LAKE CoIJNTY eINDEPENDENT. VOL XIV. NO. 22. LIBERTYVILLE LIAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1l')06-12 Pages $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. LIBERTYVULLE US UN STRANGE PREDUCAMENT. SOMEONE MAKES BLUNDIER IN blame so much as to figure a wayout of TAX LEVY AND VILLAGE thedfficult.. We bave I thînk about FACES SEASON 0F FI- $600 on band and will manage t.. get NANCIAL EMBARRAS- along smre wy MF-NT. No MoneV for Lghts. Ilerhaps the most mrous eent BordMstM keRtrncmnt on! ronting the -village le the pogmlbillty Board uat Mke Retenahm ntf of the eletrie treet ligting e.rviî-e Every Possible Mariner; Street bing disiontinueil. Thie board in an Dapartment and Lights Affectel- infornil eosiion Snday coffld, i-oui.. t, Improvements 10 be Suipended. n ifuit ndermtarîdiflg. Tivmi-e ,t No Relief unitl May. a dol lar to pay for tIhe- toltinuaie of the .ervice w liei.- furriclad ly t1lu Therer wasconîmîterî,î.tiou ini Lit.-rty- North Shore Ei-rtcouvatîy and the, iilk- Saturday ahiat tq--iiii- lin . .it i, 1kt-i tab.lettin darkriieeee uttil *that thie ,llag. a,-depîl.t,-d o!fliî- i, .NtIltyuieslî-- ecli-lga'ty in ooeî.o! ite futile lansc(f ai.- t nlr,- to, ofguaraîîttiing ti-îotit1wtî, le SUES BIEIT LUNE FOR -DAMAGES. William Buenchlng, of Lake zarw1c, files suit for $16~,000 For injuriez. WAUK£G AN GAZETTE 18 BU El FOIR LIBIEL. Lait Friday li.-iig the .lest 18Y Oun eourt ,-,til lue ,- .i,r.d. tii,- iciuit tiPnkf otfliti at waîîk..gai %%as very Iusy. Pirolî;l,lv i.' irthfir, iiere ci, ially lii lii ai t u e 11,i t tii..liit InItiiý Uc îîî thtat ila'. uttiig tht-ii i.- i lit-I silit, tsii i .u. uit. nid îîlîîr cut. t lerk 1-1.nul.,-e t-iîre aIuM'- t ix îuvy lais---- orIinanve., aislei -ittuinary andîtreiplîtil liii,.-,- t Ili.- aii. , ,5n3ittn M'. l' a Muliai hutils I ll e îtîî Ns Ii- Ii.I i',l ,i ire 'lit iiriI, .-rgtni'i- mltt ig uIti11l%i il iige o.- lg mItý ' hý fla ea ways audiil ,,. of, ,. ,,î , l '.,itil tiir- î-oîdi ioli lf liortyvilui-it îlii- n.-si-it fn îiibrclalk i. wvli-.g, itii.-clati- o --TUireilag, Iîl Lit-rt.' iii,-htlltIli the i affaire unîtiiirl rîirscaatitilt-tiurthut -,Ittii dat of l--hinur , 1 i ii iijtaniiltg el- t-itîiil wîgtî-r a.-.v -,-ar--tbiarrani, tI, ii îitifig tî. *11i 1 t7 utriwaîan sUrîiris.-i t h. h il a r,ît ,tiiif iii tir, Ci .iit tiie-tir,-tunît liaît,r filnd-. $%)')I fb' 1B tax fi.,iî . - .i&,, , ar J atiitr tiaiti dl-tt , ,îi n .st tIi* ttiiî,l unît Bridge a" tire IItii-îat.-l ýd ~ l, id ,ttheiiu,d. uit . 7.) , raîî îî -gniit uIle w t-xtt-iii i.nit. iiii ilîîîuîî a ,11-C,iîitluiijylt faitilordiil 471181 iraa nti tai t-v'. 1nauialt-ass..tî fir i iI',ii 7 t cail lut.-à liad îlot I,-i îl -iiiy of Nilihitri- tiL t-' u.tî,tt; u levi, I iat,îir..iati-ilP levivd .- ' tii ty t -i k tl-itt mu -alied 1fuuil$t tt.