CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Dec 1905, p. 6

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enonths to thîs tif mas pas wthos Our tel sispartu res 0ffoDur store wilI ak niai Mct me nt home. Befort t oy d.partsnent a home that vîli ma ýv* bases iook4 gforward for o. Camt o afford f0 lotOhi..f" sakisg thsfir ile heartt happy. et §àOrIl I oa"e h devqted m=dCTto* mSwbhlC Putaigeisewher e -5Ouf ~ii ad ou viii carry sowïthing * you giad you gave us a ail. ý 'rops..................Ota, 26 cents Tu Goes .... ..... . ................... -0 tot2 euti aattîes ................................. ACta 25 cent@ Ban ofail ktnds .....................5& 10 and Io ointe, Biocuke, choice seletlon............... o ,to SQ ents ..rou ....o.................... -.....I0 lo24eeft To>' Fat, irons ............. ............ c.... ..... ents Drawing Blate .........................,. 15 pents To" Diehos...........................-«......... vaint., vater colors....... ... tno 0entsia Poil Reade, a complets Ye....Sto 25 cet, Chlidren'a Linen Book@.................5 to 28 ceu te Douse, fromn... ........................ I0 cents t1085.00 ~~ Chairs .................0 cents to $1.75 MehaiclTo'. n retvariety ....215 to 50 cents Steani Rugine........................ e.............8*1.00 Christmnas Tree Ornaments, cloth dolla and animais, a fine selection and very cheap. Ex rem. Wagons .......................................................... 25 cent8to 81.75 DO éraf ................................................... 50 cent@ ta 82.25 Elrums............................................................................... 50ce 4st an cent, 1081.00 DRUG'SPECIALS !ancy Toilet Sdap, per bar .............8....... and 1O cents Og lu~ ie Tolet Boap, per bar........... ...........................28 ceent> aIt Tonie ........................................................ es cent. Pr. SysneTooth Wah ..............................-........... 13 Snts ILuirlean Beautv Tooth Powder.....................................Ul coute Oktid* Toilet W*Mer ...............................................$0 cents superior B"Y' um.................; ............................Ula cents BiWsts Down Powder........................................... 13 cents berated Taioum Powder ......................................... 10 ent. Vra Talcurs Powder:........................................... 15 cents *he bust Ohriatmae glfts' r the u Christmas gifts. Give your sons and danghters who are budding into manhood and woman- ILhood aometbing that will do them some good. We' hive-ouita i profusion and room for choices, 'Rate, cap@ aîîd everythMng yon can think, of. For the. daughters our shelves are lined with dreu goode, both plain and fancy,. If'you Want fancy goods to prepare -Christmas gifts with aik to see what w. have. We have à better line- of ribbons than evei before at from le to 85c per yrrd. Our, ladies' departnient is iinq"estionably the. most complete in Lake county without excep- tion. Cati and ses for yourssf. GENTS' TIFS Our tie depart- ment I& complèe.- a fins new assoit- r ment baving juet been added téOour already 1la rgea j stock. Thèe s i- j w a ltmae ac- ë= a gifla f hat ' ~ ,i wili b. appra- - ciated.. Fonr-i.hands,'chois selection .....25 and bâc White sUtk tis.................................26C Back lVlndsors .................................. 25c Pulf., mrked dovu a. Midgets.................................... 