CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Nov 1905, p. 3

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~fUphL1tering'- ..........____nd - Carniage Trimming CABINET MAKINO UN'ALL BRANCHES, CHAIRS RECANED, b MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATED AND MADE OVER. f Have punr work done by a -man experleneed. Don't 'wait a yea. for your goode to be returned. * (ive rme a trial that your work is properly attend- f ed to. Be convlnced. Every one ln theli turn. I arn here o ".ty.a 15111IIQ** OP NORTH OR SOUTH JF *A. YVL.IS:: WEBB THE BAKMT S;TOVES.... ts time to think about -gour new stove. We have them Stewart and Acorn Uine Anq kind of stoves for ang kind of fuel. Give us a Cat.... SCHANCK BROS., C.lNilpII, IlinIois 8C1IIRIIT Charles A. Takacs, Manager Saturdau, Nov. 11. 1905 The World's (treatest Magfician Kel lari Pre&eIlg a ne- seeos of weirdI andstarJiin llAonjnidng his famous matterpuaee THE WITCH, THE SAILOR AND THE ENCHANTED MONKEYj Prieee-e5, 35, ;-0, 75 and $1. Sundag, Novembaer121h The neyer fallng deligt W. 'E. NANCEVILLE'8 enotmous tri- umph IIuIAN KmT price-25, 35, 50 and 75C. Tuesdell November 141h Dsvld Hlggina fre.enta AT PINUI MDI Price-25, $6. 60. 76.,SI. De A. YOUJNC1 1 have a force of comloetent workmen lot thelr dass of work andco give Vou quick service and guarantee sads- [action.» [el 9 -OI9 OUIBllr i Il elthe Beat of Paots in lçrge andsand quantities inixed 10 suit. Store and Shop at OEO. TRIGOS' OLD STAND. MIL WÂ&UKEE AVE. BOUT11 0F HOTEL. Fhin i dsm urvic. flrut*lu 1tock aud mavket report. and orit lu .dltqi ophdnoe--Tbe Daily Inter Ofeen. It Vin oonu 5ly 2.0ô for on. yesr illom WU tble Ii<DEPEkI>ERT. DR, FREDERICK FL MARTIN offre2ud Floor Kaiser Block.,i Milwaukee Avenue Hou am: lit>) 12 ani 1 to 3 and 7 lc M LJ. 11.-- .vil.. Il... oi. DL J. L TAYLOR. OFFICE OVER TEIOnS & TAVLOI'S. ovm:-7 to 10 a. in. 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. m. "eidence on Btroadway, opposito Park. Lihertyville, Illinois. DL C. P, GALLOWAY. OFFICE OVEIL LOVELL'S DRUG STORE. iaouss-trom 1 to 8 and 6 to 8 p. mi. Ltbertyviile.Illiuois. PAUJL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY AT LAW. Libertyville. Illinois. ROE83. DL E. Il SMITHF DENMIT. *OFIMICE OVECS Là"E OUX<TiT AXIL nous-8 to 12 a. m.. and 1 to 5 p. m DAILY. Libertyvle, Illinois. DL GOLDING DENTIST Houri 8 to 12 a.m.-1 bo 5 p.m. Kaisr Blok Libertyville, Ilinois DL WU.!.P. SCHIDNG., Praetice limited t. BYZ, EAR, NOSE AND TROATr. * Ho". 2to OFFICE: Roon 804 STewÂRT BvLî 92 sIt. SBtreet, Chicago. DL 0. F. DUTii'BRfIELD VETERINARY SuR!iEON. £5515TANT STATU NITEElNAEIN. LibertyvWle, AInola. LYNCH DROTHER Ualaxers Livery la Connection Phone 837 A., K. STEARS LAWYER 218 Wasulngbon Street 'Phone 2761 Very fev dally papers glve ailt nevi in a couhe., readable torm.T Dall uer Ocen a uburelied upos do ibI. A ese's sbwiption to t gat dsl end the IîoemumnulTif Tise amallexpenue pra ye@Wosuisse tionto, he wly nterOmbau ma hundrd o! dollaufrs oimaiy à stockhu Th live stock sud market v-porte ti sre coiti7 are bot report.! Don,7 »iInter Ocoan. NEWS IROMc.gflNSIW IN IANY -STATES H. Coomba asud family wbo have been spendiug lie pot isx moatha et their X'CLELLAX NEELECl'ED HAlrON ammer home at Gageq Lake, returued 07 xW XCX BT A Sa& to thoir bone,- at Oak Park Saturday. p~.u.r Wilis aGardinier vas i Anlioci ou business Mouday. Eoest wui1l1Oontet-Jerome Victori- Md Broya of Round Lake calietI on. ous-aornersWin luecnsyl- friends ber. Monday. tMr. Brownuin vUD ao mts b.ct gst. building a âue 64w home atthe lait@ Trearr-OiIc Goes Democratlo Cleveland & Dodlour wiii do the vork. Chas Hsrman of Anhioci calletI ou hls Washington, Novr. 9.