CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jan 1906, p. 8

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Md th Met;"Monkeys.-Nlck - of fermentaid julce »V tMerieCars o! tire éoury jeuat Waukegafl. »at&1I iii.cickans upon besa snddely changar] This bs Insiste upon but thee alet t ailI bave Decendants-Mira. Ellen pWenkegan. probably bas ]iaedattban any pereon eonty today. Sha bas liv- forty-five grand cbild- puet grand cbldren and tgrandctild. h is stater] -plte hy marrage ta ret WéofteWest ida of Wau- mh ehas lver] lu the sains T4*beOonventiofl-iper- it ,*,phoole Gsgglu, Principal Ici Waukegan sud Superintan- L "ht sud Principia R. L. sut igbland P4rk repraeunted aty air the state Teachar' " aStliprngieldl last wesk, Ighose Tbursdey. The mast- bkteaWe by about tavlva hua- »ms ram cl over the tate Wwi4ct of achoole sud aducatlou mornemme f the ableut eductars S*tcfn ln Transait-Ftilly oua p~ain soebos consIgner] tatirs Swartent stars lu Waukegan, 4m frm a frelght car tire Cass j *y wers packsd bielg irokan os& shipnient sud the. goutte 1ýmthe car. It le belleved that % occurrer] betaveen Chicago and a.Tii. sboe wers slpped ta - ps9efront afatoryiln Sr, 1l-là btf anothar of tire many &'--wh" bbava e rk.aplae in , iDoqths upon rigt trains FàO-MflIwankee division of tire tio bo be tA d] Er e. de au fiP Mmu.ce.-WaukMan d laite 0 ama comisniug t woakmeu WhO arab =»n uY Construrctionl *4wever work and gS main0 Opusater wbIcb ias un .vcek toaibucarrledonsmacb g sA bus led the eoatrac- " Mn effort tc, au"emanj slntd origlnaly béeau ltended pUasiluthie spring but tire0 Iabbrsre, do not appear t10 b. ". Caitractors bave adver-1 hlp and offerad spoeeal Indue-1 itth stl ucceesand it le kermach of tirs migratory âg labor ira departoer]fr 4ae, la tihe sprlng tirs MOU *,ly lrifir bacita the uortb g b. on band for the. work. ,aoers in Waukegan-Siuce kdeioslo f tieZionsutirorties M5f mlousworkmen ta Iaks job@ *M n lMZon CGUY Maay men toavu bave souguir jobs la the taukefan factoru esapelaUly lu aileanr] as tire men bava su od yen offleut worknetr A» encuraglag them. Now a RW 01men living la Zion Makte M.1tu Wanksgan carrylua their iWoMaig tlrongbat ithe day. humi ndulge ilu sent prayar stlng the da's work, atirer- Ir appear mach eus1 ordluary rW grester part of tirnt go IK0 ttb*f work by way of the C. & Ip ole bas beau luoperation $mo but a siiorir tîme.J ). & M. Electrc-J. T. Judge, atgait, last weak iler] nuit ,rale & Edavards againsltbh & MilwarkeaekcWtrlc for 8525N udimisnlsduc lmu for services Ms expert appraiser for tihe Fla placing vaiu nar propsrfy ,wb tire Company cnt lu weet aide lina Judge avti lirWaukegan meal etate mn ~p ru for tise Company for tonk.he daye, pilag vai-e ruelhsaseswhicb thrbt b-o- W nu fe ait _thse otiiers ao- tg *e compani.placsd alt- a bpet value upon serviceseas Vines lthe TroUi 1ta psy as SIfl te preomut caseagainst hi avSuon severel morsaili uneine S.Zion-Preaidaut8mmti sty 01 eiders of the mormmn ~ts Zion Ciy lasir Thnreday le a voir excaudar inspection ai & industries belug shoavu tira sp ad ite varions manunaclur- Wo by rspreatativae of lDr. ,1 qeclai camso thi e e *W,avae sid-tracked at the Ziock hUtb.their aIrai thre Party ' i b". plesisepersÀ A *.h " bas 1h that the. Mormna '"nite.w ng e xtead ite Itermel ýifW n»Mr futurethie ebu,- là ocqulred extensiv lands md uesthea Idaho au et ! aad la tire eut- ~obustsbmaa gI. ~m &Tihe SBonm@Doings Wsrtby --ofNote- Vorth Shore than the. Lake countv ZMon aceordlng to rumors wich coma trom tbe wet thougb the ada .oft fs part>' wbich visiter] Ibis sectionu wre Ioatb tç maka any etatainets ragardlug tbe matter. Negro Uses Knife-Becausa ba be- levar]on. asaac Campbell, colorer], ta bave coma betweuhlm aund hie&avîfa, Allen Jackson, a negro, set upon bim aili a kulfe fast Frlday igt and suicer] oua of bis @ars off besides stabbiug hlm in eaveraI places, Jackson clame that ha avnt t tbe hous on uortb Gauessas Street, Wauksgan wbare is wife bar] for coure tima baau employar] as a donnestlc to flur] bar entwlned lu the other mns arma. Jackson re9euter] tbis aund tbe slabbiug folloavar. Jackson wa8a arrester] and the linrar] man placer] iu thea bopital avbera it le statar] iq in- juries ara not daugerous. The pris- oner atae that ha bar] repeatadly warued the other to keep away from bis will but that ha continuer] b seak bar soclety. Campbell bad bseu workiug as 4 porter for Chas. Brautlay ou Soutb Ganessea treet. Jackson is Dow out ou $300 bail aur] it isbeievad tba'ra aili ba uo prosecution. OiesiluArizona-Mrs. Ray Erieksou, wife of 11ev. Erickson avbo receutly ra- fguea@a pastor of the Firat Cougraga- onal cburehof.Waukegau, nier] Chrit- mas uight iu Arizona avbere abs bar] beu taken by ber buabaur] lu searcir o! aalth. flor imniediata daatb avas due to, pneumonie tbough asebail beau in alieate bealtir for surnre time 11ev. Eriekeon's resignatiou froru the Wauk- egan pulpit being due to tbe fact that ira coulr] not ramain iu this climats. Cernaent Works For No. Chicago.-A deal bas juat beau consummatar] which glys ta Northr Chicago a naw iudustry t thaebapa o! a factory for tbe manu- fcture of!tonenet biocke of uaw and im- proved pattern. Tire rompauy le tu ha uaowuas tb.Nortir8hore Camant Worka and will begflu the manufactura of the produet lu tira apriug. Tirs blocke ara of a new design and are patenter]. Lt le tha plan of theronrpany ta, begin enuali btut ta enlarga as fast saIt le fouuit practicai to do »o. D. D. Bath rick, ar officiel o! the. Nartbwestern railroad, in et tire iro"dof thre movamaut aur]hb@ son le ta b.o piacer] lu charge. Surrenders Self on New Years-A man glving bi@ nann a@asJohu Cramer gavaimnelf up ta the Kanoaba police last Monday ctatlug that haoavisar] to heglu the New Yser right making tbe statesunut that ha bar] autareal the hoi o! Otto Bowmian near Pleant Prairie about a yaar ago aund bar] toleu moue, and valuables tatire amount of about oua hundrar] dollar.. fis conscienceali sair bar] beau troubling bim @er sin(> aur] ho bar]beau contamplating giving hi rusai! up for soinsa tima but flot unti tha New Ypar dir] ha uerve hîruseif tc tira point,.fia statar] that lha bar] iaîked fron Waukagan that ha migbtsurrnr ta, tire Kenosha police. Tired of Life--A man giving thé nam eo! Antan Pakavi.a.sw-audr]er upon tie faca o! thea rti, deider] lai Frida>' lu Waukegau, that ho a@astirar ef the turmail aur] tribulation w-bit tbis life bringe to maukind aur] annoue sci hic intention of droppiug softly frou the fartbar aur] of the