--i tttLigliting $2 i e Uptby 1,1,01w iandifi t -ilic isiiiter-r,,Iod aîîd Iýrtigc- fli tI ti. Continîge-nt gatuire.notii lt-iy li ,liiaii,-.. liai] bli-li funi * 1 7ttil h1. a1i1,pro1rat ig c 11ltilei vthl liai il n rtu.r iii ci-t igît lti$tti t.. tl"e trl-it ligitiuig landt fronta sfiowet-i tliît mcIi:1i, miii irlice l'iattid uaiuîîit- lt, ndti.Iiîhîîi navur len p jubliliti-,lam i.- aIea r..iuir.-,li,, .ai Iuit t, tii.-rondl and hlrilute by law anid ivbuuli ail doubt un allowing tht- ,iutstati,-'inut warratnte to t *to Mr. IiestdK-es lability lu tkt rt-main out ,iintit ,,ur appropriationd untortaflate Cir,unitalute, it being ait ordinanca lu May next 3,ar wt- will f -.fiaet coteudd tire ordinanre badl beu prohalily lie able ta mUn inutil then aetto Sproperly aiaitsd to film by Village Cerk those two lande4 and we baire avaîlatule * sanboîni. ln tbe contingent fund $Utl7.Sti on Situtiona Srlou. Ilcb to run until May 1. Otur only * The situation le mrions aDd aU worlt,'dîffhcnlîv eems to le lu îe tat tbatw.. aOI.y snd othar eIpsaus upayable f romj have aothilug ta pay the saary of street h Wtâ-Ourw maoon ier aldtvliake atr-e --tIrent.. itmatfd at $5,000 foîr neit * miouer wlll eli dmitsed, ttir- rebate ya. u tlieyfo aerai funds allowed on sidewalk etanetru. ti and stitnateud at t$44.000, arf.. hall tayÉ ail etreet w,îrk ensipend.-d and tiihev-i.iîis,îi-"levy estiiiîated et 4tlttt, exteneivéi- ewer fliprovenuent 1iaîiii.d w.- wltl hli er, i.ntv oI lundIr tu ran iret, reduceui to but installation ofl tire - otmt-tillatige- net yt-ir and regrav.-l tiic 5,-uer. utr-,ts aIt-r tiie 1îîttilîg iii oîf '.at,-r and1 Relief in May. ,. s,-wr. Hii'.î.'.,r iv,--artîay notliing' Net Niay eta.-". tboardili.! t nlt- k> ti'.anis th lî.%c-'etr oi,.i-t lfront î .tirf ordinanc it ut-4 1,sc.'.i iil iii i-t u lictiig -nti nt IMirili t, Doc,,. t'.lit Pii-d- arat sui w-- - h.tuiili i ,lIij_- . - -. urli r, u ,-,i "t. S.tes E. J. & E. for Damages. W ililliîiltu(-iliîig. uif Lake i- i ni, b iii , 'îai et rut-k ly a BIlt dîne -,-tguii.- îîîî, w ,-k. igii tîltî1 suit itîiiut tihc nii a3 ,i- Vriitity iciiîîg ti7î I)for C>111 p;l ys -eniiictî- ' ihlj-ri igtii ant Lake-Ziuric-h lait i î--u-,îlit-r. Mr. iîit-iilti l .iuiisni-tnig tuie honteîîua theimi vîtuinrtaitluiinpa- A- h,-it- earedîItii. - iiUî ii -- iiîlit- uurtî-itarv pla-,- it i. iiii Poi icsl t ti i.-. mny gi-iat i l,t-- btît ttlîî )k iîig tllu-r. t'. il,,idatnge-r h- liît oeonti) tti, -reîsi i l-'.W.- "u1niîrt-i.v uîîu tht- lravk lit-eî- the-rîil ii, îrîîcbing ,-îginiu but wa,, able to cîl.-,r thi- traiiail but tiie huit]îlwhbttof tht- buggy. TheIi. g '.'.-ai t-nolise~d and the -friglteut-d têtai ulragg,-d hia a vonsidpralte distant-P. Fe wae injuré.d iuternally and unul.le tu b.. ,,ut for cilt- tinte. 