CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1906, p. 7

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A(JTI NERS. KEGAN - ILLINOt rahington St. Plané 83V URCHARGE 18 i Per Cenit mcilci Gnarant@sd. Mss.15.p A UtaU fer crelzo 'S LAXATIV t efe thi wethor Pfftéctu the home -~ Tetephones Conneci wih Chicago Aise your friénds A f--ew cents the daj I.ake ComntgTelephoseCo. cham etiinscoueh Rcmedy Th Basf Made, 'lu nmy 010,u111011 uul*lau Coug jtemedv i laie h4-st uude foc cbti. Ni,.. Colra. Wal Lr of 1l'oclénîilie. Cal forain. Tiiere 5 iautoîulit about it iw ing tise is-t. -No othér mii cor,- a -<of l0uîiehîly.Natsriscus ipev lave of pnelîuusinia. Nuo <tlt-r ile piesaai and cole ho take. VThèse c good'ressamos why it shouidbhé î,frétr t4) any o ttisir. Tii" laei- t (at lf plpe are matiatied a-ith any otisér aft hîaviug sonce oss'd tbi4 rrnédy. For mi i.v F. Bf. Lovii, Libertvville an Notice To Permer«. Thé HailliPa>'saw rnîll wili opérét next sprnug as annal. llning on you ogs (hie wunte r. Jan.241t Indigestion i4 î.asiiy ousénoéb>'th nu eofIKouaIl),'rlpsia Cure, bocas tbis remeody digests what yoo ent an gises thé stoîîîacba reet-aliowe it (o ri elopérate and guiow otrong agral Kodol reliaes i ndig-tiuuu. télebingc Ga, Sour Stomacis, Béant Suris, etc anit énahies thé digeshti%'c organe t fransforn ail tiiocis loto thé nlch c binai tIhat makés bealtb and strengi] "aId kv ail druggnsta. Iiad been taken. . i stops the cough 'and bialË 'the Iungs and pre- vents serious resuits'f rom a cold. - .Do flot take chances on a cold wcaring away or .experiment with soii un-: Amman - known preparatiQn that i ,owis t ti(lie ta) gourd thé béai aid streng h le longs. Thé hél costs you the same as r-iedy uiruiglî uîieîd l e <, ,~Laxative Hiinéy sud Tac. Thé ouiý r OeY's oney and Tai'. rougis cynup tientt don. juo"t eouîtîîat c et the genuine. gfo les lxtee l t f __________(oit i- Vls. e l liL ijo ieuge tea Tb oIIOWIDff lettor fo A . TIse Chug-ugo Daiiy Chroniele tou onj banniof Batesilile, lad., telle lsu ful$41-0 if taken willi a paid in nîlviîc aOÉOMt "I oufferei fr threomonthavfith sobseiption lu thé t!,it)EP('I,: 'Lsses. 0uti. A dtnggiat Prepared me PENDENT.___ @Me .mediclue, and a physicai Pr.- raonhé unoto o ecrbeit forla., Yet 1Idi itit mprovo.l nàun f o 1 tissu trieulFoly'S fHansy UM ad Tfhoroughiy uigîstpdanippé i Md at gidoses suret me.,,mlitd ii land ptuirént etréîigtb. If youn setuinai i léaalitt> Th 30 a--cent "Iota $1,00. ndoff"* Kudol DYcpépt4îa Cure vili digeE «*- t ti«9 ighà bem iM What You lent anti enahle (tié digegtiv -"e'si8.00 boti al mos itinisiorgane to assdiniolaté sud trauciormr e. sescisfonde jutu tissue building bluod. Kodl .'m relévea Saur StOmneis. Belching, iéar 858AU UOShhD B! Bu;n ansd ail forme, ut lîdisgéstiti F-'- LoVELL LIBERIYVILLE Palatabié andt streugthening. Sul le eail druggsts. le-ngMoney It Suas yOu car face and 10s ai time to g o lu a banis. By ssing or new savinga systen. you