CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1905, p. 2

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y~completud their lias of tr toie is st1mother te asutB d w vre eeWin bo wb berother sou. t*bir fà in Chicago working 0aya lu inthe' Chistmas tree. 9WOM&Nov. 12 tha people of daaof Mr. sued lMm orckkxffl. 1(r. sud lire d an iifine lger.sud va hope *am v*itbus agulu. i lw eunDion service et the. 0 éhuntS. Tbakoglvlug day, ilg M11o'clock e. niL ock.. aum oud Lake churches yl in this meeting. Everyone à' ivted ta attend. md Mms Charles Fooet vere 0 pela" luet Sunday b# dhe 4 Mr&. Lurs Fosket. 8h. vas cdimm IL A. Dean of tht. p lace. Q knovn baie. Fanerai es eb -Mondey, interment et the. Bey, Dec. 2 the annuel meeanî Ivaahoe church viâ ii aba thâg et 7 cock lu tihe eveuhng. ~0 icburch sud congrega- * eanatm y requested ta be .hfreshuents viii ha serred lu reh palers. t4égier épent Tuesdhy and Iu IL lia 'lf.dBeach vera visitonsStud IL. la g ie .vsitlng relatives ti. eek. 'M sSmith sud deogbter Basae, called et Il. ~. Pyassuddaughter lils Churayuicago. 4U Ete Teksipe vois Nov. 14 e t the imi Mamie Docker speut bases bem lia, .0. L evilus moved islbgrooe nis R. C. éxw ibtiked of for vma ske bZurunloli tuis vil IndooS psopiefrom Liharvâlle eud otbsr adjacent te the. elatrie rail. road ta attend. A lunch viii ho ured lu tihe sternoffl sud a oppsr lu the eveblug. Pleam rentemben t ha date sud try to be preseuit. A good time ls amsred as welleas plaeYta set sud boy. Mia. Tldmareb qaet Sunday lu Waucoa. A large sud cootly monument bs. mast beau erettelu the tinteteny in memory of Daniel Wbeeler vbo died lest summer. Paul Ray vas a Chicago vistor Wednesdey. APTAKISIC. lire. Bout of Mdletavu. lMo., îs vIeit- ing hrdsughter lira. Bd Nutter. lir. sud lMra. John 8mith and daughter Anie, of Chcago, visited rela- tives sud friands hare recetiy. 1 lis Marry Wagner, o!f remoul 'Centre, called ou relatives haie eeveraf days lest veek. Milas Lucv Stahi entertaiuedl a fev friands Friday eveing it beiug lber bîrth- day. Mil had a fineetinte and wishaed ber ny more sncb happy birthdays. lils Kate Wagner, of Burlingtop, Wla. ls spaddiga few weeko with her sMater, lZire le t'.str. lir@. Ed Brehm, vas aurpriaed by a numbnhr of relatives sud friends wbo calai aupon ber lest Sunday eveniug. Flrubac's bail was rented sud dancing vu@ ejoyed by ail. Ernst Bruihoat la baviug hie corn shredded hy G. Horchar. The Hwbme, JtdMet But Hnshaand d ile often disagre.. shot soe ma tter diat concerne easci otiier and frequatly the bunabani finds that bis vife's judgleut la tihe hast. Tiie ease of lir. John W. Young of Lineolu, Ill., bowver, lanuitexception, lia": 1 "Ml vile sud 1I h ld a severe cold sud vu- dscldad ta get smme kld of ,nsdlclne I bought myssIf s bottis 0f Harts' Housy sud Horeboond and, tek- log It as. dlveted, vas vel la a Short time. Sh. vsuted suother kini amd vi tiithe'rasoit, tis @at . tmRa sbei ogL 1 Iaivissi er te taiesHarts.e Hoaey mnd Horeboond sud 1Mak e yull bave to deo0lf thegset§ vsll tbf. vinter." HarW leHnd mi onebouud la soud by F. B. LovuEL LbertyvllIe LAKS ZURICH. William Blekas madeae business tript ta Chicago Tueday.