CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Feb 1906, p. 3

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vL M ithout. lookng stadly at the brfl- rose wittl l ndgtp AàIL N e flant lurnlnary for nmre tinie; then hie ing esuotiomawtbrtlm s * n-D mXeyém Were attracted by the trong J'le a tiane to puyuvmthécel Accident t Dlamon Lake Reslis In ,*. iglits tbrown npon the rugged face of mnsbllltlém of ti ouhu gou: i te12& l. 1toean 7 e 1 Accdet a Dirnod akeResltslnthé préclploe Itutu.which the cavern ef thé sodt$. to eeék toei t P. epres Frctur ofLeg;BoishadFastnedburrowed. Suddenly hi ttered a star- confession of love, that a 1»W Uberylle, llioisStae Tgater.days or wéeks miglit prov tht lie don q h onevey 1 - By .jove!- lie mnrmuréd. --i neyer,1 a spammolce but monientatgioà~ HrmBartlett Jr, hallthé MI& oteet... eor."erfulaitdfi'tépo.l DR. J L testee1 fortune to break hie log luit abové théeBy U<)s lid given e? oumicm ovea TMIos £A,&vio'm. sorne.organlc trouble, the con. ankfleone day latweek while coasting T MI nAnd iehoapôtre aioU&.111:11~, gou:- a10a m a nd6~. îhsoveral comradés neér tbe Xt NCsin g uffl. 1903 by e.. langhi, lest bis wordAhéotu t 8PM.ditionn idoubtkSS bc ere tLake séhool. Théelioyê hâd &uldncéon Iroaway oppsit Pak. tur ~.w . ~ a~.,se ...*. ~thouglit, Miss Denne,, iet y tu&S nBrawaopoit ar.Yordoor sthe besta'vsr two leds fastened tigetber with a eiceon thé Islah wil 'inDo a Llbertyvilleé. Ilinois. board. Y'oiîng lartlett was lut front ~~.. ~ ~ .~..iyft ttébnao h Do____________________________ teprihg with for or Ovre boys behind H all he c» me lmprevare o n aie n g m th n g u r st fie Rad o r d o u e to 1 0 111 s p p o se jo u co ld n ot lica r m e n y b d o l n w h c v re i t DIL#R. GALLOWVAY. KICn<ls of, advcrtled frmedies Asn th Hienard hebotoîi rth e ber. lSho wu., tilgrielcouglY dlstlntly?.'-sltinofté pcial vain- 0511E OVR LOELL5 ~EO STRE. g w.oil*lt More than ,liktIy liadwbile it waa going at a ighlierlstturidondte héelîaralofasrlcp- "QnieywdP' ll"crr neery foreign expedil. U~éU-fcm14 aéi. 840 p lL at f speéd hie foot lippéd fot thr îedradd l.îîpgt clltîi Liberty àcniitfdftfdrt ville, Illinois. you ined cnetad a o riiiier and i caght p abgOh plg lany turther lr.i .îtted lit Silient te pick orie leavés and bits _______________________ Ié%oui4 f te lwerlo. Drs. Tay lor once. Tet hé was m-tIî.t oItive- 2iof dry griasfrom lier dres. *'1Neîî, :e"l - purpe sc act m agtmi and Galow y of Litiertyville, -set thé keg thougli sedroli alotie w'îiset nt ret you know," sellecontinued riîpidly. luln'meé(1ilfl to Stricte u aoa910 PALMCGFI, Un usstmad lel uein -- ily the fast nIglvlng-tli;t oni- oue sam- such moments one cannot chou-a' Cnes me a chance tu discount the ileé pan hRaEY AT LW.thepounhad lvidently werds. 