a glpuit îitmieîtra lioe pawîtabatt-e l it Iýbat tht- PrimesofCicoal, for the ýw at lut, Will ha gnatly ad- The TI i nal condition octr the- 4*y Lalte mérepet intht- saine.The #ctfeU îhutdown ii looked ulion ~eq0a«imity because tthé danger Of a fasie.la001 lmîeîatî.Thre ie wb to hagalned by horrowing1 WO over the mining situation. 1f M4vaae cornes il caniiot lie se disWam- des mIl would lue under diffrent cou-j EIIt)IOAURATE BIILL. b Mlu le èaring no mot-h about M ipàigoatirate bill it i. beginuiîix fti il» the scope anid porpù9.eof *rie wam A clear expoition 0f the sub- bas au educational influenc-il au- * - the- people at large b gel n W'.ugdeiatandiug of tha malt-er. liî..wmtaive Burton of Ohio [nad@ a ÎMh lua the, bouse Frday on the rata ile recaîved the montse.rionis at. " gvm toW aay speaker wbo bas ýW poe thi measure. jpictured at the oulual the changes bI o ba aawrougbt lu tha industrie. kMi1Yited tatua, inctuding2tba trané- luM idutrv. 'Ha sbowed the dob of akin4new conditions, regula- âbOfig one of tbe necesuiias ariug im tae changed oudllious. The 7 iqo realatioti carrnes witb Il ~~lyfor the power to ix rates 0hrpiay adjudicationinuthie EWpbuMrebill, haesaid, trikees t 0 doirkes for- aauing epecialpiv- i ibIô equa*carriers. It&W to iOVrtlalrgesl meuautoteqtialily n jicoipugotg localtias. The Oýd* iay bave beauln wores than Of rkt omsptgag iu business, but the w l@cmha hodo a cluh over the md officia. Ramuai bei suhjated w sa Iawsansd juriadletiou." lh rtob coecuded hy expreaiiig the 1batawakaned public sentiment dstroy the oppressive corporations establiahaasyotan o iudutrial de- sa n" * tbougbont the.- country, Pl ittrhiud by. rules of housty aud Ida legielsîlon lis»aàstep ile at î4,cllca,"1hesad. ",It à .declar- k laI organfued weaîlb muet 0# ta theIaw. la a dclartioe t lier. la nnrgaaized capital s80 t g 'Ibat lIa govarameul cannol a $tffluang baud upon 1." t ým D. Rocefuller bau dumped an- r tu"mnt of talulad imney mb toC og«o% - thef bleMCiaU niversity.j ýij"t poeeinaa day or two for c 6d Prim IUsbooil. jonffg mm» was arrestaul fur lbink- - l breakig m a juweîr'a wiudow. it kind of an offensa la that? Lots Mons id -varions parte 0f Lake tty au t tblg of "breakimîg imb" at offica aatalattion. W't lbers juil a littîa tooc uth noise. mg inade-çvar thal stahehogd bll? ýa usopa that Iis luiteet laisnotl iaetured for t1nç puepose of divrt. $ taentlotl Iroto tbe real wcirk 'of qpm-ate reauation anud tarif! A AHahg'GoçaeL -i '0 21v. J. 0. Warren, pastor 0f i~è~Baptsl~ac.Btlait, Ga., saya F48etlc Bitter.: Its aà(iodaend tb ouimO, Il cnt-ad me ot laîuar bock, &,olalg. and complie physicl ctol- p. 1 was 50 weak lil 10k une haf au or ow"alkmile. Two bottias of WtOc »4twsbavaeruade me no strtiug à" lut 'peikea t ree nmiles la 50iii- Iuê!4 M li 1kwalkiug Ibrea more. Wa Dow amou of me." Greatet Mlloi wuaknaaaand ahi Stomaeh, Or- nd ý complainte. Bold un- 2&Ai.