LAIE . c NYÎTl t.NN~PENN~NT. VOLý XIV. NO. 28. LIE -r Ofl-J1ýUM aFRIAY. MARCH 9, 1906-8 Pages LI----------------------------------- $1.50 PER YEKAR IN ADVAN '4.. Christian T. Hsyiecker. Christian T. Heydecker Was horn at Wadswort tliiis couaty, wtu 146, ai tended the common ochool and became a ii"adsi teaclier attrward reading law tu the offfces of Hon. E. P. Perry who tLer became governor of Washington and Hon. . M. Haines, (>1W of the bet known mien of the Farly dtiys n1 Lake eounty. C. T. ,guut(u 1n1la- 7 1847-0. lie vas dq lt. ta, Lb. bar anti ettîn"..- Pterid uIKon the pre.L-te iiflavwin lWaukt.gaui.Frituu ttiaitiate hi- i.sgiîtbit. ou 'itiriuedt.,oi swing in tii-hie-as Rie wpit i t n iuiîut,. i eVrai sesoteif ti- themi-t l.gtin tut- tîand tinriiig ivo imiois wakq ierk. lu 1100,10he as el-ct.-d o tLi m o ffie etat>-î attoiruney or ti.tounty. la IN)-' anti again ia N149ilh..reýeireti the uuauiuuttu,#nomuuination, t,> that office tiy Lb. reputbican Part 'by aclinaton. Upon retiring front tiiaL .î-le tic on.. inuedtheL. lractice 'nf Iaw. la the tirty-ilve yearm of prai-tice efe-hýels thst b. lias lid enougli ex perient-e to fit hlmi for the office of couty judige to vhieh lie nov aspires. Be la veil knvu Llrougii- oui Lb. rounty liy boti theb.Younîg -add old votemrs.Helas taken part in everY pun.ientialcamîpaign anti states thai lie euti bis frt vote fer tGrant in 18684 anti1 hi lant for TheotiorsIRoosevelt. 1 I national POILetics hohm ba ays4 been a republmau. Re is a candidate1 MONTH l0f ethmo telin h t kYorVoeR EVIVALS for the nomination of tlie republcan -T CLOSE. party for oounty judge ai the prmary - gletion to lieheld AprIl 28. lif onlmated Beuagelb.t» Lay Ciaim To Pive audielecid efriends fée[ lii. long experi- 1Rundtod couverte sa. sous before tlie Lake conty bar wlll lie of Reault of Labor. greai service to lim in the duties of tliat- important position and belleve Liit hi» DWBLL UPON WBAKNESS past record will lie a guaraptee f<r té0OF PUBLIC OFFICALS. coatidence repoued lu hûma by tlie voterm, of tlie couuity. Twmmno eiaettemnmt Fred E. ^Ames. Tî esnu ei.lateatol Fred E. ;%mois the present (It'pýittY tabernacle et Waukegaa came to an J county treesrer,laîtd wloî aNkHte end luât Snuday ini a blaze of religiouq repubîtean party to aomintnw il agi ité enthîupia n ad tlie last of the converts candidate for the. offi-e 'if **tuiettv were, gatltered in by Evangeliste treasurer. was bîralirtTrisupsiînrg. N. Y. Biedet'wof and Willams whn dlaim ov#r Aug. 4, 1979. lie is tlie son of Dr. E. H. flve hundred souils fur the various Ames, of Atincli, reetced Iiiii eduation churclies of the city as a result of thelr iu Lthe public ocshto o t tat town and lftihttrs. 4t the leist meeting the two f jrîse<.the. àge of A veyir lp's rd yîglssle.a lou Êl6n eacb Z, ak* %ta the el . .- d.puty counûty treasurer lîy foriu&r Wt~1 bit'Ot bdf rwell. TreasurerGteo. N. (idiey. . The, collect'Yis o Sundy alonet Under Treasurer. Gridly lie serred foIIr. amuuted to over e.ight huudred dollarst teen mounthe beng re.appolnted by ail f whlcli was gathered frnm the Ires. Treasurer. Lewis4 C. Price lInfIec. 