1mère numbers. Stheyen mée, yn ATWRNEY AT LAW. ~~A lDitinct Dépannéie, thé Dyaks were unpr-î.uî-d as lie for that caimé uoto nMy béait"mel ubr.S.y @,y Lilértyvîlle, Illinooi. Sots E i~ . -itr ~oné iréf"i the euents of the prell!iîg liait bour. "And Il" lie snld, 'plcked ufi the firgt imeagotu. SPW 'm liONWEB3tiSiulrGad. i h rifle I conld loy rny bauds on. Now,.lhtcnb ou o eivii titlé 83.utfa beautiful ilutrated hbookiét on They were ecuber vt. e i ii-iaand te Miss Douce, as fthe affaîr bas enîlddBca]Ivetanothr attackeboter."à* of Co ie i Caliornia, just Issued by thé Mlwauke procure turtle nnd bù,-hd- J' uer or bad bpphî3', nay t venture te ask yon te Bataohratc.1 Lavr .,I &St. Paul road. The lbook is a distinct lmerely caléed thère -iii îeiiSOD 'a*I tî aeotl eunJ Thé firit thing to do la teét DR.'-E 1H. SM[THL ilpurturé ini raiiroad literaturé .6nd 1Other destination. 1111,1 ti-c changé lu "O011,pleaîc"-,- sliî' hegan. - -- get soeie lep tieforedayllghlt 111 DENTST. he vIndhai ulixitý ctulxleddid yen knew I was net fia the, DENTIST BASE. s just such a Iood in 16 bbut form thée work sots a acie th wl1 a le 'î cméle leaîiy, 1 must Inslst. t wouud necnottl ou u'k OFFIiéE OVE14 LAME C(N)l'N K. 1o alcrîp'is Ciao authe béI t0 put asboe.1 "Iîîl ahdoubt leaî'e y301Ifif t werèetitt ule Initiera- 1kconatee eetne me. 1 i gotUs&-8 to 12 . ni. and i to r P. m. I lbidü t eknd 4iit to uny a 0uess for six <énts polt- te oe aehei îur-e »tétire. Yon canuotyoine wu N e."h wamt oahekeeened - Uel dThn bcudes' - neli e- flu the nîglit t eau always tel - DAI-LY; ~~~~ F.t.wMillrbGetdal iaseng rto rceor netliy econ Tu aberndrln the fl' it i'èt froueIi Liîiertyvilîe. hllinois. and wa'ted body when ail ai E A1ilr GnrlPîuîugrtec.I~te ks'lié must p*rfori, aud sé rnebeae nth LI OO Agent, C'. NI. 1 St. P. ity.. Chicuago. î'robably uhen lhe w' lit tii Sunait jmèekiy ohèyu-d. 1 dressed andt came out. other foods fai ta nourish. Ilroktltmrigt,.aaehal"!"ie6I uty L9* __________ _____ _________s_ - Ctii su afos lad ttiougltit tboit to go atong 'iurtle ciarcuet Ihnlcourté of L.--.55 ouered ttheir 5h11 îulid w ri steadlly be-o.fIio thé cuve oualthtent-e folow -iscretae.adtéfur DR. GOLDING you are run down or emnacated, t;,é lI"arehTerni. A. D. 19X. paddling north againt i n îd îand cur- the' Dvaks' traU,.tlàrough the wood. ns Iris ontea dmand th0 iée uBane IJENTIST . seéMTia s"3~onlI eu ét. The eâ0t crîtî-rtn !theéonbnt fo-ne o! adtçalsere Houri m to12 acmu-i te 5 îu. g Ie t cannot hurt ddit2 ées !ou orL aM~ r cé tiUaeompdfrlteprn,* Ilid.-----extonîgle atlyca t 5'I. îlajéd' t'anewa hein or devls.'es ýse wol fIsteland.fthu Kaiser' Boc7k- theIL j .>aes .Clarkeé Jr.. iieaEul. izabellthua distance ef. six or --N li iîiles ut t'lé ;lie omitted no précautions lu bis ad- Nxt- . ihhate beuo IiiertyvillIao# e.It Exi-A. oytaJor hn laitrrI4 Eandt,'ian, 1 tonmost. ac.Oenleitpdsdisteî- a pole of sufficient léngth and@tM Exeuutr ut te I»twill tnd"Tenamentof. vace. Oteil leilotolliedand titicer trou-onttoheuv Lorknoo keul teobééte beux bi eightt by ttoi t possible nourishment for delicate 14 W. Bort. doceased, lIzabeth A. Bort Aflî'r laudlng n t1w hididen boy on ( reiduary dérile onderIthe15hm1willI and ntently lel%. i obtaon anaemic t"-taentt