CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Feb 1906, p. 5

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~Gs- 1T PAYS TO BUY, IN QUANTITIE Ta£> shré?wd, economical housemo ife ib tiie wuuîin wo .bysber j" p froducts i quilutitis, !%aily i veryoninv>t. 0111a etain quatntity u1 janîs, pikehreiiirvî <1etc, ni thé fal and Inost pl14fevlna upply of potat-ipm and ttlntosabout thénitt leary 1* lata your advantage toa ntif-ifate future wanti ut canuîed goodés, Saour, et-. We ilwuysr quote a low jirice n ouiîlseu lots in cauned ýlgools - - - - .. ....ý1- . .- - - -."" . . .. f tthm i n.wP i,.. .%#Kd imi-ytvui gel iett*r gnodg. Thi' sumontisr.' lmia siortagé lu al I lunes Wittelenmt fe%%- e4xeo.tiun , goods loîîghtnoiv lu dozeli lois will mave . yau i e nat i. Tlieji agin. rîîuist jolibers méfl eoiîuiletclly out of tSesI . (9, 1IGci.2 quality goms arly li tIf.. seaon unit uuknowu uiivi nfirior hraoits areil40 6j-W r I uei.esarily uubstituted. Its a- long tisîîe tillI sniuîr i-une aain. OleIe, iÏ21mi Whîy nul tep lu anid et ouir;riîces lui duzén and <'oeIît.For li.r i w o o 9 'tance Mésîn Peu t ofAierica (Coui$1 lier d.îzeui eau. V . 0)11) 12 10 tà -r ..... 1 -11.1 1,12 12 , 124 M 125<i pt240252 2i J. ELU TRIGGS,- ANJi i >"'R-4121 4.. -4521 I'RO IRIFT4 R , C,49) Il i I Mers. Itatter la sRTnuuuV- MVU-WWM.IUI-UhfU %UIIJ. UUEUvu! Lo We can please You in Watches And Ail Kinds of Jewelrg - ANDREY ý Rlss UIDERTYVILE X X X ILIOIS S,,~ m ~ ~ ,,, y irui,~ We are golng to sacrifice a large collection of odds and ends in Prints, Percales, Sheetings, Waist Patterns, Laces, Ribbons and other items of Dry Goods. We want to move these goods, having completed our inivoice and assembled ail odds and ends for this after invoice sale.. IlChidren's and msses' cashmere and, l al wool hoe were- 25e and 40e, o Il this sale Ag great many other bargains proportioflately low in price. Smit- 8& Davis TEA ANP: COFFEE LEADERS Liboety*viII, li. Pickd Up tiers mI here MAS BUSYùý SESSION. To Meet County Board Neit (If r 'v ~i 'i - C f e- EL~C RIC W. thtnk tb.Vrouind hog got a gand I-aturday to Conter on look at bis sbadow. Water Main Propo. 'bu"w' iviio About thirty cblldren p.'rpetrated ai___ Oclt Surprise party on Hazel liutterfield lust N WSBIVBO ______ Friday night. NEW SUBDIVISI lieBaSyes & Beaboru are remoilifig thp __ olad Woolridge abopi which wvilI ho fitted lt uthe council meeting Monday night fîup for a residence. iiiiih of the time was coiisumed by thé josphFiad will erîct. a bouse o)n'financep committee in auditlng tbe Il < _ < Firot otetlin benear future. It wifl regular ionthly bill s ad pasng them-i î _1- 6 w 26 6 i beaon the lut sadjoiulflgtliti Murray borne.I but considérable other business of il' 7 (y 67 il 10l 7381 740 40 0 7 t o--M, chiÀes (ryotallseld Ginge, an legant iluIpurtancO Was cousîidered and MI i o §4 26 0 M04M ginger éoniectian. lSoll odîy fiXdisýussed. 85g i 9 w1, 9 Oil 91I 040 046 958 ackle 'sat 25et.ablei -Uhairnian Miller of thé Buardou e 1-1. - oIa Pata orhîlmMass. Supervier@ Ïurapreseut to confer withl il 58 i!il 14 15< j pending the week wit I Ili'. and r.t ct itahre Iregardiug the extension 1281 m)1 (mi 118 Win. Fuller. f u the water mains te> the couîîtY ferni 2 1 - 'e 226 2 M Thé E. W. Biittértî'lil forte near 1but as yet nia definite agreement bas i 5 0) 3406 340 l. Leightod ham bem rented fier the .coining! been reached hetween thé county and i 18 4o 4 or,2e414 year ta August Buesîlîiiîg ot Prairie village boards. The two bodie.s will 45 0)1450. 