-Electiontr. ionds bore Monfay. *tlir" shuow tit bie democrata have Alla Wlchiu 0 ChiagoW&@outcarred le nmaoraty campagu in Alln ML.cl5nof hicgo as atNew York city; tic sate ticket lu ut Gages IAke over Spuday sud cap- Penslv&aith le etate ticket lu rit- tured a dosen more ducks. ginta; the State ticket lu Ohia, and the Bd Adains sud famuily vîlI occapy one titi ticket lunLousvlle, wvile th. r of lie cottage. of Robinson'@ on the. publicas have mnale a dean sveep ln LakeShoe Drve.Massacisusela sud in Chicago aid LahoSior Drie.Cook coaty llinois, sud havre carred Mmrs.Wm. Jahusand daugiter Hîlda tJeir ticketa lu Nev Jersy, Ihode is- sud son Eddle aceompauied bY Mie. laad, Nebrusa sd Maryland. plrvitzsupentmèveral fayi aI Burlington McClellan vau reelected mayor ol recautly vtllg friendsand relative.. Nev York by a pluraliîy, as ahovu Iii Miss Mary Toutesaipent Saturday'-iu thereluus, ot 8,486 votes. Hearattie Municipal Ovuersip candidate, bui Olîsicgo. ciarged fraud lu lie votlug sud vIll tir. and tirs. lartray and son content the electon. McClellsu's pIn iqve moved luto tic John Beck bouse ou raityinistle minimum ou record for iaiuser street. a auccesaful mayoraity candidate In Peter Jorgensen one of Waukegan'î New York. Mr. Hearet'a nanageni youn atornys ag l .ereFria n dam evidence o!Ililegal acta agaOis yonngatboucys as brs F1d,00u 9 nspectflrs of cieclion andf l business. 30,000 o! bis adierr.nts vers turned tira. M. A. Wagner spent a few days iack brun lie pols hecause lhil vitliber @inler ah Prairie View ]ast we..k- names aiready bcd been vohed. Dis, The Ttoiî1estr r irthiu Co. sion- Irlel.Attorney Jeromne bas annouinced liriiîliiullrît 101 and a uic r li ~ e wîl Iimmedlalely malle a searchini In uesllgatlon'o! tir alleged violesal Airs. VWi. Kaîpide and daugihers epeut fraude sud bas orrlered tie relurni l.riday in Cicago. !rom the Eighteentil and Sixti assena lire. J. Plouien %va> a Ci-ag> cisilor bîy districts 10 be (aretully guarded several daye ti, week sTiese are lie boni-, 4istricts of Tain Last ioirnîaY myHirriiigiuJ me (in lis many Leader Murpl.ýy and Ttm Sul w&a 1t th,*train M.ilnuiri <or oli- The electlon of John M. Pattin csalîà- frigiteil'rl aunrd rail uwnry. Mr.Ploî- denocra ai govcrnrr approxîmate jeuva ttriifrmm tc oiirit 1, ~ ly 4i,t04ulaIlt r -rMyron T. Her iousl v bort. Tine'horse %v as. ft,'rward Irick. tie prescut rr4.tlicau governoi caoght ait.-r rlrîuug r'nriiierahjt l,'<eaiage r sud a democrallc vurking majority Il to tbhe rug. b osso!flih- legîslatore. ta th Miss Je-a.î.. TIn.r,>n-r rie-ut Suilday ut'raltl bo AirruhOa1 ,,rbe1ated relurus rrr,wcil repoblica honte.lossea, and repubil airs concede Patt M;Mur Ia'tr>narir in. trir.,l Cf li.0 son's pluraliti rear r.' . .Thc dr-fl simter, Mrn. Frr.rlTiirk,rrin rnrrso ocrais cdaim Pattîr-rus plurality ai MissMalunir Turnrr 1, >i..itiulg ahi* proximates 55,000, which would cee Ailtioch.lte enLire democrar rý- ticket. Tic r Antir-In.publicans concedle ihe dirmocrats ti Mir. auri -Mrs. lare-rî. nftSand' Lake. Iveen tvo sud liv, majorily In tIl transartirrI Irnur'.... threrr'Mrndav. 