~DEPNDIENT "' Editou. titY Elitiir 'mariu te-ti, lýt NiJ1',T1%iie. in., lestehut)WRKL. 141 UbRýi (, îe aîi iAîVAE. Old tuîcirs ralnl that yeursa go, War*ren H. Elli, now dtceuead. hlcd the office of County Cler-k nt wuil.e. gain for soualy successive ternis hi@ deat wam n.(.omîuligiu..d ty aun fidepaudet candidate andI:for that esson alooe. .L C. f)orgett. thenu asitant fuiet- tuastr-ln Waýukegan. ava indueed to berome a candidate. and tthe one (rni- palgo slogan was Mr. ECuislbad ii-Ied the office longer thau Wacld si due. He wasu a coupetet official "fd splendid niar. As assistant postînater tien as now aopired for the Counity Clrks togu and under codition- simlar to> tîtise exim- ting in the prsent canipaigit. - Hadeti viionq otf 'hàandwr ling on the SWAYBR ANDIHRBNDEE,*. - k would @eem there le not a eingle reamon whiîeb will appeal to thinkiog votera why candidate Jolit L Swayer abould not receive the republican nominatbon at the coiniog priniarjes for ptent, bas dooe a gret deal for his psty and le a candidats more beause ortiss insistent urglug of hie friendo and admire» in ail parts of the cunnty than of bis own volition. 14. Banda. bas helu thte office for tiuiseaa consecutive aars aod ilaoaking for k ýr four more. Be bas been a loyal -"b spbian sd a competeot officiai, but M ths paryowes bhlaanytblng furtitar Ita nily in debt to a score just as worih ase h. who hava had litte or go Yoecogntion. Mr. Bandee s linu ur ulad poliiraIly aelist-it in tua ha gt.aauIli stepped asida, but that Sot OaPeawtagta bt s intention, It. would -m elI for thse republlcaus of thse «Muaty taoualuate Mdr. Swayer in bis aha4. W.ea«y wltiout btttre, sudzogrotMr. Rende' makee.lit neessary toaq istait. Rovasuelubettor it.would bar* bain fr hbila oaeknowtedga bis pratiowls for favori reuilerod in thse peut dit "«etuotbe xtent ofeaslng tu ask 'fermom, than ta inaletoau ndeflsîlely holding thesanat remunmerativa county 01169 vrtiin thse power of- the voters to EDITORIÂL SQUIB@. Biettor Collatbas wîred bis indorse. agilt of tise Bepburu-Dolliver railwa bUL fHe coutld bave sblt i t iyfrelghât R»4 beffu ln anmple tiome for the affect uflteressît. cHw au ae pick ont for defeat those Cogreseon wo ought ta be defeated?" asise licoln Steffeas. No trouble la plek tiieniont, but if Mfr. Steffens eau âl~ek ont a propar way' for defcating tisen, lie eao maka bis onvuternis wtth the Chairnauli sud tmeaeurer of ither af tieeogresioual comittèelq. The Nebiraska girl Who< wrute ta John 1). Rockefelter beggig for a toek af boi or ber titrsute album wil l -dIe- â#M~eftoted Jolua avIlInot diafigun hie 3be Vraig la gratit# a girtisb whini. REAL BARGAINS IN RZAL !STATE SOME TOWN LOTS We are affertngfroneuata ire acre lota an t D lmand fam adjoining toavu 00 tise electait a, station on Lbe pro- Psrty. Do yjas aant a lot large eoougb foraîittle faru? Will bntld for younif dWsred. tuvestigate ut once. FOR SALE-Bîîainesti lot on Mlwaukee PM 8ALE.iý4l7f0 ix roamhbouse sMd large lot. SFOR'SAI.E-42000 six rooui oue-. "ila a aal moder n ilîrovenluntx. SFOR SALE-82400 seen roou bonaw, i.w, îanely fumiWhed. FOR SALE-43etnerai store in j.ak, 0=1,doing a good business, invoiee f ain?