CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Feb 1906, p. 2

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~mt um.m a -The 1Lwadies iroveiflt adety., 0f Rockdule, wiligive& botb socialnt' tb. bonisof NMr.esu d lrg.,John W" le r epin tBunday here. Satr , Pieniiig Feb. 17. MUSle WID w vW'tod ber 1-t@ j» Continonasu ana old fsbioMédw candy pull will concludg the eveniig'Q G ye iraes aWaukegfl stertaiument. lira. Welbai heen quite filiat the, h ,b b wsa a ejlake borne of ber deughter Mlre. J. Roue. ' 50011. garry Kramer 1 le i.ta b. sround [mors, of Warren, ba@ &gain 1fteu a i egeOf1 iluema oephew A. U Wibur Bir'. and lire. Ford of Wsucoudaw vlited on, day lat week witi the. latteraT b,,Di Qayl&ke, yilted mother tIre. Wels. rira day let week. lir. Wr. Kugge hae been und er tiheS ek b"be !dtlug ber doctbre Caro tbP a suweek.b vai Ame, f bCiîgb Fra rk ,Knl-gge cf Wauconda wae a t guet of hie parents ber Wedueeday. i lorn and thre Mleee lMr. Iiaristow of Waukegan called on8 o, have heen v-iiting Mri. sud lire Holcomb Thuredi. 9A number front ber. stteuded the it Mouday mnoriug for bore race at Waucopda Saturday alter-t ri1 spend -me tinte minoon. cutry. mi8e Anthony Iteese hae been a gneet kuf's Young eOn wlrO of ber father ber. recetly. ont an operation for Mir. and lire. Rd. Payne and eonf a very critical Condi'. Irving sndwife lef t Tueeday for the ru. balmy south ýta epend the rentairîder ofE candidate for cunty oui' frigid month.i Mut calfer ee onue day Mise Lillian Ayn8,e e tertained a ;wayer le a man rnuch gentleman friend froni the city Over Sun. aentgivn h theM eutgivn y te yetc Charley Sauhoru of Cicago spent Son- urçdsy night wat well b er. wit-h hi@ parente. -*,uioedb QL Mr. and lire. owe~of Libertyville nocorpractice tue ie iited relatjves ber Suuday. R erman Knblauk of lgonqulu wvas a ber vnrrespondenu plesant gueet of triendesud relativee enioy the. prohibition ber. Suuday; relng? Mr. aud lie.. Otto Tegtxueir's ebuîdren .r la the. guet of'erY have been quit. Ii the past week but at iis week. pi'eeet are some what improved. A Mms Fred Beach, ofl'disna, ii Ivaàho relativees ad .t week. khocu of Graylake, le roving ai guàode ta tlle place, baving bI. Dosai farm for lie eusumg 0" a large atteeudance et John WB suIt lait Tkuray sud ,rsusht.good price.. . Sgo"d attidammsat tii Wab tintrtaicoeut lait e velai. The Programme WM oxelent, 80 wm thei M, o flWiIt, and ths dine .ai ^à enlsuoym dby the ~aâtios vE bve a b W jj eiibuhtp aeonîrodate It. t*1ep op- -ii . fta eý, Stb, of OQrake, 'iited bçufdsdi lt veek. &doUa Titu la puttlug -~4loi johm Deddles nortb o ,100 ruekonsud daugbter bOuir vI i ber parente Mr'. ,Kocb'in speaingaBleu' deys1 mMbuigb nt lu beigo Suu-1 y ut yoeung.bih. taok lu the bt WAkegsn Boudai' nigt. )ddWseof! (ltégo vtitoLd vtii P LmI. H.P. Bartltt lent veek. $lasi sd sons atarted put Sm la earpest Tumesy. Tbey NéV9 inU-at ivork filllng their tboose. The. loi le about tgn Itk Md Odfam quaît>'. @th sod him farm supplie$ mo. Femirétioli foi' lhe 'emovai f1 ibd famil>'ta Motanra viere .rciasu ÉO acre. arru. qwvmll par'Ir