1ncxt senate sud l1r Tri1il luitlie ous Barryi Ilrwu. trf Lonig Lake'., wa va lewhite efemocratr cdaim is a mi calle ber. Mo day.jor iy nbf ive Iu tihe acate sud 27 1 calleriwr,~ onthe bouse. '11 J 1-fts n Iutin ut afile lose Tic cîhy piriy's (reform) pluralit on his piropîerty soutn of t<rwii viici be luPhiladelpiea l43,333for Beler, w 1ii1occrupy as son as counplrtr-d. sud lie fusIonlet candidate fi lire. F. H. Ku.'bker cIrent Suday at 51515 treiurer (Berry) carmief tl Zeada. di by over 36,Ourr plurallty. Tise u Zonda. heaval vas tic greateet lu PennL8 Rev. Seugaurd gave a ver-Y aille vanta for naniyr-ears. toaddr-ss ah tic Congregational ciorehInl Massachusetts domocratîc tirea Suîîday ei'enihg. are made for a recoont Of tic vote f, hils Aînael iihorespet Sturaylieutenant governor. Tic republica: CinablWito lu Sauda nMassachusetts scored i,3.116 pluri in Chicago. itly for Golld for governor. linugi Dr Mr<,. Colver and daughler spent per, for lieutenant governor, got le Salurday i Waukegan. * han 2,000 plursîltyr Tise democri Dou't fait 10 ses the fiue exhibition of gainef lire. senators sud one repi Bemeul steel ranges aI Wm. Rebbein'îs enlatîve in tie legielalure. - lii week. lu Maryland lie Poe proposef eu stîtutional ameudmeut. viose alleg Mis. P. A. Robinson received word purpose vis ho dielfrancise negro v( Suuday of tie deati of ber @inter, tira. ers, vas debeated by 28,000 la 29,0C Johnson who lived in California sud republicane elected lhe Blute compti bad beeu a safferer for the poilt tn yesre ber and di officlale; polticai compi viti consomiption. ion o! leglaalre uncerlasu. Orso Wabhar su fsmly ave lu Rhode Islandf lie republican gw - oron W hbum, an famly bve uatortilcandidate bis a plulralitY i 1 mioved tb Waukegsn viwere tbeY villtimated aI 5,000 sud Providence e.1. malle heur home lu bise futurs. a republicant mayor for thotrit il] )gr. Baker vio bas henstopping vith lu maDiy ears. i. 0. Waahburn sud family 1ait for Ida l'he femocratie pbaraliUIe. lu V home lintiicbigsu eeday. gtslla habout 20,000 sud fivanson o lectef goveruor; uegrou goersili Tise Royal Neighbors amrefpaing a maiued avai froni the pulls; lie nq couple of plaiswvici tbey vil give îeglîture ou joint ballot val have soins binee lthIof Novemiser. repablîcana, insîteaf of 16, as at Pt Tise Woman'i Club vîli inselvitb Ont. M"s. J. M. Pal mer nexl Monday evenlug. lu New Jersey ropublican gainal th, leglature are suffclent tu, preci SOHOOL NOTEB. aiy femocratlc successor to Uni A naniher of Higi echool pupils bave Statu. Senator Dryden. beau absent Ibis week. r.R.,ublicanseîeected shata supra Haseandboud l li apot o ~.judo1. Nebraska. Boltiste rePai Hareandheun lathe por of hesu candidates for r.g.uta 0othe i boy@ now. verslty are eleclef. Mach Higi echool popil la required 10 l'h. Kentucky legialaturê vics1 read elgit books of outaide reasliug this elect a suceesor 10 Sonator Bîackb terni. appareulli vil1lucluf e 31 demner O, lys hiepublîcanisuad tva doubtfl