CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Feb 1906, p. 3

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P. ta 1 .pla u UbertWvlUe. Illinos -IJ. L. TAYLOR. or eV£TfZOO$.& AYLSB 4.00e? 1005 . i. to 4 and 6 to p. in. a pince on roadway. opposite Park. Llbertyvllle, Illinois. DY. C. R. GALLOWAY, n oouo-fromt aand e o 8P. M. Libettyvile. Illinois. ÈAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTORNEY Ïkr LAW. Uàbertyvlfls, Illinois. Pnom£ 88. DI. E. il SMITH. DEIZTIST. OPOILEOVES LA£ oeUETY BANK. «uxv*-to12 a.M. and 1to àP. M. Libertyyille, Illinos.. * DR GOLDING DENTIST Hours 81e> 12 a Zi t 5p.m. -Kaiser Blo.ek' Lifertyville. Illinois DR. VUL P. SCHIR)ING. Eracttoelifmted to BYE, EAU, %08E AND THROAT. Hourg 2 to 4 p. in. Qvrci: ROOin 804 STEW7iRT BIILEOf , 92 Stâte Street, Chicago. - Dt 0. F DUrrERFIELD, V21ERINARY SURGEON. £IbTAe TATE VE1EINAELÇÀ&N. Iàbetyvlel, Illnois, LYNSH EROTHER Pbcn.887 UberivMe fl. A.18 . S1hbAm tre te 'Phon. 2761 #4S1eWPApERS 1m». BeJ. M».e MAGAZINES!I Lbnyîlii PKRIODICALS- CIGARS- sd TOSISACO. Praline Block. 9 -ta" sOROER8 far CUT FLOWERS t Il Il Il MILWAUKEE AVENUE, Doors Northf of Bakery 7"oniéHardware Prices Cc n «dMW$. tin beck wlth handie......... $200 d i d"mmwne fotha vith stropo...............45c s diaed mmutefoéS with trap ..............55e 10 bomesdamnd aie pois...................25c Légdj e gdIvmnled tank hoiter.............. 2.90 soM éSlnd braihoreb .h..................... 45c (»c4fiSO biifl ........................... 25é Kw ait b m àle... fte....................... 0 XWbakàfvm utt f balle' 25 6OJA" lz. .......tub................... toc Razestst~..e................ ........ "00 Siogl harssa. ........................ 54 Sm l fo WU Eables Fat is of great account' to a baby ; that is why babies are fat.., If your. baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsfon is what he wants. Thé healthy -baby stores as fat what it -does not 'need- immediately for bone aild muscle. F~at babies are h'ippy.; they do not cry;, they are rich; theïr fat lis laid up for time of need. They are happy because t h ey are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds t.hir little nerves and cushions them. When they are sciawny th ose nerves are hurt atevery ungentie t o u c h. They. delight in . Scott's Emul- sion. It 'is as sweet as wholesome to them. Sunad for fue. #amsple. h B sme thatth4s pitur.soi th. form of a label ta on the vepptr cd uveryboo ofg Euuos Yeu buy. JScott4. Bommn 409-499 P#eDf teso 5.sud *1.00 ALI D'em Concise, postlive sitorial. ebaracter !s The hiaily Inter Ossan. gn n uffeing front Kidney pains, ifacit-aCi, blatider trouble or rbsa.p.- tient wha vili laiesadomso fPins-nie. upon rtiring a nàgh t it be reliveti Ieaemonn.Sla by WILL HACsLi.a Ubertyvillo sud GRAYISLAKR PaisAUT. .Afrait of Strog Medicines Many psople suffer fur yeavs from rheu- insUe peins, anti prolen tu damaoratbe' titan tek tit. strong instlelunsiy givon fon rhelsmatlsansd knaving thai qulcit relief front pain snay te bad gmisply lw àpplvhtg ChimberlaE'a Pain B&lEn sud wîitout uaking any tuediine Inter- naiiy- For sols by F. B. LovzLL UAber. tyviL eanti GEEYLAK PAiflMxACv. TIte weekly Inter Lean and tifs lani- t'Efnif for only 81185. Warm Wenlter Puaià Stop ro