CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Nov 1905, p. 8

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~) geUme a prat>'bMt ofmatâusas suaarvuad.d saIt la vitS niumute o troti bem usméor> f $hiso Mt ----------bm dat e sem cf tibpisos.Itise ell>' of Pilla tisrm mabout 10.000ibas»Is w .AwitPrias, on ibm U. IL sud shiom ai Bo f ibm .temple a,4 nov.a meauber of t vira buiW ula tsaîr ds. m i taua MM lprqsots lai m»cf tibma u pita, *60, t "moter mm idsid onditim on. ousr 0nortalsia tUes mach tOaom dng trous iome bmicr. ýbs for nmev eramiaabain laiOne cf ibm.. siapime a auruMdb>' s of the __ w biewrtt fiegeVf fl tsibj eY qPetrieswhlob me*btýe t hitÀ ar"e bonrets of rmi iln i5itt t bi Llont'.Wel, 1I isnk tbisla «îog tagi iistins e0 ai faisais.goaril icas.. Wliblove 10 aul. dm, Ouim, Sept. 27,1905 AR -aIo te MlJassd r ieigaaius Cuu roiWdtba u kàu*mJee *M Ibs vw e fl Md nw amsdn isibsmaedi b «0i> a lits ili ta l . tes c tse eot1boue tIaini>'li bi. tm ml S e mc pai fh a aisi mtr . oaetbr ii geae*10000 Mn-afflut utu ç ~o brolp it 980 a. m. la ibm bbince gui rvmd ai Taku à. liom the e bai og * a Miii. dimimasas te Ton * ter*du. At ibm mtimilon ne OMWls l "Tisa tounnai> aglu suTimtielaisylavr'fai 19b «pslug t 01e Rondi b i m W miles bath. Th bed of bdisnhulli bigbteprevnilt K cvuured sud eatrousIm Tlie grouni atthe reglan dé vbieb la mrpe op mverl mi *ad refluetd. Tbis formea Wi fadosiry r>' f bm uighor- se btmradistante rous Tou duIbMn1acd rune usai tht Ms hoen runang up mi~ à Twàsieu. liyonet ibiscii>' ouy a bgkle for nus ana trous Tonlu ta Tiestain nesu» ciai to cover ibm la1 su mexpes tisairis lpa"tambes h in 40 mitntes. i amodera Chinese Ciy sBd e'r peat demi of Shaingbai. V4" le &hot 1,000,00. 1VM look a train tu P"l pys "edor miles irougis wfita rbmi9 e oaIt ses et i5. ora. Tht Cisiea *Lm bes oi land by - - - bm fl asWb iirpesm Me ululeS iil ibm buidingamie, nssd thOeset ftht equipuent 'nlmooni Uputil ibm brger amouninis iachot. There wvil hopowr sudt ligiti ta roui. Wsokegsu bas placet. a ben ou thse air genansuthibm22 rifle, the use of vbich veapous ties mall boy ineespeelall>' lent. Bevermi nerron ewàpea from serins accidents have led ibm polices t make sunounScest tIsaitt>' wiliienfonce tise ordinatam againat these tanguonus pIe>'- tilge. A notb ite mail carrier bai su esargihaet vitis a bolet ont ta>' 1ait nek-rles evral vinteva havebenu bieken receuil>'. A fiue of Ove dollars viii ho imposai upon the offsuters taugbi, go the poicespromise. 1ev. lRay' Rkeneon, vise ince 1mai sprlug bas benu ibepsator of tht Fuet Congregational cburcb at this plats imuteret bis, rasigocalcu te tae efet Immnietlaly. hil e niguatien vao#pot trst setepted but lattai ho vas releaet b>' thé offiloieofethtIe ebnreb. Hiesauttea s tep vas eoet 1»' bis deieste go ta nmre place where tise clmatvotait ho more honeflcalta hie vile'. eelth.0 Rs bas n o eand hie ftur. ie net an yma outinei. HlenwU goaoeutbsitilapuqiseble for the vintir. w' tit coin Tise ffl nov bas a reamimorgue' Th Innovation bhs nicenil> bien lu- reral large sialiedetaitise Lamacu aGonra, onter- ra>'bte taking mômemansd ûocusita Ior oreoma lu main bmbaseumt. «necf ibem .roouis l OW & It b, Ppumtory f or tise tesdt ambn 6l i u m ma d th é ciber fo r t ie croner sd me r>' vlib det oga for ihe puise. An T oroperatlng tablem oepot.usortemas afbit AIr Sa e