CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Feb 1906, p. 5

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T PAYS TO BUY IN QUANTITýES /41Eshrewd, aconomilcl housewmfe L4 thée vona) Wo baye lier f ood prods-t- la quantitite. Nearly 4cveryone pais ni) a c,rtaiîî Tiquauct-îty of jasal, pickles. presierves, etv., la thisfail and mnit. peOP1la laaauppl>' o! potat»as and thlate about t-ha liait, CleavI>' It-la te yoer alvegt-age to, ertisiiatt- future W ailleoo! <-nnel guoda, 7 tor, etc. We aIs ay quota a low lpris-eon d<owtn lots iianne ol sud .moe yotsqatlstemri ou 111N-FlHUMt6 gethelu Ois à slîtrta S I hinsta vtrbut fan' exceptions, gtoile lituglt nov llu e?-h tlots il1 aaV< yon g neat sîîîî. ThirCs a,,in, mlittjoeberff el dtiIetely ont tif flrst tjui>'tOi I' i se s-ca----uîj siî tknovan x u miiloibranla are necessaril>' substitutel. Ihsa along tiiaa tilI si-miner <-<taes agaiii. Wby flot tp laanîdet ou r î,ri-e in lozen an(]. sast-'lots. For in- stance nasonts Pnile ofi Anîriea Corna$1lxt-r <oen cane. J. ELI IrIG GS PIlOI<IETfIR L11BERTYVILLE MARKET and'GROCERY A N D R E 'P A I R I N G IWYVIUA ~ - - - -- - -- - - There are. lAi Kinàs of Coffee ILlimmI 'Ne Rave '!i In fact SMITH & DAVIS lS thé Recognlzod TEA end COFFEE HEADQUARTERS --TEA s Jaluan Tes, ier Ioual................ 2C .............. 3 - I&... .......... 45c CboiSeJepau Tes, 11) ......... 5C Extra Chois-e, par Ili.i................ OOc Ooloirg Tea, ........ ý Il. ........70C Liptonis Teas.çper Ilit................O5C COFFFES Chois-e Rio Ciffee, par polUld........... 15C Extra Flue Rio Coffeea l ....... 18C Smithb &Davis Choira' Mixture, par lb .... 20c -'Expra Cisa Mixture, lb.. 25c Fine- Santos Coffe, per pauna .......... 20c Combination Coffet- .......... 28c MoshaJava'ad - .......... 30C Old.Goreramet Java and Mos-lia ...... 38c 00»90» sti TEA ANI), COP eR LËÀDUBRS As yet- t-Ie dostom s annot tecl vhethar t-b vouaI will nesesitate the gratipg of 5ski or not. LasI Sat-urda>' avening a part>' 01fi ver>' noval nature vas arrangel by local t persona. Thre affair conited o! vbat-a le known as a progressive part-y. TIre 7 guests gat-erel early lu t-be evaing at-i t-be Du Bois home vhera gewes vere7 playe and ligt refresbmnets serval. Later t-be guasta praceebed tth-e Keru, Smith, Proctor and Murraybomes vbere siailar prograins vere carried ont-., D. J. Murphy, foreipan at-t-be Chicago Rose Coinpany's plant east-.ofLiharty- ville, Ira since t-be trouble aven t-hem het-vesa imisasd tha mauuigement, beeu pIae-d ia fulls-arge of t-be greenhonses.e Ha, vas aake ta reternuanId 5a,0 oaly upon condition laewis uot- t-o hai interired vit-h lu t-ia msufacturing endI of t-be business. ,Mr. Murphy is one of t-ha most capable rose grovers lb t-be country sud t-ha concera vol not heurd ai bis reiging. You vilIl IaI ilta your alvantage to1 sut t-ha foloingirut sud pute It noi- vbera vbere it- viii bha bad>. Ehecîts- ,are leave Lihrtyvllle gaing eust at 6:25, 7:05, TA4, 825, 005, 0:45, 10:25,1 11:05, 11:45,19r:25,-1.06, 1.45, 2.25, 8:05, 3.45, 4: ,505, 6:45, 6:25, 7:05, 7:45. 