due t have Io go do your bauuk ta put monéy lu aud you can.get yuur mouey vithout going fée thé bauk. TMI SAVES YOU TROUBLE AND EXPENSE Wé are the only hanlu lu Chicago autbonîzed leu use C. F. Craig's Savungs Accoont Syslem, andiyms send as à pot card ve viii senit you a bouklet wvth full explaîlations. DO ITNOW. LA - It doesn't mater vhether yuu lise ini Chicago or nul, mm this aystém is god auyvheré. Th~Metropolitan Tlrust and Sàvmngs Bn Caital, surpli.and Uudiiwd Proats ON4E MILLON DOLLAR ~Iage bééà" zehmnga 1dIs. S.W. cor. la-Seillé ie d WIm aSti.. WAUKI 209 Wa ou Satiolu M. ~te store mfaê ;ad- à - -Philip H. lberda;,son et e 6r'g, - (,~ mtI'n 'V!PIM n U II lt eaUSheridan, v W aéaiMoIw Ted StJirn n assolILISES MflI USEIl *l R L *f NJf* of Mr. Field'%, Teceives *io,OW, bre Stliln -s- *-~--~ IUEW UUJV.Skiff, ln whose direcçmà 8 Ton Broeck - Fanny Elilis' XA Q~AAN1 UK FTT O E A ~ 4 L Fielh mmeum the marchant bed tul* ZFOÏCLA AQIDAUX 8 SEZ MATC g TU a h, iii have $50.. A noted aire of h.untmraand high-elàso utllity Êtizp zz ror àAPowDBZ lr=DThres seâgwo chrtisb-4oem PIED WLL ~CtD io go orpitan ssyîum, Sai. Iote s q pd horses an(" the; Pes ,byteran hi stal. i - ~Will standI until further' notice at Ls fLf DEomu- oa fll fVa nieI ota 500sd KNOLW OIFAETegrpf tdLa,Ù F.rs212 021cer.a"d Mon, Inciuding Bu k OUR LAWMAKERS. Fou Adiris tiledor Drowned, Paul SItz, -Maniage - - nd,36Art Wounded. of C ud A symopa.of ti."De.dasaV Axe Nade. DRY, inthe. Natioii o Rte Janeiro, Jan. 2-'The B lln Ciao Jn-i.Mrhl ieW turret sbip Aquidaban bas been suak Ciau Ja.2wMrsa ll' s et 2Fort JaCarepagua os the renult ofa~u 111. fiied for probate at 5:30 o'clock 1Washington, Jan. 20.-Poforui1 eliesion. The Vessul practically vsu V.idnesday afternoon, disposed of anuniatter of makliag 4flfl CFen . csf ate roughiy est imated at $100000,- tions- agltated the hounes;1rdy l ur d b th ex los o n of h e q u Id - tated ln th e In stru m en t and m ay flot d iscu ssio n , v tth th e éxe e i m ban Th AqDdaaQ lewup t 1:41 b known for severai veeks. on, the short speech for free bides hi»r', O'Clck unda niht.Nearly ail, the busts -of a valuation of $i00o,000Olus In(N. Y.). IE eeraly suficint t relevethe ost bstiate ase f ded nmher 212 and the Inured36 000 ntie the Inheritance tax laie. The text of the discussion, ln the huffl 9 Tos ca!uesdo otcon FurAdmirai Perihdonth ouflty treasurer, for coîîécting the lat- urday duriug the considération <t nerou an sck eaach. ourrer am ai eu shed or e1er, will be entitiéd to about $0.00(ourgent deflciency bill. littie pr4 Dv fiesadmen attached ta the Buk Tied Up in'Trust. tetpefrMna.Té$.1~ crisr aros. Mr. Filda will la the most remark- portrait was again a topic fu - . Te-. fo ado bar'hé mieis- aile document of its kind ever filled luaIeD omn n eaie £nd+ G let ê rot an efie e c aieadfl tfwowr Cook ceunI y. Thé vst belli of thé géneral iy camé ln for criticiant Insectngýitea fr anewarsenal. Thée staté la tiéd up ln trust for théetbene- mout anirfatéd debate took pace oc j? Waukegan, 111. Cor. Genesee & Madison Sts. j explos!On occurcéd in thé poieder t tIdf the i rsrndsous, Marsall amendmént ta Increase the Amotmt ll magaine Th vesel shklu thre il III.