~*8O000. This isj a fine propo- a=y Oe wishing ta engage lu POR SALE--Good paying baisery and restaurant aith butaI facaittis. OOIgNorthi Shore toavo. LtYour Housses fijouibave anu hanses ta 'putflot th- us. M epl Jre waatig for QVMOND & AUSTIN AGENCY, Pyg~ t. ok. UbertMvIle, Illinos. WALTER. DAMROS AGAIN AT IMN World Famoats Orchestra Lee Furnish Season of Music Shore Park thia Coming Manazement Hopes tc Apperarca .an AnnuaI Ev !tt..îaîlgt-îi luirfduek ofbItt il ;u.Il. .Mîî,,-es CoIi 41lîu. 1lu iil iýIm Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ln thuietîîrtsl ii . utiiiî it iiila.tiitforai)i ei,iîgt.iie,îit lit ltaviliiiPL Humîilier? ltegining .1uno2t. If jut-I iiiîge aaii athiuîiiiîîita ao rt a i- n iii. tili'lr, i us erf i -aVi Ili te-iailtie fitI r. sou-il ilitg th'. î uîi-littia fii- Rti tiii.ul lativaltof mu i ls ouly thti-latter pari of lîti i-ti p...v-d Uniît Iýttîlîr tîîvte gl uct s..f4Irieliglous ettungli encoitur agi- tii'. !ite isa , a contruet. Nofwithsaatdiag ti- bl Ravittia, tflýjic .îtcdjd viuic ttiere tty laiîrîa.l a-rei- uttended ut iret anîd oîth le c-ut r-luueo! hil. iiusj-l-iai of the colîuuify duriîîg th,- lak of the engageenetît. streiîîgtlîvý maluagelen ts- faitîtIl Ii theiii igli dûandai, beauti l iii iil u'utîit ii liIt.'plaitonnei- a tihi gll(»it. ius t.. aItietîler Il *ii reat orchestra ài pérnuel t .lîu.and ,iuly cn.<pc fuir the fasltioaale Northî SIior Naturalla- tei-ajti-r ti-asa-li tite public. The excellet mi- evie sa-li tthe & Nlilwanakee etectrit- ie now gi, nurtlî shore andtlth it-Lbertyaillt beatutiflîîark at favored spot foi oîîfiîg and titi patronage stiou uttter thuin ini fle palit. Thti ii inethoae otf -transit and ut ChI VINIA. -ader Will at North from Ibe À F AilS SuMMer. FIuuu RATEp-ltceseuts per t. e for efinuIe rtion 0 Make Prayers W'auld Not Suffice. Six *,urdnanoustitute a ine. Specilt rate by vnt. tbe mont>. Terme cash in advance. Wo oi l akg.entitnail-a littIe a.Ia'iee litii f l 1f uA. ltheaaU dU:uasia lents aittiH. iii a I)tautevidefit lv nlut exkl.-tly "otrk lleased te n!a.'w;pa tel liîg lii iii lîîu'IF0OR SALE OR RENT-l.arti of 280 -.iiiddto la li-t ttr. As aive tfi,.glît i[.ture-a wlilujt2 îmilesa ut!kt,' e-ailery, lai. tlii.,ada-tee could Ierliapl li, utlii.. I au r ihotti ng factory and.l uhiîping station. getîcrotus persolial adVranltag' ae did floit refus,»f It ituire of owuîer .1. Au Ni.EN aur- l'tL gte-tti-lit i iaten. . MtGFiiti-N, l.iberty ville. t tf dehiiite ,.týa aparting ai,.t titi- girl i tt FOR S -1 ):trsu-i m ,l'Iil*pruîy for yiî l. . Y, ut1*11îî,.i r 1IOR AL.E,1-.-4 titi'ltrai. liu d uni Iltii ail geie""rettifd tihi-Crutel a. titi.. iiii-tift. . . L. Lit.r su aMetin , aiii,'. 1-f gageainttWilllng la Oblige. FOR SALE-.