iiZ. W. Hoyt. déélegoed. fthésoutlnild* they ûirîî,vd the Iland tv lecurle ofidapit The- rture whlcîi -o curuestly cdaim- ,sturdy youmul. t li guettr witli rgo DR. WM~P. SCHRDING. chudren and pale, a dîicgrls.'Uuknowa owaer and holdér of the nolé througlî thé trées lnsti-îîiofttîikiug thé or passd aliui t'lte tuées lhécrép dlsaiuliu .sadc étg ~ ji ii rîi-u againt' Prsi tii,'Ihi itel toW il~ vu mI relu thé Recorder'&i feOf ket A <oaté. more Iitual open xk.13 iong thé hackanud peured RiTiglé wlly léetuurectly ounr thé uîoutlî b! thé Caive, but fae of théeîireclîî-.-. -n l imeat 4 iIlois lauiiook Oi o01 eg..on y ach baeefýý htlesd e libl ufl eg EYE, EAU, iNOSE ANI) TURII> T. r 142"' Uaknown heIn or dvse !of mhîch lyl h .t hth sdcieaie fauylukui ie iéré dei ty et tu ofi troà npdd Be- éîreélie rtuedlbisOe. vtos t Iîîîurs 2,to 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ua:rnI.deoeaed.'An L. Harris. ' Dw n 1 WoIris were tiien paissiig the grutru over brîikîigeleehlilud hini.bedhtérhiorcksoedar- Hehéondislseelof Ilup2,o4p h.bieor dévi-lséof Elizabeth Cark".,1tract leading te thé i iliey of cieai .Thé marks on thé saint proroît that îy lutrard, iuguiestlng a reces xtenci- previous niglît ahundanitiy veio Be utsir t t. iispiciMéedéééeéd. Emma G. Clarkeî. "Uunaownbieolelesmahalbe ece.ngb aazdcmprtnutosteg w vnWdrta o OPFE: oomh04STEARTBUIDIN, i th fS ofà lbellà etbeige of Mry Janm& esdéuaad.'* Mollies lnstautly determlned îiîis point. Th T OI iYrohésun d bééofse é a coupliaard.Itcuu taeat lnat egewart évén fwld tin h OFsIcE Reieif14 g-ewmT iuu.nseliilii fie f ache laééA. Troudllî. 1Eutittelast Wili sud Dynki knéw o! tbis affrighting hollow p,é the wmpr oevevy btiatesaet J. M. 1ruebdoll. déceaséd. anteret uuftil lhé camé upen rte 'chef's ta ehp îefutl h neiradI lpdsapydw* -fiI Statptni'ét. Chicango. et =m you bey. 'Benjain laGeorge. «'Unkueun ewDeref théesud would net upprulicb iîui3' nerer tetltprissiefntuth tror ditloéîepudow _______ldeotedhei or acté déaoibed la thé Trust Ih thsn was unavuiduhile. Coulît lie glu lyllig close te thé trocs onuthéicof thé tunnel lhad t isoutcrophbe.and thae enter hp or thé rock. BY Oi o F Brr ELSCOTT & BOWNE Lae Cuat. IlinisiB ooukd Ok f twist ails circumistauicete advantage north a. It uéadr.éThîrentai thé influences eo!train sud eaunhallex- sud carefully teqtins ail pouull- l~~R O~ F. BLfl'TERFIELD, M~o i~é.paue .#«' Chutesa duiér snd If Iris< snd lie wéré 511h strandéci there woo.amzi lae.Té50kteilcî thé weak point thus expose1i lu hé escertained that th.euW Clwnhù the anewun wners cf thi eaesttate a é d iligl n vrand h oî ael tsoé petosfeu-hc vaa VETEINARY SUROEX)N. t ~dérlbed lanthu i ll cf Complalt." tuheu aie supeustitiounsccli revers malt the ellinlalul wolttoe.ipgitins frnd Iroryea aSSISANT TATE ETEE5AMIA. --409 PWI SI-eet, New Yor -luCbnry Nu. 2742 , ~deput in au appearanle? le wold téplclidédetyenlotd éireydteldérmdiéetcfhént'orIoreltb luA TT EZI'ÇIA'."aolry afftiidedani t 'al; on Alépeddn hsgrloi,égt îfram in audurn'î junk iurprisid