8C RUaS Rage that are or- namirie t s ny home lu varionss izs. What can pleai. the neat housekesper more tiîan ta have a nice. ew rmg for Christmnas. Fane>' patteras sud Peat de» signa., Smyrna and axminster, varions elces....... $.5. ote $3.23 Boa S.Or . ncySooda snd ocr.Cic. o>ur t00,1 un itafru.. WIat cas plages wifs or m6fthr moe thas ta have' give bar a few 'dishes whlch ef the saï t ime is ii b. ornements# and usefui. Ti wilf ffke a Olstmaï weat tî4 log rmombored. zust glvaor a - tieattdbnbier. you buy. A thora ars thingç ln our exhibif of crocki that willi psss other imesoibars of t the famlly as wsII. Hair>',.e...llant..........n............... Moustachie cupe, of aIl kînda ...................................................... 20 to 40c Jardenlers, new lino, nmre choie .peclmens .......................U....... 1.5te $1.60 Lame. W. can surely sityou ................................................. -esfOSi Chamber sets, plain and fancy . ....................... ..........2.50 tp 88.00 Dinner sets, ail kindi and styles. We carry a fine that wil suit ail puise, in stock or willi aider. Up ta,......................... ..................8 ....... 23.00 One baud painted china ehocalate &-t worth $11.00, at this time marked down ta .. ..........................................................................5 Cracker jars. berry sets, water juge and a varlety of varioosuselol and ornamental noveities at prie.. that wili sur pris. you. We have some excellent values in china ware and a line of decorated Japenue ware that wiil surprise you. Sale of Leather Ooods W. have tmre leat her articles that will sursly appeal f0 yoy. A f.wof thom are priced below. They will make good prisnts for Christmas. Ml amen'.i card es ................................................................. ...... lien'. bill and change purses ...........................................................$. lien'a bill bookx.................s....................................................SOsoad $1 Womn's hand bagie lu black, tan and browu ..............................soc to $1.73 Ladies' shopping bage ............................................................ and i00 SILK SPECIALTIES lr.iqurd & Armstrong Bilke, alil saalex, per skein ................4c rubt. Jap $I1k. for- muffiers, sali eslîy for this, per yd.......35e a = E.tic, lane>' colored. peie ...............16 and 80 cen te FOR MAKING PRESENTS Nglow Corde .......25 and50 cents 'lllow Pibbons.....30 amd 25 cents nllow Topa ........... to 50 cents Ipeulbd, Flousu ad Dawn Piliowo Ibis week oui .......ffto 68 cents A FEW 000 ITEMS THESE MUST 13E CLOBED OUT White Embraider>' Cotton, two Ail Ladies' 50e Butk Bets, 8atpr' day, December 9, only ...... . 35c Real Randkerehief Linen, per yd ...............8ý.... 0 sud 85e Why las h that our store has mndiaLinen for handkerchieli .... Ificgrown until it s the*largesf ofi Handkerebiet footing, per yd ........ klnd ln the coointy- do-day? Why is . .. ..............10, 15 aud 20e it that we ame doing a bigger bush- Blipper Soles, per pair..20 ami 25c nsas than afty of our competif Ors? Huck Toweling, for Ocean Waye s that not prooj enoygh thaf our Pilows, in, hall yd sqare..10e ustomers have faifh ln us? MEN'S COATS AND GLOVES Sheep Lined Coats ....S3.60 ta 84.00 Dnek Lbied Coats ..2.00 ta 82.76 Buffalo Cioth Liued ............8$4.00 An extra lot of llen'8 Canvaà Gloves, while they lait ...........5c PIN CUSHOIN NOVELTIES Plain Covered .......... ..10 to 15e Satin Covereil. .............. 20 to 45e Satin Covýered Legs......:...25e each HANOKERCH IEFS Fane>' Colorel Handkerchiefts for Pilawff and Aprons, Special Sale Se Why do people corne from ail ovr the county to trade wif h ut? la that flot proof enough fhat we plisase our patrons? Why do thosa viso trade with us always corne back? fis that not proof .nough that ws trat thern ,right? B. COLBY MERç, ýCANTiLE M -CQMPANYll NOTE THESFf'RICES Boye' Siîo.