vub ld f¶;cger nituptoda* ap- r*q 'plisatefor thea pertonmiu.gof ibs vork 4M sXtbas been punelimasi for ibm plate.. Dr. YNaituiiba »tuumd rous bis tonselw i éwetritp Ssvlg beau gon t« ady. "*h ibm>'goa ramiLa ibm Inerneift t er a, I mai wCi - prolet cf Wb"cis ho la vas br@ pndentds, He la ont of a tommuite et Wi geni ebt vent lnai t loch for a site loisaefor il ciy. Storaa>'ho tatedt ti heyib>'lochai ai ulmili ul>'lu Texas sud OlcchflktU t Ii luspassible itIse>' rotIt locale the iii>' thora. '"Tises in noiig uier ra a iston ibe 'ien a s ye,"Qsaithtis t Wrndocaur, *"re nUl malt or reporita othe abe an asocationusud ile nIl cotain auccua- 'ein llatinndations foras site. Cuill ta doue, atouilitet1Icaut tat, wvIe. e vini lotate. Ud atorexini a gi-et eeming counnry..ansut tb Tenterbus man>' atvantagss for the new eti>." e Çi5S ciy. Tht valis of 1 blt lu about th mani miaca»faeut en botib ides U aule .About Otti>'fet àlatmievls of about 200 ê bp hs are balît, aibtroug i ist n et. TisaCbinesa al lao r p»tbigWè *cd ireatiiy-Ovs li bot atiitetop. Tissa «Mutenhst tetnes ai ths bit Itbue a of litai.ame *topp a a station hinaho " 46 e idvlding rall, =ite midiof nhleb su ihe -oithtre a .Plain arti 0ilWUisiais ras <eutaines trouble sud la tallai ibe j a. aieispoint ihet mffl pwmme mier the vall le»gailoas Tht>' eut tmmW alti onveyai the c. the muet o s lor rewmkgatomtacae «Ch broedatmsdtan iis tuna" tise tinter a01bistioroogi. oret 'uZhnt etftitres am wzhn theothor set muttevltwMs aial. Th q talodainRieChlng meeulng @Wy. floe.ina ocatt tht l a sut liauonuining 4invisiter,, are nt ho alils ofthe 9q tuWo re eamoble tu fthsa igita vi rouît bave e ame. Tht mîtddle tityisl olliesasd building@ et the aut tise private resitencet la. lti',e ocupet b> thse ste, Rire are fouedthtés ýoalmwu boumessut litre ail 0*ed on. Thra ssau air of r*ýeklu. Nu tara seeme ta lt*esetemples aut palaces taiaall'fialiing tu pices. ofbe City' e about OIOQ of vitou ilve *bruibm remaînter ono. Th9me e 5no p ewih Pekin. Wissr tIS.10Ign Omisions cd Use Briils tom. é *Po baoï je thesallail 11 W»tterrofibflre imBoxer. James S. Rulgise, for tbirly.ibree eaes scontucten ou abs NonibresteinW ralîroat. mate hie lat trip hoiresu Chetland utKiaasha ast Tosata. Mr, Rulgisia bdat aithetiure of el bis n. tirement the tistinction of bting tise atend oltesi conuctar lu point of service lu tise eniplor of ibm Company' on ahi. division. Prier ta ie vonh as tou- dutior, hobai Sein ton everal yeara e heag~muansd inali bis serve nb tise. rosi exteuta cvrna terus of tort>' >'mre. M. Kelgis adprlng bis long yemsrmosernvice bas aen tht Natit. Westernua ytem gnon hem a single inpck road ritta littie tramfe te the get trul ayteus visien it nov le. Bm bas reasestthe agi limit liowet b>' the compani>, seveut>' years, bines bis ratinemeni. G!ETS NEW AUTO. Machine Barned [nt Third Lake Practîcahi>' Replaced. Tise RRmbier automobile eoruhîsu>'.oe Keisosha, alhbugb tinter no obligatio to do se, lia takreu il upon itnlf to pnactienly replace te machine 'of lui anake ecenti>' hurnet t Thrt Lake. as noted ln the lI«iEPENDlEtT, and the propent>' of(Gus Sehlieiebe. of Waukegau, Wliai Wasleft of tht oit machine w"'s taken te thein faeter>' ant isle eing rebtult, and about ail tisat wax tiret wax th ,.agiue. It m-u be reeoectet te auto wax a ne~v ou', and ignitîin of ram4oiinn- icakiug fioui a tank le alt to lave raused ils detruction. 