Olgentie Judustry; Reatilta May B. Serious. FARMENS ARE BEPPECTE». T4.eunumually watEn y.at1ter w>ticlt hasl bn tireraient tbis vihter ias reulted in tifs Lakes and etreatitaof titis caunts rentaining open far fiant thte ssvuon vifen ait a roi.lits sttEgntnsr'a sttpplyf it4 lm tti. trad away inLte gigan tic ice itouete whicli dot the lake sgion ûiof rtierlt Illinois. At ons tittts early in .January the biîg ice mnn ers' ail ttnd in fet the liarvept vas on at t'om.. of the lakes for a day or two but te tbaw casantsd te 0heners ledoff. lns lthi titere ha. not lissaa linE! t vien suitaifl4 l.-ecould ifs barve3ted andi aEotn thé o)of aiti sucams te predlctlon ai Prof. Cox. iedof tifs weatibsr bureau et ChIcsfigo. that there will Dot lie ans zero veather tbi@s eason. Prisf. Cox les even golle no far as tu t.agèr $1000(1tif t tbs.mere ury w ii lot dropf belowte t-ro mark. Ciciago papersi have 0fucîf ta 58y ai < tu ltat yull ifs tih.-dire ràmutlt if ifere ilt iEh!Efnext sommer for the Ipour. ýAil big (itien stand in need oft tetifrougi the'oqnuae s niflte ,ar4d les' alone du,,& rElue>! tf imatle lits endurauile- in many t.ity home.. Tifse xL.nt oiflte le Enfufftry may Us wien by qlatiftg figures. Cash vinter, it i, s;tated. 'trititin a radius of etixty mile. oi Chicago 1'500.000 tons of lteif) eut and packed p way to Inter bifsment to that clty vitere E. ts; twoare innftfitrable. So far titis vinter practically nouesIlie been harvest.d u tintisloeelity. Tifs ifig Fox river iee bouses are empty. The hoifffe f ottifs lekes tere fofltIletely entptiéd lbut eun.mer anud th ifs t ofa tifeft bave n Et)e 5wlfatever et prenent. The are loaliing to%-a.rd flartifern Wis.onsin for thifel eçupply but tiefsfreigit rateti make the sifippitta of if-e iroEnf that part of the litats prohibitive. Will Effect Fermera. And il in uaL anly te Chicego dealers; teho are worrylng for dairymen of tht. lociElity vil! ai" be affected. Sont. felrmer. wbr> are shLipping weet cresEf' 1 tIfsh city have alredy made the state. rment tifat if thte weath-fr dose;nat turn .eold ttsy viii have ta aiscontinue thai meftbod of dii.posing of their produr t. Cresasbîpping necesitate« the most ' avelit andllng of te milke of tifs dairy. rMont of tie creanf sent ta tifs city tm bkspt on the larme front twentyfciur to rtiirty-six itours before shipping. Tht Il in eeeay as theratilk hato lie Stltr l e-c ooied vat. of water ta makle tie creant raise and on wthtut le tii luindslry would reeive a sert(.us iflote. SmaII Chance of Ice Weather. White titers ntay yet be conirideraifi f'old, %setiler tîte chance. art- that It wl ! oI ifs vifat in known es les veathet Afier titis tiEtte what, eold weattsi vs have i. olten ntormy. Blizzards uansowée interepermsd with wlnd n rain in generally the resuit and the lati 0 eason itetin of an inferlor quality anli lhable ta ifs fuil of impuritieté and stirree .up sediment from tifs bottante of tit laites and utroin. O*Imbo mucà bemmu tu th noàeu <t) Reâluvusth. oeb. (2) Nfses the Ws.thiteme. (3) Cgt, out the phlege. (4) Dairs out th lsflsmnmdEo (à) Kit!.the resss mirobes) c et M5M. ;6) StrmOthsusthemu me mbeasu. (7) Clesu hthe ui. (8) Rshthe E. eveilsiE itotu. (9) Rmo« ve vrv ais Of h . cugbssd th §bla on th.ew.mgs. (tO) Ems be ..hmete estditesPmt lE ottg sad Iff.