%th-fine i i e eent aranfeed tru vas at the hiideravil f-W'illitaiiu. ruîîniuug order ia.. a r. uf (4300itinalit- forcee to revival itîetiîugs, i Waikogait . A veryv anti. on C. M. & St. P'. railroad. Sur-1 Suinuiual arutal ll Sa %-ai clîea-iîîg na viry large routîîiiug cuuaîîr- guod .Neav engite, cu ed tif gtîaî aith inîtîc ýieiuttran ad a ni-as'ur4niscs W ilse'II cbî.u ij utsviitîg to 'auts of1-orrispondling ainuout tif uoise. A pt. rluaîti. .ddi-sa ttttx41;Graystlae rt given splna3terif utcertaiiagi- saItu ss it- uti~suNItrnitake 1lus. tf. nteagerly ting ni-ar tihi- ittIe girl tecatue mach ______________________ illagiluti- aîunoyed Ly tihi rythnitif and audible FOR RENT-Tlhîtt tirt .tttIke No.rtonr g PeuPle motion of ler jaws. tartnaut ttoekefu'Iler so v'alla'ul, ying iottutî at weeuks -îîued the inand for vt. TIhi viil atti- tuinroatlIt a' reaîrt. nli vaait eChicago iving the lerutîchi ake thus ru ada's id lie far ipru)ved il ottuer adrantagea mIl lue fur aîîppriur t., last1 Yeux.t Tom« nBy Savagea 'Speaking of tlue torture tua aviclî <ome of the- eavagi- tnt-a in flue 1'lilip- îises saubject their captiv-e, icmin,!.,tue if theîte oi useffering I endure,! for three montas from n iflammat.ion aoftte Kidues." aaye W. M. Shermnan, of Cush- man. Me., "Notbing lelpe,! me untit I f ried Etetrie Bittera, thiret. bottles of wbicb completely cui*d me.". Cures Lirar Cumlaint, Dyspepala, Blood dis-t ordersandauMalaria; sud stores the aeakt and neyerons ta, robuet bealtb. Guar- rauteed by F. B. LovEgtî.drggist Liber- tyvlillo snd GRATîLAzE PiiAI1MAcy. Price.50e. IS ATTACK!D BY TII AMWILY CAT. C. P. Fsher lae icttM of Ferocious Onulaught of 1Houees at WhlclîM Turne upon Hlm While 'beirig9 Petted. Wounds May Resuit Serioiuely. C: P. isher, Libertyvilla's vatemau mansos cantructar, waasthe victini of ai mail unusual occurrence the iraI o! the a aveek the famltj est ttackingand bitlng1 hlm lu sncb a manar that the atten-1 dunce of a physician aalfound uecefflry.i M. Fleber was eaLing iu a roekiug chair ini bis home etrokiug the bons@ cat1 wvblcb was lîing ou the floor at bla sida: Buddenli sand witbout aarnlng tise ereaturp tururd upon hlm fautening ite jaavs in the fieshy part o! bie baudj betaveenbis tbumli and forefinger bitingi aud seratcbing lite bond sud arm in a frigisttul mariner. Be atteouptad ta datach lit aithu lais other baud but t«1 caL turnaul and grasping tlîat in lits teeth lacerated lit as avei. Dr. J. L. Taylor waascale,! and dressed1 the. aoundo avich art serions. (lurry( losLa lu the maso time Sie,! thie cat1 lu arder chat tua otbau ni-iners af thie1 famiîy migbt bc sttackad. it le nat knouavuahetber tbe tut watt baviugs fit, waeas victini of thie rabese or avhetber the unprovoked attuck waa simply duej toa ait of an.rer. ."OCelina.Winter'î Sommer le the titi. al an extîuisite @ample of ltter press art, just off the pires». The1 Chicago, Mlwvaukee & St. Paul railway ban outdone al prevnons efforts ta this beautifulîy colored bouk. [t !a a defflr. tura fram the vaut multitude of ruîllau literatnre. (>nly a limite,! number wili te issue,!, ta, La used to intereet travel ta Catiforuhu via "Thie Overland Limited"l on the Chicagou. Milwvaukee & t. Pauni ltails9u.. -Official Rattuey GJude, Chicago. Sent ta any addreiss for six cet'i poet- uge. F. A. MILLUIR, Cunal Passenger Agent, C. M. & St. P.,i., Chicago. A Chicego Aidrm sOw«s Hie Elecmtio eChambelaine Cough Remedy. "i eau beartill and conaentolj re- eammend CbumberlaWusCougb Ramedy> afectlons of the tbroatsud loupg," laye Bou. John Shenlek. 