CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1906, p. 1

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'e NN~PENMI~ - v l .- NO. 17. LIBERTYVILLEB, LÀ"E COUNTY, ILLINOIS, WRIDÂY, JANUÂRY 26j 1906-8 pages $1.50 PER YBA.R ix- À IN - ZION.O - Vls'to aShows Raend; Ont. 'IN WRITE IJOVE CIf Y. *Thecelond a si fliiorithePl '.selog ait »iA ofaioaine 09 %(asechuo lie-Durkil uonoy dus ti auo liben pail Doaile bods thans felthat ' Doaibs wlio buiscoffVerini wu roiporlai -' t b and aila 40sla apec!aY .16"d XIta.Dow ber rlcesiINI 1%0 .triumvi aRbiaire i ll te contm ebsammaei; 'kliay by lia' TU mm- son * pèelier,foi IIOaile'rlgli tweilimn orilersidiamil imwto blie quarter ra Tia mailing asnthortty ol romu inshmfIr as the devtl M&Mhé u*De imhergoil. la Monsnom roigly been if tisathebre ila ad the De-seat "'li. "Ibeesi 1111a011authat is secret. Despite ail "r adlyfin Ovliser -BpE wih tb tho hs ecastruedtet not belenlet o amqa fram Zia -bauld. Matcmî pat I Tournais *" ai th tbmday'f -o ' 1 -t ou aI e n't.sair. Oaws risici seemed ta bovet'over eat tea iays appears ta be y. The Vbr*ets on the ets af mortgaes ounsaome mest blocks ta torcîqeS have lt t noioe h ne t Im m inent.t' MATR15 *lad wili *#Pu. AND OUS? 01139. Mayai Michael Gibbs, ai Bighwooi, Irae founi gulity e5 a jury lu ths caaaty courat Waukegan Satnrday, sud ftaed $140 for kopng hie saloan opea oa Suadaya A Àumotion aemas by attorneys for (llb-or a neai trial am .he grounde that hs verdict waea con. trary 'tt hs laiandti hs ovideuce. Gbbs assrtà that la case a new tniâl in ~Vaqap ,!Iail Les akn. s, , prove lis cage andi abus Capt. RavilIe et Pot 3h«rÏan. ths camplabinig aIt- tuaa actinhause eresi ..snue, dii noV put la an appearance -a tbe fo ovr ajea b tnumber o!foldiersa yes on'hand ta itemforove a sarhaitetijragist Gibs. Spetatars ast-e lit bave heen apiiensotiby of hsopinion hs state leanly ssiab- thei heis i a artageliaied lié cae sandi IVtb noV believed una- roperty for' $25,000 aih t rilwlib llw bas a remui t ofa ent ohrtilaihualai telf stmetbhock and Mayor Glhhs dii sot taire hs stand ilu bis 12thbis oain behait, ln tact hs defense rueta chor Iivetueti is5Af. ts case ailîbout pre tlng aoy ev-iene la bui Jaeuxce bnsai ta ahateven. It li ."sal incat.(Gibbso ailli I. ad u Vsto boweetWhocontetuti ahen bose prepare Vo fight raeurnlng Va Lake cauntiy t he came ihat fisbs arteuder aold iquor eseui eger of hs RlibaS onl Saniay. althout bie kaoaiedge. rIe a aia rcoveîng ram Gibbp wae fluai *100 for hs offensa la vie n alo rcoveing r a justice court andinlu Vhsconnty.cort e..accrdlg O rpore. Baturday $40 waeto ths amount ite Shows Independemice. for gooti nessure, machis tea stoetan rm-te I>Ii la ciont9 ment o! hs defease who liai e oleei hs toaile lat for the e niun aud e eihmi inauguraisaica ~eWitt ProsecustaFor Malfemiance. ro of1ZMon SU1of0Wh" Repot r m Bigliaood are la efect 1noV ta bave bw rcsve thit the anti-gibIte faction a'il as a re- vite Whhm lasboard of tbeflLvait of the ftndlng of hs eounty court1 mbng the trlnmvizata bava r me Ite flghtto anat Gibfrm ofaices., Mily onlspokenfor o<k*mpraa.ton for malfene lnoffice seay tbIna bave bSm, " tkrangh violation ora e teelaa le Vhs luit aipelibave navet' lisa iZ , à rlé Re mu b" mBbtwkdmo mo. r 1AcRoevom rOrders Dislsd. r hs pat coupleof iyeare Chicago Parties Seek ta tari Factony