190:,) t vu Offeingo of the day. The bg rooni4 the time Mr. Price upon hi@ of the structure lu whiclithb. meetings, detises an4 hlias le served couîiuonsly were held wasilled hy tlie well wisliers to te pre@ent tinte. Ar. Amesis jrvlo mt with tlie revlvallste for the1 thoroughly acquainted wltli ail tîratwhes Ist ime.e of th.eseork lu the treasurer'w office. On Sunday 1ev. William. spoke to auf Bi ahrvsbornaet 'intiocli amd audience of men upon .Steps intLle Lifs J serod ain . H 153rd regular Illinois of e Fast Young AMan," indicting lnfautry aruium; an honorable record. gamibe, saloon keepere aud dance halls, PortraYing lu pieturesque terme the piLe whicb are open lu the pathways 0f the. Young men ni the wnrld asd t.lling of tlie dangers which tLb.. youtlisf juHt eutering into eurfy îîtanhood muet guard agamut. Alluded To City Council? l>riug thti laiit few days oi the metinws the. erangelietx spoke ni the geu..ral rottenees of City goverument» thronghout flhc country eayiug that there vire fewcounvils flotbeboilden to the liquor dealere o thiCommuiUties bribem direct or indirect. By soime iL < as thouglît reference ws. M" adtu Mu . dterntu L. L. Wasgn ty gov'ernment. Mayor luliock scas tuestioned con- ceruing some of tlie evangelista atatemeuto hby a Waukegan repremita tive oi tliis paper but stated that as long as n names were mentioned b. - - would led n Wauk.gan officiais ver., FREI) E. ÂMESl alludedtio luinlte sermons whlch b. Mr..meoha a ideacqainaumbelieveti vere but generai discussions of threughont Lake county. ia a yonîg tes eo far ntécutyu ,Mas of ambitions and bigli aime, bis, large. bien&i wvbrever linlakuowu. ZIO0N CITY ANNOUNCESg'ITS' CHIIOCE FOR COUNTY OFFICERS Tihe eatilng olciala andt b. clircb of Zion CJitybave pîcked oui a ticket to support lt inte oming eaaaiy eletian and Zion almoit a s Maunil ai Lb. couulug primarles vote Lo nominaLe Lb. foloivg ticket: DRIJCE'S LAKE BOY ADJUDGED INSANE. Frederick Clark, Seventeen Year Olti Son of James Clark, Ordereti To Asiyum t Elgin. On Saturday lu Waukt-gaut Frederitk Clark, ni Drice'a Lake, soit ni James Clark, of that place, ves adjuditetilnsaae anti orderedti uLt t t- asyluiu at Elgin. The Young MauWhlo vas btnt etemteen yean aof ee lid heen acting ilua strauge manuer for aonme ime Iiscently Mis father gave himu enmce mney tu go ta out anti tîy soute boots. The boy epent the muoney play- lng pool anti then ranuUp a bill of @orne hlty dollars for pool ant iltliardis. Ili- matie other purchaëes anti toutracieti bis hvitla i alieget i Is fatiter hatl to meet. King of The finov Plat. lu aniher coiuimf of tbis paper is an adi caiiing the attention of liorse loyers to Lis vell knovu Solon (Grattait 2:11X, os kng tcite euow patl. BeH e laa horse Lake county may volf be proud of, snpenbly galteti, gaine and hantisame, lie la a vonderful type ot wlai of bmeedii eau do tom býorsefloii. He i.aa son o Gratase, Lhe greai sire of race viemn mers suhiisetmoiseme the must podibg.o"la intheanuntry. Be la nov nt tLes thapeon Stock faro, LàbertyvIie. Woodi Woodil' Wveiu i riàs UiOStL IsgIl bling ooti. Jmut tbe Ubltoejfl r.. For Couuty clrk-A. L. Rend.. Conniy Judtg--D. L. Joues.. Sheif-Join Svanahrongli. Treaurer-Freti E. Am«s. Supt. cetufcools-T. A. Simpson. REV. WADE GIYf S UP 111S C11URCHI Waukagan Mînister Under Cloud Resigns Hisl Pastorale; Says H. is Anxious to Face Mis Accusera. 