va. held at lbhe r C yeug ai»t satuida>' aveniug. ouns *ad famly mot. ta Librty- tu tii. nar future.. Ow Àvmr, ofOak Park, ipent M* sMd souda>'t houe. *" 8th ue nt tiif.iIflb ob.IMiItiîu, 0f Halasvlfli, va t oloealler. Kmd* à~tcue,îf thicago, viitad 44 89 1410 Souda. i tti cheller, o! icRtery, vlated 5oraireeetly. nw Fransd Katie Romilg, of S Lake, iput Sunay saI bm. se Mary Rangt sud Relen oudiir vers ier>'cokrersSatuiday m Kittiae DoyaU spent Frida>' sud la>' *lthiMm. L. V. LustaIWet pMit. id lie.: Abert Ragil yere 'caiere ane day last veek. fe. Waltln sud BHum 0 vOe.WanoudsvIsitores atur. iQrpgt the.dîme sueuus. -Jtt' mom ofsp t i di ycuag iodle Mdlr V ' . Luta M mi, ,Ina, .w>Oduafl Tiie Ladies' Aid .ocietY viii meet miih ie.W. Rich Wedueedsy, Feit.-14 ut GRANGE HALL The. Warren C* etery Society gives a New Euglagd supper st Grange hall thie w.ek 'Thprday. Elvin Grifliu sud vite, Henry Day and daughter Mmr. Dovd éiàite(1:4rlent4o lu thie vicluty lait Friday. lire. Tayor va. quit. mck lat veek but le better st preieet. Wrn. Wilsonseeia little hetter but teestill a v» e.ick -au. EImer nome gou ai a delegat. tc Sprilugid froni Grailake Court o1 HaorOsaturday. Nelgibore have heen vauderiug whY Bol Glbrt mined, valing lu the.ait utai ilva.whiepoed &round be ha another on. John William' sale W". veil attende snd thinga old veli. FrancesCbspmau veut baek taIrei work lu Chicago Mouday slter apendini sonday ah home. Anus Wilsonunsuilt.i' Editîr ,l thdeimle wereîuWaukegauon buoinen Monday. ly r Dg bt m 1 _, PALATMN1 W. are eorry te gay lMr@. Johuathan Wleoa leona the ick flot. Dr. end Mir& Wood bad, for thelr guesta Mri. andlMrm.Win. Oakes, of Oak Park, recently. «,Uncle Joaeb" a four set cornedy drama wlll b. reudered by home talent Ffiday, Februar7 16. Palatine lisennerciior b.. pootpoued is annuWeoncrt owing to the, injury mnetmned by Mayor A. B. Olms. Buday lireý.eumnama and cildr.ii, of Arlington lieigh te. mi« ÀAnnie Filz, of .tvlington Heighta, epent Snnday with the Miam~ Nase. Chare ints,. of Arlington Heigiite, call.d on friende luin alatine Sun4aY. lore. Sehroeder wae vere pleasantly surprleed gaturday by a tumber of ber relatives sud, friende it ,helng ber brthdas. t SAVGATUCIL Mlii Comrsai, vbo ha. isu Iei. iug ber bi'ctber E.9. LMrab bai retmu.d ta ber bore ne Evanstoi. I hmkhal a meTe. ttek o! betmatiom. ira. A. 0. lisetirer sud ebidren vislted wltb ber Miater, Mcm^ M. Wagner, of Grayeates bt week Weduesdy., Newton Fr.!, of Nortbfiehd, called ou, hle aiter, Bira S. 9. Kaedler lait week Wedaeeday. a. A. Kniopflte baullng cord wood m'm.Yo.. ha. beeun lek bMt le one. whbat iinproved let tii. preset time. Pr. Tracy atiended ber.1 It wai i'nmorêd lait week that CaPt. Sàpb halleoIl ill. Villagae npropeirty, but the. deal ell1 throagb. It i. aiieged the. paries v-er. nulter 1tjie Infieà of iquor wheu they approached CsPt. Saph to akeSh the deal aud wbîn eobered up refueed ta abide by the transaction. Tbey ver. 