AUcTIO NMERS. WAAJICOAN '. IL.LINOIS 99 blî gtouu e t. Phono 3à78. OUR CHARGE la8 Ipeu Canm 8.MaaOB iu15tesd Me.15.pd A TEL!P1IO-NE Oefies the w.ather Save& trne Protects the home Lake Countg Telephwiesi Connect with Chicago Alto your friends A few cents the day Lake Couitq Telephone Co. . Oi[fce: Kn&thtBlc Uibertyville- fil i "'. Mb.' w oe.daala. raelng COugt tie MW lm s 1ud sAclot ti- *-"mad h amsud aidfajanss&Mt-b>ab o ieep unS Pmoflgaul ibSmoinrm downtMu W n l. 0 rugraved-agr PnuonirsCoiiSuEplO, B.qide éni by FQIWS l"ie, - T FUM S UIET AMDTAU gooies and heals lie lnflszmi Air Pi sages, alIxys the .ferfsh conditioc uMope tie congb a9" piMtas nt reusltrouxa acol. FOLEYS MRET AU TI le the oaly promInontcougi meili on the maket thât doms nul conP opltâts or barmiol droiao any Id and on Iis sacount ta saeset for chl& it la uixcdled for Croup aidWho, log Cougb and wil quickiy cure racklng cough aihic follova meàI andi leuves ma many éciudren wal I longs uisipi'opeily tuested. Remembeir the mme - FOIO Rofl, aud Tar-ausi refuseasut lotos that cas> 7y« MO a*»»e a genuile. Do uo a e chan=e1 mane unknowl prepeitatiou. OuSffltimoT.aed C. ungos, 2lIMeph St. CanpiI ,IL, wnles: ',i vastroî2blai biiang cougi f&r a yen a-d I tit 1 iai coltiifptli- 1 bed a peut n rea.ilee&"d 1 aes under the .cm phydemiforSeVe"almotis.11 oun bath i ai lys Boney =4 d âl curai r a ni 1 bave o b= lissa shu-UIS,914 $1-M M9b UA e* nm ai8issa ami ls $P.00 bottl. s"Moedz T E C NDID TES. Mr. Stephens aloce served Sera uslu Addi~4d N4~ I aaresident of te MuîburnMutuli ir horouh. A -u c-fo n S a es X , The lîîINDE ENNTtbsweek presnto lnsraneCompany wich was a s'îsizo ta iotact@ relative tu two more of the candi- l $5Bdwihwasra oa Torn Brocck - FannayEllists for i ouuty office@ and in doing afinsnce coueru Le a wld A nO air of untes an hig-cla utiitY avlng sold miy farta1 il IIoeli t milk s tack corn, tack shredded by the carder of appearance of theoe wil libe 8, trong aur t the April horses, publie aution on the preuses 1 mile crlufodder, quàntty of claver aid "write-p. Tey are entirely gratui- primarie. Wust Of DorfeId On the. farta knowu au slmothy bay, about feu basketSosed tous and iiplvy forthe information of Mr. Stephena la one ot the loyal, cofl- WÎIL Stand lintil further notice at the old Wlmot brinoit Thureday corn, 500 bîu corn in eur, 2 doz Plymouth our readers. setivitive and sound republicans of tIi. u ch 1, 194I, CiDm imnl at Il a. lài. Rock hena. Itegular teris. candidate for the republican nom n ýma - He a ATs.i baa alsladed to ]&W , KNOLLWOOD FÀM ~T.lcga blu& Lake o w theolilowingpOpO117 6 beadolati ft AlO ter tlie sale the macbinery of the (iil- tion for sberiff Swaushrough. basa name and as president of the Milbrn 7 cws artto ~e re. mon, alacemer Creamnery association cansisting o credilîle aimi record whieh will appealI. uac company and Chairman of tbàfi PauISItngMnagr Durhamn hull. McCorick