-uimfsIsg ete QC *mrdau E CM81h4 Le end b-, hAffodlo COUWu MuE pVi M W & E." à0m. SUQA«S Ask for the 1906 Kedol Aimanac an 200 year Calondar. chtas. W. Moor a machinist, of For Cty, Pa., had his Land frigbUlully burne in au eleCtriCal furEtaCe. HOeappUI1 Bucklen's Arnica Salve wth the usuI resuit: "A qnick and perfect cure. (iresteet healer on earth fotr Burn Wounds, Sors., %Eceentaed P11les.2Z ai LOVzLL'e LibertI »le atd 0(IDÂVLI- PEEARACY, druggsÇ Lulest Na la Arkanuas ".1'm tbe luckieot man in Arkansas, wrttes 'H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "stem the restoration of My wfie's healtit alt f1ve ears, of contnuonls sOuing am bleailig. front the luEigsan sdl owe nm godfortune tou tseworld' g0 et medcine, Dr. Kines New- D1SO fYi conompionwhih 1know itWi iiqe consamption if taken in lime. My wi lmproved wftb *irsi bottle and twel, bottie. comnploed ibe cure." vonet egugiti and eolda or monor 9 fandsd. Ai P. B. LovmeLs Liberffi aud 0OBEU IPEAUmAG. duîxw 50eaad a 81.00. ?r11 boutlel. Tbese tbingm 1h. soller uçtitla. n- Jeuta plaffl t. tmati ont@ men, brave ta naabnosmoi ntrance le lhe M tî.: ready ai ho te give hiselRte te savè ber, "Tou undsimii Weuld have raced Mailly over lte Inter- eut wattng toi vealng ground. score a furlong. ani bonie forsmuti mmwe W ,@ g S q I- ttempteil a iterale combat of one bier amusement, S * e agalfustlaine. rsetpk AKAn th e ,' Netgo Jenka. Tif. mulot, kne ....e WiEtifthe mediotilcal exactn m. of the landed et lte sj By ~uïsparade ground liesettlsd down on oest.ned Smugglei ..d-.I*h.!..5 if .- j keean leld lte rifle. cuanîsdva 1~U D1 uUE IfTRACY N'~ tone of tifs Dynks eeW hlm. Ail, reef Band came1 Clm10. by t,-~r were Intérnt on tife senational prize Nov they vo3 Ewd .COd& <by the smre M prevented et as ~ exinutet lie uplesaît sr. tse opelie In A bauhlsi ncit ut a lndy ani ~ ~ ~titgir tahemif, * *~ ..- * pttilng off e ;;r-me -mýîent kindy and I-1 006er-, @ntith ginlteasesthe quite foOtifiitO resa vs, yet big vitit watbLing hie retreating figure. "vitlemw h fate ftr bob ofent. Eniesla otralt ut. Surely fy tiIs tinte drto ln Jenka UDvotfi l humr-for t' ic neelnstteupe visu- liftifsheresu!i passage et day. *bad dri, su frontlils prises 6f.tài. talanti. Aybo-r, notew mraleifr face al ts a hais>. irandt fron tgl a sPinsif!"trceleu -ngue ,ail ta as,. ixîrd bitternes- Site vas itardlI" In the voter before . lie coolly pr crit 54 a passi* Cludit îllte pifys-asite began taeblie fridon secuai: ouI f of tbexn viti IriexttinetSritl>IlgoerLteIJenks. Suppose snyling bappenedto 'ttii% snu rocks ho round tseNor1i cape restoreul hmvtlemtoasftublesysnoITi s ltngc tein normal relationts.. lThen ieusf esdSisstanEeUt ~~> . At as Uey saif.ltir sut Iougifî posmes8, ibertat site burrtedlY theIbe bat-e lue and, heq -tiey et ou('fioutî idten- dretsti agntin nn off le finit hlm. -fire.Mle Jut"ge selves Ia a tidellgitttully .ue,luded snd le -lees engeged Iîn tnstenlng a nom- tse ratf betwe tiny ifsy. sandjy, tri.' itieuL, sieltered ber of ifayoncts transversely 10 a long '11 tîdn't ail on Ibree aids byecuiTs uand roceks. pleet. of tituber. ad fLt o *,Oit," cried Iris exI-itedly, "vit a 'W'lat are yountlolng tbaI for?" sabice utai lovcly spot, e perfeet (-nriiles ove!" s1 ae 1eat a h "'Charntlng enongi te 10 iuet," vas "Why dlt Yeu retuira on soon? Dld Ahu-in tse tnsvering commntt.