0f course bal the- tank been lëak îrooftlit accident would not bave cyuret aut it' la pi-bablIethinseofi.titut,-d M. Schleiciaerem -di>'liaim Ionr redres, alhlouxh whist. ever ieak tlien,. was i aduitted oeuiret alter teItwahine mvas tnnned uven te the punchamsex, and nian have been tire resùlt of hi,, lmitet kuowledge of thse wrng of the niacine. Boock Pt nf vm 6amnMX mec18 veniwpw .......... Elzabth Vremansuamibust t IlEfalowey PtIt 815bk 2 Fienc's aedUÀbmrivlmW d MO00 ClarissaA A ÀlanocaiteGec Gritie ' lte 2 snd 8 Doutera snh cf Pti t 19. 20, 21 Libertgvi4 i..... ... 2000 00 Ruagas SDoggeitoeCB8 ou arn>' a D U"ti 10 blk7 Higlnd Part wd ...100000 A Yenkovl«ansd wi te Ml0 Otap»aîs h8 b1k <Hulbla. mo' C o'm eub.Wagaam wdi ........ ............. 70000 CE emibsund ni it Frank Jeieh moutIh % Ih 28 1>k 2 Dryer'es ub Esukeglan wd.. 150 00, )"y L Mott end but iciFrei Johuscin l Oô no* Ji 7 Lanox souh Waukegmu v dl... 6W00 9 Miary CRxer sud huaito F S Rein liA41>k 5 Uhaertyivve w d.......................2w00 PF8Kernte Raniry Rein I 4 1>k 5 Llbertyvlllm w i.......200 00 Norion-Fuleifarnito o a F Led pti h24 West Antiocis trperd..................... 3m000 E A Cummlfgmsdwfio Albert Ignats sud wnI h 72 E A Cuusmlnjem att North Chics- gerd .. ....................... 14250 LursJ Page to H F GZothlmr )ts 17 sud 18 1>k 2 Dssrfld Park, Derfiît village w t.... ý90 00 L B Grim and ut tteAuna Heramaun Ihlu výilnge cf Antioch w dl.... .............. 2100 00 Eqiable Trust Co tu C H ibprd Pt .il sutand12 Clark'eisob 1>k 54 High- land Park q e..c.............. Amon H DffleidtoaGrnces Dufleit uatvd 2-6 uorab 3% lt 6bik 86 andut 9la >k 9 Highlant Park. d t...... . Master lu Chantai>' ta Susu E Morgan 75%4 acres luaesm 17 set 18 Sbielta ivp dem.. JeremiaisSiseto F 0 ietuse>er nortb-vesi Ptitla9 1>k 25 orignW alWulsgsn v d...4 4000001 *Ân mIM M seit o vns et Nortis lItIl blk 71 BoutS 00 Wsikqm g 4... .. ......... 700 MisLiot umd bu a eCu 00"msu tu 1 tée e bih e, lomm »ub Wsaàkama Wdl.... 2M00O G" Pt m", Ourga tCet ofm34uv%unobtwpqc 100 Eu L Tarn Mdsuw! te HL Oibbe pësM ut aq c ........ 10&. Hm*isL~ga* sd laus to RL ibbeSmi aq ë. ....... . .100 Feu,>' L 4m'4h sud ua te H V> Wbiu.teg sont170 fi It lO bk 1'tssbýkW« tub n i.........8250 ce CGUaaqiak4 titAtobu Rcig p ofYolqwd 150ÔOW EtiVat U Wf te iJCAaite fi 1 buth1 IXNul sud Osier- WMa's 00Ddlbuhwdd.....85000 EV Lm msé vi tO meniuc 'Cam xota èe lu B.« me - d ............ d 10000 ÇU BsYWi.r ami vta JS ob Erotohli 84bl 20 Waab- bum s>*Padrk ...v..i........... 675 00 cgo'nu ,ha ruost (;c te WLflftiiséas It12 1k 15 suh aofItlis0 asd 10 Chiago Hlglaan diemd................ 810 00 WIhaed Biocu nd suwvite JaumsAndrews la 14 1>k 6 Bariettatob Lak Foret wd i100 Clam. Cupron sut bue ta Cige & Stae ne mR>'% aseail uv14 mec 2tNwport w td-.... 109 20 V WUptou sud rîto Cbgo & istas Liail>' 238m acres lu me 18 Shlids tpw d....291875 C L Hardesd f tuEii1en J «oldt pi h28 LakeFeret w d.............................. 90000 Heur>' Rei ndutw! toG H Broru ts 1, 2, 8, 4 1>k (5 Libertyville wvdt... ...... ... 3000GOt'l Catholie Blebep cf Chicago te John Mielus It 15 b1Ih .7 Waukegsu Biglante w d.t... 100 Serai A inHlggluansd hu-a te 0OG &8StBiPterIt 4blk 8 Exusoor ad .Rlghland Park . ..................... 