CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Mar 1906, p. 9

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IT PAY TO Bi IN. QUANTITIES f- ii..* rn l sri,'c r , î;irri titî-..sii îIllrlt ity rft irris. ikf-.irn .< i is th.. il ansi irai <o t îs'îrîr ir. l i mi I iijîiivort mun î.i huiri I i~i s ,tuit flia,- lîrriil ieri' mousri. îfî. W. rrlwrrs iîrif li>x-aIv' ra 1fie um) .7Iirrr . i ls li'iiinenigrirris itrl<li r-nîyrroir ,11Y tu-ri ,'rrfr il a mnu.-mlr' trigeli.-f i lîn- si rf r. fr s rii * a ld n 3iu g.4 -t cir' rll. Thiss l-rn m î i. eirl irrtlrgu' i11 une «iffvti l tu t I.«i'. iiiuis bii u iugit ivlis iuriiuîlts «'11f silr<a ,trira îî s-u it n. 'i' iruci rusirt jirlieus i.n*Iirrrii onf at ot fil-su flruneit «xiymsna Ï4nu 1 iti s-rn ir.'lii rnkil. iierwr eiru iirrt i irrrie rir. iîr'r-mi'îriiy i-lrstifuifr-î.l. i l rlong fmtri lf.îriiimmw urns gairi. whbi3 - I i l strrliand l g-f ijur llire il rîzuri rrîîf i -1 . ifs. l'or in- -J. EUI TRIGGS. PRIOIrRIET<if LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and GROCERY There's sometlîiîg about the way we fix Watches that rnakes thenu stay fixed L3ERTYVILLE X x X LLNOIS -Bargyaîns In Watt P.aper. A Complete New Line of Spring WI Paper ~~ Just Recelved- A variety of remnants of ffrBt.class wall paper 1sf t over from last year are now off ered for sale. These are tied up in bundies and go at hait pries and less. Out samnpke book dots not contain any of last year's styles. Sm-ithi & Davis TEA AND CO1FFEE LEADERS Lib~etyville, Ille rT1 PRID)AY, MARCII 2,1906 W- TIE TOWN~= Local Items of Interest to Uibertiville Readers S I! IG I IPicked Up Ilere àand There SCIIOOL Soute Facts Relatives to the Mifss Nellie 1). Howard, of Canton, N. Beni. H. Miller l-ftlîrrirîd WednesdlaY Question Which Novw Con- y. lins been vrstrîg in towr tihe past evening froin NVaalîirîrîî. lie isA back tu fronts Libs'rtyville Alc uprDavis. Mise Aile Skilii--I- , rrbe for ti.! Ttire Iymtir Nrker. wiIf give note M 1 1- Calby rV1eriiriîIi'iiilflny i W1 iIIAT IIiIN9CII>ALS OF card][iarty et flieir hall aver Hîîîth & quarantilie att ber bra,'sick wilh tii ý,TUFI SCHOOLS SAY. Davis' store ncxt Monday everîig Mar. cbiiL<eii POX. 5. Adiiffliî, 15 cents. Eve'rybody lierman C. Gasr . t ,aiiaof the 1ira . I lîf im be fl btif13 the ûd itar to cardiully invjted. cliaricai deparituj ofît ) iriaki-- a few reriiarks on tie vaine oa t i n nsbc'p hibigfi elîirl toia eoiililnitr. F. K. Binstead, the dîiretory mîan, DENT, Wu$ Cauileil t lal l rrelrt 'Thi is ea top ie u w i-ii aire roild <ii wao tusain in Libertyville this week de- P1lymouth. Ind., b.%,far i the sîrîliira jlenty ril tber'rizing but 1 do flot pro- liiverlng directarie. l<ieile posvl eitra i fte.fse taui)su. tFacto are wlrat we b4is bea thm vu-rtentr' o btafater at as tiigy are v. rtli maire thari iage is euqatswhiedilireriru to Thomae Krnr.e'întly îîrchwwd he'f arciem. I1VLave before nie the' reports of atluer points ini the eaith airaiweitern fSager property on%i i'glt (air t for, th,- rarious t o wnship iigh irihools of ai tii.eounnv.~l2(>0.Mr. l~ae rai m iig th ie state. abo>ut two dozen iu numiber ut loît forget tiiat 'Iax (aletarJ. J. Mr. Kerî fis houva. «ailolt an Stewart 1 the Jresetît time. 1 will give rau a few avene tecosidrafîrrfreng . il iiee rports verbntim. Tire farts Porteaus is t tihe First National lBank aI <viii sîs.ak for tb lieeive'"n)noe they are riiray ta take mii*cy duèon the' tax Carl Erjcksun lias îfiseantinued hie worled ont of thie aetnial conditions booîks. it is jumt as PasY ta puy naw as Graysiuke shas repitîr bfn-ess and will ýsurra)unding thre township igb seboal, Sw ith no. theorizing iîiiowabie. The tu wait until the. laît moment and ai, n the future devüt, imaisr'lf entirely tii illustrations useil tuke in thre émaili twn early mettltyrent <ii gréatly rirenience his Liber.