CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1905, p. 1

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LAECO-UNTY INDEPENDENT. VOL Xkiv. No. 8., LIBERTYVILE, LÂKE COUNTY, ILJMOX8i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1905-8 Pages $1.50 PER YEKAR IN ADVAI kfNlostiA STE RAIL WAY FURCIASD BY A. C. fRST. Ol4ICACOOi MILWAUK<EE ELEC- TRIO RXIL.WAY INTERESTS GAIN CONTROL 0F ICENOSMA LINE. Demi WiIi Enable Lake Shore Road te, Run Thraugh Cars ta Mlwaukee by Maklng Connections Wth Miwaukee Street Light and Strict Railw.y preeset Inl>' realized b> the. meJorit>'. The. rosid le at present belug operated undler the. mme systein as l in he Pest buttalter Detember 1 cars un lbo rne over iéli les ta cannet miti thce Milwraukes StrestItailira>'lins. ht le hupedta gsi the Milwarukes cars Into tihe Cicgo business district betore agreat time by making connections with a cable system or by eomlng to.jerms 'wlth the Northwestern elevateti. Company. Persanal Demi »y Frost. The Kenosha Street railwia>' bas lisse The Kanosia Street Rtaiiway Company lin operatian about tira yeare and iras laet irier paseed into tiie bauds ai A. C. bult t a cutai ofns $200,000 and Frost, 'ai the Chieago & Milwaukee bas no fer paid annuailly about eleven Electriù raiiway the. conwiilration,it lenlPer cent, on tiii inv"'tmient. The stated, lteiîîg :150,000. With tiýCocmpany lîtldm a franchi., for a pet-lad cloailiig af tis Imalthe. c. & m. mi Oftilfty .eara tirer te iest streeto af the ha enabied taualicrate tbnough cars cit>' and thuti Frost ie practically given betireen Evilngtoui and %ilhiruice altcer the. monoptîl>' ai the street ,reilwav th ie nt aiDeemenîar nheu it le an t)biiipt'i tof etiocha. It instsated thet nousiced tht. gap betweeen Wankegan the. ro.d miii hilong ta Front perso4eliy and Kenouba.%%tM iii lie anîecetl. and whîle it trill be ver>' elîteel>' con- DealI nterests Kenosha. nected with te Ciicagi> à Milwauukes For yearsç the Kenoia treet ltailway ins it ivilil 'lt Pa»Pifltottiec oipauy'î bas i coked the. deelga oi tht. Miiwaukse naine bîut wilI rertiain a persona lohvent-. Street Ligitand tir4teet Rail way coumpan ' ment of Mr. Front. wiicl lias plaunet- t enter tiîatrity and Formai Opening Dec. 2. extend ta lhue outliward. Noir mcli Invitation arc tint et tire instance ai the rond in cihe bande 'if the. Front in- tht.Cii(aga & Milwanukece Electric Rtail. tereits miicli erdetly bave sortie r,iadDConîian>, ncc1ucting the presence distigict uaiilertanditig ii the Milwau- of menibens tif the prets, iounty, taire kee wauîpaltv ail tut-eeobsitacles eaul and village Officiais aiong its ins, ta tii. sully be ovreame. formai OPt-luig Oi the. Kenouha extension The roudi bicli noir paumes lot an Saaiurday, Der. 2. Frants@ nains was fluamcsd1"îY Blan J There wili he upecral trains to couve>' Arnold and bas heen operated under bis tii. gunts ta Kenosha, whbm. a luncheon pet-ouai direction and ail the. bonds afinleta ie served upan theirarrival. Thes. lb. campanyw ers held inbis naie. Ths 'aPening receptione" ty the electrit romd iransfer ofthti road miemade kmain people have came@ ta be quit. siborate le Kmosha camsdi conéldenable