50000 Annie m -Brovn 10E J Warnur JrItsl126, 127.128 sud pi ts 129 sud 180 Lske Foreai w ........................... ..15000(00 'L M Bergens snd vtio Cabentne, A liolsu Ih 17 1>k 10 HigIs- lid Prk wd ................. 95000 MiaryAà SottMdsuths to B A SèyusOur ht 7 -blk 86 (Sentis- Waohegan sud ia 41,42 1>k 52 Wasbur Park wd ..... 1 0 JoesNelson teuOtge Wkgu & NothBShor.e>' h t82 1>k 41 Chicago Sprieg Bluffs vt .... 10 00 J 8 Harvey' et ai, Trustees ta Catherine R Tuniecu ltas1 and 2blk 2.1Lake Bluff q c-.. 00 Toblea Jeuneutnd w teT 1H Bulke is 83Jensen'@ euh le 1>k 5 Latd & Georges eatt ta Waolegaun wd t............ 2Q00 00 LÀAStaraud wl te Chgo Siaiu Lice R>' 1.28 acres Iu nw14 sec 24 Nerpert twp w t 256) 00 EstataetfH.W Blotgett ltect I to Cbge & ltatlino R>' 2.80 acres in n% iea1% ec 18 Shields tnp wdv..t............ 1218 00 Tises. Baker. ant wf te Jue Aiea i)owls 87 asnluel sec9,8 Benton twp wd-...15 75 0 ' It isa apleaoiretote Dksr>. Date's 'ittle Liven Pille aut sujo>' thein tenir affect upon tise iver. For saie by WILLI HÂCKLEY, Llbtityville; (IEÂYSLtiKE PUÂ5MACY. Report of <h. fru#-,&od.hoIdsrs'MSoehg of' the aP~ I uetfUmTW Held at Hotel NeIaon, Roe$,rd, t1Li-j Tueedy Aftternoon, October 24, 1905. At 4*30 P. nm. meeting talld aio order by FrsSit 9. Wîrm, elsaingian of the Board of Centrol. Frayer. The chsair appointed the foflowlng nned personsasn a committee ou pmoxies: W. G. Weldon, chairman; W. R. Thomas and W. J. Wohdard. Appoitaient f Gec. 1. Schweinfurt4 MScrtr potm Remarks b>' Frank B. Wire, in w vh li e reviewed hou, the 3Square Deai lanotiginated in bIse nd sud how e oà was chaste. Re fully outliued the policy of the conspan>' aud empbaticali>'susnred the u&ickliolders that nder bis administration there should bc ne grsft, *sait or extravagane. lHe stated tbathe wma opouwed to woking on Sunsda sand did flot favor ietting contracta as we couid accomplish more t a leui tprice by'doingormow ok, under oui cos able and effcienit uperlutendent. Vis poliey'waa eartily endrmed. W. PL Thonmas, of Waturtoswn, Wis., tremaurer ofthe Ring Scomosi Tunnel and Developmeént Ce. nmode a vr interestIng talk on "'Ont MXiig District.,, Mr., Tbin"smbe en to ,C6lordo meveral times, snd spentthe wbole siumer'here In 19U4, being ini chargeofth Rn Solomsosi Tunn & Deveiopmeut Company's interesta. The information given b>' Mr. Thomasc.u coui mining district wmuvery mncb appreciated by the stocitholdera. Oto. J. Schweinftirtb pleamed the meeting by nomie well chomen remaîke on '*How we compare with ontr Neighbors." From bie reaaoeing il wam citAi te ail that the. Square Deal Compsnym carefuIl>' melected properties were fully the, equal of anythiug iior vicinit>'. On die progans, P1. N. Glddlings, cf SyMrsee N. Y. was dowA for the subjeet "How the Pîoostien Looks te Me " i vas Î.osîl frM Giddlasgs te hc prebmrit, but lie wîotk a ver>' excellent letter te be rend 1te stokholfers. The letter Was ontf the featuires Of the meing. The attractive and forcible manner in vihich lie treated his mubject showed that lie J t had well lmproved hie tinte and opportunîtite wbie aerving on the Coemmittee lest August. 