'Evauetop" Parties. Jullaloornl., who bai beon vleiting thre Loomle, Ede and i ra'gue famille. hae i'etuned to ber homne near Elgin. Jas.r Richarde, who wae lnjured hy a fa genre tinte ago ln gtting hetter. lie Laura Sprague, who hae heen, epeuding tii. greater part of tii. wiuter lu Chicago lesat pregent withbherbrotbeIý Chas. Sprague and family. lir. apri Mm. F. G. Mitchell and faurily epentgaturdaiy with.the latter . a rother, Hàrry Rouseaud family. of Rockefeller. *Rev. and lirii. A. J. Bya9efltertaiued 11ev. E. Fuemie, af Cîricua, ho ('ou- ducted corrrruiorlserices Suday rnorrrig. 8 %r. Maixwell spcrrt Sreturrlrryil, Citcago. D)r. Tracy wLll ha uat lieiue every day twitl the exception ef Satur.layes heure forth. Rie raaidence aud offiee arc ir the upper fiat of Il. Mlter', ioni.. t Mlre. Emurla Kreugar ripant SUnldu: witlr ber ejetar, Mmrs Seliroder, of Hl Chuel. Albreulît, of Huif 1)ay, lm foadinir a car witb waluut loge nand exileltts tu ehip thera to Chicago. la Capt. aud liM. Saph vieited with thel daughter Ca Libertyville Suuday dShe le eouvalestiug from Li r recenf nattack ofecarlet lever. Next Tueeday- eveumng tIre will b.oe meeting held at the. home of the paitor to organise a -Church Building As- sociation," sund ta elect a committee ta take chrarge. Everyone le aaked ta comte. Memberesud non-members o! thre chui'ch are aiked ta help lu the, work. Mm.. Tracy mrade tira business tripe 10O Chicago tltie veek. Mr'. sud Mre. G. R. Smith entertained a lady friend froîri Rarvey for tiro veeke r.eatly. l'eue Wehr.nberg lbus been coullued ta the housethe grester part o! thre vinter, 8nfferiug iritî r reuruasmur We h<île Be wii ioou be able ta b. Out again. Lait <ur' toieu-I'The clavai' leai." finder vili pleai. l eave saine aItihe mili sud receivp reward. 1Marry 'Mitcheil lwrnt SaturdaY sud Sunday at hroma, TIre. a. a Prohibition lecture at the hall Tuesday evauing, lir. Blake, of Chieago lb. principal speaker followed by Mri. Jacquin Who outlined the. work ai dons lu the different tovu. mblpe of Lake couuty. Ther. ver. about forty.Sive pree.nt, tbree or four belouglng ta the. Prohibition Party. Therm laeconiderable dleeatisfactlou lu regard ta the. traveling photo car ..White Beauty' whicii îtoDped aI thie place a couple of veehi. ago. Inu me Canm thome Who have r.celved pîcturei cdaIm*that the vork le very uniatietac. Story vile lu other caiee"cnly part of tb. er. senýt. It le poseible that the. pictures wili alI corne hâter though nme are denouuciug thre phort- graphere. M. W. Knedler miade a Iminaos ri to Highland Park let week Wednardsy. y Mre. J. Pester aird childreu vIsites witir Libertyvilla friendft s teivdays racently. Mir. sud Me.. Geo. Arifli vigltedd s Litiertyville last wek lira. Char. Herochîrarger hue bain or, Iire.eick lest but i. soinevîrat IrrîprOveoJ ut preseirt viltiug. Lom. LAK Frank Guber ha. heen veyniII for JîiMiltchell, vbo la a Chicago police. several daya vlthbheart trouble. mn, sud bisa-it., spent Bunda>' st bla lin. »,.Ide Cullneb, of Cicago, lim.mother's. ReHwuvaclai ber. b>' lb. bonu vlelhlug -bot Me.. L.A. deNtb 9f hienuDcla J&mes Lau. OfFox UIssU. --1 liii..1 . E.. L arth liafi recoirered front hi@ Min Ella -Mitchell vwu s lic eur>' recout IlIme, and lira. Mar.b le lu. visitai' reeVti v. p'oving ilowly>. - John (Ga>'epet Sunda>' ah Jobu Chas. Snyd.i' ba moved from tus Coverei James arm la lie Bur§on farm viricli The Knickerbocker te Co. bai cent. hi purebai uat tau. miuced vork .fifing . heur le bouges. Wsdueida>' sveunug quit. a numisi' o! Sorne of the faners are pmtng up their yoffng people gthbered at lie home, aii le. hileeek LawrenceAasnfor a cari Pa rt>'.