Useonie Temple BlodgWM*tegao II. Lô 0, .. GUusxu.ây. Ueo a, irt 1,0 re 28 and 21Ela tvpqe ... . .. 8888 162 Idoespb Bottenetein & vi to o Chas liotenteiu t on w aelOIfFore$ wd .... 10 Be ~I1 Lh 10JoHoilen. - laé itglhv.q.......... 150 00e Adce6lv héweicýtota eo H s Ba s60Oft t 8 bi1inb Poeits .add7 Waukegau wd.. 140 0 dec Gorge Côcuet ai to 6,T - Critteuden 100 &cg taueconl11 éset Autiocbtvp %VI.......85C,800 Il T.' ReGr$ P fiheridan sub of Ik * U 4' bih 1 MKays 2ud add d. Wankagaiùto 15 île ......Subdivision It amt exr r luner «A etp ïe ubdet o.1ml Ait t' hàt-y sx Word« ott luenu. Sgnla ISr. Ilbe Balb. Teue essaim agiokc . ili acoeurIfnsylUrce fau lou* msDrxe FPR SALÈ-.ýre brdBarredPI)ymoutb Rock cotkm.kBvioN CoLUY. 'pbiOne 464; Lbertydki. 14 FOR SALE O0 RENT-Fari of-201 acres wthiu 21'ites of a cemrv bol tltîîg fctorY and meipplng ftatioli. ihuireC owner J.-.AYNI@LEi-or PxcuL MCGVFpFÎN, Ubetrty Ville. 14-tf FOR SALE-7-roolu houses aud tre; lot, on Neéwberry avenue. Gond welî aud cisteru. truit tres andsmai fruit. L. J. WBu, Lbertyille. M8- RAW FURS WANTED-4 wiIt Psy tb* bgheet înarkeî priee for ail kinds. HOBAC BV1LEYLitvrtyvllle. FOR SALE-Mf)tliproperty on Nov. berry avenue and an ident borne uo Cooli avenue. The ctîeapet .proposition' lu ;tovun. C. H. AvErai.L. 174 - --right, Whenwe.coeapou*idedthe forDiuM tortLhese tab1ets we-had ne~ot dduo Dame for them. 1;0 single UÀM , 4Nve coula think of rneemed to express ,whkt.tbey ere-. a~sinple efeeti&reedy or olds. FlinaUg we dedded to mîanufacture a haiRe for them. So we inhply"loiued. the wordo,, topgr tat told whatthe tablet would £IntftyWI e amllo. P- Illîmol 4 Inrî t FOR SALE-4-l.acre arri lo i veres <vavu pvoeseutv.A. L. ,arnî. (10oLibray-Corne îo The fr...'.. v.,o,. ,John) Ville. vrgrosb.l.isk.Jr. FARM FOR RENT-17-5 sert, faun l H A.Ect sud John x aad aon I 0!teown cof Wjarreu. two uites rî-Grt Lanvii-t T0.. ntt i t*a A. Bt..resldumry ud onue aillé frorn ladsvot talh,î .t «iIIlii t kauetit Cf u theaC. M. & fSt. P. -rairoad. tins. i'E, il. *UkunownowDer.)n' or. A nt c e. 1e l sBAIRSrow, 568 Hickory St., akezan ma.t i er1e uth 'I Vr v ru5 P 1 LOST-Last week, a cotk iege luyeiow deiso o lisanths eamel viviu black '1." Fluder pl«ee Emsi~.At.tlake.retUra Otolies>m'PENT office. 17-2 fim 'lis hoat, "5 soa 8qWlLBera n io ..ohi elk e héir.ore Jon !iat Suasdue IFr. -.,Ï= ie d lhe otiser cau't blepw F ONeil ltsa 10 snd 1i l bk e Moderwelts suis Waikegnn dt wd ................................ 1 o0 le g *Titien about thte EtàtofGeo Kirclihoif (decini ralentiy-'&C(àUF 'Meye 1 ine 0r. 1ba? eoietl!itgO) Ralinta$%V X nec 3911Vernîon twvp t.deci.........................s8100 0JIohannia i Kilîoff ta C W- ;-lvinau Fowier Ithe & rF Mlvwer 11)0 acst n Mv % --iiýratiu secon 1 6 Ydrilou< Lt" qr«..........o500,0 avipoitca rviisr orPhlip ,Dîtaî.'yer& %vLto Peter e wonýt w.-1 fretl roud of, &l1>ut leeneoilw Y, De Nse -20 Newport twp %vd........706,00 v tatvrrigts iu Z*10lh Rita Douglat; & isums I SIl m and iithuttAie'isiIngaum 50 l I w f ronît"*on ton. The - woudSvini Sheridlan udncoppoAte Cory survive tle- %bock, vill ave"lvsukeguwd............ 