.s6M*#$j Both Staple and Fancy, and at right prices can be found at.. J. IELI T-RIO PBOPRIETOR LIBRT VILEMARKET and CROCERY For T~ asOI MARCH >10 TO MARCU 20. We wil sel aethese urpising prices in. order le reduc Our stOCk. Ailb 1.50 Underai-ar 1.00 "-75e 540e 3(k 250 Ail 2.00 flue Shirts "1.50 1.25 1.00 "75o Sirls $1,24 .84 .9 .43 .3Z .z3 .21 $1.79 1.24 .99 .84 .69 .44 "300Oadigan jackets 2.49 "2.25 " 1.8 85e overaîbe .7,4 "60e ".49 "SOc ".43 85e Jackets .74 " 6e ".49 6(kc ".43 1.00 Corsets .84 'oc ".42 "8.00 bata tiff sud sotZ.69 2.50 Bale 2.09 "2.00 1.69 J.-W .29 .00 ".84 WC ".42 Ladies' and Gents' Kd Gloves Ail .30 Goves $1.24 " 90e ' .69 70e ".54 Ail 50e TMes .42 au e".28 "25e" .21 Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas Ail 2.50Umbrellai $2.09 "2.25 11. t89« 2AM) m.69 1.75 ' 1.39 1.50 1.19 1.011.84 Gents' Raincoats Al $10 get»' cravonette Cote $8.19 8.00 Macintoshes 8.89 4.50 Raicoate 4.19 2.50 " Z.19 1.75 " 10 Ladies' Ram Coats Ail 5.00 Cosae 4 8.75 Baincoats 3.29 8.50 ' 3.19 a. 25 "2.74 Sweaters Ail 3.75 Sweaters 3.24 8.50 " 3.09 2.50 Z .09 2.2j-, 1.89 "1. 75 " 1.39 "1.50 "1.19, - ! 1.00 ".84 ý 75e . We bave on hand a mamlt assortmeil et wlaler goe.ehoese uiderweer eaid e sand ends wlkhwe Wiil dose out regarieu or omes Soei±~ &Da-vis TÈAe> AND V,ÇoOFIE LEADEkS j - UbwtrIl.. -3 s A new lime of white walsllqs. - rei4 Inen, poplic, chullies brililantines a sd ladiait head etc* GINGIIAMS Oui dress qimghamns bave jut arried The very latest patterns end colore. oalItems ef lote' e t ljrgMe R«--- Ilcked Up Ibe.&W Thm re . --HW ladependent This Week R.t- Born, Monday Fob. 5, we1fr. and Mrs. Voue OaUlowAy Who blas beon slck the celvea Letton1 Prom Orne J.B. Merse, a daugbter. 1 paat few days is mucl le tter. Evldontly WeU V.rned (,.hrle@ Collet , of Chicago spent Sun- Evelyn young ha eul-n having. an lu Motter. daya t the Ben Woolridge home. attack of tonsfitUl.li B.J Smmoi .tux~d ~jpda~er Mi. owDee )vis whlo blas b-n4u9t-MTRODB EX WHICg - spouddng two week at Oconiqe 1lU. seriously jil for' msi--rali weeks ià but SCHOOL CAN BE BUlLT. * îowérd Niason bas moved his family Klîghtly imefroved.G lute the new home whlcb lie purchased I)on't forget toe 'Ta% Colleetor "Our interested"l this week gends tthe 'of George Bond. Porteous at the Firsi National bank. lNDEiENOENT a clear. and lueild tate. .Mri * Lolu Hurling, of Solon Mille, Hlm ais ifli0ite bave yoi rail. Thisie i ment regarding "Libortvvilles neces- @Peut Saturday in Lihertyville at the the lest chance yîîîî w iIli apte w lie itY", a township high sebool. Thie home of F. J. Aleman and fanily. reminded of the. matter its lie wilI lose sabjeet which bas heen agitated for lh@ieu Hure met Tuosday evening lus books the night of Nlir'li 15. @Omo1 time le now fast shaping into taking in ive candidates. A supuier Frank E. Wire, dir.eiir aîîîl cairnianang for t rniatd ii ati beth na wa@ perved and an enjoyable tinue hadiiofthie auditing comîîîitti-.of the uturh eoApletrrtifli o b. intereura by ait present. Miniîîg andl&lillng iinipany, suent ftr,À titioter e o!th e ownsland Mise Ethel i)owus le! t Tuosday Thursday lu Walworth wlîere lie %Vas hi among h oe@o tetwpi n morong for Winona Minu., where $lie ttendance at a boardl metinig o! that Immediate measures taken wo relieve tbe wiil vieil relatives. S1h. wilî lie gone co'Mpany. Mfr. Wire i loe oresident of cougestedl and uneatlefactory etate o! two or throe.weeks. tuie Square Dleal Miningîandl i>v.lopuieuit our v 1illage chools. comp&iiy,Th etr Mr. and Mu. Hoyt, o! Minneeote, EnivoR INPEPENDENT: . fspent a part of thelr honseymoon as the. Frlday nlgbt o! this week the girls Wbile the. question o! a township hlgh C. 0. Waruer home the. tiuet o! tis week. hold their "Yuhka" dance at the. town ecîiool la heing agitated, îti