points of viéw. ut waa quite Inacces- ware thebranche of a ew Llhértyllié, llInols5deoeaedsi." Auowa élée oidevis ele légave way Dow-, If. hinutesîtet tak 5~~ éor devlsves ofJohn U L. R-MOrokes udicdIafemrfoa.situe and laeat dificuit te estiuuate se- aud thé extreme nlght of thé - Jamnes 8. Clarke. Jr,. deoeed." Elizabeth las Instant messures for saféty. lie ; TéIc assabd laeIpc curatély fromt aie grounît evel. Thé précipice, niarly ninitY jue A.Muted oh M Tîei Exonri su ~calédupn t brs lir-ji of etJnk' rifle "oulet, but clse ln- sallor was a man of action,. échs Truen apé 0mt. LYC('O*IFSCncuse, postii. editoriaie charaetér Eo o 1thé let Wllacd TetamnéliOf vestigîtion et thé trlgger guard sud thé néarest teltres and began te -and previsions. énit ho LYNCHie he ailyIntr Oean..odhoviseéd.erlashl W ~yadtré téotiothuient nyae îiscovery et certain unmietaieahié climi. Hé was net éîght test froum thé thet vin soreéorsof ab~elf T rem sdevli sdr l les liUaddesperuite. but hopeles. "&Mkonof Br.aW.dort hd no And, white hé lient is brws n vidences on aie beach ihewed that grounul beforé sévirai irds flew out tirce raysetfthe usont "knw wean ode oennu wryu hnlt h ee ~ théet)yak leader baît lest twe If net trom 'etyrcssfhlgthé air petlgcu tti ih hak-cé,bludé tobl o ium-debotlbéd in a Deeleretrore eII'chesaiutrlrelnra efbis 0ghtTaud -wli shleatclucing., ailngPcevit by ud o tclu Lieyl oucjn Auy eue sufering fruam Kiduey pain@, latine ltécrder's Giflée or a turnlngines fbs ihtbnd é tisun who wl také atose oai Viné-ies sinBeok J0 orMontgnei. olisse 'Se"Bolie ban omthlng moretaide bs -The devil také them!"'hé growletiruclln.e4 Phhe 87eib3ty7ll.L11. tigetyv illtare. n-"U"U on birowu heinf Jhn uoanr t de-visées a hecful psoinne nrse,,mauci&, The frble e'-d lbe;epe.omtto lTis ethéea tabllît upon rtlrlnç at nîglt @haul hé reliéveul Hasris, dodecet" AntL sa . tnkoWh f ail min te> undemrte thé marvelenassintenrenaednti. o i erdta h omte Tu eagnlebte liefoeémorang. Sold hyMWîtl HAcifLEY" mma G-.tuait. "UOkcowncourage and constancy oft voman ln ajrte stotnaé iéovulîtawakén Iris. He was s9111 Ila- hé musieit"Hie, tOM AXK.STEARNS .hryv nsd 1LEEPAMOY il e lî Jamnes, doeésd." lieamnlthieface et diflicutes and trials,.un eî frfrhrénépiéfrloiul omigbswyareugliu ebt . c e.ett LAWYEf nosma er Dote desenIbéd ta the tustcoéed Jenks was noeéxception h I, étmte cmh"ehé rartaeee.brnc e ri, a Or long«eticpnh 0 213 ashlgtouStret Araidet Si'w~MesIi~. recorded ln theBeéceédee's Office of Lake YndHe akm o ujacut le dreadid lest auj ot thé Dyaks wél knowu voles réacheit hlm trom possible ta1 shouli have Wankegau Maly people sufer fur yéars froni rbéo' PagiesM" and the. *'Uskuown evuers ot théetofmy advénturesl e " submidqui*jy, sel'éel izl one u 1. h rmi ui dti emu asaj 'Pon 261matopans sd isertadoso1'throsi u .ite ei'lbéd lu thé Bill o! atter Watehing hie peapléxéci expiée- ly te lire. tt wIIs au actuel relief te. "Mr. Jents, wlat on eartit are yjeuUpofl tis fDock oet*W by than také thé trong médiî'imes usually