- ROER The Gagaslu ke a&MOid glt>' cviiimeet W. mii know vbat the ladies of the ah Ithe boue of lins. FrmakNichoâi. M. E. churse mess vbeu lb.>' ga Thursis>' Fs. 15.- Viqibrs veieéoi. « "chspis soia lt ilviib. at he _____________ boa. i R the ' is131h of tul. Oit, Minute Cougb Oaçenttu Dot motii. enuatout 0f su>' baMtâlUtowoi~t b.liMre. C. ,Noe* op la spending tWo belem OMUtl _ ouse, colib.tem « vhoqplbg anghsolong th" It u ee %ýkmo tu be a taisd sd tin -- s ule nug relatives te m yVbio e IL -nooe fin ~ ~ i Isst dnt fro emp hmeon A ev more rages just lls that ou., l More veddlug!wSaBtunday vould undon1btediy hl D)on't forget tii. ytie Worbers card Waleonds Party usît Wedàwsay qVeYiII. Dr', Camp, 0f1 wu g, v e tue,"u Mmr. James .?Ihle uumbered vltb Dr.Enler lait 1%,rdàan sd rlay. the oiliL Dr. 'Bock sud frlend, cf Cary, ver. John Goding trasacted business t oui' @trete Sturday. Waukeat lait fl4day. E. A. Golding bai riturnesi Itu1 IMIi NiasPi't la convaleeog after i' ilY wberd b. ha. hein hag g ber' recent ilîns. paper for the. past vesk oetwto. The illantrutind lecture whicb waa tu Lao Brown, of barrlsgton, la ipendi in heuIn us aptiat churtub to-ulght the. vsek.a i h bore. (rla) baihsn poetponed indefinitely P. L Peroni oWankegau, caudld, owiug tu, te. .labillty of the. lecturer for the 'hepubllanour&tlm XouyJude èalled où riuu'- te appear. Mie" Lucy Sowles vlited with W'auke: Tii. regufar unuion meeting of gan relative& and friande a few deys Baptiat sud liethodist churcea thiff 2eek. unday. evenlng. Feb: tg vili thIa eek. ddremid by Edward E. Blake, lir.Jeanuen, cfIvaho.,calld o Pirc r. li.Blake viii diacuse Mr. ealmen, ofIvahee caleilon iquoi' qnestion f reim the Probibit fri4ede ber, the. first of the, veek. etandpoluî. fHe vus for orne t Normanu Pratt, of North Adame, Maie Wesdent of the. Young People'. Frai le seading the. week at thr, home of iî tien league. Tii. eervce viilSebe ba thie Baptiet church aud ylh. festij cousiu, C. L.. Pratt and famnily. by ipecial mugie. B. E. Maintin trauacted bueines lu Tii. maequerade bail vhich vai ý e clty lait and- Fridsy. lu the, Oakland Hall lait Frlday evei wa. attended hy about 70 coui Arthur Cooke etili continuee about Ximbal'à Orchetra of fi" pi tire sine. furniehed mueie for thie occamilo Thoms Hulon ofChicgo, excellent munie it vai. George I Tborae lanin, t Chcug, peit aud Mi-à, Emil Dabmrue >- warde< Suuday at the home ot hie uni-le, B. F.I prizee. Martin sud tamily. I i» Marie Martin wai very ilea@a Mrs., C. B. George, of Warrhegun, vlited surprleedl by about 10 of ber girl ftri, F a àlouday evening. "OIC laid" wes at the, Iomie o! Dr. C. W. Sowiethe, tirât ordeh of the. eveing sud vai playet