piar. The polic haard o! bis -ambition sud,, for safeti iackaai hini lu the city police statiot whare ha relantar d a as the nait ds3 releacar upon bis promise that hé avoulr] not pollute the Waukegau watei supply. The laest seau of biru lia avi har]aa outb alorrg the rairoar] riglît oi avay - Robbecl And Beatan ln Chicago-Pri) feesor Charleo Meyars. o! the North western Military academu> qt Eigblaré Park avas set upor aur] beaten by tiiug at the uorth aur] o! the Wells stree bridge lu Cuicago early Sunday urorninj sud relieveai o! a pockat book coutainirg ,severalhndrstl dollar. fis aareturn log froun a huutlng trip libathe t arc rsembed Chicago air mldnight. Vahil waiting for an i ariy train tu Highlatè ?rark hb.hobenereatiesaund aeni ont ou tirs streat lu ordar té take advantage o! ths air. As I4 stepper] upon the bridge t4lrse masia man tirust revolvers luta bis face. HB *rlisrad rasîstauceanaud was kuockec doand ur beaten. The purs, avas takei froin hie poekat after whicb tbe men bear a hasty ratreat. Ha at once reporte the mattar ta the police wbo are searc- ing for the robhae". 1 Drunken Negro Oraws Gun-Nar 'year'c night four uagrrras rau aniuckà thea botel Ermuur] barroom inu Waukegai and! the resulîts cma a lutIle sborto rbelug traglI,. Ti in n nt.-red latief >thea eveulng aund orilerar] drinks whiel vrshu dalîvarar]to tbam aers not t thslr-liking despita the appraver] inthod ofafin, tha preé;iring ujlxologist of th, h otel bar. The colorer] uen grev àthrraateningaur] avre ordarer] foni t] room aur] astbay wara laaving svith t]i able aseistauce o! Propriator Màarkîl ans of theru drow a revolver aud Isveleq wut et blut. arkug siezad bl@ boud ai( ela the tusse] wbiiâ lowaealtha li >win tom hy tWtàlsnrof the gonfroc Ipunio! b01girtath bako tbeW'o'e t humwb and the firat inger.. The. tour liban ied but later on@. of tbam wu wsreeted. Ple was tha uuhappylHappy" Lowe wbo bas so olteliai ouud lfinf utroubla bfore and saslly provad that bie Intentions waré flot of more trouble, and waa re- laacad. Ha furnisbad the police wth tha nains of the minu who draw the weaapou and bis arraut laeaxpected. Kilf Saloon Extension-Tha Wauka- CLOTr I gan city counuil last Tuasday avanlug at its raguiar montbiy mesting voted down the movamant to axtsud tbe saloon dis- Waukegan, liii. trict down Maron streat, aecordiug 10 tha advlca of the g"seiai salooneztancion cominittela whicb wau decidadly mot iu favor of grantlug the extension. Biedrwolf wbo ie to arriva lu Wauka- gan lu Fabruary to conduet. a serias of ra- vivais ia reported lba a man of marval- ca magnatiemi and woudarful tacultias carryiug ou hie work witb resultsbardly W graat pbysiqueanad markad personality and la ît said bie labors untiringly witb To the M ost Popular Lake Couqity Socie great force adearue@tueaa. Stadies to Buld-It bas beau aun- nouned by Nelson Steela that5 the Steele ca a ces. This ... a h intareata wjll tbse coming opring eret a fine bank and office building at tba sautb- east corner nf Banasea and Washington Wa waut eary society lu Lake Couuty to take trets. The presat store block wa rulbe bava made tha talloiong conditions, wbîch ave bel ramover] for tbe building ot the uew for ail contetante. structureanaur possibly tba presant First Alil ociatiec