leil worth Tbe ar reatvesof heWamner !amlly. hall aud 'somethlng doing' in promleed. whll.te cousider the. probable out. la Tho ae rlaiveo_ Nuhka li nuIndien word wltb a a l> launcblng sorti a sehool, extravagat anerlda o! te nion hIbuglveflyear meaning. îtsprang imb promin- expenditure open buildings should bo an ntotalmea a th Unon burh nce BIIIIp Kirmebeld la Chilcago by . ddy blesl ht teesuli whlch give@ Prou""set o! elg o! xcep- blgh soclty Ibis lust eson and galned 0 olaue br It ik s, d booathen b tional mrt. The. procood@ W"'l go fori lavor witb great avidiby. I lt T ii.f aWclentote n biksgbokind tbrina, ti. o t l.boa hgbeho1 wlth Il a sort et lieunse welcoine btu th and le extravagant lu expeniding upoir r Th -sy'o1 the Waukegan heurt»sof the gentirsex. -them but le stlngy sas w ,ookesud erd 14VOm Lhbosf> lÎeqpaea - gveu lit Tbaidy bràlns.ý Thé ceolnt 1acie, wer, of lane lrtl"s90109ng etbth e Ç lnion ch urcb by theé IsOles eut stone trlmmlnsoramanadrc to hM Rve.Biedrfoansd Williams o! the preobyterlan Aid sociéty woo0one wouîd offen lie beittr applied to a "alunot nlgbtly hy way of the .electruc C.ofiithe e«tappearing lu Luertyvillé foi, llbrary, tw lahorat6rles or te teachors' @Ooo ime. Mt. I*fley, the violinlt, wages. Tbe Mystlc Worker'r4krd partI' hld came ln for more tlii, hie share of thé A b*uilding cisting about $20,000 test Monday «nlgt was a complote app#1no and wam enebored tirne and wonld, 1 tbik, meet. our neede ln Ibis succees a good slzed and jolly crowd time again. Mies lteîd, voicallet, re- community. Supposing the. building te belng in attond#nco. The Mytics are ceived bearty applause and quit. w o i put ui> by issuing ton year boude sjud are planning tb bold anothér ovet o! the bouse.. Mr. Keller s accompianit paying one $2,000 bond witb interest 1ke kind in th~e course o! a couple o! and soloiet wa@ a feabure o! the evoning. evory year; nuo counting tiie runnîng w.eke.. A lairly gond boune was preseuit and expeuses of tbo echool, toachiers, salaries, Laut year's grauluatiig clama ecenly should the concert er lie repeabod such janlwrs' salaries fuel etc, about $400, donated ton dollarsetw thé higli chool was the merle o! the~ evenmng's work thon about a $7000 tai ey would rua lor the purclgame o! somethng for the. that a illed bouse wonid hoe asured. the echool and pay one, bond witb hlgb@echool room. A book cse an Thé monthly meeting o! htii.wan nterene very-yeur. -The aseesmed alua- bought with thé money wbich stands as board beld lent Monday evening resulted lion o! property in this township accord- a valuod monument te the Intoret the lu nobblng of exceptional nature being Iug tw he last report id $670.042. The. cam basInl the sehool. dlscussed or brouglit before thi. cty probable cost o! a wownslilp igb echool George Frisielefbt Saturday nigbt lathérs. Thé audltiug comttee a d would hée about oue per cent a year bai with bis family and household effecisthé uuelInaalhment of montbiy bille levy. As the bonde were paid off tho for Batavia ahere ho Intonde maklng thé altr o! lb. îost tai ey not amount o! interesb>vwould, decrease and bis future home. George le eollclllug9 con éore lhe meeting ai ail the resaIt would most likely lie a for apatent modicine company anddas For the furtiier discussion of this decroasîng tai rate for the high school. becan'tbelp but hustlealltbe time le sure question a speclal meeting was calisd Certalnly It Weald not lbe an lncresaing o! success. Hustling le a habit wlth for Friday nlght when the. board rate. Another element liat would tond hlm. wIl li preparsdtw take up the, mator tw produce a doremlng rate in the. In. 0. 