fUpho1s teri nt Carniage Timming CABINET MAKINO UN ALL. BRANCHES, CHAIRS RECANED. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATED AND MADE OVER. Raire pur work done by a man experienced. Doî't watt a. year for your goode to b. rettn'ned. Give me a tria that your work la properly attend- ed to. Be convinoed. Every on6 Ilu tbalr turu. I arn here to st*y., IIIHP NOTH OR CSOUTH O A. . . SS OTHOR UT14 0F We have a few heating stoves tht we will make a very low price on to close out. Here is a chance to saemoney on a good stove SCHANCK BROS.,, scIIlRi! uiDUTR Charte& A. Takaeïi, Manager Thuoadu.. ovesnber 2 3. Afternoon and evenini Emest Thonipton Seton and bhis wW danimal frIonde ?^sonalty of Wild Antimal. Wild Animais 1 Have Known MAdut Prims for mattls SOc0, no aa rem.red. MATIN"E AND NICNT Umm .iby 18e Pre«*m yo" TEh mm" OWàelteryEv., ToMd MATUNSE 2:30 P. M. Adulte ............ . .....,Mýc a8esS PRICIES: 25c, 386,Oc, and 750. SLIfAY. NOV. 26 1905. i4iicE8, 25c. 85c.0. an.mud 75c. D.a A. YOIJNG, flouse -Pailting 1 have aý force of competeot workaneà for "her dama of work ami cou give gou quick service - m d uarantee satis- faction. teilite flue IODI1 Bil I senl tie Beat of Points on large end small quantities mlued touait. Store and Shop et GRO. TEugS' OLD STAND. MIL WÂUKEE AVE.SOUTH O0F HOTEL~ mal)tmatrport end mIrt ln ellteria oplnlens-Tb Deuxy inter Ocean. It viiioutenlr 02.00 for o enswa If tak.u WU * 0 EDEPINt. DL FREECIL H.MARIN Oflos 2nd Floor Kaiser Elock. -Miwaukee Aveâue. Boru:l1to12 a.niL to3 and 7Tto a P. M. Uàbertyrlile, Illinois DR . .L.TAYLOR. orse-? to 10 e. m. 2 to 4 ad 6 to Resldence on Broadway, opposite Park. lbortyvie. MBinos.. DL C. P. GALLOWAY. »un&u-fom 1 to 83ad 4 to 8>p. a Libertyviflo. Mnios. PAUL )MAC GUPI AI¶'OBNU AT LAW. - ftyv linoW DL L FLSAMH c ~ DiaNJsT. orrâm ovinLà"E cuninAn mon-B te 12 a. u. mal1lie 5 p. m. DAILY. LI DtvImiI. DIL GOLDING DENTIST Houas 8 le 12 a.m.-1 teS5 p. Kaisr Block UhetyvIie,linole DIL VWM P. SCHIRDINO Praee ilinited to EYS, EAU, NOSE AND THEOAT. Houri 2 to 4 p. m. OFFICEC: Boom 804 STEWrART BUILDING, 92 Sthte Street, Ohiago. It>L O. F, BUTTIRRFID VETEMIAEY SURGEON. ASSISTANT OTATE vUTiNAMUN. Libeaqtvli, Mlinois. LYNCH DROTHER LivcI7 la comctoe Phone 83i Lihotyville,iU. 'A. Y. STEARN LAWYEB 218 Waahlngton Street Wankegaa 'Phpns 2761 NEWSPAPERS »In. B. J. MMsss MAGAZINES In PERUODICALI .S ~ 1~ n CIGAR8 and I . TOSSACO. P;Otine 8îo«k. I talus ORDERS for OUT FL.OWERS q-For ail kinds of aboesald wam foot. musa go teolby's. Roy'Hsydecker ban moved te Wau. kfgan wabe.h. bas entered the butcher The ladies' of Rosecrans mill hold thoir baxear at the Rowecraus M. E. cbnrch December 12. Ail are iavited tu attend. Mir. and lits. Ed. Gerry and Mr. and lire. John Cashuaore moe Wankfgau callets Seturday. F red Cashmere bai couapleted the lob of drairlua the sand for the foundatiu of hie. nem houes mhicb ho mill build ln Wadaworth lu the. near future. Willim Waddel bas returued fro. Mdontaa ith a traiuload of fine sheep irhich h. mil feed at hie