18 Vmenet at tie Pour feai noet Satur4w, 60 l 0 l; ls-I-itt)afre nt6î,ra 3denin atternoon at 1 u'clock at wlîiîh tinie thé mi 7 0 2e02 trt t b gv46nitTj 758 nglt tvillage council w iII hé expected ta 500 100 <0 ic Mxba bore o Cîî,k venu au presllint a Couleter propositioin te the 9 .i 0 9 4r, 9 ,s county board which bas alroady madei liii 10,10 11) ol 10:l. Brainlard court. I 3d0ý Il te) Il i i Il5- .Johln Liînberry iiéil -1 t1 ii' h 'The county ib wiiling to lay iliains was leaving bis bousi-c3,1-llly iiglit froiii Fair stre 1et, the end of thîe. i lage - tî,llîng in §ioel a iiiiiiiî i t i.tri 'Bains1U.. f lan dto tue 1't visitiug at thp honte ut tilrl' il u ru. tarin the water te be used orîly in cese Thbe çIioffl upper hl t Thursday lot Élre and for the prateelli11 -of the nigh at.î rehoieraiiIîîrchtnrned cîîunty jeronertv theé-%vter ta hé iti. about thirty-elghird,Ilt0 into thé 1 furnished fiee bi thé city in returu for »w retur.iéd the latter treasury ut thé sociéty.1 the layin)Î ofthe iîîains. . ek front a trip through Friday 0f thtis weék a fîîrl-w cil party Sewer Malter up ^gain. is tu be given et te Fo11lîtt hiome sonth1 The couracit dccided to advertimé for tberts. ot L.ake (iqueva, Of txuwu, in bouor of Fr-if and ý-Ual bids for the construction ot a sewe na tew day.' with Mrs Follett wvho leavé seuiîlficr thé Dakotas. purification plant and outiet .seseer. Fran Wison retuii.d Mnd I This matter it will be rémeîîibéred was nmitbentertained anumbér i ail arranged for test tali but uwiug'tu a mo0hug alter a vieit oh a couple Ot difreuce ini the figures ut the village opie at lierborne laist inrn adiffe Nrt ILwes-with bis ]ilrut n .rt engineer and thé contracturs tbe wbole Carolina. H1e says it is wnrîîer îlown da mcle f stoct rlar on, ut Culoradu Springs, el'a cledof sth itrrésr [bis @!@ter, lirs. E. L. tr. lacked the. necessary fundlà for the work. iek Thursday. Yere Bîrothersà"buty illngt ir ts eaied blde will be received by the bouse at the mllk bttiiig pleuit, Trigg8 ,oïncil at the rouais occupied hy them otdiphtlieriaare réporté lafhln i 0 bouse frira the Iae at their ting unteeeigo St ock starm udt Liertany-i tieirehouses lu this viciuity, are March 9 at 8 o'clock the, bld. te nov.ea sthe iug ant iert-eiug filléd as fast sapossile. opened and read at 8:30 o'clock sharp. - lim asthequaantne Thé intant son ot _Nîr.and Mrs. Subdivision Accepted. Powért entertainéd the Wllbur Meredith lit crihieallY iii with Blue-prints ot thé plat of the Griam' he bMetbodist Ladies Aid peritanitis as thse resit uf an abes subdivision on Milwaukee and McKinley whlch formed lu the bowéls. Drs, avenues just south of thé. Electrlc rose! Jnoo At lirom at a Taylor, Gallowai' and Kniglit have been were ehown the cuclwihvtdt ng. A pogam asin atteudauce and- the lit lle ones déatb accepted the subdivision accoeding ta reshmeute served. bas been hourly 1è"red, the plans. of tbe Catholie cburch wili Fraak Hrlgton advertises .n Thé bonds ot City CollectorSchanck .rty luist Monday evéning auctIn sM=othi- hosehold goods and were aise accepted. This office la a new, ualf for thé béneflit'.ot the farma stock for Peti. 22. H1e bas sali bis une ta thée'village hairing beau but oîlîîssoioCs teut-fvemifk business a F _E Ober»on. of récently formed ta make thé proposed ýcharged and plnying wiliRaine Thé pénuiman farrn will ha improvément matters which are under :l at M a'cloc-k. rm by Fid Foley. a relative ot Oberson 1way more pisalla. 5Blake 0t Chicago will *hocýbmeg front the saine placé. li the matter of payaient» ou thé ay evéniug Feh. 9. lot 8 A Prarty was giveni Wednemday ilight bond, Mr. Schauck statés tilet many, oMéthodist chilrcb underettehm oJhnN meJ.,l are:; meeting thé psymfnts lu whole if thé W. C. T. U. Theuttéom ut.