2M0go. l'esSt. Cicago. "Two m dr tbraat and!i vl1luI'aaaallad yem tu stop, as1touldnictIllpaak BM .d. Myi extremity a fremi d, dv s t n LChabanerlans Cougis- a 1 r Itook tavo dosesa tat itinn«oos ýOol D ot boers My Msase 1u*Y od thie e moaDthé infillmal ' h Fiîuully lite réeched over atnd touclued thte child ut flic sainete fiîe îîaking a mtonî toirardliîer oaau n iîuthint warning. . The little girl gauaud a--udiriagly ut hartftiuoniu'nt anîd- lueti .uid ns ait- the gum-' rouf bletaveeti ber roî1 ilu Yon.can chea it a littiulv wiiii if' v-on watiutto. butyou nitst give if t tk.' A Crisis Approaches. Tîhe wornun in hIaek** continues ta baffle the astute polie of Bartingtoîu. Barringfon does îlot tuke thie prasaler wba treadate lcubnllie places lu the ntght. Shie je gettiog oto their oerav" lmore and more and one utt-ai!tift. citizene of thut t<uwn has been 1>0 bauIly affecte,! bii the vigils of the midniplit visitant thiat be bas broktun ont in ru.yma. Thte Burrington Reaiew puliiehe the e 0m iu fuît of sahich wae *ituote à few lines: -A mrsery hags over the taon Wbich basffle and dellea runnîonedown. A creature aPPaire at mdulght lu blauck A-rosmîsg the streete-.almleae Its track- Wletliermati oravomîn 1t ls sot known. ,Wtb geituresnidIt ieekse u stihonum Our readere ailI prohabty apprecia!e it tbut ave do uaL publieb thie poeuiin fuît but the- Unes given ailI show ftLa effect the "avoman iu bîack"fie baving upon the imagliottiorie oi tbose wba fi-el ber pressueu. A Baadler'oý Reward. [t le surprieiug toiavbat longtbesouats personsavwilI go ta et neaveconcerning tisenselvai auppreased. Soameaiftbem vIU eves atternpt ta, bribe the reporr as the folowiug torj aviI go ta esoav sud even ni» auccea, as in this instance. Vont humble neaegatherer avas mak-. Ing inquirlea concerutng a certain neavi item aud lu gleaniug the. @tory exhorted~ a popular jouug lady af the toavu -o ackuoavledga the trutis of IL sud In daing su .11<11e, the folîaaviug repli: "Vas, lt's truabnt ple*e.-eae don't print ltIi h Papar. If You'll leave it ont l'Il gla'e3-an a ulckl'e avrtb o! peanuts. " Noav ae aa nuL pafionatelv fonnd of paa.uuts, but gallantry la aur long suit. That "please" turned the trick. it' avould bave aven separatad ne froni aur ovar draft at the bank aithout a fingle regret sud suoave onitted the estary as iL didn'Lamount tb agreat dealayj. The uaxt morning w4eo ave arrved at the. office ave fouiîfi aaitigug s a pack- age wbiclu in sizerancuh reeembled one of aur week'e washiuge. Peanutal! Evan our "davil" Las failed ta- maka a visible bale lu the package avicb le tLe ouli ontard manifetation of aur veoulity. But we beglu toa atpreùin(e'.tle joye a! betng a boodter. Stateofai Illunils es FOR RENT-Afttr tlareh 1 ila titd'rt lus. iiti. ait iuipr.tvelet1a. tlii Kuebkersutudia-tiia Itouiiýi. 