ýAE.xgPH"AcIy. Prit-e an oleopte know what our - ulc dpartmant la »tuirot tutry. j14ems iuIe o! good ha.ith 0Ushrupibal pelsa lh u ý'Als. eretain a mo DESTIINIIES. Wideaprond Renaita Which FoiovW The Uue'of Otîr -"Want Ad9P -Coýluma., A PklRT6P TUB PAPER TUAT, BVBRVÔNP IREADS. Ilerliaps Ilere 15 ni) -hiiain luannewy-' ials.n bat is îeaui ily tuoti-cpeoîîlî-anti wliv iuioa m t hontiitithe itAl coltiai. Thîis depirtiietit hlilis il sort o! grasp îonî citý-ynider îwi opi-ks itl il palier.' It militl- tlîat lie liai-i "0o&m-ire îvhatevcr t10 'ilîî-lim ast uttheicc b that euriomitr1Stt- ie viat lias Ilieu lot or fouil. uî-huît liait straycdti r lct-t tolîn. or wlat soilicuno i. offering for kylle tir uishimestii hîy.(ft4en tfillcs tn iitlionglt of Ilesire i- lluUY is lîniuglit tii liglt and the t i-ilts ame aîanY. W~cetîould at-ouhuiit instcties liv the st-ort -4 leuclittie ails inii t Ihe i. t tlave u-îu liaviiiet.itleu- ini fh li uit yet1 cuiiir he ieilsoh5if slliflg prîipeity illiuu-uintît wfuetIlîuusuniso<fý i>llsr..luuIt. îuîîîî. N. T.,eàp te, reeidiiig o01 ti, nl <illitîîuitt PIllîPIc--'b ,oiii itil t uî uof _iluiiyvllle, detidpel fui eeIl iii fariuî. lit, put a îvîiut ail in tietý Iahi tF tn in theiitlî -otrw ofut, fait daië eerye la ithis puit of the- rcuîît thelu e hwr as dispowictiof. This elttu- lîiuisou, NViII Slutc. dicded thaf îîîghît a 11111e ail in Ibis lmnler for i-t on four w-t-tks and as a remuIt worii vs sient luîii thuit probabiletw îent:x Frms werc for sali'. Ha fnallY Pur-lageil e Eh. Harris farniMe. Harris haî- ne-diately buyitîg the- E. J. HaAon place. .111le "Waiit Ade l-in h ie NON us shlle destinieti antI sometlimcs ange n matis wlîole future. C. Il. Figlheprert-catly lott a sipirit rt-I. AIl trace of il w-as gone. Affu-r earchiing for it anîd iuqluiring of bis rieudeihe decided tlintlhe liait better try Ln ad in 1h15 palier and as a result il as returued to hum by a maen whio liait ound it and iva kaepiug it au haeî-ouîd io1 locatoe a w-utr. Last fait George ingar, of Libertyville, ffarad a lions.- andI buggy for sala and within a day altethe ladailappeared the utfit ivas aold. \îîiàither iarty adcer- ied fulI .blood cis-kerelil for sala.. Lii, il wbieh tanafuir sert-rai Weaks costlbbla lsa than a dollar an-d as a resoît lie solti about fonty o et ii-lirdseta i dllar t-ath. Tht-se adt lavitin the past yt-ar oîti ousas andl lots, ferais, rau'overed ls afit-les, soppliedliîired giriîj te homesi and phaces ttoottwishiugemployient, hava reeovered sfrnycd. horst-s sud a cire anid calfthat îuandeW ed ba ieighluurim pilaci. Moîuay litit lias bet-ti retorned oiîing to the- adi and lii fait everythiu> -ou can thiînk ot exept a witc hait bt-ci golten or udio" ofetby tbi miens blatrimoiaialsd have net beau commil uia Ibis lotality andfiougli tht-y might bring -Widespraad resuIts we ivihh oesf bhat lu tlîis oae alepetthere'la a bett method of obtiifingmso-tescthau a w-ail ad column. We make luis excelttioîl alone. 1- mtate Of Illinuois. coutaorLake. se.; :inahecircuit court Of I<sk. Counn, t'O lb machi arai. A. D>. lae. TorsRuissalaad Willam»B. Pester vi Mari lznmh Dun».Mari £11about leubonlMur3 a ry . ana, b àr,- eteele. bunuer fX. lQhuon. aiet (ohuson, AIda» Wmbb. -ekikowi baIre 01 lavis... 