CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Nov 1905, p. 5

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~Ty Ja %Abv v - w---- &bout the èýood tbîngs to be had at tins store you m&rst agusrd they *know wbat thol4are talolg about.. Mrs. Joues was -d.itgbted vith Our 880 coffee, told all her uelghbore, reaÜit, 20 new cusgtomerb -for that : rticuIar braad. Mn. Smth wau moequant tu lier pralse of Canned gooda, de*tlar.d éus nover 4ygo~lsthat tso omuch l1k. frouli. ho finit wth thie orhard f lavort and other items of tIi. Teimso lrand - Ta* with us &bout your next or- dor, w. always peUse. JO. LEU ROG L1BERTVILLE MARKET and (IROCBRY Why Not BUY of a home merchant when he eau give You the closest margins. Bese cut- tlug our profits way down we keep any watch putcbamed atout store ln repair for one year. You Cetn -Buy Cheaper watchee, perhaps, but you caunot buy better one@. Our watches are made to go. ANDRF4>W IIUSS, 5~s«M1UUVt Duby, B5F& b 444*4444444444 -Flmer1é«es sie peut unudWy wth hig parenu haie Dors, Iset Tbnneday, t- 1fr. sud lirs. Lo Durri s daffgbter. jae HysIt oS Vemo$ bai been viit-0 lng ~ ~ o atl.oeo k Clark. Chaipe raluerd, of Roun d Lake, a la lovna s ir daya ago oteusbly lookinsgfor a posiiou tp locale hlmsel Thon usofiWla vetiier forcaibers, tbe mufel, hae regltered a gfea that te cosilsg wlatar vwM ha abard oue. Thel ".vt ut uuu"ully larg lie. aid lira. Amln Wb-don, of Coille, Utah. are vwltng aI lthe ip. p. Dymbosd borasud with thb. Ale fs by. tre. Whoideu vu formsrly Mjie. Crs heemmansd vai rsaedID Bobble Grummlît sud' Arvîlle Yeger vent tla Milw&ukee Saturday *0ouner tbservimortbCfUi :. &St. P. The boy. are nowv ring lu tiieyardsansd waitiug1 for a regular mn. lir, and lire D. A. young moved lto oue of the. Luce cottages lu tbe Keubker .ubdlvlelonthefirotofthe week. George 'erry, of orange Hall, je moving luto tb. yoiaug bonie whlch he recetly purcbased. C. 3. Kendall celebrated lait Saturday ngbt t, th. extent of threedollar.sud coati. Diirdrly conduct wu. the1 charge. Keudal f@ a farm baud sud came 10tovufor agood lime. 7Thec va. before Judge Hackley. Tvo busldred sud tftv hunting licenes bave beau ieaued a0 far tbis year by Cousty Clrk lieudee, at the. court houa. ,Waukegaui. Tii. uumber of huniers lboa. tbrougb tb. country cuta more, figure wthb lhe gaine ahot, bowever, than tbe number of llceueee sold.- A declalan bai recntl been bauded dowu lu tbf Illinois appellate court that al saloons muet ha clo" dtveuty-four hours, from miduight t *0mdnigit, ou &il eWetan days. It bai beau the. nl. of mlinote @ai-@o to Open at 5 o'clock ln tii. morung snd close i 7, wheu the. poilie open, remalu loned until 5 o'clack la tiie eveulug -f o pen up agals. 1Ilnt.eud *0 cose out my - buainess by jaausry uezt if posible. Nov ile the time for ribiion, lc.pd uaeckvea a pricosthbS l l surpltyu - mae. Il.S. HrELBUTT. Lailt Snuday momrng Chai. Magon,j vho vorka for Pets Dochelmaii, lu company vîtk Mat Sulivan, of (raYa- 1 laka, 'lippad" a freg lat lb. uew1 depot vealvad iiousd wlh b e Inten- tion 0f golusg 10 ouad laite but whena lbe train had got under vay laied- 1 fro. Ibe iraey tua i t would not stopc hua ie &of! Dariel- At estisa consin C.mwW to10er tir eydcded *0 «et off.