Vi band mman adi mot et tisai Place an Local Capital; tenant, aseumIMaitly Would Employ a Hundred Manda. ieif a etelegram wlhicis is c liss recirsi at lbond- -An effort is biug madls o nterest * Dole wae really neivi. fat-mei lu theo negiborhooi oi go rend: "C'amel ths Betrungton in a corni cauuuug fattory, fl Spoeier aud )den in tise intsrest ai tise company aiese [rom hs chut-chlot- acting tse ee-iiy g rigt ule il'a matrimoniacl bureau il, ocal capital la tise enterprixe.. C,neenn- seam Cottonan sd Ddt-le îag hsmatten thme Barngton Reuiw save: ue admnit tisaiSpeleiser bas "'Tise compaîsy exp"ets toe rsi-Va let ont awhite oaVis eaigmcauniug factary aetast of $13.000, îotbiag ta the rumar. One praviîing tiusy enu ssii 180 sisares orl »s la igh standing in tise stock at $100 eseis. Tise stockboiderm I askOd &bout ýtise mtter Wudoan ths !seto.v. Tise t-ais- in evidsntby a leak tenZVonu psuy .aouîci aperats Vise sanie, paying wbiebhwae- uppossi to hs stackholders 5 per cent. on Vieir se s eruth Inth ie nattsr iaveetmont, ai ter that Vissy acul ea suppossil ta ho kelt a make hs usuel charge forlanani tise .gonds; andth ie fat-merraieiag thesa uest il rmionq outsiders ea t-nmani Vomratoes, 'etc., aauld reScive out very itte regardiig tise balance ai aihaiever tise cauued esIchsr' prsssnt staadiag goods irauglist luthismaikt. iait ofhschnrcb. BHe stili "Atbout 500 acres at uieet corn sud Zion ahis tacet may ho tamatos. -would ho requiredt tasupport menVtbat be bas eltiser a fattory ai tise sun coutemplateti, and cut or teels tisat hs timeliV is expecteti by ths campany tisai 100 en Dowie canant dismis a fat-mers la this section womld ha ailllng in aith buta wave ai1Vie tu, sow five acres sncb, the rocliPts ai - hielu hs company explain aiould average 050 an acre or aver. >UNTYM!--The factary aould'empioy la h feul ~o 86 StOOT.aboiît 100 bands. moetiv girs and boys." -. Rglan NORTIIW!STCRN nons Lakte golAre Nase PPUAV ou" :on, Tex., Maree 'Iiey Tek.e 1 National Manksmenm RO1 VLIN! ent. . Man Coniected Wlih Company Mares 8itabamýant Iliaitihe Steam Syatemn !ty là aieil npessetei this WIliIEnter Electrlc Field. se sIxay'o shoot caffl- uthein Handicap, at Il-on- A man gouuiectsd ailtistise Nortis- The aboot consiste 'ofI wqetsrn maie tise atatemeat recsatly oe shoot et lIbiesd.Wastid achat aithoui doubti-Viai rani anuldinl mot ai elay targeta. hs near frture boRd'e dounletraci counVty J. Grahamn, Hsny trolley fias oa its nglt ai,wamy ta ,cou- Ben tlring ai t ram Vis e et Chicago aid Mlwaukee. sud chus are entend muand aré e a etenionvor ta regaina sportion af he suS- It theîr aIvss. Wilim& ut-hanbudIness aisici s ieeen taire» cEHenry ahIlaloshoot etflama he compauy lauVthe Wlat ar as t. 'Te very heet marksmen by tise Chiscago & MhIIwikee slectrlc. country a.lîl attend theo Tise man aauli say noting au Vibra- aid I tIse Lake couintr tS ive abuit 1fise matr and ao public Say Modal, thoY ahI have annouacoeti- ba evor bsen mads by te comupatitu t he ffeci tVl I. colle emplates entsrnug Vhs lte-urban pat- > Bit.eIniiujre4. senger busess a its 64 lectile systbm. 1 1s10meaVof -lbaaequeliThe Northwesta altisont doubt bas , pegmVtbe istrihicei roptm an, ts igt ofwamy Va pl-taceka tslb01 IBU, Ae>fore ki' snb isrosi aid the plafi sppsar. Ytkb 10 nl es iabml aiseCtsetitora on PiROliSeS TO OETLE. 