farm east of Wadimorth. Y. G. Dietmoyer iras lu Prairie View Herbs4 matthews aul mife more Un Waukofaa on business Monday. Tb@ Ste eLàn.rallroad ie rushlng thé grdling aloag the lino sait o! bore. RetinesoSam, ot., ila not uauchian- P-ovelai so-t. Gem Wa.den Bingham iras la tht. vlclnlty lust Sunday. Huniers bal botter "look a fitie out." e A Cough Syrup mhich drives a col outof thefystsmby acti gassa athartie on ch. bomeis la offoedlaKennedy'. Laxaàtive Honey and Tar. (ean cthe tbroat, streagthens the luge and bronchia tubes. The mother's tnlend mand the chMlren'i favorite. Best for Croup, Whooping-Cough. etc. Sold by ail drogglos. ROSECRANS. The. LadIes Aid Society wili meet with Mur. Tuthiil nezi Friday afternoon to do suoe semlug for the fair. E. 8. Faulkner iras a Milwaukee visltor lest iveek. Leov. lioe iras called to bim home in Nebraska lest %week to attend the weddlng o! hie brother. Haanab Patch and Florence Northrop TrntlestFriday and Saturday lu ue itb lir..E. liurrie. Mire. Huntir of Richmond bas been visiting ber mother lirs. Oliver, irbo bas been quite oick. Aloo Mr. iluater and sinter Mrs. Weloon of Spriug Grove mere there over Sunday. LONG GROVE. Mr. and lire. Fred Sauer spent Suuday etternoon wlth C. Gossweiller aad family. Chas. Herscbberger, Jr.. ment te Wau- kegan Tuesday to serve on jury tuso week. Several of the farmers ln this viciuity dreir their hoge to Prairie Viem Mon- day. Mrn. and lire. H. Miler took a trip ta Libertyville lest meek Weduesdav. Mr. and lire. John Zimmer, Br., entertane-d compauy froua Froenot lest 8unday. Carpenters have been buey laying a floot lu Fred Meyer'@sbaen the let tom day. Mr. and lirs. fichainghauser have moved tu Palatine ire ttoy mIll reside lu the future. Mies Olive Ritzsnthaer iras ch. guest of Mies Laumna .l part o! Sunday atenoon and evealng. B«v. anditMrs. fRuents, o! NortIr North- fii!maIe severei l eson sous of their parsioone horslait irak Fm"ay lire. Wiil Eeer'and uter, lire. LouIe gehntta,- toot: a trip te LIhortyville one day lad meek. Androw Hurcher traeactsd business le Palatine li»t ms.k Thursday. WIII ut aseitel Chas. Herechborgsr la baullng corn stàcks Monday. I L mbdeastoek and famlly spoat Uuaday wlth M. & Mmdlr. FredL.mks selier Mr. wmd Mra. Jab e ecoe er, of Blghl1aea Park, apeat SundaM.mth hile dite, Me. AgusiMayr pal famlly. Mr. amd Mms.Helunsdl¶« wrch.b ga f the IL '~dtr, . Hans -n lam" b aenay. Mr. aM s. Chas. Stempel sntertalasd oempan.? udaj. Wzà. »«U tend family spent Sunday altenoon wlth relative. ai QusaNea CSensa. Mis.Ama Krusgsr, Whoe ias the gous of Win Krusgr mand femily leut ws.k iras suddonly eed away t0 attend the fumai of ber uncle' brother, Theodore Pick., irbo w iklled hy a railreal train t Ws.t Pulm--. Omette Wolf bas goes b Làko Zurich irbere ce hhstaken a position wlth Mms. Tonne. IL U. Grs.e,who has been vTIBIUDg Wiftb Mmiqa t LoGrove and vieWnty the pasi w.ek, Iloon star* for Tiroial or Arizona, where ho wmU spendl ltheinter, for hie h"ath.' 1Born, b lUr. and Mrs. Frank Hoire, a daughter recently, at