1 le t-barges that the, wi.uetie wae ual ..iunded foîr the croseitig. Gazette la Defendanl. (ue > o the uluet important suite iled was tbat of S. H. Kennedy va F. M. Wastt, ditor o!flb.. Gazette; Oea. c B. Bastian, City aditor and the Gasettea Publishing Co. Tii. suit le for $10.000 damagem andtImeon a i-barge ut libepl. Tii. attorney s fur lKenedy are Cooke, l'op,,and l'ope. Thîy all,-gt- la tht-jr du-i-ai tion. tii-t-i-i.ýtty the iGazette printitIarîartitl il.. iiiî lit-b imaidthta 'titi-v.- Kennedy a-as drnnk. 'Tie day tuIoia.. rg tIie i1.-i-nai.the tu-article fiî.' - .r ti. --uît,,tî î ,i ii,- 200 ACRES 0f LAND. Zion City Allowb Valuable Tract To Revert To Original Owâeem. CITY APPBAIRS TO HAVE LOST $35,000. -laiiiilii-ul ou sut-I. -st-eit -ý- îiaiiu. i-,î luis illuiiwud a laîrge. t r. t1 t hîrl iiit i--v.-ît tuî .the- 1,rs.,nc t, i ii rir ,Ni ai itu i -1 Ift heii-'.ji îi tt h.-,i-i bi tr miiis tr., tiie tiiý-- k t, tii-- IL tr riiferriiig ,tw-k tt , ý,liti iiliii niloliv.zn lîrîbut-c a atiii ii-itellie', b'.-.-n iei&ietti iulua haullct- i bii. ai %%taîs Bvltti.- change iniîu i i s iitu -aild p 1art ol tii1- plaii-l ou ,,I h , it - j --n tIil i-rt-age i- hec ui-n- iitMi-1 il i j Iitiii ii 4, 1 it e lotst b»- - t i...ti- Says il la Not4r rnancnt. riie akegau -0oiii th, IN [,jk i- .it a -Ited aI. -11,111i jutu - oh iu l'y *hone ai) hi--t îî, uitî *r.-gî'.rdinu iig thetranWsi Il,- -uuidl -Titis himiuurely a pl aît-tiii~itit W.- lin'.-.. I wtlîie Ow"r. Ni,. it le nî,t iu-k tu theni, The landI is vnt-li prop..rty Iying along thie laku-elîir..ta tia- south ,of th e h ttoryv." MAr. Juilile inferec-%thatth(. au wivld ,.veutlîally e, 'n1t- back ta Zion agala. Wtien que3titiuit . r-garditig the.. j- .tording o! thii.. utruratnt a Waukegau abstract writu-r scated ta aur reporter îrutatian o! twii,-iitutis that ZMon bu,, tacit aIl it basi-!iver 1utid 01n.tiie land. Tii,- ginia i p ivie tiaiit .îmu $111,52536it tii..v ta,îk muk iiutgltg,- tIor i2 Theî, i t 'r v at--,,iil iuiigiy ti. i ii ,-i)ui. iii ii i.u--îî im.-i ;li'k Illtueiu.iguî-ti ,-î ti it hu>ap p-I.-ucrc t a lb- MENT 0F DELEGAT ES. Republlcan County Central Coin mkttee -&nouncez Appor. tîonnient For Each District. WHAT THE RATE 0P DISTRICTS 18 BASED ON. Tii-,- l-i'ii ua tit3- (lttaI Cou, luit t., u1 îiiiiii-lt h,- ailor- lteil icia i iîi -ml î in tlit iï, t.) 4hl îîîg tiihuiat Stunay ini Aîirî ornti fl tiioý. i ii îîîî ,tr t ratisa-itig ttla-r isi,- . î]it r t, s o wf,' iýI Theif-ltati-t ia i. iît 1'-lnîit Iistri t- t- It-iitii. I î .....................-- l17 2,-a ...t ..- ..-- ....- ............t1 G a 1rt-........ .... -......... -....... it îk.-giîi e. ...t .............. 27t) 2 41 .. ..... ..... ..... 4 1 I lVaiîk.gilli. 5tli----------..... 12,> Wuuk..gan. ;ttî- --....... Ilh ,Ihieldeq, jet-------------........174 Sields, 2d 1--------------.......lit> Sliiterts3vi ........t..............14( Libietynil.-, 2 ..