-and Henry,Field for a period thé transpoortatIo f elivér coin. Tb he -. 4 44 te1 intss of39 Years. If Marshall Field Jr. had amendmtiitas leat by a Vote of.i 4é h olwn ebr fthé com- jn"(f died béfore bis fathér thé youngér ta 74.24. . gil mitta whieh eft. thearsenalon board Fieldt wouid havé béén thé chie! bene- > Washington,Ja.2 -Te tg _________________________fivîary. Theré le no eudici déallng bouc iaw cannot lie ahrogated fol v ________________thée Àqidt~ --- otnpanying the mii- n b Pnaacaal ades.Ie lanItar ofmarine, veré drownéd: Réa ~f~that centlngeney, howevec, snd msoneraamcanalcevand eff Ait 1ty Sdilgs J Admirai FacsoClersd Rac 'uldhavé thal wha eets ~tid the Compensation basides (bois salariet pli- II Réac Admirai Joao.Candido ,Bcazii, lésiduary éstate.cumsinr.Tèevoca<S Mojand Capt. Aisés de Lacrigo. Tva cons- Thé Wtdow's ýPortiai. thé urgent deiltency appropltattéa' CA IAare .O - S R L S 5,lOO i n éots lavr rve. Ma élaSecrtil io !nov under consideratton ln tbWe ha» éd maudeétwo Germiai photographers Mr Dlta Spen Fel, o o af héntrsuta uedy 'tr Charles Whitney, Ge. R. Lyon, The. H. Durai No Chance for Lite. rght.A Codicil datd eptéber 5, stn. ale The. incormationCinhierd- Thé lu(at1 1905, thé day elemarried Mr. Field ln WasJiugton, Ian. 24.-Forynoe" rd __________Vice________________________________ fo f the sillon or fflcera bad à London, provtdes for ibis gttt and aiso hebotTusa entr8p0 chance for tufe. Thé cénter of thé big ElaI ès that an aute-nuptiai settlemeut ccuisied thé tîme ut the aeasto 1i TRANSÀCTS Àpvard. MenD veroN(brovuBhtgh lutoa&Mount af the latter- te net stated, but theéldiilnitiatiou relative tte l" lits Takh S A Iety eRÂL À ValasAIGn s the ystinES th:e a,to, ar s ued r manld l- ud h:dlYé:: m 0be r lsI. FThéd sud défeese at the United States. Large Enough ta Accamnodate all of thé lu the sma. Spars fell amoug théeumen, la gisén outrtgbt Ltse Field réidence and tn connection vi StoDmu )eUr c Lk County. In Charge of a Compétent n but muet uf the latter vera unahie th propérty at No. 1905 Prairie avenuego 3P Reliabie Attendant. Box 'Réntal very Résnabie. Heavy grasp et anytbîng ln an effrt ta keep sud ait iia contents. excepttng certain1 Washngton, Jan. 25-Wha-là te Matonny Construction. Lifléd Top, Bto n sge ihafloat (Iii assistance migbt arriv., lié ni nig Uhi duhtr eoe fth lleeati hais hale b Umé Rairaad Steel rail; Filiéd with Cancrete, thén Lsned again Otherd dt thé saiars wbo occupiait Mn. Ethel Field Beatty.,deo.temun aclrd p 9 wih Heavy Plate Steel. CALL and INSPEOT ST. Ap2ld prin ttévsa a étau- DAdghteGeta e*,ooooo. thé houam Wédneedsy. spae1e te- déc by the explosion jumped Ittuthé To, thé daugher, who in thé onîy nnBi l raualîvr a* Z. WAUKEGAN :-:*:0: ILLINOIS Océan ad sougt ta swirn fnornte uvvixcildofthé greatrnerchatput.