19. J. Murphy, fareinan aet tse Chicago Rose Company'@ greenhauseosât of Libertyville moved ont anddenly last Thui-sday leaving: behind hlm a goodly unmber- ei unpaid'hbisl. Mr. Murphy arrivai ailith tbe firet of the material for ths greenhouses and mince tist time bas heen steadil, ens- 4ployed hy, the campany. -4 staod high tuhie estimation dI & the-Y <dw »-M"o- tho -concerts and, aihen lhally ~~ came inta the employ <if 'Vhsfl rm regularly, ho ojpened a -bobydftnýbouse and hegn boarding Vhe men under hua. At thie junctare ho dcided Visat ho needed a quantity af furniture. Be succeeded in buying chsiaof 'Warren Heath and a Waukegan furniturse ospassy. He aiea purtisasidfoodetuits aud groceries iroin local merchants and. ran up bille of ecoagiderable emouais. 1But accordiug to rumnarbh ad trouble b *!th Juius Welland, son af tIse main rstock bolder in the HoseCompany. Ho couli flot agres aiith him and it hecamoe nsmenesary that one or the other lbave. LMurphy was the anue ta go and lant LWednemday ho hegan Vo make prepara- Vlan. for dscamping. >Oneof bis creditors la Lihertyville re- oeived word tliàt I. am packing up a"d fimnedlatelysemut a man over ta finil out t wbat hbe a doing. The man could get littis satisfaction. Mr. Heath also gat tbuey and atartsi William fSkinnerad .Frank Susithlont et luve o'clok Thurs aday morning ta reeover isa gooda.VThe emon returuod aith ths. The, Wauke- gars furni tue ompaay liadInbthe usean- thne rudoed ord aifaihathailappoeds lmojl4s~sazto arly In the mont- lg muid it la said their gnous aiors fot recoversi. Creditors MWoi Not Lame. llednesday of this week Mir. Murphy returned ta Lihertyville la company with ahothier rpau snuppooed Vo o ne ai the proprietore af ths grpenhouse, and ths two minumet Vhs moeants ibh fbad bille egainot Murphy Vellisug thos V hat thse accounte aiould aIl]ho paid. 1V c was stated tbat Murphy wasld ho reinstated as fareman aif the concern and wauid continue the wo;k froms the point cwhere iV was interrupsi so . uncere monio-usly by Isis credi tare. MAS IRAI)! UN CARP AMONG THIE JEWS. Chas. W. Triggs, Talces advantage of Old Hebreai CusVoms and Shipa r Liyp Fiash ta Chicago Markets. Because ai the tact Vlîat Jeas is hIDoV est dlsi on religions holiday. tlîat wee noV killed hy Bebrew ai uds a Chicago man aiha tormerly lived in Lihortyville bas entered a mont peculiar industry. Béls Chas. W. Triggs, dealer in dsrh and seafood@.'t Trbe l1qt several yeara ho bas been seining Fox Lake and the streains fadjacent for carps. Thos ish wisile noV Vansidered wholeesome by peopîse umd Vo gainefllsh are considered Fery fair hy certaia clas-es of people in Chicago aiho kaoai no botter and tho ladustry i. a eonsiderable ane. As hh been ini Vhs business several vears ho bas worked up a regular business and practlcally ba a psonopolsy on the trais among the Jows around Vhs holiday. Duriag Vhs month ai December ho ibipped 12,630 pouads Vo Chicago mtarkets mosntaifhs flsaholaig trans- portei ttueVieciVyyé~.,CarpaofaillBar, cen hoat ho handledInlathis manner no tlsey are very tenaciausaf i le. Whea caught they will aqusal liko a pig and thbeir habits much reSemble Vîat Ani"a as thay go la iroves about Vhs lakes diggng In the man i wtb thuîr esnonts. 