8:25, 9:05, 9:4i5, 1O*28, 11:05, 11:45. Cas leave Lake Bluff golag vegt- at -6:00, 6:40, 7:20, 8:0, 'AO, 9:20, é- 0,10:40, U'j 0, 1:00, 124, 1:20, eiO, 2:4O,,8:20,4.*Jê .0, teS, 6.'00, ?-g7~o 8S0Qei4%-10-.0, 10:0, oe iu botb bauds bhoItrewIt at t-ha plus. The pins stool anliArmed. "Throw a basket" said a specet-tor. tu three fraines ho got ane pin. Fisher was t-bird mani. Ill c(italdIlt'em botter tvith a bris-k," @aid lht. Bulklay was lasi. Tbe alîsys weretoco long for bila. Tlhe final score stood l'arbrt, 961; Fisher, 73; Ballard, 60; Blîîlkley, 62.. X SPORTS and AMEMENTS X .On Thursdaý, Feb. 22 et Bighwood, Lake Shore Lolge, No. 558 Kntghts 01 Pyths gives a lamce. Ev.eryone le invited and a big tins, lea aureI. William Owenliseutiall> an as-ton enitoveditlth splendid physiqlue, ne- sonsut volse and enagglg features. Hae la one of t-be most eminenut xponenîs. 0f the Sbakespeareaii draina on thbe Aneri- 1cau stage. Be bas; von t-be appravat of the critice ia oiWbuit cite'~s' ad t-be equallîy of Iris tierformauce croates a desire for bis ratur and an appetits ifor tbe good, legitinrate dramam. At t-b Sc-hwartz thiaatrp ont-frida>' FoIs. 2. Alter tan yaare "rl le t ta1.01 bas-ck ta us on Sanda>' Febvuar>' 4 et the Schwartz theatre Waakegmu, thnt lame I <Trilbyt' who for in, long bdthe coun.ti> figurative>' aI ber-leet, sud it Me alardl>' possible thle gentla leroine to! Du Eaurler's star>' abould fatoafind a , Wipet.beIic andhae.< Wilton Lae<re le t-o appubate vit Idbisovu i, eoaiuy lu a reail>' uàâ$nmeit revival of thbe p4es. Mr. Laot%lt hore T- iuebv4, Ta tb<~dg5etBrua"il Iss1.kaCuet-Newliaaa on-h> papr pblebal u t- ha ntera ao! t-le asoIatin ad Sula the Itrsof the aot t-biontan', wya dietlutl et t metteting. Il la distbMie Bancthe moeendealEg. Fr anedb i Bl.nEere and will ha sntf ra t-oanies-houleth sawl e etfey. i cooei h Deptnsaawl ufuueise r leotmta aIll ases of t-be oksude dt-edt aar itphasa es-of heont-hi>' vtor ta iluterastelc int-e Sanda>' ochool.> is. Danil F . Wheaier. Jane A. Blodgettvas, borts in Canada lune 9, 182. Sba vas mavried t-o Daniel F.MWheler Aug. 15 1877 being hie seod %ie WIt-h Mn. wieer s oaovl aLitertyvile in 1882 wvIrn sha@ ssiace nisdel. Sha was a vonran wha v-as vrapped in ber home sud glace han huebanl vas I e8t-niken frith paralysea fourt yeare ago M sba bIs seldonslaIt t-he bouse. Sile , leaves t-vo brothne, onelu nCica-go sud urne la New Bugland and a setr WMA, Btoa 0f Hudeoti, Wle Sire left nuoshilbreu, Anson i à yl- 0 e1t"# Wheebe being ber atep-s-bldreu. 8She lied jan. 20 ber huaband, preeedlng 1ht-r.but lut Aflet 'The lunenel vas 1hal trant-be falnlli' r'esence Jan. 31, et-i P. ns., ber pastoslte.H. F. Law- fer offls-latlng. Intrnent-was atDia- moud Lake. AttentIon Gaxmnani A meetinlg vIl te 'beldl ryiextMonda> 1.»eaIlg, Febrriary. fit,,8 o'clock la t-be towWlaAUmt7lp - 1 1"im Uemsof,' Iutýest t. UbeutWde ReaE*l A O D U î LIb ~TrafileDlayed Sunday Niglit Mr. lbright of! Ev1anston le ;uiting Mrw Robrt HI5ffl'< , f nti " Eii y Englin. thich Strikes bis siater, Mrs. B. M. FiC4kJ vbstingt the George wîî,.tlhomie. Open