210000 te ew egte, e uoubt J F suitlshi & 'Wf10 t5 thm Lan in poesthere. 4 Waatîburu Park wd ..... ý 400 00 Luelta, Heiroth 10 Osar f m eecltsryof tieretnate Haukiée35 ft ]ta 18 10 &20 ey flera sud attorneyv, 12k i2 sub of Il I6 Withroiî î~ si tBpigil abor vO .. ..... i............. t4qÔ 00 bluidvWtlttettorsl 1 JameaJr &vf to Mary E itlfea4towua t rouirb- Joes W r ts 7 8and 9 *igadv1oeaMd lfonua- bih 1I Rardwus add Io Anti- pâ=llostonethe primary oeil .... . ............-150000 ba et tbe questons dis- l)ori*1itebild to-J L Roder »tIugý 'The. troubluetofIte 28 nd 24 blk 2 Rocke. 1, o0ïo o*vs «ove h.fetterwd .. .8000 U"v ouly juiît begn. ei le & wf 10 lHemryHart iUOte mthte mnwhO pat I1.ansd 2 blk .6Me- -- - .. aya2n4 add Waukegeu vd 2000 00 - 1e Pte & w t iH üart t partîIt 1ibi 6McK"o 2ud ad Wankegan Ntd ........ 3000000 S F.W Parker&k vi la Alice .B »Onkei part it 6 Beach t..'.. . 3 Groveshbtu mm Aland 24 wetAn"tlob*pwd ..... 80000 e4 YTabort & wf île il sand 12 eec~n blk 8 Dreyers sub North rm U T Chicago wd .............8.. 500 m*1ý*Qm" owdis À C Lino. tô H C & Lana Luage. A»imu"; bebte aee 8 01road inwS. rm l1I e m e28 Cuba twp qe 1001 àtd-*nai 8 Dietrich & wfto Flora iàtàÏ efloweliItI 1 bih 40 Lake j1luff. wd .... .................... 42r, 00 Swtt 8 biîk1Kirk& Povelle add Waukegasi d. 40000 J J Condonto WFPHogan * uuivdedYi t 6 and 7blk i Prells F Sheridan sub qe... 10000 *Êbee.r ýBnekiughAm taoc & E 'Buckinghiam unudvid Parmt -sud ]and adjoining dee1.....,.t..... ..160 -. H enry Wiliamiq 10 mars, ~ ~ - Wiliamie w % tt e ansd 19 ~ ~ ~ 0fbh 8 quteh"i nsuud Co'q C. Chur ir, , sa of a4ddWauk fgan (e.q..........- 110 tem- 54 God Io 0E À Cummainga & ivf ta W , m of lmboc ak. p&iuszievlcs It go Camminga ad ieamk te, sb)g q!ù ol- e-euhNorth Chicago wd.. i 00 a o»els.Two bothsof Adelis Ill 10Zaida E Raluey ht a msd - 1&-trug 120 tkea suof t 62Lake 1104 tisa, ile. lu 50 min 1k. xtlkig tt. moe. t eqe....................... 7500 ewav s aIII -Grealet W G ligley t0 Zaida E Batte-y C-me au# au &-îhi, Is 62 sud 65 em ot P. . l6Vz.L ibrty 1( ft LaeForet qe ........... 10 ORAEKU l>u»,W-xc. Prims 8 C Esm»a t. 10 " asd le-y __________ - 162 end 65 Lake Forenlt qe 250 00 wess And Nerthwsst. Li"i L .obnsoa & bue ta ,qy 10AprIl i,,&,, ermas Ludvlg 8Oasslast4 st Pani Salivat. sS 27 DSee twp q......... 100 %Md~ >V* wil b, mae o Rerman Ludwlg and vi tu set,& 1,, Sa rnis,~ Lise L Jobusot 15 ass oTaoma, omttle sud 2 i qriedIp qe. 1 00 uite west sud ortbveetBuidgetDurkn & bus ho Wm -~~~~~~ aiiirnc attr g.maroney 40 amInlue M mec mor-allovedo«0AU ic"lee. 25 Libetyvletwp d..: 1 00 Ino lu Tourt alesepers., Coty Pak to F N Tomlin- domustiou regadingl rates, sonu l 21 sud 22 blk 67 ,ala service eMW noeel Nrb(uicg,îe td4 or WritO . A. NILL8E, North Chlcgag e Its 84 mmlr AgitChk«ao. ansd Sf1 blk 18 8 it'104 ________17.à eaad Il14 16 17 18 blk127 . North Chkcago ................Taxr end oCalaBrpe biud thie 10 Heyalortb &vi to iida 0li vrong. A nov ides& anI.6 sdtS<x- pqê 1. yere mo lu north 1 fot> Lake Forest #v Rouer 9 TOT,.qc.... . .. -c on .......m............ 00 IM Rde as 1end4ev1 ý*0I0 omen 't Freenpot twpvd... 