Cheir home in %hlgand Park. No0 Poomn laCham= r1la Ceugh Rcrndy; Prom Napier New Zea]and, Herald- Two yeas ago the Pharmacy Board of Noer Seuth Wales, Australýa, bad an analyste a"deof a11 the cougb medicinees chat mes. bld la the market. Ont of the satire lust they found only one chat th.y declared iras entiroly free fro a ai poisons, Tbf. ,exception, ias Cbmber- main'.. Cough Remody, made by the. Chamberlain Medicine Comipany, Des- I owra, U. S. A. The abeenceo f aIlakes chie remedy the safeet bot that ca ho had; and lb ie mit a feeling of secnrity that any mothei eau givo. t to ber littie on.. Cbamberlau's Cou g hRemedylseopeclatly recommndol by te makers for cougbs, colde, croup and wihoopine cough. Thts renedy f. for sale by F. B. LovELL, Libertyvifo, ni. WARRENTON GROVE. Shreddlng f. the order of the day ber.. Mmt. John Kelly lm entertaining ber sîster from Chicago. Wm.. iebock and bride, of Waukegan spont Sunday wth J., Loseman anâ tamily. P' I& Beus &Mu son Elle@, are vlsitlng wlth relative. la Chicago. SMiss Mamie Conaolly vieted- friends lu tbf. vcnty reeeatly. On Wednesday at the omeni of the bride'. parsts, Mr. aM i ie. E. J. Carmàoc oeut the marrifge of their eldeet daugtsr Mamie to John Lynch of Ubertyville, Their future home;@li ho lu Lîbertyvlle. om~nHA'L- PTIIRDIIV Tho'ladies eitt $h.Warren Cexetery Sa)IIIIb iE mR U Si soclety bll êf 1azaen at the balilalst Fnlaynigt b.hi, emuas ancrées. in .very--ry th baskets alono brunging ovor tory«five dollaro . i SN ,SîOOI liaud Hakins visited ber aunt, Mm. _____ Dunlap liondaY.ý Sevsnal wenbers of the Royal 1319OWBESG E GU Nelghboas visted the Lake Ville Camp oxAIMIx. ooerDim o7 lest Tueslay aftornoouu. .Afine tîme us ,]go&= 0"Op ] FACE. reported by al. Misses Blanch and Grace Fesser ai- ioulI ain& udaypartY &t the homoeo01 aeenge and l Nmba,. of Crese tu Milîdred pulh est Saturday., theNamb.r 09 Over 100 peis- The lîttie daughter o! Clarence Woolloy cruiser inki Teapedo lesat tli bhm been verysk hbu rat preseat tur n 5 ~ y hnD1 somembati lupioved. ,4%rybm " evaimembeas o! the Gurnscm o! 1. Modoe Woodmen o meia Lonion, e. 21.-..hundred and atteaded thei nitiation o! 1682 anemberi twentysight porsoni lest tluolr lves la Into that 1odgeiluChicagolettnaturd e t.mek oftheicLonudon & Southireei nigbt. Ttue Ohm..Woou ro i r am &llmay cmpanYre steamer Blida toddmere IK P.Scbnyver, Rimer oit the »ner otfFane@4 Poe . B. biedman, James thraceat t rans at W. B. Wasbburn and C. D. Chame. urday alghI, accerding to an officiai isRose Xmue, o! Waukogan la *tiai. givea oui by ch. officeas of ,Mpanling a tom lay at the Wilson houle.bths oempaa. This deth roll Includes gls. France. Cbapmaa aid lm 21 saloon passers, 80 Trenchi NoUa McCornIk, of Chicago, spent Sun- 4adonseiSlersand l27, etobbthecroir. day at tiie homeofe the forîaer's parente. Mbs Mi"le lat Soutihmpton Friday Whill satin g an yster lianer lait eJhdgbfor St. Maie mlith consldsrabil Bunday Mie.Alurt Swanaon found a more than 1» Beuta on board. Hon valulable peau le au oyster. passgseas