seperators, iliumns, etc will be od nbsblaftote-l oiir. mowr ew Derlg ultvaorW. F. 13Ai.L, Prap. fully exerntu'd the truqt ilufalm imposed. m w r n w e r l rding cli a o John W . Swansbrough. T ee b s n y r atc e o hm ti new , dr i maderdl, drag, valkiuig plow , W . Hl. A i'iL y, A uctioneer. John W . Sw an bro tîgli w u@ hor u in T h r b a ne r at c ed o ti a t e bay ralle, lumber Wagn ittidge, As 1 have dccided to discontinue dairy Ithara, N. Y.,,Nove'iil'r 13. 18~44, came sihetifrne~ rn on.B __________________________________________________300 bu oats more or lmi, about 30 tons farmlug 1 wili @@Il et public auction ta I.aký.Santy wîî ith isparnt inw a fine man. bai, about 100 butibelacaru, grindatone, lhotrserve on my faltaerinfaim: 4,eîîistil iirttu. LiL il rfa Fiîj e received fais education In Lake mack nd agîra nia.y;o1ir2 iles iýon.ctli af Libertyville and 4 miles tcnbiofIenaLkilaiitv 'tiityMechooka and $!iVe 1871 bas et articles. egular term. nortb of Hall Day on Milwaukee rod Aiutf.16, a ,it~ 4iegageai in farming iu Newport towu- - 11.4R. W Ai i. 1'rOp. on Wednesday, March 7, 10,cn-(aprlB raiitiîifti an'ai.H a lasbe rmnnl C. W. PETTIS, AUCtiOfeer. mneing at 12:40 p. Mn. the lollowiiig pnp raaedt l$r.a 1It Ju - 1. epublivan Politien and sre he ~ ~ GII&RI'S w ~~ c~seus ¶y terison heBoirdo>Suprvsor, an V là. ,Ucrk. Prop'rty: 47 bead of <'boice yaug 186-1, aind ta Tt Sergiant .tugîîst3 r emis the oairdu) ha rgisatbin Cures ail kinds of headache and neuralgia. One captuaitS ML dairy cows, conaliéting of lolaiteins and 1 c(u, îmissiîmned 2n.1L lieuitenant eted oardanof te oaie atio s generally sufficient ta relieve the mont obstinais case of ab eoha, Wsinil otfayIuran, II hanubr lvd n____________________ nrosand sick headache. Thiene capsules do flot con- ac 10, 1006 at If) oîluck a. m. the last 2 mîontlîs, 7 witb calvés by thelr Lk ouyBa anelepoison or opiates, Guaranteed ta .atisfy you. 18 Walter ffr. Dexter will sdI -.,to 110 aile balance Lnîilkeîa aud î-1îmiîigernalivm doses 26c. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. b~rligla <lass boises, conipisi of lavy Durtam blt4yr.. aid, 3 s.taeks aoflicavy pLitr.e vut V EIN ba mon ilrauglit horses weigbig I 4a11 ta P;04> curai cut witli biîîder, aîbouit 25 toitseof lbveaiiui'ti>wrs. Read their ads. SIbm, farta boises 1200 to I .it asud nue briglit timiiîthy lîay in tîîî-ks and ini_____________ ,. Glibtil ~~ Dru~~Ist and. fperlwnlr g dîliviiîg barses fîom 4 tu a) ii u%]msîld lait barn, al,îut.,l) uu-galli slî1î1îîîîlg vais.___________________ nI irake, sarviceable and l,-,îîîd. Ail liegular ternes. M BR jq Waukegan, 111. Cor. Genesee & Madison Sts. 4,liir51'wihll*îesiililta baini,- lorses CRI l'y RSl'oi.o f ' INiiigaii litvyw1 wyIl arii , iii Kenoslia i, Nf ah ' :-. Haviiiglecidcil ta quit fariiiiîc Ia iîa, îî-t u ,rs unck. H@tasî 4ôô. t~ ô ~Ô4 êô4é4é4 &ô4ôWilileglad t liiâcla .iiid ai t slut 1publici aiiiti.,ii:t i i)ilci'sainnihii a,,partie oîraîf salee vitî't"aVIlter ' liaionîud Lake on W'ediî'..dny, Februaiy -eI ni>i)r lat 1)e\ ter, Kerînglia, W!