of the waek. a "Queen'e taete.', . Raf relimente. Dr. J. L. Taylor, of Libert.vville, wa eerved -ta vhich slll¶diîi ample juo a aller luiet Saturday.i About Il 'lock ail deprrted hai epnts= er enjoyable evenîug. By tihe way, how did you ejoy the Msre . P llan sd W.T craces? have pnraeed tire plant of Walvorth-Cot Tribune sud willl Mm.. G. W. Conway aud son Joseaph become reeldeute of Eikhorn, Wie. yreturued te their bomene uthe c*ity young men are waîl and lavai Ssturday lait. kuown lu thue viiity and wrep if for thenuliuîited succemsinlutheir' 1Meaere. E. W. Brgoko, HW T. Fuller aud location.1 . g0. D. Stroker trsueoactedl busineseslhi the The. race on thi e. e t Saturday Ciytefiret of the. week.very .'xcting-that i@ it might have tess ei adByo of Chicago. baid tho hachera agreed upen Meure Leve su Bryiondirection and rae.d their biornees. ir were ber. lu tb. Intereets of the, rullroad wvaiit ertainiy dos@ not- belp thei. V. the Brut ot tii. vesk.1 at Wancanda te sny extent. TRWORT i1 LaI eek 0. A. Nelson shipped tan wag on oada cf bai ta the, City. Jsnuary SI joc.. ichinger gave s party Bt îiis..Muolc hall at tiuîburu. About elgbty persans ver. lu atteudance sud aller raedlng the. eveulng t gsmne the. party returfieii nome. Phrllip Bouinger le elck vltb icialle rheurnatim. Henry Levin la lu poor beatb at preet. Titre ver. go ,esryleesnt the Rlomeramsciurcb laat Suuday ovlug to the. qusrterly mneeting at Hickory., Foie* are r.ported tc b. getlbng quick tblck lu tb. neighbonbood of lata eud t lu lehomplaennintigthup bunt ar te irtes af erai a do unees tire>'talce out liceugs.ta mut. Saturda>' .veaîing a nuniher o!f>'oung people . gathered at the. home o! William, Jr. Usmeesud refe.ehmrenle ver. the teter. oI lb. evening. Do't forget tjie lecture at Roeecrsne Feb. 10. Edvard Everett Blake viii b. the. speaker. Corne sud lisen ta a onnd talk. ville,handling s revolver, accideutaily dlebared Itthlie mulet entering the fore tiner of hii rigit iband. Dr. Jamieson attended bine but vu@ unatrie ta extract the buet. He vap taken to Chicago sud tleb ulaI r.rnoved. HALF DAY~ th1 hem Lillie Hinuhav vleitad vihh I Mien-, l ra. Kaui tuday a h Sunda>'. MisesAddie Gleseon vialted witi Mn Hermai Peglow Thuraday. Mri. aud lirs. Solornon havp rente lims.Mann'@ store. lira Mattie Johuson sud sou teu dinuer vlti Mri. sud lie..Wilfir Johnmon Suada>'. Edward Bténkel iisd the, meforti ta sllipsud hurt hi. hue. huite h rSm.tiy. Herman Peglov le drawing a plan hie uîv house, irichbehaintendi buildit nezxt epriug. Jake Beiriger maisemen ou oui' Iree Suudsy. hile motiir lie.. Johumon'. daugirter Lucy. ib vieitlng ber. for s teir daye reeuntiy. Mies Berthra Knaack le nov vork! for Me.. Love. Ile.. Herman Peglow'm William Buebre, of Chicago, ve bere a business trip Wedueeday. Emmott Gleaicu r.cently virited iirohier Wili who in afiremanin Chiea Quit. s number froni ber@ atte.ui.d dance. a Long Grave Saturda>' E report a gond tîme. Emmoît Gleaion had a se.vre atti of neuralgia taet me. uf a ut, ait' *55 frira viiting mii hem rdaugiiter Netti, lun Chrarles Galiorvay cf Rager. Park WaukegsuM tonday. vipited witlr Jas. Gallowa>' sud famiiy tire. Fike irai vietiîrg ir> daugirter, Sruday. ire. Charley Trenn,-,foi' s aw day. fat F. R. Itoaebri'clpeudîng lb. veek lu veek. -I Dauvili,. Bob Douneli>' etr'pped ut tire Vernon tir, sud Mre..Iring Rabin are leaving Ronefor s few day. lait ve.k.. thue veek for Florida. Charley Albr.yhî iiad ha>' bailednorhu Me.; W. 