groatly delmyod by a f9g Mise Annie Wilgon retnrnod home in che channel, andl irbonuearlng St. Tbureday alter spending a irak miti Maie oh* tan loina »verseinowsterm, relatives la Waukegan. bPparonty missel ber course adltoua. Pretty COnnutry Weddlng. lersd on ch. rock.soff Jardin light- A pilesait welding took p1laetaithe houa, tirs miles tramR St. MaIn. The home of lit.mildlire. N. P mason, of coupanys steamer Ada, outirard troua Orange Hall m--utheïr eldest daughtorSt. Ie., reicued iv.e 01the pasien- Etta, iras unîta lu marruage to, John gSmeand on.etfch. croir. Thens arn E. Bunderlîn. of W'aukegan, lest Satur- noir on thelrwamy tu Southamnpton. day evenlug. Ai eight o'clock the med. There la mn unconfirmed report chat dinj< party appeared' the bride- being 7o liad been ma&veul The crew numbor- attirel lu white allk adcarrying bride'. od i6 and there wireoabout 100 pas- roses. hisses AliLa and Lulu Peterson, snea I rnhnn h njrt o! Chicago acted as brideemails wir<le helg ol lonsIn tou eS. aaitu William Swason, brother o! the bride, ustgionioodeaes. onSt rs n and Albert Sunîcriu,.brother o! the Thibrt.The eli groom wone besi men. it-Treeüh Atir 'te ceremoruy a supper mas Kiel, Nov. 20-Torpedo boat --q- served tu the relatives and ummediate 126"~ colll4ed noar Buelk ith the1 frienda irbo mcm ,reeut ta mitues. the amaîl cruiser Undîne. The torpodo1 meda.The brile is apopular yonng boat ssak and oe e cr ad 225Pe-1 àad brt oat of friends. The. grooma men are nus.ing. The dsaster occur-1 ls wieSkaown bere and in Waukegan. ted dürlng the ananeuvers lu Kiel bay.g A great many beautiful and uneful pros- Atreoba iIinia aku eut. were tecelved wbich shows the Atreoba iiinwsmkn e8teem lun mblcb the youhg couple mer. rMutation attack upon the Undine, beld by ibeir friende. mhich bal blindeul ber llghti. tatou lir.and lins. Sunderîlu mlilhoc thome eh.e suddonly usol ber searchllght. at Wjukegau, alter Dec. 1. a'hlch contused tiehe laneaan of ch. '*8-126" ad the torpelo boat got un- LONG LAKE don thé Undinl ow oansd mai strucki A numiier of hunt~iuý- ndayed at tiie smldahlP, canslng the. bolier of the laite. '*8-126'" to explode. The anîdennes or Tii. Fort1111 Sala, .iool will give the catastrophe oxPîsins the great a ,liuu e oini t the hot,..!fMNIr. Frank number of victimue. The accident oc.i Wilkineion. Friday ..% .,rg. Nov. 24, Ail curtel lu the midit of a lrlvlug inoir-1 are curdially invite.l to, .oH1. . toru n sd mien the nîght iras very1 A'uguit Ilanffln %vwýa.. aller at his dark. The borpodo hoatstank lu tour fatiier's near Lte. ilia Sunday. minute.. lirs. Kate Stoffer isiell. lier nuother SPECIAL SEM8ON CALLED. the firet of the meek.