CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 Jan 1906, p. 7

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Vddil< hISîl - roady gmnhi.buaured th t,. foetuàUg lti uruy. V7tbmrogh vondertul upus ad dovus, ons Roulitn èunteum vas the. atbAeti4 ,Wbrnpatbvaylu >Ù a tbt sa yn tlut eof Chinus.but viien Bbc diapeseffl roin Wuh-b- IuIdY beaun Marbd 118 ailik the. uft of the. dovager empresa, tIngton officiei lite there vere no teamis attetionsa, bornage. %0 ilad anotiier b tat Mlisa Roosevelts hed by Hon. Nichalais, and the. pou-ednoal outU -A Lle E k i AS V8é J grandiotiiers bridai Iinery la to oe:Ing of, Countess Cassini did not causes 0 Ili nations. It vu Um ever, are'excellent that -an Amerlean; WbSn isas Roosevelt vent ta et. pavera and m Wagdoenet) hon 887S. om M -aupr9duet trom thehumble littie «worm Louis 10 spenit a fortotgbt at the'Of thi e l.d 1v1itt 01 fi,6YidHRd l 1pa. -n i - e ty 1 eta thie grand bomebody vh6, viliifaab-, vorid'fair. the ever-devoted and relati mtua b at Alla Mn i ~OI#R D a4é.w LQ4iis,,63h gu y 1tn the. satin vIii adoru the. prestdenVs honorable Nichoasa vas thore, ton.eer o fti a. 'A daughter the. daysite.becomesala "Witber thoni goest 1 viii go,»ý lu al l u héicturus MLLOpý aieau lawurt4m o f Ilur vile. sseemned 4o b. bis motta, and ie wviaz Mon 5 l aafg thliri. d , boïsen, rie D"'gh Bisbop Batteries, of tbe Protestapt'entertained eery place viiereMiss -f th. dlopet~h, e vq4f &I M"64 OO..- . Episcopal diurcii, of viiicii cbfit theRooseveit vas ta b. tounit. At the lte hero lu escpSd adeMdo 0 A~.M.1 ~PrK t d1Uent young people are both members. viii Country club, on the. Pue, ln faginat- caslon viier.ti. vrmeslda40 W«thm m»s b VULPerforai-the. ceremony, assiotedl by iný littie cas, on the canais during look part. lu alor thé. bttes ____________ iotiier dignitarles ef titat ciinrchi . gondola parties, iepresidentsa daugh- rrespondenta ment boISe sti, 7 Many mitais. 'er vas siadoved by the représenté- , LoeSb anA io'q BUTagcmIt beeboo frequentiyremarked tiat tîvO fromt Cncinnati. v~~g > oi et vWho is..lid the5 boll nt a stèat M » 3t101141n Wh aguby IL .'Misaosvl s n oeWr s Alo u ite h in hl htl l tb* R. Nt u amh,. o! à thifbu lur'& al-D f. [ L I U L i Iarl as ber father. Am ericans j e ler perld under the. very noses of Il dip- tate m en- rec tved t t tIO» kVUiStIU oztbat* for-lier oeeréy, vtaitty and* IomaUc and'.alI Washington. lent tbIi otiiers, prisent wW 1, isof Rlo la., vhlci I 5La ii. 1liat .aboundlng .joyinlvn hh' Tdbyte06p.We hepr euwf.1 MWi, thé. deeviopments o! thé dw.iiov moas lber ejor everytbing su, muci. 1Eui, stIli uoe. vano engagement. Untted'States Itfiau etdls titt ti~ los lluiltls o ti. * Co re ern n la.Tbey lîke lber, toc, for the level bead Whiet Il vtas.ubat the petted. sougit- 1305011trtt ie eogagenmt «I be 8gM00, uongvclornu thé $l-v1 1 bbas carried lber &round the, site. and ciiarmlng rat debutante of 1voulit ta annonced. Dt iaêi I Miiitaln00,00, oseilre u ridéthes. n Ar ènt- o n H on arid nd tirougb enough adulation tie land côuld notmalte up rmind. 