1e. J. 0. Wade the Wauikegau papton Whoi l recovering front Iis allegeti a reent attempt Lo commit suciein u- metiately ater his arrtt lîy thlederel authonitied charge t vîl laving senL oliscea. mater hrouglitLb.millesud- deuiy bantied lu bie resigation to the Officiais nf thie cbureh on Saturday lest. WliaL promptet i is tleternatiatiou ta, seven bisi connection viLli Lb. chuncli le not knvu as it le geuerally knewn that tht. membens lmost to a unit b.iiev, lu bis innocence anti hat anununeti their determinetion tu stand by hlm lunltis trouble, ait leamt until lie vas fount guilty. At LbheAcAlister liospital vhere lie 1e convalesclug IL is stateti le recovering front lis wouade icely ant iliiioenuhb able to face the charge agsinst hlm. This li etates lie leauxioue ta, do as a trial h. le sure wili ciar but. There bas been talk tihe i lamucli better Lieu lie eppears aud la shuimming veakutas that h. may eLave off thée trial baL lu Lb. face of bis tuteineni that b iobvlshe Leear- lug o conte lmuediately thase vite belaeve lu hlm pluies ne èredence lu Lie tory viatever. Pluesaiv la lbbeeisEalve for seres, buarn, hbole,Utar, mem4saakln essass sud piles. Sli by Wu<î., Mt. AUG'USTA COTTLOW1 AT RAVUIAPARK.1 Famous Pianist WilI Make Appearance1 ai Protty lais.Shoar. Theatre on 1 Saturdal Evoning Mar. 17. Mmcl inltereet bas heen evIncetdinlu musical cîncles lu Lie comlutg recitai et1 Ravinali estre of Augusta Cotioa.1 This &eleliraeti piaulitwhose lutterei-1 ing career lias taken lier ta, ailtLite1 greater ciLles of hoth tie b.unlpbe,1 begsu lier proiessienal cameer ai Lb. ai ni six, vlieu &ie piaiet et a concert ln Lb. Loo f Sheibyville, Ill., vbere oe vas boru. When @h. vas eigbt year. nid eh. began serious etudy vwiLl cerl Woiielion la Chlcaglo, anti sliotly alLer- yards elie gave a recital there.1 She vas Lb. flrgt chiti ever invitedti t play before the Natinal Music Teacliers, Associetien. At tht. agentf tweive she appeareti before themant Clevelandi, Ohio, aud cresiteti ucli a sensation that eh.e vas guven speiai recognition . by the liress in ail partent the. country. Wb.n ouly thirteen ypars of age sho vas1 engagedti taplay lu 'New York wiLb tLb. laLe Anton Solde], appearlng ai the saine1 tintewvt H enri Marteau Lb. dustîn-1 gnished Frenchi violintet. Shle matie a1 profounti impression by ber rentiltion ni Chtopin E minou, concerto. She vas immediately re-eugaged for a second appeanance anti ber @etccese vas soIýro- utpunced iliat e thirîl engagemnent folioved, thus aL Lb. agent only thirteen lie hidtlthe houor of pleylug viLli meut iike Seidel anti Marteau. Mis@ Cotlow's appearauceat Ravinia theatre Saturday eveniug Alancl 17 vill b. lier firet recital lu Chicago' omit. immediate vitinity fQr, sevenel years. The tiemanti for seete ba.s aiready begun and t i l likeiy that hermaey adirer@ vili muike the recitai a overvhelmlug Re-Go Tonie Laruiive Syrup loaa ploeaunt anti effectuai meticine for c"iesg tie systeun, regul&Ubfg Lbe livor anti bovels, cures@COuttvemes, Dillious- utom, Beadaehes, La.