-s, soid at $1.65 this s al,. .........-.................... 81.25 Boys' Sboëm soli ut $1 --1lml.ted nuul',er ......................... $1.00 Men'a Shues, one. week oui>', w. isili give a reduetion of tflty eetts0ou ever>' pair colîl from o ur iroken fine.' FOR CH'RISTMAS llound Doilien ............ f015 a cents liquare Bemstitciîed Doilleu...8 ta 75e Laundi>' Saga ... ........... 23 cents Piiiow Top@, a fine varlet>' ta select froui.... 8, 3O and 50 cent. Ouly thirteen more ahop4q dlays before Christim ndeu store i. fthe headquartersfor Christinuasgifts, POE29, LibertyileIllinois URITYILLE» lWbh Shore, Gas, comdai>' I. « mobis into Kuebker's- euh. Mt he- preïent tim~ in order ta t portion Of lhe vilage popr1 it. tha e b.intention of tiie r tu, -put Ianlb...mains ia ths ut the patronNie which t2iey are r'boa alportions of tava ead wP of Littie Wonder, tb. Antioch i*#* .ti. Trotting Asscition lin vas delared diotanced kig frorna, trot Into, a pace bas iffl b>' the Ameriean Trotting àou to wich thse eaie wai e 4 Trainer Sibie>' in favor of eaton sud the deiion of the. ébçl Üttle Wouder, it wil b., Wed, vos tihe trot heat liandil>' ,yacod isst heconing closel> 8is faut tnih ecbnged ber eat a' hwlug. For this offense the **aul ber distaýe.d andi ouI of ~1 fflot exception tc, the mOt plaçed the niattor heare tb. a Trotting asoiation, under ampIcessthe meting wai 1 g oallait Monda>' notbing of poramea vasbrougbt beforeI P*, The immdiate laylng of »tum lath lbuiness section of m wu dlscusasd. The contraet kil>' vho la tu do the Job r a hauma@eof ehght Wuh ppto Ù4b>' tW sirmb of lb.e>ear but o tb dIilculties ea untered In~ bas pvipe lu the. grouni lb. Il ot b. doma. Contractai, lt* -t b. ve ilil a>' pipa liths busines district If the i 4dsI.ansd vilhave vater lu Wu *WMont but vith the froa Ioi -tberound nmre members of PM thotigt thMaItI would b. 16 Dotta la>' su>'pipas tlii. nl. XmlmeWoner Young vs. of tb. .*9i the pipe. could not b. r "il th;t -est~h vltb .hlhb >ab. covered vas frosen sud Ibm Job vuuld b. ver>' un. *Mar*e mi Onanfi"het. llaid st once an 'a ta of m01the tovn Wil ti. mlisusers the stand 'pipe l X et b oad vas X. ANNUNafMENTS -- X Next §unda>' alternoon st 8 o'clock the Christian Scleutlsts viil mest at the. home of lir. Fanbamn, on Mlauakee avenue. The subjecb offthe sermon next Banda>' at tbe Prsebytertan churcb viii b., "The. Active Charehliugt b. a 8road Cbureb." la lb.e veungtheii.pastor vili illutrate hie tapie b>' the nu o f the. tereoptieon. Ail are invltsd. t th. Mtbodi t cburch nex'Snnday ~s.Lavimes ubjecto *vil b. "SuDerlug for S.ivatlon" sud '*lEmeltj5j ispeL" Tbe communion ofthbesLord'@ Buppar vIl b. obemred at lb. mornlng esrvlee. Visibors are made veicorne st al servie.. x SPORTS Md MUSMENTSx "Whou Women Love" vbleh afPssro at the Bcbwrttbeartre At Wsuk.gat neit Sundayovealng Dee. 10 lu, a pl4v IU of bIiillng eac nd sud bU»g plotÎ. A pbonogrpb plajaa&ctrai ýpant iu the plot a record reprailuclng a plan tü kil the oncle of th. beroiue and convict- lng th. vilia >when hiseVUiegos mer about ta h. rsnllSed. The Libertyviile bowlers defeated th. North Chicagos at LIberbyvile lait lsd- ueeday nlgbt b>' saventy.aos. plus-la tbresgae... Fve mes bowled on eecb mlie. the Llttyville boys însklag a score of 2449 agalnst 2878 b>' lb. visitors. itesud Davis rofled hlgb scores. It is & sin tomnffrvwith backach. sud pain@ over the kidneys, wben