- T, n y.,* ~mee, 1906 I We se vérything lni Wear- .ables for Women and Cblldren- except shoes t~vt o fr our h he ofoi twl la. UV Wgu.w *******..@* e sse@@p.p...........0.. Next Door to American Express .,Cý.o.' Ofice Tbre is ab offsmah W*e. oui ir l and gor w yT i. with pleume dut we anssomace the arrivai of tde advanç usc riol our masnmoth aew. sprlag stock off seasombdle ami Isaiossube weeariag ap or e E laiesmisses a&Wtdudre.a, ad everg lacih of smm in our comm<Uoend wdelWed stors lu utlfad aduI e a reaig secrewdet dut we lied It maivacesode wllI proe ao ost essiogab eveust for each «d vff W who rids it possible t attensd. This. aêameoftedo a mot se Ierp but oeuuiW mot be mmre sect. Ourstore s àveritalsle Ialrujlad 1fortse occaion & *W tconulder Ob t "Md onuI prusa rqumsifork rpreuoe. shmithé05w e m6M0-vW coWpin pe .1 q amfresisit t.ummi o ers dumgnuss tfrogwseni. *ags tism e thlm.Oro mftvy t h the.t Dewomaudua-.New arrivais are comiag la sverg de@ end aloosi emVergour. id lémmrea displagworthmse. Wom't Von comseian 4 gr«ise e wcouusrs The store where you do not have to purehase unleos you are well pleaeed. Ladies' and C hildren's Fine Blackç Ilose -at 10c We have just received from the Kenosha- Chicago Hosiery Co., a large shipment of the IFAMOUS BLACK CAl BRAND UIOSI!RYI and plac.e It on sale at the. remarkable _ _ _ i. Oc HAVE YOU SEEN JUR WINDOWS? It i. certainly W~orth while for auyne to walik down (Ieneffee street o-asionally juot on purpose to vlew thbeau.tiful window displayo of the Big Store, as they are arranged from tînte to time. There we show new selections front the varous departinents. We believe these wndw. will give you many Suggestions for gt lsh and economical dreeslng Crtainly you will gt many idea Conc.rning e new style and design@ that are coming ln daily. And when you hiave looke l at tbe windowo we will be glad to show you through the Store. If you bave tver given us a trial, we need worry no mort, for we knowA that we have a satlsfled çustomer, but il you have neyer hought front uq, give unea trial,ý and we feel Safe that we wil please you ln price and quality of goods, and we'll be sure to make a steady cutonier.ef you. Yea? we know its early to buy, but It igood management for you to buy now. Your needs are our study. Step lively if you, want first We have. no hes1týncy in stating that there La not, a store ln Chicago ahowing the exclusive miort ments of up-to-date, ready-to-wear Sarments for'ladies' misses' and chuîdren that ean be - found -hore, at anywhere near such remarkable low, pricea as prevail here at al times. Last week we compared somp articles advertlsed elsewhere In speedal sales, with goods ln our own, stock, - and in every single instance found our regular prices lower than the mentioned spedal pries l the other "ad." Don't take our statement for lt-look around-and thon buy to your owun interest where you get better values for leu money. I - - ' r - Yam 01 Splendid Values in Shirt Waists Lawn and llngýrie, embroidered or lace effeet, neyer sold leus thàn $2 ,for tItis advance sale at A remarkable value waist of baby Irish lace, a garment that must be seen, to be ap- -preclated, worth and sold for $6.00 elle. where, for tItis advance sale Ladies' fancy stocks and turnover collari for titis advance sale at $2.98 loc -----,-------oe:::ss um sa:aau:sugu aund comparej z j -dom rovi, des y nI the Up-a MUSLIN flU:l Js! 1~~Watch r - 'l - 1 - 'y - - J, - - r - - r - f - r-- F - -- r- 'l-4w ýl *, Z j jee - Ale ', À"r j *%P 1 »& , -z'ý ý -*-"r ýIK# ; 10% ýý ý Il %ýl ýl ------------------------ ----------- - WWWW7." lune oilwm Zýýw ,%oâlm clnomi"-