basiug a membprsbip of lesastban, National Bank building as well will ha o.a bundred busis wbicb aili ha the sinallest numbn reo tira inthe psite f bilrisgut cording to urambersbip. For illustration if the iarg, niad to ake n th sies o thepresnt )roe hundrer], oua ton cent coupon o! -tba, smaller two blockm wbicb adjoin. Mr. Steele lasa ailI ire countar] as tbree votes. For soclatiei announces that the bauk w il be loratar akgna adtoa adca foavt on te coner ftartbe uIldng t COil ease. As eacb society antars the conteat, tbe imeu pleter]. The occupants of tbe building, cpgvn o i od ogtr u tr a Pete Gletis conectinar audthewa wjîî giva oue vote for every tan cent jîurcbasa. Waukfegan BusiutessonArlae1a. bausealed box and opaner] andrcountar] eacb weak by notifed t va.ata o Aprl 1.tarester] societies. Tbe monay ailI be divied into Kenosha Clerks Rob-An aleed to tbe soclaty casting tbe largest nuruber of votes conaspiracy aruong clrks lu Kosba ciety caating the next largest number. (imteat ec stores to rob tbir employer. bas beau 1Basidas donatiug tbe oua bundred dollars aev discovarer] accordiug to reporte fromi parmants as ave aisir to reduce our stock. The ni tbat toavu. The iuvantory wbicb wbila aur prioes are goiug dowavu So you kill two followad thboliday trada disclose er] bDOW. fact tbat tbonsands of dollars aortb of goods bad bean in sonna manner ramoved fro»i soinne of tba laading stores aud tbe tba clerks and invetigation ravealar]V RC AT AND SUITS amplyer baamasusicins o sone f O ERC ATSBargains ii 4evidauce pointiug ta a conspiracy amoug Pthe womeR eanployad lu crtain strs.1 Ail at way down prices, you know the, size Bargains fi Tan womau wbo aere confronter] with 1Bargains li 8tbe faets condsan d r it lea flagad that of Our stock. It is the leader of Lake Coun- Spalding tý more arael.mplicatad. A number of tbe Iaccuscd beloug to tha hst ot Kanosha ty both in quality and size. Vou are sure to Bargains hi familes&ecrdin to a enoas pperBargaino il an onamill es gicr lsto ae osha paar K leased if you will only corne and look. You wil Mion of thftt bar]lber waddiug day st for useOof. Ci Tuasday ot tb!@ waak. Biavera) A promineut avonnn of Kanoaba are alo rsair] tebave acter] as caufadrrates te elrks implicatar] lu the affair. :0 Pioneer Passes Away-At 2 o'loi1 a Henry F. Porter at tie home of ba TME ROYAL Pà"-L M1 ia daughter, Nrg. J. W. Barts cl, ini WaiuH-OT EUIU SEZ A G ýy kegan. at tihe advanced ae of 8vears. TI M E BCVR MADE L ANIE t His deatb w aa(lutte uuexpevcted thougl i mu ý V M D e lie ball beeu ligftly aillng for thre prit cetndrias. 01i New Year' niruig 'lic Notice the strong Unes of design, simple and elegant. You ig aro's in tihe be8t of spirits andr] W iilieil neyer tire of a range of this kind. il tire fairrily a Happy News Year Liter ni to tire iay hae becaine wcak anrd took to The Body is made of heavy blue steel and requires no ad lia lied. At arr early irour Tuesayt bakn oda t r rorrring fir. Foley wae m ulinroned aun lcigt la t short tne alterrlb, pa8sad pear-fuils The Overi is strongly li away, Mr. Porter vas oua of the varr braced so as flot to warp e aireét nercbants of the city. He Nvia or buekie. et brorirlit Duîînirmrton. Vt.. Julie 17, ed182:3 and engager] as caijin bayoni