Mow many popils of lie Higi sciooi the sate senahe sud 79 democrats, -rend lie daiîy newspaper8? republicans sud seven foubtful lu J. C. Rielly was absent froni echool house. Tiellemocrats elechef a ma Friday, banit ous to Waukegan 10 i Louisvlle by about 2,500. ho takre his exainination for apprentice- Republicans made a Cean aveei chiplxi iarmr-yChicago sud Cook counti; IRobert aMp i pharaeyMcCormîck (reP.) vis etectef presit o! the board o!fsitari Iruatees. - The Huabaid's Judgxnenl Bt Inl Salt Lake City thse Anerlcan ifushnansd ivife Olten disagrep about ty (anti-Mormon) defealef lie Mor soin. malter liaI concerne ssci otier democratid sud republlcali candid sud Ireqaenlly lie bunebauf Onds tiat for mayor. bis vife'a judgmentl is lie best. Tic Everi candidate o! lhs union Il case of Mr.. John W. Young o! Lincoln, perly lu San Francisco vas electe( a substaiitial majoriti. A11., however, le an exception, h.e saYs: Iu Indianapois Charles A. Book "My wille sud I bolli had a severs cold 1r b eoidt addt o - and vo decided to gel nome kind o! or bas a plurali o! 1,661 over nef iclue. 1 hougil mysel! a bottîl 1dsrnocralic ojppoueul, Mayor Ilzi Harts' e Honey andI Horehound and, tek- Ilelurue fron 56 cItleflu Indiana lug Il sdirected, vas veIllu a short dicate liaI lie repailicalm thave1 bine. * $ie vsuted anolier klud and victortous In 26 and lie democlat vîti lbe realt liaI sicebili bas ,shad 20. l'h. ticket' nomnuatef Iii the -cougit. I advlsed ber to tblhe Harts '0 p1e,8 and citizenie orgaisations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ fo. fdMr-on u Iikai il utnmunîipaiilie. CRASHKILS'TWO. Chicago, Nov. 7.-Two persona s.,_____ kIllied, one lnstantly, and three others were > erlously ijured Mondai NIIS EIE 18I ORY UT ik heu a Grand Trunk through'poisOn- EEOLtTXON9-NABA0E a R C ger train crsahed into a Chicago Elec- ln xàxx CZ'rus.MZ RAP trie Traction copany car £1 Western avenue and the raliroaci brcka, oune '±ùtem F orm i A re m ile eouth f B lue la naid. T h * stre t h ou uds r .M e a ad O tiies s i m W org p & : car v as et aim ue t lu Ivo, s d place s T o ans A re W ou " e- A. u t- i r W aY Bo nnm . w rallroad tracha for 100 font, The roof was lfted high lu th. air ud tell-ou sMd BSO]passants B= uu t e.i tas ngis tnde. Te dad*WiIsiapemlno, Mlch. My., tuean egue deHreyTIl., d ea are deail and 18 lia Gurid,, areyIII 51iesU Berln.. Nov. 7-The Kisines Journal one fatall, as tii 8 14. brtckaier,, J. M. Dore. Havai. mays 00 pouasi er. liurned 10 deatil Il Il,.. 5 yeas old. empo.d »asvlch- lu the Rasala village ot Jedosvogra& eMpisi d .Ml, 1-u n outh. Chicago. Rock Ila and&provuce of the Dou. through the. Dring pleel . dst re : bo, Pacifi t ralmr aat BlueIa. Ilaid. by Co nsic ks o f a sh d lu vhich theY , a U l là aie . U Accordng to reports the causse Of vere holding a POIIUIiCLI & ton years; ad Edvard th tic k vwasa amisuaduetajding ou Pesaasu Un ienumber e! 1,000 hauit .m là1h part or McCloud. Jacob Brink, of gatiier.d la the shed t. dîasc th làa à H a r v e y , h . c o n d a c l o r f t h e s t r e t s i t u a t i o n l u R u s " T h é P, f eT heu u a j u r edTh o a s 1 F ca, ila &id t u ava 1.11 it wh.n the Imable te supprima t hé. m eeting &d : »dTio a Ja a mm 4 *ralroad trac »a v e. reach.d. ad 