-------- t-" Fraînont---------------.........10, IVau-anda------------........ -1:) Cuba------------------........... P.2 Ela-------------------...........18 'Vernon----------------..........151 West Dearfield----------.......180 DearItaultIlt-----------........242 Deerfielul. I)eerfitld, 3d------------........21: UIOLD UP STORY A THEI! ENTIRE SUN PLA1«,ý ARRANGEMENT GRÉATLY IM- igatb..rer in tbe bultineeis. will . PROVES NEWS GATHERING 1t-barge o! tbe ne'woeutr] o! tbe 68m eu-* FACILITIES Wl-ICH ARE future wbile Frank Itilbsr wHi li ALREADY 13EST IN i adv,-rtising iman and buiieem ano FIELD. Will antI Frank Smitb4it' of the . 11*,féiat.- rompleted a w.herei.y tit-y assumne coutrol of Gazette now in Conîrol of SmitTi tGaz-ette httc giiiig tiat muacb bufiet. Brothers, Former Employes of the aboliit ..îect it' piri-nial change ~ Sun Who will Continue Papers î'..-i.n'li PoliCy.The -n,-wly orgnize.] force. flthe Su* _________ ati ili tipwoegutlîîring facilile m4kW Elituir Frik If. Juic w ii liii? w .-k thetpliehr absolutety titiet la Ith< pu i-vlti'.u--.î ii.-t-itl'iliili.liî ig & Pi nutiig, fieldî. Tiite o i, *iv f thie I 'ii tîEP nT a fi ai of.t u ai.trn-lce liis î i,-iI b..rtyv.illii,- a]thie, Sun at wartkeia re-î iiîiad t he- tlt ir.- plant iîiîi.-h toiî i %ihdatil vt.-le-.idniu-e omiuncat)1&, hai. i-iînugî liiiit tIlîruutiglut in itasit tlui.ii ever lwaait overet ai i-î.rîiiît thie- ii.'.vî li-,-aisti,-iiI tbelon,- .tiî..iî-r tLUthe t t i,ii of!lti,- 1111,11t ivith, tbi-Ie >î:is r Tie tîuif ibliih pap.ers -wtfl tri tIw i,-ii ,ti,'ri tpart oi iii.. dat.- ou nu.ide îîand itt t.1w prsnt arrangementil wk, of eîi-îî. ai, i, pipe1.r.. îîiit lie lur better &WI 1ity~ Ei ton i- Geoge 4t.I1tiictiaîi. toninenh.t t i-ti . im;.i than tbey hayv. ~i-i tl- iZ-the . ont-oit t- lite a-enuth.-lait iîil-,r.4-larlite nanagemeiiteO. TII!CANDIDATES.> T.A. Simpson. -- 4 ~i i ~îiiîs..n '.' i ii tiiitg an t-t',- iii tigai foi.tihe- nomiinationu for- Ji) p--ttiit ii,- r,-jnti,-aî itîireeta lit 15. pril 2Mý l.. ucoîiparativ.-ty a Yoîung - t1i5 théta-lit- 1%0yans lue lias tltnght lin 12 l.ake- nounty sct-oule ititiuniformu ei"u,-esandI tidrapiffly ri&eii h) fiont 14 ranikll i-ai .-daatioiîul -rcics. 4 e rt-uuaint-d at North chu-uago gii - i-cars as prlîîiipal alter ten-hing nt SHaiîtesville anal Guru,-.. -bire be gave - -the bet of satisfatction. He le uow - 4 principal of tie North tchool at Wauke- q; gaît thi heing bisgis--onid year as tbe 41beatI of tliet sebooil. ~0 John Hodge was eduestbd 4, (i t~ilclairville Ragent's HWbgeSbool the Fredoula Normal anud Ts 2411 echoot. The Fredonia sehool le i oldest lu the country and gisais a1I - certificat.. ta teacb lu the @cue of Sl York. NInr. Rouge sînce coming toiLod county lias taugbt the Mttrray sehool -Fr,îîîout towiristîip. the.. )aviîn iseboii cuba touîsluip; tii.. lake Zurcbhechi t l , r e e ,.