à Tey dl. Dut the famrs raof th"aI vlcInty thoughl *7 v er. e vuwm 1 te Mop oUhagngsd tise yousg mmeabave tvb hmurdave.nov sud then to h. mmmar 1*ti.y ame reeiy beek lu lovE. VrP. Dynd sud Sylvester Wlsjair »Wa Su adsow ea from bia Twn#y-w visr. 7spat lb. rualer pan Wetut wk looklog ovar lb enquUh. Tbey rporile lani vsy*vi auve bvs oftfine qualtyi, Ie .011 haing cg uo" aienIcumsla tis adelgilorittio lu vhkh loviellai. Thous lund cmn lie panehad for fron tao to ifat dollar@ par armm an ough raiuhl = Oer Theydinot tuake suy porches hovover, tbougbtbey report hiirneive favorahly impressed îi th hecousir. Rural Mail carrera runulgo;qt o1 SUbOryville ad ohiier Laka coquty -ow Ouu itethal th.y vill folov lie prie.ds.1e.bblbed lu otber parleof tW oouutny and refu 10tae .lattera upon wbich lb. atampe have nol been plsced. Iiibas bacomequlte common fot potronse of thrural ,y-item 10 place monesped envelope. lutise mail boxas teulier îlpunnie. *0 psy postage. The carimera apecally lu cold veather, have ducuII:y lu pckIng he @imali ola ont 0f tba bottoma of th boxas sud bealdest li. tate liai Ilite not a parti of tisIt duty tb lck. saeupafor lthe public. Th. uthastvy for lb. -public 1< *buer a pe of th rral carers ln the bookle tarun. Thea.booklete ams put up lu lvauty-flve, it7 cent sud oue dollar adme. Tie se oul of Ochober. aI lb. Lberti- ville bigi sescool aboyas u urolîmet of tifty.fv* pupilà. 0f lb... tventy-nlne ver. neilier asentlnor lardy. Boom tour 'silian enrolîment of forty pupils asl.y lWai Iteepupile vlthha perfSt reord 4Idtsprespect sud wu@ exception- olly bMe la u uner of cases.of tarise vatlig tvuitr-ulne casas 0coaanln late. Roma hraewlthforty.elhtpuplw Wbati ucause of lardinaea vile twtws4vo veye nefther lote nor absaent.Roms Ivo vIts Sfty-on 44*4 44444I li. E. Corueli aad wife, oS Chicago, vlslt e r Suadsy at the Sknner home. lira. Dr. Robi6".u of Evana ton, wai a guet a& thse Oeo. Vowler boreneu day lest waek. George Grablie now bai a through run se motormafl bu tthe C. & li. electrie fron2 EvantmîOsiton ouCty. W. lnadverteaty neglecled tb mention Isal week th. birtis of a boy bby b lMr. sud Mmi. F. H. Joet., onu ua, Novr. 5. DBut 50 and 14 cent ovaralle la Lake Jobs Wallaate wiio lve. uortb ci lowa bow about completed hiesnov horna sud vill mot. luto itlaIDthe nws ftur. DoR't forgtto ai early for yiur Xmae photo aetDaawlck' Bd licCormiek. of this place, played eud ou the Waukagau igh echool foot ball tsu whfait Ssturdây defeated tha North b Clcsgo 5 to 0. The lob departînent of -thbe 1w».- PtNDENtT in tnrulng ont ten hhoueand souveuir potal carde vith va sof Lhbertyille lu hall toue, for lbe local drugglata. The Io.unique aud nome muant exelletyvie bave been procured. The Republlc Costructio n Company in *0 vin etertlI - t th . I ale- Irack tabisa, sud la nezotiatlng for 100 tous of boy sud large quantitlea of other foed. eveen 125 and 150 hors«a iwl ha cared for lier. ble winter. The INuECPENxDEU bas just prluled a arge number of aubscription riceipta sudi faverysauxioua that subacrlhara eaU sud gel them. They are gondthings te have sud maire excellen t souvenir.. Henry K.Cocalé, of Highland Park la prp= u complete Est of the 1irde of Lae<oay. Ha vould ha grateful Ion qny recorde co1 apecitxuna common or rare liaI auyoua u'ould @end inand viii gîta ful credit lu bfaslst. Win. Laycock :ablpp.l an englue aud baller of bi@ manufacture to Mexico, lait week. Tbey are for use on a steamer jplylua the Cobtacoaleco, river. Boy- jever thie ahipinent if, not go unuanal for Mr. Laycock ai bis englues go to ail -parte