1. Lue bas th!s week opened a lu hopes o! coînlng we some deflate creaslng weltb o! the township, aI the F tbernoisebop over H. B. Eger'& bard- arrangement. Mayor MacQuffin an- rate o!f et $ 50,000 aYear.Oui - ami store snd le lookiag forwad te a nounces that hé hope wekoep ail depart- Now of abat benefltea wthe commfun- tirtecansbusiness inbaraess and Meets Of thé lU govenslit intact andhIty would " oechool hé?The toe 1l repairing. H. bas ongaged an exprt-hllevos hlie ho ieablsew-teonlluo s b w 1>1101te onlmieitli clabal. t encod harnos maker and le reedy te thongh thé bvy lhadt neyer been leot. t the country echoole lu that, su[de troma tore ot promptly ail the work that thé preseut lime the. strot dopartment le gving opPortuitil for as good a cornes his way. thé only on, that apporI Ukely te héesocoary odacation as liat furnisbed lu Tho apearane of té I~eFoa4t t etd. Money le lackhag te pay thé the. larger commnii tloiefurnishes Theiveara e, club hLakeo! o tu street commiesioner as bis salary must an Immediate and fficient source for the ha@sbocomea annuel ovet alU thisya coule from the road and bridge fund supplir o! leachers for thé f requenlu hée on Tueeday ovoning Mardi 20 et thé wbleh le so reduced s toehlue n av8acne lu the. country boacing force. Unio chrch làertyüiealwys rippledconitin.*Thé township igh acool gives oppor- Unon curb. LbelvlboBWae rppld onIio:tunîty5 te compare the work o! chlduen 100ke forward te the entertainmouita CartI of Tbaaks. in gradsd and uun-gradod seboole. Thé givea ytbe lgasd te a kod oe is W. wisb we thank our dear friende pupile !rom tii. ounnrynseools oxcel lu withentbaimmanda god hose aboso wlllnly assftod us lu Our p@aconcret. mattere as la artbmtlc sud - amered.L Day, Griffith and Will D tloauh hraomn uring the Bllessand death spelllng, wille tboee from the gradod - o! our belovod aile sud mother. ehoole exel lu theii.Eglsb. Sncb a L their familelets1asplsnod for Eau- EHW. HAirr ANDFAI1LY. eWhou' shows seu a value as a soci" s speil, Mont. Mr4(lrMll u a purcbaeed leveler and loavonor. It tends te mako 80 aces about twoctmiles from town r.joseph W. Hart. a more homogeuous coeemunity as lie sud will commence farmlng. Mr. Davi- Il tenwn uan sd thé tonbngl dowa procesu son wlll rant for a tIme In dtermine Mary Coudel aas -bor at et We il le voryevluîent in& townsblphlgb echool, bhlirhéeh e 0romain lu liaI known Condeliiometead, near abat Théestimulus of snob a scbool tii.h cutI ldeflalloely. Bothbbave fatb was known sRocklaad, Jan. 1--j-1850. îowor grades sud 10teithenoni-gradedl lf thetscto woeb.ast. At the age of elgbts.n sbo jolned thOe chools can bardly hé over esllmated. Quit. a number froax Liberlyville Mt*odst church o! wblch eho was a A working standard le st up i atteud d Buter Brown aet he Scwarz niomber at lbe time of bar doath. irrogular work dependlng on thé wblm It Mon1da nigbt. Master Horbeot Sbe was one o! lhe tiuet Sunday school or testes o! as teaciior le replac.d by RB. s u= e was a groat treal and tomcber@ lu the thon aewly but Rock- work doflitely plsn.d tcward a t:ougb ac. by a capable compaliy. lmad UnIon churcb aMd cOntlnued to hé dotinîte rmiut. Rlgbty dlrected ach titIs pockol tion of an actor aasmrlly Wsn w ai théhework o! lhe chnrch aork bonofita not ouly those aho go te the. h Ie show lhs, InfinItalman sd Suaday echoolountil thé church wanshigh echool but &Il Who taireIL. coelnk.eplng thé bouelu a ruer o!f lally cloied. Thero are many living Tue effet o! a township hlgh achool lag he t entire time lie was on the abo Brut gained their knoalodge o! the on the, communlty la e nt, telhé over stage. -B»Ibn l ber classes. looked. A good scbool attracte a The !arewell parly givon aI lb. bawn On Jane 20, 1877, @he ans unted ln desIrable clans o! roidente. Il qulekens hall Tu.sdey evenlng la honor or theé mriago te Joseph W. Hart eiiorlly ths Intellect.uell!.ieof a aboIe nIgbbor- Websud Grummit families awho Igae fterward