- u r i ; d t e R o k ef el l s, o i to o nl . Mi î, , tiutitli nli-e lAutheiulaitu0 iiIt lov, ti- w t ,) luai t iiapi-uu iIle laillamii ith lii -n-toun e tt liti) lutin w r iantitot- President MacGffa Talks. ociiiic-ahit'.vi.-g ciliihlk r-ui-sat t'y t. illeiiofiiSte-ve Ki-iu-iel1-(iIJIIU hied n ex al aysleu u a Preid-ut %Iai-i;iutt.itii ftiie- ilillagu- îmiî '.'. t i o i ti iInits ire- arr,-stt-it un tiie-daut; i Cetiion. uiec.. TIudepeiident le Inforied Tbat H a las-enaler boaerd iniinminiteriden'ltttancl: -I tI,',extiaucuil lulit lutin aliii t iicointinu- lue .-aike utaigî-i.. R~I~ îeign of La-lesesis" Said 1I retdatte-nant of ail te u.ît ~~~~~~~ ~M O E lanîg a.ia- t'..î aeu-t imti i it - VoîL Have LakeZurlch In 1 ttic etlIutennt Do-ll i Iol» 1 as a$il sdifii 'Theillageîî. ,tid Two Casas Agaunst Lleclric Lune . lin l.Mthcl.-at-tut l i inaîe ndaî- depioraidhi-uove.-ncghtt1Ido uu,t ,-an,-to> fioii7 ii- sii-ea îk rebuitie nd Tiio dinît uigt hte mîv.--. ilu-.l îgamîît S3 E , "n "m1-- îîos'ta-ir euult ýplac- uuany linlis sluldirs. I ktuo'.v raý.iiig exteainlintîtis year and at thîe ee-ti-tt railruuud. Olue. tîat of IllLL G»VITM H.ainoisi-iubers o! i,..Io the. tai lvy ..rdiîîaîce watProîierîYy ar 1aid *433t0for .-idu-alk rebates Jiniies Satinon foir $200k>agltiit - A A LGD ITaSH i aem en afthe 0"u draîru as. I ta'.e a dtpiîiic-te ufit h in y ul,ue wttuaut iicuinug ,romsitig ast- A. C. Frosit and the..Waukegan and Fax But NVife ifterward Fouad lt INVENTEI) THE TALE. Mén.lè%be ciei officec. Ih a aso insoIaed ln due tiie iclans. Thue- aten bond due lin 9wll aiLake, Eleic ,line.-atîd be asks thie lI ocket Wh ere lHe Had t .st, afoelms cit-anu-,- inthe pi aud riglt tien -iic,tiu hateilite iiieatreit bave t.. iii- exîunu]..t v,,i-Yaar. auîonnt as a rt-cuit 1ahfaaîisiocateul Carefully Placed lit. A -,uuplt- ot Jhit t lii t'.iib autluieu - excellent. and lieun forgotten it. ar.. tnu-g lu r urt ai(n ,titandiîug obligatitons et the soeiî..r wlhiî h.bceicouter.-d ricentty li- t u'.îrk foituî wt-Knic-ebelvitr lt-e coinîî- Mr. Sii1ieuivas battu nt Lake. Forest gai aloug as tii-t a-e -n. %Witbatiut-tpresenitiu etotal $233.52 andloat ai a i-tsut of btiiig tlîit'.tn roin i istg JH BAILEV F OXlinyiti. i Lake ZXtnluit-tintured t,, tieir in t-e .tir lsItiti, rî-îuoving ta Beuton iC O E SLO' board bcier ave beuni tteetinglIavailable asees, tahoat thc lait tas ay iiuddenuty turnil.n frîttutîa iar trac-k of L K ESRTLI.iuiiiluet mt' t-i-k'vtb a bluotI u-rdling '.îtlîi, is paretsîteiltn <uia Yoiung. I.> [ T i-iI tai.- ut taIeehuitneWhoîitutîî buari$2-g6.3.ide utpan byKEtiiS ATTLItir tiuint beligtahirff ..te Ft-thrty5hrBeyeîtuBotonmas he tAVE TH îîigbtîy but nuot ta e-tursiiiue a-hi, t tii lery au-,- $243141. tht- î-uuîlapon for dvi'andI are a!raid ta cpi-ni, out- hies iai.. -klintrer. oaf ankegau. John ttaiheý, (,[ Fi. Lakt-, ast '.'