@. ~ . iS, ui, i 'iiiiinfg nt 12 :301 slairî-îiu'iiu'u -iiV -'iisu .' Tena o fli-0 il., ý, godth flowngprpet- i ow a altii ca.' heIilio uîiî.l valed ee k btankab.le,-noutes bearilig 1;1-1-cent leiy sçiiigr, ycurling lielfi-r, If iaioses and thel cuiotf' i a i hr.t p Th e u iy S y n s u fh iîtereeat. 2 lier' cent off for and coiis, ue.Mirgan îimar- 12 yeurs laid - iiî.iiî Li iiB m ý sa udW h As 1 have n ed r iy i ii fýrit ternii ît I 21., scalt l.rowiau mo~re ' ciiiiiii g a ..fii i if' g' ii- il.Il c-oi o tegt aI il5 tIsei Bt puli, i tia i. lin yelar.. ld w t 100i)by I~ toRinîii rike ilIocflswek G XPITAI, 950,000-00 SURPLUS $.50,000.00 the preilises twa nmiles .,aiitfîast af single and dola.iiic.sel iriwi ur e l Charles Whtney, Geo. R. Lyon, Theo. H. Ours) Giliaer and ina uand eani tul,-fsmautli- ciaitiîi 4 years al at i1).'0 l'y Roîy fltd a, iiiîk'ii'iif ti.' asaî' Pies. Vice Pies. Qashier w~et (et Diatmond Lake' il,)ila i l . iiner Robiii jul sisti'r ofa>a ii.. sairel calt LHerb'ert Nltiituali.bas ts'ei sick iiiabW] rau, u aîda, eb Ifet;. cami- voiniug 2 years îild by l'rince Albeîrt. a,*" e" 'iltlîlie i"îu. ir Jno îencing at 12:3) p. ni. it.'Ilwin 2 baN gîliliiigs vanhiîîg 1 yam ai od bY i a ,it tuîing uuî i ihiTîa wn TRÀNSÂCTS À OENERAL A D S V N i  K BUSINESS îrîsny 4 ilk cws ' i. vle rne Alber, l miîier w g onii itb .n L..iîîi-.u __ta tit' iiilig a nd hnT s iaii i n pr it ÀN ÀIQ ÂKi ll~sie, i8 îîw milkers, li i - sîig-sdoubfe 110K nataîl '-rieg .'.at, luiilier . n tt'l..A heîruîa aaiiti'-itYîlla îi u .'soute la.'i nte The Bank hait a Safely Deposit Vault as Goodastela) n' uIîcîs, fine »3-yr-olîli i acrhlauibll. wagoni ý.itli dîuiitlî boîx anal haut rac'k eE1noug iýt E. A. Mautin %\*as iii the ity bizzard t he United States. Lag nuh te Accomodata ail of the frs ReialeAten5ft.Box RentaI vary Raua l.Hçavy 1 yr-iîld colt vat 1300, 2-y r Id cuit wat witb tangue and lshaIt", iîjen buggy, i ~ îî ~~ ~~iîîîl~ a at Tuesday. Masonry Construction. Lined Top, Bottom sand ides with yea9 ~rling Clt, >3 'iliiilÇbiuia breuîkiugcart aud baruesa wiîhliogueuppointed tu, curry the stute iig. Nt At~'lBi,~ett bîaaa hRailroad Steel rail; Filed vwith Concrete, titan Lined again d brooad aasdet ari i pil o n hatlerg maweî. tno-horsî' ClickaiiiiaiigailtIi.' pear n'as bat frain, hbusiness Wediiesday. wlthU4evy lat Stel.CAL an INPEO UT Ap7d hat s wt 150 Iba, 2 e'ated surrey Mî'Couiiiiivk hay cake, 2 stuiî laws. tthe tIag staff îand the staff itseîf Mr. I'reston and faiiilybave inoved smI~Q Inearly îîcw, bay loader neuly neai, potato digger,. 2-baise cultivatar splintercd and nearly severed just aliove iiîto file Clristiana Speeht bouge. WAUr E AN KtcG crnsloILr,12 aces'.ra intack, cornlPfoddiar.r bornacre"setcover isnbttaisk, 1-hama offtheultivatlierdihamvin bbacnesetthlevayterb staclus claver hay. Reguliîrterilis. diago, comu sheller, sut ;dîup bourde, still bore the blelo 'îîrs alott. A few oîurated on for appendicitim. 