coin- affire and invitations ae greati>' pt-lid motion sas ts purebase oi tie.rond b>' by thois reoeiving them. It le b.iieved tliC. & M. munet-suie that Kenosha wili gir. ta the guetsaa placoead wiH i prors*strans- ransing welome and the occaio ,Portation facilitaes te anecitent ot et surpasinleeunjabiity ail previaus ocge. ' LLINOIS ~ ~ TAT Phma smp.y est-ei ta ut a pl NE~OCWl'me refused tuopermit h, cand - tutigu G. . Wtihns i.wVa aardati fimmagis aoflv" cents andi two .1. Luardedlbmaaagm . Te, mimd ras mdeon the bbaseo<f Chicago.-Mis Mabiel flmm u asthe prapet>'helg 'orti SMpar i given 818,0110by ac>7juryndle JtioGary'. acre. court as a bain: la eronPOX0 bt-mah- of-promife suit agalas Joie O'Neili. MoMd la a New Lanes. -th tidc'. racic levathon expert. A iWciford.-Un. Britiget 0OBrien ded euleti verdict wu nechati attir 13 hmansauthe stivencei as aof 105 ysar. bains' dilimniln.Tiecacse wu MOc Ackley.-Alone, thlief>'clet and le à of ticemm smmetiamal damage us slieeof mcmntalmaberraton, acet Mrs. sV« trieu lnleChicago. Um aBOleal, 18 IL. hock, of Ibis City, travelet 20 mhita yeu's aId. meIL yard O Oill M5 ~d mautheAcieabousin Ackle>' b.d bai lAva aubig bomne for a enu et f&Laru& Tesa . eil neo Oi>' icgo-A pmtwba . escht- si gossenst mithbisia mai, but »rIplil the Puealmody> convention harodo-. liaih@ l 8fls rsagg is hlm mlr. Me« ui 'l.omd.Mi iUgit," Prust- lest mcebeys favorite hymn, sasun- ]Dr. Wehigmuth la Demu. Mt o@ui lc fwr ousetfths oldesi resldonuuoficontrat fEt- o0*"a*- a Uct rote tu flapIs Wsmlm¶,physicisa"afha ibis Cook couyboard tual h.ope friiodof ndlos edboe. e WS MIUO ter aPUW eliPuthes 'a ie for mmm>' ye"rpreideet ai lie Oak & ttsam trhiS. litige coesery bo@es, ti, îcIIcontras HlIsbO--aft Anesona. w'vi the. 1oom MSpisil 0e0M -mait *ào MP Aqfr7lb. oncm a- Ridge las beau made one of thc mut I-nW"a5toal gullt>' ald sotnl bsc*tul l cem!Wr liq thé Unitedti " rewemictar>' At Poà*U puais, me t«ftic mutprue Ulpidemic et Iphti& ftrtm aas wVon aslniutaclns Opnhnglld.-Dhthoan sua -prove- dS ais cter a short lîneas. M. ltout lic hecentrai anti southurese" k>'blhlvs. lieutenant le Camps.>'a, tlom oai lis agthat theiesge s d litueqpIn limma Infstry. of boli bas aksn vieouxas lips tu Chlcrng-Srai Benhardt mdea sua.> iouint, l.mmm>' of the. indien nscn-broakleg rue Imsu New York tu tote i aools bave beencoaed.Chicago a teOPOn horfareveli engage. Ths boardbas sont ot agents ta le- ment and recaïed iau avation on ber vectsgan d taie chargeofaitic quir-- arrivai. atins regalations. Ie oui tain 124 lnoln.-Derrt Gibson, e youeg man casf es oa amongtiche3,000 Pp-ofi-a2 0 Yeats, met a horrhie deti miRoi<i. ttenuptieg ta board a fnight train. Him. bady>'"<astcn tva b>' the. beois Burla Cbfld Tirough Whndev. aofte conand .ihoexpiretu hsteeti>'. Chcaio.-Mns. Bedjaun n Oot, living Chcago-M&yor Dunne.. le a letter le Wells treet, tht-ew ber lv->'erold toae Boston magazine, caatgem that tic son ont of the thind-etor>' mhedaw, mter b&unu espgpers anad counei major- Iedulglug lu fremîsh bobevior that led i>' areinleffage ta dofuaimunicipal ----#ornelghbons tu believe botInsane. Tie amnerahlp anti predîcts that lie>' uil al'ss l mas fractuneti. ced the mothfit . followoti tithe dea b>' tirommna henseif pROkfOrd.