4Nen WomferiTal about the good thingu b be b.d at Ibis @tore you may rut qanrd tbay know what 111. ay le t6Mg about. Mm .jouaswu <dht.dwteour 1;30 Ctom bdanlhor adgb.borm reit, go,118w OuDIO«$ixiS or ~ipartloiaiar briud. Mrs 8.t1was eloqueul lu bar prlaeof O4Iqun& giodi, d.olar.d .11* evoe b.d vgtablm Uta bu"sd. 00 11 11lk. frh. TheftitWith the ürdLar4 flavo and" othar ieus of-the. Talk ulth ms about pour nazI or- der, w alvays plamas. J.AR-KTRMdJGGSR ,&-L isdag ;& àordL&A a g iàà l àà i ai WE3AR for ME3N, BOY-6-9 VOUTUS *el* Rubler lalesrkld cat@ from $1 .40 op st..Shep SiCen !o ' 5m 3.50 up SseiiUsd Vents Saand op K," am et Swaters for Bsaid à"Youths, MW$ 's leeced UIJuewear trot. 40ç Up A oie Une of glugie and double brecsted wool aid eotton derwearfor ladies id gents.. A, Complete. Une of Just recdevan d et Prime evar sla iI, beu'gWl Corne ini end Investigote lo Iemis of Unterestgo DOMOi.ma idofli' blonglugi w«Mlbe, mep "ai f9I OMIodmbamar Dic. 8. 1 MW. EduaBtte, of Evasmtou, sesu au.lody aud Snndsy at th# borne ai E. IL Mipwortb. MWme2"l.Treplav leýft TbnriMds motmig fer asvisit of oeversi das ith cl irbeodeWa C*ngo.î M UiÏ " Li la now ecaider at the Whvgpmarket lu place of Mmis AppaM Wu Who baijuil reiguai ber poil ju 1 lliam Wsiro n leslnlilng a uMW lu. wM àlublà umImarket vhjeh vimu 't'a~ pios iâ hlb.a a Ibenest lir, ami Ulm. JarEM olysaofati loh,c tok thi.tbmikivlng diluer ith. boum,'ci lire.Svsu'm fatber, George1 Tia.kWsilg wvsa aberdinlu vlIà vmstlma l kmeiug v thIbmday, Iboughc the pnedng Tnesday vas as mli and1 beutifne asurnmer'm day. E. P. Demmlng, tresmurer ai the flammnoeiLuinher compsay, of ERam-i moud, lad., epent uonda l tbhlmie ioer,1 M'u. E. A. Blmbop. of Ibla place. 1 Well, Il lian beeu a mont proaperous encorer sud lum Libertyville aud thome1 who are not now thankful neyer wlll ha ln su far as îhankfuloea leguaged by1 pro.perlly.i Il Iolemmred 1h51 Mr. and lii.. George1 Hartray of Evaiitou, formeriy of this place, ore the proud parent of a twelva pou"i boy which wae born ta tlhm Ibout tseu dsya ago. Unknovn tu0 zny the Christan lcli;stM bave been very quiety vork- ing up quitéa slocal organliation meeting buniay sfternooue at many Libertyville bomnusfor tbe pat@nierai mouthu. W. C. Hat purchaaed 's nv fur nme- ebnelstalek inCbicaga 10 bomnediln the manufacture of fur robe@ ut the Huit Manulactu ring Co'@ plant. The growing bmlnea. necetated tbm incraaaeed &Mounut ainachiuery. Pipe for the water mains were Ibis veek di@tributed about aine of thm streetoof the. village. Contractor Healey deciareas i,%inenti0fl of laying ail the mains aloig Mlwaukee. avelune this lau, aud work will beglin lu a few days. Moeurs. Hein sud Ornatein, of the Hein-Orueteiu compauy, of Waukegau made a very generone donation tg the Mf. E. ladli bazaar. Beversi fine neck plèce are incfuded ln s chaute eleciati of goode met Ibei n sd viii ix for "sIeDec. S. B. H. Mller expeta to leave for Waablugon mmxl veek vbere ixaai aiguine hie dettesas ai ecretary of- the naval comrnittme e, is iiireturn for tb. Holidays and vhen bo gaesiback lake IMlfm ili with hlm sud remalu for the. vlntar. 