XI.NO. 16. LIBERMTYVILL, LAKE coumt, IL FIDMAYl JANUÂARY 19,-.1906-8 Pages Si. 5(1 FER YE.&1~ luT: M'T ~oeii- BILITIES t ý-ALL S AND Hss. !oier, lIse ex.tcgo aldermen ta boe tiseîIçNDErtKXUE.T bas On occasion hW sied mnebig Invasion ot Lake Sty and purchame of-th.eVaukegau mej"gpwpSet .1advancig bis lin- dmde poRlW alprptigu lugreener fields bd tu a comnuftity euppomely inert 4 «Meuloas iemansof Iinesperlenc * hie klnd, la ot wth anOther o1 bis ~aabsletl a, th. mid atubi- t = atus arlbyljmblie distavor. 4 MU tol« Ia. Viben ans of h. k'Wbo woul raie la dlcovered and bm»Wd " the bspleen ilu bMin I ùwdtoljlubiseffort ta tain. -MtseIIulmeeting ci the Lake County ibd et Suerrimors Fogler ougt the s y ensalonal crticiamn lubis of Durd membets. aud the jbm b h.agiâtel giien put toas vote plwbi*ed hos al lthemuporl et but thse M Io lavigIlmdictmb alowa lngbîef pbe *%ud" for tis&aitetr r pomoue ta oie h. get tise turne blin. TIi. l>,vlmote b"d"beard" aifegoler sud tlo oof hMm. y1qia Newpor Bridge Maties'. hW > maee of14mI owler 114con WOO bd bmo.hol a brIdg wihlmtbm *0 wai s -4I ai î-m- tba s isvebu .uttme-'t gaiun"bmouly decided tb rusouhe4 atb..lde comp6flyb1 ex"eloge $00dam"ge. There ga@ oti a l.nlgvote. The Warre o- mladsopere. wese 0.Tý liccillough, John geluindrSud E.A. Taylor.' Thome front Newport J. A. giver, J. F. Wel@ and JobnIrvlng. Taimpeirviot' co- milees, ;Svid Adams, chairman, T. E. Girabamn sd W. E. iduler. -At I1. September seWsinthei.Board bY unani- mous vote acepted report 01 tihe joint commtiee. The amount, $40, wam pald, one.balf by the Gcounty, one quarter by Newport and on quarteT by Warren townlsblp. 1 There in the "si-andal" ini ail its vivld terribleneu. c At iAgain. lb took tour fiet Page columus o! Int ' Katunjay's delly Ssis, unden scate iesd-1 ine. 10taisfy Fawler's bhéi»eof Ise- smlrcilug Couty Cerk Hendes. Super- visors Millet oi libertyvIlle, Borenberger or Derfield, Grahamu of Grant, Quentin or Vernon sud 'candldate9 for CountY Treasurer Stepiiens, who was IormÙerlyt chraln oft ail oard of Superisons. M"e ol f Vernon ighgay Commis-1 Mglanr.o pay the bhait o!efflt of abut-.i meute for a steel bridge aven tudian1 Creek at Hait Day and th. resultant1 agait, afforded hi. bis subWet. 8 Supervisors Explain. 0 To get authelb. tatheb.IirEPE.qDKNT9 bai lamviewed th. supervisaunud as1 g re. no pprsanal kokuallgofatheb1 alaâir. publisis what t.Y MuY lu repli ta YoI... atcusallonof favontism t1 mitais eontractoym, la" of busiame1 mailodansd th.conveit-lilrenne of1 Indien Crmek ridge. Coamhaleamers Albrght, Bah.u ald, BOotaVeruon vits apervhovsMillet iormabeg et l Gian cmut@tWe gb ew aaeomaltimaMeri ptoP4*i alvegiom ~blé. for 1h., abtumte 1w««. epea»malBrne. &uOM atierdel ibe goirtme oa motion a Ibo bsv~tht rwumes esn o ave tue o- Its mmmiuetof a a etes tract Iiplie lise mtct beir bd vas nom. 00 15eDm Oalma jr. Itwuai0120 blgber t tie lies webilder. ne = ille advertlmed for sud lise cou- Ibis ouipalsibal doné suci utiftory TWb.,Tus follogel s wraugis b..