-Mirs. Pioche Cnrpentot-, tbrongh the giuss pane of ithe r lu an of cils cty, receetl>' oel.chtatedieonaeo * cRoit at self-destructon, beihevhng ltheiutnredanti fii bitida>' anniver- doon to ha a mndom. sar>'. Si. mas bot-n t Hoasick, N. Y., November 16, 1804, came ta this coune- Pora ]tenr to ay Divid. tyl 80adba eie eesne Peanh.-Recelver Batty, of -6e. ite la>' in 180 md blt nedi hn, che. ria nathonal bank, wmici closi is nhya hu mori ea iali c iv doa Octeber 6, mter the Dougiert>' Mmmm> ers or.P.Sotcara expose, mnauncis that tiepostors in Mfate ath.-T.P lan t omso,hetmn reSlvi a divIdenti ai 30 pet- cent, 'De- 0 . tma cnlcmIsin a ombat- L A second tihydend w , b mat ghven ta Monmnoth caihîge $10,- fioclaneti lunJaniicry. It le now, etl*00a atofte$00 e dd e pierieut tcdiohes iilm dreV Carnegie bau promisidtu tagive Pin cent.the collage ior a lut-ar>'. Mn, liants Mai b Asasin. ina agraduteeoaiMonmouth Collage. Pyseport.-Mrs. JEt-cm G. Anderson, Sprnhefel.-fiecrotary d lies Rase _ V of a sloonkeeper et Fonneston, IioicIceet eapnt i *84. chai andtiInstmztly kilet b>' un- Cbqleeton Railroati coups.>', irbic imouenpensons.The taulliiveî ave! proposes ta construct a rainocil trMu *-tic iclo an md the siat was nredtutule arleston ut erl>' titotigi Cléessnd thme aloma. . tla h uppasedthe tii. t Clark conustat a point lenCCrk cane- Wuas letentid or <iblerhusbanti. 'rres t>' On the lins tram Charleston tu Terr sustentes aveb.ud Haute; led. MoN9v TO AID THE JEWS. ifankega NaiseDonations To the LAment orffla4et Marne Moehug L"est There- day Nlght. Fou AID or Ol'PRESIED. Woukegan test Thnnida>' ulgit heid a mass meeting ta raiesinuds for tht. long snfferng Jews af Rusie and iuccaeded tu gstting P441 iubsc-tied ibunoeaeven- ing. The xmeeting mas calied hy Samuel Schwartzatmitlb.Schwartz Opera flouse andi Reubon W. Coan maë intt-uduoed as chainina. Proisison Getteieteiu, of Milwaukes, iras proenet end made a scriinnd effective pleafot- the proiecntted ileirews. De fiayed the civilization ofthewclma-d ~klmg PM- TTJURY FOR ProusentPiest uSed Dowiaipe 10eaco2 la lihe List. lifembeni <of the. ptit jury as drain for lie Deeember tonim hich couveese Monda>' iii.4th, le as siamu beloir. I iih b. noied tual Father Gavin. ai Waukn n d Doacou Speicher, ot Zion City', are lin he Bit BrETON-F. R. Burt-, W. A1. Curtis, James Cols, J. A. 8pelcltcr. AXTIOCB-Hàîrry ImItit. WÂARuzN-Frmnk Burke, John McClune. WàtVgEÂ-Fred B. Alden, John Carison, (1e. Hicks, Prod Groose, J. R. Gleason, E. F. Gavin, Miartin Holîsteiu. Frank Metchant, W. J. Oliver, J. T. Panker, F. J. Pundi, Fred Erikine. SmaurnS--Oege &fletrsori, C. C- 11S 0f M ER. Stricken lu Mexico Descon Wm. -M. Borrie, a PromietnIr Zion City Attorney Succombeh et Hie Home. BLOW TO MEXICAN PLAN& >Past Monda>' morning Attorne, Burt-le, of Zion Cicy. arnived ai diai place in tht. care of a Nonîliwsstenî officiel a tirongli train being stopped ar arders to let the man off as lie was sic] unta deati trom a lever irbici hi caught lnu Mexico wlîlle there witih Dr, Dowie aiid bis parc>'. Bewoe, Sidney BnrnldglaîdKt. A carrnage iras waiciug hum ut the LETnrrVÉLLE-AL . G-fier J . depot anrd lit wax taken imînediatel>' ti Morse, Frank Wilson. his home wlire lie was given ail FnEON-J.J.Luebît-. tic aid tiat the laws of Ziçinnfard. bin g: .ELA-W. F. Hall, C.