CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Feb 1906, p. 2

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W. eIs«s&" thm DItbr, ros. Baki* xt oe ltabs oiIr- tsl uh,,. Arthiur iitta's Iteivt tu xîMia uàelRuoîpliépt atui'day t» ivase Varntacteganaboutuile enting MA e onduet wtb Moud. Bst LbetTvlla > pet 'Pa!nereasÀ CsurprisMe party wua perptmonat Ol Fldy 'mih parent.and relatives hors. th, RoetFosit tst Saturday ,veral fromheon attended th.s masque Deekr sentSunay ithevenmng. wbeu a lange numuro f hbisbail et Lak»e Zurich gaturday evsiing. S ,a Mêle eer petSudy hbool mates gatbened at i borne. A Ànme f d pn eol noo ~~an bsn.. ~~pleasant evenng was spest, followed by Ânme 8 d'yngpol uoe 1 Payne Wws a Chicago Viston a rayai sappun wbicb wae nmuch euioyed tho Pl" e t the Waukegazi thestre e-. by ail, Wbo thougut they badtheii tiu Snuday evening. W '0 Soyen speut Saturday lin<of their ino. 9 md Mn. George ftarekines peut DA DL EMiss Winnlo BReltber weas.avey pleas - *Mell the latter', parents at The Lad!.. Aid wdilmuet wth Mn.e. R. aunt caller on flieude lu Palatine inetl.~ 4à Liii Thursdav Feb. 8.Mia. BH. Sblrding i&u vsiptlng wth n I~èsfiUei tI. coamey ith<ui .. raiptives ini Chicago at Preseut. jôw ilid te cftwey it-buse Mr. aud'ars. P"oton ame vstn t qPuo lst vsit. . Ithe home 0f the late' motbetr àt The MissesAuna sud Tille Nso aeis idbu *et.t, irho bas be» very ii with 1peesent. oùi fiende lun >altine Satunday evoning. to w"18igtly improveti.Th Thael surprise party given at thé, Day. Misé 'Ikiih Biclnsmé' i.asisting, Mns. o li uhgter o! M. Wrtî. ,1>0h Griffith homo waé well attendesud n ail Bastings wth lber dressmatiîîg at dr ii nwth pneumonie, is btter t hati a Looti timo. prement. todt wrriting. - jM. and Mns.J. T. Manu of Waukogau Mns. Win. Nolting anîd Miss Louise E ý ýWlthandi Emmia Camberlain 'visieet athb home 61 Os. Ray Wstins. callei ou friend*inluPalatine Pritiay. theGilueréchol nu ay ast'tiy.Mi:Mary Beirents of Highlandi Grave D Thuejdance given by the young peopla. calleti on friondi in -Palatine Saturtiay w î mth and wifo, <of WadsWotrtb, o Diamonti Laite at Ivanbo. w8Maa evening. iai F. M. Smitl's Saturday antd Iunm.~ The nex oa sere of dauct; Mn@. Torgier bas; for ber guet lier l ,by- - tcr o iiho bel>! ither Feb. 16 or 17. friend Mrs. Mater of Clevelandi, Ohio. Byron ýSmitiiRani littie daughtrM", .Myens was a gueit at berH wkqsn, visiteti relatives lune a RGCKEFMLLER. tighte's Mn. (loltibeckst he past weet un tis eet. ,linIviniglPark. v of! buto have returneti front A social timo wag given to agahin . meMotnntriniliii'ir mm Mihigan. The.) repart niaity j f friendÏeat u htliiu of lMn. and Mn@. Ethel over Suntiay. t ibut nO jOlvem And 'unfùrtunatelY Harry fRouse.Wetinegday enenlug. Charles W..îte eutertaine.l lus friend i I.uo honty ontreeku ~ ~ Tlorenoe Bierman anti Delta Fred Cook a! TripoliJ>aeety 'Lubbe anti AllietSnytieýr ma 0 -hae eo botv l.cll> n is--"- l 11& 6111N4go<ne « day luet iV<oit taOnace SiailWetinosaaitennoon à S ce cd seine fine siins, whlieli they Msn.