1veit visîted Ili NevwYok-,aid The 0amlieuo euthé rgeam anMr.en W oeran HamWbn a Indtfiattery to nîîerly apoîl a les. well- or viietier aie chose to aitas:advlce Longwortb vlsited lu New tff) ethl iread identa.uUl beiv.wilb but 080,o. 1OV Great Pri-ze--Puroly, Love-M atch liilemd B cob formi s eefl fr0ow, 111 1havfeforth the, neye train the Wlts, - jutba iscoféene t olo0. Iae-;That laTyploal o f lis yp tat i vsréaîymthe puerie* Juatbat conenue *itï d.E. ten-'an engagement developed l lon, or Deiisoni, Friol & Co. We ha'.ewlnkllg o! an ee mbGarma àmou EY fe caretully over the. assets andt lia-! vowndelng asfa planslto ate v biltles of the, Atm. As neýr as ve <an! w dnoToi rlasilot th Amgure t out, lthé gros. liabilities vili ndwi -prT . migiit l. Ahi T AIbu $90.000, at lncudtn'khiie-pooOo1 Waîngton.-At hgb no f S at-srti unaware of t achea~yugLoccna i ieOt the tgrou Délbilitiez viilb. 81,900 oum tie Wlte Hanse, viii cudithle rcsented among the. vongraluIatory!cnalndéoetehutv Oball , radium Cougsthat mabe 1The. sseof i beliave, ' s' distingulsed social career 0f Mi# 'messages. It vili be comparable only ,ni the.moat Important young, 'bMd ache, yoisiot m anA lonig» a8b 00.Thtmas ia ten Aile Hooîeveit, and etthéi, sametmo- to tiie marriage of thé. crown prîn 4 nceei..tsoo uhe itdchoasLnvrtt ment tiiere viii begin lie social Career of a great regoIna bouse. Already thé&00r,% MMs "dt àn"dsu, tiat rob youo!liablitles viii b.S$1400,000 unlesaH of Mcaa Lngorh nt aeoud, ad o r. Nicholas longvortb. flood o! lelters, telegramsansd cable-1 cnato u fté I7^,;-heir rearaý Misa Roosevelt bas grains of Congatulation whlch hi asil Wr~soiorConanptiona- qnil tound ail liat exit. Tiese Aigres arq been the leader of lthe young s"cial set Poured White House since tbe.iIr auA yF.s~sue.,ai . aplraimate, net exact. Assets and li- -callcd as a rude tie dancing e---of announcement of the engagement bas ha 00»4by r"Wg Me Y M 'rý',abiltlîs. may vary in lhe calent ai 'A ahlngton, and ln tact ot'tie nation. lo-en cemarkabie. I!te UesIlhgt $00000 or $200,000 more or les. Tie During lioe four years @lbe bas been It la not only that since tleie lasIfrun.bu u h vaie ofthé asisals viii dépendt on iuw clEiii'bfr i mrcnpo.Whte Housvudding tie United ltrtr n fuiT .au .a us T. pette and fted bjF ~tin. and at- Slates has become a aielnrd pover; I01- tnioieléfarey bvaed. m giodUs anA ieu ulé Someta ai0&Pm. Mt. Neecomb talleves tiat fev 01 claimed by princes andA mIen andl na- it la net onî the. prestige of cuba and ~n.allyelb.hvrlui ~iAlloithe uforgeA bonds ver. goten Imb tiona the. variA aven. Fcv, if any. Maula and Portsmouth. it la not anîr doe iscogi mdprssisIUIOIbolaoueie ieciro!Clevai4girl icevorld bas ever knovn bave tic naine of a fater famed at boine j Ierabuddoâ«teý » le roa ei. M lte étale o! Ohio, and maintaiLýi bati sa dîstinguished a career as til and abroad. It la aira that tact that tbaI th. foigerles vere used as collat- isimple, unassumning daugiter