%V. Kothl, Chatces nu iedIJCine. fit. as tO Spent that hi .'é skl teJeis hi-catue tic>' are Schiz. I could not stand and lay exiaulitetil ntil é.eî ilt hlidnsu utenWs; t hey .i--erestaliger, lit-. M. uîght ihen iitwae discored titat fle recl te iren and girls tey dt is- Weiduer. w fast lailiîtg hum. At about 4t:30 in [es, and cvilization @s h ai DEERFIELn>-jobu Bra.1 Ni. j. Canle>', 1 teevenung in1the- presence of bis afitnly 'anti, dipiomet.>' ill not permit ne A. Raobertean. bched ied. set-ferp, ire are sorry but rannot- ThoseeWho saw hulit on luis arrivai aie t.- Rare not tht. Jeirs docail ifon insae ht-ewswr l rpoective lands' tint could bc Z10ON CITV: MAN io ttdta liiaswrat lai1 lieu? Have tie>' Dot dans do emaciated, yellow nesamit-on and liardly Ias the natives tiemisîlves' Tihil TRIES S UICIDE. able to necognize bis fn-endae. t.vai n Ameri"aas cii sa even>' otier sent on before tie reat of the. part>' in Itny. The>' always ausmer ta cails di tbings-for Nvan, futr financial aid, Drinks Carbollia Acid on Lake bajies chat tie cool nartiern, etmoîaphenî And Ticodore Rousevelt, the Front at Waukegme; Cause would cure the malaria wbici liecou. test ai great men, lh abliged ta tracted lu tie souCi. fie had accom- db>' and do nothing, aitiaugi île Not Kitomn. pauied tihe Mexican part>' an its crut iin evident>' res for tient, cries tonr___ imad yet ho le unahie. on account of order ta set as lpgal adriser. mac>', ta do a thing ta help th... Lest Satorda>' mornirtg a man baving Thene ile talk that lis, deat4. till he a imac>' telle hi. ta, remmain inactive ail tbe animard appearances of beiug in iejivy,. blow ta tht.'Mexicali projeet as mot, if ho mouid tallitmnd act as bie the depuis ai dspair appteared et watt.> l-rs ini tic white dort irhhe, . Ildsur>thed >'ii.Pearcedrug mtonp at Waukegn i' han- Ia(ly ast clîcmr net-vssince or befors bas the condition ai tb. and aeked for a battis of carboiic adia. the. deatit of Burrisandit ublic>' announçe trodden Jeir, the. manderer ou the Atter m.asuning oni lhe drug, tichener thelr unillhugness ta go ta sncb s 0i the. earth, been, no toncibi>' queitionsd ithe woob4" purebagen of the'cilimate. But-ris had been sick for saint chi ta aur veny douo m as e bodrg but una"]* tu get satiefacto>' time accondiug ta reports eumt-tiutn Rl thu. irben the. relieifunde are anawOrfram hlm aM~usblm the poison Zian but him condition, had heen carenhll g alleced ta aid the victime ai and ieiophoned ta ailtheoatier pliarme- canceaî.d traint tte people bnci bers massacres le vallons Rus" ci". c1e4 le tOwa mot tWeieHila s hasus- util hir as finahi>' rcalised that if hi tii. Jeir, the mm itmant a peetedti lai lie- . v outempl*ted reuainsd bc wouid sunel>' die, tien it tr>.1k Ores moue bsmg proee d lsuicide. wsdecided ta. send hhlm boute et once. as ho did cotaos ega, le Dot 're -M t terward tnhed ta get ithe ed util the lacto are brought bc- poison si varions drug stôres but wus HinOmseeAgmie. as b>' ans