0f John Rou. deceamlf." WillIa G.fla. a -;hontle i. filrait, BIlaés SAieti te arraIt, Maud Boyaton Mary B oflureP. actm. ôeora. i lits rt ,Mare H..fitarrait. Mary B. BStrart Aldea H. Webb.A. 8H. WebbEmma Wabi Thomas Th9%mpson. 'l hl Ar.AIa É. Webb. ,u uï,y .NMarrie .ldaMe.Alm lIar, Howard aY. CamisineBey. Cerrl, à Jgerrick, Heury- Norma» MaryJ ontmait Chalea ficbwebe. LUzzie Bchwebe il o ~.Meu.Ailes à. Metn. Rübai Day LêoJ. Vahi. Unknoiru owna-rai l i estate desutrhhad lathe Bill i comaintle." la Cliaucery. NRn. 2743 Sfastciryaffidavit, Ibat opon du, mnuîty. eueh of the tiefeudanta Ma Elizabeth fianhuru. Mary Eliiahet janbora. Mur B. Sauboru, finmuer h chanuce, Lucretia Johnson. Cenknou halte uiî devIissutJohn Rosa.'dlased.u Wîil 0 . filerat. Janule B. f8ea 'plsai fet-rtt. Mary B. Btarratt. enr Y. fiharret, eo lF itrtt. Mr R. arrti a . Alrta t.Thomi Thaipse. Charles Schwohe, La] fichwehes sd tii. tlnknown ownerset0f rwe atedMarbedinle .BiII o! om 1eh cannot b. Ioud noieth"t ureesa ua Cannt bMarved reue ub. rh. laiM tilai aml tIhe deftedaitsAId6 H3. Wubb.A i.Wbb mm puM M.w 'pb. ner L. Matrck, Ide Il A ardM4.Hay, Cue Beyar i fNtIk ourI MBear ae i trefadeula r.enfli.d In. flceof hathe kot se Court. Notice le tharefure hbehy a tn n i sald Mary Elizabeth Sanuera,Ms Elizsath lanhorn. Mary ILE.99h fimer B. JobneOi, Lucretia Jobsoo "Un ucwmboaeor daviseo! ofJohn Rois daeseed.'William G. filerlatt .lînn B. liltratt. Wliaem fiterist. Ily Ster Geoge terrett0a05 I larrat.Thomai TboaipMari <* ,art .uhwabe. lzzie 13.h.weijgc owaersof tha ieAl 19taz.dcw aeit Rii of Cg)aiuîlinl.Aldan .'pebb, ilterrt Kand Bo tn. 13dnH.S ahi, aiF . ;K.t a Q e.A. Merrf as. ier, Ais af0~er.f~ uj hatasaIrnonu f ~ et tOb. et fo ~ LerEw.YM it Dr s M la 'r of t. ma re s.r M. ID M, ai a. lem 'r )VI a. for tht-lt property aud othcrs e.liug aI a gond figure, Mt Kimbal. who faeaînpioyad hy tht- Wlhhr Lumber> Coaipany. hnd tht-F risforlune to apraiu bis aukie last Baturday and bak, beau unabla f0 work1 the paI wt-ek. 1 &E. J. eydecker and wifa, ot Wau- k;egan were the guesti o! Ed. hiooittla and wita Monday.> tir. aud tirs. John Zangt visited at Libert.yville SuudaY.1 Carlyle Druce viitad frit-nde lu Chi- t-ago sunday. Mr. andtirs wiu. Atwell @peut Buday at tht- Kirteingar borna. Mise Clara Mddleton ls a guaaf at thie Flary borna. .Flremaai'S Damce-. Eî'cnythiug is heinîg put in>readinasa for thae-nireaus datact"iday cveîliug andI t hiefireinaiuaarakigigreparaions terîkc bsa great n sot-t-tas as tliosa lu the- past, Excellent music liai beau an-vuittd for attnd the bail will ha dat-oratad uîîîd lit iii gond shape. Supper w-il lie servt-d atG(irlal's restaurant. Couie auud hîie a good -ausa aloîug. At flue Wooduîai hall. The Merry Cobbler. The îplay, The Mrry Colibler, given t2yv borna taletf(tr thet- bt-t-tt of the Royal ,Neiglbuors ou tht- evaîiags of Thuraday suîd i-riiiay hs a :, ani-ie ht-ilIsit-t. Shieelail lrait- la dueuit 10aeh and avery- ouie îhîo îarliiuatedl in