%v~ille worl. Thre raîiid in-aund extend to larger tawnAof 5,000 thre colectiir. creuse ini business li rives him ail he 1 inhabitauts. Dr. f.IL M.luleter wbo was a roam- eau do0. Harrisburg Toîýnship High Schooi. matse(if Dr. J. L. Taylor during iii Charles F. Stoizniatiî «lia two year'. "Tihe prapprty the entire toawnship jciillege d»ys ut ltush Medieul ('allege agi> mude tier n foir iiwrollcetai, an. aver bus inereased ini value. The land'- visited hnm arer Suuday. D)r. Malster bas naunces tirta ire wilf riake tbe run aguin rieur the building have mfore than beau suî.erluterîdent ut the insane haspi. tuis year for colectori if thre tO'r< niip utfd<mnled witbir twa yearme., . tai t Hnallu.Baieiia leaud, fo Li.eryvli.Taown property bas inr'reased sin.,tireC tal t Hnoluu, awaiau slads, or iberyvile.building was lult fraru 1i ta 40 Hsarrre years an!d *111 sbcrtlv returu ta iris .-,. . yed - lier cent 1- .. Mr. H rt W lea'dnM of'cance of acent ï) ~ÀhrrrriaiYsîîs u .Hrt ws i'friearaerpe .. bette r eîthers ln .west of libertyçille' was saold the tiret of tireliver wb7cli reviltre infier deutb liia*isburg twnshiip and there brui weelk by William Bla reert ta George Tire farnerai wiii iis lielîlf rainttbe îamify <conte a denrînd Io? lbetter 'work lnu ln- Ludwg, ! Paire Vew.Tir del wu bone t 1 o'lov Frîia. Igraded us wei ais graded sehools. Ladwg, f Priri Viw. Te dal as hnteat 1 u'loc- Frduy Weseur ta Le iviug lut anen- rmad& thrangb thîe efforts af lPuni Mac.- f)ave Griffith and i Wlliavisan louve tirefy differet atmospbere. 1 bave (irifflur. u~~~ext Saturduy niglît aeccrding tri tieir wre utr eol tHrrbr o Mrs. Belle(G. Geggie, natioaulaorganizei' iulesnt llans forNloitana wbere t t he cast eig yasadI u o s of a the Wamuan's Home MisionarY hure pureliamed larnd. Tlîey wiîî settie Scialted wtbhee sbtterwnsdip ehui. 'soeiety, gave the cougregatian of the reur wirere Williamri lelsey uow lires muociai a tthereità etew adthrel Metirodist elinreb a very interetiug talk and ln tire saur ealuity visited luet flu itle Township High Schoal. - li theajus au îîîtbôs uttirt soiety by.iairî Byse air ilrmanKueR.IS.iiS.5.W. «'iWnrT. on te antsand ethds f tat ociey, y Jont oym an liemanKuei. Praperty value riear tihe scbool build- 'lun place ufthtie regniar services iat Briard J. Grimes this week l)ureilased ing bus irrreased about 25 per cent.' Snndayeoveuiug. a lot Bisirop o M(('avick lu Kuebkers iropei'ty vaines on town property Mr. and Mr@. F. P. liymand returued subdivision and wilf open a street utat 1Tirerennfrpunhvcase d Saturday froîn thir sauthern trip. once tbrougb iis rew subdivision ain about 30 per cent on tire average . Mucb of their tintue was spent ut San Miwaunkee avenue w i-t ta connet witir The infuence on tire town sbolbas Atonio, Tex. Tbey iiud been gone McKinley avenue. Tfhis w,îî greatly beisn very noticeable but ta the.un-. sevru we~sandreorttie sutian inprvetir oherprpery i 1r.graded scirools it le very marked seveal eùý an reortthesouhlad imrov th oter roprtyof r.