of an tic présidents aghtcr lbas just donsBt.'l o liec MOjy motiy la tlisi clty. Thet would American president. No girl vas ever' viat no olier unomarried daugiter of M e théextaent o lhe involvlng of,:vaoed more ardently thon mie bas, a président or king ever dld before- co ekon o aWqt. Io théOIi..e7pe i d» 011oes &%&sM W d I nsttutionsa mill,.been. ,Thc mon vbo on i'ebmnary 17 completed a trip around the vorldpotn maasn uifg tb* Mu« t" auM e" OU. Neseuiibsali. vilI become ber iusband bas been au' vhich calied !ortii attention tram raomeWugame u o a qblts et iimSu *ff Io lie vergeA mecuduie. . almot constant attendant open ber of lhe greatest perranages on the Ino ~u st m ~ a bo c ut of -lthebond forgenlea:for at lest Iwo -of lie four erias ale gloe.. atoogm e h - ais u~nemd MI@eg«mi Monda>' b7 8300,001,bis beau berore the, public. The. Chiaqse Empres. eoel a ,to lm_ _____me »V tutai *î,00,000. mhe folov Nov ends thc picturesque Corser of- Tii. ChInefte empress but lately >',anf M8 amu thé~ u s ause, sud amenis o! le lc Lee Roosevelt. Wbatever aie tapped ber on the cbcck. Oriental tevel.ýh UU~ eOgb bmagmAbonds, diocovereA to: mag do as Mrs. LOngvonthb.o! Cinclu-, courts feted lier, vii. tir cnberpnlm- eo mmu 111l qft 4 : ~Oca .., ,vatet votks, 4g.; ati, &aie viii alvaya ta remembered 1lng arisein a d eronthlr00ta Clos lu C INA t ouat.0., valet vaks 4'u. 'l b.hepeople wvie have elsceillier tcarda as "thei American princes.. lbéa"oMtMidé Ube 15 uo w h Ca*, nton, a.. valte nu 45. fathen their président jut as Alés Rayaity' snd aritacracy dined andA&agà lbsst okRlmmik M S.; loulit Sharon, Pa., sever Roosevelt. Wbat ah. diA anA vbat sie vlned ilinlaEurpe. No Amerlean IO1 ealo h *atmlm * owl %,ï 1.~.00.0w0; Booth sharon, ps.,.wuvas a agirl vîli aivays boIt thé i frt girl even Uvéa b*cre wbo w vas me$Mdt oo0$, .~n D .i ~e umua4~s.8100,00.; Alpena, MIdi., Place. no matr vItal lthefutureb hs vîwdel>' yavil bci pesonalr aX voui sMar »dligbt S'a, 8350,000:Aipena, ln tore fon ter ana amarron. . eial>'. TheY utI. iscusa lier mar- Mliiie., vatur a&Adlgit s'a 5,000m. Net ince. Qeeu Victoria vws mar-- age lu China aAJapo isn an te - - f~gd uj "u s it>' o! Canton hmas topped pauy- ied to Prince Alibert 65 riais ago hbas ilce! orthe sou bétvesn nov anA reb- meu etli bod othonslir.bean a vedding tu vbich te narr 17, anAd' t u tiAfylSc elties 4W~ 3 ~qSIrh U ovw ]l-aedeaI8,000,000. bride bastbson te cnt.r of!Bauciand viietever thevWhite onrte rellowvheq -g 01 d vSe luleaad, O., -Ian. 17.-Açèftondiu "oridvde interestas. vil, tliteecase1mancvrave, AlmSï, as. mucb as tie>'S pwuýb" Wh geugu ~ .