> ai Appetite, »ai Breatli, Boleing, Disordera ctW,tive Siomac,. Iudigestion anti Dyspepsie. 25, 0e s t. i;IIAOispus o .B IN Jt4LY. tion D.i4 on Meetng To B S4Weeie, of rtb. TWO BIG RACE MERTS HBLD M BTHIS TZARI. A~ tV;ttîg m5ot r the week of the fonrth 0f July la uw asured at the Libertyville Trotti Amteoiationpark at Libertyville, off-lmI of the. associa- tion Maklng thestttmeut to the. lNiiEt'ENtt!T theO t of the' week that it lied bn decid ,to bld a meeting commenclng on t~bt day and f astlug froin two to tour dtys aeording to hôw themat tey je tak*it <w bythe hnrMcu)ep- Seight beudtsd dollars Winl b et p and iL shtipe te euivies Winl inlugo nasto enable the holding of tb, t front the foarili whfch cornes ou W egde. tao the end of the week. Deli iarangements have noi beeu made for Progr maste pregidit of, th. iatlon, J. Ir~ Luttreil, je uow lu exico Lh. le conneteI wth ce southern ratlroad fntereta and wull , back untîlLb laet of thie monili. f. Il The enuouumelit %hat thorns îi liebcat 'ce mestlA.g lu July.'given UbryvlleC vwo meetings tila mmi sseasonsa hones L o be anotiier andi bigger taet-. iug etominencing u Septetaber 18 vhiecli formis a part orf Liore etru circuit.1 ARTI1UR KE P*¶SES AWAY.1 Dies at Mis Homne In Wsuconda of Brain Fever Thought to hoe Resttof Old Army Hurt. Was Prominent In Politics. Arthtur Fooke,. of NW'ucouds formier #iapervi@ér. froué Wauucoadi.ownsllp, lid a* lis 4hietlagi 8aLeebyaJ Mnsta eL ý o'ciock. Bis deati vas Lb. result cf a mickuess nifsverai weeko front frain lever, mue] iIL s tielieveti front a inunry lie received to bis liondi vhle a soldier lu the civil van. H. was ont. ni the. moet prominent anti influential citizen@ nf Wanconda, vas borm ai Btamford, V"-.Jau. 16, 1840. Wblle quite young hWspantis etigrateti ta Lake rounty where bliashemliveti ever aine. Dering theseeonni geur of Lb. var beenllsted and vma mignet t the 96Lb Illinois infantry aud participated inl com inL.f teeet coalicte ai Lb. war. On juIy 22, 1866, ho vas united inl marrimage ta MmssLestaToiti and tu them seven children vrer. born, four sassai tbree daugbieee As a voe# elb vas a stasuclirepuec. He bati bel théb.officesof aci ldtroctof, col Lecr, assessor sd superviser ef bis township. Be was Urei commander' af Lb. flt.Grand Army poitlal Lake count, located la Wauunda and knovu as Wauconda PooL, No. 368 6. A. &. Tb. uerai vas lield liioutia'front the Waucenda Afthodlsi cîturcli at 10 e'clock. CELE1BRATE TuEUR GO0LDEN fWEDDING Mr. and Mns. Albert Raught, of Velu, Commemorate Flfti*th. Anniversary of Marriage by Holding Reunion of Relatives and Friends. Ou Wednesday Feu. 28 ai their home ai Volo AMr. andi Are. Albert Raîtght celîbnated te Iitieili anversary o their marriage iiy eutertaiuing a large number ni fi iends. It la cuetomaryto. aseociate e golden