-especially witbin six or eight miles af the very intereting this time of year. Grimas' subdivision w.hich already was biifir ciools. Pupils are ail unxions ta, The Fitzllandolpir phce West of the amoug tirs Muet desirable in tawu. enter' the iigh sebool. it bas caused a s village was said lat week ta 1R. B. Eari C. Dymoird w«'ba s been for the demand for btter teuchers and larger salaries are bieng paid ta get tirem." o Swift, oi Chicago, tire papers being file] Pet couple of years w itb the Vibrator Murphysbora Township 'irgh School. ut Waukegarr, un Saturday. Tire con. Instrument company. of Chicago, leaves PIN. PLUL R lOiaEii. sideration le giren as $18,000, Thé the latter part af tiha week for "A decided iucrease ln value of prop- now u te sath hattnooa, enu. wiere a bs aerty near the bigir school. FitzRandoipirs are'nwi h ouhThtaooa euwhr ebsa iretownsblpiigir ehool le provina i th tireir dangirter wbo le in ill beuiltir. position with the eompany ut tire main powerful stimulus ou the grades il ' sa * O R.Edd, a OcnomwocsudA. . ffices 'as baud stenagrapher. He le aud our influence la eiguung tauire fet 0. R Edy, f Ocnonowo andA. . 0over the country. It bas a salutary Johuanai Ra, r..,stokboierelu igiriy regarded by officer5of tira coneeru affect upon theirteachlg force of the- tre Square Deai Miulug & Deveiopmarst audbspsiin man eided country by increaeiug tihe numirer of comiranh. weregesau bF.E Wire promotion. teasciers 0h bave gone beyoud tirs commun branches. h orne over Suuday. Mfr. Wlire ieft Mon- Mfr. and tres. W. C. Huit atteuded aTire Influence lu generalilsjrood. Tire day for Freepart where ire will remain banquet given haut Monday nigbt aut the iigir scbooil lasu Inspiratiou sud le several days lu the lterest af tire Vctoria-Hotel, Chilcago, by former rosi- lo<iked upon as tire crownlug festure of copay.dents of Ontario connty, Ontariowiro tire educationa] work of tire country. compaul'.As a social conter il bas lie greateslr Ciief Hentges iras a dog ths a't bc ha ilve lu Ciieugo sud viciiity. The influence. ftis practieally thre only place fooled whare thare le game around. A fumons cartoonist, John W. Bengougir, for public gatheringo cf su educalulual fe aysaéi a én"onigla omrbyodfin fM.Hl nature, sncb as art exhibits. lectrîree, day. uthegre a s seau frop<of Sith g"a former boyod frend Aoutf. BIgt usicaleasetc. It lis tireinstitution of tironir hagrtiu l frntaiSinti ws trelioord ues. bot egithe communty." & Davis' basement window. Officer ez-Candiaris were présent athtir Pontiac Township 1igh Schooi. Heutges spolie ta bar sud sire esud dowp gatirering. PRiN. C. iE. oEBsrr'rv. into tire bislewiere sire cangit a full Tir ecotract for the isying of th "After glving fuil credit ta any other grou mskat a ar ouir.Wir cmen adewlkin ron a tie auny ncy wbicb May bave advascd grow mukra inbermouh. Wh ceentsidwal infrot o th Contyproperty i, ia unlversally conjieder tirai mid thare was no more ggme la tis pour farta, wus let Weduesduy ufternoon tire township higir school bas been a county? by Supervisors Ciow, Meyer aud Graham powrrrful factor lu tire advaucemtent of ,r.rty vaiues, not only l isn m Tire Ladies' Aid aoc'ety af the M. E. wiro met uit Libertyville for that P-Poae. P enegr~iodbta utr churchin l receivinq donations of cioting J. Delirsye, ai Lake Bluff, secured tire job ety aud cauntry. To ilsrt.l b sud canned fruit for tire orpiranage uit ut 12% censpar square fot mskiug the blocks Immsdlateiy taciug tire igir Lake Bluff. Articles mal ha ieft uit tire totai job figure 8525.25. bfurtpjrosh. sciool