ai the race Whbo bas givîn t-Sfused it. Laten in soins manner ho Heiu-Ornetein, tic iustling Wttukcgat earc ta the camse ai bit people. mmnaged ta gsi a emall qunit>'oai h, mercnts are witli us again ti, ieek ad ail ihis murder and rapins ho- ced goieg ta ltse laie share raiseti the iiatr aeau vibsecie the Jeins are Jeirs. That venv via! ta bislips eud tirank le onenath atukupgei-at-ains i a dered a y th aig orve illagchantd eaosh Tr ml by arh. i at.their big store. You iiil flot fai ta iho dthe tieu for pilafe th e ai gnoumd and rn o t the police station thaniful if you avait yoluns.lf bat-gaino for ihai purpoee mmd yei Civilisa- here tho>' repr>oted cttr-ed>. tie> are offening. Rend the ad! senti. word tinaugi dipiomatlc The police iesnred a wagon and sls tsiat e au <renoSecr. IL. hsteneg the Lifting jus siiffeieed Loir Retea for Th&ankgiviug. m ukIspemi, If tho heani m cuid b. mre. criai a stony cmuid b. tad. Il brumblotite nig tIi.'drave thIl 0rs on 're Chicaga, Milwiaukee and St. lPaul nambor of local me ofnoie too tIi.gallop bac tthce station mhere Dr. iholmas ' il ltsentickets to poineo in the, meeting mad d d n heDanieo as mwahting thém.Fonsral îute lnne mibhiu a 200 mile lunit at one dons. Beeldus chainaman Coan boura it as ihongbt che mmnVolis nd ons-third lare for the round trp. l ào tan i be tret in thbe bho is Dow ecovetingast the MeAUlaer Tickets on sale November 20 sud 80, ; rsal Judog$ Jouis,ttone> J. K baspitail ibere he iraspbesulb>' iii good retnng until Decemben 4, 1905. mmad Attorney' A. K. ilere.e cil>. Be iras laser identlied as Albert Fon detaile t-egarding rates nd train > m el secured i Ul ho orwmnded Kamteisrg, of Zian City'. The cause Ion service ePPLV ta your local ticket agent. isbau lb. med in ths dlstnlcité b ie aisapita cmmmiii suictide inset _____ ton usRuisiongovernomntonfy ion ______' lnnae lce e. My' bavlng givon 1l@ consent ta Bieniutaler Market. Tôn> Troâr, 28;, Miii Zuldoftie, 26; th donations diatnlbed ta Ithef1bom e re no sales an offl.ngs of Waatie<eti ing botter ontheolIgie boardtofai traion- LouislaRouneLibertyville, 49; Mrs. day, lt épries e mning isea.:;asClStS Spine ULlLrtyvbl, 49. du, iioullve odhtorlale ciaracie tWer.1a 5ký 28 ~cet@Wn&.Tbeo oUt1 W..John Se y Aptaish, 28; Emma iiim~llsties. .pas S fi uia e , o - HcgOlit oLiGraiffl . F _This is a charming love ro mance ful of exciting adventures admirably related. We have secured the serial rights for our columns and will begin its publica- tion in an early issue. Prom tic morment liai thes meand the girl, wme asli auvil of thdisgood mihp Sirdar, ene descrhbcd ou tic beach et uheir lsland until tic Is page, Mn. Tracy keepi y«n le Iseuuet. The.people lu ibis stor: r br t-*anmd mopuppota. Altagetier lie novel teaagMe ivmsmt.