tht-presenutation aîîd îuuueh --tdit i luitheii- IoyMl Neigihore b ithose efforts tht-Pluay Was dute. E. Wald, th- lero is a bonii acter anîd je perfectly kit home on the stage. ,Miss l tfie tblason, luiaf îe ibd lit-r part gre-fully iihuîivitg tht sit e buwcll uuiî la tht- arttut luve uakigNlns. Il. lihielock xqititoîîk theî tragit hart t-idenct-d evileau-e of iîîucho-cîtue und ahiity. Ploof. Munltîge. iii tih.rule of unt oltI tmatn uilfirefluer out itlbisBsituere btn atted the part w-t-l. Jesse Longabeugli es villien dihl justio te a lonug amd heutvy part. Dr. Harvey wa tht-t-uwith the Lgoods acting flue liaite! a prîvate détective ,and bhoz-flgltcr. Mes. William Kappla li a uîinor rt et-d rwith ease and grace. Chanhiaie olî%vas rutlict a tiguuflleî ton, bol golt t-ert just the- saine'. Miss rNellie lrown who wai a ptrt,11111e îuaid iia a Irait store aett thue part in fine sty.le. Spatial îiraise is lot-, thet-I titi girs w'ho ail aitedl their pairts well. - Ilawet-u thet- Setand st-ondiaiints Enri Thomusont eurprimed hb ioauy fiefids by the reudition ut e beautitol eeroîîet solo. T iha dutI hy Léonard Ilouk and bile itattershali unaa a inner. Tht- many Ifri»nds uf Eogetue Bullivan w-re glnd toi me s Iim bebind thé footllghta once tmore. MWissAua Ballataball asao tavoi-ed the taudience wlh a verY'pleasingsumio. MnS Sidney, pCeSd vasorganla ist the, oevening sud piayad beautifulf, -meu ver>' dfileultleectioiis. -FrOun6ege»tuiîg tui md the. ai was a fluanelal anud Plslela thaet Ual,.for sorm WANTED-Young work team. Muat ha aound and aIl riglit. Will puy cash. S. P. Evîaiziti, Libertyville. FOR SALE-Good farlît horse clîeap. Inqîîre at IitDEi'ENDENT oflle. 4 FOR SALE-Barred Plymîouîth Rock cockertbu. C. 6. Rî&.î,lockefeller. 181.2 LOST-Iu Wautkegau or on C. & M. alectrie, a bill book containing $62. Black leatlier. îaarkEd "Comîplimient@ A. Ki1lhnîan. Libertyville Hotel" lteward will lie given fer relum t10 F»ANE REîumcH, Libertyville Hotel, Lib- ert.vville. FOR RENT-Thîît part of thie Norton tarai aIlRockefeller ao called, lying nortlî of the highway. PAt'L MACO! F FIN. excellent trayaIt-r, five yearq old, weight 1200. JCOBt l>lETHORN), Libertyville. - 19-2 FOR SALE-Bay mars 7) years old, weigt 900, top buggy nearly naw, brasa trimrned harneas@. blaukets and robes. Caim. R FiN are F. Kiioi, Lake Zurich. 19.2 FOR RENT-Afler March 1 a modern house witb aIl improvernanto. In KuebkertaubdivloionR 110V ELLII<. 19tf 1on't daceive yourself. If you have in- digestion take Kodol Dympepea Cure. It wlll relieve you. 1ev. W. E. Hocutt, South Mill@. N. C., says: ý'l was troubled witb t-rouie indigestion for several yeara; whataver 1 ata seenied tu canse heartburu, sour tornacb, flutter- ing of rny heurt naud general depreasion of nind and body. My druggist recoin- rnended Kodol, and it has relieved me, 1 eau now eat #tnytbing and sleep soundly at niglît., Kodol Dligeste what you eat. Sold by ail druggiste. REAL 1MARGAINS 41IN RML ESTATE SOME TOWN LOTS We are offering f rom oua lu ive acre Iots on theI)yiîiond tarin