tire The l'ire-box is f itted witlu ci Slhooner Bolivar at Clevelanr] lu 1833.dulxgae ndptt e- Ha fiirallv landed art Waukegan June i9, smplexbura n dn paenst - rui 1843, aloard ailitbathesrboorîer andsoe ur]cosrc sc ailer tira lakem. as captaru until 8.). tion. This hurns up h y He servPldin he osiionoferrollrig gases f rom the coyal, pre- nu oin hercanr Stie busindtessfr ailggr]vents. the escape of nau- -Y i irîiLe uieafrrumseating odors andT vlai r ,in a.p.,, 'r re of g g ni [id ila id nt le a d 'ni au in of Dw le ;ha ;us id eh )m le a repubi,n a(]rr a me lrber of the' i ml tclliorsr. lif.e im Trvrver .v .it oT dînugîtera-. ire. lnrail ardîri-i . J. 1. il Chlie, ni Kenriili. I nterurcîrt sar i T 'of fuel. Ta sec the Royal Palm is, Kas L.DGIVEN etq. You have heard of handiz indicap contest. -au intarest In this conteet, we lleve will make it an even chance oua hundrad will ba flgured on a àer. The votas avilI be counted ac- -ge8t society bas a mrembarsii 1) of r Society havîng one bundrer] or le located over t»eee iilý" frorn ili ba given for each tefi cet puT- nberalup wîll be taken and han4i- etween January lst and April lat e.The votes wivll ha deposite] in a ,a commiltea selected bY the in- 1 two parts. averty-five dollars ýand twenty-ive dollars tu thre so- lse8 A1,ril irat. wili make vëry low prifflunail] de- manufacturers prices are going ni), îobrds w itbone Stone by bu3 img FURN1ISt1ING GOODS lu Underwear in Dress Shirts, $1.00 values go for 75C in Boys Shirts. 30cO quality 25c Sweaters $3.00 qualities $2.25 in Uxubrellas in Rubbers, Shoe@, and Rubber Clothing il find lots of bargains that you eau make good :OMIE gage Ear-ners aind Savings Depoitors We save you money, time, trouble and e"pnse and offer you tire absolute security aund couvenrence of a Sound City Bank We bLave introducer] a special new feature, known as C. F. Craig's savings acc',uut systefi] You are flot requirer tý, corne to thre bank ejrher to ma"ke deposits or to draw rney. We are thre ouly bank iu the United] States authorer to use this system. 0 A careful, thoughtful mari, miudful of his own besi interests will look into these facts for his own benefit. Send us a postal card and] we will mail you full particulars. The Metropolitan Trust and Savings Bank Chicago Stock Exe Over $l.,OOO00.0 hange B4. 5. W. cor. La Salie snd Washuington Ste. r rrr,\ OTi ,euictcr. i anregri.ta buy h. We wanîtat tisAL. isan ATa TRANSFEISS. show it ta you. Furnihpd y Tal is heLpbertyville, Lae uruy ihe&l rusbCo AIitrart, nf Tîtie. Tities. tuaranrteed imt oïusB 11. 1. haR. aBERJVILL hoTak etChan Masnic Tenmple Bltlg. Wankegau, I. ______________________ 1e1s1natl tlphr« ta Loris J. GraNrEa.WSsy. t o i u fpo C M" Sharîrile & wf to Jiobn Blanche W F Airlott &hmset G. H Wlsuer & w-f et aI ta espeuse t ualru !1oo Berirrbau 77~ a. i ses 5ai to G B Freeinian part lot Edwaard Boyes lots 10Oto 14 tion ta benaefi t and conveuiauce. ba c k aur] h Verno77%tavind-e sio o1 61 Village of Wauconaia w-r.. 1 00 Appleys adn Liberta villa wd.. 2000 'DO P601 J E Throsel & w! ita Emîl>' G B Freernian & asf ta A E J K Murphy & w! ta Margaret ______. Clar-k lot 6 blk 4 Lyon & Kiraa part lot 61 Vilagec K Mason lot 10i sub ai lots 1 H utchina@ sub Waukegan wd 5000Ot0(k of Waucouda avd................ i1 00 & 2 blk 25 Highland] Park avd 6500 00E gnOB 0M r August Anderson & w! fta Chas Gut Oottàcbalk -& w! to H M Highlandr Park Bldg Ce W p i h Ogla Iots 10 i11'2 blk 1 Hawley 64 nuss iii secs 14 & ta Margaret K Mason lot 10 Everyoneie s put"ig th=m us.e ar , Boit@ sub Lake Forest qe ...1400 00 23 Cuba Ua twPWI............... 