'Whou hllled, nlîke othor Rab they bisnd imeely. The odor tram Vths flsh is very troug whicb turnesthe averageAmerieau tram themus. Cured H1m Moter of Rbeumtim "Ify mother bas been a sutterer fti ~ ay yare irom rheumnatlsm," baya W. .BHoward oi Husband, Penasylvania. "iV domes she as nable ta »ovs at ail, vi a t& inîms aalklng wae paini. kI prmeuted beê-it lb abottle o!Ohasa. borlalu's Painain ai» ualter a lew ap- plicationo aseo eclded IV aias Vhd mont *çadidstul pain rellever oah. badieor Vre, ilot ahs Io uvar vitbout 1V nuai anýadtlllte-4>le tu wâlk. An - JILTED Ils. Kbs, m'es B se8umig x= .A»*sw tts Mlles Mary liof A4kuoch, Baye lie la VIoeM of Fichîs, ylgT B LOVE@ «Bit NONE TUE LBSS. Dr. Hartley Kyte wlîos love attair witb M(isa Mary Blair thli in lant week's 1,NDcpzeçDzIT bas been the sensation of Antioeh fur tIi. jaat week, and whieh bas wroughit t tvillage to a bigh pitcb of ueteent bas sought ta place bath Thayer 9M, i Vckers, the employer@ ot t4ie girl, under pence bonds. Kyte who heure a vart o'p utatjQiQn iithee yve a1 locel,, ,people ce étuA :ntioeh, IVit ' alleged, as a Malower oi the races at the time of a troting meet there mtlafu. At, the plan91se fVt mLting program lhe 8tayed Ong 9am a veteriniiry eurgèaa and put ont a aigri. Be aiea fr11 ia love with the pretty bookkeeper at Thayer & Viekers store and his sattentions ta lier have been ardent. He iought and ah- [tained board at the haiieè where Milss Blair llved wlth an surit. Marnng, noon and nlbt lie took pains ta se- company ber to and trum work. Be- twee Une on uwould drap lo t he @tore and bave achat with ber. Be was frai» &U appearances an earnest and devoteid lover. Ho thiijîns that sho proised to marry himansd that Tues. day lait waaset as tlhe wedding day. On Moiiay ho aecnred a xarriage licesnluWasakqgaand made aIl ae- rangemente for the weddiag. Latr the girl called lup tba couuty îlsrk's oailes and ased thatflis liseuse noV h.e pub- lilbed. Kyts dlaims ho wsasent woriFt Mise Ularwase siek and the fiait mormng caIW at ber home ta ses b1 ahw .ho tivss told hlm tbat Il: lied 1dB o »4 that Vhs weddlng wame p4. idmnanisita kus rw hseôbîats ad cnaiderable excitemoat fallawed. *1f. Vlckers met the -man and warned hi. ta loave he tawa under pain of bodîly injury and 1V in for thie threat ho uow Seieks ta pro- curespeuce bands. Viekers wll appear ln court. It w"s the plan of Kyte ta marry the girl unknown ta lier relatives. The aunt noticedl lier pickitik up lier nunîerans articles@ and packing thom away Ber suspicions were araused and slie que@- tianed the girl. ."I am» gaing ta beave, Mr. Kyte and i are ta ho married,- ebe bnalleged ta have an8wered. "But do you trust bim n d lave himV, demaaded the eIder lady "No, 1 lsar himn' in said ta have been ths girl'@ answer. AV this jlncture the faauily taak a band and the wedding which was Va have occurred that evening was ludeil. nltely pas@ponedi. Dr. Kyte lame sta still lave the girl and if sIte will relent la willing that the matter proeeed trainhe point vhere iV wa @o ahruptly braken off. The gcirl's triends iasiet that the aihale thing is a îuistake, that the mn bas puroned ber aiithbils attentions until @lhe bad ta takp llighV o escape bise nnwelconie lave making. .Kyte in a publie Ntatement eaid that lie belleved tbe trauble aiae caused hy msddling relatives aud aihile ho mande remarks whicb relleeted upon the girl as beiug fickle taua degres lhe pledged bis undytag- love