10 gave bis approval 10 the flrlug o! the . U' l m udrsn r . bave sigalaIthe mIotorinn 10 eeP building. The vhole structure vas C Mia Brs..MU4 bln ei huik. M cCloud, hove ver, tu n d the ablaz. lu a moment alfter the. torches BulerFred A derson k5 , y controller hand l, ad the car Salc Yli w ".e appU .d. ad he pe m t, lua à 0111. a Rr .. . K eibL. a tarted aermssthe. rallroad tracki. vild pauic. tried 10 get ont. About 200 , riuk ihouted sud polnted 10tiste ecaped, white the. othera fvibretlas er.aIl chereà» l ftly oncomiug train. McCloud tien white trylng 10 flght tiseir way tiirongh Th itmwe alh jundo h I crettb li b.snl arv* ants ou thetr vay home troa umedon he ull orrct uto he he ingl narw«ILg as l.skag'e lu the baiedfl, or motors. but 1h. force vas ton mach for Odissa Victicas Over 10,000. bank building vas P>Minllii nthe motors et tiret and 1h. vieels Odesa. Nov. 6.-Wlth the restera-.bsfr1.eplso u ô only grouud ou lhe rals, emitting tien of order came grevsome Proof Of 1Adro MPtroeif it parka causel by the friction. W hile tise enormous losa etlts lu te A defnoudreso ,stu theforbad been engaged te mahe s4ý tecar vas gathering momentam the days of mob ris. lTh. auhorlties sent' the heatiug plant, aud a& thay, ,crash came. 10utte cemetelT six trcks, each cou- 1; tlaiulug 30 bodies. Itlah kuown that lhe building tisey detectif l tb* ve.>lld h ttl&ad» a. They thougist little of t Ki REVOLT IN BRAZIL. Uzc meuibers o! the aull-Jevlsh mob cumgtance. hovever, aud as tii 19 Gs.FII4,naTahe Up ArmeAgainst the maîed at 90)0. Up to thîs lime 667 nto the furnace roomu thie? lewudda eotd-S h eib match t0 a gis Jet. la .Gorerument - Mundreds Are woanded a3,1ie r e mudnicvipa ha- There wasa aterrible explollk Il- SI&In unERo Janeiro. hpitais,26 , nd tneamuncIpalhos-esemfttrawr lw d. 682pitla 1260,ad tambulance oes-'doorway at the rear of 1h. Rode Janeiro, Nov. 9.-RevoiullOIi- 82 ti slae la ,0 oei whle lie buldig collaffled; W ,rte have taken te arma and the naval jured are in their homes, briglug te Il-uhriisa hel ltta-auite ooer1,0. te th e etreel a mass of ru"a admlllr uhrte tte oa o,,uliste .r 0,11 he'as swltching cars on a o»s forte have deciared their sympathy for Jewîsh quartera are completeli devis- ear liebaulI and cars bieW t ebellîgerents. Battles have been taed- crosaing wien te exploson à r-t a c u t f t e d v n - Mnconstant lu tie streete of Rio and in eu o f Horror. an peron;s vers standing the intror ad mani have been sîsin. The laleat accounts of theise devait- r, toa 2 <ie 11lion n lute Jevisi quarter add horror ah wiiglepiige ln Tisay . toeand thua were vithilu reachof e began with a mutini o! thse garriso lui the situation. liesideu numerousl plosion. Tiere were a unuibe eal. Santa Cruz, due t the 111 treatment mille, al the.baierle, hopsansd near- rwecpsfo ei ra [Cn of a sergeaut by the offlcey ln com- 1>' 690 homes have been destroied. The ~ccpsfo et ra n ýse eskle neeycruitnewr jury. James Mulien vis lnbI nad. Col. Pedro Inu vas ari ln thevekilld lu very drcuatauc ver su a. irer u an neg ere trcated wti revoltiug, barbarlty. l i an ullu is m- d a.flr nda inwdent occurred; sund lie va IN S kilIled. roswr sent there teo Heade *ere battered Wlhh hammers;! omtedblunlrma Squel the mutîni. Pire bas destroyed1 nails were driven luto the bodies, eyei vorked for hwo houre fi cles ýthe promenade along the beach sud isere gouged out sud ears seeed. t* TehaeTc odleso0fr chlesatMaBdel Plats. Many bodies vibesdisemboveled, sd, h rcae e- ruany caese aa nsiscae erluvvsP e ere fearfully mangled. 