~emdo~ Io an officlal tatement isaed Tueuda, anùiteirnir>'17. Wbhe at éira girl oyul at boue. pie oasdaaebtcou n ogv , oeieih ami-bsinl'li~- I'mdsna~ue b> tti u ei'counntte. luvestlgat- Victoria, monarcb lu ber ovu rigit Teebv inAevdig t~ panAeiandforadeuabr d. ise ad. o odya knoa.mnte t irl. i at Ite 8rus ~aa z ~ - ef ng teé affairae!fDeuison. Prier & Lb.. 3t the gUea±est o!fie vuvie ht Hu. h nu eetvs There la net an unumirnid tillac! lu an>' caslte people mue atefflnot- ilS'.Lomgv0!tit 1M 0,0 1a, s mru.i u aneaiA rkr vatimoruter e! an>' egation lu Washington où liat an'exqulsite skiii lu the 1Hue lai 0biJo 0 09 irebweBoe e ~a m -.svmIdas age.lteeiHabltiez of<> whovn osnet beqp accusid of Asigna eor uding tliu ovu busInessand et meia uCI %emdsEua, m&" 1buaMot » dr, Incluin>' the forgeA bonds, put on lie daugiber of lb. Wite Rouse. basilîng even lteit mont Corions alpd se an m e biedot b>' L.W. Prier, yl iggiegati 03.- Tuer. have bien umora o! foran frlendi. 1bwliet&44t - _________alliances. A great man>' peuple fit Whouen li AalbuA tin liethépriuig .aaMitY andthél hb~-35 . 0% IJL~*CRUSH BALFOUR. ta i sscarcel>' possible for ber et 1905 began ta bloorm and aflWs- iellbis la lb. The 4D cou ductiouis Tm »41thescape a lîtiet buaband. But ie ington *» s cattering lu varions dîre- Eut If iho bu e ss gue4w#lâges o4 me* as temuUm TheInecti n dicate Th t theihamade a love matei-both sohéa"di tie,tie détmure announcemenuta a.CettaiIr là buA11 @MS tti'M beMe aluntda l ElriihUnioniteaà,»r. Utteriy iMr Nichoas Langvoti. if -tiers mate to te affectt uat about Jus.ite the taupon hm sienaYM. Il SDufoalsA. ts any one Incontrovenhlble tact lu lst MIss Ailes Roosevelt vould votit neceoid, a ils e lie nwbale affaîr, Il la that. DIic'they. sister o! Mr. Longworth, sii i I- lO iheurt, i London, Jan. 15-Tbe poiticl ap net travel uromud t.von hIn icnitati. oeelabuvm o! Engiand Ifia nadergone a sînlking sain- part>" ýOlA anAde'n= tultor- Thil vas almoat morseibait the 11Ma- 16 b. tales ViN V l4~ulle change $p lhe resut ofparliam.ntary ît> bas. deeia are e. is i McuAratvt .numt. i.' N..e toàgguathbébe lecionbeld Saturda>' lu 39 ronaîllu- rete1ts oplvettacha.Hvega dhm bear a tOhten nmtY.pThor. thé . opït s.. aie ences u vâel sattredbutimpr.thé>' not seen each othitr vien the and piotted anA vondened, anAde. Burer a lllnmg&w#. tant centena anA ln vhich tlilbéralebma vas igi, and lte botoetunsviseA. lu tact. tse oui>'cool atd.un- Tidboer.tb aiaed 18 aclas. the. libérlais.grov unlntereatlng? Have lier »ot concerned, lpeope ver. the Longvorib TieLgvtb .N are connut amona ti, litarai gaina. spent long, slow days on Englisb rail-'famtl>' and Miss Aile. Roosevelt. ae.'ieuii .oeq~ 'ecure tour nev acats against unloniat rmli trains? AnA borné up under 1 Dunlng tb. couple a! monbtli t tOC. ie -*Id rusaléne. candidats.Iu thi. estenn division ai oriental botels anA jînnikishas ta elapsed betveen th. annountement lit that noiv laqti part ; Maeelr nhrJ Bloé trange anA. remate custom bouses? the vieit an& i li1sit isl-ahul oaa.t 'buoi -umch" mer prime mînister, wVs Aeéated b> Haa she rat snén i en lie bag-IiRoosevelt wvas ily>visliug sboe&. u hfOin Ià rorusA, litatuoAx tw. 1 a 9b40r11à: T. G. Honnidme.libéral. Winston gg v osjRas aie rat sean u hb tiahre - lvays tse conter o! ever>' grçve o0f lieu, à amt the lub Weral anAfree- trader, -von A c- mw uig trwt rf»d- atrRd"garety-and ebrthe slp . aub.adý" osO« tUI Manchester f m W. Jo>o-Hlcke, tint eau ovetake aman? fias ia Dot;attentions vbîch miglit veil tomn lie vannAs meh mbS<ued etg Am& a. conservahîve. b>'a majorit>' o! $1.241. .1 een ber uncurisd anA peraPlnlng ta- iead of an older anA viset peison. , Tii. boue. fi a bicit eio. sLodontiJnes.