1. SWeddlug Invtations are out for tii. marriage of Eanl Howard Corlet and I bn LUns Welis vbicb vii occar et Ibm I," of the bride'. paenmta ounwo- boni avenue Tuesder December 12. lii.young people are veli sud laver- .mbly kuowu lu Ubertyvilis wbee e ley vere both resred. By WatCblngthie IMOEPENDENT'O col- , mme yon viliifini the next ew weèk's luit the. Chritmas gIfta or bargaina yau am Iooklug for.. Merchants wiia bave ý ibe ldrgest, bot aarted and mail ni> to-date stocke are always the ane@ la tel! about theni thraugh the mediumi ai newepaper advertiffeme. . The-' M. B. Colby Mercantile Coman 1wi order la fuiiy bring before the pubik tbm knowledgm aithelin le stock o!ý Chrisltma gonds whlch viii ho pieed on ii e seives tlii.month boascontraeted vltthelixI-oEPENDEYýT for quarter, bail uni fulpage ale 10 ho run the fi rt tIbm veeks ln December. If you foliw these ade careluly you will snrely save iîîoney ai mornËe goodgopp)ortunities for Christmas purchases wil ix affered. A cerinent as e unudation leiW 1»g laid for tbm air compresser which thh ph letla Intali at tbe paver sation to osumed ln pumping water lrom the voil loto tbe big clmern. The machine vil taud upou a cernent blockc laid ai bard aIser, the bock belng composmi of cruabid -tone sud cernent laid lu a sil: fooitIdug fortlixpurpose. Itiolhoped lu tlui magner 10 Rive the air comprensea a foutdatlon vhicb vil! ix 'perlecg oli sud reduce the vibrat.ion t10 1 mMinimm. N. F. Obamberlin reporta Ihal hho a Mauy orierg for vater sud Ibm moft ins blch le viii manufaclore aIhis boItIIng onki butile seyel unable tu OU tis a aosbai ual ixen able mo far th.5.1 lm xacinery lnalalled. The elU'ye Md bolter are lu place aI thl umaf 1i11 lucory sud the carbonatar le zIR mdalmnoit suy Iim. He ensoasMi liaI ho iii bava Ihebutb u~l1yfor bottllg purpomea Ihat f e le, iIe labny and w*liImai té-teWaihAmglon, Phiadlpbli qsd othieaauuru pointe. lI I »*bM 'tutu f ie*valet me* 1- Dim *Mtheloc aelm re m & t li .ibratsiWaukes& hé.ba veRsader lir. and unr. 1H. . oGanuec pn TbankuplvingÎvith freuda e luigblu JLasors Haan, of CbIcao, vwu 1h. gae et Ur. audMrs. Jamnes Young over Tha.hugvhigl nov over exept for aoldrmino«4atrkeybo" iollquaeii iwmoing snu nbppy dreeme. Kr.a i. MauiKappklet0 GiadM*, oet Tb-kegvicg vitb Jobs LiWMdr mi ly 09 "11h - - lir, sd MeIL .W. FunomaudaimbtW ai irviaS lui. qel Tbmkwwbw W'*.ta tba paàtu, lir. andliMm W.. FuMer. E.,.Frenssaof Uion, DL, vho non&dhi- ev metingh m bulI «jutar hJi îtbgaaIth. home 01 Bey. ]EL F. Lsavhr for afle- dan. gaimmmat lb. L. J. Webbbomein aihbralm of Urli. Webb'm hlrtbday. Ail wiga im mmay mûre mncb happy blrtà- daye. Attorney BIllo Churchill sud I' ste Ibeir Tbhikeiving dinner aI th. home of Kre.Cbhuil'i parents, Mr. ud MM. George Wimuer, 01 ti placet Torkeyéamarelliiug on thm Lib.rtyvill marketsaai tweuly renta perPounud- Thia la oui cent higixi Iliau tbsy W-r 1aI yesr at Tbsuksgiving Iim.. ggimem reene and lohnaon, tescixta lu lb. lbertyvillle chool entrtainad a nuanixi of lady fra.udu aItixh home of B. J. Proclor Wedueeday eveniug. A piemanst evaiug vas pasamd and refreehmeula vere served. chrlie P bd in srican IbM . E.i cburchesbal ngivice m it nhng. BeL Qhuaye preackiied.A lor ciupome o Qmebeac Ibmchoir i bo uofe fmrnabed the mui. About lvmuty young laieisud geulle.