s agl dose of Pine-nîese ill give relief la ou@ nlght Baflerlng vomen sbould beed theme wamniugs ere lbltlqIae. Fn"i troubles .may reeult Plne-Ulsa il strengtben the kldueye and blader, cenus. the blood sud relieve the aches and pains of Neuralgia and iRheumatismn. Sold b>' WiL miu, lbertyvnb ansd Gi&IÂTI.KE PHA.XAs.x TTO WPublic W.. knov of no grmetr service liat this uevp9paper eau render Ita mus> readers tIbm tsilot tbsaik»ov...L. Maelumltorfous artice ma 1wbMtt60 "a ma'b. pracured. For tiI. rusa vs vleh ta have «eYvor>iedeer u.. tus fohovlng recet lbotsr 10 the . muiet-. urers huom Dext M5laious, a 5Aj» baamtAtQulalqDL Ho uay: u#4 a send mby express tvo damea of! EèO. li Iton excelent silcin »& .baye to, ksq> l lutock." e4.0.TMble'LUs- etoumeEoud lé à@ t r sud 81.00 battueS b>' y.7. o~Llb. EuaIauis 10 lu uIr7. 00e o, lhe largeetlubraftrla uRwé. dia la pOrtvate iprty, belonOlnz to the scbowsly Genadl YWtle h ynin.i. t maisut over 100,o ffol0- mtsgs» saSthe odisst tiig about It la abat: t loa otiblnted u s arge ail>', but l Wtbe nelh mihp m dot uoit th. moottmaosusblo. Slberisu t ov., Kasjousk lb wu eatsilua " tub""yeua gresat PM4rt 0flttIe are got alarasi sd remevoaIt'b ttsl Country'. _ _ T». Vies of XIL A 4Mrlàlu adftm vs.:to a 1.5mB Mame and her ms otb> har Xwweigo .1 the amo , s >.the ad- dma (KA&.) Chppar. -The 7""ig Mmn bai Vuptsira tonme: "Ea.ebmllnm minis me et lhe iiueold-ths plats the batar, th. folIs àmai tii. flm»u "And St reminda m t maiinrrixm' e."m aidd. "Wlrst.- the. dismuosi. hers lber un tsugib. estrmlggiesud.-tii hga, *hm the 16M 1» eut. midaalW» the dimenitVi um b&V aveutine Io4 hfur smie.. -Wheou. M InUlm, vho la tosaei Lord Car$= asvoqroy ecfladin, tuns hi.ý dere ug iaufdge, istudeut'. s ava eavve.1 a joettrii OUtIL.At thie leebwm etuony mmb. mouls a bores gal on e mile., sd roocheé aie duehumm ja uma l lmé t. via bbe umtIâati ubs mePlesa Nur the Toug ia sSaw lu lt.ei. aMt, nm te timermo. sa5a"sam vu suS 3UO0 tuaI beov.- lthe outa. I!hst la the desPeçb basf.r mais. R teok & Whoe du 'tu pl*k. tae nu s desptb, over *hm *0s, breupteas-, the presuewm"OPm .te the, iua riet la Lseaioe. Theonautt *luraubteaeude alo lion.1 l Lador bus ieaa.boml ai chatis bai b>' Dr. OttoP.KWO-1le minlmoos mmer, ln UoSb88tI. witb UMr Willam MaGreaor, pei of Nevtounuld. N41$seissandu&DoaBorne bolli ai Lobe ýýForus, 'ere aretd for disé- orer m oduet l>Matog&W s>'b> Ueqtaa m iu I.dom and e"t bafr.Jbdo Hseklsy, xsabg a oti of Tb$ impIsr meeug U lisheLsksod mtry .adiiôp .PmvIl I.-i0l homé of W24. Tepwson Pair et onp P i.> wbmoIU4 liee.. m AÀteuts n FLED IN OARB OF As I arn Auction Sales. »ramto !.cape of a French SwiIId- Iseli ai publie auctian. an the Heury' Heifer faim a hall mile nortb of Mills' i« trom Convnt Settiemnent corner and a hall mile %autb of Leghton ta Oulana. station, near the town lin. roamion - Monday Dec. 18 1905 cammeucing at Paris-Detala of the extraordlns.ry 12:30 P. nm. the Ïollowing propevt>': 17 ce from the allnost Impregnable holce. cave, 5 with calvee hy their aide, F'rench conviet-seUlement la French " oprin= balance condng In in spriug. Gulnabae bindlclsedbyti r- roan hor. 7 yrsoid wt 12W, ba>' Gulu hae bm,,deloed b th rehorse 4 yra oid wt 1200, 15 shoats8 wt captu~re of Joseph S3poru, W swlndler, 1 25 Ibo eaeh, Dsering corn harvester, vbo. mter elgbt yssrs of liberty, w Piano grain1 binder, sulky cutivatar, acon b. on bis var back ta PFrench Ouit. walking piav, ilght bob sligb vltb "às. -- box, truck wagon with box neari>' nsv, ,The star>' 0f Sporn's escape vas dra- ha>' rack, quantit>' of bay, 6 stacks corn