of the. vorld, beibg recoguized by marine men ai vithout an equsi for craSh of aIl but the larger type. Eye-teeted f.eeat llevsk'a. Eyea Sltted vitb eye glaises or spectacle t reesonable rate&. We guarantge.satin- faction l la excaptlonally "quiet" tbeae day.." Y Turne 10 do aoine troug advertielug liv. c Mrchant. Tise INUpEUDUNv wtb le 2,000 houa Oide aubers nareocha ailà tbe piopalu jour lerrllory. Carefully ppepared ade brlng reenîte b 1 h. "big cly aprmeh ansd tbey vill *0 you. w 1 ams eloang ont My stock of mlllinery t at ouaI #Ad h.low, ae I lateud te retire fromhbusineas. Now jethe tmefornaome lb Vai liargaîns. Mus. H. 9. HuuLiwv. e 6-2 Dean are rported plifiaI la the nortia1 woo l ti. yasr. Up lu Winconoa nthe bu ae ie lockiug oëil amaé "ud ais ag more thon uvéàlck.0 11w n .au begl A. Iealel UewyNov, il nMdustiaubafor t bty f~dsa, or nstil ÉaUsd ii1ou h Thwosia, NOV. 30. ho .hlp<ed fhum Nov. 12 tg DO&. 8lt uOIDlu ais, o4.provlding theY a-eproPerlYE eoupoced sud the hunter wbo hoda the e ecorraapodlug Couponsaôacompasbs A Chlowio paper lait Sunday badl s ratiier exteneive write-up of the growina sas orfsprln* vater shpp.d *tistat clty from, out"ldepoints, eapecally froin Lake çountr. The làbrtyvIlle ap9~gavo alluded ho lu the articlee.titeusenl being tbat the weatbyChicagoana won eves buyiiig vater at lteens& es lou *0 waib tiieidiii.. lu feeling thaltiseé laite vaber vai au conlamluated' ai *0 ma#e iîle use for diab vatrObJ@ectlou-1 &bla. Mr. Graliha wheu askefi 10 vha extent the Lîbertyville voter waa being ueed lu the cty tated bbat h. vas Maoue abip=u 250 galln par day. Ti. aîolie nf Lîhertyville aud ail ceaItrai Lake couuty se vell are ransn grest preparatlona for the basoar beh h.ld Tlianksglving wask abthle.Liberty-' ville tovu hallunuder th. analilca01o .tSt. .Joeeph'a Cathollc church. Th. baaaari last tvo dasindng with d"uc Thankaglvlug ulgit, Nov. 80, at r- whlcb Neleou'e orcheat, of Wsukk(an f1 vIl play. The money ears.d by the le basar vil b. ueed 10 psy thse ISoallug n debte of th church sud lb le boped thal la tlis yeur eaun more vIli b. realhd than ,t lait yesn vien the. pros* amSut1 a ffly $1000. liuchImet baibeen ae maufe.ted aover 1h. slair' sudmmy bi vorters are out lanhe aine of' the la churcli sud frontthe prist outlook lie le fur abould h. th. grsewt lu the hlatory vré ôth jb ocal psrh. Qomo velvsklol W rice vilI li e de Ofelcialabasas 10 aniosgtiibom ga Qogy and à ldea lo ftiu2*etos mat ls lw #» 8». Pild" dUpli, m col no fic gl t re Iini "fiato @&y lliat no townuluth. outy bai bad a more eteady sud aormal grovtb aluce the. lait goveru. ment canine titan hmai Lîhrtyville aud fro the preeent outlook the grovtb givee prouile of enduring. X ANNOUNCMENTS X Thuraday nbgbt of tue vweek, lIenton C.Crawl porîrayallet, aI Ithe Union chureb. This in tbe second numbar of th lecture course au preeuted thie wluten, sud la deeervlng- of a gaod atteudance. Friday ulghtthe Qet Qgivq Ita hirdl iformai reception. The tvo dancesal- ready given have both bea very uccos fi affaire sud the. club, compoaed uf ronng mon ofhe village,ielu I thrlvlng condition. "Tha Power of Wltnaaalng"will lie Bov. Lswlr'e @abject atltheliethdifl hburcb Sunday morolng. Zpwortà .eagul eneting at 6:15 and lis.e vesIF4 ervice begluéa ah7. A cordial Invitastion The unionThanksgling aerlce WUl b. bail lia I jabathe Methodba hurchl. Rer. Quayle yul prisai Dey jOur Christma gifle at the l(abbodl hoas!, Dm .8. Thé $opte for Uusdsy moralug 4ai E>va Wsy.»;taul"seevmblag 1h wll h. '¶'he Min" osul 1h wueh th. People ofi Ubarlyvlfla" AUl5 invited. , I 1 vil-usee wl1 itre.mC. C' #Qlv am( i Fuiar aftasoo. NOV. 17. 