~.J. King anti Wiliams joet1 ý seure>! by trapîling.during the to Lihortyville on business Wedneeday. Myrtie ÉR i ant h as been nu rig a d John!e Holeoînb le untier the doctons sone ti oat for a fe day» the î asti O- Bonace Gralbo lia>! the cane. week. itune te break is arn> utahove F1Lillian Pird, ci làkRd, i ýriw y a ailion dy es wek F. .Go8sweller n ad W.Porteous were ler? * ir. . uryreenl - 4t3ootell0w le doing weil hîowuver. cty visitons <ne day lest resetleite.n E ud eoty lire. W. Ede <pet Frday.night ait ft «VRilieh a lecture At the hburc'h Mn. J. Ayusiey and>! titgbter LubanDe"l'. swînhr ubui isb q eveaiug, Feb. 2 given under the veuguosis <of frientis at Lihortyvihie opla'ieforhr u'o weeeieturln i Wt the W. Ç. T. U. Mr. E.'E. Thnsdy. dt arweee etmn fceayo the Coot county Mr. andi Mn. Canienon entertabied~ Little Tedtiy Mson lias heen unden the éh.) xeclitivo committee will f rien>!. from tbe cty the latter par(< dottons raure uaving bad lfonchitis. ý,, iloir practioe at Frant Dolp's lt esit. tMn. Abert Meson anti littie daughtert 6 imjdLk'iivSuing, Feb. 8. George Knigge, o!f imuiLatvsteti with Mns. M. W. Knetiler ast m , mmmotIqr otiremooadun calle>! ou bis parents bers Thunstiay. 1week Wdeeay. j ý4 laeoby and! Mie Daley VanPlew A book social vas given at the homel Mr. anti Mnm. . 8. Stranger anti sonb 'W laist - eek froin thein ,yist et of Lillian Asneuly, Friday eening. Ail Warren o! Ravina visiteti the latter'@ who attende>!ha>! a moult ejoyable Master Mns. S. E4lKnstiler anti faîîîly oivet> ý lW ýlt Fnak Kane le vry liIItino. SBundijy. levod er., Jimu Ma, f Grayslakre, vas a pleaut B. . Fritcb o! Highiand Parit matie a Wd oeu hmsrvote>! hil. t< gus-- t tie o iie bscousin, Irvlig uineM trip ta Prairie Viere one day Payne and vife Thunaday. Isve sulied hiire boume lut Me.s pct niupov le k. H. Coou anti F. . Mitchell at fron DiamontLa[e., Kulgas @peut the latter Part O! lest teuded the liuerai o! a cousin Mise Ruth Van»Pkw layon>! the con- vo lhrltvsl h u. Cois, o!l Chicago lest joeit Tues>!ay. flw*a fine slo at the lest Misse Edlth BeiP an>! Pearl Doolittie, lin. E. Prudy visiteti at Park Ridige " N n«sevie.o! Wanitegan, elle>! at the home of Mi" returuing lest weeit Tbursiy accom- putosfor nomintion (faaKlg audypamiet by hien father Mr. Whitemore wbo alseaie&teti quit fnosiy la tuis Mi'. aind Mn. Wleoi visfite>! at tho aIes bis home withbhie daugliter Mns. &Î 1 1 ,home of theirsou Charlesoat lhbertyl".! Wakefield o! HallDay. Mn. ea4~1N.~-NtuweI1 ~ t ~ s'.': ~ ~1~1 ielr son frolft Chieugo ovr Sunda!. * oeraoa 83 1*55 aumea - ~ -y A. ichloarde a>id UMs. Ed-ards t aod iof.B Il itas opec trip tu,8iview Baturde ecal4g on e*e'7UundaY afisrnqon at 2 olock. A C N 4 te formée's brother Ose. Richards. Neit Suaday thon. will lis quart@_l. meetng sit the bal communion, service Tille Mitchiell@peit Fiday nigIbt ailn temri tI .m aturday withbabr ister Mrs. John Iitemrigti .m pollonmefr at Lihentyvllle. Bey. Burgi, of Chicago *111 conjIuct The $200 match race on theo Ico han H. Maiman and danghtar, gIlus Nu, Ada Làomis spent a fow deys ofltet communion service SuudaY niorg. bison postponed tîli Saturday aitaroon visited wlth Waukegau relatves a tUt. reel> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H v1.Sg heln rens.o ea ..xoust proac oamwil wing to the warm weather whlch n"adtaJ, Suaday and Mona. the les und-,e. t le now tbOUght tbe William IlHarris, 8r4 16e sp.uding tbe, sue Maso nd~ Tillie Mitchell callud oa irlgadeeig lae Will bold the buons by Siaturday wook wlth Waukugan relatives. thel Kuedisi' ~Uiidv. [Z IZ ~ ~i~IZ Z ] wthout any danger. The mm we lll o Teinsurd I u abadla E. H. Maon viulted.withhble pç.reL<unon ak srailgbt-aýWaY cour". 5t1055to-nlght (Frlday) willl o be ve t f in Waukegan tbçeebye of lest assitÀA sOO MOl 6bmtwi9 i4nen rthou Lat«the @canon. Dont mise It. bting lnapaltated for work by bis Feb. 10. The Boinlgton Ladies band mebnhemsurelutf M.J..Relo(rala ist0 mjurd bud.HiYaff naroW 5t~O iil iYiISb~ ~Oaktland hall to.ulght. 