-New York 2it".. lut Sun. II. eWlngu et ibis Mosne n le nfaItics. book tiat Y«n jusi nîvX ta o udtomesboy lt U alcames out--ia PU8LJI 1D N TtSPAP15R SO.LDIERS GUARD PREACI SECOND RAID ATT! HIGHWOOD SALOON FIGI4T western Unversity ias f s"'111 AROUSES LAKE SHORE TOWNS Marobal Gardon, of ubat'subinb. AND TEMPERANCE PEOPLE bY the BeÈz parlsns, and aausi ARE ACTIVE.Warran teasalat twebty-lfe iv as ' ARE ATIVE.saloon kespers, a numbeof aI sU4%a vaded the town and prepared tip More Saloons ta Open in NQrth arreste. Befare tbey had gons a , Chicàga andi Waukegan. Where vr hywr e yMrbna Liquor Men Profit Because of High- wb threatened tu lock tham en nj !Y woad Crusade. charges af disorderly conduet il itiu bt @~~isted upon attempting ta serve b1 .nTht' Rev. George E. Parisoe, the High- rants. The he explalned thmgàIl s wood preacher wiho ba@ begun a cain- rants were given ta him ho wolnM kpaigu against the Highwood saloons, theru peaceluuly and ses tth* ibi le let hie churchà Sunday eveninguder the ants appeared in court. Tht. eaub rprotection otftoldiers sent froni Fort the Rev. Parios and tbe @ià* Sheridan. A squad lef t the fort under whose warrente were swarn ouitI lcommuand of Lieut. Hlackett and spent day before Justice Jackson in Evama 0the eveming witbîn a block of the Metho- Rer. Pariiseflled the complW idist churcli, where the. Bey. Purisot. alleging that gambling machine@ it preaehied. opel-ated in soins of thesalons and Thte preather and hi. fiends believed patrons of others were dfsordevy ian atternpt to place hlm under arreet for Other Saloon Mon S.elE lcarrying concealed wsapous woulâ b- North Chicago and Wankegbl'..* n made, andi the arrivai of the Lsoldiers, keepers àze joyfuliy bailing the new n Parisoes friendw say, iras the ouly thing -lation at Fort Sheridan -whIch lail 'bief) saved hirt ironi: arre@t. doldlers ta go to Highwodesp The oetudent iprearlber ivaé tbreatened pas& issued by the officer in echaigo dfrequently duritig the. day, and large this ouly eat stated intrvals. crowis attended nîorning and evening Since tItis ruIs bas beeo n e eSct 1 yservices,.fHe niade no allusion ta his bas been a regular erodus itrom à Acanipaign on the saloons ln eitbcr service Sheridan ta the nonira iqu nother tien a statcrnenttbat he inteunted whers liquar ia dihpsneed ; mg .ta kecp bis reforiwork sitparatetrai n ortbsrn saloon kespers bave, ce hie citurel work. quentiyhbeen reaping thebhareot. Wili Continue Fght. North Chicago bas been elcri The fine of march ta the station- wa the statement thai Mare saloos 9 liedgsd wmiti men and boys, who watched b. built ai that place et owc,.aNI9» 8cte parade go bv wlth enîlen mujrmura. purpose oi compeiing for, te ou 1On ans aide giawed the subdued lîgite ai ihat his decimred 'Hlgbwood ethe saloons Rev. Parlnss bas been endea- throngrh the capalgo =mas evoring ta, close, while tram mithin canld. Panisas. Mayor Jobb. irw abs heard the balinons fangLter of that irbile more Seloous VI ethos engaged in drlnkieg and othen sdi>' caMmetrefrose ntOWe anguinsaidissipation. .tîlue and prabably »me oss a, Tb* taclt the cabas mersrunnning cIOilG8a iOf iao01 s02110et - wtb theïr aide douroeeps., a guard ai mil Oppioe 9as1lon68 as 1 Ilk l eenirencée, th keep ont probable spotiene, tfidtIctlin of VODiOfli eameeuwz mt nd wftlW crtIIlne ooerlagthe fronts thé 110100M. tbe!pbWt, ibem se ced fEnedaynetbî j M g a fflt. b. thai now ibat Il.ebad estarted tbe fighiIMarket sirset Waukefma, he would carry k ta the bitter end. lit Wmruer Starch Varka. A 1 mil begin additional proceediegsftest bas be liScelfs reosuiiy d