____ Mrt. and lirs.,Tyl..r (illwrt visited et Gev. la Fllette gSummnthes ts lillburmreently. son"n Lsglisture te Keet lir. Walter Wbité anrd daughter Marie cm Decomber 4& mer. Chicago visitors Si, turday. CJobn Horan aiea lire. Mulien, e! Chies, Madion, Wl., Nov. 2&. - Gev. La go, mer. vgit0mrset W. White'@ recently. FOIlSte hlaned a oeUlfor & spe- Guy Hook Ivent to Chiago Thursday 0181 segioe th&il leglhmbo ete most and hrougbt onia herse to manter. On Doeosmer 4 te ceailler, amons otb.. L.e Gilhrt, {!Libertyville, spent or ibias, a&cOlMtlau fO,= the Satrlayaet Q Hoke.vs.gos' vimr*te . Um Éabi Mir. and Mas R, McNeil, of Bg Holoir, « US0efaeset na&Tp mer. cahota bher. Snday. ia mlo Dgbton GIr 01o!Chicago, elled on a t Mrab " Swtàie w ieni Ineieheme t Zret he mesk. . anthn*M M mexw Tbe meeting of the cemetery Socety at l15V.la5 thertCdcf 0eobWis lire CLeelaudmlest irak iras quit. mué *1theaIn b Im@& L tprorMus weIl attenled. Mc totem Mise MAY Wilson, of Zenda. Wls. te L j» "M d th&0e , p»"«ilagMr1 VWUtnguer Pster, lire. Emma He[nsen. &ddnb» Md 9%9» 15 te oiOMl. U W.J. Caine anl Iaughtertosed ,~.pamewallaieg fi"ndelaubC' oa teiv laye ibis irak. LT ufdun Mfl M « N. BD. Pratt, o! Evamtôneam.eout &». 155 s. ci etlVub lmmaM Sahzrlayeveniag al nd ijoarrange.- 4a..vilafor àboteublsab mnafor a grand concert bu ho givon . TOq ee Thankeiving evealng l .cinrh. T. . me U. a se m q< P anLe Kms.Sarah Dodgs bma a spiWednee & lIRMite*6ta Mla dý day. B>iebas sold berflarm toEd Weils 1. ndIng* 0 e gUOMO AUl ire.sotny tu hemr o! the dbath e of lw.. eorge Jadeon, o! Evanston, lait irak. O. h US 0ead r 'a pP Ho iras mell kiiomu bore belng a congin luqamiUseM OMOtUbbpsa Of!the Trotter !amjly. Ell. mother mas - multl Emily Trotter ae ester o! Alexader LT io1s% ssrl3 o Trotter and lwmeo! auna Helen Stusag. ta*~ Dr. and lias Tombeugh, o! Weu' s T. i~ i attenbddcburch bore Siunday admil 1 T witi Mmr. Willtanè Stewart. They caiel id5 Sl, OOS als-i on a few old nelghbors irbile hem, er publie mu vo opsm&e .Last Wednesduuy ibeoire ws avery -ILTIN r5s.fmun5a155feeting te .uit medding at the homo o! Mr. 0e easmr*Ipor semtoship =oaan. Hie dengbtet Minetteaid OnyliaGuire wmr.marniel et bigh noon NEEDS 0f POStAlSERVICE. by lev. Safford. Thoy am bath favorite youZgpeople aud ml extend good 1p atM r GW . 0etalytea» 1l.ire. No rman 4%ltase and danghln ua came out Fridey for a tir e dys viit. lire. John Hughes, o! Lake Ville, le Washington. N"e. U.-poetaiasto vieiting heu daughter, lir. R. L. Sttmng. assurai Corebeye h ofrmred te Mmr. Geo. Strair: and lire. John A. ch. ecr*taay cf th.traeury thoe mu.i §trang rerurse.* froin Kansas lest utsfrtipiloicleiimn forer Ui Usc~i*s sang Jan e,80, Tom Andereon i. ber. on a short vii 19«. Ts'so euio ! !romn loIn, Kauîe. ,penss mberv retebieveoflbs-il hies Katim Oai-;uby, ot Waukegan,ielnet Impairtus servaice Tic atwmat 1 visitiug ber. witli ber brother G(ior or r ch. peslirtaiservice. ai ismatr.- Sud!aaiy.. ai. '8118,000,0S. Manornase of $l,- EAST FbX LAICB 000,000. This répresests tho liCOUS lir. andMme. Ni. Weber vIsuel et rowti ofitheservice. Emcb ~aruse Frank tialigers Suuday, - a*IM. lacrefflanthe rural dlivary Mande Wilkinmon visted East Fox service, railmey nsIl asrvicé, cempon- Lake tricual Sun.lay. 