1 Our popular Treasurer. W. 0. WeldOu of Portage, Win. sddreaaed the meetiffg on "Tht Great Cure we t7sed in Selecting Or Propeit>'." Hie remuaks vert doubi>' intereatsug, as they showed thet EXTr]EME CARE, CAUTION and PORESIGHT the pur- csiug committet used in makiug their selection. Hia recital of tht negotiatieus wh'ereby the Square Deal Co. wa s wed 5soeoin tht deal, pleased ail, Mie. W. R. Tixomas of Wstertown, Win. vho waa clown for a little talk, and who nejyer dii.ppoints her listeners, could ntet owith us. Ste sent - better, tht information of whlch plesaud us ail. At 6:y5 P., W. a reem" wntaken forimnPP. Meetinsg cailtd te erder t 8p m. b>' tht chairmnan. R.eadingjof articles of iihcckporation b>' tht mecretary. After nome littît discussion, Mr. Hickle:g mo;ed that the artiles cf incorporation bc accepted and adopted. Secanded bM U. rboqusa.Carried umasemuiy. dicsonf Ue4dlg of the By-Iawm. ,MAturlib" iasionoftut vario"ns micin, a section was inserted giving tht board of di- ti~iç~5esrainpowm u ns*l herln.A datwe vasinatedanthôrizing the election cf the treasurer b> tht tockholders suad ro4idlt tahiaeuay or may>*M tbc&irector. Moved hy lMr. Woneox thât ne nccept and adept the By-laws as rend. 0qadib>' -r.H--ne. Crli snaom Readng cf tht deedaconveying the (65) aaxty.five Iode et vein dlaims te the Square Deal Mining & Development Ce. MQ"d 19J. . Weldon. that tithpe it>ycuveyeti bylthe deéda, ho accepteti by the Square Deal Mining and Developruntt Coýý eiiiâded by Mri. Thoma. Crit nnacmy Dit. Horner movet that the Board cf Directon lho empowered sud authorized te accept tht remaiuder of the min üIg pro. portyeofthe Square Des; ling & Developinent Co. net descrlitid or enuwerated in tht above deeds. Seceuded 1w J. E. Weldon. Umnîusousiy earied. A statèmnen'was rend, and tht moey on baud tendereti te tht Square Deal âdiuing & De- velopinent Co..ibts ConslsedO& $3i378.70. Mcvatihy li. Herner that tht Square Deal Mining & Development Co. accept these fonde,. Becondeti hy Mr. Thé"s. lnuimusy, carried. Movtd b>' Mr. Bruir that tsa TXimrer cf tht Bquare DI iilng Syndîcate ho relieved froms bouda, lhe having fulfilied bis mission sud performned bis dutiem In fuli, baving turued ai&U n#aover te tht new Square Deal Mining & Developmeut Co. Seconded by wonws. Cmruldnaintogoly. Motion mate by Mri. Kareas oicmI4mlv That the Square Deal Mining & Development Co. 's stockholIders lu their firet meeting,>niwi te exprima themuseivea emneaticslly aipon smre maottera. Pirît; Thot ne htartily appre 'late thet, Square Deal Plan that the loaud of Contrel origluateil and canet forward te a succesaful conclusion, thereby ziving tht common stockboldere afl the stirmaitage cf thte pnt'ovmet, or an y oeeltse in tIse compan>'. Second: Thot we Mostm Isesrtiiy tbank tht Board cf Coattrol fer iets . 1 efforts and watdsfui vigilance lu giving tht conspany such a practical and economical aud dean business administrationcf il, afuirs, vrhile they were acting as managersand trustfes for tis romny. Third: Tu appreclatien cf the Board*& services. ne, thse stocithoiders pledge crut henrty cc.cpetation te tht manageme.nt of tht Square Deal Xiining & Developusent Ce., -helpi* te therehy cause or company te take and hold ita pince, as ont of the fleadlng legtiate producing miuing tompanies ofColco. fitt«ondeti b>' l. mith. Unanianonal>'cnrred. Moved by Mir. Hnckity that thet tramuat of tht Square Deal Mtniatg and Develqpment Ce. he piaced under bonu da, the ameunt te bho 8xed by tht board cf directors' Secondeti by J. I. Weldon. Cariet unuimously. Mir. Wire left tht chair te anake n motion as follows: Resolveti that