adjoining town on the eletrie rose, station on the pro- pert. Do yoîu want a lot large enough f ralittle fiarin?' Wil build for you if deired. Invetigate at once. FOR SALE-ItusinfflA lot on Miwaukee Ave. FOR SALE-ýI700 six roolîl boufe. and large lot. . FOR':SALE-,$2000 six rowou htse- Furnace aumd ail modem imîirovenîents. FOR SALE-$2400 @eveui rooni biouse, new, niî-ëly fumushed. FOR SALE--Generai tore in Lake county, doitig a ood business, invoica ahout 14300.J0.ewLhis la afine propo. sition for'any one wlshingto0engege ln business. iFOR . SALE-Gobd payiflg bakery and restaurant w'fth hatl facilities. * ong lease,mtagi arifice, lu "fast egrowiug North Shore town. * LIis Your Itauses If you have ang houssaeto reut lIaI ethein with us. People area waltiug for th. DYMONO & AUSTIN AGENOY, PI-octor Sok l syIhllinlos. *For lbe wotld'a 4W* pt T1m.DaII wW 0à w 1Qj"114ý_ *Cod L. Y. Sîkes, ftorierl.o li«nCt lattè har nf Iils of Mr awson oraoutaaYUe lowa. a weli a 10 doreani lest i lies I)ierhao;pd tht. 1i ore Of Fm'k Lawson and will nlorse here the îRATE-~5 eete er fin frt asc Iaeriloâ aued fanaily uflniove tu Cal boru 10 in e h etS Trme ahI dieaW ijea futre.lot lbiestt&b. us aIla"a sales paMln nearvaoe fIture. t- b mail cash muâe- 0 miss Manîle Turner rptîîrîed froniiOuomPttfYCOPltO.iflure, isentiou. uEoîà Diiwiirs (irovp Fridny wliete hm a ________________ speît vini wck viitig fians. FOR SàAI..E-PoreiredltarredflynioÙth Rock îoekat4ls. B los oN(Lny, 'phonîe Miss Mary B-ook entertaint-d Miss 2t wslIcr. of Miî.ligalî. scvteal days this 4$4 Lib)ertyvlilsi,. 2t wm ' k- ..FOR SALE OR RÉNT-Farileof 280 111t3- Sîver i ad.- et tripte)*iie-ugo gacres wlthiin 2 tuiles. of a crearnery, Saitîrduiy.. botlliag tacloty and sihîpiing stationl, Mr, aiid Nurs. Wunnciiî llook, ad iiquira Of -orner J. *AY'NSL>.Y or PAUL faiîîily, of (îrie vi.ited Mr. anti Mrs. Me(3qFiis Lihrtyville.. 14-tf flîigt- i-r- liîtînule. .FOR SAE-My home p)roperty ou New. Nie. anîd IMrs. .11 -il citertîuineti a fewvliryaeu n nielhm nUo friu.iîîlelit <'i lridayev eikiiilg. brYaeu n i da oe0 oe avenue. The liespest proipostition lu Mir. VifIesseii. of 'liî.iigiî. -alled line town. C. H. vh iu.174 1riiîy. 1.. uity o jMr iri~ititta oniwuth-< FOR SALE-44 acre fumeî. iood liu lak pioprtynI ir aatnn o Foîrti.proveniants. A. L. WLtiîî, Libcîé-ty- i4îkc athi1 ii ia-t a So . i, VIlle.7-tf. siuiiioii toffel. of West Mdhîltiiny, FOR SALE-Lot on .-iii. Qf Milwan. t 1111,41tedbliillstehep 8 (ýg.v-cee avenuhe îîîl. I ilivîoiîu il îviiîîe. I iiii.uit i lîîsîîec lii atirdiy. $850 if teiik-eu ait i-iý..S. L. 'fîîîî, Ly îîîîîîlt-ewis euni afre.i e xiî - i l'ile.-tvillîe. 17-3 Mr Ilal. ut(lii. Lt-,~ti îî iiilb ,tenii nnd puillî4e tir saI le-ncPr t ptio1icilt~011'. B. M iii î x_ lix L I.llljiois. TI t- e Ieiiviiî-hiiî nt Co -iiiitii17-4 1aùre, iig a lig business îiud w llsOon iaiý i 1 luivii îîoit îîîoni andt nitre FOR n. SALE-$ttuiiiiîieni- i-oilt rule oldfrPný t iýt ive eit'l'eu zke I-l i is. -li 1.7-4.N iii Clark andi iîiitlîî laiitl-'rofDa.v FOR SALE-A 65 v rr.