'W. Clark la viiiting ln(Ciicago. vest of Lihertyville Thureda>.'. Mie. FiWd gorenbergei' gave a "qrtilt. lie..Saini Frsse la ou lhe sick flot. .lng ires" Wuduedsy. _____ John Btuiiertedt'ipsut tva daî lu Quntin WIli Be a Candidate. Chicago thie veek.' 1 Thr have issu varionsi mopviof F. R. Rosebro sud F. C. Blederetedt fate tu the. effeet that George Quentin uade a btuiness trip ta Lahe Vla lait vould flot b. s canidasefoi'r..electlon Tiiuriisy. ai .upervleortornVernon at the. corng Tiie C. E. soecet>' heud a business meet- ipring elertion. As It nmi only, fair ta lug TÉbnreiay evenfiag ast he home ofmet lb. malter rlgiit hefor. tbe publiel Mri. and Mme..Mayer.. la nov ilated ou autbority tirat b.ovii Rev. Shueber of Evsntauo preacired in go before tue votera of Vernon tovnship the St. Paule Evsuglilcal ,cbnrciiSun.Ibis sprlug for endoriement lui the va>' day alteritoon. offassecïd te rni sud viilsubmt grame. MliiLylah Chas mai tbe guest of ully the lb liof lbe people 1no mater Mise S"d.Gloai irai atheir deelalon may b. sud i elote îli endeaotai'aneri'.for tue C. E. topie for Feb, il "R1om ta Con. people' intereste Inlu 11mactae brcugbt quer Temptation" Malt. 26: 41, I Cor. bain,. him. 10, 12, «111, J... 4:7; Rab. 2.18. Teni -_________ petsuce me eting JenuDi J. Vetter leader. - A mnan wbo once bad rougii bar»> The "1himble part>"' givenÎt tb. home biands made Ibeni sof t, end cmooth vlth o! Me.. Roiebro TuWsyai v a bappy WitbHamDSl 1ve, but b, uned lb. bunefparty. Everyo. hrougbly en. genuune-tbst bea lug the name "IE. C. joyed a pleasut atsruoon. Bel resb. De Wtt&Co.4ChIugO.' 1'oi'scre,boila, men.lte consiiting ofsundwichies, cake, cuti,_burna, bruie, etc., il ha. Do equal colle.sud fruit iver. vera served. au allords lmost Imrmedte villa!eftoul The' nye grpoi~slhen bt ceaieeiilnd, blépodlng, ltirbifg, ssiipi'ctria1g The neokkn, ut lesmePilai Sold bhi ail drUggliu. sud itre:igten the etombeb, liter and -- by. T bis wý'le tbsutlvew vnict'0f te. nant thousaru* i vbuî» ouae t).W WAUKEGAN, ILL. wlsh to cali attention te our offer te give- "Y 100.00 té -the 'iwo most popülar La-ke $76,00 to the Society'~ casting the most votez and $25.00 to the society casting the next bighest num- bor in our Handicap ConteBt. The conditions are: that for every ten cents worth of goode purchamed in our store until April Ist, a"coupop ticket will be given. These coupo ns will be flgured according to the handi cap of each Society, Every vote. you c9s, for your giociety will be multiplied by_ the nîmber of tirnes the iuerbership of the largest soety cau bc divided by the membership of yours. So tbat if yoùr--- oiety lias a smail membership and they-all hustlo they stand the anme chnie of ýwinning