1 HERISAN STELLiNGi. l'rap. wvheel barraw, tand plank, grindetone, manments later, aiien talai Sergeant Lui-y Troîtter bas goule toi Evanston for W. I. Ap~LE, Autianci.2 double bres barnesses areseBruitai as severely woundeî,lie a aized 8a vili'ta se- ber nuother. W, ILAi»PLY, Autionaer. 2singq haresses the ataonl fig. an Miss Je tenhi isatheiaisMa lawstil kiîgigcaar of W. 1Iîîu-I Auctioneer. pair leathar tiv nets, single niy net, 4,t ntoanlat udtrîwn h le lier brother Herbert Matheais. Bavîng rented my farta I ailîl sI ut tous bay, l1t0 bu crn band huisked, state fiag acrons lis armin. carîied both Mlia. Win. Thomi Sm. ta a ev friainds. pfublic Muctiubo the pre lises u t G il ier, potato eprayer, 22 foot ladder , b ck m til the close o the despe ate fig t, and t a (liier l at M onda '. f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tdy Your nosn W olilasa tefot ne h was Mr. Pollock]lias beau e s i s W o 'tL y eSatnFb.24,19,,uicomiflncing sai, aire stretch,.r, ;-0 grain bag, 2 atryuck tw vth aln iubaî sienifroni.annina, avaad ei nom aI1:0p. ni. the ioliawiuig property: rolls burb aire. corn knives. foîks, stuc oîsc ar a fshorttie.llaiwsn ry( oilMua, .rcntglyw. adRoeto Our i15 coas na aitb cuit Iliaide, roat ail uabords, axesa 20orgaInieat jar, 10 gaI -ly milk;0 l ona i fcufot Ed Wells ilI soOn movs ta the Oso. guîna 2 beifers 2 yrs old, bay mnit jar, 2 dozen chickenoe, bousehold caOnAciuOsiO, hef nbmaefn îrî-D f~ hc ebsbub a Id II marewt 100, blaek ctolt 3 ira old, bay lurniture, 7 sbippiog cana and othar ing teRbIaiac. hndsatbtMm. Crimin tu the Scotch Smilth farem 14111 toobî'ntivutr, aticlstoanumerus t menion. afew lèet. Be ran baukwa'ds, lluglng to îvui'l ellinsa$algobogt colt2 yi old, Damond tobauiru omnin the nage, ta abare the comumand was -- macomn plantier.coin seîcler, aboyaI ploai. Rguatris ro 16-indu atobbla pîna', 141-intb stubble (y iotOluE Fiauisi, Pmap. reformuing, muirarously escaping waunds. T apyr ltetv iFeot A sure wînner and EGG PRODUCER. A weli baanced pîaibkio>I.w Fnnn u, , H lpEv ntiusrThe two lags acre iddled wthbmille I wo bat oyer Bras.e too roment ration, and just miaiat a hen lkes. We ases have SUN__________________________________ balla and grape eliot, aîd lie clotbiîîg 1 WdhodautîMrc .taoi FLOWER SEED, KAFUR CORN, WIEAT, BARLEY was'ut te i attîs aLookouit Mountan, ealutlMrb .t lcl CHARCOA , GRITS SHELLS, BEEF SCRAPSsCinN GU NEE I R-4EL.AH. ALFALFA and ail other supplies. àeunssn iecarii tecloa u Tc rr Mi.s. tigiiau nul C. W. GOndiev îîIl,- iss lliiiiii l'iPatchii iî dti' ilîcî l ~ uite severely t-oundeu lua elet te' ded ibtheaci'imeeting ii' ~ ~in -lii'rs uuî'tiîg lbot Satiirlla.Miss foot; isubsei1ieutpelu,' îeturîued t4the Cttiugland haullng Wood 1à (II.JD l,.