6160 00 euh of Ioto 1 aur] 2 blk 25 C E Sayler & wf ta Jorepb C E Sinitiî &tai ru Franuk Siezea Highland Hark rîs................. 1 00 Soîîkup & tvWf lot i55 iîk il1 lot 25 blU. 7 Dreyer. sub F Titura to Juo Frederirk 19 We are equipped ta do Southr Waukegau sar -'o o r1 Northr Chir-igo % r...i-- ...----- 150 <>0 aca i nsfl 7 aundi1,-mFreruiout ail klnds of repair ol V C Prce &!ta CIas. Norri- Villa,- of lutionir ta Josephi twp tad ............................ 1 0O' Business rates. 6%c. par day aur] up prornptly. New at soI&Oca ubiri lot ounan Turmer lot i Village o!fe uern&ritrt at~ coune of esc-ar & Madison Gtr......... 501e nson I 4& s10 otERasidvere rates Se î a- diuii) supplied St aueansr]..... 4~0( OW If Niirpit to C & N W fiy Co 292 Lanke Foresttrwi ........100 00O THDurt & as! te] W FH ianse îi6.9407 aricis 3ýsrc 4 Sbiefds Chircagoi & strîtn' iJii, livCîr Tof lo 12 & 1 l D rts twpws ....r ..............t.irr132ougîr Liake Co............ - III JU UII sub Waukeganî tar----------- 2niririno JohlnuR Gnrais uir(f part bit .>RIlRCdu l n<e ltC nrL eatent FWGause & w ttaMarie iu 7 Wishl.turu SlIriuge & part tt iii It R jnt ,tetîui*vt Cv I... i luit Orr lot 25 blk 311 INort f Chi-i n 2 Tbornrîsons add to i ff tLk lf %l. cago wr..................-...... 35 ) 0> aukegan into .4 lots .......Ht'Cltrat a tl r)o,,ie1I-oIl MIs N trtOpsteS.PalFegi e Henry Mia to VWin. Mari, Jr l-s.ta- e o K Rursolph <r]e'r) loti13 <ik 70 flitclaird Pik ' £ Du tr poieS.Pu rih eo 275 nucs n it m %sec- il -%Vest ta rbGissar & taf 20 s-s i lu .arr] ............................... 1000) 010LibertyjviIIe, Illinois Libertlyvile X Illisoi Aulioc.h tuvp wav.. ............... 65 00(Ioi , mec 35 etr'ld taap tat.. .000 00 Marc p I3nInîo illia W Trustees Wbeateu Cllege ta tqH V Il soknp et 11 tu, R A Boylasn lot ini Villarge ro! J )vln R ta! a 4itaîuâsen lot in se X nie%1Aitiocîr w-r................... 120 11 Piuesava is the hast Salve for more@,> Auy oua sufferiug froru Kldney pafins Granttavp qe .i.6 t1i0 sa- 17 Waukegau lavp wd-... 500 00 E CM Clark & atf to Jeunie lteesna ku rback-acha, blaidaer trouble or rbeums. A Cummip & %1 o Emmabantry ot 4 Clrk & brrs, halls, tte, zea kndeseaass,11cm vbo ailI take a dosa of Maur] Poavera ItEnil 1F-airk EaAdCpiles. & avfb Enma Cant- lot4 Clark &upoU retlrlug aI nrght shall b. relhsved lot 5 OfiU usea suir Lake LîIdari lot 8 blk 2 Wau- Latiniersa ub of Its 5l"I& 52 iu]pls ud~ WL ÀsEU» befors morniug. Soir] b>' Wuj. Ecza ~Zurch wd.. ............... 500010 kagau Hlsauiswr._ .... 4W00 1, ake Forest w ..~. 550 00 ertyvilla aur] GîAYALAKE PHARMAC'r 'Llheriryvlllaanr] Ga&vLu P&urm a. i.,.- I J- -Work ter tbis apporte '*axitj , whethe boums Tai ar being t porpos psnhap the rot Of ulus At t ecai of and Tire m at boa and i payr r bour 1 plavii Balpe saveur At eomp boum av* week Tii sud yearl mon. throT lot m 'Sa Chicago

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