the ï;75.0Q as the larger. The prize is bound to go to the society -that takes the most interetit and husties. Everyone bas an equal chance and a fair- start. -Have your secretary send us a liai of thé meni* bem'hip so that we eau deterinine the handicap. For socitities outalde of- Waukegan an addi- tional handicap of one vote wili be given for - each 10 cent purchase. Hoping that your's is the moet enthuaiastic and popularsociety In Lake county, we remain Yours very truly, F. C. SEIDEL & CO. Below is the standing of the différa ent societiés in Our $100O contest er th ýI en te ue bad tio ang ie o ie te and teck t"i "seg 11 . w., ak-a ............. ... <3667 Cube AtlleticCluh .....................4 2 Conîrrian Knightm .................-.4l Catholie Order of1 Foractere...........M Ilehecca Lodge, Waiikegan .....54 M. W. A. Lahe tarup-................ 3()7 M. W. A., Sprig Bluff Camp .....271 Teametere Union .......-.............. 23 Zion Cit>' Chîlcir....................227 -Carpentea eUnion .....................22; Ladlem' Aid Society o! Mluburu .... 220 Sons af St. Gaorge.....1................ 215 Waîrkegsu Miv, tirreatm ...a.... 201 Swediuh Taî DIars .................... 200 Ordr of Odd Felirvi............ 11....... 1 St. Jo»eeîrIîe Sciety ............. 13 Kîîighte o! Colurubue ......j ......... 177 luron Lodga, Wuukagarr ............157 %lystie Workars of tira Wîrid, Grayslatke........................... 13 hlalumurre4,oietY,.......1....... ......128 P'olar Star Eodge ....................12< Ban Hur. NorthrChicago............ lie11 Royal Arcanuni ....................104 G. A. R., Waukegau .................100 Kiigté of Pythiai .................... 94 Ladies Aid Soclety, Lake Forest ... 1 Mystie Woi'kee. oI the Warld 1W&ukegsn...1.......... ............ 8 Brothenhood aofSt. Andrw ......... 70 sous of St. George, Lake Forestl... 67 Ell, B. P. O. E........................ 67 LtbeanlssCburcii.................... 50 W. C.T.UV., Wsukegan ..............42 Ma roon Atiriettle Club.................. 42 M. E, Ciiurch, Waukegsn ............. K Rughua BScele.......................... 87 North Ainerlean Union................. 85 lystie Worikei'i o! the.Worid Rnssel........... ...................... 25 St. tiary'a Socie.....à ...............2 Ladies' Aid Societ.y. ClîrimIClurch ... 22 Darrieh B. B. of U. No. 182............ 20 ILM W. A. Camnp, Guruee ............... 19 Filiier. Union ......................14 Order Vikings NO. 1 ................. 14 M. W. A. Camup, North Chicago...... 10 Quýeeu Esthier Rive.... ................ 10 Congregaticiisl Chuiich ............... 10) M., W. A., Lake Forest .... ......... ..... 7 M. W. A., Wadevortir.................. 5 Bien Ber, Waukagau,................... 5 B. B. Club, Pt. Sherisa .............. 5 M. W. A. Camp, Libertyville.,........ 5 M. B. Ciiurcii, leuton ............ s M.E, Clarcii, NorthbChicago...... 5 Presbyterlau Cbe................. 5 Order of d u Fellov. Bigiwooi ... 5 tbe ili lu bieenut v 8vayer, *, l. 8,. d b>' sil. ttim vi. Moi alOTi r- 1 1 i . ri HALF DAYý

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