~~~~~~egauu Sutuuiday. ite'vistin îvro- regiment andî carri,'d tbe colaisa thiauglu principal businessofailtie a)i OUR COAL IS ~~Miiés Ruih iiil frtîî',' ent XWedneiisdayi alsa atti- tki"" er'uii- ailf the egagemendts of the Atlanta praent. eveniiug viulu Muîuy law1kiuis. - îhuy Visiting fri.'ils luere. calopaigu, util lits promotion ta lot Miss Rose Federicks visited f JUST LIKE TH'E WUNTER E. E. Blaîke, iif.Chicago, wiII give a Mmr. Mieacs en 'îtertane i theîhutti'foiie Sien uutlîî4. h utî n eaie aCîaot~,f~t tmîleu'uncî' icitun-atteutir" Fêl-' Irs onSrda ae Sna. SrenAgât 81.A h weeks.1 AiWt theRT C Lura27.. i nrs .au i t andiuu îvcr ft ei i i aI Naslville, Teiiuese, w hite iii co mn- tto. the ight year old man o! A WARM ARTICLE i2'~D. unîal Irs .1 ,ii'y enýetiiei Nîr. ('vugtitî'lulautirte iiiii aiud OfUic cîOmPanY thewas severelY tuheuauîvho maRSopeiated u 7 t d 4-auul is. irniiiiy m ad M i. andl Mus. OfIftiti' itiu. tue- eiven pie sîuipps'r ai aonded iin tue li ebau , lis thîumb ap ptic eitis a sh rt lime ag n AND ENJOYED BY ALL Bac I)hxaouuFridliy c%ýi uging hliing tiw ir.-M. Anie*iu'siuiîu wai. a faiuuri'. ut be'iug s1lit nuid stiltened su that it il§ still Foli'y. ai Watuîegan iin rscovsirif la doi'tMr.indi' s . okSmtNIleo i'î.aLizz'ie Ahuamtspetut Setisrdayi Mn. nuilttv n.. 'îîk ti nit afi-is yii.g r ui iet ndna oetan ud Sundaty' wtb br @sista, Mms.Em r e [ l u tti v e s n l u fi't nd ii S u n u l u t a i'. uI r . ia it ) M ari . E . S . F îî îi k u î,'r îa i î,] so it ii o n c e, e c p e c i aIu y u i î i um e n d e d fo r g a l la t r y . i r v is l ut W a u k e g l . lb.SME C R L MB R C . llie ti' 'it teuhýgtiu eFrui eii'iig.Mn 'u pli as iida iîui lu Mr. Hi' "ai. lecteil Stieriff ! Lake cauuty Fmi-ilWager, of LongGrave ý ven .Miss N. t. w%% ilitai119 beviisi.1u(iigu Fiiiifîuer's taillter ini Wiirrii. n hlie)litsî lîîie 1 '.76;. n-lectc l in 1,478, les friendis h biBUnday. EDauNuA.tiuuuî' uit (ir routelfinie'lit'alIeiI (,ui rii'uIis1-11 uiîiteicik. e,'tc i l Iu'$0 iand re.îl.'t'tetilledr Miss Nartha Fred(siacks, of thisplace, abD'IeA.BSLO, -' lien-' î'uiduîy'. -i .k0. NMc-. Nîi'uiiti sttcth lia Ui,-tathe Hue.c fan iui 12, tasewrv-e four isiadi akgn audys LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, Nl-. N îa g onug l 'k ut lai I îîkî'i er y a s. éece s p r is rfo ea cad i w Bh ln uiatiîI'.N i*lalzicl. i i'iti t'. N r W lius, Oi i lfcitl-lIy'ii kegaui. i 'rta uteais,waà selciteil t.uiel te Lu- i îaîo Tite Iieuuis it tutiii't.ith ur' gliud ta ',wil t' tiii. ccc i lliiiiy i'ui1tii. C, A . rd. rcgiieut, Itlinois ïidny eyeulug. -I Ie'(,i- flai îîîîî --,a.r tsei~, î,i'tîîîM-~ -Nationuaul (i tartis, Muty 7, I st-s. erved ijast Suuday eeigMs a Aie-.,wio tis utet inioi>'ortheitrîe yeurs. W'us u1tii)iitd chiet f aixOueauif wu@pletasaiutly sumprised by ae 0 police 0luehe iîuuieofigii or ii MLY195 umuber oainltive4 and friands ails> legag~~~ xor4G ..M illaiii s iiaioiti î.plice ortiicauîueah Iru'gwîd in tu elebrat