~ ie cetrand thejoùtý draien dovu lu thé vortex pno;duced hy ibree sépacate trust tunda.. Oué fud .nu. n."vn ax .dit. re Its inkig. B rapi<jy dtd thé véssél, 10foc $1,000,000, a second for $>l m atu vîîyvihth sa W h. ink. hawver, that fév vere able to ansd thé thlrd for $2.000.000. Whiie' taits more tan a fév strokres. hibs fortiue cemalus tn thé bande Of gainconptroi of the ruie. tbe One OMeier Saved. tthe trustées during Mmr. Beatty's lif, vhich are te gavern thse sts**w*d ta lix paage tistotuai thé Içaif Fire horst fsum thé centér of thé sh9 lfil(o gei thé net iucOme, anilette regteprva If Your liens W on't Lay ship imultauéouaty vlth thé explso lthorizéi t o devisé It ailH y viii pro- the taleriwu t9.3pseo ".,# Try OurIon, nid vhilé thé vessai séttiot thé'vlsiîg ittladeiguated (t eer mmedki-hsuefvas 193 aesd Slames. arasa lu thé splintéred decks. aerltiI ubado hide. the fulil strse ofh te twuv GOne or tvoasmall boats ver. launchéd To bis daughter-n-l-aw, Mca. Aibes. la.3.-hgt by thé cooléat béais. but thèeeveré o!f,tins HuCk Fildh, Mr. Field lef a lite wiulq éméatst la little avail ilu sving ife. One ut thém Inteet lu $1.000.000. Besides the villon Wedviéva utht5otlcy t tbeé vas swamped hy the crovul flai guarniteés that thé estate of ber bus isa- vi~temmen mayftie eis ýEW J EA P R TRY FOOD jumpùûd into h lu thé panI.on onhard. baud shal yieid ber $500.000 atrtght. tratonfl érenc eetruco a A srewnérandEG PODUER A wtiltaanedsésérai saîlurs insidé sud manageul te ierseit receivssamillion dollars ln vlth référence ta Santa Damiaý, ration, and juaI what a hén lkea. We aise havé SUN malte land. Smsîîer warsIIpis adud tan a speclftc shacé lu $5.000,000 deftndei t te 000555 ni the 1-5 FLOWER SEED, KAFIR CORN, WHEAT, BARLEY mercclaut cratt near thé scène oft tue'which oiglnîhly vas villéd te hec lu héth Instanes. CHARCOAL, GRITS, SHELLS,,BEEF SCRAPS, CORN dsue tae u seitya ehr o éd ALFALFA an ail othersuppliés. ible (o pick up possible survivori.] _Gises Museum I8,ooo,ooo.BOLR EPOE. SThey- fouud fév, s o udén and cum-1 Thé eFieldmutseutna h isented Six Men &Xe Ia.*aatlj iy Kl-Vi pIété vas thé wréck o! thé Aquldahan. wth $8000.000. Hait o! (bis gifi le timae BvfrblyNage.!r' Tha.Aquidahas vas o! 4,950 tons lilréctéd te hé désuteul to thé building Severiymnurit O R C A Sdispia nent aud 6.200-hunse power. rund aud thée ther bal! teana endowi-, tii She vas hulîtlu England lu 1885 eta n~ ent or maintenance fond. Thséeî Pu.Mm laa.3-Aeu JUST LIKE THE WINTER cuit uf $1725,0». She bad fise torpédo su additional provision o! $5.000.000 In thé Planées resfa' bg al A M A T C E sud men. Iren. Marshal sud Henry Field, die ihreas evérely Injured sud ieve<Ilt indus _________ wthoot Issue. Thé téstator aise made sariuusiy burt are thé casuaii. ici Macked for Déath. i nother Important condition, n uo sutntrmtéelsintsis EN.OYE 8VALLWashington, Pa.. Jan. 25.