tht steekhelders resectfully. request thie Board cf Directors te pose a resolution at its firet meeting, aothcring tht stockhodrm le deduct a comumission of re per cent, on al entera for àhock soIt b>' th=.n. TIsey te dedoct commission on the stock tht>' themselves buoy, provided thty sell as much stock as tIse> themselviebuoy, ai practicaily the maine tîne, Secondet by Mr. Probe. Unauimouel>' carniet. Mr. Wire rneved titat titis âueetiug take officiai cognizance cf tht faithful sud efficient services oj W. G. Weldoîi of Por- îtage, Wis., vIe bas heit a IosEe part cf ort prti n l trust, andi made sucb n creditable record as treasurer, before tht final organization cf thse compani>. Stcouteti by Mr. Thtoama. Carniet uunimonsiy. Mr. Wîrt resumned the e dair... Mr. Smith moved that il le tht e nse-of this meet-ing thst ne corttill' thank and commend "Tht Iuvestigating and Pur- cbssiug Comnmittee" for their dWsulugished sud valuable services lu purchnsiug andi aecurnug oui VERV DESIRABLE and VAT.- IYABLE i'EOPIMTY. Their giving s rnonth'a time te is melection sud purchase, ceupltd vith mauy Inter devtlopmerits, satiaf>' us cf theircareful sud vint decisien. 'Seconded by Mr. Woodard. Unauimously carniet. Motion by Mtr. tioner, that thon besa aoditiug committet cf tbnee. oee lected 1- the stockholders, eue bv thtetlirec- tors, au&r'ue (the chairman) ho appcnted b>' the presidmnt, te audit the accounts of thteSquae Demi Miniug & IX velopuient Ce. anid that Mr..Wouaor hoe lecteti mir of snid cemmittee. Seeonded by W. G_ Weldpu. . Unanimouely carrnet. . STht chair appointet Meus Horner, Weodard and Prob e aéat as tel lers, te ceudiict tht election of ulue directors. Tht vote vas b> seckit ballot vithout nomination. Tht firet baslot eleciet almost unnmeusl>' F. E. Wire, W. G. Weldou snd Gea. J. Schweinfurth ns director. for titret years. Thet econt billet tiecteti aimoat onnnimeusly A. B. Cleveland, W. W. Wousor and W. L. Hackiey. Thte third bal- lot elected ulmoat unanlmoual>' P. N. Gitidings, W. R. Thomas sud J. 13. Weldon. Mir. Tutile nioveti that tht directers meet immedintely nfter tht adjouiument of tht siockhoderm' meeting. SLcouded by L Mr. Smith. Carniet. rMoveti by Mr. Horuti that we adjouru, mubject te ciii of the Presiteni., Secouded b>' Mr. Jobnson. Carried. GeO. J. SCHWBMINPTH, Stc'y. uIt~i so m to get bre, Ca mamma The. Grand Malleable lange la alwiy# r.ady. You pull 'thé alilde-IT dom the. rest. indly ei and have ti. and otMcr f oature explaîned. [01 sie H. e. [RR. tI81RTYYIILE l11.j We've Got the Cure.... For that annoying Hacking Cough lunthe form of WRITE PMN TAR COMPOUND Qnick relief for coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarmeneua and ail affliction@ of the throat and lungs. It la the BEST.' LOVELL'S DRUG, STORE agk, E 0 ' . og , t n ýTai k is Cheap Uti uneinetali s telephene at au exppite totayen ail oui cf preper tion ta beneflt stcam ulne Everycue a p"tinsg them n Business rates, ti er ar is>'sutup Reitencesrates 5c par day ant op Contract Department 1ULberi Machine Repair Work. I arn now Iocated in my. new plant and thôroughly, quipped to do ail kinds of repairing of Englues Machines and farm Impie. mente. Quick serice and riglit prices. 7-tfd~ £MR,$ sDrue Store * - william Lagcock ' rtviie, ilinois tUbertyvile X Jjli

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