1 lIt! t-Icitrie depot. tFar tn-api.la fu FOR SALE-Fuitnta in Miutu Ini401 tii 6140 acres, in prit-e froit $1tu 20 lwpir acre. For futlllartieulars address C. F. Fulton,. Oreenville. %WuyneCo., NMo. 20-( FOR SALE-Tire louda traw. A. LAMADELjfE. Rorkefeîîer, lit. 2043 SEED POTATOES-I aili si-lHreu Kinug and White (haukt potatoes !iii tsn îluauitie form 75 ci-ts lper bu. H. hlqi LE- LEY, Libertyvitte. 21-tf SEED BARLEY-I liave-e .tue good barlev taoeilI, fit for seed. Cleur ofai al fout <ee il. H. Btq-t-ui.c-. Liberfyvill. 21-tf HORSE CLIPPING-1 amn îrepared ta clip lorses. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Will break colts bath single aud dotuble. Sun MrAxEit, Libertyvilîe. 21-3 e FOR SALE-A ni-a 10 room modem hanse, very centrally locate,!, alou nev seven roota bouse ratu e ready for oecupanéy May 1. JAppyt taMiu'oNf. oavocr, lbt)rtyville. . 22-tf FOR SALE-A hlian sd lot onp e. Kiie.yavanuw, ilu- Kebker'e udvi1, cPf UatvseÂuMCUIi.2 FOR SALE-SMx pure, buli orphlngton cocherea. Wonld alsu exehangeToulousi gandar for goose. FRtANK BEH m, Graye lak., 1M1. 22-2 FOR SALE-10 roosi boue and 50 11. lot on Fltet etreet. 30 desirable realdance sites. Aloo 7 rooni bouse on Orchard streat ý acre land and bars. Apply R. J. PatteToit, Libertyvilla. I 21-2 FOR SALE-26 acres 2 miles emot af Libertyvllle on C. & M. E. rattroad auj., opposite green bouse, Price $4,000, nie avilI dîvide. H. HniwÂxNçr 2192 Wilcol Ave. Chicago. 21-2-11 SEED POTATOES-Eurly Six Week% and Peacb Blowv. Vary cholce stock.,- $i par bu. il takq n t onc", C. C. CàUP- ENTER, Libertyrlle. 22-5 FOR SALE OR RENT-A neav six ronua bouse in ltoekefeiker. Inquire of J. E. HouauIli, Rockefeller. 22-8 Pine-alva is Uieliait Salve for soree., berne. hotte, tetter, eczema, skîn desasm and piles. Sold by WILL HicKmE, Llb-' retyvll ansd (IRAy@LAXE PiL&MACY. BIO Discount, SALÉ AT THE ~J PeCent.Cut On the Folio wing Articles Men's and Boys' Suits- and Overcoat Duck lined Coats and Sweaters Men's waÎm Iootwear, lined "L Men's Boys' and Girls' 'Caps Ladies' Flannellette Wrappers Dozen WNiIe Giftes Lust àwwàilN-ý f. BMIRSTOW *ANUFACTURgm oir Marble and Granite Monaunenis Cemetery Work of Evcry Description Correspondenoe 5ollclted 16GeneseSt.- .Waukegan Potato N~otice I SALE BEGINS LÀKE COIJNT'S BEST DAIRY at .PubIc Auction Wadi out oeIDat. When? Wedneady, Mardi 14, 1906. WHAT'? Fln.Ayrahire daim>' ai55bhasd W14AT ELSE? Eleven Gaod Hors. ANYTHINO gLSE? V.., a nuw en&ine, cutter, grioder, bloavar, farmîng tooe, ha>', uts sMdcarma Whsr? Lake Bluff, unoli F'ebruaiy .24 ENDS March 3 Ask for the 1900 Ko4etAlmahnac and 200 year Oaleoidr. Dodais Afe Ptuzi. Tbe remarisable racover.y of "Keth Mlver, 0f Vanceboro, Me., le tise sub jati msas utn late tit themied ft ansd aa widaieu fofrimndui Haricfm . ase.Owbg la sM"14 istation of tws Tîromt Md cm- geo n ciltisbLe ntio ssa otom4a"U? i..lwt ,uie-Sus de, ait ta55.5. i sU~yvI1e Phone 29 flllnols. AnlIbody In Need of *P.OTATO ES. CALI AT J.G~.BR' Jbertyli - - Illinois SAndbuy your poltass I mtmmm_ 1 711 Weeky Price List Col lees' Pet*.Lb. Choica Santos,.................. . Fancy Santos,,......................18 Fine Çld Maraýcaibo,................. 