Swagch. MIssB~seYoung lespendng the week,1Freddle protine who bailan)peration la Cicao viitià rlaties.cebie throat the fir8t nf the week DILL LAERE AND JUS1 ld4iid-ri Johkeeaogo lÙkein Chicago '&sImProviar. TRI? TO TRE COUNTEX were vcnt gue8ts et the James Le Mrs. C. H. Avert ins ile-itipending - borne, thseint few days witli li-r daugliter, Triifflc on the C. M. & st. P. iras de-i The Warin weat ber of lest week even 1Mr». E. W. ColbJ in (hiîaei. layed éèveral heure, lest sunday niglit le fl rtw olihsêro~ o,- wnWoligelnsr-îtnita b>' a freigbt engine wbiclt ran off the ginoý eor two lildi +?en asaWhlr ie- e-Ii t-thi ;ast mderail eM that jpcton opee> h Mr H lKeth, of Mllwaako,lhan toupIe Of iume wt~îî tunthehe treeka. Engineer.Dana>. been visitiag at the Jolhn Gleaia" home, HilansTigs tîiwE ans had brought a lreighit down from the past savra days. ïopeaina u b iiJnsal nlwsdigam wt , e petion t thelliiH1itiil in iaig. Tha englue was bing moved do wn C. F. Wrglît le on the sick list. He i4iWaukegan Tueodav. Sh. s c-pteîtiid tii the track alune. Tbe enginepr.happened jthreateaad with appendici iéand ha@ le. dinK nicel>'. t ie ntalrmnse ftecbad Dot biea at-the banik for several days. Mfr. and lire. Thoti', itrlt t atte-nletli fale to Sea a signal to stop until it was Mr. and Mré. 0. E. Warner leav, neit the aunal eundon of th,- Somi o! Moita t0 lata week for Nortlîwood. la., xbere they 9ti.tity in Cbic;ag oWKIilîîsaY,>vîning nt T0hedrivers struck the derail and the %Will visit Mir. Warners inother who in Wiigliiigt)n liall. big locamotive want Off the track caveen-, (fuite li. Il troubled wltb latiial beadacrba mg te onaeide. A wrackiag train wee Austin Tripp te!l I"epoyo h .B cî nBslk and rotul-i probably slit for and alter soins tiine iuaged te Colby Mercantile compafir Feb 1 *flin yonr eya" r at fautlt. A correctly get it bas-k on thie track. Liber&yrille tittel pair of glaseR %i-v iigiVe YTOU pasengero coming tram thie ty onvila ClavnceColI>' ias uitechol 1a l inimediate relief. We cari do thre work 7:0~2 took the électric boii»-ý The tr~faind lie ii tIe stoe. rgbt.pamsa thvough at about ten o'clock. ' tire. Wnr. yarren leaves aext Tuesday Marger>' Taylor. ttt4 nt- yiar ndeoyClid(]Wt Eprss for San Antonio, .Tex., where she aili dîîuglîttr of! 1k. Taylor ha heen (lite Boy CJollir; a ithExreaross.iag join me. Marren Who bas been tirere a mick. Shie i-as tîr-t'ii 't fh i-î boy living at 1562 Carroll aveiiiç at-I Couple of înoths. penlliitis butie mueli 1-i-.tanitete obuit a fast pasSuger train IRat. M. S . Freenran, petor o! thre The WasbingtonfW l ~~ star on tIre Chcago Milwaukee & dt. Paul fflitlolist chars-h nt Capron was a guet in a wite-up of-a >ai4îrýiet <iiien b>' the raiutroIvnitre trackb.Monda>' ight. ilof lt-v. and Mrs. Lailerat tbetiethodiet Caledonian Club, of that -itv, mention% Ha bal a little earlier in the day decîdel pareuirage Tuesda>'. the preeemof Hugli11.