'Satlon tO iiotmaitcri, clorks ald let. Fran Galgerle rnnin hi - cm 1ton carriers. Flmr Jugri umll iect or the maIntenancef e uatl de- (irace (jaliger ,.ntertalned ber fri.ld, llvsry service adléls propor sutension Daiey Heiuîkîug. of Austin, over Sunday. MOre tih-$29.000,O M Wil horequirel. The Royal Neigbbore, o! Lake Villa This l. an Incraor e$04.60.000oves camp, entertaiuaul the LibertyvIlle sul the presseiappropriationi. wibid W OurnesRoyal Nvigiubors on ui Iuday $5,000.000 more than tual coflit ymo. atternoon nuf lest wpek. The estimates tortche taleu g aui service and rallamW lnirmeapota.- CU" t bon caîl for an Incros. et 43.M0.000 lir. Crabbe o!fElginc&elelon fniculs Tii.deficit for the f5cal iear 5.10 ber. Frilay. Juno 30, lm0, vus 044,5,84 lin. Chus. Davlîn spont a lwoi lal 'ai PRESIIIENI L¶KS il mxx , voa= m0E InSvi.ANO mli SHAW TuO K UECEZTAUY or T=E TEZLABIUET WILIL MOT LEaVE TEE CARY- NET voa BOXETiXE. Péad«i, at Eoquest oet11a Cii, te q Roua El. Position at lesmafuattl thecls.eoftheisAppnoaoiing Ses- sien et Congres. Wasiîngton, Nov. 31.-S8ecreia7Ny Shair ililremain as eecretmry ofthtiiW trsasury lu Preilodnt Rooseveltfs cab M02 Insi untîl th. conclusion o et tic a proachlng session ot congrles. and, peu- bape, fter averal menthis longer. Il " bhas ban uad.titood, lu a tentative O& may, tai SscrtirySham expetel to 0 .»tire tram tic cabinet, about thecM It N o! Fehmuary noit Ii nléool ho shoul m net cencludo tu rtcifaulsl bis offciai à lubies befoeo hat time. Se. hîmuisît. h" mas the sutientty fer tlisiteoment.out lb' mas unlersbod gonrally chat ho t lesîreul te leave tiie cabinet wlth a M vlom te, tretter freolom lanpremotlng he. is cinldacy ton the ropublican prooIi cl dentjal nomination ln 1908. ltiong blhe ch. secretary imlaf nover han an- 8 nouncol hie Intention te ho a candi- ll date, BStys et Pruel toRquesi. pal Preehdent itoieveltm attention mai r attnacted to soin. receut publications sun that Secretary Shawr bal preeenied te ch,' hlm bie reslgnablon te tae. ffect iiext TI Fobruary or perbaps oarlier, sud on t Monday leho belasconterenco mti the but Socrebary about the. matten. Atter thoînir tU inberview lb masannuced thut, at NE tihe urgent. nequeit et bbc presidoat, 55. Socreiany Shawr bal censonted te suct 0me as socretary ut the iasssury untîl theenie! close of tiie approacilg session of Sen c9ngress and perbaps semoins eatter- mit marI. eue No 1 mmeblat. Changres. ir At leasitira other changez la ch. nim cabinet havo -been lu conteompation, but lb can ho said authiilbtively that tbey wihI nob occam soen. AttoruoY tiie (lenerai Moody, bavlng fermed a lsir ail partnership lu Bosbon, expreised a de- ano sire te retire troua the cabinet hait ot July. The. presîdent poranaddulinlmte vIcE remain for anthor year anl hope. tO Au laduco hlm te romain ln the cabinet moi until a îear froua the. 4ti et nozi the. Match orunutl the. clos. o! ch. Ifty- cri nluth congres.. Ho hasnDot recslved Pan a loinie ansmor froai li. lioldy ou cha chat point. Secasbary Hltchceck, etf mim the Iuterler departmont aielbs lu. ser dicabom bi ie i te bave tiie cabinet li befoeothecconclusion of Prasident d48 Roesevet's terni of! eUe..But lichbas latormod ch. presldent chat h.o mi I tomnw mliim uatirougi the Prenat wm flical îear ald pcnhapmlonger. 