î-.k 1a îîinkîîî-l -i., aictit tu, adtu ithuir laiis- ,inîg to Dowie several yu-irs Charlea Brantiey, oflaukeî VO VArih watteyfel n bliv, aýeueSt-e ii amjny for $5,000 Odaituagi-esîîld i-terai pu.t-s i-lutpraperty -aiziug 'guiaîu hy ,îi,-duttiods anîd relilu-ed of agi, unîuthi.- ounuiîg of Zion. Ie is a Libertyville Saloon Ke s ~f~gLIVAngt itdt ejeleuin lieu- e r asnea resait of injuriese eh.rivttwlieu on the wIoie în,,,uîîî-tion $3,710. rF-- Iail tht-m t-irtiugs ai thue Ia )t tif a gui. graditatu- of thei11 Wukegai Higl s-hoal to Most DaeteJumpa I M I ATES ~ teiingni:. ituantor t.utotswhc-~ridiuîg on a car Sou.. tirengi.. Sue ng tbat the ltati-.: aute not uvuthu- ai his lieLht nîîtoll hau ltebo(duic-y-rned laviiug grtiduati-it aitth i!imhîu,îurs aitb - Mad Borrowed of W« huTT S n eiia r leani ovsos i at Lbcarges tint, a aresit of antacident honihdtilý ae <huh-uiuco ini tite- îtiglit yards otif tue E. J. & E. the-v-lues ofî's7. Lasi innu- ie was Demanded Payment. Dote ae hyamtnslyad 1,enî-iîî the- motor bb urned out andI Iaving aith is iialfa lest Suntiuii rîitroad ut-ar the, Lake Zurit-li ctation Oeested . îint ofu a the..Wankegau Higti w L haventtiure taulsten ta tinal. Dreame eh.. hurriedly left the. c-rsit, e sustaiaed moruuug sud reavhiîg the rlty ut lortiy aîud desecnilithetI..mtanut-r iiahic-i tiey Bciaul Aiiumii .ssoiation a-lit-b shows CaisIrnly omr. athe woa k of ee il o..ana lti nutjuries a-bic-b eve since depireit hr o! lifteraigu o'loc-k. With bis aife antd a vre assaulted. tie esteena a itl, whtih.-cis bLd by lils Cville, btle.foreri Deaounces Christian Scentine sGodX !arbîd ibat 1ilever be wa ber an let-pu Iliateeh..lasinjurait permitienthy friand auo iiieitbina at the d.pîti lie '_Tlue perpreiratore * thia crime they tdenuberm. -nionths, as beaurunnnlnga and ileunuaile ta work ai hbe position boardad a Street car. Te id'nd tI i oî nhntiu nsb B sautos n hîeaaeIvSuh(mg.sreW and Btyllsh Citurches Afier we term gentleman." He then t-wbich paltI bar $10 a week. Suie allegés proceeded but a fi-w llocko wien the t-ny jectton and ive runfnitmg ihinge with i8 worker, andth lat b.e migbi better fit1 that town lent Friday audi Mannes of Apoathe. ferrd toi how t-ey wearcreasad troamars-- - se I uid h ti k T'1 bialfohh b tyli e bon, etc., and idiculed the tbat @he wan lt in a itervone andI of pickpockets raisdandtIlailey btg andaut h ae-T9ID - h aen urtha hlld lu abiech olabors unpaid deiteat WeilI. Relue pratie. n losng Vliv sid:.1eLystérics] condition, pale and . ivid annonced talite, hail n'EttiîNT sotgt taascertain tie tacts Of h a nsumnuer work ait tie Unirer- Inacutetth im OIFTS BTILL COME IN muet bave organisation fnom thea ib beaun ouibei ut tie wallat containinghie h ue cama aud talits au,, eatls!actiot i ds- iiy aI Cbicago wiî naî-iew ttecnrlugLndred daillaitbut il vas ON 4000 taîL lvea