- work- on suother bridge bulîllu tiat *wm*0 Iwo lowm » u location of lowa. Tb. supervisons coucunred lu Iis ibé tbkdtu*, ldn'olvlng the question of oinion. êbb"g the s ie 80 raIs la wbere the Duinug th. construction o! the abut- 2I>IvkUftli e o 'sbe hasd purcham ent»ul Albrigt telephoued three or ftour ~IPrOPerl for the purpoee. Bth limes ta uler or Hareubenger ta come *Ya»WW tu1. g rais. tunîsior lise pur- ta Hait Day, as the wotk did :not seein_ pm o ~ .iWtsseouid bey ,agrée -- t)10 bis sceardîng to plans. They aldavs 0f the. brigsd a1 ,-west as requeted "d alter eacb con- eelté~s1emlehlrps.u sutatiosi tiey ams.s Albrigt derlared thé rimlj th. contimnal Bridge Con- bîmself satifled aibh adjustment oz d~blmnfeturl h. steel for lihe ntterai. The nature of 1h. excavation b.ÎaO -lé gem reedy lt, ispmme nsd iiemeitated som. changes y wbh b. tu" It i'ti. baunsaiontrscted for. contactar beneftted and it was agreed fflmth" y mr. Iformel tise bridge vaithe i. 0w ould i. allowed' $75 in bob te h. hul$ tiimy propomalta hl tise consequence snd thse couuty a like effltv ota iuco t At.Aiajoint mot- 1 amout.. 18SM11I. comnilesonens ronNewrport Whe.the ivol vam co;upleted the W~ arre and the superviSsns con- county paid ite hait, the cammiselouerg rssfeiugto.pay th..town's hall, tlairing tii. sbutnutento werè nbot builJt aeeowing ta contract, and etathe . o ýng Match teins of the circuit 'Court a jury -111 decide, ne Bruce and Barron brougbt ,dut. The abutment# were coupleted ini (ktober 1904 andi tii. supe"rvisncliai are to-dsiy as firin aud solid as wheu tlsîîhed, without a craek cor' defectiais. The Steel wotIc. The Susa is mucîs pertunbet becaume the, mteel wor1< for this bridge did flot 9g to tise lowent bidder.s. lq uîserviwor& solldly op)poset >ieacli r5tlhr aI tise fi rmt Oreiag of bide for th.eteel.A Inenber of the msuperviwsore onulittée .wus ap- prouct.d fm umt hefore tise. ssss-tissg ut wi-bisbcî.îtrat was 10 be jet, by lir. Fis-s] Matier o! tht. .lsf ridge andi1 ron WVrks oîh'asi offered $755 ta vot w'itli h cmisrînîeioneres liess qusestin of 'ardMing the. contraet wai réthled. lie told the otîser meusiens o bie conf- sittee and ail lien and there concluded, to use their ex presion, "tiere %wau' sanie- îhlng rottesa iii Denmrk" They decided1 tg appas' 1hz Joliet consîany and wbil.. igne th. lowest lidder, the. vote mlaad 11103. No deci;ion f*ing pomsible itwas agreed ta rejet al tht. is an sd re- ad'vertise. This sas dotse sud at a seond meeting th.Ilinois. Bridge Comspany o! Milwaukeet h.lng thé. lowgt bidder. was .awarded th. cotnrt by unanimous vote of lb. joint comulttee. The nfpervisor' committee basin kte pouemion a letter tram tihe 3011.1 Bridge sud Iron Wtrks companY spollgizug for the conîsît of Ibeir reprimntative sud aying h. isn olonger lu Ibeir enplay. lIrun., o! Bruce & arron, la s brother- ia4aw of forme? Supervisa? StepIssu, bence Fowisr drape Mr. Steph.ns into hmI "evelatio." Supervlor Qetn a1 Vernon là supposý a, 10 let aI uit braum e h.did netacquaint lthe BasaI guIsfat-tu oftise controversy an i*m eCosiuy's 1mui!el thse bllfor abutumte wVOdd laot Isuvýbseu pull. The. sutàs woasor~rel lmuailo bgBoard members, tlieT knew ail h. faIm vils ont informnation tram 4unt>n-and knowing th.m allomwed the bill, believing 1h. commissioners wrs.ng iu Ibeir-at- titude. 