'TI9 be hîgiiy fashioiiablIsummer resort ~: oecssptoeiivspue deposbt vault lu the banh 1a M néhie Atlantic, have becu damaged. The eVer the slck fond bidina 'lu cellr lone le estlmated ah half a million pe-sud they were burued t0 death. Il lIo in ao. l s ssred that ts Ievso !ee 15 the. police and soldiers NOTED MAN KILLS HO~ lnedayoil.everywere marche tts edo luccuîariorîgn. * mobs, sud lnolted them tb destroy he' We-Ruova Zaym la îg FOUR MEN KILLED. Jeewciet afll Dlsbaigi Or N~~~any Fatal vfiEsi for Ezplosion lu Povder Plant Ne Si lt. Petersburg, Nov. 6.-Fatal Ou- SWoV. or .- aiýcounters belveen the solierad te SuelrWs.No..-f p. Belleville, 111., withFaal opulace, sud snt-Jewiih excesse. aneDichinsonL, One of lie b«4 aeffitikreportadt froni mani places lu the prov . lavYaru Of tiie state ail CM SBelleville, Il., Nov. 8.-The preas inces. Satardai sud Sjsudai at Krem- moat promînent resîdealat arhueotis heisove olaa eochug 20 persons ver. kllled and 80 Mondai Sceldetalli abat t f®r oenlofithe. ahoenPwe r oret njared. At KuaaIs & mlitârY train hlmIsef wvile cleaUiUg a r bus hoelxvllea fw mles romtiesvas vrecked aud ule, soldlers klled. thongis over 70 y«Mai ^f' j rai- exploded Tuesdai atternoon, klllug fethcolsothreluinls a8U atveu a ýrfour men. Several others vers inJurd Atrh oliIn1.rvoul.4e va.11atIl i ~ Tie de~I re: ouisHal, wiii~cpened a rIlle tire ou the train sud bthe alooa s a hantsif aidse severa Theld or ujarreou bli sieH.all, pWilliamng 0 -asHumes, Geolýge Humes. Walter Kaobei roa ele l id.Tmmve.Dchnoiva u ,o i severl deuts roinurUdonlevilaiese sav dta calOt .dono! fuî esdtsoo Blhvlue swa loerof At Berdîcheif several peros viwre $Part&. Wis. neho u- t Mshoot bghntov he nlîl, sudthe killled or lujuref, sud at Mnsk serioua PautinluOMO Of lthe gW on-i,.ii seonstoardthemil nd herstlng amuse tilugh the troupe p- lunlthe court* Of lthe sla ed report v u dif lstclY heard sud fit etinga meeting f ctiseus. The " ers measP ut buhas1 4 _ rot- teu miles from the acene. The building tro>par$Wvu1Ioes luth ii e ovde the bar eommittee .09 N » v as biovu in kihnflug ood sud he sud there vas Intermittent Dring for a the. "1»t. Tic bet"r ri iodies o! the victima ver. strevuln ie Ahgrdwr kle db« alou re tp. e.are no resî- ln lm. udrdviek lle ihs.. amon tre to0Th M vouaded. Iadmuelhebla ihorr dences sîtuatif vitiln àhait mlle of ainlg vltumes ««Y*verydy. The Bilfor w mb. the holov lu vhlcis iiood the povdmr massacre sud pglfle !tisha ilou- Wanga#^ WIi., No*t8 es- mlii. The cause of tho explosion h-ai tua et Kb5isl.f. or Jamme A. Wrigis seIa not been ascdrWaned. EU*dr." lmtea ttaer'~ iful Odessa, Nov. 8.-ftur isundred aul byhi iee oDrli5juil h' MRS. CHADWICK LOBES. tvelve jews, vkctmus of the mmacesC J. 'A. Me««. Bt -loenot veh. ve.burl.d Tueday. A .F« _1 is l New Trial la »misaBX« and lbe Nov mof the lshope voie cel. la- a POIII1lSl ""Tl e W eM r1. ruces TMan T clnsllng man f hosa beong uWih.Ts elne e x t lt u p ri s o . * C h r s ti & »l. T ih . » D a ns s é O ! If v a i s t i e e v o l-rv u & 23 - hert-reudfing said absottnldescrbà- j b» thle @hlot wWtS8X ,es. ClnchnnitlNov. t.