145000 FOR SALE-Lut on corner of Milwau. k-m ' avenue and Lincoln avenue. $300 il taken at onm S . L. Tuuýî', Libertyvlle. 17-2 POULTRY-S$ilver epnîîtgted Hanhere Roosterea ad plulletm for iý1e. Order at qnce. F. B. M.s.sve, tFoi Lake, Illinois. 17-4 FOR SALE--Sunier res'ort property. Ten choie lota. Chenp. F. B. MAitvi., Fox Lake, 1111nois. 17-4 FOR SALE-A fine fred miii iu excellnt rulng ordèr Inautowu of 800 tohabit. lngunutrygaod. Newvengineuew bu#, lues. Will sUelheeap osina 10 peor rbeatth. -Âddrsss Iox 46 GRig~l.ês.a INDEPENDENT. Grabyolake, lt. FOR SAIE-A 65 acre farm wbat of Libertyville. $",Vper acm. PAZL IMAC GuTFlmm, Libertyvillé. 17-11 WANTE)--Meu, iwomen'. boys and girti 1,0 toréprenet MeClure,Magazine. Good ms. Âddreu 67 East 283d51., N. Y. FOR SALE-Large buffalo rbe. CaiI at tbis office. 18-2 FOR SALE-A fine' mUtfin excelleut ruaulpg 0,6e, lu a tovu Pl 800 lubabît.- at. ou C. M. & S' P. raslroad. -Sur- rounditlîgeountiy good. Newv englue, new bieinewi Will oei châap owtng to poor-ilsatb.-Addrpoi-Box 46 WGap»leke 1»£PXrÇIuENT, Grayalake Ille. ti. POW.TRY-Pure bred black blinorca e&.kerels for sale. ué. L. V. Lusit Grayalake, 111.. R. F. D. No. 2. 18-2 WANTEO-Young work team. Mail be oaud sud ail rigiet. Wul pay ceh. 8. P. E .LIIIZELI, LiberV.ville. FOR SALE-Good faim horme eheap. lOiulat LNDFIIENDZJIT olile. 184 Dou' decî~e ons l fyou-have l- digestion take Kodol Dysppeacure. It wili relieve yon. lIe,. W.E. Hocutt, Bouth Milts, N. C., aius: "I ws. tronbied wjtb cliroule indigestion for several years; whatever 1 aiM seemed to cane bestburn, sour utomach, tilter. lug of my beart and perai depreeslon ofmmd and body. My druggl.t recom- mended Kodot, aud It -bas elleved me. I cm uow eat anything and sleep soudly at uight. Kodotl Pite hat you ebt. Sotd by ail rgit R!AL BARffl NS v4 ttMes5TATrè SOME TORil'LOTCS tWe are offertug froua o0e to 11,10 %erg t ots on the Dyiond faim adjoining lown on the etectrie rood,,'attoià cm the pro- yvy» Do you waba lot large edéough WRSttle farm? WMIIbdtd for -you 1 dsuired. luveetigaté at ou-s, CI4IC VLLBILOTS W* I5!esOlD vu oboes ots, iut4- 150 à044200J. wi at@eseyea ai%'sii g loas l wauted. UTiinlea ,otop- rtpuh*10ou mnne. BentS-da 39l you ish 0 b- jiobsea lotsor "n,0s us. Websvt a e god ey S'a bave for sale everat Obst mort- geeior sisas f 1êtos: $a.500, $750,1 00, $20 10,ec >R ~ ~ ~~o mA~-lsuelto ilvaes. DRUSLE-81700sIrol bqs kge àAut mAti toem bosse- 1mprpve~uile. 8~ itury -Casli Store RUBliEI~ bOTS, an~ FELT DMWTs a Ouf' -Stock Nu Sies ARi GoIllPIete [Eu W, A %tt4 ZOth Cs.tury Cash Mas. BQMc LOCK Bath and L4undroy Tub .ms t .,~ - Wow. i im re to meure a Iaundzy tub at lit. p plmut rs, ne the price is low and the tubs pet t)>. vryl«ss quality and warranted for ti n Urs agéiIIttany crack or.defeet. $8.i6 for a two-pazt laundry tub 4 feet long, 2 feet wlde and 16 inches deep. Wte have only a limfted number at thus price and they are seling rapidly.v Conie in and see,.the sample in show zoom. ALBERT W. LICHTFELD U~er~gvIUe. III. I PRID CROKER, for-eAUI*Jgr #at "é D isfli 7-7= limmois ïïowoff 0 as ibehe tieût w»fencebetv eetnan' iusursuce oýqd a&pettsY bold.