CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Dec 1905, p. 6

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>000 bormensd wehe> id &ý0WOrUUtiOS ever providedeAgitha * ~ml0d.hkbas moe . dgene Christins spirit l îtit.Reeqw - h~l.a8rerSis et. WAUKEGAN'S UIREATEST STORE. lie Place Where EVergPDiu e. isDistj s s -\ t 2 Next Door to Amer*ocan Express Office ~2Noth Genesee St. Waukegane. itI. The useful, and b kind iP gr#et prfu twicel as far. eng Saturdýay Decem a 1nd ,Last ing Until the, Great Christmas sale, subtuttal- additions sk madie lu this greal departinent, greal becausel aAd lhree fourths of, lhe uew coase worn in La and Lake counly this fali., The styleé anti are most excluslvè andi prices are lower than th :We save yon 2 peýr cent or more on yoiii *" give you a garment that bas styleilfi anti lity. We *keep an expert to make auy needt ls, free Of charge. Lad"eCoatse. am.rtment of colorsansd styles 1,1the bout vo have wlter meason; many new styles bave arrlveti and plouty iuall popular:shades. ne ,my thon- xtanning ouats w'hloh vohave od the past Ivo ni Wankegflan ad Lake cnty le orn1y one of th. natrations of Our vonderful values. Irortb fully 410 for 1mai si wr lasgtb Empire Conte, lne .*v fWeVsM, ID black OUlJ ose mate in 46.incb leagi M&e Koeuy, yoke satin lin ng loom ebo Conte, ben,; yfont, taro-over collar, C to' ra mke Our rat n or belted back4 fam buvy I i mie .......................... aI ta wawa, /ly f rat,vee ýyspeclalvalue....... .. 6475 , made ied, collar ilaid velet .... 8150 ot "elevwith cufi 1........ velvet and brad tba iductians on al our wintor &odSjuot nOW nliits vry bglnl'ng. As iong i-as It bas "toba -don.l wbas he'thé benifits are most enticlng. Thea. 'sdiWitio.sWI iomad b? ery waman who bas not cornploted ber wintersa eMtmas SuggfestionsI qm, are hundreds of items whlch space d" Vo uns to adequatoly describe, but rest amWre,~ mirable item for the fair sex willi b. dlplaye iA .Ladcies' Fetticoats MI pettiwcbtCrimas giltumad hde eCircursa pà( atlmcdroule&, trq=medwith alh ot. rule04V ace Ow ddaME& ffieperceu=e .................. $:km -ff in blacà omly, wfth doep flouae irmauuIWM 2 mdle d b. clusters 0aài ab a 1k gajWflourmol ~s.~sdmfrcbftamiae. ha Uibooy beoemg MUy #Iéo MI ~~al~ogfo<aoà be#fuly Msd w l ê ' émleflua. tylau msodmi Xn *. New Mixtures lUIl'llLength Ladies' Coats. Special for Handia o ng automobile coats for Ladies aud Misses fulloose bait. boaatfuin ' ixture. thes coate are Pbowa on State Street for $15 and $18 aur Xmai ssle prlce......................... $9 .98 Hods coats. -Etc. l'or The Mis«Ssand Chiliren., T'h. Sicetime0fdlnyniien.for tbe IMisse sud Children bav e ben made wttll ~ 0 dl nmtasenibeprnts are begining to realize that warm and ianiotmiambe a appropriate presents for their yousig folks and irarsagwbtlbyvuld aped or alme trille w ith the sum that they 9 Wcp.nrll1dto &pend for lothing, they Are enabied ta - bu.on0r ieasncb a auspailug heauty sud meit, that it will be a.o t Mares copand delighl. NbO*u ubmla'ta maie thia great Chnstmao sale one that wili he aépprelsdb7 biêpqsste and the young folk@. MWW age' nd Grl' Coats Thu somm of ns8aatamum d becoalugneai for youtbful figures, a resit açbl.vedby etraordlOary cam in demging and maklng and ln the selection of mat$"lie.We pisent lbure a few exampleSexcellently adapted for Crltmai glts. oeild#W's Milfi a cte, Peter Thompson or Bmpira style, double bssl exellant maxterial. aime 6 to 14, speclal for 1mas sale. Làttl.buaskln cmats lna]ail colore up tu 6 years size special for .........»