mudt-banZMon 1-lIPARIOE STATES IE moey. - jcovred tiai there wae nu bold np a degree tram uhai institution Ria oi eite i ug Lave a migbty force agaiuet tbe devi' U.! TND R V R . Ha ai once reported the luns tu the .wliataver. Residant, o! Lake Zurich, aciîiaiitauce lu thie cannty ln large aud not a wornan o! whou bebu -Tic siorteet- message Dowîe bas lever W X E DR F R .police moud minweie sent out idt he ti.wlîen questioned'liuew nothlugwhatemer bis friands baliave --bis chances for $200 commenced pro"ned Witb bis evry appearamuce Zoesn abspol 5 ed sfloe esioa eomrrobhere wbo wt-re supposai lu lie-four cuf auy reigii o! Iawlesoess andI etated nomnation good. hlm ta force payment. ovrer atvusos ybtatonOnt "Paalie84po wread uflss enai Rfrern "Says Invitations weldreosed young men who gui off te ini.tmt the allegetI victiuimsiiàd probably Immuediatehy alier shae Lg an teaeadsr o mlteo u.MsaFrtAote Have Been Given Hlm ta Star] car'suddealy joýtliitig the passeag.-rs, bei what muuey tLey hadinlua grand JohnHodge. Bathefr aiateu-.amd a! Raudbi ni tae. ade lex ae or ir. MtaFrtAot Movement in Antiach and other Lake especially Batiey. as îiîey tati. anu lo-uaas celelratianiu honor o tera!mat eado Bisterbsmanls ek us exd tDuie.-Caunti. Places. Bailey wastîak.-u to tha home if the -reveiving o! tîîeir cbeck@. John Badge. Who aspires ta becoln u lit gaverai replevin ou fatbs th oamnlast we ak, il strae uie Twelva taise prophets" wre called îrîand wiere hi- aîup<ared to e ha lutt 1 le aditted duiesthare are, always a the beatI ai Lake itannty'ts bools sud started and Brantley, ini toact bu the nes loweuday waeu -beftre Ovaer Voliva au Saturdny 1l1 t Chicago puper of last Suaday makas an tha vrge ol nervtus prostration ottu-rlot aI tangbs ai tLe Lake dnniug the Ies will aek lb.. repuilicans 01tLe couty tO thebill@, clfa sheplace ai mure a tîîg oesono d byDaie. bie prvata office aud rehukait ternab. testatemant tuat Rer. George E. uhe tues o! bisnimn..y and h -as liait harvt-st but bava neyer bean pravan naue hum as ithoir candidate for thbe tw.TeBue r Christian &ientlots, cu dh-en *und TLey were tld liai tbey rmuet cease Parisce, e unwbo pretiitated thentif ha hai boeetisoothed ta slituiten guilty af any serions crimhes. Baya on county hsupeniutcudscy Ibis cuming Las a laim 0of $200. L. C. Bi t-met-nso! bncbe atI ai prticîlusmaklng Ibeir daims or Isave te city. n..orni ware î'.hicb struck Bigba-ood tbat iiwifeeittthrougb hi l thstîie iilai,..and nigbt u ia tharrooms is sping.bas lived lu Laka' coiemiy for t-beau tab n fo$1. of tb.. charme-t-erwhut-b has made Dowi..l issronh acae:and wbîm lad an army o! tudents ram and found theiitunt-y or et ltast îlie-tic-etentîîof thair maneumere and as palet tea% yaaie. BHewas boratu nSnor i etleyC.baa clatre coneplcuons. "Blstary teachunbsîl latGoit only Nribenternu lua joint emashbg