-OtheoLbér76 lcé-tneati an equatorilisun? The pub- Whou tbe memenlaunsfiaet of lune partlcular i mPoutg.b4ittt 13 Réiseta Ugy g h.ce élid~ e on tinu. L Oeaut sudLaientesta 400licmuet acknowledge anA hiabor>' viii aiteetthere *ameappeared upon lhe ubtantial an,!- iome.IlA I, Mgov w oé igemt sroMa tel rl ndLbrtit-record IL.Il le a lave match. scene ln Cînci nnatI, the ktug-ezpecît e m d plissacieeses h«. tr'op l *béls&gethin secnred 62 sgats. The Lberal - one furtier proof of heieveel head daugiter ofthlie Witte, Beuse. Sie marnaéamratter sail buit 4 beuMod y o the surprislng ta. bas lbe preident'a daugite'rv iovn. traveled alone. nAIn i e exception a! lng thal undenlbeas- a t.g.tqi> of 42, wville «tieUnioniste gaîned A it, vlits lier veddlng trip tant ber uaid, and viien site trippet lighirlyime ha metillévgdte combl oui>' oneatthiat of Hastings. Tva moulu ialter, neal .lune. Nd baneY off lte Pennsylvanie train at Tarnence moad thinga vlth rare taite, former cabinet o0fcera veunt day bea- fer te 10m t ibealmelîeut. , illiise veay- off lber 1one>'mcon lu irondibe wvia çaicly -blped lono-a ara orebarsid& Mi arbfan#.a fierait Bafoanr, vievas prsident of stul>' Pumllmans or draft>' océan liners. amant iIU. ruaient i'Mr, Long- 10 lte r, anAdovesSat ~ lie lcalgovrnmn'tboiA l lb Ba. ~TieZ viii go te 0>81er Bar or ta Mr. vorh sud vblked off ta 'RSooad," The truie are 014anAMd 'à *Mê ode Alana au ourcabnet va defais atlie. *Longvorth's Count>'seat until Juue. j the -faMsnshiALouavotti bere lu the an ail aide&is, ta tac ora Wt àjj e 4006 odAmab' alrt> ! ,6annA Witi. Later tiey viii ilve iu WgahtugtOn, iOrandlu ,roaA. vier.,asothie ft«esde- novrabout te plac.I~ Hume0on, frme che! icrlal r. viere the. future Mis. Longvertb vîli jcrée-], mho, vas niaI laenter as lte been veil ootd wtii th Humeongformeoblt_________for__ t ucit a leader ameng lie Ycung' bride et lh. bouàm .o!fletheanu. muE *4thoWfW mtions o! bociet>' as sie bu bhein [ Mr%, Leinmvrti, Congresaman Long- fubioned giand abe'ttf - ods. a.I-li uu, is C 14' itborto li the dauiclug set. ivanthIs melher lie Ulie vîst- bOapiala O!'ga gtou meont er- the local gounutboard. LoS00wopuTn Ti. OAOit gtony. ng ber daugbtsr .Clama, Couateas ~ a~o8uloCbabenalt'm ou i be iea u t.,! s; ati Dusa b>' »Tiihen>' a! lite coutshlp 1. the sai De Citamprun, ln Parle, but the, honoes O$U5 mb nas cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d, s'lirc otrll atI *aol3so .86 the éalei o!t teénoyai chapel on ai-thiat of Mins Frances Wlsmta Presi- pIA stor> o! love the ventd over. w ere mut aucceaulljr Ct'red off b>'iyiA.a.e 10eeu l î -frmsaéea, b cinsv smet thie same day o e ut.