-1( li. nsd Mli. Henry Seip iisitai reletivlu nCigo aven Satgrday and Bunday. Fred Auderon vho liasben tending ber for Ervet Shennl u bs esuMed n Postioanfor thupaët ev deys bas Mr nud lins Cha. Selp, of Pelatins, WMVetisit oihre suui. muasmes llugm dWilliam Ablg*ga veu oulted in marrfligs Mé v=U gtip ta parte nnova. lir. Algeiauta tpraspemos relsiobat et tif plc vd. ia KII biehume l=vinh bMadprospeoesuydaw lji viee. sea ita 1*10" Clb I mloli h aoaunVraca ho.M " . ebot au OnRdi ueWeai Ias ida ulitrofvabera ad eromWy. e r syi njoylug s a ik d, sud taauly have moved home wbih they raranuy Ellavor!thtWilcox. andmiady have taken op 1 l the VmsRom homme ront Huige and faaily. >QUA$ hm retirnai -froni SI" relatives et Mlvdare. eltratnrned home Saturday ka stay witb relatives mn vanD, Arthur Borgiiorn sud ,vsWs at home Suauday. 9*9g bas beau tII for a ev i.. LeWis Knigge and Mr. *Ar' 1qiof Lbe.rtvvllla, cfe P. Kmlgge and fanily bts -e.t 0ffL Rock la mbii1oP» bm lucklan's 1$ebma n 07 si"ful rau- i,~o.huilefor oimluMbsgo sud mure to cous. ThWyame.trah mmouh Ia te lilamsofb W .e bave been i tbis aslbbageb orosmtly tklg laids0"mdmnktegmv somp. -The. far, baiebouts arm &l b«V âhraddlng aora. John Btmpel and vile, of Adrlst H.ighte, vlsted et thi Bergho Iim ou, las Snday. Miss" Mary and Emms f8iiti ds on relatives atGneesyLaie lest Saud Wjlllsau Scmldt wus lu Palatinte on business lest wuek and cefl ion hi. brother Augoît. Miesa Tile Quentin vlsltsd relatives et Park Rdge Suday lest. Every one 0of food yen eat that fils to digeet does e poondof baran. Ittunus the entire meal into. poison. Thisflot only deprivastbe blood olthe ueosan tlasue-building ninterial but it pol nt Kodol Dyspepos Cure la a perfet dhteot- eut. Tt digests the food regardien of the condition of ths atoinsch. Tt ashows thet orgen ta et sud *get, strong ase*n. Believa. Belcbing, fHeurt an, Sour tonach, lndlgnstlou, Palpitation of the Heert etc. Sold by ail drugglsta. PRAMM Bvmw Mr. sud Mrs. Henry Brockman enter- tained company Suudeav. lim. E. H. Miaoucombiuad business and ffleasure Tuesdey sud Wednesdsy by visitig sud sbopping'iu Chicago. Mir. sud lira.Chas Herachiergrea Chicago viiter over Suuday. ,,grwr Miss Sosie Mason speut Saturday sud Sunday witb Ethel Kuedier. li. nsdlira M. W. Kuedier enter- tained lir. sud M l .C. Richards sud daughter Myrtie Saturday evening. lire Chas. Berecbherger entertained lire B. Ayere, of Ravesvood Qesdey lest waek. lire. B. L.Trlpp&"ud iaqgheenr assiof Laibertyville vho visited stt-dis bomms of lins. Tripp's p&metà, lira sd lis.Joi. Rieberds sevenal days lest vaek, re- tunned home Suadm,. M. W. Knsdier sud dsugbter Bthe cafllsdonHighland Park frinds Monday. Mr. sud Mrv. Chus. Albiteht s"Uln. Albert liaon vlstos i tl lr. sud lirm J. A. liaa on Snmday. Thon. viii hi no Thsuksgvlng serviu hue= et Tbureday ai ths peetr and Ws iny viii t Tbmmkudlg Toyksy" viti tWer permtb lChieugo. liraumMd atoiay for a Vit tuishW.ou boomrn la boadi. B1ey. A. J. Bslo iboa Iia mpur- srll viin ILE.Ksa d odumlg the absnceoflir, Chicigo. lia&.