......... ................ Al oar *41.00,. 00 sand 890 coats marked special for lame.n. .................................... 0~b.15 Blnoets apeWalfor amu sale ..................... .. .................. lAdieaUlwoffl Kemsy Cape., cireular cut, large sweep, wortb *iJO e - 1mai"MIe........................................... Vagi? due apm, .liiaud witb talaored straps,wortb $12, spetia. fur tnu..... ......... ......................... .............. $4.98 2.98 5:75 4.98' 9.98 4.98 8.75 Eon tIOUDAY RIBBONS faaoy stbbon, two inches wlde, Nosi. 5, 7 and 9 Gros Grain. o.90 -f:"17 hleibbon. àl .i 1k aa 8 ents for 2 inch extra quality tala: 15 gel wanp prinme; 25 ets for 5Sinch llgt coloWe dreideas; a and tafta. AUleolor.,Includlng1hoDlyred andlgreen. Z8, I la tepmoesaptterne, Worth 76 cuet, speclalfor dresse.,Wothb 1.50 and 02.00, speclal for Imas sale. 98o am bUchfiauêett St ........98, $148 âad $1.98 5Q ÎÏ0F LADIf S'SILK KIMOAS_ tiecatea speisiforXmiaMiae ........ 690 etuoeas, rêmalar Pries $178 spial for 1maisle. 98o petieoats, q/i "for las .............. 1.69 artui, ope"ilfor Xmàmsa"le.............. C.79 vislislawàor chmckpd glnghm speclal for 1maimie18e sf4oi mas.glasie............;....... cotasta. Ipse/alfqr Xamsale ......... »é of*& anidover ,car fea -will be oRefuadd t.o ot-@f- nqemW, tew ulcc ars stop aimoot At our door and fMa Ole's na« ohly for Waukegan bUtfo.' al o Lake ill aa a pismunatedo. yo.wChWalstmai sh@p-, Every yveîng UNTIL Mu efy fOumDYS We bave Joiuned-. :'i* XXýFoisThis C k We hdve- been plan.ifi Christmas sale a memorat is . becominq -more and.m k and, loved ones. A visit to' that or planning has broui beautiful effects in wearablt k gou once dear old- Santa9 We ace alwogs, tr.jing to give gou somethà our policu. but cowmmonsome. we constamtlq onde k and s11rshand withal a practicl velue, l'or Instena one Wll iterest and eutertain ::kk:k:kk:k Holklay Fuwso OM tistr. m"ie estSi mpse es P' mg y- Bel Hd The Furrier skins the animal and sometlmes hbI. custoirs. Every fur that leavee our establlshment-,hai the guarantee of quafltg sud Iow prioe attached t It. Our stock of 'f urs is the most complote ln the state and the stock ranges fromn the inexpensive to the flnt:garmientâ known to the furrier'a aart. W. excellinl fur furnislhlngs such as Boa@, -st". Coilars Collertte. Mufis, Etc. A mnore appropriate 8Mf eould not be found. Special prices will prevall for tbis great Christmas sale. Besuifol fure for 1mai Rifts. il yon would deigbt a wommn give bar a beautiful coat or net affturse ither wll maire a gifI on iman mora/Dg, tlmti nos on ' eglbut useful ai weli. Our funrsomesan orWlglity, excînsivenée. soi %Idfdlilty of effect that lea ilag to the mont re/lned laite, and lID ereeltaio the style le ireproachable. Wltb ailthese menite economy tgcomblne« 14,.vsiJ caue You may bny at ofr wandmrful 10w prices with per et contiiot emt Uhý foreare good, tboronghly dependable. 0/iberwinm the savlng wouldn t bo 0,7' much account. Our metbads and ôur Immense pnrçbaiei bng thea cot ta 1h@.ý lowest Point. Ladies black scarfii, wortli 81.00, special fa'r 1maisale ..... Ladies imitation fiable scarf, dork browa', wortb $2.00 speela forlxmai ae ................................ ........... W Ladies long eecmflaI black or brown, larg fancy armnats and. 6 tale, worth 84.00, specimi for liausae.......... ........ ô aimes th e buba paudand dpUoated aur ock asay fiem i but tl/ liai we are siiUisI ovseded. The Puzdod hi s-N et Wb es PM bSauta Claus mas Sale e,%k months to miake this ,eciated the fact that itk *useful gits to friends itore will convince gjouk at the new, novel andk id Children will assurek artnership with US for wtig ,vel. There esn't enytino commn ia sppal o ~u bcau e r Iresi, iVel k% ~paod orthi GoatClistesSale. Everg at 'Honest Prices Uma maris, Worth $7.50 speclal for Xma."p $3 .98 &i»sd.tabs, ornamenta at neck, plain satin liniiig,39 tslndoble boss, fancjoruameats at ueck Chain IasIItoutale, spelal or 1maisale ...... . l,two heavy bush tals, Weil worth $10, special for 59 .........................................5 9 sselabos, double for throughout, large fancy 8.50 md fortallm, epeclalfor 1miXal............0 satra Il Sumu inl fiat or saddle shape, beet 6 9 lngacllfor 1mai scie........ .9 ai/qn, beiUM liak, Ameican lFaxes, Busq/an 1 0 0 bar, etc. neUp............................. 1 0 0 Chlre's l'ur Sots a Git Suggestion. white for Set, mn! lined with satin, special for, 1mai .4ffl LAmbswool set mold everywhere at $8.60, speclal M .................................... IM white Lab, loang ils, tninmed wîth chenille friage, a!tmatch wlth .11k cord oruanients and X.ormau sale .............................. Ilooladd ukrat, larUge fui m imnaed with I.adaMentus marf ta match, trimmed with chenille Voi lod, ael al for lamals................... çi maimluelan gayiurrol, tulmmsdwith - l~a and fning, sati nu ,lârge auft to match, = m1I uamlanad chenil, -W maie .98 1.69 :2.95 3.98 9.98 iu&etheseloof llts for, Ne womeu folk. A fur or as Appareli. sure tolion bn.Sucb glfts wiU ha ex- let us id'oem lanied orslci Holiýday In both departinents the assortmnent ln the Most complote and stylish you have evor seen., Special arirange. monts with a number of Eastern manufacturera, eiiable us to, secure garinents from their advance sample lineg. Thesé garmonts are made out of special solected cloth and hiave the finish and workmanship that make them-a delight to the critical drosser; and tho fit and style is guarantoed to be superior to anything you can find elsewhere. SeveÉal hundred new garmenta are temptlnigly displayed for this groat Christmas sale. Woxn~nsSKIRTS Wmnsud Misses' fkirte, a large selection ta choose from, speclal for Xmas sale. .......................... AIl Wooleu Cheviot fikirta lu grj, bine, black, brown or flue mixtures, well worth $5.00, speciel for Xmas sale ......... Very haudsome liue of sirtéi, garment. which oell for $7.50to $.00, special for Xmais a .................................. Beautiful aew tallored ikirte, nmeoff the fineet New York modela Worth $12.00 t0 815.0% speelai 1mai sale .............. $1.95 2.89 5.00. 8.75 EXTRA SPÉCIAL 5000 fancy Handkerchiefe, worth 8i and 10 cents, speclal Kmas saise.......... 8000 fancy Bandkercbiefs, wortb 15 and 20 cents, special for Xnaas...... 9c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 3 lu box, Irlshý lace border@, handeomiefine tOselect ain, 3 in a box, special for 1mai ................ ......... Ladies' Handkerchiefs fhum Ireland, France, and Switzerland, aIl newest designe, special for 1mai sale .................................... a Cblidren'a Bandkterehiefs, in boxes, either plain white or fancy bordered, 3 la box, special for 1mai saie......................................î. f LADIES' IIAND BAGS Finest line of baigs, different styles to select from, apeclal foriXassae., Ladies' leather handbags, worth. 50c, speclal for 1maniq ale .............. aft Ladies' band bag ngennilne walrus, smal, alligator aid morooco lsher, iD black and colore, Ceaher llned with one and two it fl i; ..........2.90 Ladies' cardage bageinI morocco walins, steer grain and patient lesibeme special, for Îmai sale ...........................................3 laes4 bap gs egnflasmorocco, golorsmal leatherwltb tWo Iill nebd witb leather or moreen, speclal for 1mai sale ....... .... 4 14 GIIFTS FOR 1HE LITTLE, ONe Leggins for'Objîdren, wortb 89 cents, In black or white, spécial for 1mai sale. 190 75 cent leggins, special for 1mai sale ................................. »C Littlee ffitted bootees, speclal for Xmas sale ............................ f Extra fine knitted bootees, worth 50c, apecial Xma ie ...l............... ac 75e Bearskin bonnets, opdtlal for 1mai sale ............................ a9< Little infante kimonai, speclal for 1mai sale)1................. la, au and 59< New lace collars for women. Delightful coUlare ID white and, scia. It@ a holiday display of aeckwear, no womaa can afford to mim. MAI for 1mai sale ....................... ................ 10, l3U sud $ou 500 ladies' facey side or baek combe, speclalIo Bmestifu lace trimmed corset cavere, speelal for] 75o aud 01.00 handsomely trlmmsd corset caven Lad is aellette underekirti, speciml for 1mua ladies' flanellette umdersklzte, iD mtra beSvy f 1for Xmamsale........................ Ail ouz $Lo00 sud 01.25 /IaaelIejto nigbtaownm, s OPen Bvery Bveîi r Xmu .a....... ....... aft Oni .m................ lue m, specisi forl1ma msae ...a0 maie..... ... ............ 184 Iaffl, Warth 75 oInt., spula . ....... .... 'Dd olMemi . 9 SUITS.,aiSI<$ Meritorous, Garments at Remàrk AU aur 010 La d immiSStuESk h formaael.............................. AU aur $1200 L adisnsd )(uisse' ata in black, bine or .goods, spmwa for Xam & s ................ Hlandio m o n f *1&00 and 020.00 suits, /Dcludlng16o0 * pecla for lios sale....................... AU our Èpn. nw t&Ulasd $25.00 aid $27.00 suit., speci . ......................................... GREAT sAr ON lADierstiS Freneh sniog" waie#in nl si.m patera. Worthi Very durable heIllanIlas wmlst nlcelymd. iD blixq $20kind, mam M ....................... BeaiN bi..............asie................ gow6ad , aaun e //gwilht.pua a lais, ma-pro , auiseoria p o#400,lm~sl......... elmmumlamis 4Wo~wrth *&OC00, 1msi....... ......................................... There are huiidredIa of fes permit us to adequatoly desoribe, but every dwil*abbe Item for the fair sexi tia (*reat Obnlstmau sai& SftCIÀAL -GLOVE SA dbp« $d#v-"à* a.......... * , ghê. 3pn ,$50 ......... s e. e~soc e............... GREAT UMBRELLA S Aiu o'w StIl" umk'mla . pocimi lCb.1.wmm MWILUNZR-Y AU ,our $1tl. MoS.5Orftd "iîl AU ou $U0 t,$6.00 Mfamlrd haibgo a À.so u tso ..Ùre ao" $.50plroga............ 5oI o $.w f.eth.xsa i ig...... - .. * Wr' 'w.fuw~ s Lowest Prices, kýetüàrkabIe Quallty CI

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