far lber and stated tbat hie yeV had bopies ai meeting ber and un- ravsling h mîich Ho state that Vwia.betore the girl hbasa enemgaged Vo hoetnarried but tbat both Uies the engapýsnt bas heen broken an the ove of the aieddiug. Of Kyte's past nathing la known aibatever. Be arrived"AuÂtioch last llpractically penuilesa.liesborrowed a kitoa! vthrinary set»p as a boresdoctor. Hiea iliW ln that lins re- mains an open question and ince fi.s .arrivgji bas hy varIon menus made blinesît acomumon subst of discussion. Relatives of Mies Blair give out that she la nai 'wth relatives in nortbern Wsconsin but refuse ta give ber where- ebouts. Others' say fot sa far away but la blding nearby at the bomne ai triende. Tl* aIVEPIENiENT and the Chiclza I)aily Inter Ocesu ai-th*Chieago Daîly Chronicle 10v* oanly $3.50il i paid ini He.ade.'. Btatement. Couxity Clark. Boudes bas prsparsd a étatèment of the record acd Min office. and whb*1le a aviag pubumhd in ibe eountty paliers. AttacW aipon hlm by *P Wa Bi e uiNs. 1 1~~tm Iau QUI 'r i INSTITUTtE se S3IONS. tast We.k atGarnes Proved utLD OI'PICERS RETURNE». *The l'armera' instituts, sessions oif aibicis acre hou laest week Wednes- day and Thursday at Ounue, waseVh heet atteuîded lan.hs histary ai the or- ganizatioti. The two day session as apeued hy Pre@ideat Balland ai Vhs association, Principal ïraady, ai tise Gurnes sebool makiqg lIte addre#s ai aieljÇorne. -' Prof. F. IL. Crane, ai the University ai Illinais, gave a very able aud interesting 'tak 'dlacueing uPointe on Farnu Machiaery.", Re, tald ofthé smechanical departinent ai the sgrlcultnrgl as-iool at that place wisere youag men are giron a horough traininîg in ail mechanie per- tainîng ta ths fart aad tart»a work. Poibticimnas Were Presnt.,, George ]B. Stevens, candidate for couaty togenrer; J. L. flwayer, candi- date for couaty clerk, E. J. Beydecker for judge anid Frank-. Gaggia and T. A. Simpson, ths latter tiwo beîng candidates for auperinteadent of @choute, aises peso. enV a et hssessions whieh shaived that there ase a littîs palitics ia the aVina-- phece., Messrs Gaggla ane Siimpson eacb aiere qui Vhe program for lectures on educa- ional tapies. Officers Electai. The afficers leted for the ensning year aiese as followa: Pres. Warren Rolland, Waukegmn. Seee., Rd. P. Blanchard, Wankegaa. Trese., 0. B. Whltmore, Guruse. Direetorel 1R. G. Muie, .Rueslt; lear. nst More, IgGrayslake; Davidi Whie, Antiocb. 1 s Dalebetes ta tate-Insttute: Fd. P. Blancb4r, Warren Holbni, "aph Ohttapdon, ErMostiae VMRTABLEGAMW fOR IFUTUNI 1UNT!ER Ferry Hall, at Lake Forest, Would Be Poar Nobleman'a Paradise Could He ýEnter its Sacred Portai. Ferry Hall the Lake Forest sebool far girls, hs Vassar sud Wellesleyof thç middle west, iiaihicsh ai V he soelety~ wamen ofth siest have. received their "flnisbiug" studios allers a rare oppar- Vnnity for fortune hunting nohîsmen trami Vhs aId aird. Tht- semiiiary il sai Vo repressut Vhs greatest amunat ai aealth gatisereti in. oue s.'booi in Vhe stats aifIlinais. Ail ai ths girls whbacame Vo Fer ry Ball are ai wealtby uarentege, most ai theîu Vhe daugisters oif millianaries, andi far a titis ta cametVothVi sburis wonld mena com- motion in mnuy a fluttering girlisis beart ani perisaps a fortune for an imoover- ished grandes. The trsusteesofaihVise siool have slways teared that amie ai their pretty and preciaus charges uiglit hostoien tram under tlîeir very eyes saune dark aigbt via tIhe Iadder, automobile aud t rais route sud antiser American >ai'Vunei liitched ta an euupty tiLle. Ta guard against this tise echoeil le waicised as a couvent sud eve bouse tA meticaui sons bave iifficultypepfetrating.lnta is sa.