3 County Clerk Hendee le termed by Fowler thse King Bee o!f1the wlole lique, and tiat's where h. gels ini. Juet a r boise hie chassees of re-eletion may hi iijured. thougli' every knock hy Fowher ile a boopt.* Soured on the. WorUd. Fowler lea sdieappouuted nan-hie aspirations thwsrted at every step, h bas elmply aoured on tbe wold and Qalmost lbttes insl!. Juel s chrontc ekncker, wthout ability 10 lutelligeutli convey wiat h. in tryng tuget at hf villifies githogt i eson or attemrpts tb e enirci mgore tsvored one lu in U peopfles' confidence 10 briug them t10 ii e own level. He iwante compauy in hi s8 misry. s Niwj The lb ailwy of trausactingall banüs in aniai deDperîmenî i.csla d tlob. <ml - tirough the finesial departinent- la for goad. Tii. Inunvirate whicb vas POLICYh.lng donsasy vltb as latai la found given contrai nI Zion viien i. 1.11 for practical end this departmeut vil in Jansicansd wblch ! isugursîcli IP IO.time be obsolet. To Deacon ranger 'sili constlerable osteLtýn Witt in tii:1 114 Z ON-0 ho eSwdedto te postionvacatel future bave 'complet. contraiofth - b>' l)eacs'uBarnard le due Ibis radical finsuclal end of lhe City. pçwgoor aNo Loonger la De Run change lu affairs. Vs'sn laoking well Zicn's largeot creditons have besu *ao Comtamky Plan. Bonne ltc the affara o! t& itbci .determinel demsnding for the pat several snonbls t-ie o*ita Oulsght. j lia thinga could not long exist as tbey tiat Dowue b. rellave of is counectian w ere and 80 .e called sa meting of aHI vito th. financial department sud Il "ZIQN WILL NEYER PALL.PP thlb eadlug thinkers o the Cit>' sud ex, vas wihh tih. undentandlng liaI Ibis -Ipilel -ta lieus bis reasous fot is vauld coula tu pesu that them dcaims k9Illmjsv othse detaila af tb. plans ajof tlutlns ers nat preasel. *-telmvirate nov lu catral ai on Mth. have beau necesani tu vork Forecosures Ta Be Fixed Up. Ijo 5e. tade plic Uf-aeconcrsng h.ciangesu d mentle viii conte efore ~~llbs i tses ne hae hkelot tUf.> are £11 lu farce ytb. la leterminedi Th reouls pf the Durhu sud Ferry W' Pâe. o tssu.msdnilhasveu poas bis course sud vîli pursue t t t h.forseloslure vil iavm<ittle'effect upon the »u ood hat 4 very radical change lu end. ' future o! Zian Il le beieve4 otiier Iban ta tlis bing conellerel. Foricloeute Pracaedfisgs Stated. make lie snale crditars wary, as It lit -»qQj >evleno ebvecouse ta ligt On WedniaMday .1t iis ge.k forelosurs bellvel 1the lutereel irili b. met butors - coetiseband vhlc-b tb. three proceedlngs vers itartel ýb>'Mrs. Jas, t le ime lan 5ud Ilae to e » eover. .*utt cn f ZDon Cty vrill play. The Dunkin sud by Binons Ferry wnli owu lienmslslanceayt ae et operation appear e a .sinpie morîgages on much of 1h. laulIlu-th@ Closeas uortgage sud It la thsugt by These Iprtmente wiih have heurt of ZDon. Mm. Dsttki eted tisai thal line tise isanciaI taugie viii have - bsa us nde on 'mnag-the interest on $65,00e i prcn.beetu unraveled. W5il la bllue'd, beome esci a iras diue bot aud tIsaI no effort bal be» Na FaUifan the- Chtf Ever. #é$o ýueevuma lth manager of made ta meel h. payment, thus ber 4 Davielte s day on tiro egasaid: -Imve-ontLm ep4~uudivithed action ln presing ih.nat.r. M. Ferry «"Zion 0*l1 nover ceam.ie ah. Tb. Ip ,gotllthebuam i méss~e u. Iu aiea hols a nortgffge-for $"5,00 ou msay ecomje taîmers' sacreagg as iî gai Mm e n oersuu of Zian ylZMon -tty blqcks sud tates bis @tep la bfore ge came aud private Indvdal t4 utrm te'idiwry.dutetgaiane Tee"u. . ns>' ru lb.efactorisé liat wvo hiht np. 