'with relatives and frienda ln oui' vilag. fom bif g stiR furtben burt by.bis borse gre manv from bore attended tbe advt becoming fractions just nas buwas ahout Beury Baker auction unnirnni PlAr,<fPltnwa ¶»de anvll oget loto the buggy and having offly Gorners Tuesday. calter. Theru e <neMOIbing, In particulier tbat one avable baud, the. horeesetartisd Thé teisphous company ls puttîng lu M. W. Hugli"@ tran»Wr1aedbusines uik entlatiip*ad.W t aas hlm svna ars evorale* lifbfesthis week. tu>~'Fdytliflemitld ibeautifull wèather?'- li Mno. Tilly le vlsiting hier son Frank at Mles Paler, of aconda, wais a Miss Alto 1'nlce, <of Nv4ukêgan (%pent an atmte at oal.ta l as Everett. viettor here Tuesday. $atuî,lay and Omndywlth relatives andtIeuplé 1 iu talking railroad, aprIng la Till Mitchell entertained èvrlohe Surveyore for the electrié road have lie. -near. Iiiaà4itiL xw, w.bave boad iaumond Laite Monde one. eveîing laot hebuaying theméoelves about hers of Arthtur Cool> reporteel on the mit rartilroa.l' off snd on ithrongb -the peet isek. late. lst et writing, Year, Wluat i Mor.. n1ttral thutu toen-u 'Mr. and Mr@. Hermn >Aibrecht and John Finit and Mis@ Minute Buescing Théelisses Vera and Sarahi Ooary wore 1 o ipnilig the .yenr rountd? Wi Po. family spent gnnday with Mr. and Mrs. visited at Dihmônd Laike Sunday. Ciago visitons riatunday.î tively refus to>iviiive tiparies. for any- f. Mille. ~~~Mr. and Mr@. Chas. Beip, of Palatine, . ake Cit ornerscn ream..nry poil f f< '>4> aena Mr'. and Mys.Chii..ittalil anti family viglted helle Saturday andi Sunday. 1 lest ,atonîliv lt tIi.. rute of 81-:Fan alad,<f autganl llg spont Snnday tt Iuting G rove. The dance lant Saturday drew a biggen < o ad. «i. rlative.t and friends Ili-e this wfflk. YOU au oivr rstoI George lirouglitioi hati the misfortune Youva no rturu yîuin cîttore tocrowd than any dance for the puet two Mrm. Guy, of llcago visitl at tii.." lie barn loft as the weathpr ina» tolti us searo. hkole <of lier sieter, Mye. Il. '.1iuglws 1Mtiiday iîiorning of runuling agalueta n all minverity, and lite ougl.t to know, Kohlros. are lag abg eea leinis ek tal nigl cyt..lrDwson toüol <ar *liat insteati o! more snow the bhi».. irds ont sale ln front <oftheir store. ilairy tiley. Il (l<ci tut> 5pet s.tiltt4y if the rigljuey.D r.ngan an tteetret i iot h e o witb u st its on i . u t The village board w ill m ot lu r gular lie r.. thuxî »fteprooevte sesion nextliouday niglit. Ani> iîumtrtt.l' l.vtii'o viiw ~ have thie.patent recovering as rapid! as, Coaa reuger speîtSutzirdtiyandtilo. ». Thirty bushels of Oat@ were stolen out tii.. ll>ittimt urelt, Frhl(ay. ee ing eauh. e'tvtd ia th ber cousin, (rtiaco Sliu-Nr of George Prusia'n barn lait woo.¶.duiiotfrt. înioiyivt>. Mies('arn.. tPratt lias wouio to ùîLagO, if Haif Day. ISonteone joIlget jta trouble sanie <of FE.L. Iîîîîin jtni..s miding th.