erem egbtsusth M K A R P R SE E T O O FrMi ii ,h an I p ck ' h iar ulii , luav pre et of a beautif ul gold w 'th I l ________ ~~~~~~cousina, Miss Etie lemhoriu, aIflivke- Mrs. (iilitiîc..viiia'hl-uicysi'.t thse close, 0> tbe evsning Wh"cbva. »Ys lolisbcuIr ik George B. Stephens. greatly euîoyed *hy ail, a luncb aW» u e L . .' MlI USE PAINTS -f-"- eîîar, aud tiertie Niey c, oI Palatine, the NW (uOiveu' lais hie'uusuyiu)g in tflic (George 8tepbt'Oscandidate fîîr the servi. 1 àkeep n uinal the luct that tîhe coet ai labai of latter paît of îcc wek. coîunîtry for thu e int vu'ek. ipbca nonton fr ouy spieadiuitthg u Sth ra p tmlu u otAnmbro tii eol noe uMrs. <C. 0. Nortiiuhropui it hie siî'kit. tressure,. ubjeet ta the wuli fuhiconiig ý trle. f npaitinug. Party at the borne îî Fred Glis, S., lust - The puice f house paints is therefori' aI no aesk Tburoday evcning. _____lien________inunt___0"______ moumuent provided you a ilI tuike durabiîity in coul- Ur. Schîaabele, uo1 Llbeityville. %vasC .nto f ietvlew , sidertionbere an buainess Stray r.DuîIap lias basa viiiting Iiendi misaut ssoie Dcaillerfhaso . rehca »4j preuîb a1nud pîor puilt as i - Godlleh Entina, o! Ka$aas, is viitinit in WNaukegan the patit fewa"ay.MisBse )nuofccq spa dite 'iépedfl ea ent 4êeunltewt rltvsadfinsle Miss Auna Millar visited IMissedFA» article cili preserves your uiuldng fou tlue longesi present. lin Burlington NWin. lust Btinantiu hs hantunsqlutli Laket eltveVidIonlbeeutla BlCindaiîdî.eud ndrlaies-Snîaya bns Beidl h eitvat enry cordas speut Sunday aetIhomue. Jo.hun Wiîhiauuus and J.amiîy ',iaitedil n" Messs arrq T. Fuller andR4 ïmoisI SlTiebs aninaJohn Ilaus, ohf('îa Wlng Co., Minui., iChicago Iast week. speut Munda".-un Vola. I...inseedberse Mouiliy alter' auan aiuce 0of ims. lunlap receivedl acrulfte aIur ai Ioeladlieat9 91suddeu deatlii oflier uuother litii glanierRund ake Daillra atd i al. Pure. is g, , i an tasîve years. Hi' says tbey have abo'ut lEnlaîîd aMsi etlî aa ca o ltslis titrs orfourfeetof now nt facrent t J uîuKiiwaua' Frlday. fli Lnîed Ol Isthelile gving. prPervutive Pesuesnt; pressut. -Fî'aser's îuSiiiuytreo oifi Iaoiau lî,m ti~ iiisiuta!irt'ii teut Peter Meyerwu$ as a rayslake cle unît caubinsil aitli jiguieuuis W li h uan-Ri te iesîrîîhs u.e uîii Williauuî Wilsoan is rcuavemilig h)iîvy'. saturdauî3. facturer kuow'iita liI ist adultitel and ii i. hlm Sindai aîteriioiiui. TheIttem aie, fr. W'iiaiin of Wilukeetaitvisited atudt sesMryoiui andellen Saurdal durable, nakes tbe ideul prailuit. presclisd ai iutetiiigserman, ite f uil ui1it(ulie diîy last week. odweRunLaple@Str . Evangeliacal chuicli. Pt( lîlar'ssae au'as acl attetidaulMme. Iarru- Nicialls uand dautWltî Mi..'rlîgou Iî'i.uhite, suraceîulspe'nt .a'vi'ruldays the p JO NW A U Y & SON. M.Boîllui.i'k, f iii hiuay tiauisacted business blieaMondaY. v ckatl sticaîu cltives. d M Fo it eisThe Yellow Fever Germ Prst'u" eurv titheuluiel mas o bu