't41.qers on Oaemnstwity !Saut$. Chicago çredtata via bave boon but the creel sud preetices afte isena ~~~Dsblve ~vcomunltysaslsthua cley vstchlng natter. ai Zian for the Apotie are nov beyond the fint gepora- ~ -~.ve*celm4 N det lo pont moulubuar now st.ppl»g tau . thton sud l.'yu toarvn lInaatyni h ra oufront auI vill Pet-ss b.r snlteaiso. éi *i çMes. Every mmn 00gb Oui Fore Q'ood. TIse Chicago DaiI lY~oii for only IW.*.af~sanI *ct "TIse-préent Lte h0f1epre hems,#100 UIf ien vit a pullnlu ence M, Iný -*ùWôdu macdm hlicoalbfulbs amtiele adi.sfiption to lb. iswiua, 61~ .5ue~al I.lng g ctsq oBiaisbve bees riigEr - *mI bMneti nte t6 #" id of Dwe a b - - ~ p~t~ qçcsmia~iea iap~.r e ~ Tbi veir Rets? Clamsa adithse lintu the boad o! the lapMm but 40 g 'w tP~*LO 0u1117y-lm*d 2500. 10 P16BAD GUILTY. Judgs Bethe lu le United States Federal Court, 10 Chkago Wedn.edaY pronouneed th.eieorde .whicb brlngi home ta Elghwood saloon men the euormityof-thsir loffesoftheb.Pait several yean.Jjjohn Hart the. Bebrew resturant propilsiOi, accused of buyiifgof thé. odinertaIFort Shieridanî, thousands of ddllarlq woth of gosernment supplieq lsced tie, faderai îudge, repremnta- là tivee ofthtii Lake eounty reforsu element were gathered aibout thse bar, Cp't Saville 01 the Fort was tiiere witb otier offlcïrs 10 hear tIse rmoult n tlîeir efforts t0 remedy tb. deplorable conditions et Bighwoad sud th. Fort. Addressingt Hart 1h. judge said "1 a9sess your -âne8 at $25W00and you are to stand- cons-t mitted until itis paie." A murmur of ap- provai on on. aide sud grave consterna- tion an tihe oth.r greeted the. decision. Matthwe<sti Plead Guilty. An lhe INMIJPEUDE5T goes taus E. T. liattbews à well known saloon keeper aofBigbwood l'blteJu 1 Bethea an aie elrge, but It laemail h decided ta pklpilti sudd *hat bis fine wili not h. s eavy as HarL.A gentlemn lteiu" in the. promesution ilois the IIIlI'SNDENT tliaI about 41,0t0 wlU h. ibaeiount asseemed. Mot.Ttrouile Ahesd. The DnOW fjgusu sot machine cases1 ame te'be C04 se a. day or Igo lu julge joues 1p Waukegme, -dhbore1 six of the. sl aloon men mut face Iribse maeresait othbeir ùndemtmdo â gbt ibe etasse a0 mule am mu re qulloaHliWOWOM mmss letobe followed, t in elalýmedby an lavamiof et t i s Ik.reglon, by tb. reformera, la u anisdearor go clame th. ftyodliblind pige m"idtoeuiuttbere. IYEAR -OrOCTQOR. Antocb Physician Persista in Hi& Attentions and es Ordered ta Lesve Tows. Flourisled Revolver ta is Fighten.Girl nti Marriage. Dr. Kyte, a phy8icien, recajithy laeisg at Anliocb, bas by bis actions eaueed no end o! excitement là the litle village lu nortbern Lake rosuly. Be pensLsted lu ehowlng marked attentions ta pretbyv liar>']Blair, employel by Tbayer & Ticket-s ai bookkempen. i'inally vie» b. flouniehed s revolvri' 51ber home rtecettly ta esuphabise bis demsud'thal mise marry il., sie became Irlghtened sud caling ber emuployer ta ber home told hlm sbe vas goiung ta love 10v» beeause of leur of Dr. Kyt., explaining ta hlm tihe man's actions. Mn. Vicker@ hmd iearn-l !the man sud bis sutce suad ho wenl 10 hlm sud tlId hum "b. vas tbe tahk of lise village" sud hus botter heave or luusere would h. trouble. Tii. doclor dId 50 but re- tunà slthe nêx t ilng sud goiug 10 th. Blair home ere*tmd là scene. The yaung lady ba lunltheneeantime gone ta Viuc nsin and ber ielatives of course refuseI Information ta tb. man of ber gbirsaboute. )It le tbl» b. tireatonel tise . 