gainst the saloon-keepers ai an eariy council and morq isrrliory, TM tday ta add ta the cas e .already holdo cedsd in vridougs parti s lb e glsttei.This ilbheld tu bave Vo * E. Welsh; irbo conducts a saloon ai awing ta tbe tact aima' Highwood. and Mayor Gibbs, ibo maloothe toriy.ibr sa"emboue laVW awns a saon there, olili b.e quall> de. aimait ail ame utile a radho tenmined in their Intenion ta, romain la blocks. Lbusiness They cattnud tLi ith. major- prohibition mestingoap IL it of the ctises alf Hlhwaod are and at Nortnib ehgae » I efavorable ta saloons ced tuai If the mmci b>'- formerlii. 0" l >business Ina. Fort Sheidan irastaie ndminiauelso f bothii eu >away tram ibth orat e wwohd maibu.ato. * mgtbn profitable ta a single inechjt .in teibe luo >, mm e. ~ .w aplace. 1 pastor oft tlp Prsebyterln Sal; Raid Friday, J. H. $mort, ploilai afi tl A second raid on Highwood neloon cbhe min&" à. Job. .aris, > keepers, by studente oft ot . rtnh- of tbeIWO bo Dp"leebrob , COUNW y TQWtY$S BUILI> i New ir ecDlr.oy Boa Te Be Cube& M lamuei Show. Xewmam I.ouow u Mare figures bave boougm yeont hy TbChicage i Milirab» Bumitelad irbicishow mn Inerme roct>na nOW. ipol t - - Lake count>' towes. Tho liat i rt ieis ie.d bath fla d»gt mNo additions noir gives the population of -e@. The. bulldIMg le evény iawn ln tbe couty Viii ths ex- t taie ti» tiist5UPQ5r7iupq oeption >of Barriegton irbere thie couniaine the opomlng ai 111 bas as yoi ual hein campietsd. taken the placo a esWitoç Ili the tomas tbraugb the South- The tratks ai ibés compaq western part of the coat>' showia ebgt rue nDort& roe lb. ondespOftthe necrems The ilut tu hou<lyeont are UP to daie and a modep~ as faloirs: .1opensd as soia ls cou 19"s iom the irnfinises. h ili Hall Day. 221 225 Haolcomb plans mmd wlI1 4 Buffalo Grave 65 70 camIon 0of patrons of là, ue Aptakisie 180 160. The patronagl, eh *alb Prairie Visir 122 140 bae recelvlng tram o Long Grèive 150 180 western tains mlwbk 00- Laks Zurich 800 880 lias been iteadîl>' lmecqqh Wauconda. 405 508 businesem hlcbti.oe a Tha'nk tram these olniebesie Tauaghvimg Raeeacd Shoot.!I aI the Company ta bcwUll The Evsrett GOnuClib ml hoid De s tation. ieiond neffiea-aid shoot et the Vernonj1 *. Hanse, HaIl Day, Thaeksgivinu Day,, Nare Dpr bb Nov. 80 et 1 p. mn. Tnnkeyî, gese mad. Accordnlg iôlisWM chickene ii b.ehot for. _ Editor Fowler aidmao nom Tconlsreece Satundey and c Seihal Stor>' Ommitled. 1m*es i mliitib edioq ir f Tic final Instailmient o! aur set-laiepr, the Inimuation bisiog tI star>' mbîci for wesks lied issun uuing 8bonghl ta pudg" *0Bis ln the ,rINuPEEyv1, in mitied ibis pitilimaiti. *lAr h*B"lt wiesi, but ' l net mesi appearnmd w«4M u *MIO Ld taE. Il miithaheconclusion ai The Wlfe'is ecret Çbt" . PF YV51. MbaiI beiglus.the rer>' isu set-li@ver appean- oditor. itwoold mmnom 1 lag infibls or an>' ather paper . sle koPaiiefullaitite- "CODi" donnty,unudar capion "The Wlgs ofi le Muring," b>' Luis Tracy. Our w'yrd Ntc OV~ fo t, yonmnillfid ti ezts@tory .*ri The Rall Dal "wvui' Intensel> intiereting tian mying of nxt sprieig au w the nature yen have ever read. - logte i mtir, m

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