-Mus.Casul. L ble as tac bodies voeeplacel lu 1 th Ot WIr"hatiM lot, Chadwick hli bahr blut hope for a Ireuches. u«eh trenâch colts4lug M10.ja A , nov tilile"s the supremecourt <Of Sîjilr f ula Ilcontinue for NeV York. No«. ludethe nitd et ghal cnsen10 aI- three dur&s. ome 240o! the bodes 19071k. the ted 10v a r.hearlu& TisaUnited Bat- vers .lu sucis a condition Ihalt tef court o! aUppealsTueidai re!used hr ebat .recgu1d. tur, ied at enu appUlton for a- nov trial. Tise Tise mobe compl.lely devstatol, <'. *, bie- lengthi o01101Ofo!thé. court vasrend pluadored and baraCd ail the JevlSi uni- br Judge lArton. MMn Chadvickh1 bons"O lu thé auburb of Dulk.lastg nov la the JWai tCI.veaudunder cn- the largevillage. o!tSElvertovka sud viUl tence t. thei.o10peuieatIarfor tan Anatolluka, ad the tovuso!Ovdi- rn. >ars, having besau Idcted raid cou- oi3flig&, Akhermai. ÀAtak, lt o BerI.7 abe, vlcled cf couspîring t. defranf ander pol sud WWtzàîtany ilisudred par- *.a oi uuo d lu tise national-balg lav. 118. speicg ous are reportei ho have beau hlle euit et six islaek tJI 3,14 case Iuvolvlug the vrecklng o! 1he aud hiouasd oaded. a dê w lite Cilxe I national baih et Oberlîn, 0., jews Plu . Vn ts«B . N aE âyor viose presidalilbhas fief since the ex- Odessa, Nov. .-Outwardlla mbas Coeurs o! tise natter. retaruef isere. butt he tension la BMMl Rive HeZUW 29o ýla *great. Reports liaI the Java &M P0- 17 t R. A Terrible Dea. parlug for terrible vengeance 11pOI hie [dnI Elizabehi.. J.. NOV. 7.-ThOmas Christans are being lustrioaly ti-1 Gliagher vas burief ufer live <10515 culated ansong the lovent and mont Ig-1 Wilkear, ta., 100 Par- ber. Mondai and barned 1tef e hi. H e norant clase, sud ltla feered 1heY sons veon kilie, le rmou cravlef Iloosan au pit under th, rail-. may Jead 10 a recrudescence o! an-' sud a àso- ight tes roa& tracks f lie Port Readng yards archy. Tise. reporta dodu litat te collision b@Ives.a Sudai ulgit and veut te sleepthiere.. Jeva ntenf 10 blow ap ths charcheS and a c"ltrouinom labor An englue bachef fowu ho ,Ahis pi and f laîrlbute POîSOued foodftu bLîaaufla AWutr fd hi carly on Mondai sud eo dlnAr.ctiî the Cîristlam una.ech, 84 over lie spot viere Galagier lai Fle.dom for Vilansd. Ititis titi. Wedaçab* val- asîeep fumped burnîng coals aud ra- st. Peerbr, Nov. .-l'h. c e et 0fthe khilaI o w may- hot tehes upon hlm lun mch quantities cas o-cîock Batard ai mOrulug signed "M to 10the r ils tiat lie sleeping insu vas COMPîetly a manifete restorlng te IFllaulte r iiiterrifiet«rS =an. covered. gsysteni o! governmeut il enjoyed l ngtser, tic a lu - fore lie an na lm eut o! te con stiu- er tra i, lait beau Obsiged vlth. Parricide. lion in FebruarI. .Tise ManifestO the. bo8Pl c« tas lu Wausafù Win., Nov. .-BStanie SwII. cauceli ail ordînalcel enactad a01c)'on thas o.ev peo. lgahl. aged 22, isasbeeli arr.sted near liaI fate, lucludiug tic mlltari1& ! lavaah. id car-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~h Kuvb n1.cag 0 Iin i !101 iil e.tesurce o!r i bmurhst LiberVIrille, Illinüim Libertyville. 111. '

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