4wnlly il funber tuivrtel Iu bis en- "leapr ta, locale girl. n Il1 ORED IN CIICA66O FormerLake County Poltician Mesîss Accident in City;, Injuries Not Con- sidered Sensous. > Martin Delauey, et' tise preseut lime àliving lu Chicago b4t well knawn in ýLake couuty vas rtln own by sChark astreel car lu that s'ity oua day hlst teek b. nI quile-paistsîhly tiaugi not tdangéroasi>'injumes. .1 k' Mrt. Dslaney who wona aIoan, lime promineut lu Lako couxsty politice sud a"t. enatar Ironiciýbis districi y vaa about ta croms- CWak etreet near lÀpcohn Park vissa h. bossaus e ofuWuad d teppeli front of tIe car ne gai ijirogu - ta *5e Pavement uad dreggod a short digta". Lucklhy Is4 rlujuthe výer.e llgb'i lisse ho i macho recover f roduthe elotk« * utn. TWO',AnS BY CARS lire. Henry Daey, Motiser et 19. E xp r m e lit . dg et * Wasiè~gen INTOXICATED JMAN- RIT IBY AN ELUCT.EiC CAR. t.asst Mondas morning et nabout 8:1 Mte. Henry Day, of Chiteaugar, N. Y., was strack 1>3 a fast express train et w'aukffln and iistantly iilled. fShe wus tihe nother of Elviss J. G riltin, for- ner sherifi of Lake counîty ansd the prée- Ment deputy alieriff. W 11h lieritt tht ige o1lihe at-ident were two Waukegnni ladie, irm. Clsatlesl Fors-or anîd lier ilaugbter-iin.law, lire. <ijfft. The. tlree bail etarted on a trip to Chsi- eagd wliere they were taepe§lnd tie day. and iu order to eure r, Dii3 ,Jrstts walkinsi down tihe teel) stepe of tht treelle! which leadm froars Washington atreet to the depot platforsu thés decidod te rea&-h the. place by vay of Madisdni Ktreet. Wliesî tley reached tht. tra-k they si*rteil te crossa ovet to tihe eut sIe. There wae a dense fog et the lime and this made it impossible for tiiem tb mSe. fa st expres. whith wus iearing dotsn upon them. Tiie gateman saw the engin. but wau unable te do anytblng ta beîp owing 10 itis proxtmity and the. women failed ta iSit untul it wus almost upon them. lire. Forvor jumped ta one side while Mmr. (fin m»snnaged toe.ecape ltee other. Mir@. Day who wuineventy years o! agewas walklng lu 1h center of the. traci hetween ttii Io sud'was unable te cdean tii. track. Sh. was eaugbt by th. engins sud tamsed about tep lbat aainsIt te M"ap an engin, standing on anmotberu M. 'Ber body was plched up and rasnowsLt th% Larson & courad morgue wbeee e"am natgea sowed uhai ber shah wu@ fraecre eud both lege bmoen Otbea jurie geUeapparint whiess .W Th. tgolewmà lea k~*ïW exproesugnsly gem'Ibrough em at a rate of abdtint orty mibaan h6m- but owing t101h. dense tog wss #nnu@ > t about hait speed. The. train wat immeýdiatelY broughlst tastop. Mire. Day was saivoman well knowi tlsroughout Ibis loealltY. 