~e t he re if î l.i rq fMytc or Cammie Saph who lias 1",en uang..rtisly Itbeoe days. Nil hcg red.Tetrto h eiso yteWre èiknt fhe couvent et Libertyville lu pro. AIlth lttese ot dr gae e, vI<îî Cl. v rIî ,i,, carti parties n-to, lîol>lteattWeduoeday echol ehltirn oene teir îui foi3 au IM>i' iut tie, iliit eV nisn, alibi forty-four playrn tocit nounti out of danger. toucher Mise Anna Scholi a surprise b, rei tî, unot n'ai-b >-utuitiîn>tigiî part lu the etit' program. Tro. Mr. ntirsn. Buscling entertnint'di party tast Monday afteruooan. Ith llitil. -flue prizet. Wère awarded. Ever3'one, la frientis from-Chicago Suriday tltbi Moi>n- Geo,7vu' brge lork o<i iîiigo, l w ti te cordiail> iinitedt t attend thieneit party day. GA E LK guesit,! Miss4 Liiah Gioldig Sundty. on Monday evenliqx, Pol. f4. Geo. Stranger of Wlieeling w~as - a Prairie Vitw etiler Tnt'aday. . Chias. Snyder la moving into is@mica %ire . Sil. Diiernd dt tauîglter, Miss JsRihrsla th iifruebouge. Fthl.wl w,>..Ciittiègit tisittîrs Ntîirday A faro, waspurchawd test wsek as th. tus ip n hards inhi al th yard studie Win O'neal entertaîneti wood. sawers rnl foeo u iteatAm' oeverly injure his bact and head lest on Wedneetiay and Tburetiay oif tusé tir. )itl..ith. ofi Chicaîgo, %Vos i bul. Tbt puncliaeer î.olti a farm sevoril weet.luconeqeireho ui ~upweet. nets utlîr the,. iret <of thie week. t...uthé ugo by usina onu 0f Our littil: hiee In ontpaeti ('alie orn ivep 1.x . M. Barris <of Chicago vteiteti bis Miss Cally lexullis. ef Melliîry callel- "Iant Adif." Wheu Io wants aujîbing lbitîte fuluretyou mai ho surerhe wllt înonth. farit hure onu day laet jooci. ont» ilnds litre Siiiî.iuy. inthé fourtte "Waliet mredca.'i Mns. Tracy took Barry Hotter t<i Dr. O.-F. Butterfleld and faîily @peut Dr. Illlhiar.i ivritu.s tîtat lie ]litsii.. itl 1Wlt d. Clhicago spending twty daye sight meeiug. Suntiay with Mr@. Chard. >,u,.î>,., his dlestinaîtioni at l'areuns, Kasb.1 wn o14î'u~l nwwa Harry telle cof the wontierful thinge ho Miss Loverige gave a short atid rome at wht.r. lie it assixtait esimerlitentlent ()f 1y ou walit.orletiw t' dparint lab saw goi119 to the top Of the Wallonie the eburcb Sunday lu the interet i f the thi" etitte stnituritini. aind that lhele! h at yoîî waîîî to tny. Temple and taking lu the Great Northern]uda sbool joorit. - weli 1,î,amed wi t is new loratitin.-_ __- theatre. He certainly thinits Chc oa F ak lai leceson1 oebis Mist, Winî. Clouigh aloid Rd. Hal,. The Chieego Daily Chronicle for oul.y gret ctyandvots n. r. ray fnefamiliy to, aukegau. where bu bas re- transatted b,îuinéineu iituséuity a f..w $2.00> if takon jith -a paid inluadra fo uighmsc a.conuy punchaseti a home. days Ias.t wffit. subscription to tho l .i'ÇIiigExRX. Emily Matiier of Long Grave visitet Mr. anti Ens. B.I. T. uiahtîini a're ________________ ,witbholie brother A. G. Maether, an"dei'atsl oui' jant colmm» ofen bring Cii'igo visituirs th ii.lrut îof thte week. ,famly laat week. turne ton fold. Thoy ouly cont yon Whtle in tIie. ity, Mdr. Girahamin selectetiaADIIOA4CORRESIONDENCE tfine cents the irepcs igsineto -t Pt f-1 'Invasuet --- ->- .s iina i.. el)l itnuber ofif elutitke, vlîib will 1#1 i niant> uiner su csuifaam Pl'< l t7 Sunday wîth M. anti Mn. Geo. Amaun. 1lines.. (eatvercoat, Sui*t andSoeSl This fiue weather bas lef t a great stock of goods on Our ban"s. We MUST sen, them. We WANT the rooin. We WANXT. the amoae. NOthig reserved. j !verv garaint or pair of Sboes reduced in price. You know the gonds we bandie, the' il. S. & M. Ciothmes verg germent is guarauteed. The Ilaman, the Douglas. the-Packard shees for Men. The Burt ýr Plngre shees for Women antd CbIldren.- Our OBous shoes ore the hest looklnq anti the-toughest made. Mess O'vercoats The splendid H. 8. & MI. kiid. eira long, tIhe hbot or box roat. Our églklilneti sîell coat $30 redueti to ........... .............. $2498 Our $25.00 elegant k'eméey tout m- ducedt ......................... $19.98 Our $22.OOEngUsh overeoating, splendid mtat, reducedt ................ $17.98 Outr'$20.00 Henriig Boue, fine Vicuna coat reduce t ................ 149a Our *18.00 Vicuna roat, long or meieîumi leigtb, retitiedt t.. 81398 Our $15.00) Bloc'k or Oxford English Ovecoating vroute reduceto Ilta8-98 (Onn $12.50) fine overcob-te wortiî $15.00 reducedt t................. 8 . 998 Our $1000 great itargain coats, long or medium iength ..................$8.98 Men's Suits Every H. S. & M. suit la guananteoti, single or double hreamteull styles. Our' $2Z.00 idit mlxiii reonteti suit» reduceul to,................... 1998 Oui' 822.00 meut rmix.1 wrottetisuite, veny fine, retincei tu,..........$ 7.98 <inn $20.(00' elegant ctusilineon <uita ce- duce o .......ta .................. $1898 Ourn $1800 fine wonsti'ul suit» reducet . to ...............................$1.3.98 Our #15.00 al wool csssiuuere suits ne- tiuced tii......................... $11.98 Our $1250 ail w<tol uai»ittoi'vuitfi r.- S-1ducot to ........................... 89.98 Oui' 811.50 andl $11.00 ai woal cuits reduetid to........................ $8.98 Otda anti Rude nil vuool suite, enial izes ai $6.98, retitiiet froi..$15.OO Young Men's Overcoats Lateut itls. anti ilialieli.agps 13 tu 20 yoansi. lu hiactu, gr'ays antdlFuintys. Young Mens elegant long ,,verrî,ute. j!15.00 grade. reducetI to ........ $11.98 Youing if..i's fan'y het route, 1-k grade. reduce t ta............. 9.98! Young Moi's fines $1000 overg'otts- reduce to ....ta .................. $8.98 Young Menu *$9.00 ovoreuats netiîtel txs ............<.......%............ 698 4>du anti Ends <of fine os-onctitsui ant ...................S4.98 Boe Overcoats Ages 41 to 12 yeans go nt reduc rei puue' $2.98-$3.48$3.9"-4.98 Odds anti 'uîuie tfflie. tv'oatm. agem 3 to 8 yeaiu.. ............. 81.98 Thé' tiistt ii ng-TIue Iiest tYltu ituttuluh Yuu ieng ts suiiti, fantuy xvustetir. utgis 14 tii 2t9 'eurm. *15 gradtes ndîut tut......... ......................... $11.98 yti1imtg uu.i .uitu. fnuty u'uuiiuiu'ms -1 ) ttgraurlp8re.lui ltut.. $9.98 Yotiuug ttueur ti's a iol stiitu. $10 igu'atie i'i - Io ,tu ..- ....................- 8.98 Yiutiu'i'.ail uwuîtl uits. $9.00t grades' gadues ri.ilu-eul to.u............. 6.98 Outisiandt eunds <of $12 midtl$10 ,uits e- uîlîu culto ............... ....... ...$4.98 Knee Pants Suits Ounr suleuid ithdu. uges 3ta 17 yoarm. neihlutetito 81.98-SZ.48-$2.69 -$2.98-$3.48-$'3.98 andu up. ommism mta. E, e. >h.à mN-, Ail our stock of elegant Shoes for men in Hlanan's, Douglas and Packard shoes at great xedîxtioni'. Ail our splondid stock cf women's shoos in Hanans, Burt's or Pingree'à ut great reductions. - ~ .,J .Boys' ànd childron'as sues at great reductions. Cut Prices on lur 'Coats Our men'a B. & W., and Dutcheose trous- Sweaters and Cardigans AU ont Flur Coat stock at $14.98 and ors. Swoll trouties for swell dreflers. Our eîîtire unie of men's, young men'a $16.98, a Baving te yen of $5.00 each, Reduced for this grgat p ale to ridicu- n. os og t2 e et icut and next season they will be much hlgher londi rcys'Ail coorti at 2 pekcet.ds. uut in price. ospie.A oosadku. Car fare allowed to every purchaser of $10O or more during februarg to within 2 5 miles on presotation of retuiraticket. - 4f Mira 11-1-1- - "-., ý i 1 vil rAut 1 atided to his Publk' litimry at once. 'b,'EGANg. ILLIN 23 N, Gleiýý w4ui 1 ý 12fix

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