@&ph b § or Clevelad atunday ta muset Capt. fapi Who a s e tay of lin, or four day, atChoe*eailbeloue sailng on bis laittrip 0f thi e mao..1 fr nila dolas al of dis sbrskilg ln PriVew, ba*lng shrsddd Chai Stabslu at vs Md dolmg Chas. Sp ag.'e ok d emI . lBa Urr la dmawtmibt.g.oilm «Nou, . 1 mme . , atli e mLU"bous tram lsa. i.lisnmsf~ ai Chicigo Uaisrdo.. Si. leuueèW' provs lhb«I isii, *. WW MMalute - lg v" hm@§" Oiha be.1,-' . .I %mâ un ao e a WMUL, a suàwï" TusaNov. 21, st ber houa.i la. Tu.Jahltmter ae hi à adhisues brog»itIn, I I'lday. 8h. isavie besids l d, tve sanal chldaut, bhrmott. t nd ua brother ta o o=b tii. Vemo ivmt àa '1gem sm i oW,ýbnp ai dis Christi" jug, X -c v0nm la oni too 7:15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'o Illi.P.alIga4~ >ao m ewb sorus cern bladsn1 Obregrain bid, utbobabdae WUOmow.y sud aanuniher of cutivatons & ehovol, Dr, MW iuuts hem ua Cmawpi attendad ft, Deerteg raie 10 1% Ï11J1le buggy8 icollu a gedunlng ii ek pnn, vy talitkwagon 14 loch .u=, ug lis inch wallng plov Croupise quickftievai end vhooplng nev lunihir wagon vitb double box su> 000b vkJm ot -ruasis coursi" Il you itIgfatruck wffon. baysrab., um the orIgInel lis'e laxative Boney walking cltivaton, 8 sets dooble sund Tarn.»s oigb sirop le dMerant baumus 1 nev, crov bar, 11h lbslédge front alilotiler .becâouw it acte ou the- bsmmen, lava mower. nllk peillensd hovels.YeTOU cmpot cure croup and atraluere, 28 mlk cana, 50 gr"ala i, - wboplng eaugi uAiil you id the systent grni atone, 2 goo opplng axes, scoop Of ai cogestion, by vorkiug off the cold ebovels, barn siivels, uaqre fonke, lày tii'outh s copions action of the hovals. fonke, aviera, nock yoka, tdue boa, tal Bae' Laxative Hfoney sud Tar doms this, fork epada, etc., 85 tans tta boy lu sud curm &ail ougbs, croup, wboopng. barn, 1i oane vlId yin lu m, S8stachi cougha, etc.l No oplatas. Sou by IIY'VLL Millet, àtack cern stalks, about 15 acresO HUIZY. Lbertg-nille; GRAYsLAKE gooi bill cern cut vith blier. 30 acres Pejnu.c. jfoider corn eut vlth -bluder sud on@ large etmck itraw. Refrebmautse t EVERETT. noon. Regilar tetrms. TheE...t G ... b ilihnI . . I- - MAnvaN DiETZ, Prop. sacoaiaill e sud shoat et the Vernon BOMse, ait Day,, Thenkgivlng Day. Mo. st0et . ni. Turkels, geeesud chiciena viiibeshbt for. liseastSIda Carroll visitai ývitb -Kit Nolea ou nndaey., Umise ice Hoyau of Rondontvsii vli the Misses(lrolan on Sunday. Robert Ml s ecrei a position la Waisvortii .e97l. lir. lelody of Lake, Forait visltad lie Tnesdy.scoîar The ehIliren ofth Everptt olar .elling cnes mon su umbrella te ha raffed later for the hanefit ef the scbool libmry. lireQ Runulfond returned te tthe contry Buaday vhere ae. itende apeding tue ululer. Mdgaett lomat spat Sudaysyt home. .. H. OYEn, Anet. A. 0. &BiwEumà~.Clerk. liotbers overyviiere ram OneuaMinute Cotgh Cure for theaige It bas re- lieved and the. lies of their lîttie ones it has saved. A cer"i cure for Coughe, Croup and Whooping Cougb. Mlies brething easy, cute out pblegm, and d raws outthe inflammxation. Sold by ail druggiats. 