tbree faurtira ai tirahhanses am, of Ms. ranisTrppo if ~ Cias.F. airlargsuda ma by0W ,y farmers, a large majority of boeo r.Fcârporne reeredMua, Ca. .Faler n amnavlw4 ecomefromautalde towusirps will'ire calid for i eltirer Mrs. H. 0. tirosr fSrta as Iu ntr asttie near the township bigi sebool. Gardner or hrs. Tripp is notified. Tire _Nasry oue alluf a thmeebave no ciildren orphnag atLak Blg l a osttu educais but voinntarily made them- orprange t LkeBin le~ mstX SPORTS undt AJYRSEMNI1TS X selves tai payers for tbaotirer advsnt- wrtby intitution sud deserves tire aid uges wiricb camte tram tire townsirip ai any wÈo are lu position taibeip. A Most refreabmuç sunouncement t bigir sciool. Tissme ta disprove tire tire Schwartz Theatre Wsukegau is the ssrtion frequently made tbat tire WPoopie living lu the neigirborhoad 0of appearance o!,tirs most suceastul fufrers are pposed ta tire towulîp thafacoris ud hos wrkig u ~ cartoon camedy "guster Brown" wbiir hig sool a.d taxaionî. wire mle ot ugcampany ad su b eetd froeniiL n o*vIa:d àud iots lu the Inmédiats miii, Hit-onn wil h prseued or ns lgit o Mo. vcinlty af the bigir sciool bave the Gardner factorise are mukiug a muet day Msrýi 5. Tire cireerini ciruma, advanced front 100 tu 500 percent. Farms reasonuble objection ta tire present états "Buster Brown sud Tige" wbom ail in tire immérdiate neigbborbood oi have of conditions In tirut part of tawn. rendors ofthtie fuuuy pages of the New advsirced 50 te) 100 par cent, in vulpe, Tirea l litîs rnanatrul raiagelu Yrk ierld bve ssred t lae, lîîinthe saure time, tirsscirool bas attracted Thèr lislitte o no at sud d tirae dgb in okHre havourrg sd ad.telo, irea ~avery disirable class ai citiqs wbo are tire vicinity of these factaries sdtedlg heyuqado.Terleiuduced ta sottie on amonut af tire people wiro travai tire treets daliy muat probably not a tireatre-goer wbo le not ad vuutages affered iry thre sciool. da so tirroughi lchas of mud ut thua famiiar with tins iine.aBusisr Brownu'1 Tire influence au the ungrsded sehoiras sesson of tire yesr. Fronrtirhe macaroni su0rs1tiugrd rsmiereosathe cauuty iras beau goad. Five factanyeas tie srees ae giltesaai qmicieoscblarebrps are offered ta those pupile facoryaethe trets re uilleuofpraukesud tîreir attendant urlfortuires ilu <îgraded seiroals outalde tha tawn- sidewaiks ai any kiud i. Fifty people A large beuuty cbrus wili leud chrarmers sip makiug the best record lu tira traverse the streete, four times a day toi ta tire atertainureut as ireretotore. county superiitendeut's eightir grade examintion. Tire resuit irasirean ta reacirtire duster fuctary, theire aItictary Nat Wilis and iis extensive compuuy stimulate rural pop11. taugrater effort. aud tire wire mille. Wiren tire gravaihib cioaUl ai show beauties, coméediens and singiug A greater desire ta, attend g woli pit l n prainabout flteen men worE eerk , ilb h atato tmanifested tirrongb ont the couuitrI inop.Threar nocleriieiii a ie tacin ut Tins leparticularly true m gth tiee ieaaen ibssd~Schwartz tireatre Waukegan an Sunîdav hlrno amesI aesro tirrougirtire witer tire men and girls .c shdre wai 1.mee su w te urtr bave picked tireir way tirrougirsei uoad Marcir 4. For tire pat two seaans, aird is bouau ir tact thiatao0 o Sut Wilis, as "rA Sou ai hast," bas saure ý00 students graduating since tirs mond lu tire darkuess at tire close ofi sucirovdtb tsrcrcrekn t booi <vas establjsbed over 85 have day'. work. le tirere nat soute wuy of rvd aL iarcr