20e Mexican Java, .................... 22< Bositon Machs and Java,............ 25C lIait 25' CoIf,.,,on kearth Liberty Cambinatian, per pound.Soc Ite g£or Fei mil twiat Teas Per Lb. Chaice S. D. Japan, worth 50c.sSc Fancy S. O. Japan, MWIt grade ......0c Céylon snd Indis, a fl-eiiia t .....So ( Best £ngIlah.8reakfaït .............So Yaung Hysan or Gunpowder ....50c Formsa O log of rareîîiUalît$-...Soc. Weu an FômsO lailyrtcomm.nd tte Te& N . U CIEESE laSc 1 i iai l$igar . 81.00, cà la Lie "", .............J Quart rai N..%. Itplisnm............So lJiril,. 1ansak. tFlour lier pkg ........o 1Il. lcaie l'lre Maîîle ugar....... 13 Ori0te, Heede<l Raisçin., pound îîkg. s< Ttianksgi%-îî,M cleauned Curranta. Ipkg.l0< Mounarlu Mince Mmnt per p)kg .........o Vellow Criawt ord I'"a"ee l1r lb ...la Falley California l'rusien,lier it, .... o Shredded x-a pler ~în...0<e l'oNtunCrel large pkg ............. zac (xraipe Nutâ. 2 pkgs .................23 Pettijohn'fi Breakfast Food. lsirpkg. .13< R8t1îWton Breakfant Food lier pkir.... ll BAKER-S CHOCOLATE, cake. . 15c BAKER'S COCO^ 1-2 lb. can. .20c Fancy Head Itice fier lb ................S New Nnyy Beansi per lb ...............s Califurnil ina fleris per Ill,...8.....B - Stielled Pope cornlper lb ... -.............o tS Bslk lLolled (lare per lb .......... ...4< S Iranulatted Yellow Corrn Meal î'eriib... 3c Arui & liamnier oda. 104! pkg. . Sc - Sardines in oit per cagl............ .... ...S lImported Sardine@ per cari ........... o Muitard . ........ o 1 lb cao Salmnon ....................12c 1 ] b brick Blouee"s Cod FIlâh......... < Plat Bottle Catoup .................... toc Manajilla 1>livaper boule ...1.0< Prepared Mustared 1- , - ......s - Monarca Coindenoed Mllk ner mu .... rf Yacht-Club Aseorted Soup per can..10< 2 lb cau Early Joue Pes........ ....tc 2 lb eauSavat Cor................. o 2 lb mau (reen String tIsan ..... .... o - 8 lb <la Baked fleano-................. toc 3 lb cmau ni, )& .... . ..... ........ o Md a EMn F ilts....................se Il lb eaun Apples....... ........... o a lb cmo Extra Tomatoeu............13e Packasge Elne Table Sait ...........8à..s 10 Bans Amerlcan Pamlly Soap...40C -- 10 " Create Lsundry Soap.... 9< 10 Maplelty Soop ..............<f 10 Slte ooSa.mlez.9 * 10 HBasLeuno a ............... 29C 'lTolt Sp .............. to Grsuidpa'n MWondeTar SOap, pier bar.4< P ~ et Lump ttah (ln bulk), -per lb... 4c 1'opai pakageGl. Starch...... 7c Perfection Lys per cau ................9c Extra strong Alfmonla per bottle .10c Perfection Blulua per bottle ..........o 8 doses waod Cloth en Pins ............S a Ibo Waahiug ,Sd.......8 Seaurue, par ck........5 "aPolio per ca"..e.....................7c - Bau Amoi per cake ....................S Parlar Matches (500 box) 3l baies ..10c 0ailon On cans (n) ... ................<c Log fhanileFire Shovel ............S .4WwSun Slave loltsh ..............B sbestos Mats, each ...............3 ,Il