-il asm a speaker tlrat a stock car ride out froin Chicago The wats-lîtoelie gis-en b>' lager in tesof the accadlofl Mr. lbid i,; a son-la- would lie a good thing for b i -t> bred bowling toutnament le on exhibition at law of Ens. L. H. Whitntey and formarl>' constitution. He therelora boardal a Hue'jevealn> store and um certainl>' an livel at Kenoaha. ida door oielean d came ont to exceptionaîlly fine oUe. Notic-e-i n another rohîtrttîi. is van tîtat Rondout. . . 11ý 'A this junctura hae sougbt te traisfer Charlie lilinoki bas flot put up a thet iret Of the ameeeimvnl. Ifor la>ing o! bock to thbe city' aud witb a coinrada pounu of ice yet this winter and pules watt-r ains in thse village- le due and Woacmaidbmaihe.Te eol wather Cumes Libertyville nray muet be paid wltbiîî tlirty îlays.Tewoacnpne isalbe. The fii.ceaunie famine thi@sosmmer. total portion of the is.---snent dlue lisaa rghtaictybudpoa- Fred sud Bal Foliett leave soon for $4,212-88. leavlng *2100 atiltî(lue ob~tTskadsatdo u o t At tins point t-be tbrough express , inter- Southb akta. TIre former expecte te wiiCliintereeft, at- ils-t-r-rent, if ive rpe herpe @pend thbeamier thae ewhile thre latter IlaieretaulI it - ight. 'Vere the. iater.D swta.SôemslePÀ will fle a -daim and retura to >Lake mains, in and t-be servie iii-ailable heora i yt «estre. lmeasDtsue he sWe count>'. the rot amsaien t '4duY p a train that st-rus-k hlm. It might hae Last Satarda>' '4evning tIhe C. G. fuid sin thetitereei-iowonld bai-e heen a cyclone but ha thinlis It muet - hmvst-aenaoasupsepisanwibbter<r1.Hoeehave heen a train »s b> the t-ins ha lad Powers hm a these oasup iseth l e deslavad t-O hai-le-en a physiciil ~ae eea intiis a b art-y. About twenty-flve friends împomibility. r atea utting posture a pair of rab cloia of which refrflh mente ware fserve- nj sodppr ficroaio oio bu ormlsu h Beu Butterfield wrltes f romt Montana te- the lbertyville Crystal Sprngs lE was UNî o letvll Ir w here ha bas beau fort-be fpet several (ompany,of ,00hivun eiplto!apiet *k weeke. Ha says ho bas killed a few wild for tbe manufacture o1 beveragas. -TIrhe rselbualmeadblun cs; basnla-en chased hy a mountai insorportois ame named as F. B. laft elle sud a contenance suggestiveo lion or two and bas othrwise been Levei, Wilta Lays-ock ad~ t-he revolut-lon ln Ressil s iVe the at- tbaving a ver>' pleaeant turne. H. Martain. This does not - mean that-teutIon of pbysiciae.___ >4Sons villian le sald t-olie going about! Meure. Loveil, Laycos-k sud Martin are Llhart-yville's Chief o! Police Oficer thresountry paeing off bille wbihh. golng lut-otIre b0terage maunaturlug lient-gos, toolr hinst-o Chicago Tuusda> p. p. ha@se raisel irons Ol te 010. W ave business but rat-ber tbat t-bey have morfing and away froinsthre dangers Gzxc _neyer sean an>' o! thns yet. People do allowed their naines t-o aled ui a step) of the count-ry. corne te thia office to get- mona>' shanged nesessar> te t-be incorporation of the sud sural> t-bey neyer spand an> teue cons-rn afI wbieh Meusr. Chambertiu and SIJNDAY SCOOL witb us. Thompaon are thbe hba. Thre budees Wilshute tat week purshasel. the Eb. vill ha duly traîis!erred te the latterWO K R M fT Barris fanti of 60 acres northweet of gentlensen'@ namaso. Sprnednso ae Cu towa the purs-hase