-l,,tt open te anyîifîng alarta YOn?"lte au tse ses. If yen look ut Lhe swooth ri- I t ottgitt yen mîglit gel mb oMIS- im fand band of véter eutthiere yo tlil per- *chiet." tube eonfessed. sprTeg Uanre ceive a passage trouglifthfe reef. A à No. On te otiter band. I amt trying * etsrf great place for starks. Miss Dsane, but te make ttouifle for any unvelcome "Ne tenfr ot1 ut lae fr ahuS. -vlslr," le replied. I ntend t10 sel "Wiere are' Thîey passei on. Wile traverslng tbui up n iront of our étuve In case vs lte Oral trewa anath Jkacwlvth iq ls*ar Imel e detend "et! Lare "J)e yeu 'e p.* ..~ à galuet attcc-,ity saveges. vllb m-Polen. mel ah d"Ir. y ttf ut,. ~5 tîis barring lte.vay titey cannot rusif "Six off li celveti traces of tifs tortls vieiftifs ptston." al. su$ n*dlute neigif horitîg tss On tse nineteenth day of their resi- , eketa "Da cau gs oburi ou.isdence ontse isandthlie @allor llmied, dire-w ienuel! announeet viten trisotskei "it why as vas bis Invariabile habit, te te Inte <mien of tir. Çctcoti fktttt T'here vas soi ho vas se intently studyluig certain Sumtrc iieIs epbtfra-I>.k.di hlimE marIN on te auu.caussd Iuy tetgreantfst. At trokwis eris hpn ts orizn be tscred. L4a yuu nt b thi t Id esa tottolae durlng titeir nocturual vinast- tti al iu h oio hybd eue.ayugadbat-o tdPr Ils le the breeding*ground. vas clearly eut astse rim of a sap. u hlovmn 0cnsnel oat M. aig "-If tey are green turtleeE"lhe cou. phire. He exantlned tsevitole &C I ng about teshaores et thîs fellah In- bande aai tinued, "s e elaute ltip of luxurY. tsese, vIdi bis lasses, butt a Ban.1land. Wlth teslow apeeti advlsèd ItUlI EtOM Ut They lard tsealderman and Inlspire wvas in, ight- Accanlng le bis cslca- by tseRomnphilosophterthUe acit *"Fm, Mry " Uit.e pont When a shilp contes le eut, rlations tsegrowing anxiely -as,,0 te h mgittandi fore sigbtothe bride came 0& UitiOytIa assistance z1vin persutade te captana fate of thSirdar amnst long are lbIs ihâte lino vlt tebresat ofthle cearme saJupo a w9 te trlgit thlie veuael i tlltem andi bave culminaleti- n tedispalcit frontbrute lutciting te glrl m."To aD rmakre My fortune." Hongktong or Sngapore of a spécial ,Then mameilng bl:bi llaaber. 1th. tu tklait 11110it "z'Ilsuppose, wugder tse cîrcuataances. searcit vesmel. vhile British varmitipa heart and almultaneouulytorelbai t rnd3' dorte ryen vers flt a iaitman, Mn. Jeakm in l tse Chini me5 veititiho wtrfe to, 0bis backfite b raigmenta. Be telli, vllbright Titisin esala Iris tltIly. iteet> a close lootntfor any traces ef a quser soit. andthe Uts o thrurnod te He o leot "I posase a vealty ibachoer unclo lb. steamer, te vieil: ail islands on their face tdis unexpected danger. hm. vWhomade me bie heir aud allowed me roule andtu taquestion dobermane o r, wn vitnt jy tot e w f .rej tIlito a four huntineti s.year, gsu1vas .a sort et btsy eccountered. Se help Iightins. *front it batelignap, riehm- brbrinS hoc& a1 Cmoosaamena staff corps offcers. any day or IEt ,nlght ho long det.rreid seltf fres fron th. ciiet'm hold aitatin a «Fl-me il *Whou t h smashcame lhe disavusti Me Be coutildpot pience tefuture, and