boe'accanent ho served UPOn them or sien l i ene for sone ne ie. bsnr-st ldta mrvad deug 'up there?"cac. 5i urT glu-eu for rheunuatsuuu, and knowimg that éîret hro ilheulhaviDeau bienled la thée lier toué almoît stcrtled lain, lis un- danmduîos had doué thelr work tue wiIl "Oh i Be those wretched towlmaea.n- Net untfl hé -reaebe he me . ujuickroblief from palsnuMay lhe lait mmply No i i<laent f d <>Oieiralen to thé aasuméed chéerfuhness was se enîcokat te permlit anxléty on îlot score. ed your' lie repIIEuî. could é lvethpue. 4EWSPAPERS Miel. E. J. tlsuoeby applying Cbamberlai's Pain Battunsald "*Uakuown heirorideviiet cf John fer, le gathéred thé glaes wordSs ad "Tes, but why îtid yen arousé themi" r'pvevd that the . vil ,f, ~~ ~~~~~ad Witbout takiug any médiciné inter- L. B. MutLrékén. dénicséd "'*Unhknown ree fteMiws i hl n . aafnyt os ywyo U u" u sh*" l MAQAZINESI Liilyilé nalhy. For salé by F. f. LOVELL Liber- b5oi or d i ut ofJaufi L'Clark. Jr.. «"No," lhe anstrérét. "I tueught; jeucreoo!téiauwtlalthénu. "bîafncteeetywy t 01hludutobh 1 Lbetyvll, 11.- eulasd Elzaet A.Bot nd oh cothImta ndoraA.ts , uueres ddhelJohnut PEIDICALS tyrilé and G(*SÂ-LÂirE l'AMAauÂu-' M. - g. ~Exoeutrlx sud £xeutér ot thé vere tco ovirw rouglit te talk ef. them ant éissd raint. 0Pl'~ change"' h idéfembcui hastO Wilh and Testamnent fir I W. Brt et préenr.suce fetia'vnguely défineci plan eftfu- "Hlernie liésérions." profile, White, seen luah ~~IGARS and -ho- ~~~~~devis oler elaentw eth nctieu . Overwrought! Net a bit ot It! brectoleaiedvtdsmat "Im TOBAO. PrtneBlck Tewekl Itr ceu ndfleIXI . W. Bort. dieaéed.'Uakcowa owuur was désîtbéat tb tue struggîî ami thé men et théir coarse garmeut n tflo mo rle ti o'serinsr, Thté snlliI ngetitut TOBAC. Polnechek.dhétrsix litéuOéana llookîinge batnairshéisUe udleiereHe O grwea arityet mal sarethrutuutcsIali Idetalen lakeORDRS er UT LOWRS EluiluTforonh Ii .8.asd hottder cf thé cola desénheID15a witb screamlug for yeu, but plaseCOllcé i lérlckn assipdthat inducés a maximum et gravty- erpdyktci éItst itkeORERfc CT PNDNT orouy ý&iIaaDé nofTrht ecrdd ntheUaivete Trust re tins'e erdédpln eé te saee iieoider'e Offie e toftke Coult. ile oI ul e t imaginé lth 1t ta mngolng te feint lk nétd b îu. T éé tig é bét eon ee takesthe next $tep."fniv ln vh h ____________________________________________ l Be ( t oiase. or or treat you te a dlsplay of hystérie h 5bea Maenuée tofr li daouk u llml0"T W I I (k*.~ inown bohen or d tesé s 0 yen l urfceort fout sem é sug'1t;lagemtéît. m ua1adm tI t o Frightfly Bw'ned. Harris. decsed." Ana L BariS. ow tuai al thée'-xctemint bas endaît. plants.TMièeonunhian hu I asiérluc. di.Yta >3 elued nit elibid4o, Cham. W. Moore, a macéléshfiMariJameodeFordd.pnilied me aside ou thé beach and rais- dlsturlied by thé black dorsal fduofsonbegon o et a x t an uldu Y itdibîédiié5lnaGoge daer ofî the d jour gun te lijitat ilosipour mauy shaîki. ~e h cuat.Te lnarlcrelfunS eapid eoroe dnfe Reoder R c vithm lgti hi Hvs e iiiguées; utthé wésthér conditions -muet lie kept costantrote iS oueia. cale rai n te mSu oat Aqikad f ue"1 ouypieoissdtl'nkcewu% perliapa t vas wreng te bluden r " héraldedby aie change ot wlnd wva e -ig. or désp-ustad mateIls gsuoya hei'G (reatéit héaler on eaîth for Burns, cer etofthé rosi estate disoihéd le thé "'Totu wére wnong," lie gravely itrrghlAuhétepto tthereén Ie." ebesvrbu Wew sud wt ammunutio. Tas&eét m Inesl Mad ceauleitLusiem Woundv, Sures, Ecténua andl Pilés. 