bekn4tac' been.childran of farmees sud 80 chilîdrenà rarnedin tie eplralesat aiafair'?tion wberever preseuted, 'but lu tis, bis of wage sarners. In atirer words ire- renedyng he eplrabestte f afaienew producitiaon, "TireDuke af Dulutb" tweeu two-tbirds sud tirree-faurtbs of Tie car on tire Electrie ruii<vay wiicr ie bas exc.'iled lîts béat efforts. posstibly tire ebildren graduuting have beau founmi i.aebeduied ta leave Libertyviiis st 7:46 tirere is flot as siuging comedian au the iu tire industriai casses. These tacts offar oue strông argument a. mr. arrivîng ut Lake Bluff ait 7:58 stage today wlîo cau wiu un audien'e as againsitirhe statement tirat tire higi runa daily a ittle airaad of sciraduis s0 does Mr. Wils luniis vocal speciaities of sciroo1 le for tire casses sud not fio as ta catelitire 7:55 train ontire wircire. e apparently, or tira audience tire masses. Nortweseraaitthutstaion Ths nver ire Th prducton m amo luIngéneral tire influence ou tire educa- Nortrweisrnut iratstaion Tin neer tre.Tir proucton i a osttional work af tha seiroole iras beeu most euables a number o! Lihartyvills men sumptuans aire, and tire costunîiug excelent and iras lnlluenced the people wiro wisir ta rescir tieir offie sbortly gorgeons tirraugirani. Tis is the samne taj taka greatep lisreat lu éducation." belote 9 o'clock, ta secure the service grat production intact that recantlY Luck of space wlill torbid * shawiug you tirey désirs. By tis arrangement coucinded lis big ru aiut tire Majestic any More of tirs report.from the varions quits a number ai résidents of til place Theatre, New York. twns'bipiigir ocirool prlcplpls. AU show tire townshippiigir seilta ha of are gaiug duiiy tuansd trom tirs ciy iuestlmable vaine tu tire communitlee. .uyingmoutir . tickts-viatire1Srtir.A U,.lir-Tuusel Sncb bing tirs case, snce tireeare facté, LU Thi'r domen 24 inch tamped Pillaw Tops sud Conter piece, made iry the CortlcRrahl 1k Co., ot flue Linsu. Tire darigus are tiuted lu satura colore; almosi every pleceha@ a d'rfferent patterni: Roses, Illies. claver ilossoms, .chrysan- themums, panis, momMhg glories, violets. passion flowsrs, gi-apes, whaat surs, etc. Tire regular price la 50c; our price only Larger size pieces, 30 inch square worth S 75e at Fancy lithographed Pillow Tops slight misprints, the 50e kind at TULE FAIR wv iLm Ul s.Savings of Lifethue SWkIm - Irm ox tkefmot oslC HAMMOND, IND., Jnly 7-An trou box cOstuMIM*00 and bille has beau stolnroma ole la thaeslar wU10 i au sged retired tfrmer. Tire uop« ,eo$'sUlWdtire ..3lU <td sud Shearer and ii wile may avwe gO go to therbaD ire Why Bot louve a PirOM04 of" Break-up-a-Cold Our Break..upsa-Cold tab1ets are namld right. When we compounded the forub', ~ ôfrt seabtsw name -for tiihi.- No single name we col- thin-k of seemed to expresg what they wer a simple, effective remedy for colds. Finally we dedÏded to manufacture a namer" for them. So we simply joined the wordâ * together that told'what the tablets wotitd do and- simply callttd thtim - Ekupe Cold Tablets. That is just what they dé- anîd most easîly too. Priée 125ci *LOVELL'S DRUG STORfKE orne To The - For... RUBRER BOOTS FRT BOOTSand Wii stock AiD sizes MR Cofflph E. W. PARKI-U LAKE Co, NATIONAL BNK CAPITAL $504»0000 SURPUS 10.000,0 We are not dispoeed to overlook the fact thât theê terests of the bank and those of the people are 01Mu bound together. They cannot by any ineanB be, a rated. Ist

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