lb vltail bler mlgitt aloag lte beach teaitlbMMi110. by cible. By elllng rnt 'poules and M vm s ueles ta vox iis seul vlt qu- 1 ukand, ualsty. mnch a tlW'* *other beloagings 1 vas ahI. te valit tionhigusale owbat mlgbt bappen next Agnin sud yot again lb. riflSe wyou 0 ta il *out of my quartera penniles. but free wseit. Thelgrot certaiitty oethUe hou, il. short abarp imari. and bye more Ho0placeti *Tram debt." wuaIr-dihe bitte *ye& @Uln di iji yaitucoîiapaod on ti i.BthverMM&alse bar& mtO la "And I 1l trongit a deceitlai -<I. 11whboit d orne latoebus h't--o5 lo ft lbelr leader ,belng amli iUnen- oet 10a pares 'tman!" In for im' down t hen beyil dimh e duly pnomrvad trou daathbyhe a.word dIS AMt "T& rees, walitg ta vltiof blihm wt ea figure of lteillng girl,. oi. Tne lm it Sie venluréèti afther e. , ,eet voleed gren"t. amtiheoitnew. A fourth Dymit dropped. O&UNEpe vas "Wasste very ifati ta- ye. Mr. tit ierlscedevournnsjo?. dol ber The survivora. cr-el avagum.«bu tilu Ieb .> lenitr atcheek veula net pale soir er lip brens' evwarggs. unaunttheir gonm. Thte salI'q*avS0Ute , n e g$opped adlaughd-scttialy hie vhon ho sunornced niail t t outor, while faceti, gria. vll an ntapissa,. rifLatt lit. S oare-ast lte uggetion. anater sunmuatI sel befors e he - sut aieam In Ide eop mt eyesanti A iVumAg e la "Badt tame!" ifs epeateti. 'Ilbadpected relief eachsd theIoinew.», jaw prolrinîg. noticeS thei i t ath. - n nthlng la do vitif ho. Site vauhum- He repliedte glaaesIla deim ase pqratianu. roue toia se bagglt.g ber itusband, net me. Pool and 61,54 lIe dethewood, givinga Qpne "To .lhe leftr' he abotot. -"Ban > whvIt b. vm etaI I vas, I conîti net md My fngtoaght t101h. tact diat td ivn& .war telltireur, business.,, aflsn bloving teadîy fronthUt. oubh Iris ibsardti m ad 500,5 e u oy. c Be Mut. Costobieli as ual drtng lor neriy a veeit. bati veenet rund.ta but ber mlenglt vwu tsling ber, ant the nontest during ltse nigitt. DU 1h.ietagered blladly. Aller a Atev levii te man vito sufferei on ber ac- lb. cbange portend a storen? W.ll, r pariag efforts mite luncheS teely: t il cotflt ItlIa arerettale t rune tey ver. pot preparot for aili eucb eh t.sat ubeilc ivvr r. po Q~ton teitroien coral t batidri11, ibrilaia*tp bave bagged Mrs. CemobeU atetlntmo- tn t t ey pesme-ed. aeng odierber flllrng f ootstep. Io » l rment., treaures. a box et books for rai" J.enks wv a tciing ber, vaeing Thte Dygm Il Boumding Europe point, te lor's dayn.Anti a nain? day viti Iris .fartde r.mmlinag Dyamufront vbotnAala teer, mAS Ieyea were ixet on tbe i leeilale cmPanU-Wht 980aisltI«Tarbiw Mgaterng vouer ae.pehge Wlo &i-o te muirroundnfs. but Iris gaaed dreamly coulti offer amach mpensation fer On- bis. quarrywth te murderous Mof t ktuet1 Id ateati. lence 4t vas t salitevau tseforced ieuesa? à terrier ilaIa rat pit. soing i»lt ut r t s id $rat la cry lu antazelnenî: 1P. The Eitonng apod aInevealUl boa in a violent itrry humetiponbt metdstau le "A boat! Sese, Iersl On dhe rock " qrt. Iris diti net neglsct horr chelah- his car, andi a rock pear W' nlight foot viatevo,, Thons -aO noermistelle. A stlp's botail 4pilciterplant. Aller lunceoSn it wva mrucita leentidus blet by Mm mnisas v as perceisi tigif andi dry onthlie vas bier customt nove te carry