0ousfoplw wul h. llad aetl"ameeting. lng froin ejeelin, hwiacie, servo- ms., etc., M mert tise opitician, yuLlb h. st bahbomi-Ofira. Duaaberly, LIbertyvlle, Tooeiay, Nor. 121. HaveO youireyasbxniila rie wbth.r ornol yen are ria o beby.' iSale «qléHousehol4 Articles. Ai 1 intena to move away from Libertyville I bava deddâwdaoeeof seveMa articîeseo! bouiehold farulture ab privaI aeni, conslalug of chare.,table., bediteadi, vams tanda, mahtreaiea, b.d getrIngs tove., carpete, sud maiy th0er artice., vblh ihdo nol car. b a hlp. Coi n an sd eeiet sncb article. ai yau ueed. The prie yul snit you. W. j. W&aREN, Firet sud Orchard Streete Libertyvle.- . Horse sale.. Ther. yUl h. suau sWUoanmis o vestern iiormabaIthe Rsroad stock yards, Libartyvilie; Balurday, Nov. 18 ailp. m. ahrp. Droken sud uubren, velghlsg up 4a 1150, jearflga b5 'Taftna- 0 aontha on sp.* proved note.. WWvr»N SaLa. STiLu., 1ropa. Elginav"" u. Eakel. Boter onstise glubosnd of trainl tbf, ek llug et UX a".aaspoud en aitauce et lemiet xblt «I 4" on s ie faléebloard have Men'sFelt Boots Men's lRateansd cape Men's Shirts and Tien Gilob vels sud flsmatead, The »lreoIoeY au Ince'r. ta Popu. PLACE» Atr 1,780 SOULS. Bumstead, the. dlveetory ms, bam made public his figures forth. ,populW. tion of Llberty"viUq snd vhlle lb. uuuk- ber of th. Ishabtents do flot appas!M balsa op tb tbexyactatlons of morne, üh nevrtiu saIlîberalo-' ThMl ym eb.dlreetory contiline49t nasîaàMaaadeltfathe pruetlcealloverw lead tumultlply tii... by Ivo aMd ose. ha tu detannlne the entAis population0,J UÀberlYMila j.gita1,730 Isabltastt. Tw yaaie&go0 Mr. Dumteada soent gave th@ lova aa populailon 0f 1 ,470, tha ln lut two yuaae here id a gvow* M6 or about alxteaa Md ivo-thlrds par sent. Conaldrlng thie .1. Of the. town tii. nenuu. la very large ie tha Per cent. Whou It le takes mb onaluderatio that oive yearà &go st tbe regulsi cousuiaapopustion of lm .th"anea hundred w.. given bY lb. govarnmal tbe growth uf Lubertyvilla le ail lii. more to b. wondered at. Llbertyville la fat bacomlug a favorIte reeldence town sud ln general aspect sud thrlvlng appearance attracts mûre thâas eseuai notice from the viatora who coma to the village. The. many Indus- trie« aud great amounte Of mouey ex. pended lu buines blocka, réaldeuceansd factory buildings ai vel s e i.largo" sumo epeut ai both race taucka ln the past couple of yaara. really giveatii. towu a mlghty stop forvard wbich tbe incresie lu population figures dosea not Tennis Petticoals Ladies' Wrapperu N Ladies Teunis Gown FOR MEN- Ladies' 811k Lined Gloves Stuffed Pin Cushion Foru Infant' Wool Leggins Chlldren's Underwoar Duck Ooi no i M.B.Colby Mercantile ù Thero la a oput dlfoeuoela Rubbp- oanuot teil it la. hmur ap"urao. eos tbe i sus a n mluàmTi mm»a ~f tabU 1~ brsnd that ln the èxaMutl U-I 4-. 80 aroment tts . atw es woyearshmu beau 9Mai pu Th.vcserred 6*** rnss $cmon .s*ts Unes ain am the w l tlu»W*md by yur uubb«4 .at TUB FIR uov~v -4FREI)CROXe >1~11e ils LibertuipUe, I F.P.Dyo, LMCE CO.N4Q Tour ioflctos.Ftmm* la Mno* thliWow t6vmmolw Boys' Buits Men'aSb New suitingu Gloves and i I... uwhjvioe

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