-tu bout- tt thé vhole héquest stands or fala. at-t>îe savmivaî .baJhn LASémi" t.. ng for thé murderéns o! Michael Ctar- Thts stipulation la that if ail thé landt saén tmiles southéasofI ai Hai. I" shot at Duniésy last veélu. Waslaig- muséum building la nit turuéd avec Hilelséon. Cadott, bad sSout :4 ton cofunty aîthnrittes hase uneunthéti te thé trustées o! thé muséum vwitbii Bert Lamb. Estélla., béhai 'a« EM O SM R E U B R C . aplot ta assassinaté soeéof thé leait- six yéars thé héquet ot $9,000,000viihvuff.-Lecothetsd nee tug men ot thé country. They hase revert ta the césidtsary éstaté. tu oth- crugbéd; Eddie Sépch, atsuctg, EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r éecd evideucé that among tbasearan ords. thé lty muet furnitsh a-sitetmeridkld;ASFoe, markéd foc déath vas ex-Gos. Penny- tec the propuseul structure or ho «Sm- ttbeadcrushetade ath: Haley iJO LiBERTYVLLE. ILL. pacer, ot Peuusyisania. aud Gpv. plled te(odo withnut It. hdyeau ra usé temmdea. Serionai7 551 PhonePattîsen. of Ohio, Lttersansd pa-S UShare et 0(1555]Relative&,. u rt h nur Béhuscke, face 'hi" the pers are aiso Iu possession of the lutvo differeut sections.a! the viii off, fatally hurt; Jerry. Beek, ,ag authorities iebich décrée t iedaho ra. Dlbhleé. Mr. Filid'saBliter, te, broken and IutérualIy ijsai; j gesttersMca. John C. King Sud MMa. A. A. jurait. eoogail7 Chicd~ latgo, n. ra Il., total o! 100,000 H agh. The gmk wsentIel isoeffl _____ o-w ID Yens Wleatt (vu ihiedrsan re t aughtecs a! Mn. PFld'a déad thé explosion, thé causa, or!'It rt- "Tèe t ~Tamnvc ipta vnteshaul planueit ton aevrai friands, An- caga, sud Mrs. Thomas Lindtsay, o! marriéd mai amoug thasékiIi4 ý I su ruit aid man," exclaiméd nié respective cherches. FiaUly ane calied thon Juilus Magnus, â/ce président 0-Otî éev 1.0 ab itrvsi ag cpt osfereai by atér "l abay (atlaa etgbo vo vs sstagai ~edthé A. Magnus & Suis cnmpauy, man- c>! Mr. Field vho lises lu Wiliams- telae mi lust vinter ran a o&mmi1 me ab.Dun'tyou thlnk héieéemýlebils opinion as to which vus thé oni3' ufacturera o! brévéni' suppliés, a son- bung, Mas.. lirs. Helen James.,é useu batthé a In ot usyviiUic slithé.my lsoin &niVe Wé .i-law .of Ado'Dlio- Bqesch. (lié St. 'etvea$6000M. tva of!lier ous $250. -______ baby'. anatomy sud lie let out a siceh. j visat ta thé aame rmiii algh ou ta 40 LTuisday lu hta rooma t libhume,0No. e aughtoneo liracsJosG50e000, Cnd t Muet. la 24.-WItiJ.B nouos quali. yeam. Nov, thèeeare (o rade thai Fesaylétn manoma i hmN.brdugtr rc aesGlet, CiagrJun.thé l ili ,hetri "Ys"r.pfléd (the hachlor friemi, iéad fram oour plice ta the mili-u ne@.9s letnaeu. Dsodny10,0.mngro h ui bt«* éritcily "bèr i cetaulya eue- lievaleyroul.t'the tise oer0héoser ill-helth le sivea as the cause. Othér gtft are made ta thc e m e have LU stansd triAlon a Chsa blance."-Cbtcaga Dsly Neya. bifl Andt nêver yt, friaids, bas thé Damg'by Waterapout. 