îl Nme, ' 0 insteai! of waiting and paylug lu ý "Gond Citizenshvip." No honirie. of s.Nuiîv York, wîîor. Iesivinstalîménts as in allowed, thus saving li hé chargéd. Remember (aml herlitcéni iii'east Suéwill inake thé interest uîoney which: faite due with ýe lier bonme witlî Mr. tand Mro. Niimsen in eacb payaient if tlhe other uuethod i. tead was lu tawu. Wednes- thé futur,. resorted t. ing copies of bis@100w Edwin Austin, ot thé hus;tling réal X SPORTS sud AMUSEMENTS X .le directory Io thé must estaté tirmi of Dynioni! & Austin, states Thé Four Huntings wbo are playlug a issuéd of Lake county and thst thé greatest difficulty un&tr wbich three-act version of their big vaudeville enasies of aIl residénts of lie labors i. the lack of bouses" to rent lunsucces,l'Thé Fou1 House" a musical ,Mr. Bumstéad état.. that Lihéityville. He made thé statement comedy aloug new lines, lncludig 5hé eucountered difficulties that hée beliéved were thére ane bundred acrobatice omédy whichanue do botter ity whére hé was refused a bouses ta rent lu the village évery une because of their training with the circus t rsiens.coutl hé lied in thé course of a short for years, appear at thé &chwarts ite catch a car eastluose time. Hé states that a great numbéerut thieatre, Waukégan on Thuraday, Feb. 8. ta thé depot six or toi4ty- persoa from other placesl have made Harry Dulie their manager, has engagéd est thîeoddhonrs ortwet2ty- writt.n inquiries ocerniug this, town a company ut sîngérs and daucérs ta ter the éven lionri. Tliat*s 'as a place of résidence. accéntuaté thé tumbling etunts of thée cubérbufoth etote Thé Kenosha City council lu Comnpany famous four.- nsuît une ut the ltie cardé with néwapéfr imen traveled uver thé 'Arizonia" whicb will ho répeented il by the iIEPENIIENT, Or étire1létrie ruad lust Sunday lu tyvà at thé Schwartz Theatré, Waukegan, ou ableat op f LberyvilespécIalcars spcnding a couple ut boure Sunday, Fébruary 1I.laso-well known ln thé atternour inl Lihértyville, leasinig that-it eéfms supértduons ta récité thée t by F. C. Seidél & Co. 01fliq seekiug a franichise through Kenoolia chariug comedy draina whicb bas A prize ut $100 ie offered te and took thé counicilmén ovér thé uine to récéived sncb anuemormous amont of etweeu thé two Lake cuunty show thém what the compauy had dune pralse in .Xuuerica contes ta this City this flng thé higlîest number of for the towus tlîrough whichlîit lins seasuon, with a f resh scal> at its hélt, ,eu now and ApHrl 1. passéd aud toeclemonstraté thé fine hvn u éétyrtré rn aidle t Waukegan are giveli 1 Condition ot lis ronad bed. Alter gettîiiig eunphant tour of ail thé principal al handicap. Secrotaries of lunch at :loral restaurants thé counci cities ot .England and! having récéirci! and ludges lu thé couuty are tôok a turu abouît thé town but found thé personal éndorsemeut ut King te communicate With Mr- the lid prétty sccurety au, even moîre ut Edward VII1. Thé stury of "Arizona" ua thé handicaps mnay be Ar- a Puritan tuwî lan their ownu, tlîey iuteresting tbroughuut thé entire four li ad explalns théeîîîéthod ..éjd acts and theré is not a moment tram thé he coutést. -Potmaters ail ove the country a% ripe te thé fali ut thé curtaiil whén thé s car, espécially On Sunday hothéréd a gréat iléal by roeiviug letters intérest of thé spéctatar linges, Thé eiviug patronage far aboyé addresséd i"Cit.y" which are meaut for picturésqué scenery le ail paintéd trom tns OftheséCompany- Lu out.ide points. PiosmantérHeath states skte tchles nmade on thé spot by thé lt thé car was crcs*déd for that véry otten trausclents and traveli- éminent painter, Frederick Réniiuictou. aian!it is elltimatéd iug