prie@ hing $97 per Several uew tars have atiseis- SuindetSchofLsae oueand acre. Mtr. Barris bas bagt- the Nd johunia Balard. Eddie Parkhurst, Luns Suday Sechlastd ues d Mason farta and vilI may e i 1>' to< Bulklay sud Cnit Fisher bave joined t-ha Night et Libertyville Pr.ibyterian ta that- place in t-be sp'<iug t eune-rauke o! t-be crack bowlers. That boys Cash stoodlire pail 090 pae fr ZTa I e h uIleee.v ___ !armcuntaine 80 &rm. curiag la prastical MeI. Jobnuie and At the Presbytenian shurh at Liberty- Luns vsuted ta play' Rd and Cit tIre ville tant Tueseba>' veniug the Sunda>' C. P. Fisher t-is wesk llss-ôvared nome vorst va>'. The latter agreel and e8hool superintendent of thbe varions weil advanedai appie, shry andIt llaci ffnaly w-snt ta the. Yagar alleys wlth Sqnlay seboolea oft-be count> met fer buIs lu ie yardl. Thae pringhlt siniter and ilet-ermmned t oka louiug their annual conference.' Menus sud - waatber has caused the asli, te rue feir ln their faces. Lum hacked out. Officer methoda af conlacting Sunday scoolt advauce at-bhe»season and va liea rerin Hent-ges wa8 sent forasud servail papers vr lcse. A -emeigtb ever>' aide t-at people feair t-ie resulta upon hlm. He efuSd el toome but stetement vas made tiret tIrera ver. wîll lha ruinons ta the fruit crois net t-be brave officar "Pluchait" is sud 8,400 boys sund girls under twenty-onee summer. ledhlm ta t-haesne it-h bia'come. yeara o1 age iniLake count>' vbo neyer Litt-le Dorrie KaWsr wbo was 10 9100984',' Parkbuat- vas thea irt-to darkened t-ha douofe uch ror FSanda>' Periouel>' humaIes tt eek l anat- roll. Ballard carne next. Ha naIn t schooaland are out-ide of a&l religlouS8 reevain am i l haieal aIe î a vtca arkhast l ely vHe orea instruction. tain no permanent resalte from théebornsee e x Ipreso. Wa's tb Supper vas served b>'tise ladies et the othe uat&i edathe t,,..,of the <id... 1matt-er- " s u llkley "The hassdles local church. -jibertyville Phone 29 Ilnl. P.Dyuoiw, Pr... o.A. Wasewv, Vloe Pr P, LAK'E'.CO. NATIONAIL * EWri te f o eguexéhange in folio lgcountries GRUAT BRITAIN, md MtULAND, FIA0t~ AUSTIMA TALY BELGIUM, R= ".W NORWAY. OwlEd&t41 DENMAM IC RNf HAWAIIAN I8LAt*-AND pbsrmI1PlW Just reeved lb pleces. of gprIng 1 tyle AmoskeagZepbyr (flug". - bains in' mailcbechi, Pl"id, ,tripes and plain colora. Theaae, the beat wearng ând nicest goods madfe for children's and 1.41.. Are me, ladies' valets and boys' blouse The colors are guaranteed tobe strlctly fast Aiso 20 Pieces of AMERICAN INDIQQU~ I LGHT BLUE, BLACK AND GRAY AI Lew UtEpng patt.rns. fast colore od ry i i whe"rL:4. ."fo.r 7c. hermonly V f THIE PIR$TNATIONAL JR I o TALOR u mi I President Vc-ro 'Vil . W.-TAYLOR, OMber- re of~ z , IN à et, M'E ATirS Our meat and grocery departnent le the -best lu the city. We 'deal in only the,- very best goods and our prices are the lowest that the qualit y' of our wareswll afo.If you are not a euBtomer already it wilpay you to, become one at, once. Ail we a8k of youis atrial. We will do the regt. GROCERUE M. B. Colby Merca

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