PPY NWYER It Wi le "Happy, New Year" lu' faot, If the New Year's dinnor je from Trlggs' *Market and Groeery. 4IAPPY NIEW YIEAR.. J. IEL[ TRIGG~S We wlsh onr patrons3 one and ail a bony few ear and suggest we have some after- Christxnad bargains in jowelry that will Interoat you.- IANDRE~W HUSS, EVRIDA MMGSSTES Late Winter Weath- or is Just About cer- tain to be severe- yo1%'Iunedwarm wiu- ter underwear and cold defylng wearablea yet, and when the timo cornes you' i d our stock complots, varied and right prlced. Tardy arrivai of the cold dayi bas left us wlth a big stock oùl oui sholves, and you eau savo dollars by sup plylng yourself righit now wlth every day neceusltles you are abso lutely certain to noed. Snth &Davis Libet'y#S gi. Local Stems -oe Isterest to Lft * Plked Up limr.am," 444M Happy New Tear.1.1 MissFlortSaieTripp, ofDowneraQrove, hbban vlsflng relatives heme the pat few day.. Mr. "di!Mr@. E. E. Ellsworth spent Sund" suid Chrstmas with relatives t Wlmeite. Mise MahoUse Boegan, of Chicago, ham bain spending the holidays with Miens Gertie Loycock. Emll Johnson eni! family, of Wauikh- Kan, spent Chriofimai tblMr. and Mr@. Henry Lawrence. Bert Gleaen, of the Northte5tr Medical echool, 1. spending bhivacation wth i patenta bore. Mir. and lire. Wrt Wright of Edger- ton, Wl.., spent Christmas t the Wright home sou*h of town.' Verne Ray who bolds a lucrative position wth a telephone Company at Sipringfield! spent Chrstmas with re- latives bore. The Chrismas dance given at the town hall laut Moui!ay night by the Q et Q waa a suees, about sixty couple@ beýng lu attendance. 1 If this waather continues the village board will be able to have laid the entire system of water mains before spring- but il won't. Attorney E. W. Colby and wlfe and! Mir. and lire. L. fil. Colby, of Chicago, opent Christmas with their father, M. B. Colby and family. Backford bai installed a "dip tank" for use lu lmmersing tbe tramps who1 seoir lodgings lu itseity jail. Liberty-. ville doesn't have the tank but with the cage wbere If is coul! eaily attacb a hone and! give a shower bath lu case of need. Mike King and James Lyons, of Hal Day, wer. lait Friday flaed $5 and! Costa beloe Justic Hackley for drunkennes and! dleorderly conduct. They were bavlng a little preChristmu. elebration in town wben tbey madle the acquaint.. amsof Chief Hentges mucb to their sorrow. F. B. Lovell bai intituted a novel Mature lu his advertlslng. Ble offere oneg tbousand pounda of bard coal to the on. wbo cau gueso the nearest to tb. numberi of peces 0f coal in a scuttle whlch1 te will bave on exhibition,. Usai bis'( ad! to find out how to qualify for thei contait. Very pretty services mark.! the Clrlefmatide ceremonles hI both th Methodiet and Preshyterian churches bere. The forner church bel! ies services Saturday .ivening wblcb consiste! 0f song :servicesand recitations by tbe chili!ren and exereses suggestive of the occasion. On Sunday evsnlng at the Prebyterlan churcb the Snnday scbool1 had charge of the services anil the ehidrea lu weil drille!. numbers gave an avenlng of excellent entertalu ment whicb relected much credit upon those who flook the initiative iu the malter aud drille! the young people. LibertyvIlle merchants enjoyei! juil aj fair holiday business, but nol wbat they bad -anlicipated. 'Accounta ilu. the Chicago dailles of the millions spent lu the $tate etrsI stores where the volumej o! business was greallinluexemsof Man9 prevrioni year for the same peroid makes1 il apparent that the residents in imalli citue. an! villages are eacb year spening more wlth the Chicago departmneat1 stores aui! lmi with the home merchants.1 Il la luit ai cuident that to tbhe xtent tbis praie increaies, lu proportion1 nmust the prosperity of the small cilli and vilagessufer. Tom MoGuire le laid up at his bon» ,uflsrlng from a broken lsg whlc beb rece !at the Union Stock Yards lait Saturday an! le cougralulating himaeli filal bmI njuries were not 0f B more serions nature. Since lat summer h bam bien in th. emplo of the Armoure at "Ier etockyards plant and! the other day while workluguer a pile of lumber1 In some way a par t tl]i, catching his rlgh loIg .napplng the boue just above lb. ankis. Be was brougbt home wberei Dr. Taylor le now.attendlng bim. He staijos ihat bad the whole pile of lumber fflght hlm-inst.ead of a amaillporion ofi t hiselkg would have bain msashe! b aà joUiy sud mBye ho feele biniself fortunate la eseaplngaseeaiily ai he dI! Judglng froin tfbe variety an! aumber of victime of Major Henderhot',sm!un of jq*ee whlch he raine! upon hMe audience laitTburoday nlght aI tb. Uion churebh. mut bave obtained one of tbe advanee opflesof lMr..Bumsteai's new dlrectory. Be ha! jolie» and tb apare ani! 