2- Bill of Cernfbdat" lIaI tle aboie -Medl nupted. agma hécmlll uflsétouirisfstreve t hlnsévrtbut t.e aS-otvtiaapalnsu h 'ulet a e t el oicii " et Loi'*ELL's Libertyvillé and GîuAvsi.AKEaoeuliantlflled his 1111 ofeticmpîief Lu h ef n h rruosbace fli1go "k. ~s,éas.ed las i flaisele. but IlgW« s' Jenc i hacr ia leef Then jeu shoulît net bavé beesdd térét udté rmosbrnhs !stucmae tesléty In l oue thtelu-fHe rî*17o9 ou alltg I. - hm ad elutâUy he l.déliais msbruisePIiASIAcy._ruggsto. and tihat a summona theruruon sslimI oué.meNe, 1 dent mean that.Tou ai- thé taller treés voed the approach ofetoltauter alleutételer eandpollff Hig " e e lionandep h . s=rx h t a agis. .d he M oU~IktMail ikns. dfesats.ortéfrsbon thé froet daret sy cusde«m 9raNent a gale. A tropcalstorm-uot a typlicon. oî iraottéldésdepaistcgi, i etosi wohmhwW broutillhs. 1ucklest MSkin Akanssa faireateICoret geine ycosdîle ietdn' oabitoaivere ntontanameley 0 qro h. udt eae a nrIsol t"îmiilikétmn nthrau es" eTrnet tris CIreuit Court ot Lake mte ba jut oueu e- but a beliited huilr;of thé pejlodbis i oreeoin hthr té eéégoedvth tue tcia mess, les ahlaiuue ls mulîaater iwa5até 1ld u ae Curtflose udo bee atela sshaIs aig he kml. ticeaSdIa'thé retaration of nîy t%-viliés héutala teri fut oa' o araU A D.Ii.alanb11know al théUnieé that 1 amn actng or nlght. Heurs étrlér Iris rétiredité-tnhrstcartg fe hc o rslkceta u lie eas.utcothéuuscogin ati Wskéi.aa wîo sLuashi uéniu. klgtcoi wtrmu y thé évents ot the- dg. tuoy miglit bety aseut durng manj flrely not utW d.aUtom =.l ytpsbieèuing fr.mthé longs; and 1 atra uy Lws .BocJvCln.Thé unthluklig talvété of ber words ~Thé gelé chautéd a wlld mélody lunai twm éslî.aeltl i-turéatinil" leci goodforunete té torui géatei PUL ÀcGuo'x.OoplansotaàoioiOr.sent thé blood courslug wildhy tbrougb n>ournfuî chorde, anudthé noiséetfthé poiSBlétBstutltemmug i "agrtretn seo u- médicin.o. Dr. Kiu 's NeDséovéry forus - watery detupeur on thé tarpauhin noof muet nt Once atisfy htmmélf vhather enust. rt uîaY CoifléMWnyniglt î èuhiniPtoI uI h wuI i t wilcurr.Aeoi C Kels "eerI3mid. sbéllewét onutriit fBelle Vue ensie ras îucb as te rén- thé projéct tas Impliidtcalile or vii- 1expect art east s tartalorts g94 iiulftinif takeli in tinte. Myley u-uu r E improveil wihlî ié-ut bothle and twelve séts that 50 peu- cent, et théelieuses eanest -slmpicity. "<Lied bas liceu ber conversation impossible savé lu thy et tuniliér investigation. Novertlee 1 ilatent te set M-10 bottles completed thleur.o Cures thé lu Chicago e4her are lutécted wtub véry goeît te us. 1 cannot bélIère tuai wearjlng abouts. Se thé girl enly énjoiued hlm te i ulght May wviuetue Arst b worât- caugfus and îolds or mouuéy ré- thé tuerculeais gèrm or are breéding lebspééuéiu rms mauy Lncklly Jeukuî' carpcntry was euéec- ceretul, sud lhé rlgoreusly renewedthi tIhi siège." COUGE CURE sfudGli. Aisl. auusB. v.dugits. Bhgomlnds o .