a dimi. unseen agency. Re Ie ltei. Il vould t dj>alt unt nertit aide of te cape. Even as titey fui of vater te t, apparonbly ailtio a banllenet abattue. ", Peu"it w ucrambloti bavard il Jouit, understoti route, sud absho e te fuldlilber self lim- The Intit Iraitcrumpled ot he aI e ctingq boy Itfitati conte tes'. pesed tak, distanlion of death. andthdon- hait a&»#«« oul Whosutse Slrnportai anitaisp Letme iseîp 700," salJenits."I leadier tuait delliterale atinaIet tnuoe bOw tg !te afler section feacit tata liste amnnt very itnsy fila afternoon." ing maritaman vho dinsatained, la vpo rab fInit deptits bondthetfsreel. andt iis buat "No.tanit yen. 1 imsply vont al- hlm sud hie band eut ef exiatancahUmiity eta Imuet have broken toose front Il. tavita low you le tauci tht Ab sruti. The dear But bis delîberallon. thoeagtldtlifa, uon durit . andi been driven ashore bers by diselting lksqutte gladttesoome. It vas tua protound. Tht e oler ie l ontbter, anconu W force of tsewestern current. drinks up tse valet, asgreedly as a and wvas pnotesulonally at«lonishtu circle th a Was lit intact? Coulatey escape? thirsty animai." am e tgaudliy attireti Iln&tiluua& Abe oguutly d6 Was tiis ark strandoti on te lslandi Iris hittbeen gons perbape-flve Min- luemed vlolentiy bacitvant ftr may appeallngil: for titsir îifueflt? If il veres eavorlby, utes, vien ite heard a distant abireit yards. flually pltchiag iteadleng teatlb. 'plesme, ) vitither isiolEithe tl'yeer-to dhose le- twice repeatei, andthotn tere rame erlt. Bai lhieeu chargsld by a bull vitlt me. 1I Iandsý v-bsineosoulinea vers visible tatîy te i s eahidS' la full career lhe couldt hatitve bee eauDt hiearta t an th. horizon? "Jenks.'" but "Ibtdlr,-" la de gMrl'smoikutlerly tlecamlitei. Tme Incident Thon he al -Tiese anti e iundred ather questions vocs. Samstlng terrible bat hep- vas sensatioual, but Inexplicable. t efthetsm course t iroogi Lis bralu tiuring lte peneti. Il vas a 0c r fupreme dia- lYet anodier memben afthde bond wuaa "o," it Srace aven te roci,. but ail aud itvldti rees. Marteal egony or overwhltlmiag prestralte re t.etva as yet unscith- rg.aerug' lai ~speculatlotes wuî-PrnntItY eIlet terror alan. coulti vrlng tdel nomsemdtougit eft te boat a roenot. Thia saie.i - WhotsUey recuhellté craft, for the front ber lips. Preclaey luIncht eo- ltey na-W 616 vith t çeely. but lta? We are sae keel antidttvtueluf tse lowor tint- mentestlisman actet i tb lb.deci- tiraggedt Keir chimt wit ltent. Ilvas - any1 bers veresemnseisiluto matcht Wood. so iete urriag Xatgment, the Ij- no part'aI Jenits' programmes te allaw < But diere wvesstores on board.. sîantaneausYýcceptance of groal iai te taem te escape. HI lameti agaln et- B8 Jenka reteterbeul tUt aCptain Rois' accomplîit grat eal mult. tat Manitedth e man noarest t es. Pha Tre vas - f d ferecighilbat secured.thedoppovisionlng im out as e bSu saltilor. - a miarp clliitanti nobblag Moe. Thte CIL et ail tseitlp' butasaon afteenthe He rusbsti lao tsebouse anti cartrlige vas a mtaSme.. Be itaatily gr51 vîlti rosî te1 taaty te vessel suatceti fron t Uts acit ans af te tri- ugitb tue setit iandtse il, iamni ouL geDeMi. 