'tbé lu4lvidual vyhq aapsW hie jibai w4s lbep:cepllon and!no 1h. rois. luladf etablI"er seemei! a 1111e overdon. and 6a lUebit "raw" lunspts levl i b. audW.ce witji the opinlou gial aor sho*.! up botter whs. h. toufdei! 1 hie pellly of drnmmag. The bonm. biai parI of, the progm W"s oxeutsli, lb. mode quataI bofggau - 00CAIbm M uw xael i Let ad Grass Péaesi appearsVer7fa..i*bi George Lusba tfeli op t lire. Car!l HarUp",. of Nâie, ~ - isiting ber pàrnteMr. andM . bMis Beelebond, o! the University, e Jîlinoleis epending bor vaeatio Ati! Mir. and is. C.A-. Beewlck and ,ns Richard s"end eevemal dmye w1th ls parents lu Beloi t lia swsek. arrive! Tuesay 10 visl se»eTsidff wlIh ber friend Miss e len .Boybs , e W. J. Stoltsmai bus receutl ix d~I deul transferlng bisi faim aorth.st ~g tbe village to a Chicago part y. O WilI Wright, O0c~rKaisr,. Josa"i *U Martin Melloy are epen!lng Ibsir vasa..W' tion at home. They Attend theii. Ui,*NM$ eity of lihinolà ecoole Bt Urbaaa. bi Two different parties are sMali! OMa riegotiating for thé saloon baito u O conducte! by Charles Brantiey ln lbe P» Proctor block, aid the story go. a. tranmfer will take place thue wsek. pï Tom Fry one of theFry boterecon &A.. ducting a, farm weet 0f the village wai taken wlth a hemorrbsgebff ofthelungs a few day. ago durlng &a. e cougbiug epell but seeme! to be rece'r h iug lu a very satisfatory Mannar ti lacia. Tueoday when he was taken witlb a second bsmorrbage. Chrletmai day h.a wai tbought t0 ho so mach lmprovod thàt be wai ont aid down losen aid the second attackjwai entlrely unlooWbsitof for. Dr. Galloway le lu attendance 6"id V0k calte! Dr. Knigbt, of WaukegajýýIn consultation Wednfaday. It le -hngit___ that unIse beh gels a further setbaek ho will get along ail] right aid filia bis I recovery wili bu spesdy. Quite a n umber of horaes traluied aiet h â Libertyville Trotting associâtion lr.ck v thi8 lait summer vers put up aI amig at the big sale bel! Mt tlii.th Dexter Park Pavillon lu Chkquago M Wedsday. Frank Duserry, J . P 1 Luttrell aid L O. Turner each liad i *Mo trottere np for sale while JohinSwa> brougb had four. Dr. J. T. Hsrnibsim, of PleasntPralrfr. Wis., wbo, bai bis string lu training bore early la: ti. seaiou under Ed IHallala i! *o cibac the animais for sale Bt the atig Chai. Sibley, of Antjocb, wuai slp pist eut willi somne bomewhjecho b" e decided not tu koap fgr aiotber eu=,P", Frank SIiser an Miisa Frtume Suydam vers unit.! lu marrla5s' l Wankegan 'laut Tbure!ay, Dec. 21ai the home of Mr. Slnasr'ea antMre. n. & Wood, of Belvidure streut, Rev. J. I. Brigga, of the Firet Baptist churoli, Waukegan 9fflciating. They werv Ac- companled to Waukegan, by' John Suydam, Jr., and Mise.A.nnl AndersonA c.4 who wllneed thueoerenoy. # The WW Young people commene!d bonsekseplug 000e1 at once at Mr. Sinisr'. borne juil vaifiMOÏ of towu whure heo oas a boums and igné fourteen acres of land. He vii continue "d 4 in bi@ position at the Walron! uaI 5u Market. The bride le the'eldesldanghaw a»O of John Suydam who reSides norti-wse lwu 1 0f town aid ila a estimable Young lady. "iig The groom is the son of Charless Suinsr tih Aid le a risiug Young mai with moui ýW excellent prospects. Tbey botb baye *à*r Marty friends wbo wieb tbemn long sud ' happy lives. Peter Licbtfel!, father of Albert suid Henry Lichtfeld, of tii place, dii! at bis borne in Rockefeller, late Wedimn- day night of lait veut. Dee.aied hid sufferi! for several Monthe it inl- flamation of the blai!!er and $11 faniily bai! despaired of bis eooiey Louis, of Waukegau, Horman vIa Il,à aI home,and Mrd. 'T. McBrid. lit Rockefeller aid Miss Mary, at boume, basides tbe widow àalan survive.. .1b Litchfeld was 66 yeara old, a native of Schleswig-Holleteiu, (iermany. He came to Lake county about 1858 and bus residu! bere ever aInce ,locatng alteS near Hall Day. Duritg the Civil war he p served lu the 96triInois, aid eh». bas W04 reside! lu or near Rocke1ellq. BS «vms ff greatly interested in the establshent of FO a GerMan chnrch At LIberlyvillé And vas one of the active eommitte vbc accomplished Ibat desuru. Se Wis 6, conscientious and hlgbly rsépect0d citizen, friend and! neigbbor. ,Tb*efnal Fri 'was bel! At Rockefeller Saturi!ay $Il hom o'clock, luterment lu Lakeside celatétr, ~F0*, Libertyville. X 90M ta AIMSEeNTtX Accra Camp, M. W. A. otIJbsryWSjMela to, give liteaual masque baIIIl $hbe DY tovu hall, Friday nigbit, Jaiýuary 1,IS. â ýXo vil». tot vaut 10 miss il. This comlng Week The Flita, Me1 worli!'sfanionshypuotiete, v bl * tisai altranlion lbat wvibuho f tatusiio evybodi. At the Tbeaa Waukeffa i v. niglil Ue work vereusoitla. ou bita odilaliP" mshm«b Il SrMP IN BUY ~resat Yu IWnt Isteais - 700 liBYt mi'..