Matin. Bporn -vs. sntenced In 1isît staîts, 2 sticks corn fodder, 1000> tu eht;Yearatbardlabr an 20bushels corn in crib, 10 busheli yellov fflr el earfo rd lft.Teoer ad 20 ed cero15 mît sibipping cens, 6 cn ysar exle or hef. Te >earaltr îaîvanized cooliag tank, vater trough. bis deportation to freucb Galana ho 16 inch star feed cutter. Usual terme. vas cattlug rushes b>' the riverlside. W. D. LESiKEit, Prop. close ta the Ppe alsetlement. Ho bad W. I. APPLEY, Anet. graduaS>' vand iont of stgbt of G. A. OBT, Ciet. warder, when be saw floatlug down the As 1 have decided ta quit farming 1 river the, corpse of a sallor, vbo be wil seil at publie anction on the Rile> kuev bai beeî3 ,usdered b>' nme of Coudre>' faim, a hall mile west of Rocke- hie fe110v coni.t& a fev day. before. feler and on@ mile oust1«if Ivanboe, on - tsMsecond the .corps., chansed Thureda>', Dec. 21, 1905, commenciug s)Jk*a ittit î uo.Wn thi. treans at 0a. m., the foIIowlu1 prorrty: 60 bedof c5ttle, cona 1gof4 ew egalu, drmeand -1nbis >c0onvlct Pr- mikeresud sprlngers, balance due lu Tbh; eMais trcekt toward, tbe river'.s prlng, two yearling bull]s, 5 bead of nioutb. There be sav a amali Duteb borses-teamx 5 yeare oid wl 2800, 8 yr steamier, sud maàde desperate signa that ohd colt vt 1400, colt eamiug 2 Irod, ho vantai ii.îl>1 1 horse 10 yrs old; 10 @hoats vt 12) lhs A bc*t va. put off and be vas taken e'ach, 75 chickeiu, 2 sets of truck@, nair. on bsrd vbren boke Gemai b.row tire wagon. mutk wagon, surre>', on oar, wers'inbroettGerant hotop wagon, cutter, seeder. dise harrow, told tb..capWan tbst be bail been sbip- mower, grain binder, corn binder, Set vrecked sud vaned to get back eltiier lever drays, ee. gang plow, walking to BoUssi or to Duteli Guilarù. plov, 8 riding cultlvatars. corn planter Spora left the, ublp at Venezuela. mi 120 rode of check *wire, ha>' rat, There «ha maie som. moue>'in bue *60mikcmon, 2 »et double harnes., 200 »M tke&U 1ýçchmnthetemt9w'319 nsb, mllk tank, set dump tics te. returu tW Pris vWu strong sud n,,Idtoeeteaarocokr nder, coco crasher, geared jack, he euoumbed.»Y e ve utu, oto iuis-U12 aes coco i sboek. 5 staeksoUfcors, ller aMd prasperai. Nia uetbods of 80 tons of ha>' ln baro, 1500 bu oati,, business, howevqri -sttracted the atten- 2500 bu corn An crib, some seed corn, téosi of the.police, snd ho va. taiism mali bools ail ai gond ai new. Dai Id saqurtes IL INere aterme. G. T. CRITTENDEN, Prc>p. datstlV refegu5ed lm.W. il. APPLICT, Aiue. BeI Vcaio. NEWPORT. Rerold bad 11555lai thie countflor John Rhodes and Sponenburg of tv» veekIaMdsud ionbis returu bis Wadsworth voeeChicago visitare *th s aiter ukei If ho ba d lbis Tmesdy. -»r&Yerp vear,'ulit."Not once." be Tbe lais' bazaar at Rosecrans, will replui. "I ismt bad a sur.enmough va. hold Don. 12 sud 13 Instead of only Dec. cmtl"-moué <>Day New. 1285m rla=4l>'pMannsd. Comne sud _____________vote for tIimost popular young lady. A fiue net oUfsllverware in t10ho given 'ta atds6p fupwllssthe winsr. A pilupkiu smil gusssng1 Priais up la Noue aorre.poud wlt b iesa vil b. a fésturs of the .vsnlng. the. lattde.ThsauIsmlWeeky NMyCorn, sud hav a agoo4 time. MMlI for 25 as.:. 6 ee or oub dollar John Lu« sud sgu Clarsenceiaft Tuee.