weeldiug auuîvergary wiLli extreme nid age, but Mir. and iMnâ. Raught quickly dispel Lb. illusion. Botb are but eliglitly lesot titeir Liree score years andti et and could easily tic talion for ton yeerm ypttngt'n. Presient vere trientis ?rom 'Wiscnsin, somne from New Yiork, ant in >any iroin differèt.utîîîiuts i ib tis state. I.,tti'rs ni congratulation wire recslved frui rela- tives lu New Mexico, Washingtonî, Cali- furtisand otlier itar nvay plaees. The occasion wîae s lestai ene anti the party broke Uit af$.r sbowering the couple vîi ulrce. lit la a sin te suifer *itb beekaclie andi painsever thekidneVt.,vbes a singie dois oPlne.ules will give relief in ou. ulgbt Suflernag voes ébould hooti Lb... varulug e t laIo tt.Fermale troub).s may nesut. Pine-ules viii strungtbeu Lb. kideq. nad hlaider, chenue the blooti anil4 tueache@ àui paie$mi Non , I«O*bftmatLqm- Mg 411hu »"M4 SOME Of THE ARE SORE. PRISES POIeTICIANS ANO DISAPPOINTED ONES ARE ANGRY. Sentiment in Oowie's town flot Ail One Way and "Unit Vote" Ides is Ridiculed. Tlie endnrscnienit by the. 'pnwers that lie" lu ZionuCity )f M.smrs. Juones, Heudee. Swanobrough. Ames andtii mton cas a decideti surprise to te poliiiane.fIt vas rýoncedéti Mr. lieudee wouid geL A~O STAEMI'tO ON N. A. Curtis, Former Lake Counly Surveyor, Makes Publt ie,,i Repart of Condition of Lake. .ounty's Roads. Below lu Tabletï A summery Statemeni of the condition ni the public roatis of Lakuem tht. anouint expeuded thereon turing thie lest fiscal year. Bentou Newpoirt .Aîtiocli Grantt Avon Warren Waukegau Lb. Mion vote and iTre4umed Juilge Jouees $hields vap lu favor lbere but it wa@ a gîtes. as Libertyville Lo Lhe nilier candid&ies and ypu hear ît Fremout talke4 about tat Zidný decis§ion wns I Wofd lbe reatof &-schuewýd pli la~i This meust influence witli the Zin City leaders lasaidtu have been promiaeti to somae who failed endorsem,ut, bance the cry nifirechery front more than otne qua-ter. There mey reauît a "'combining of Isterees a moug the candidates who heretofore have been makiug but an "lindldual*" cauvas. luInstat "cont- lIbation" talk la ln tue air because o the allegeti 'double dealing" ni the eandîdate wlio ls blasued. Zion Divided. On the otlier àand iL is claimet"iV varions candidates»flot endorseti that support lies been promiseti theut ln Zion and tb.y have been advised by their bloends iu tliat city the action ofsoins of Lb. leaders there doe nt umeet wlth univeréal approval and tliat the votera vîili not b. guided by iL generally. IL la decla*red tliere wilI et the sprng primaries b. a dispositinuo"vote as tliey pleaseel among theitiatu.4 anti that promises made the candidates ,utît indoroed wili b. kepL. DIScovEfRs fLAW, Ift SALOON ORDINANM~ Waukagan's Chief Executive Finds That Through Clerical Error s Clause Rogulating Cloaing Hour of Saloons was Omltted; New OcdE. anc. Ila Passed. Mlayor Bullock, of Waukegau, madie Lb. otartling dlscovery one day lest veek that through a etographie errol made in copvlug ciy ordinanees frour Lb. ohl ook whkb vas recetly uelaed Lb. ciiy, ibrougli Ll'e omissin of, s