ý men altended a party lest Tneoday evening aItixh hon,' of Attorney Beni. Miler who wl!! soon' have for WaAhilng- ton. Gamma were played and 'refrmb- meula .rved4 AiU repart a mogt enjoyâbie lime. Tbm Deil NfmÎg Record, pnbibed aI Denver, Cla, lu ità issue oi Nov. 18 lia a four columu article, the payer rond belore lie Amenlcan M iiugVougnem i El P-,o by Fnsuk E. Wire, ofI" bii lt -' ogether vîi ha two coiumn ut ul a anllior. "The Attitude ai Eastern Capital Tovardm Weteru Mines la lb. Develôpmàefit stage and Hov to Atrect Il" ' ibteitise of Mr. Wlre'e addreu before Ibm cougree. sud fIla gven ln fuiR. Tii. Cabliolics of Lîbertyvilliebave ibeau very busy sincus ay evoelg ivb.u tbmy peued op tbir tiree da baisai aI the towo hall Gaod crovi bave been present sud Ibeboollia, deced lu incoiore eppear > ob. reclvlug Ihir @bare of natrouago. Girls vlth bocks are lu evîdeueaid front sppearaae Ibm baisai le asuecasu. Tburmday> Tbauk.giviug ulgit, vIin p tbhefQ; vîit a dance vhicb le lu pragreo m mtbus payer camas off Ibm pis. 1 Attorney B. H. IIer luvlted a fsv of rhlm Libertyvilie fblonde la take luch vltb hlm at Ibm Schwarz Hotul,, Waukmgsu, M onday Megt, sud me«I *Cangremoma Fois, vimo vIs tbo gueil of bonor. Thome éolng aver van Mesur.. facGun em Gilovay. Gardner, 0 . A. Wright, Clark, Grldley, Hauby. He[alb, Croker, Duraud, Pr. Taylor sud iDr. fflh. 1Mr. Fou ietured afi be Sabvarla Theatne liaI meulug sudlis Aber tyv illeparty tayed la hea hlmn. Attorueyi ller bai acepti »M00lu oetlemen of Ibm W. W. Woodani01611i agaslnm the eatalê 01 t we mm-& Peltou. It l iib. reusutbsrd tli If ra. Plton accured a dirate Itou Wo odward lu Ibm Cook couuty coutte an st atIb time la sai lu bavs maie yaffidavit mix vai a urefldantof liaI counny, lutalidating Ibm proceedîngu vixu conteaei by Wooiri via aller ber death relslnmi Mr. Miller 10 o o -alter him intereale. he ruuuiug s cable ioutlb fons li Lib.ntyvilie central., 10 thse loctfle depol. This cantalua a bundred viras1 and vîlI ix "cut lto" at four pissas.9 The cable le equivelet htua m ne, that le il boldo as mai17 mpar 1 vire. as couid b.e erung upon teeatomeame, aud shauli ix capable of basdllaU i the bumlea fnom tRial part ai ovu wnfor' yeas t10came. TRi cooipur vil "i run a cable narthitirougi loa ea u early date thua dolug saaW ith lb. great numbe aifspanate wlnom Wblch oometimas gel cromusiasudcana. vork for the "trouble msu." Itlehas plannmd ta onu u mdaritotaicâaie 1< cetral Inted.ii hieovebMoale lu ue at proment but tii. viiilu, au probabliy nol be dome @@pmao. It ina a tula aêler*biebaabe -sud î palineover tii tilueM, vbeua sisal dm or Pbut-isem l ivi -reWIa- cmoa ulgit Bufluui woî- sbali b-d Iwoublmfl* .iqsjg ltsnjos vi ilnby VW" I1àmzàâ LIb*Èdus~ OmaYenazu Pcetaar,. Tigrelea certuyoung la« ivbo Mien., but Iieldom't mWale, Il i Wbe lu Lhb.rtyvlflh sd h aua b. in Gisymlal. Anywi IbIs 70=9lay in 'tbe p6meamor of Wy «7pretty loole au e" lm t luiet a ouli RocS -c.Wptppmf..y én fumty Bbi lutà -Ii potpi bopemd lido vas Imbu TiIUl mave bl kme lpe4 mupb mo mai d itI ba lt t tel u*aty'&Ubut lueglue buto ilmmag vm b be m buettbrou roi m otbilIl 0fu-m« plate»S otbmvrçu#uiasl or a flat h-on, Penhaps. A ralh.r promselug freiglit con- duct r0f youtbfulymre '"alounglug in the depot a liv dareM aO valtlng orden su Ii. tàmimplone bell rang. As Ihem u et i bnmy staI l ime ts t a memagbe aeke if ho bouid aumver tbe «U and ivaa ld tldo mo. Â vai th. remit. "Renio, y.. 11dm la tRi. depL." ilay, Ai" (tqrulug l the. man at lis