-farnîu ti-sof ae-i-ot Cak îîî i nl, ii ioi is- ia..*7O ia-r ntxe. , I'.iyi .Ni.ttý I -e. aie wguesta of, luishI)roieri. E ri ik LELiatil.17f Chiek and failll.I- Attorney- (rviii. o!fNaukt-giiii. uam FOR SALE-mLarge bîffuîhî o be. (al lucrie on buhsiness Saturlay. at Ibis office. 1M-<2 Miss Stella Miler, of Lake B3luff, spent FOR SALE-A fine îîilî ini exîceIlent qeveral daysa aIthle .. J. Longnbaiigh running order lu a towu or t :oO lhabit- borne at w"t-. unts On C. M. & ýt- 1P. railroad. Sur Clifford Shanka basm returned f ront the r oundii oitry good. New englie. sebol f Aricltue a th Unveritynew husiiiaa Will st-l eheap owiug to aof lof giclus.ttt-lieriypoorbcallh. AddrasBox 4f1;(lraysifike of îlnos.INEPIENDENT, GrýYslake Ille. tf. Attorney Paul MeGufin ivas a i-aller at Graylake Monday. POU LTRY-Pure ht-ad blaek Minorea Real estate iaon the'boomn in Or cakr-afral. m c L. V. Lrsîc *fP- - . eV. ...L<OGrayolake. 111. R. F. l).No. 2. E.WaPARKHURST 1SHANCK BLOCK Plumbing Perfection Youacannoz ccrrcn :oG nuch cautuin :' ,bc selection and îperufiza:ion. of votu u' ing fixturei. T1u-i -usrucion mali uu-n of ins:,-a!.u'tnn are of paramoulmî importuinse te ou fýuc2 "ou... -il-egoi hcaluh. 1Hea"rh ii hantd bl'au4dw fixuunes wcil udd a w aîthu of h-al:h to your home. Their im- maculate îuow -white pur- - iy and bemuty of design - are ithouut a peer anud e cecn picce lb guaran:eed to tuCar. - Thec reputation of this famoui ware an.d our ouvu ga utilae for doing hig'. - -, tlass ut-ou i n 3 une cyou i. f plumbiuug ofhigh chiracter. -' .1\ ~ Let u -îinîr for -ua. W~Y ~ C ît-i duo it clhc-r.uily antiwiuhouu cost. W'nether -.- you au-e going tob'uid or neo.-1, it will pay you tu examine the fixturet wc bave ou di5play aud get aur prines. ALBERT W. LICIITFELD LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.. SFRED CL'eRl< -merchant Talor- il Vise is$Otmet 0f Yasblouable 600dS for Wluter;Wear at your IllsosI. UbertUvuNe. lis WBi The ramuon Dr. Da4ealtthale Uar MPi ake your wauts known through ont Ulve perfeet satbdution le dus 10 Iliitwant coluain. 1 taik effet.on the ivelyr. They evr Bind, blaediug, ltchlig asud produiug gripe. Bol by WmtL HACKLET, Libertyt iaf r utnl eivdb a e L ,W.nd~OAYB flAIACY. This- 'emedy -la put up lu collapable Just a l1til. Kodol alter maa iltubes wth nossel.- attachnuMt, t. bal elIve. 1ia baltIhng, 0tou lb lismoicnemu ba appWtmlnad diect *tUO4 aul. S7ipbfflguo! u~ibe Ir 'phm 9lb.trouble orikataa. Mao wi~l 4UI ?dmg raé.slW m iaatly. 'pby hiW4I.& Our BEa"k-tip-a-CoId tablot& are nained 1gi.When we eompQunded the formula - fort hese tablets we had not declded upon pâme for them, No single names we could think of seemed to express what they werre- a simple, effective remedy for colds. fonaifij we- decided to matiifftéture a namè' for them. So we àiinply" jo;i.ud the 'Wordà together that told what the tablets would do and simply- called theni Break-u".a Cotd Tablêts. That is just what they do- anîd nogt easily too. Price 25c. LOVELL'S DRUG STORE Corne To The 20th Century CatshStr For... FELT BOOTS and RUBBERS. ontr Stock AND ie RE~ m1t Highe8t market price paid for al kinds of RAW FURS chas tempel LONG GROVE, ILL.. Mear 1 mulity linew thp ferm was Wr, W&BIO jýl eý- -L Weeklu.Price tSt 10 IîK. Pure.B~wea k ' <talion eau Table Syrup .......... fiuart eau Table $ynip ............... 