the use af tbe Forei ndssvon iag ul b. "De tb. Tii.y a #zedis ,bayent ccd bave cau jMale. The order l i wcliiig in .fte inDn34 i u eoie ntp tao dals.tomla e" 3'perticular. poiinFidcleulcnpsictr null atteudance requestedDceladr ta sotrictly enforce the Iawe. Tihis ureans Whllsinbu atendacce et the anuel that lu Lb. fnture wisen tliere le e The lext wblclt will b. peecbed fromt hmeteg dUm rsPmebyterien sYnad 01 the! chnrcb fair ai any inti nuiti a raffle the Ilcilodiet churcilS untiay, Oct 29 state iield 1.81 week et Cbampaigu Rev. or lottery ettncbmetit. or if there lei are "S$how Mie Thy tilor>-" anti "For 1~ T. . Qua$ln ltroduced c resolulian anyt-Ue viLliae shotlu)a Otr e Wetch Know Hiril."The epworth League anti teuderlng ab *otso! tbanks teoGov. to raffle, the winninug uîitlier it tuLeeigeric ilcomneoeel Deneen for blis Uhtanl regard ta uthe b. printet inl the ne»pepapere. Endlesehour eariier tItan dnriîîg the suumrer- race meeting wilh t w.. propoi-et i ciain enterpiscem for these.ale oi articles menthe. t0 bold et LilmrtyrIIe lasI montb.i by the circulantion ai coup-)îte. etc, are The subject fur next Sunday muruing lai presenting tb. resoln ev. Quayle taaito barred. et the. Preshyterian cbui-cb -The "W bmasWM*bout (Goy. FoIR.,! _______ _Chugoh's One Faundabtion." -luntLe Gcr. Raky .84 elleIded elecutives i svening the singing wili b. leati by ae but 1 wMacto Mlut Gov. Deneen ia OLD SE LIER DIES. male choir and the topic wiil b. t'The maliof térlIng belst*r." i Angel ofLise Everlastirig Gospel." The! OUrle. Songe 13*9 wbo appeared lasti Mr@* Daniel liaggerty, For Flfty Frld a th. union a.brehb s Cien Yser& Realdeut of Wada- tertainer, aIt tbeIitial nueber of the j seioc's lecture course furinlbed au even-1 worth Pause@ Away. Ing of entertaient fer ebove the or- - dnary. 8h. in c wonien wbo pute ber I1rg.. Daniel fiaggerty, of Wadswortb, heurti nto ber work end ini but pas éed to rest laàt Stinday inorning et and pathos slke boldo ber audience. 10:.80. Blie wa" seventy-five years of Bier diblect wam Iimitable and her sub- age and bcd ived in Wndsworth for ject in band tbroungbout. If she ever re- fifty years. A family of six childien, turne bore mii. wllI speak t tecarowded Ibree sono and tbree daughters survive bouse. Tbe next ,nnubr of -tiie course ber. Tbey are Daniel, Jamee. John and wil b. on Nov. 16, wben Dentou C. Mary of Wadswortb, lirs. Morris Caley Crowl, au iniponator of oriRinality and Mfr. Peter Sweeneey, of Chicago. aund forc, wil mie. bis firet appecrcnce The funerci was held Tuestqcy aet i ii before c Lbertyvlle eudieneeCreeR eburch. SESWICK, OPTICIAN ~~ C. A. Beewick bas graduated froni tebestopticelocbool lu Chicago and will berelter attend to the littlag of patients' eyeà for thor proper klnd of glc 1. To show wbat we can do, w. wit- on October 80 and 21l and also No remet su 90 glss. fr al uldde ged and cge<l persans for one-efh reglar pile. flB=giuyour old glasses Iftypu bae y and we eu change the tenes iouged éduW Mon wlll b. made for cIl klnds of eyeqtXlcss ftttng durlng ti.furd"*s, . a g emtesho gir, jon th« bost possible vision and willl atis- fyoorfond mofI7. t Ueswiaks Studio, Libertyvilie. Time-to Change, x.o wonian, man or child should keep 0o1 wearing their liglit ehoea from day to day at this season of tie year. . . Ita trne to'change to heavier weight. Heaith and com- fort dexnand it The, hos 0F THE SEASON Are Nereý. Alil Stypes, Al Weighýs, Bluchers, Lace or Buttoit, Everg Size, Every Width SURIS FOR EVERYIIBY M.B.Ç o lby Mercanltile &O-#- Phone29 Ulbertyville FLANNEL WAISTrS. - AT i $10 Ot$1-,50 2 dozen Ladies waiste, Umade from finest all wool French Flannels in $ pj#in vo1<)rs as mnedium and dark bine, dark red and old- rose: algo in tan, brown, steel bine and black grounds with white mixture. These waists are last years styles and sold for $2.50, $2. 7à and 93.00. Your choice at $ 5 ITtL E FA IR- -qFRED CROKER'-I 7 o'clock lu te evening 3 j< .lsrîeu f V slulI STOCK IOLDM ERSiIE. LAbcrtyville. IlL. (Rt.26, 1905 stcbîîemstetiug ai Rockforti 11.L.24tb ai tit i's înumth vas tveiLibe anei l ariti seîy nthusiastie. 95 pet _____________________________________ cent. 'iet t' outstatuîliitg stock waxt rpeeteiniiiperson raiby proxy. W. - 07. Wetian, trea[utrer ai tise Square Deal ol oge h ae Sydictturuied orver ta Lhe stock- M I M 5 boiers tai ti. aetiltg $3.378.70 hciE Il V was Weill rec-eiveil. L- U a Thi. sixty-five lotIe caims. were deedeti over,tbeartkeles aiinc.orporationa eceteti '-ALL KIMS- anti approved anditise by-lawe enacteti. Prîp e r ufrn c e o rda8 ~ entbnsiarrk-atir aud eceful that %-e bave i oniy ob,,!, temporary relief, in________ ever seeii. The tirec'iors electeti are doubt as to Lb. canse.of yonr trouble. DOORS,, WwDOWS, M»OI leeu, able andi it every respect mextt nyb orOR-â thfl IS B « ME A wliat wenieeti. Evidi-aceswere receivetilh rcyb aresbvetei1NO,-B %.LMA et the. meeting that the4reprtY le anci examinei. Nliss Emmert, the expertiP.R1 LM OMN S of tfje rieeet in tise dis ti1t. opticien a iii l'e et tbe home of Airs.E OTAOOMN,5 Il wlll be imupo<ssibile to get certifiat.. W. DneeubcrrY, neer tbe new dePot I PIPt,, ORAIN TILE. EtC anti reports aithue meting tou ýunch Tuedar Oct. 31, glrung iree examine- ndrl auve tonin day.. 1%!vertn w 'l l ner e eý t o a n l s e en , d e m n t r t t i n o f e y e s . N o o e r g d t u b ey . S b . F W« rs ktfit evety defect. L1et~fé e Il

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