i.sk) -"Jocubel vsmto knov ifl ti. 19ia car bIo"aofbrick for hlm onu li Ona belug toid Ibaitbebm mpt l bad ual arrlved be qnlmtly ma&e anavet -Sawy, Mr. Jacbelrn, but 1 gaMe yo'ii bave t015km a bol vater boule 10 b.d wh you to.nlght, Ibom brick baven't orne yetll" Goodbye. '1 -0 4 q .4 q .4 .4 * .4 q a q * 'N 'a i g q 4 q 'a I 4 q 4 e q 4 q a e q E 4 * -q il -LUE AO Wuwt Tsej' stmuhhs aa êouat. whexi lb t v C. W. TÂYLOBR, Oaulafr bavoe 1 l*t maiof Ii. er. Botter oyen mu accont TOD-DAT. Tii vl neot OnIy b. e fs b~i lfl inb. arulugyon Mo-e Mo"~ SEASONABLE BARU, IjIr4IId G la 5 b ov& boss.......... utOcl...................... .. Eslaebssv.......h............ 875e LsIm ü DiemelmaSuku................. bouMe alooo a1s .1et.p................... Oeo ssd hssb pm " i 2................... ami~ "ie g a roif. ............. 35Ç Mimes",radwwumdrhf Doym 35e hemvy mool reitb.................... THE - aters ed Boqs Sala. at PA4IR wsm vui meu's 'o $4 xe'edouble Work Showfi EBWè Wy Not Buy of a home morchant when ha can give »u t1he cloooot margins. Beaides eut- ting Our profits WAy down we keep amy WatCh purchused at our store ln repair for one year. You Can Buy Cheaper Watcheo, perhaps, but you cannot buy botter ones. Our Watches are made to 0ANDREiz-W HUSS UDDRTYV=.LUX X X INS A ndrsge tlehedMan EsLoei. dn Àonetangev opda.oo sd ougbl a I gar.e Hew cral imi suoupl a mthA, odar tHesi 10llgbl Ia eulxof mdachy andtrid a Amlt taulpauaaiuly ecknerd toAsishlanftb. ar s poroua InStar . wm i fh atapru Dlasrqlky ihhmhbt Dieake icklbe ààvle i@ ab.itp bsèed ntcos thi roducici ouibcviere- than &rIbm m ad prlu lchar volai.e Npo the anne, l levuuVAisk. ,*No I nlervl aut drsv IblA Igr."u l" aI l d' jntaw reoti eipp.d lout tis îlot t fih epre iaovay lnogbthemstoret i dmaur- nu cuea wbau l ti any caS ami the cierk wàullg around la circe lua A bua ndauce hto buevSntufl,9. >ow'e réioIty oSmpieedi Ivery baru at lugleidma sâlurda%%%gl ,Duo. 2. Good umne -si âsilmai. wiibvili a«susberaiuI"Omn ItR ivi Bome Nhili e ereala of li l'ouy CouutrGIr, la h. befl role vii i.e osai01h. 'Most #plqe vca iai ever bisagive. r.'J. BL UtirUilg, Ine MeEvW* l isgmr, bh m %a mu- &Ili mousg oupsly in support olrhd star aidlthemi*ds im tIbmpiai ha »w dovu là the.ana"$el tali of nmemoy. ldumin Mn thtour ai ,aie Ropklue' vii b.ho er th&sa«judIst bl bome on thelae 4»pia. I Ils lcbwvatthc atsWoukmou Sund@W John Griffith the Mntalmxcellent tlime die nd uatudeul ai hakeseare, base advauei lu4 Sv @soans 10 the mqOs promulusilpisas aona Aàmerlamu bore tragilan,msd lh gîvlghWe nativei an an uiueb emon la b. proni of bItau me1 any of ltm--f*ivored mon&.là b. toe ut hob. baWou mnviblaencomandaeh- tieras Umm$o09 ac beth bholei tea up the divine bord'@ greateéétradea, «King Ricard thbmeTihL" Mm, QdIft'mdate le Frlimy Dmasaiber laI Scbvartz Thealre Wsubd. s Donk'l buy your Ommiaiuai proisu-n til you "emas*@i fledlepls I MhollbaisaiDenu)., 8& Tb.y, vin bave for msa u fgre, bats, ubnmm, syrnfl, nlght dima, 4lilt m ouforler, rugi, luaq aM. ié o ai mildptiaul, pleftree»,k4 ti, lp,IRlulbs I ne Méat, ete. The lNationa Bicuit coipwuy far. uhbe booltht vrW"é& The LAdie lome. Joumnel viiibave a boa» vbonre mu PimpuOni'viiiho t" *i m b.Joutnal sud ths 11«M *w4w sfor" Suppmr fr ot" WM kr,. MI joui vwivievv yu ?fil mai ýo&imom>b i., -1 and Ub«ljý