moving to the farma hlch bood. Lbrariesa readlng cies sud in lb. noar future for Canada wu@a bas mine héen their home and abere lectures muliply lu gondsehool bawns. jplyglair sud a alght: NUilo! gond rimes their-childuen -a.re bora.8h. wami a They attract business from abroad. wans pent by the. older 58 Wei as the iovoted aI!, andi motion sud ever naudy Thé- supply o! competent toachers for younger people aho gather.d for lb. te sacrifice hersel! for the welfare o! ber country ochoole le a serions matter lna ai -occasion. Dancing an@ the feasto<>of!anilY. She ans a Vreut hume body the westorastateo. Bfenty-fivocontles the. evenbag sud thé tuns@ o! the old lime and seîdom l.! t thé farta, ber heartin Inllinois reported a shortage o! reels sud square dances made theé aMeohigle pama nleyl brtehr u10.Hte ohg ringoutilîbthe Mlhourei0o!thie zoralug. bomecirclo snd domostlc affaire. Hor ochools Must !uraleb more gond matérie 11ev Cowei ab preche aIlbodeth ahicli connuhlmuited a long sud or our scbooli muet largoly lhé taught hl Lhevrhi4iibe PesyhriW h u a hei palnual llese came ns a relief fromt ber those Whio go only te a country or t t. comlng o! Roy. Quayle lu no. tufferings. comlmon echool sud lurn about and * preaciing attheb.Fluet Presbyterian . Card of Thanika. eac hlbebool themeobves. r. cbarch at Forth Worth, Tex,, and le To our manI' frinds Who, hy word Tii. township igh »chooble9o! value very popular wllb bis large sud In. and deed, iso ovingly belped us te héar te tie community lu ablcb Il le ocatodl finential congregalloii. F. P. Dymond Our sad hrenvemsnh, we etend our in othér aays-by creatlng hlgh idealln abo reeenlly retuned !rom a eontbern Mot beart4ll tgrettudo. thé ,ducatlonal lts, by holding m trp stopped et Fort Worh sud Ieard M.ÂnMi.H .FLIT N ÂaYyouag; people lu echool oatil It6y have hlm preaeh. He reporte liaI Rev. *completed the 1>gb sccoîcours, sud by Clwebl Ia fast.coniing te the Iront as a WodlW«411 îWoo'iiî tlmulatlag th.m te go teoPeome hlgiier * powerfuI man IanithePreobyteriaaworîd. Fine short length uklndlbug wood. istitutioof O!lerong. He le a lihéral, broad mluded preachérJse tellg1 r res.Sncb àaechool la certallithe cbool of te tentith estuy rligin. is ust he hingte tiar tiefor lbe masses sud net for thé classes, Il o! b. uwetlsi cntuy rlIgon.Bis EmMiONSe iMELumurnga C0. 1bepspls)oege. Oar records show Idems are advanad dhies etbodn to liai the W. whool le henefttlng the the point. Tie b. has hbeu caeil d ou. aoubd thlnk t*o Laxative Ides inuool utédfrutaieo l.l héfore lbe Presbytery ou the carge o! « congb @yaliebudtbave Non lollowlug manflor. ton Mach lhéerilty but aw« bott imtes advsuced lon go=it iiwus. Il oema The namber o! chlduen groduatlng retra. hohiechagebisthéoal rtInalremsdy for Couche sud abose P utaieare'.wage sarer lgthé SUI1tINGS Plein and ramg, just lt e ght ldung lu qdng ndget d gtl prices.-tee. 20 Per Cent Reduction on ail wimler waiste. We bave a 8ic fine left in adcolomsbut dueg muet g M.B olby Mercantile Co.. *Libertyville Phone 29 Iliola- ILAKE C.NATIOM~L SW CAffTAL $50»00»0 SUItPUS o00wo Itis our.purPose to deal anid llberally wlth ail. -25c an 35C Kbit corset cuvers. at 15, an Ton dozen of krmlt Corset CQOMrirbbed; eeY fine puage, superlor yarn', sllk taped, fi"e Pearl buttons. NlCOIY shfp.d gameft wlth oov-ved séams. W. bave thefft wlth long Blême, short a~ sefles and ssvlS.They reZiilsrly Uo eilr 25e and 35c4. but whfle this lot laits,,Yeu cn t- pienish yoar nmode ln corset covoe for sprlng V anTumme wPrAIRvyv ta~ek t oa oea.8eeêie HAMMON1îD, 18»., July ?aI"À ISox eb and bbu asboon gwlmnfroux a bol.la the ei an &u w rtdférmer. Tb*=mdq iPouuilO andils eo ni bis wUemq hapO to*be THE 1Io MUSLINS A complete line ef Iactorg and lu cloth. E NDREW iHUSi Y [CLOCKS N LIRErTVILE x ffl i w