8h. wae s widow of William Griffu sund was lates married te Emkiel Stednian, and for t aumber o! yeare lived on the Stedmnas fart near (;range Hall. Later Mr. Sted man died and finally@e. wae married foa 5a third tiie te Mr. Day. The carouer's jury' luthe cse ai Mre. Day brought in a verdict censurlng tie emnployes o! the road, placlug the death 0f the aged voum upon thse Company tbrougb he linompetbey 01 the diagman and gate keeper lu charge ofthe crousiug. it la claimed tiaI pot sufficleut vsru- ing was giron ot the oppobing train. The gala tender testlfied liaI h. diI not se the engin.s trike lins. Day. Evidence to show wbeth.r the. gates wene up or down confilted but, il la thougit tlsey, yene raised. w-len the gomen pasmed tbrough upan tie tnacke. - - ,Tiie verdict was ai follows: "Vie, lhe jury, flnd liaI lire. Pboebe- Dpy, the deceaeed, cause ta ber detb fro4tb.lng strack b>' enine 1297 on theCQ A X. W. R. R. eI 1h. Madison street CraMMIma. "Vie bolIers saI e' ccident e. -çluemi the ljscompetency aitf.empi -plsaI by saIdralnoal to guanl tb.eshiovi namel cro$@hug."ý. Laborer sl Killel; Famly Destitiate. Chptlee Shimekie. a habotet living et Highland Park vas straci by anmSetnc cst Saturday evenlag near tbat pince aud snffened deali immediatley. Accord- ing ta lb., the matarmen by viiose car h. gas killed lthesma» was hYing pertiy under a trestle ie. bead bring 'th ruet botweeu two îlesi lu suci s men- uerthat an itou Iran lie brehee ttnî-k lt as tie car amsed along. The imaiCe 1>6<v as ouI of slgbt sud bis sead w-as nol sen» until the, car wes -upon hlm. The tops o! hiebead vas bru ()ff. AI 11e inquest h.hd by coroner' Taylor It vuesiovîs lia 15e w-as sem»a couple o! haute previouoshr bsnging nabout IIighwrod sahoons #and tie jury kbelieved hlm intoxicated at tise lIme o! kthe. accident. d H. leaves ài bEllwltted vife sud s laMe. family of children, aud tlie. eiug ie ,destituite cireuWtaiýeovillinluail probablily 1hec9nie varda ai tht. couuîy. The railroad was exonerated frousail bien. r.inel lu isevs service. fit-st lu stock d M ma ket report.a &reina ellborwa I~ ~ ~~ at Inaai-~eDlylter emuip RM Wiii est only $ZooIhrou ~y** if 1h.c R-1LY. .SWAYER ATTORNEY PERSONS 0IF WAU- KEGAN UNRACE FOR JUDOE ANO ALL OTIIER CANDI- House ta oHou. Canvasi the. Slogan and Basides More than'Usual Num. ber of Maâss Meetings ta be Arrasged J. L. Swayer, whlmnt week auiouîtt- ed lus dellite intention of seeking ts republican nomiinatioss for cotsnty eler in aggre"ively followillig up b:is iiatia- F. N. Oagin, pmsat iw T.A. Simpoon ....... Ïohn Hotigei'. The 8itudiom The contest for cOuntý probability develop imb Wt of the campaigu. Mri. Sa" eleaii man, and th.rs lm n mon why ho mhauldmn )àh tr. Henidge boas been au es im a ghrewd portitclani au held the pooition foTi t years there would h.-Moii iîîg hisu. Thiat &." ~ab tire, and lhe llrst ot the week reeigned -argum-nstt uine hlm. eu;~ "oition aus spieltanit petiuter at For ehliif, ,Elvhs (111! Waukegin thât lbe nay gis-e hle entire s»ins to lead in the race lise 10 ail active canvs-'ofthtei. ounly. olceonýe, Made agoqdl tie deliires 15e ln going into tise fghCto sufélý refer ta bisi recon w ii nad notliing witi bix power to do endoreensta for another -safl le- ieglectesi tint sitail enhance hlél For csiunty judge the id ,lîsnvés. IMr. Swsyers friends aie ao-ording ta comnnuJ ileaffed tîat lie takes Ibis attitude and tion Judge Jones appelrm it dieîsellm the- feelîing in sonie quarter. h. aud another E. J.