single lins 01 maLter, vus lait viLli Do vay witatever of closlng Lb.esalooat frojbn'oday mnrning until mldsgbl Sa10r*yat aliy Lie oi nigbt la Lb. olti ordlinan a elause wat insrtec hiei madie the cloeing bour o1 ai saloons 11 o'cek and statedti Lb Lluey euld net b. openeti until six the followiug mernlng. IL vas this clause wih ltLrauglian overslgbt of thb e'tenographer employed Lo meke a copy oi the ordinance vas lefL ont of the nee book. Cty Attorney Persons as a t once put to work drafting a new ordinanna whicli wes passed MAonday uight by tLe eouucil and as IL will gio luto effectin u days froni thet. ita. of paeing tlie saloon men will in a short lime, have thelr places subject to the regulations vlicl were intendeti for tlim lu tC mean. L ime Mayor Bullnc'k annouates lievitt insist upnn their clnsiig Lte sai.eau thougit the ordinatlce vus in effeet. MIJMPS RAGE 0N -WAUKEG»AN SCIIMOUS In North Schoof Alone 175 Pupils and Four Teachers are Sick With the Disease. Over 200 Cases in Ali. àfunips are ragiug iu ailt th sehool'of Wakegau but especially le the North ï4clion effecteti wlere four teaciters and 175 puipils are absent witlî the sickneso. Tîte epidetîtircanuîtnîtîtthe echool very suddeîîly and alatoet Le-fore Lb. preseuce ni te'dîsease was discovereti the teaeËh lîîg force was crippleti andi a large peu- centage of thte pupiis et home sick vith Lte aliment. Prixteipal Simpsoin, féers Lte diseau. will go Lhrougli the entîre echool as sueb au inroati vas made hy ithe epidemlc li- fore its nature vas discovereti. There aare coiteiderably over tva bundred cases lu Lb. varions Waukegan schoois. Tho best seleguard agalusi beadache, constipation and i lvr troubles la b& Witt'@ Early Rises. Koéeavial0 Lb... laious liMe pisa iii ous. as take a door. t bei ime vwsiuon Ws shut 41>0 ebamnaeh ad bowth» dioasigg 1' dowI l wpe. Sai by ait dguggists W. Deerfieid Deerfielti ,Tota miles publie Public ltoad Lravel. Rt. per Anti. exp. el100 '04 or eol.'O4 314 13 $*.610 2594.0j 45 . .60 1400.00 4)710 .i0 3M4.46 adi lI, 24 1.0)0 2081OOadIl bý fil). .80 1848.94 S> 17, 1.20 3800M 18 177814 5', * 45 .40 2M0.00 add'It 5 o.23 2M0.00 001a 47 '30 0. 4L0 4 5 30 lit 58 .(-0 1900.00 d-ib 4, 31% 17 1.2) 308Q.00 10 9.50 4115.88à Total miles ianproved Ii Y, Amouni expende the§L."isalyearlf190 49752.61 Amount sxpended per mile of road $70.45 - Wankegsn shows six miles of slag roati anti Shields on. mil. of Cb Complboti hy W. A. CLvuis, U. fi. Publia Ro"dsCrrooponieo 1 Lake Coevity .,Orocersa11ud Fa1Uer Mde eïndate Speakiut ofethLe pw"4 elug twj Pann ,S ae Delan u Josephi Jtferon, a ve il bowj byStateonuone oferson on. ot"au- newepapaesmuys, -le aIl the lips heen betos's>ube pmabik OTIIDUL 5UITS WL6 Jefferson hmasup" hel bbe WOL[OW IN àgAeVUTURS.oftsae. obvab 01 thé sotag.Sirmht int - piis - sui aglut szt isamdeaar tnbas ei.anth vaiospatsfthstt sd rmieshe eTire amr .deg Lb.fioiatexsnof Lb. aad itis a bse. proessrIonleILlas«0tb oee t h gn aatiu inst 8anc shah tho ie al b. baseinstolai ID tbeU 9 ah s emte. seat bsnee diosJoie h atW. ba i f efr Lakerut ia bee.ntruc ti bve