1, N. 0. Mlalim,...e .......leu ()riola Paueake Flour cr pkg ......14 1 lb). eake Paie Maple iSugar .......if N. Y Full Creain Che~ e pr l . . f 0 rrole Segded Raisini,. pound phir. . G Tliankogiviug clpe e-urantp. pkg.l09 Moîjarcl, Mince Ment per pkg........10 Yellow Crawford 1'eelia sper 11)b. .e Faiicy California l'runîs, lier 1lb....«lc lthredded (cilut, lier pound. 20. Ponstula Cereal. large îkg ............ 330 (Irape Nutai. 2 lZmkit ................ k Pettijohn'A Breakfaslt Food. porpkg. .130 ilaloqt<îîî lrî'akfist Food ier pkg. ..14C BAKERS GHOCOLATE, cake: . ic BAKERS COCOA 8-2 lb. can ..20C FaîviteailttWi.pe-r 1)b............ 0 Ne-w Navy lleiînu per I,..... 1 Ca liforîiliîa ia Ilanspe-r Ilb.... .. SIR.-led Poîp Corn ~Il 1,............... Ao,- lilLP ltoijpid l)atë ver lb.......... 4 (;rtlniljlited irlwCîru l pAr l. aow Arii & lfàii hi-r t'is, îeund pkg. .S Strin.ii i oil ler via.............MGs ia litrtet ri nrlies uer tt...1... -..s Mudjýard . ........toc 1 lbcAîî tSalui >1 ................ ...IZ 1 lb briek lîîîee m .....a......IZC Ilit ltdttlt- <atm ........ ... . . O Mianzanilla- Olives jier bfilIe ....109 Prepa4'iA d!oustared k .......S Monarvh Conîlinsed Mlk ver eau. 0 Ynelit-Clîîb Assrîrted Soup pt-r anA.l0 2 Ili ean Early J une 'eas ............. tOC *) lb eail Sweet Corn ..............t.. OC 2 lb eaut6rennString fitans .......... :1 lb ran Dakled BIeans...... ........tS 31 lb <ail i'unipkin .................n 3 1l1 cau E4gg luisu..._...........to 3~ lb eau A pplem .._ ............... 0 3 1 lb eau Extra Tiomatoei ...........ki 2 lb eau Nliced l'imaapl ............ f 2 lb eau Blneelierrie...... ............ O Package Fine Table SlaIt ..........k...f .10 lBara Ameican Famîly b$uap ... . 10 Creani lil .........8&9 10 Uaple Cit SoaO.&......... aft 10 Swlfta Wool Sop.oanialimIaSP 10 liaraLenoi Soap... ............. Zf S'4Toilet 8Soap in box ........... f (irandpae lWonder Tar Soap. per barAc4 lIait Lu 'mp Staicb (in bulkl, fparlb... P'ound package <losa)taru ..........l Perfection Le ier pr au... ...........0.f Extra atrouxntitnmonia piet bottle..10 Perfection Blning fier boutlea..... .o -) dozen wood loîbes Pins .........k ...f 3 Ibo Waghing Soda.'.................k seourlue, lier cake k......... .......s Sapolio per cake_................ .. 7C lBon Amipewr cae ............... -.. Parlor Matchia1(504) bx> il boxa...100 Gallon <iii Cana (tin>)............... . Long haîîdla Vire Shl ..............f Rlîiîug Suitî fitve Polamili................k Aibemtoms Mata, t-a-h ..................S E. E. ELLSWO RT1I LibertynIU N. F. BAIRS-TOW' MitNuFACTURR 0F Marbie and Granite Monenu s Cemetery Work of Evcty Descr1ption Corréopondence boiicited 16Genesee St. Waukegan zoth cemury C»bý5to» Ulb«tuville, Imnois 1