-BfH0i would flot put "ginger eênoulzh into tise Persans 1e' etrance iik igit to suike i vittory amoasg th. prie- doubtleme 4.haigne i sibilities. Wedneday aIottis week Wae tliings lu placs. the day se.t for Mr. Swayer ta begin bis George Bl. Steph.lm of, active cqtnipaîgn. well quellitied aud hie lauI Persons Urged to Run. nsu mb ch i* crelil. Il à mlttarey P. k Pet-sons, o! Wanik* einegan 1111e rosit up un ttiis week siew d lu -th. ligbl t o M m Mdt i nSliet. a kon " of s posmibLe candidate for Iihe nommna- ua u llglse lion af county jnd«C.,1la couced ed teise Wakf mn nog t. "out in " .aî ne'Bhmiasfor soén.ise o n jlbla been lnveetfigating in Varionsa iownme. 'gBlsssstr 0" lui thse couul.v, sud bahm ey-triends Who dent of! mehoot Iea»*1 a r e u r g l s s g h lm 1 0 e n t e r t e r a c e . A t t o r - n eu a M d . 8 '4 w ofteu m ma otiiet i r e mcnd d te bai n» u t "~ g 4Uo q made inogu hie intentions, =sud laI h.hleved I Mei.quarter. fluaI#r Perr. smnu' entiet isanelit*"Mr.oson Ihe tppn *~ leeldel to "atay ouI notbeur mm ther le lkely ta on. Utnch fron t1h. musa lotiros. sug, 1' go ferte aeSm ue team lux fildieas kllow, &bd t fa1h bdlY' PtO bk bl isee ii h.any additions tram D. L. Jbuee. preset linmeot.. E. J. decker................ Wakegau C. T. lleydecker ............... W ukegan P. 1'. Persans ................Waukega <'O57TY CLEEX A. L. Hendee, ptesent linÜtubeul... .*** *'**'"** ...... .....W akeffl J. L. Swyer ............... .Watikga E. J! Griffu........... Waukegan Hl. C. Edwardo.......... Ia Jobul W. Swanebog . aukegsu COt7:nvY TaKAMSUH-Z Ge&ge B. Sepells............. Nevpa-rt Fred Âmes . ... ............. ..Wsksgan WVamt More LamS4 And' Appoint Coumittea tu Nesotiafe PO WLERPS PLANS lE- At a meeting of lbe board of dirSetore of!b 1h.Lake Couaty Ag4CuItur al 01Y, aàt wlnch evoeymluembe wa print held in Libertyville Wdeday sihew- 3noon, important action Wu. takea on meveral natter.Tbs dlslrabl e an tact 9tmsty of addltoicmaa4 I néltod lengthy discussion,' rantluglu 1h. op pointment 01 a cotaiitêçe o1 wbleb prrsldenlt Miller and Directoms 00w sud *HanbY are, membev e*O sgo4.* Wlth adjoWung owners 10 Ibat end. Eeoesly tb. acerage on south " 1.QI Ta*r strtt and adjoicng the groundi e 'old ta lir. Ted Bloye.and It la uudmtood he le wllit* tb dispose ofa, aportion 0 t!qM -9 oldings o be h.saýity. Then .1 a Hâte ofainount can h. purcbaed aiCho. Appley un th. opposite aide of lbe mtreet aend the,. street eloed 80 1entranS to grounde ,mqymd meveral handed *et Wet a.oi: dluaddition wiselx goffle, aud tibsoaernthelb.proie"g plan. It 'là ta h. bome- tbe ommlà fosalooos plmm# ghsed. Il dIr 11, ieZ W e il.s immae -e hm" lf&te vtr.Mema um aegpa1" be * stscb as bauil coynnu l .ai ai#"M has h 0»«isp$y tiOn lvl. -Tw n"m tise oulsebOOlsIN p* ae tflWnI Wl. . . u.L à coinnitim i rpest vimi rt agmet oub à rtltessopum 6l» pcibIrss an woie liaped a the peeimIns Ui coommimla-* »Im .I't e Bodueut te à auosgtbUr bas Mt, tiseIl A.L a $1.5 . OPER YEAX IX-