-r i, thai one E. E. ELLSWORTJi.1 Cemctery Work of P*y Description Correspohdence 11oIiot 126 Geueseest. Waukegan FURSIIWANIFll 1 igheat market price puld. for ail kinds oet 9AMW FURS CïMasStenfei LONG ORQYf L 1... 6jt m'glttlsLb-o N&4I Mke Ibr winta knovn tbropugb our in I duse tohlur J vat «algiu Pu4npr. i o.d st> poueigg~ i _t Z 20 Ibn tirancloktet) Bagar . 10 lb.. Puie S lkwheat Fleur.,.,-. Oallon cait Table Syrup..I.... Quart rau Tbefyu.... Oricle Paticakse Flou, per pkg ... 1 lb. cake Paie lapie Buge. ..1... N. Y4'ail Crem Chré te per Ib..... Oriole BeedWd Ra!ntund pkh... 'Tbauksivint a rsante. ph#, = Mince Neat par pg e Yellow Crawford Peacbes p b .. Faney CaflfqoruaPrunes, pr b . Stîredded Cocoanat, lier pound... Postum Creal, large pkg... ..... i Grape Nuta. 2 pkg» ..............- Petttjobn'o »Iheast Fod. perptg.,# BaleIna t reekftest Food.r k BAKERS OCOCOLAT cake.lac BAKEWS COQOA 1-2 lb. can .20 Fucy Rend 1Pie per lbt.. ... New Nay BRessper lb*..."...:....-- CIalifori 'ine lisua BaR et 91lb.........s- gl1eirqi Ptoli corn per lb .............. . 1101k itilWd Oimtper Ilb......-4 G tirvlv-dYellov romIdesa slb 9.,Jpf .%rob it Hinraer Bofta, pound ph.. S$irdinie-s iî I prt ...can ............. liîajorteil $ardities perean ....... %IuWad "...Il- ............svn ................ U tkI Fbl1c.lwvn iait1...-.... If Plut Buktié. Cttmvp ............ .... . Mlanzanila Oives per botte ........ ç Prepared bMutared Il "........1IW Monareb Condensed 1111k ver eau .. yacht-Club Aseorted Soup per ea.L,,st 2ltbmai Earty Jaune Pèeu......... 2 lbteau swest4I.Cr...........1... l 2 lbt eau Grien Otrlng Beaus... ... 3 lb cau Baked Beau, ............. A Ilb'Ian, Pampkin... ............. 8 fbrait Fa Plns............. a bc»n Apple*s..................... 8 lbt cam Btr Tomatoue........ 2 lbteau Sticed Pînappi..... 2 lbtea u Bin ertes. ............ Package Fi. Table Boit........ 10 Dma,,American FasatI, oa. 10'. Cem Lanndryopp.. 10" Nape i1y osp ....... 10 w Ovule .ollo.p. su itsg13 10 lýtiaelentuao ............ 8 Il Toltt nap box_......... Granadpa's Wonder Te, Bu& -pe rb..4 Beet Lump dtaveb (i blk>, per lb....A Pound pàthage Gflsm trh.. Persetion Lys per cranu......... Extra strong Ammioula per bot$s.-O PWrteetea Blolng p1 bottI.... ..W 5 dosen Wood Mitbes plus....... 8 lbo Waahlng Soda.. ......... 88 Beonrine. plir calte............. ...... aohoer cake. ý .................. ItuAmi per eake . ...-4... Parlor Matchs. 5fflbox) 8 bozmse . lon (>011 Cha lin.... .... . Long bandle lvire Shovel ........ 38... Riolug $un Slave ollsh .... ... Asietoos Mat.1 e"i............ . i C M L M.4 M? n Webbila s te;meta 'bý.m lvs ta the o fet fi~ I tsl Ifi, l* e bfÉea , ota 1e saî ary Nlu.s5elM ~r rner o the bt1 " 0iln C JW14 b -.~Webb, ll ll >a oL& c ni ihtol a ssiat toaev onStita ir helm thir PV 140 ;a -.4 --- la- et,. o air. ietn- m *10 sit t.sof 1 fý Pri q!er po Me tr 'M>Os :1. 1 E il 1.9ýâýWU' W«*-