13 No Intimation hln Cv1M 0et bts 11cmtic tity r e ic mucs.o Ureli. Itm, lUr. mm Moue aldlia. MWlt.ebek. fuiee&lit lbq la seti:bnathat Ihe precileai 7t vu hms oSmtdsrod th. Question luvolvel oit la the"e £ppolntmsata o- THIJEF KILLS GIRL. Clet UN odflg, Ue. U-AUab*lby M blrgar irbos. bel n-ibl à b al, 28UI a vilu th. lwam ani. y qj S yrwTfflder s t la hS am #* 99. is 'wu t» ftwot sgu , éîîskû maor.h. - igalu Chroga t" d 1m Su niilbaol. malvu àout entai' et the buildngabs »0 *" miha buleSbrouglbS -- Tic nunlsre, daaling ha& hi tie roeus. lesesd, appsemtwlyuiaa pumalo.tirougi thchlarge ais s0et& Bel la the darkus.atireugb.a tWB lot ald scaped. ôi WHISKY MAKES HOT FIRIE. ailmaisdl&,*OOOOO. A Cencllavil, P&, Nev. 30.-At thé A. Overboîtltittilsy at Broadford Bandai 810,00 1108lOns e mhik tu- atee a speotacular ire, entaling a131 leu et 54,000,000. lh. mata lunelol marebous. mmmbuanel tote greuni.f A, iteadi' nortisait mInI, mhch bleir m lis ames. temard the Yeughloghany GEÀ river, savel the t B 1realford, the builigs et tic H. C FrIoluCOkoince- 1 pany aldthe B. & O. railroal station trom destructiona. lTe biuclnged 0 lames trom the. burulna lchol @hot more tia100 taut lato thisr. An hartela of 011 rye mhiky on oac et the four bore buret tic blaalg a i Ulid uAIm aplasbedln lu mil roti 1 Wantt. 10,000 for Ris. Dea Moines, la,. Nov. 2.lt Ella cxi Hanilton tiaks ch. Ms asoalleeq ' Raîdon Marquis, a mealityyouuig ma«t(I stie. roua ler n f. orti 010,000.At SE lent that in the amouat t fdsnuafep aie demaanda la a petîtion Il11.4inuth. A district court. TiW suit mlii cemoe5 0 triai et the Janaay bra. Marquis la am ch. son et liulleonaire C.W. Marquis. Charîesela Ncnmay's Ring. AI Copenhagen, Nov. 21.-iio Chrene et me Normai mwu formalY tSeel»tue ff Prince Claries ofetema* cMondai' ci moeruig hi a Imputation et members uwi * 5U.~% *~s1vel0e~i mOus. NoN As~ emi 0e mIel 15 esfladul IMBU taui--Wbes~BesO Eus. Nc* i. X.AMmA8C LAJN-Wheai, DeOpil llay..........- Ccii.. Maç s.. a~3au TTLE-Beuf Eluspes Texas itees.,....,s,.. Tr~ a um redis, Lt ottb RigîS onTen 2Fs.à* Agt h o.oi,' emtu Miat mal aW. a thes n Un Ni Wb thsa Nch came is. the bW.4.l-1 Rd tIcM vi*à l u lss leomlaOra otmte b"" MD Mid, «M tb ho1*ana Ieao b.. a en agy, 1 I ultable oYa"H l a rvnd s.neMid largend henato P oStt udà Iotey bbc ruepubhem. ]» "tre luci al morved bl ignof e isofieu&mal I cmw Yvek Lte tic state oyd mlo ouneiuedsbut a Dt mh. Nbal aelv.d amis les autImeutahb u tr t u mnator Platt mail h. musa aurnfo theo catrialltiou ne legislablen mhen anp sre bostie to che laierai Estes To1 U , Ntem York. Nov. 38.-Ait. ce mUitessanod bat**n t tong leglaltîve cemusllii nce InvestigatIon fe. tuto lawa'Guag . b i.e preellient oetbte s suranco socltt, tithe > iny Wolaesday.,li. I c syse of t baia, ' lgiumtied.tau ctre tuaNi, anie te moot MnY d [Mm or expeam.' [ume ar e sol d1ie ny for Mmfeby, au tii4 Mr' la reWoturlte 'lvdondi. M. TanrbeR ldhoi livOas se - 0Mdeio ,