-ed precinste. surS COMPANY fOR LOSS Of:ARM. Peorge Adami, of Orayalake, Starts Praceadings agaînst Grayslake Can- ning Ca. for Lame af Member. Laut aeek Tlîursiay George Adam@s, ai tirayslake, tarted suit hrough Orvis & Edwards lu the crct-i court for $25,000 damsages against Vhe Grnysiake Canauhig compauy for Vthe ]os of an araulaat sumuser wabue la Vhs einploy o a mt conqeru., Whîite at work during thes coru canning season lu ths caasîany'e plant bis aria as. lu sornemanner eught and pubbsi inaVa nmachbise. Be wae aken Va a Chicago 'haspital abers it was ond uscessary o anputate hs ember. -AÀRegWuteed Druggit »e"m Mir. Boîier Alvey, registered phar- tiaelst and amanaer of the. WestSVide drng store, Miacua, Ill., la 4psakiig o! noys, 4. bave sli Harts'« Honey and1 Borehound for Vaio yeure and regard IV e a medicins of oxceptlotial menti for Vhs cure ai CrpaCqngb (il d tiLe- Gripp." F I' renrsbarts Româ iid Borehousi la slndlouly l» mo and beIý !m IV coulaS.e o o0uia TOAIB UIDEATI1B. man- eio ltppocpdiiibop we ond Rmllrtudéthod ithe f. ieofth Iotlveqnalnet a Cotly of o Al wsying viets- n the îps-nfouand nortlî bound traeks wvleii pieked up lîy thse çreiw of a sork train wvin-i ivu Ikaffling sburtly aftem duyligist. Ilis vlotius was froien ta lus lbody andi tihe #lu-t fronitluhe stuîus slli iedlieu-n. raging tisroughil te îight vovered lint aui ic-b thuuk. Exiimntuuutian olrlis *-lotluiug lnl',-r showc'd that. lie, was ls-iiiiless. lu ltildoiw-att-hi, muî>V even a jni-kkuitc-. ind uotuimug ofvalus was faunul upan linu wliutev,-r. Tise auly trace as tou lis iuetitywas namarkr upon bis sîirtlniiuilelitleink, T. H. Bridmuani. Hils tentures npîueaesd ta le' tlioe of a mnnf ai I! y-tive or ixty yearsi. Bis% luir n-as nîmomuetiow wiVêthough isui mstaclue was uluits clark. Bi@ ap. ppsrnree vuis tîat a! a lrafesoianaî bbia ut-h as are seen continually on ths mursv fron t ue town ta anothor titis finie ai year.- Tise neigliborisciai wr ise h as founi li. thinly àsettled anditIVles uppased Viat in mukiag ai eudavoir ta, reach s sai village lie bot-aine exbauated, and cbiWed by tise freeziug, leet, sat iowa ta et. Be wve round in a partlally iltting posture ae thiough lie badl. anover wblie restiag. A bsavy stick wame tond at bis aide ihi evlilently had manie tinte or other been cut fron a Vie Thie wae arn lua anianuer abicl showe i tatihobai carrlsd bts aslong jourasys about hs .country. -Upon findlug ai the body ijndsatehs Weaban.MJ1mwon *q.t1ffw -aud"it aies resmpved tu, Vhse'", uniertaking rooma at that place whlers h carauer's inquett a elo. Tise cara)ners jury decied that ho came t1b lis denth tîtrougli exposure. MA11I1!WS ALSO !If4!D $2500. sludge Bethea Faila -ta Ames. Loteer Amouni Despits Plea of Gidlty. As uatsd beet weok Joisa Bart Vhs Hlghwood restaurant proprletor ae 1usnd #2,500) la Vhs United tatseïsceral court for purchasing ai saiiere at Fort iSeridan gaverunuent supplies. Tise tolioa ing day E. T. Matthews a aioll knoan saloomikeeper ar hs eMas place wae