3f! thé tamlly oe Mr. Field'@ brothér, volunniar manslasuuter la éus milles uskéd me v.htch ruai t tai but Westun, W. Va., Jan. 25.-A lréavy Joseph N. Fileld,. vho resîdes lu man. vîtis the Ifoquoiss iheater 8 Animale fa shovs. he Mvwaîs asici: tIi ions vieat good?l'l vîud suit ainstucm, résemliug a ,hester, Engianit. Asidé tram Stanley vus ardent Tumodai h iliadg No févér (han 8.927 convictions vers -KasusCty Journal. waterspout suit cauaing damage of Feld, Who cécelvei $100.000, Joseph nugi. vho overrisiet a ofdg otÇinéit lut yéar hy thé British Royal hundreda ot thousanita o! dollars, bas Field'a yaungéc on and threé daugh- quaish thé iuditaléut agalcet Duioý. Socety for thé Prévention ut Cruelty tae ' amlet's ERoquent. passéit usér thé southeastnu portion trs, ail résidents ut Englanit. receive ~ oagi Animals. Thé annual repart calls atten- 'I vaut thseeggs stoppedf . èbont- o! hssaé tfodétCeri ly$10000 éscli. AIllaSla., an. 28"o.-H .I tien ta thé empioymntut thé lover ut- oit the tragedîsu. triding ta thé foot- Sud Eik rivens, and cannlit away Amoug uthér relative$ te vhom hé- ,cIty tréaoures sdault sitnt- mais tn théaténs and cincussés, "ufteu lights. bridges, bouses. and millions o! fet béts #re made 1tnu-t hé yul la Msa o! tis Peopl's vlthmor an ésacnuéty.' "ell.yoore tappui e, ant o f utvaltuahie timber. A report that 15 Nor-a Scott, aa' liter ut Mr. Ftpld'at'reîeWeitesday tsar sl asalaitthé boy ln thé gatlery as hé tbrée lises vecémast bas net been cen- Snt vite. vh a legiven $200.000 f aor tagéecf 1.01a ct'y Na m'a Opinion. à-. auothé.-Pucic. firmed. uistnihution amoug lutuifotis ln usc hé onrae sscuat ano Thse girl vbu la alvays saytng abelle_______ smase isTchte écrttima î ompany la! cag Thé a probably cn'£ halte s pie vithout thé Thé death plant ut Java bsfbas NvYck an 5-Astréu hi opi coiSchna!Dnvr e-aNewa uybngvtou éYmorkdy étme hiae l lJanigt tt. Anothercoretéf-Ch--av, Mca.Scottuces art, oft« flt . cauk book. wh vich gise off a pertomé s0 powér!ol 5sa namen éugaged lu a revolver battle hn zeisés lu trust $25.000.- , NumecosFatal Ixplofi tota ~ u té t avécom itluhleittacanyleu thethéstreets e! Chinatovu Wedneeday, cousins, children ut Cousia, nd.aid. &noi8~, a. 3Tie e * 115 (me.a ui-growvu mtain suit ch vbich résultéd lu thé 'déath o! tien time tnIénde are remembereditnluan aid lier lu thé Wiudeaiu Thé oa ubrofbosi h kilis al formeaoutinsce I liet(at came eninamén. Cbing Yeng aud Lee Sôon, amounts rangf ng tram $20.000 itova ta Fftythi tréét and Corneli vuvd etiatut5t4.0000.00. under is influencé. the murtat vuunding of a (bird andt thé 15,000. Sundsy muruing. cent te Is et, seios n.r o_-turhcabaat. Fod oAi.tEplye. e -lue . *.s -.1. panie s muwgub o == offli nz i r UELasoaxs, o IL o. DeWnT'l a Co,.. CHICAGO. U. a 'Ask for the 1906 Kodol Almanac an, 200 year Caiendar. Smmof There is no case on re- cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other seri- -ous lung trouble, after

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