aW ershtieha.y gaap laspctoi ati itre 5t1t5aisnt iiiaensptleman Md s iee 4ptale luPBigLisuthePark have $bsiness m5apa «0 180«s11 ih fnlstîeteid tes uber of site Toasp ir/n SaIjetu ,M Wb ore egaisi tnesointace alie ies te .o*b u ustaunoa t,*su,~ e . een vaiteredsousgJosephqand k, Lb. eo t Lk m euto a euua eer baefore eas * jr gnOU'i10 ir metorougi-a nd-ti emLtai Lb. stocs i appleu'r , eeppie..aluleaW f ailler int.igl ab.vehua or fuit> maago Le a et th& d arstitule vhsid cornuier b.ban itLbé b ery Ln ad i auýasil e shatee atre. d1 ergaidlsteiui. te am * e tleW Sut. in lakute commence!0polt"eprak n&La a oetorg F BckmHhand ar ek of al la. ha. baMme pr. euy v rf oenburg. elginti Pwark, vfobre bm ave o ttv aore ts * ýatics adultoraetiunsthear nof. hethe @torytove nbe . e r#$bo le Aeore F. Moes, Hglandi Park, Itvea "unormRe o.k." laLb. LS. et 1cases adulterateti musard. of the play% bavlug ta do yub l R. Nikoliy anti W. D.Liption, Lethlo; >gb ils, viti Lb.moviug MMr " Tl. AiCaun, Loon Lake; W. Sheelien, serfdoan'sd tie arrovlng cfl " Loon Lake; W . S. Bemar, Aniiocb; J. ofaits inthLB ibr "u eonvitnsaqi Ir Gier, Rtollins; W. A. Bock, Prairie Vi ay pis iiib. seen et Lb. Su b 1. P. Pitman, Lake Ville anti G. Russell Theatre ou Suuday, Mareit 11. (9 the. eame place tare chargeti vitli seiing miik thst eltber lied been watered 18or vas deficient in solid-e.MST K AP t I Annoncemnt.TO HAVE Tbankiutg îy nens frientis who have liguedth ie petitions esklng nme te became Man Alloged To Have La. a candidate for the nominatiou t thé Unpaid Bille a*as ornpIQsC office oi cnnnty judge; anti fuily appuecli fPln nt nis 1fiis a tîug Lit e ontidence titus sliown luirMy Employer&. qtialilications for Lits pociion; therefore I htert.It announce mysei as candidate for ite nomtinationi ni county jutige The report vhlci von ircuWhi A ubj-.Lt ti the 'wiii oi tht. repuhlcan veeke ago relative to D. 1JW d pariy et the. comi Primaries to b l.helti bead of te Chieg o Rse Côs April 2>4. big plant met of Iàbetyvi I ask your support et sncb vrimary PerXLO bave lieau 1I11 I y lectiita andi if electeti promise you ail the Mir. Murphy vie vas ~IlIle lbeet service thet IL la possible for me to jeit bis position asti aune aspai 1- give. Waukegan, lii..Fei. 27,1906,' novvot'klug for Lb. eompebY il r- Mar.4t IL OsitîàuT. HicEECEER ifull anti complote charge if O h houe.. blcb shows LIe trhswý If you are tronlileti vitl Piles anti employer@ plu"ieluhlm .s Scan:t t nti a cure, try WlLch Hemel Salve, andtheLb. iteell n fl belbfi bpi b. sure von geL LiaI matie by 1 1 eWiL & on. Chiago. IL latheùrinual: Mopbî aïl eb.u Seri 8f ilynuthave usedtiWich -Bsxel Salvebave redndi hm re vitlot belng relieved ti la .probable eveiy obigation s»d ~~~~~ Ia e g bd of On. rumoe aibis é oYgW tIemauy vor4aisuu ouaterfeite t"htar v idon Lb. reputallon of Liehgeuine De. Lhiough smuaelt~ss WltL"s wîtichRasai Slv. ai by &laitesk..pleesr I ,drugglts ______Murpby Wvob« a orN-e» il i y taxpejers otthe tovu of Froment. ~rtlI h. iL Boyer Bue. store. eveq' until Nervis 9. b uellsg* ,91-4 r_-_ -1- lm c tq ti q b 1 l49wýs»