0. Hilliard A. Wagner IIÀD &I WàMNE AUCTIO NEIERS. WAUKEGAI4 - ILLINOIS 209 Wablngon St. Phone 8873. OUR-qUAROE 18 8 Par Cent estwaactloaGurantssd. Mer. 15.pd Fe 0. BATThRSHALL Offeru you exeeptional bargains In masonable merchan- dise., Prices ont ' b the very lowest limit consistent wlthl the. dellvery of bout gooda QRcoeRE8JApoul~b .................... and IEvenIngs One orfour s" iGA& I1EATERS make thre hoe. çotàlortable at ang boit. Verg dlean end ioexp«esivé to- use- North Shore Oas Go. LibîrtyIlle Office: Kaiser, Bock. Talophone 44. ~[iJJIM WASSON UONSiaihyTan VBRoEk o.IPg 1 OaFSurdbyn rEll byPstVol. ol.114 page 2>48 Im now the. property 0f GRANGER FARWELL HOM Lake Forest, MI. -TANDS AT- The TIIOMPSON STOCK FARM on. mile eouth o! Liberty ville Jint Wapfson vas bred and owned by F. P'. Harper, Naturs Stud, Mildway, Kentncky, lu dark bey wfth black points, tands 16.1 aud veighu 1200 pounds, and iç of the, binait biood, baing the. non of Teo lrock and the. great grand Son of Lexington. both ou tiie dam and sire aide. lu additIon tetuis h bSbeu for yeas favorabiy kuown ln CanAda as penbape the equalif not thesuperior of any sire of butais snd combi- nation horsas tbey have thera. and thst la saylng a good desI. Be vas tiae Mm of Surepop who took the hlgh jump laCi;,- cago a fsv Yeats g; tii. sire of my bore Dayton. vho took tii, ~ M havvtht ie i.Chicago hors. show ln 1903-04; the Ira t Fll. 'as Kid, vbo teck the. bIne et the. Leke oaiior, nhwl 19M, and the red et tiie Chiefgo Horme show ln 1905. Terms $15 to Imeurs Haislissu opportonlty Yen Laks Connty Iter,.ta bresi tisînmares ta ehiggrade ail porpoue torombbhrd boras et a vsy-dovu pnic. For fonther p&uanlmsae J. W. MURRAY sept. Theaapbshe*tm «*,uf u Blue hdfemb..ach. pu... ............. li or U ............. 5c i i i i i ia.....a. * A.** AL wdèr ..... ........e1 luI~~T oii Pever ...25e IIIW0 rm ana. Cures a&H kinds of heedache and neuraWga. Orbi Cap., 1t ..........45edoss26rc Senit poetpeld eotn ae.lpt of prie*. k1 sud 2 .. A0- L2 W ag.. L cor. GfesS &m"s" .S.. bgm ............ .. 5 lreAllen Dlxon, e ofaitlsets 1ev daya of tihe puat vesi ititrlaie lim Dilqpet Moudey and Tuaidsy WithRmm rieMetmaf. lins.Park Snilth uitsrtalned Mlilaiy licCI l et fWauegun, Suniey. Baerai froni hure attmmdsd the base st Gnmngs HalFnlday aieniug. C. E. tapie fon Nov. 26 "Goda Wonienfoi Work," Ps 40: 1.11. Tbunbsglving airvice. Gladys Stewart, leaer. PALATINE. lire. H. Shierdlng sud othur- rlatives visttei lira. Sblerdln's sMaten lira Oseebdalieranhome l iniago Woiadoy. ' Mise Mmnla Nasse voreeedyretnus front sltwo yean's Vist ta (Iern art l ae*v dla v itireletive bam.. anov eit han home lu Chicag. Dlsd, et ban home in.Pastlu, Nov. 18, liMs Mlton Foaket nee sLutrs Dean, yea0et dsogbten o T. Dean sud sMater ef a. Dean, ail of Palatine. "Besd are they thet dia lu the Lord«" lisla l anmoulug,.0f Hlghlaed1 00v, s a pleasati cller on Palatine fnled Sturdy. Boni, to Mli nsd Uri. William Wouf, ilu Palatine, a isogbter. lire. Hersebiiergenvas veny mgnasbly surpnisa u rturpng trm ebumcb lat Bnnday ta fini tbt & large eircla of frli(ansd relatives hfflaiea pouaon ai bar home sud vais valting buberionw beming..1 liry a. .Btr sud lilsLllly, or Long1 Grors, vera lant caes ione home cf lire Bating Suday eig We e-s-7rysony rta hsmr 0f it serbs lInms0f1lins. A. 0. Masîhar, 01 Prairie Visw, and pnay for bar usd mtovqa7.1

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