- * uotat. ft appe= fmt &Mv«U»e for Okilioms. The latter vil rem"l mstàm ou imlikasSoeufs a aQuart for »-ade 01the wifter. Mud« a dofli* doses. WÉLWebb of Foi'bfcott Kean. forméesr W> of AOUtoah bus laventid a unlfbshtlng tdvlug~U~odeins. ai Iron wbicb vill om be plcesd on tbe makket Seivaslin gai bommone tu emmut im a tis at. ln iiiO tha fisdaF ,. '5 18 £34mm U ci. blabste baoUiu'u lb D t ba pi b : lb.dessh a viM Md t oi pbéeg p ,l ud u iéeo nufavoablalarmes vIl j tbeusils. NEWS !ROM GRAVSLAKE The Royai Neighbors9 have an eleetion of olflcero next Tneuday even ing, December 12. Ail mernheraarereqnested to b. prssent. Âil those wbo have boots beionging ta the Patriot librar>' viili peuse returD a a soon ai possible am the librar>' 1o to'be sent saa>' Lyn Flarvey han accepted the posi- tion of a]vance agent in the Frank Daniels eampany. Miss Bertha Book ieft Tnesday to visiit friende ln Nebraska. 8h. wiuU visit Deuver and other western cities dnriug the winter. Paul Faîbriet spent Sunday at hi, home at Channel Lake. Mir@. Wm. Edwards ,ntertained her brother and bis wife, of Chicago on Thanksgilving. Ben Bamlin, of Lake Villa, vioited hers Tuesla>'. Laot Satuarda>' evening a freight train and engin. collided and brokre up the engin.. pretty badl>'. No one was hurt, but trains vere delayed a few hou. Earuest Wald and Iamiiys@pont several day. at Lake Villa recenîl>'. Samnuel Stedman, of iurnee, transated business hers Tuesday. James Sherman la entertanlng hie sut et hisebhome on Park aveline. Mise E. ieMson in spendlng the week in Chicago. A. B. Cooh, of Fort Hill, transac business bure Tnesday. W.. Rebbeln entertained relatives from ont of towu Sunda>'. à4errlck Richardson @pent severul day. et home recentl>'. Hlatry Yanuy in movlng his honne. hold goods mbt the flats in the Bank f Robert ltichardsoqn. of Ivanlhoe, c.led an aid friejide boeSBaturda>'. 1Mis@ Jossis Thayer, of Ltbert>yvllleý' Bilent Sanda>' at hotne. Misses Cora and Giertrude Guyer, of Avon Centre, wern. the gueste of lire. Je, Pfsnestiei Sunda>'. Misn Gertrude Shubev.and Mise Trout of Chicago. @pont Tbankugiving wlth rends boe. Mise Emma Gerlach wai a Chicago vioitor Monda>'. Mime Lydia Edwards visited the. count>' seat Tueida>'.-..11 Dick Evans, vho ban beea-emplo>'sd at the Tirs.. office the pait year bai lef t that place and Ra>' Baver>', son ou the editor, has taten hie place sud tutU leaco the business. Mr. Evane made manyi>Urends boe. vlo ilîmise hlm. Miss Fredda Pirwitz, who bai beop spending the past six weeks at tb. home. of Wm. Jahu's suPd lamu>iy aturned , ta Chicago. Charles Dykes snd Min Mlae Clselad, , of Chicago, visltedl at home Thankigi- lsg. Den Atweil reporter on th. Chicago Journal accompanied b>' bis vile vlisd bis parsns. Mr, and Mmr. Atwsil on Thautsgiving. Mies jean SDuf, of Chicago, wai lbthe gun.b6o Mr. and lirs. Claude PRocte ovef sunda>'. uaitThats lb. foandallua Upon vhlcb we are building. Satiglactoo. or yonr money bock. Boyer Bros., IVfl<EOE, ILI ThuSorsbat syaMrefor %> building. im!m lire. laines Drucesspent Saburda>'sd ana' oaPsahr Bunda' inChîcuo.*-The story' of lis torture et 8ev. o. v. MmreO.Allen, oU Gages.Late, vlsited Mioore, peelor of the Baptist coubuc, of ionda lu Gre>'miake gaturda>'. ilaprivile, N. Y., vil! lut~re yon. Chas. Tho'r a Mdvile, 0f Waukegsu, lie ssyr . alleesoulus beca.of' @peut Tbank.glvlugai lb. Jamshoaine aptsteut b m,~ltàM mm he. P. B. Mosierandmi ly r penThm ridkuea.o gluing vith relative. lu Milwaukee, util I took Dr. Klng'sNew Dl MisaBeutba Brandt, uofIvaniio., umtfor Couumpll he augs sd-« MÉ vick au ure ut m qsuot stutdsy et borna. aadrmefroin 60m n gra "Bisek Jack» loislasrvlng bis ae for dismicondI tIWon.t, 4 ý lImet aihietovu Iock-up. Ro-li lfor Ld.-At IF. I.LovaLL'l#ist. oL*ba..doresasd gt. exorcisa «" daySn A M ahmba pU thoesa, . uam .................. ...................... ........ . ............................ CM =iFh,.*;l;ý

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