men syilldroîl letters into thé ofice ian suinh bas béénth e ineo the fromn Lihértyville, Diamond for firesiludistanit pairté utthé country pitrl érdcn h aeta îcekdeIIer atténded I"Trilby" with that simple isddresn aud expert thé unçecan almuét eel thé aroma of thé iwartz. Thé Schwartz bas lettler bandlersofu thé 'past office départ- cactus8u ag rs and imaginelth ou orn e excellent showsImeta know whiat clty they mnuî. -.1ît înbaling ut thé dryclîoking alkali dust. l deservlng ot good attend- =0prbbl that l in ost Casestlis is due Ebett N. Davis. aiuce thé uew échédulé on théeto, abséutmiuîdcduéss but anyune will Tueeday inornlng at bis home ou been lu éfiéct thé tbeatre, bas1 always Sund it thileMatelot te write thé full Newberry avenue Ebén N. Davis passd otrouized tram this veiity addréss as theré la always thé chance tu thé beyoud alter a liugerinfir ilînéés. l mailng it possible taeses that a local letter addressed City oîay go with kidney trouble.1 thé end.. astray and rover réaob thé pérson for Mir. Davis hall beau a patient suttérér iof ail theécseoël directoirs I whom it ls meant. for moine réars, his eyesight aud héariug se. of thé couuty bas béen both gradually falliug hlm. Hoé for ipérinténdént Gagainjo také FOR SALE-Saurer Kraut. Chas. A. yéars héld a résponsible clérical position hertyvillé Town Hall Boit Crittendén Uraysittke 111. 19-2 witlî a Chiea5u firin d was hy ail hie noenng at 10 o'clock, The i.asoclates beldiluhigu reard. i for thé purposé a!151116- Perfection eau iinly hêattaned lu thé A klndly, génial main hé madeé many tliltar.v fé&ture of thé rural physîcal b3,,allowîng Nature teapp~ro. trieude alter bie éntortédi dleness and! BI papotés wlll horeail upon priaté sud not dissipate ber own, ré- rémoval te thlsvllage. Alloynlpathized :.aré ofbulldlugs, toamber@' nurses. Catharticée ripe wéakn-' i nhe flcin n die bisiai white l)OWi's t.itîsEarly withhml i flcinau dîé )fas ltý se fte utiés of schoalWslml y éexîsl ail putrlid matter thé résignation with wbieh hé submittéd gardluig reports, 'reletion af aid bilée, thus allowlng the ll<mer tea as-ta thé varions Ille te whicbhoh wae kta toaip treaseurer aud sume normal activllly. «m for théemnlîjet. ,of text i a m, i t prt comupléion. Sold by 'augglstil. Décééed was 54 jean -, et ap ad i >tobe dlscunsd., AilaIhaiS olléaves a wlfe ta mouru ber Io". rirmai tbtwmsi lm' m&ui Me2lcn Peaochlou 1 ma e tu Old e miem orehem at the home When you me a_ great many peopl egolng t6 one certain satore todo thelr trad-~ in$ you an make up yOUr mind that there is surely sorne reason for it. A, great maxiy people AR E trading with us and the reason is plain. It p4ys themn to do a. s F. Gi i The, llrBt sh ipment of our Spring~ line of ladies' Wrappers just received. They corne in blackl and white, biue and whilte, grey5J and white, red and white andI sale sritl ast heysarte.Wr sr rn lefard. cheksarte.cmadrey -Up pf good welght percale, out f uli and roomy; $1.26 wrappers at Flannellette and Percale Dresslng Sacquefi 86o Dressing Sacques at Soc TuJE PAIRwrv THE FIRST NATIONAL BJ LUBEIRTY VILLE - - JOHN L. TAYLOR, -BENJAMIN H. MI O.W. TAYLOR, Cashier. SA VERS WANTED) Whénever w. suceeu! lu P«srm id b nIutiU "a ver f m ous? In t m fA , 1ta Ip ae11 W 1p m férred a beneliupon hlm m dthéoomnly , V woni tolutrsi " à" mavW06 POUNINO T*M$T Ladies' Uoods r j w * E E w g s E g j s E s E E s s 4 t & . . olby MercanltileCo -Libertyville Phgne 29 luinQis- .P. Ilusps. C .W .l O. A . LGT, ViePr«. F,.~mr LAK~E CO. NATIONAL BMI CAPITAL 550.00 .0 SURPLUS 10,000.0 and accomoa wthin the rang prudent bajik LADIES'

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