22 ater te propeller vas lest Monts, fles repaslng ters in apple pie order. Spnlngng talis feel tItis a yoit. h.e avurQ salle. airs, seats-al eave tva valet, eacif iith ae fllet ýmagazine attacitet ran orvard. Tite flylag men caughtil rd casita-iad gone, bot Zmnis. v-t sager and S cartritige areaty lu poition. glimpa. et hlm andi aeereletd thuir sti bande, unfaslened the, laciers, anti Then hoe rau vith long strides net maveentnl. Juml as be reacited Iris Nev TonX sd horsolh. fount a goods upply ut tinusdti irauglitheit reg viere lbe. canée tey vanlimietiamng te tresa. llem7 E. Bc la mente anti biscuite. Tbey bat barely notng, but toward lthecb, vb.nce lIunging doe rifle avtr bis sheulaus' Standard ail e-" nt rcvirdte lthale eieetaft ho-la forby yardus 'tielclte viere Irislite pleketi nptflic girl lu lOt arme. fBitaIsh ut neth hl5e e okwuviihd trI as ptobaifly wswtttotld b-conte visible, vas congelons, but ifreathless. qetosW bindy tetckayoa micaI teral bmEn At unceslifssae ifer slrttsgling la de 'YOU are ttet lurÏ'" ifsgaspeti, bis atuJUerl1ai frly lo et s a uft. rrntr gep 0fsiteo terocieus looklng Dyaits. 5yes blasing imb ber tacs 1it au n.-nlath* -M, trebenti y iteell~ayetevey gleone ity hie gftrttetst a persan ot cous- tenitIy tdt sic te ferwarti tesoeebet!ed ti u111ta -"and coampîeîeîy seluot frot a ai sa-quence,lte tier eaitaîf naitet avage, ,*,pAbe wtg. Intilatta l ci vttrd sceesa. lthieoosanmd reîulsve.-luappearance. '."ite ilprt adico Ilvatoler Ib orfett.,Anou nibienta sevenmen arme t U Lse. ecnint niiooiOlesoh be at m ree nt vtIdurteatieep, guaanti parangs vers dancing v- l s5i5"Tt,7 andi ohoy m5'-Xedby. 1 applidaiib :d] bendto by rcks ou i ad Nand exc0e4-l. yl carry yau-le de ceave. Stop thont. aaver th# est lesl ck 'fs o il - Ahoes. entIl , Iris captora vers endcavorlng to e eshoot a= ae yenmm-iI es»0one e ber4ats.-but ste vs a -ronganti c- lttbah. i bit odelalv.%Vaus hbu'lhae amn !w that 1os lu' cve. To tl ailsve t tit auniteltq t. beat tbcm lew titeEE. k te pasagean ebtne. Ton àis A belotcame t altreemm bad smcape&. Separol 10 sgay th.e-â gtsemarne cala ised te op.nlM arly one s§ide& vas much gos jI sd fron t U. eint Into vléw. Ho kU seen te trio. llov for the. saa -40 Se mlght" be $0&16. l bt ,sbaky afler lth* 3* Ly c a n t g o f a . » î step on theo cotai hia est,. InU i 'faced about-to tu escaplng.",site mult tifat," ho repie& t100 ýr. thte othersP' mn btat Yen hkl M *m. There w.,,m Uà tain, lftIng the. dis. fon her knem 13 » .netlting awttila* ta , buune»dadaiS 'ie.o at orsaa a or y t ntrBt mn mae, the&. b et te. i tmlUhdZe.Ô@ Fadat ko fe or Goft tUw w Mio Wbet Ym mm nutooet t nom o 18 te ippon. Ibo: lm om-c et tbM » eecpb oatbe die $ om t 1 APIM DL clos ebitkittls , beulSo1et1 W" tb.yidr otbte. viiia reut IOP s te, lirea l, du me ou lu~ mim thaaa ta . wr. en, do Dt e- f ouplol&rete tb ie sai& twng et t àîa. ndftu p raeter o PROS B 0«4 lite t.ll XI 4oMPWI 09~ R Ploroe * * t id aile o *,t lu *P« i eOA o -0ýYS*f*ER q Parties wMi do weil by buylng opstera of me as I receive t.hem tri-weekly direct fromf their beds in the Etat. Best OI!TRS lu the City, BLUE POINT Som IFSAND CLANS Will open Blue Pointe and Clams if desîred. Jnst the thing for party and holi- day dInners. can gel tham by ordering eariy People who want lobsterS -A£6@t» i-.--

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