raid, greaier part of itinlu aninside- 1uuuit tlu.y îunlly bave mont-y the tuuptation mille. Cliatauna connty, N. Y. Miar. 15, filai-a sud the Pick Glas "1Chritan science is thei vilet si-stan, used ona gréat propbet and leader ata ine otara îles atento uohr*osh a lrdi.t o)i o at h e h n 87 h aeJh ulaadgnr laewr Unie.I up piryeactordhgihanSs and short-îinlfrornrtic sma inîrna" the deili bas ever inaugurated' said he ,Lake couuty tawas. The papar saidI Le Eren alten te ii.ndiiig of téioevnetIiheîuîuyrtîtid iii.. try-. - - oScoiedcoigfrn tesaeinmd- Lou Geai-y. foniierhy o! Wu and then ha went alter the churches. camtnge, ZiOnCÎty 'aet"' the org5tt- taok s aokat Ruselal a lt-w tiys ago tLe insiand a-asiualile tla recover lh ito-e uestiuuuet prohuaihy cilLer @pout aIe comuaity. - keeper, lafims $853 .ail strekngrihtan lft lTh bggstilation ubai (lad le using no advauoe hie iboagh viat Le wîsbed la suppres laeqinamity. TIiý-.dazat expression o ]uit h at money they Lad anîd ne- lie le ot Irish tIêsc.nt, bis lattbehin uîgsdda leav4 ta&ak ca tht-rtckinthetgbtarfI e iint- inptthe"- tiat quiet litie town i not- siated. remaluad upan lhs counteaant-e eet iraiug euipty liîdt-d inta born lu Claire caunty, Ireiand. The sensation as liw v a<il ithe lat-e cont a ttaki cleteiuon nrbtinsoniu a aamno nan interview Parlsoe said Le bai alter bh a Ld be lîs aced aboard a train île, reaiîso!ffiction lu order ta explain aider Badge vas a soîdier af tLe kownadbsbsmsw ine $40.000 caIl.lenudaus r-s. The pabeauwinvto, lu tari a crusade at horneward lioudMonde.y nîgLt.I. 1sh h lhnfruitieaehamecoming. - rébelon,, was captured by thc Conte.]- Le ihnivlng. lu ti adtbhe churhes.m h bge n ves a':< a $0,00cah ou i uebAiocb by a certain ecuisaiof ltai evident lu llus citment upan Latnug craies vbila on pIchet ,duîy sud ciperi uinsd i ,ie sions dlb. heseabeIe toft5h jawehey. Watcbcst'ap MZon Ciy lown mod hatLb vaçthnkîn; mrouly the cry ofaIe"ikpoeked' be Lecarn-su Nottie. enced in!fering sud bardsiîls uinta FIrsil w*ml Eliudornoof Çludt intbebtî edState, ', prlpo*ty_____of_ Idotl;ngo. The la»e zgon waexcited b. taill. ta I9eSte iLs putrée. Tu taipayers aOflte Iown of Freont. prSons ut Libby, Belle joie sud Bal>s sd mnr ssq-,j, U5ra;us vItm t1âe>. gay- iv. radvertissadv."iuhe 'la aliv.. palated Outta bin asa8;favorable 1"4 B0111117les & aaboubçt 1llY-fire Ysans I willl buai oyen eerybar! belore belag !trelset itho lu 'pu. bZMuâ# baW sous for bis operaioas ocrdl ta bis et ame sud !ouiner]y M!#4gd lb. Belley Wdu ntill anch 9.i<ta!the tr. -R ta sed tb * vmr 1 niest Md teache', and bas at Non], on mosh 0.F. and apoliti. i ,A I m TmW egan, for, mper. Un~ boman' <-of Libl lboe or a saboi a mmbi wdoum Mt 01 #0 a sage Mdastolý "n am4 mmtte i ibis ta, wd go4 o dme 00 L C IL il Io Pl tI M $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.