ées. ontit dent Clevelandi. Thot yvua ceratea tAttte athhMeNe ialu-,ismater sud ber buabaut, Mr. and Aea» ovMtb Nootstvi ur acotdefuteA atI Wiel. .tuIn1840 tuasmertteé min et hem oïa lu the. présence ofo lYtour on Aive co. mentt t te nnn crc, Mr. uekerWalin!od.Ti ve S a otor la Posure a preven- London, Joan. 1.-Tbe mnat prami- ece., te ires o! $ie unnid wye.ta- versons tuthe, bine roo. Tii. mosaliWasblngt n clsocikevsgie faor!an ee s uato vsliepr' .Ir," A, ~moue,. o ehi e u emu utn !Wdsdr icoides-i tocusot upon Iber. -lamons vas 'that et NeIlle Grant te ýcrelence, ltim Abat sane cîrcle la not verbial round of 'dancee, liaslunch- - gw4 aItle-ata lab.héb...are ieuiM la te Ir uoJly nneapedtedalanii Ticr bas asy o! approaci. and. ationgi the' nonsdrivesracler rides, dAluner pa- blvia t reli*& o " eoaa wbv I1sio1A1 nlere »mai ' b qrlgyaun op ta e.a Tbre as ine bein #o Iuierestn Atea vlivsaileii u, veî-vîcînrîous Nîcb bas a habit of get- îles sudanA bektrIidu-ilit tac aioîn. elA."osp ui.."mo act ree i"m îhtnbaý Mt ny er bid lustien. Deautiful Alezan- ciaierata &flair, lu vietlte vedding li veee i.vnaI1a o e i eîitlatetosta nNorth t Ptueitb ti'ee.' eslefidAtvéttc a> tit e i fJoeiCatall' evncn ra, icraldet b>' Tennyson, invobed Party:seton. owa ralsed dois under an tn sivr i atsI unto h eigtu tetosta n i ine < - For salat 0"didales rotunnet, but M. Ciamberlanliae v sud admiration vhlci bave eDormona veddlng bellltritié- inge: tiaugit liaI une bad, mereadîl>' been bourYed gueit la bain 1. rsi o eteA m Mv~le~vlo aA~mat ,eured a màjority of ,000. noter éaine. tubA ber in Englamtd, DBut 1 00Mliecnut rullg her lutisitne a. tJoure vi tsabt.olunpimaat 10 boses UtdIeuffi~i v9iid e"h. we..ah. topped asbon. tab.ien!Co- wediilgln h a l.u l~am. u ga liiee othe ny, thtes ial aotUt enl> iebou *.aemI d estd a ________________Sali rus!t tt. lan-l'a future quesu. But item ireat e - Whou Aile.Roosevelt anA NIchaIs liaI nol oui>' vas b ti cePted ail ftuito uta significance.basidee lt e Arehé.i ChiouteSam Appleton, Wli., Jan.i.8U.-ORtb sillon caernéta, her b>' larage. Quem Longvorth une marruedthéii. eremon>' j neib eote detathePosebtb.juer1 .Oint vlbeMs.~ lu> Ie, bthe .de".! InN Notice To larmetre. Bocuita, elgit mentis elA. vs. mmed Wilhbulna.u.oi'qeni nouvi sapaeu teEs c.i seilAvteo i rsdent's IRoosevelttbock viti tie part>'o et e-iSbtcRm iedprse gw,$LUlf mi vilMWpenal ta datb opérais tvile us ouit ad rîgtî 10ta manlelésucourctorId vas a tata a bllilan tunclQa. urpasaua isîîewu tuaIviieneeraai vas etar>'0f Wa Tait Tii, ain oleet Thepimain aA Il q iaà épïn m t' n !youn v->ear-old breln, lie vra* u tros bri 4but HEnJInA bu an event o« a imi a Mt ure ute ther n ighli e lie tounit. lu reviev-vas a viel tti te Pbilippine llsanda lsais li1t"&." hai . X Ib plylg udanAuig iemeie~ma- atlie retge ,ý o. ra avr iase!leWl. le' ng lhe events o! lb. put tvo reara but tb. paît>'wuvauselaboréteiy r 5Oe !'.7.'vtIi1 ______1__ an.a-vsne i Ta ivedrieoald e ah-i _eLma. Iad__tre -mca _sit _reI îl areetre it oOhr evd Ial onU bn is. iM hepoe Vt g

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