-L éééao ttédangers te permnit ns te perlai mis- tiré, thougli rongl. Thé building wrsclni tlssm wuyfv et "oju-ma kt~e.i PN oalbL0.Dwfl'CU"00. andoe5S Ocs AFdrau00grillitie t. Bomntn. éeeatro h ralily a fe fluror idays béforé belli ater tîgbt, and lie haît caikeb every from thé grounî, an accidentaI parthng -Andt my littie roont la bll*I Prop" bVIr. . Dffl"si 0.. hkog 50eanda _$100._ria_______toc. Rogers Grafin cempauy ai CroyBey, connes. And 1 doi mut te tell joti ex- crérc vice iunravéléc iloriauntil Irslu thé branches enahled hInm te got a veny coql' ThélNiElENDNTandth Chceo sut ! ère ts dsteyé ly. u-e atlyn-at luihîu#it"spartunu nas f refrontthé tiniest gooci look nt thé hîdgé. Gué gulacoset Jénki ain-sys accéptéitbuhou i TlAnshkhcg es fbrwsdsrye yfr.atywa bt))ieL rf.bis besét beatlng joyensly. Ir tas at *rnhhy. Akfer thé 1906 Kodeh Ahmanec end D)aily Inter Océan or thé Chicago Daly Bécauséetfbéavy reclpts ot grain "T3hen yen. uhail," hé snsweréb. "But dh rafo h xtra umi lntffenfeti egh I hle -Chronicié fuir anly $3.50 i paid un durlug thé lasit ew baya, thé losla irai drink ilis.l Théj lad reachéd Ther alay trye thexiratrm.lleew s atiistée tet ulstlhae I t" l, h anumoDottr 200 yîar Calondar. advauce.; $20.000--thésir campitng gi'ound, bncilhé hasténeoît atîin aluladytthe gller Sh nsafo bock uadnt uss pth ads n leur hé "1h m nt h e fle , 4W _______________________ Euréka.-Euréka -collège bas Jmît te procure a smaih quantitY of brandy. seunéesud hé ai er t-o.le ue bcukusaotu iesadrs, leendor thé flb e Qarterj a t olul 10.4e eelahrated thé flfty-flirt auulvrnany' Shé snaliowed thé @p= rit, hough bi ie uil muet hé éted- i ltlièwr îtearthe iel or tesfupln g urg ad me thebavé h*4 vu nt thé !ouudlng o! that Institution. seérely nééded ne mach adréntltlons léép ihé aouhîtnet Hé sokéb teet-r 'eiibpylacen-ard t e hu thé alt. ne@ einadhud*t.amt So m e H ar war Pr cesSterling. - Diseppolntéd 'lu lové, "Ail ngt," curimited Jenks. "Ifrbis imait stock e! tebacce n-as tast dil- Achamois could net nechl t rSm auj sftttlm aroand it Lt posuflo __________________________________________________John F. Brutcher, Bureau couuty, jeu dent n-ont a drink, 1îdo. ' mlnlshlng. lie rausackeul bis brama te direction, Irhmem accessible te man ae.." comltéd uIidébydrlklg aplt " eu. qile ichr t," she rtortéti, biscovér soe m -tuob ofescape trou> euly by menus ef a ladiér or e ballon, (To Be Coot'néd) eomittd sicie y dinkng pIt an uit belev ails ench-intMtlIsland, whf'ré faillies More éxcitéd by iis dIseovery tuait Crie cntmv. hla ackvithkandn....... 2o0 of whisky eotaing go grains et "Tour casé léai-ry diftérent. I kuen __________ 4 ~ '"~'i" ~.... 