bfore Jndge Bethea on a 1k. charge. It was underatooti Matthowa wouid profit by Bart'tq puaent sud pleail guity, tise goDeral opinion beiug lue aould la causequeces reeve a ligister ino. Bawever Vie judg assessd Vile penalty in Matthewaecase et #9,500 a@e heiai in Hart'@. Bath mon aies tu stend comin utted until Visir fines@aes pli, but tisoy aies able tu turnisis tuais abdu are a i berty. StaVe Corn"Kr wera' Cojivention. A two ireek's session o! tiseIlîlinois i-armgrawvers' sud stue.kmnc-uuseomsveutlau le uuaw in progreàsat tis tate university at trisana. Twa cou-n îucgiug labora- tories are beiug averer-rwded twiu-esaris day. liseses ai stol-julgiîig andl farta iieluice sl éiôv; aniincrease la attendance over last resu'. A1 arge 'numiser ot boys tram ail avrer the états are pressuit laving iseen sent lsy te varIons mu-mero' instituts. wisci have besu, hsid thranghout tise étate durlng Vhs past few aiseks. Tise Vwo week's course given evsny ivinter la an eemlem ane for youtig mon who have little other tutus for studying the ndvtcsd nal st-entiflc minthocs ai agriculture. LitFriey Elin .'eff, saý ut' a pramuinouut fariner resldilng %inAvon tawnship, aarthaiest ot OraS'sTake,waes arrested by Gains Wardsa Biughamn anti fluai Vaenty-flvs. doîJers sud i-ast belone Juige FiVcis, <ut rayslae, for buating isishité aithout a lieanse. .Thé day belon ho aas caugisi huuig ïJb2y Wardea Biagisansand saisi for hi. licesse. Bs stated tih. bai anest home but diidant happenta, haveéV it ili hlmt. The wardon lei lila go but ai#al ta riyslace and looked np tbear ai liceuses Ieao t Wblte's barber ea M hrsthey ara kept. "ne roundai it t louns maslieDo and W"élu Mff.sbtSVI .~ 5 h Johnb,ecsithRO bonlaeetie car bt I Jnohnllgeacesbuthliu keeper waa t W»ek q bilaund ole tc cromai 14 Mnuy e nlng f anip aniujur-d buntV 1V bila tuuate lpAateihly ls. *s anut,@.iu crbu n Leith 'uvasihem It ts sao al ieul tbcrasu pinl on slow ,sg Leneesk i@ vadrpicked M e and famlnc toobIt e ta Vise Mlis te oplus.~ wm Freank sxamh&M-stiow ahkliwas fsgcinrma ak bToen ubsto bodywu nih cuVe. alyt 4 amalooat b"'ande t bula praus oWbwner iSAtom A piiful sud beari touaIs aiu sent taBoule, no*-~ msandé, tram W.kho" morning. 1h. massage wW dIstraugILt huebljatb oli Ing a ZMoa mother aiub lq Ilu 'nthat lty.,. Tise Message s idmply Dr. D)oale'soasUKe te boot graph mnadcals VIp toueN aien hum-led ta lia inluepouq a Vhe bimistgs of lis pr0y*fil hy a man hy lte sau0 Ittloair aif Vhs durcit. Tb@ 'w e larg !mbly 01ai lliaa ioaih cieu«l.belr eiundkd very si MOR Planims eof EU* of Tlg 1 made In IlIIInoie Lake$; t ta Recelve FP'srt 0f Ululot A iquistion la ent Unto VlStatefis comed 20,000,000 egas ai Vhs Wall e, ho distribulsi in ihe vat lakes abers tItis lob,-le pru k-nawn at preseut It le pa requeset -IlI -bWgaed Ïatil Lakeecounty ahI contelo of te e ase tiis in lie m ulilg renlon utis atee,, The aitmedpis iempeba ta Vies@ planitIb no he ie theoforeelty oftse wm Wiab" the Young aiof tiserquo inikale ulsgre. If ouly ~ cent, oitVie plaa*im a = dealg aionld t» griatlla MmN Injurias May Pro" FPat-i ing Hobises te Far.*16 For VA~." AWM (lr ien ho In hW a tring of valua b htbe "tabaSfrout Ch caata usai Gauni»es ie tri - say tItis wase i e Injuris a hiit IVles ,ietally. n - sas lotoa te cuniy, 0»onfn b.b

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