CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Nov 1905, p. 3

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rvw - ýe- , -v ER 3 -M 119-1 ts and Overcoats MWM asweU maM muie b . the best mercb..t tia. Oro st ma" of lb. ebokset ImiRed sud doumtie iaater id1» atter. a dusrabi 0' If actsd la tue moti ex- elumirs mat tsllorlog sbop. ornumte that r mota! beir shape !n the - bould.r, usl milanll, lape)., aud th b e rx buttons. : : - : Fra» Ftting Overate, made of Kersey, Mata». Vieunor faràey mixture. aveluoato o! the new mode) tbat pommeau thel b.»W tyi.. chage 0arercoats.o! coservtire eut; fui)back;- long or medium» lagtU. & ai b., wlth or wlthouý bell. : : : : : Anaiv.rary Sale Prie $7.50 $10 $12-50 815 YOUSNG MEN'S OtERCOO4, cinge or double $re.3.75let @lm front» 151tu 20. Anivrssry Sale . e.........JE. C3ILDRUS ' (OAT8. Bcuatrow» style, aeps fram 8 to 9 a) Annlveray Sae Prie...........................I 7 BOYS IJOAINS.M bs 9fo 014, thne.fourtha or fu lm e méof ps, blak or mixei matenlal. AnnIvraary 3.50 Prie............................................ Mena'@cB u it.b, eltber elugle or dul bzmeh.Mnade oflbthesoamma ls ..... ..... .. gsud witad %mataial91> 5 DOTS'CAPS F Km GAI r. Furuluhisgs t. Nase Prom Ds..d "PON EVET ADGIIPUEBMLU DIOUx FUENMSINO 89N EAVT F14EDM UND1- nlvrcry sas Prkie.... 78 r0N- l'ý IlS dWfmarks the coonàeuCtmat of-eue $th par ofsuccessful budu.Iu.sscaeer. ,The istçadjcontinuoilg'owth oMftitis-store from Âa coiwparitively -smogl buéiness to -a size w.hen it con daim the Ieadership-'mog Waukegan mercmaétile establishments is "due to the honest principe and the àtron gsuppot or the public*, Our pve"m eu lsrua§epoweraablfl us <o purchm 900"de inlargequ"WA4 lie.oufdose tnuwtima amat secuesdu 14ig Igasnud our standard cash bass warrats dms ow- .SLPOUleDIIS aadour boueset *osM ý wuq gve the coostmai (dobsec datgs W.moa ml .der.r n vet teqalimote(o moos glagrta bssalewlch ges !go. qdt4opportuivtle for sdhctloi utseasomalW edinieut prices Whlchin eveg Is~souaawooderf.t sbige Rouicarelullgthe qmttongiveo below ijoui sure lebc « bw. duitake goOfsbeofSOdieSbeIais spfead bfoe qou .... * .' p. OFFEàS AS USVAI.. EXOEPT I9NAL VALUES NOTWITH. STrANDING >THff REOENT eANCE IN LEATHER, THE OLO PAlics TILL PRSVAfL-A LADIES' Vici Kid or Box WaIffios butto» or bluteber style ex- tesion sole, solid countor lateol style la.. Anniveruary Sale Prie ........... .......... 81.30- LADIES' VIUI KIl) SHOE, lgit or ieary cois, guarateed solid liaouout Alnlveraary Sais Prles, Par pair....... ....... 2.00> INVÂNIWSOU!> IRQE.cimes Itm ý laS. Annlvsrsry Sais..... Nigum box CAL? or TIC! KID> UO& v«7 I"aidm sfor wlnter mmW. Amimrséary Sale -ý........9-5e WOMENS' WAIW SLIPPERS, LEATHER SOLE. Annivrtary Sale Pries...... .............49 MIEN'S Box Sal, velour mui, or Viti -kibd SHOE, veit esWed. extension sole, oli coualer. ud lins, '4UPÀU 5on l" lahut sal$e lese Annlvr"aySale Pelles.8.... 3.00 BOTS? SHOPi3, mads af good qually Box ceAior vici ki& îrteed eolid tImarouonBinS 0 ta 13% AnnivraarySae ........... $1,00 M1S~ELLAN20US b 61" bia r owua. Id* h c "POl Pris...................s WMTlewb t o.qo* famom caary ...pie.............. DAN sR GSHEH. êtS&imrtmin 1 ç~eamor bin, Amtu.Ie,57sais ce yad..,, JÀRCTPLAI D Dresood-e sits. bis labie for walutq-Or blld'@ dieu.. Annbssaary SleP PWne yd...l AN 8SITIEI~0fabolit 5 U- Saleee a d ~ Pm -fL 9 la Wiock, 10 yards Sadr Pints.................U WOOL SWECATNES la bozac P................... .......... ............50 Relioble lFurs such *as the@4 have given theStore Reputation THESICINSFROMWIIICH OUR FURS ARE liffl ARE .SELECTED ON AOCOUNT 0F THE DUM. ABILITY WHiCH lB' DUE To THEi PERFt MANNER UN WHICI THEV ARE OUREDAS WUL AS FOR THIE RCIM APPEARANCE W4I1i59 TRACEABLE TO THE! USE-0F THEI! ST OVES IN COLORINGS C..:= tà, itettimedwth six tafla ^NIERAYS.EPI98........ Ladies' Readýy Made S-uJwtL and Coats Ravl»g ail the advantage of correct designe,tb moot expert tailornges ad the fluent clotiuee, Itla1.l» tbe etlll frtber development of lie perfet flL leatureswbich giron ta thm egarment. thdr 1 tincilvenffl. LADIES' SUTIS made of fine qu.lity, starmaSrgela blus or blackaor mlxd sultmlna a.or bro n. nua 0609 dS1 'm m:iala5uAn.$ LADIES' EMPIUOQÂT, muade o!fi*» broadelrth .la bine, bWk or browu, satin 11usd, iood »Siorlt« inuie sud out. $22.40 value. -Aniversary LADIES'CAPES.' d" e aipluub or fn kermi, extra lom&N UIleweep.<An-è vivercary Sale Pries............ M ~ ~ TLIO %AT , U9Iahe . ffl kea=. o eer'A vsfraiibPrie....................................... LADW *ALX» S 113U ais ai fias quallljrMalt1 ak, bine or ps.. Annlvaraavy Saies ....................... FillE 0um SEJTS, ma&els . exraq»Uaty éle l otàor roïs, baàMhunimaisla au popular colon Anlversary Sais POCe... COILDUEN' IMiATION POPLAE BEAX flUÂT, eam 2me Spodol AsuulversargBaae Prie ýOn OhIld.n's ready de dreaiest an Outiay tnt wil nty pay for rmterla IINFAMTS FLANNI#~B DIESES.Anlvoréay Saos Pries.......... CR1LDIENbi SEM BI IL4ID PIMS, IMandorndymais sd trlams ohm up to I&. iv uerry 40* Priese.... ...... .»......... WRITE BEDSPBEADS, ftui)am, tanqpatterns-................. .......1 EXTET LAME Z utTEBUIDSPIAmS, 09.00 value Annlverary Prie sSaili i 144W Sbouldar Sawla,, bIsa or colois, Annlversary Sale Prim .... 26Çç Ladifes'tu*lPetIlosis, AmgllvrsaleaisPrices.................. ic <Id'eo05ilIxttese, A 'Jwrr saiSe Pries................... 100 Ladis).Gol Milces Anlveia.....Pri .................l160 ladies èc o Glana, Ainlrsary Sale Prie*.. .....l luIais Bsquswbie rfacytoRn.AnnlvrsarySalaPrices..26 IufaaW Boot@eae, ile pr elond.. .......................... SOC Li. Wool Owetom; vile or colorsi. Annlvrnary le pries.. 01.48 Sbetlaa Flo.s,.s.................... leIbO'OUP ia :tl4tliTain, Annversary Is Pries per skeln . .24e ~acyT ,par. ................ .... ........... ....... ôt 0aod Quffly lbuottuithg, ar or$bàwy Te q»ut7 Auw W ol.........................e Blaubel, lOi4iseAWrSuu*krfllss.........4' P*TTE8U RATS rpeet lmng geul4 tyle.for thif eseaoi vuaffrome opie. trou@&atamnmoiela. mcmi- bhgit>*vlaloawellworth #0,aad , Annlvrsary Sl Prices.... Se imporTS» PARISIAN PAT. TEE SINÂ1 madsby nolal 4sllpweu, balt@mutablefor *0 b" ocamins, Anniver. ur *4 l ice...54.98 et be *of ORtii aseacu, $2 OSTIO PLUMES, a varis amoilmentg eselect from, opwanda hro ........ e METHER BREAMT, mal col. ors, Annlverary Sais . .2&e FANO! BIRD WIZ4GS, Anni- verary Sale Price...49e CH1ILDEEN's ILK or Imita. talle» Polar Bear Bonnet.. Annlversary Sale Pries 49o CHtILDREN'S TOQUES, faner cambin tilo» of coloe, Anni- versary sale Prices....25e nom- -J; -Ladis&MudChfdmt's Undeu su d osar Ladies' CU" Suite, made of E oea IIanIor PEgyptien connbe ysa, ailaise, Annlveraary Sale..... 70 Ladies' Wool Unierwsar. extra fine qually, Anniver mary SasPrices.................. ......... 750 Ladies' Fleec4 Uaderwesr, Anniv.rsary Sale Prices24e OhIlIvens Underwear, aise 16 (8c addsd for eaeh suc. cein Oiulirmn'a WaoI tnderwear aise 16, Annlversary Sale Pise....................... .............. Ladies' Fleece LIned Ros, faut caler. Anniveraar sale Price. .............................*uýs Boys' snd Gil'Ho.., bsvy ribbed, Anniversary Sale Pfrices... Blos' or GSibl' Extra Heavy Rasm, narrow sud wlde rnb, a&l aise..Amsl vsrsary Sale Price....................... ................. tu Fr.legligee Wear Womsa'a Rvy' Fisse.LinelWmwmogaang aie, TdU.f Aalvwylu. .......... Wome's Dmeuslng Sueqes, . c i I» hnulttob Psnl. Pattras..........~. ...... a à Ir

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