45e strychnine. ~tue men would ntshrt me-afier téjshdlbcoiffdfeltfltl i ae frIi ekuw ue l a 71s -~ a.ur ~Aton.-Eruest Lafftee, years ol, fa so ree indisaeane b etoftri gltful péril. o régoinédth ie grounît. Lànc.I.-Augnst 15 te If0 ONý 5 tisned maite forks vith strap.............. 55C stalloted thé contentietfa hottléetfpassed, I1 eu m ieennnta e ~cus i eultt aéklé "'l. h ed tD ealaotdtstn h iiCatna 10bx~ laod xe rse.......... 2e corn curéetiti suicidal I hiaemi. -Ple,.would are tmé. But jeu, Mn. tcks, Otiose le ug tshape Th e il,"sau>-lit,"tellily]abutudts.forthe inr pilé-k. 51he 10 boxé diamon azle gease ............ 25C lad tas despoudeut ovin thé death of hall te do théeiightiug. Yeu n-re caUaed hsfelwwoecad.Terai-t.1bytBanr ak.Téfl fi qaI ia tea..................... c h ate.upen te réscué urclous me. (G><d. pan mlght liaivcpreridéd asfaat désper. lié déscrlbédthé nature et thé cavitj exorciss.wil occur on WedauWt Lrge segalvailized tank heater ............. 2,90 .Asumption.-PéeerZucco sud hie clous! No Wonder yen vieré éxclted." sté exdigeiflubüe saags nue Incen55téaid e h nubst io oninAue ith5, esud ion, SoIdStelDoa hoel..............4e "buddy" rclvil $180 îach tor ivo Tut. setier nentall ipress bisln- Ob îIg Wi eie r e masneseme lu mui sudofmpg eiteî Hlm ros ix vî Stnu e vitho ut cau. Mu SoýIWSted om Shvels .................. 4 C véiks' voil etaithé coal mini lu tiis alty, te gras> te.coapléxtiés of aslienghtterithé él dve nsu,wahtémphnation et Itshileto maklea atéjmore thon It fuir deym Good famly hatche .......................25c cty. This la bllévéd ta he as much feunnine nature, but Iris rattled on: vIa sshémgt, ho conidtdevinet ate mlht n .-Theljhopete mké asuc Nail bamumsm.... .......................30C as a min em asevet made in mch a " ari yiue -in~ theéTavolie dîsateurgthéin,éxi attair. e "Thuyel stan aale t tii, Dycta aon eilugtn.thadnt Khchnt aïvs, et f trée ............... 25C léngil et t1im..pitchér plant atiS"waI iiteuing te ptué e thnI hé e ceran, n-uld tand "Ténture l couré tht thobséaldaIsYu o iathécsonvltéV 1e.......................... _________ greedy rente g'ritiug, avay toi béai la ceairush théDca eullbut cnde iceni oc?"eh .aaLumai$a0km0v00. 6'4é ti cheu k"C......e.... ...... 20c Ail oîd îCelle <ugutSymups binb thée nlie én sab<enly £uour min spreug lu frcer buh tha aeré ud but ds i e Ony tesru.ruaay1 pigil.TeBli t fientamoug the trois and seizeît Ifvéipe-rlit hubyier an un h Guytesi, ne!natl. plgll.-h Blhtf ulvmiaalz ire clothes lines................. 25c o loh. Théis lv rocg. A newidée ais hfori 1 cul. rach my fi itIfgutthééna, udli "liwen-nmeéseleespoor hamanlty is & Sotberu Rllvaj compumw~ Gafraize Ira vas tue.............. Oc as adveAcetd tvo- ée ami l ole'"sharp, but déclisive. PeihapsIf ifehte'- vbén tue vinelJe siripped. efri VWhyiuceiporated. Thé PriUîCIWN Savied aron s..........................50 baiesetlii hrel et ID ad tberWéithventa .l.Ts, e-té re. as tadcu- uémdent-aeInue- o -oelo- ee--a-%e- hénitfh

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